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- Cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (cyanoHABs) are most often associated with large eutrophic lakes. In the past decade, an increase in the incidence of cyanoHABs in small oligotrophic lakes within the Laurentian Great Lakes‐St. Lawrence River Basin has been documented. We explored macro‐ and micronutrient conditions during peak phytoplankton biomass that result in high cyanobacterial densities.
- We hypothesised that the availability of biologically available iron (Fe) both limits the assimilation of phosphorus by competing taxa and selects for the predominance of cyanobacteria.
- We tested this hypothesis with a comparative study of 25 oligotrophic lakes in central Ontario, Canada. These lakes were sampled during peak phytoplankton biomass for 3 years (from 2009 to 2011) for concentrations of total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN), ammonium (), nitrate (), total dissolved Fe (TDFe) and pH for comparison with phytoplankton community biomass and composition.
- Correlation analyses indicated that predominance of cyanobacteria was assured at all TP levels when the availability of Fe was low. Proportionally high cyanobacterial density occurred at relatively low TP in lakes with a molar ratio of dissolved inorganic N (DIN):TP of 8:1 and a modelled ferric Fe concentration <1.0 × 10?19 m at which cyanobacteria have been shown to be competitive for Fe in laboratory experiments. Regression tree analysis confirmed the minimal influence of P and N, implying that cyanobacteria thrive in low Fe environments.
- Our findings suggest that an increased susceptibility of oligotrophic lakes to cyanobacterial bloom formation is based on the presence of cyanobacteria that have adapted sufficiently to low Fe environments and are able to multiply rapidly when pulses of P are made available to the ecosystem. Physiologically prepared transitionary cyanobacteria do not have to compete with the eukaryotic species but rather exploit the new P and replicate faster.
1. It has been hypothesised that the symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) leads to a higher uptake of phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) in aquatic plants, but it has never been shown experimentally without the use of fungicides. In particular, the symbiosis may be important for nutrient uptake by isoetids in oligotrophic lakes, where low concentrations of inorganic N and P both in the water and in the sediment limit the growth of plants and where symbiosis facilitates the uptake of nutrients from the sediment. 2. Plants of the isoetid Littorella uniflora were propagated under the sterile conditions without an AMF infection. The plants were then grown for 60 days with and without re‐infection by AMF, and with either high (150 μm ) or low (ambient concentration approximately 15 μm ) CO2 concentration. 3. The study proved that the symbiosis between AMF and L. uniflora had a positive impact on the retention of N and P in the plants at very low nutrient concentrations in the water and on biomass development. Shoot biomass and standing stocks of both P and N were significantly higher in re‐infected plants. 4. Raised CO2 concentration resulted in a fivefold increase in hyphal infection, but had no impact on the number of arbuscules and vesicles in the cross sections. There were significantly higher biomass and lower tissue P and N concentrations in the plants from high CO2 treatments. This resulted in similar standing stocks of P and N in plants from low and high CO2 treatments. 5. The results from this study showed that the symbiosis between AMF and L. uniflora is an important adaptation enabling isoetids to grow on nutrient‐poor sediments in oligotrophic lakes. 相似文献
