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三种夜蛾成虫口器感器的超微形态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为确定不同种类夜蛾口器及其感器在超微结构上的差异, 采用扫描电子显微镜对棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner)、 烟夜蛾H. assulta (Guenée)和银纹夜蛾Argyrogramma agnata (Staudinger)3种鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)夜蛾科(Noctuidae)重要农业害虫雌、 雄成虫口器感器的超微形态进行了观察和比较。结果表明: 3种夜蛾雌、 雄成虫口器感器类型均无明显差异。棉铃虫和烟夜蛾口器感器在类型和形状上十分类似, 均具有毛形、 锥形和栓锥形感器; 喙管末端的栓锥感器粗、 密, 棱纹明显。银纹夜蛾口器感器与两种铃夜蛾区别明显, 除上述3类感器外, 还具有腔锥形感器; 其喙管末端的栓锥感器细、 疏, 棱纹不明显。结果显示口器感器可用于夜蛾的分类及亲缘关系研究。  相似文献   

Lu Bao  Yonghen Zhang  Xing Gu  Yuefang Gao  Youben Yu 《Genomics》2019,111(5):1043-1052
Zygaenidae comprises >1036 species, including many folivorous pests in agriculture. In the present study, the complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of a major pest of tea trees, Eterusia aedea was determined. The 15,196-bp circular genome contained the common set of 37 mitochondrial genes (including 13 protein-coding genes, two rRNA genes, and 22 tRNA genes) and exhibited the similar genomic features to reported Zygaenidae mitogenome. Comparative analyses of Zygaenidae mitogenomes showed a typical evolutionary trend of lepidopteran mitogenomes. In addition, we also investigated the gene order of lepidopteran mitogenomes and proposed that the novel gene order trnA-trnR-trnN-trnE-trnS-trnF from Zygaenidae and Gelechiidae and most other gene rearrangements of this tRNA cluster evolved independently. Finally, the mitogenomic phylogeny of Lepidoptera was reconstructed based on multiple mitochondrial datasets. And all the phylogenetic results revealed the sister relationships of Cossoidea and Zygaenoidea with both BI and ML methods, which is the first stable mitogenomic evidence for this clade.  相似文献   

The anti-acetylcholinesterase, larvicidal, antifeedant activities and general toxicity of 15 semisynthetic eugenol derivatives based on clove oil (including the own oil), were evaluated against the maize armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith). Therefore, promising eugenol molecules were classified with larvicidal, anti-acetylcholinesterase and antifeedant activities for controlling this pest. During structure–activity relationship studies and physicochemical profile analysis, it was found that among tested molecules 115, eugenol 1, prenyl eugenol 4, isoeugenol 8 and isoeugenol acetate 11 exhibited lethal effects LD50 at concentrations <1 mg/g of insect. On the other hand, eugenol 1, metallyl eugenol 3, isoeugenol 8 and isoeugenol acetate 11 showed a good antifeedant activity (CE50 = 158–209 µg/mL) with a high antifeedant index (70–78%) at concentration 1000 µg/mL, possessing a weak anti-acetylcholinesterase activity (IC50 