中间锦鸡儿(Caragana liouana)是中国毛乌素沙地的主要灌木建群种,在其主要分布区采集9个不同地理种源的种子,栽种至同质园,并测定不同器官(根、茎、叶)碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)含量,比较种源和器官间碳氮磷化学计量特征的差异及元素之间的相关性。结果显示:(1)不同种源中间锦鸡儿根、茎、叶的C含量差异显著,分别为361.12~426.30mg·g~(-1)、412.32~463.13mg·g~(-1)、419.21~478.94mg·g~(-1);N含量种源间差异显著,分别为20.52~33.67mg·g~(-1)、15.77~23.92mg·g~(-1)、27.60~36.44mg·g~(-1);P含量种源间差异显著,分别为1.52~3.73mg·g~(-1)、1.24~2.14mg·g~(-1)、1.44~2.38mg·g~(-1);不同器官的C/N、C/P、N/P也表现出种源间显著差异。(2)种源和器官对中间锦鸡儿碳氮磷化学计量特征的影响程度存在差异,种源对P、C/P、N/P影响较大,器官对C、N、C/N影响较大。(3)相关性分析表明,N、P分别对C/N和C/P的变异起主导作用,并共同影响N/P的变异。研究表明,中间锦鸡儿的碳氮磷化学计量特征在长期的适应进化过程中已产生遗传分化,并形成了自身的养分利用策略。 相似文献
为探究库区消落带人工乔木植被恢复重建后土壤质量及肥力的变化特征,于2016年6月(T_1)、2016年9月(T_2)、2017年6月(T_3)及2017年9月(T_4)选择165—175 m高程落羽杉与立柳土壤为研究对象,并以裸地作为对照,测定土壤微生物生物量碳、氮、磷和相关理化性质。结果表明:(1)经历水淹(T_2—T_3)会使土壤微生物生物量处于较低水平,落干期(T_1—T_2、T_3—T_4)落羽杉与立柳人工植被恢复生长能显著提高土壤微生物生物量,对土壤微生物恢复具有重要意义。(2)落羽杉与立柳土壤微生物生物量碳、氮占土壤有机碳、全氮百分比在4个时期均显著高于裸地,表明落羽杉与立柳土壤微生物对土壤碳、氮库的贡献大于裸地;落羽杉土壤微生物生物量磷及其占全磷百分比在T_1和T_3处于极低水平,T_2和T_4处于较高水平,应注意磷元素的迁移。(3)土壤微生物生物量碳、氮、磷与土壤有机碳和全氮有极显著相关性,与土壤pH值呈不同程度的负相关。在三峡库区消落带进行落羽杉与立柳乔木植被恢复重建能显著提高土壤微生物生物量及土壤肥力,进一步证实开展科学的植被修复与重建值得提倡和肯定。 相似文献
Seedlings of Eucalyptus regnans (mountain ash) grow poorly in undried forest soil, where they develop purple coloration in the foliage, but their growth is markedly improved when forest soil has been air dried. Whether this growth promotion is purely due to improved nutrient status of the soil, as a result of air drying, was investigated. In several pot experiments, E. regnans seedlings were grown (i) in air-dried and undried forest soil with addition of different levels of complete fertiliser, (ii) in air-dried or undried soil diluted to different extents with sand, or (iii) in undried soil mixed with different amounts of air-dried soil. Seedling dry weight, P content and incidence of ectomycorrhizal root tips were determined.In all experiments, the dry weights of seedlings were 3–6 times greater in 100% air-dried soil than in 100% undried soil. Fertiliser application resulted in a significant increase in dry weight of seedlings in both air-dried and undried soil, but the dry weights in air-dried soil were always significantly greater than those in undried soil at the same level of fertiliser application. Even at the highest level of fertiliser application, the growth difference between seedlings in air-dried and undried soil remained. When air-dried soil was diluted with sand, there was a significant reduction in seedling dry weight only when soil was diluted to 20% or less (air-dried soil:total mix). Conversly, when air-dried soil was mixed with undried soil, there was a proportional decrease in seedling dry weight with increasing amounts of undried soil. In all experiments, the dominant ectomycorrhizal morphotypes in 100% air-dried soil were different from those in undried soil. Fertilisation and dilution of air-dried and undried soil did not result in a reduction in the overall incidence of ectomycorrhizal root tips, although the frequency of occurrence of different ectomycorrhizal morphotypes was affected.It is concluded that the growth difference between seedlings in air-dried and undried forest soils is not due solely to differences in the direct availability of nutrients in the soils, and different ectomycorrhizae may indirectly affect nutrient availability to the plant. 相似文献
为了探讨不同覆盖年限下雷竹(Phyllostachys praecox)细根碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)化学计量特征,明确雷竹细根养分动态对覆盖经营措施的响应,为实现雷竹笋用林地养分平衡和高效经济效益提供理论依据。该研究以雅安市雨城区草坝镇已开展连续4年覆盖(LM)、连续2年覆盖(SM)、不覆盖(CK)3种不同覆盖年限下的笋用雷竹林为研究对象,覆盖材料为谷壳(上层保温层)和稻草(下层增温层),在每个标准地内"S"形布设采样点并使用根系取样器对0~30 cm土层细根于各季节取样,分析计算不同覆盖年限下雷竹细根C、N、P的化学计量特征。结果显示:(1)覆盖年限和季节均能显著影响雷竹细根C、N、P含量及其化学计量比,与季节相比覆盖年限是影响雷竹细根C、N、P含量及其化学计量比的更关键因素。(2)SM能增高细根养分含量,而LM会降低细根养分含量,覆盖影响细根C、N养分含量的季节变化规律,而不影响P的季节变化规律。(3)3种处理的C/N、C/P、N/P均分别具有相同的季节变化规律,SM降低雷竹细根各季节和年平均C/N,而LM增加雷竹细根各季节和年平均C/N,SM和LM均能降低雷竹细根各季节和年平均C/P和N/P,LM较SM各季节和年平均C/P增大,但两者各季节N/P差异均不显著(P 0.05)。(4)相关性分析显示,覆盖年限增长会使雷竹细根C、N、P及其化学计量比之间形成更为复杂的显著相关关系。研究表明,长期连续覆盖会降低雷竹细根C、N、P含量,同时造成细根养分失衡,雷竹林的覆盖经营需降低连续覆盖时间,采取短期覆盖经营措施,给细根休养恢复的时间,从而达到雷竹笋用林可持续经营目的。 相似文献
为了解落羽杉C、N、P生态化学计量特征对三峡库区消落带水位变化的响应,2016年9月测定重庆市忠县汝溪河消落带植被修复示范基地内种植于海拔165 m(重度水淹组)、170 m(中度水淹组)、175 m(对照组)的落羽杉根、枝条、叶片中碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)元素含量以及植株生长指标,分析水位变化对其生长和C、N、P生态化学计量特征的影响。结果表明:(1)三峡库区消落带落羽杉通过降低生长速率来适应水位变化,植株整体生长状态良好;(2)落羽杉各器官C含量分配比较均衡,N集中在叶片中,P主要贮存在根中,未见严重缺素现象;(3)重度水淹组植株叶片C含量受到水位变化显著提高;水位变化显著降低了中度水淹组植株根P含量却显著提高了其叶片P含量,导致中度水淹组植株叶片C∶P和N∶P显著降低,根C∶P显著升高。研究结果表明,三峡库区消落带落羽杉能保持器官之间合理的元素分配来保障其生长所需,表现出对三峡库区消落带水位变化的良好适应性。 相似文献
The responses of decomposition to N and P supply were investigated in three leaf types of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms): dead green leaves collected from Donghu Lake; green, and brown leaves collected from outdoor tanks. The ratios of C:N, C:P, lignin:N and lignin:P were lowest in the green leaves collected from Donghu Lake, and highest in the brown leaves collected from outdoor tanks. Decomposition constant (k) of water hyacinth varied greatly, ranged from 0.006 to 0.099 d–1. Leaf litters decayed most quickly within the initial two weeks during the experimental period, but decomposition rate decreased significantly in the following days. Decomposition and nutrient (N and P) release were fastest in the green leaves collected from Donghu Lake, intermediate in the green leaves collected from outdoor tanks, slowest in the brown leaves collected from outdoor tanks. Statistical analyses revealed that the effects of P-availability on decomposition rate and N, P release rate of the three litter types were significant, whereas the impacts of N-availability was insignificant (p > 0.05) except for the brown leaves collected from outdoor tanks. These results suggest that decomposition rate and nutrient content dynamics of water hyacinth differ with their growth habitats, and could partly be regulated by nutrient availability, especially by P-availability, in the environments. 相似文献
湿地植物在营养元素生物地球化学循环过程中起着重要作用,研究植物氮磷元素的吸收、分配和积累特征对于正确理解氮磷循环关键过程及其生态作用具有重要意义。基于野外实地观测和室内实验分析,研究了鄱阳湖淡水湿地灰化苔草春草生长季内不同部位生物量、氮磷含量及氮磷储量的动态变化。结果表明:在生长季内,灰化苔草各部位生物量随时间推移而增加,地上部分生物量在各生长期均高于地下部分,地下部分生物量积累速率相对稳定,而地上部分和总体平均积累速率表现为生长前期高于生长后期;各部位氮磷含量经历了先减少再增加的变化过程,其中地上部分氮元素在灰化苔草生长的中后期显著高于地下部分,而磷元素在中前期两者差异更为显著;生物量与氮磷储量均呈显著正相关,是灰化苔草氮磷储量动态变化的主导因子,氮磷元素主要储存在灰化苔草的地上部分;研究期间灰化苔草平均氮磷比介于3.32—3.83之间,按营养限制理论进行判断,氮元素可能是灰化苔草生长的限制性营养因子。 相似文献
凋落物添加和模拟氮磷沉降对红松凋落物木质素降解和碳释放的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过对阔叶红松林和红松人工林2种林型凋落物处理(分别为不添加凋落物(原样组)、添加凋落物(双倍组)和去除凋落物(去除组)等3个处理)与模拟氮磷沉降(分别为对照CK (0 g N m-2 a-1、0 g P m-2 a-1)、低浓度氮磷(5 g N m-2 a-1、5 g P m-2 a-1)、中浓度氮磷(15 g N m-2 a-1、10g P m-2 a-1)和高浓度氮磷(30 g N m-2 a-1、20 g P m-2 a-1)等4个强度)原位培养试验,研究凋落物质量的增加与氮磷沉降及两种处理的耦合作用对碳(C)和木质素分解释放的影响。结果表明:凋落物添加在试验前期(6月)抑制人工林L层的C释放,促进H层的C释放;试验后期(10月)促进人工林L层C释放,而抑制H层的C释放。凋落物添加在前期(6月)是促进天然林L层C释放的,但在后期(10月)产生抑制作用。与L层相反,凋落物添加持续促进天然林H层的C释放。低、中浓度氮磷沉降显著促进了红松人工林和阔叶红松林L、H层C释放和木质素降解,但高浓度的氮磷添加会抑制C释放和木质素的降解,两种处理之间无交互作用。 相似文献
Sorokin DY Zhilina TN Lysenko AM Tourova TP Spiridonova EM 《Extremophiles : life under extreme conditions》2006,10(3):213-220
Four new isolates were obtained from denitrifying enrichments with various electron donors using sediment samples from hypersaline soda lakes. Based on 16S rRNA gene analysis and DNA-DNA hybridization results, they were all identified as members of the Gammaproteobacteria closely associated with the Alkalispirillum–Alkalilimnicola group. Two isolates were obtained from samples enriched with nitrate as electron acceptor and H2 or polysulfide as electron donors, and another two strains were obtained with N2O as the electron acceptor and sulfide or acetate as electron donors. All four new isolates, together with the type strains of the genera Alkalispirillum and Alkalilimnicola originally described as obligate aerobes, were capable of anaerobic growth with acetate using either nitrate or N2O as electron acceptors. Their denitrification pathway, however, was disrupted at the level of nitrite. RuBisCO form I gene was detected and sequenced in the new isolates and in Alkalilimnicola halodurans but not in Alkalispirillum mobile. These data, together with the evidence of Oremland et al. (Appl Environ Microbiol 68:4795–4802, 2002) on the potential of Alkalilimnicola sp. MLHE-1 for autotrophic growth with arsenite as electron donor and nitrate as electron acceptor, demonstrate much higher metabolic diversity of this specific group of haloalkaliphilic Gammaproteobacteria than was originally anticipated. 相似文献
Guillon JM 《Journal of plant research》2007,120(4):569-574
Equisetum is a genus of 15 extant species that are the sole surviving representatives of the class Sphenopsida. The generally accepted taxonomy of Equisetum recognizes two subgenera: Equisetum and Hippochaete. Two recent phylogenetical studies have independently questioned the monophyly of subgenus Equisetum. Here, I use original (atpB) and published (rbcL, trnL-trnF, rps4) sequence data to investigate the phylogeny of the genus. Analyses of atpB sequences give an unusual topology, with E. bogotense branching within Hippochaete. A Bayesian analysis based on all available sequences yields a tree with increased resolution, favoring the sister relationships of E. bogotense with subgenus Hippochaete. 相似文献
【目的】利用微生物活化土壤中的原本无效养分种植豆科作物,有益于土地资源的长期可持续利用。【方法】利用自主分离的白腐真菌撕裂蜡孔菌新株(Ceriporia lacerata) HG2011,通过培养和田间微区试验,研究C. lacerata的分泌作用、土壤氮磷活化以及对绿豆和光叶紫花苕养分吸收、生长和产量的影响。【结果】C. lacerata能分泌纤维素酶、几丁质酶、β-l,3-葡聚糖酶、蛋白酶、磷酸酶和铁载体,溶解Ca3(PO4)2;在土壤表面,C. lacerata形成菌落,其菌丝伸入土壤,降低土壤pH,提高有效氮磷含量,进而增强蛋白酶和磷酸酶活性;接种C. lacerata改善了土壤氮磷供应能力,增强根系活力,促进根系生长、根瘤形成和发育,提高作物养分积累量,增加绿豆籽粒产量和苕子生物量。【结论】C. lacerata能在土壤中定殖,活化土壤氮磷,提高肥料利用率,促进绿豆和苕子生长。C. lacerata以木屑、秸秆和谷壳等农林有机废弃物为基质,容易培养,菌剂生产成本低廉。本研究为活化土壤养分,促进绿豆和苕子等豆科作物生长,保育耕地提供了新策略。 相似文献
Two cultivars of Phaseolus vulgaris L., one responsive to colonization with microsymbionts (Mexico 309) and one less-responsive (Rio Tibagi) were grown in Leonard jars containing sand/vermiculite under greenhouse conditions. Bean plants were either left non-inoculated (controls) or were inoculated with the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungus Glomus etunicatum or a strain of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. phaseoli (UMR-1899). Plants from the Mexico 309 cultivar maintained a higher growth rate, supported proportionately more nodules and mycorrhizae, and assimilated relatively more N or P when colonized by Rhizobium or Glomus, respectively, than did plants of the Rio Tibagi cultivar. Estimated specific nodule activity for Mexico 309 beans was more than twice that of Rio Tibagi, whereas the specific phosphorus uptake rate (SPUR) was 35% greater in the non-inoculated roots of Rio Tibagi compared to Mexico 309. Colonization by G. etunicatum more than doubled the SPUR for each cultivar compared to control roots. New acid phosphatase isozymes appeared in VAM-colonized roots of both cultivars compared to controls. Acid and alkaline phosphatase activities were significantly higher in G. etunicatum-colonized Mexico 309 roots, but not in Rio Tibagi mycorrhizae, compared to uninfected roots. Polyphosphate hydrolase activity was elevated in mycorrhizae of both cultivars compared to control roots. These results indicate that the dependence of a host on a specific endophyte increases when there are limitations to the supply of a nutrient that the endophyte can provide. The greater the increase in absorption or utilization capacity following colonization by the microsymbiont, the greater the dependence by the host. More importantly, identification of enzymatic activities that influence these plant-microbe associations opens the possibility that the specific genes that code for these enzymes could be targeted for future manipulation. 相似文献
在再生水补水河道内,芦苇(Phragmites australis)受高氮再生水的长期影响,具有独特的碳(C)、氮(N)化学计量特征。为查明芦苇C、N化学计量特征及其对高氮环境的响应,在芦苇生长季节(5、7、9月份),分析了再生水补水的潮白河顺义段内河水、土壤及芦苇各器官(根、茎和叶)中C、N含量及碳氮比(C/N)。结果表明:河水中C、N含量和C/N比分别在22.20-37.25 mg/L、2.24-11.20 mg/L和3.33-9.92之间。土壤中C、N含量和C/N比的范围为5.69-35.17、0.28-2.63、8.77-25.39。在整个生长季节的所有采样点内,芦苇根、茎和叶中C含量的平均值分别为(170.84±63.56)、(369.02±39.12)、(431.80±96.70) mg/g;N含量的平均值分别为(8.20±3.96)、(14.11±6.22)和(30.73±8.66) mg/g;C/N比的平均值分别为23.89±12.84、32.65±18.48、15.21±5.60。方差分析表明,芦苇各器官中C、N计量特征具有显著的季节性差异(P<0.05),这主要与芦苇在生长过程中的生理作用有关。环境中C、N计量特征具有显著的空间差异(P<0.05),受环境变量的影响,芦苇叶中N含量和C/N比从上游到下游显著降低(P<0.05)。逐步回归分析的结果显示,土壤和河水中的C、N含量能够解释芦苇叶中71.0%的变量(P<0.05);土壤中C、N含量和河水中N含量能够解释芦苇叶C/N比82.6%的变量(P<0.05)。相关分析指出,河水中N含量与土壤中N含量显著正相关(P<0.05),说明土壤受到高氮再生水的影响而具有较强的供N能力。高氮环境下,芦苇叶中N含量较高;相较于芦苇茎和叶,根中C含量较小。研究证明在再生水补水河道中,芦苇对环境中的N有良好的吸收能力,其C、N计量特征对高氮环境表现出明显的响应。 相似文献
Richard A. Osgood 《Hydrobiologia》1988,169(1):69-76
A mechanism for the upward translocation of phosphorus by flake-forming Aphanizomenon is hypothesized. Aphanizomenon germinates on oxic sediments and rises into the water column, then the flakes diurnally migrate. Observations from Spring Lake, Minnesota, U.S.A., indicate that Aphanizomenon translocates phosphorus to the summertime epilimnion. However, the observations cannot discriminate between which of two mechanisms related to Aphanizomenon flakes, upon germination or with subsequent diurnal migrations, is more important. 相似文献
Breeding for yield in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) should consider the efficiency of biomass and nutrient partitioning to grains. In field experiments, 9 and 18 bean cultivars were cultivated in 1998 and 1999, respectively, to identify the genotypic variability of harvest index (HI) and N and P harvest indices (NHI and PHI), and to evaluate the relationships between these indices and grain yield. Cultivars differed for grain yield, HI, NHI and PHI in both years, but these indices varied less than grain yield. Growth habit markedly influenced HI, with prostrate cultivars possessing higher HI, NHI and PHI than erect cultivars; hence selection for HI should be performed within each phenological group. Grain yield was strongly associated with grain N and P contents, and positively but weakly correlated to HI, NHI and PHI; the indices were highly correlated among themselves. Multiple-regression analysis showed that most genotypic variation of grain yield was associated with the amount of N and P accumulated by the crop at maturity, and some yield variation was associated with seed nutrient concentration, particularly P concentration, whereas NHI and PHI had a minor role. Combined analysis of both experiments showed that grain yield diminished by 57% from 1998 to 1999, whereas HI remained almost stable and NHI and PHI decreased slightly, but the significant year × cultivar interaction revealed different degrees of phenotypic plasticity of biomass partitioning among cultivars. Selection solely for increased HI would scarcely result in improved grain yield, raising concomitantly NHI and PHI and probably reducing grain P concentration. 相似文献
生物个体生长过程是其同化作用和异化作用过程中物质和能量吸收、转运、储存、排出平衡的综合结果,体现了生物对其生存环境的适应。对采集于双台河口潮滩湿地的翅碱蓬(Suaeda heteroptera)进行株高和根、茎、叶碳、氮含量测定的结果显示,以AIC_C和adj-R~2为准则选择的翅碱蓬株高生长模拟方程为Logistic方程。采用多模型推断确定的双台河口翅碱蓬平均理论渐近株高H_∞为(38.11±2.59)cm。翅碱蓬根、茎、叶碳含量分别为(37.92±4.40)%、(39.98±3.12)%、(28.27±3.41)%;氮含量分别为(0.68±0.35)%、(0.94±0.31)%、(1.26±0.19)%。仅根碳、氮含量与株高间呈显著负相关生长关系。翅碱蓬根碳、氮相对含量分别为97.8±2.1、90.2±9.2,与株高(8.1—36.6 cm)相比,翅碱蓬根碳、氮积累可能受到了环境条件限制。 相似文献
A. L. Huber 《Hydrobiologia》1986,133(3):193-202
The effects of changes in diurnal light patterns, salinity, and phosphorus on nitrogen fixation (as measured by acetylene reduction) by Nodularia spumigena Mertens were examined. As well, the effects of added inorganic nitrogen on growth, nitrogen fixation and heterocyt frequencies, and changes in nitrogen fixation and heterocyst frequencies during the growth cycle of Nodularia in cultures were determined.The diurnal pattern of nitrogenase activity in Nodularia was primarily light-induced, though dark activity did occur. Nitrogenase activity following a period of darkness exceeded the normal light rate (> 90 compared to 50 nmol · C2H2 reduced · ml–1 · h–1). Nitrogen fixation was reduced by high and very low salinities (5 to 10 was the optimum range), and added phosphorus stimulated nitrogenase in P-starved cells. Added nitrogen (ammonium or nitrate) had no effect on the growth of Nodularia, but in short term studies, ammonium completely inhibited nitrogenase activity. Heterocyst frequencies were greatest in the log phase of growth (to 40 per mm). During stationary phase, nitrogenase activity was negligable. 相似文献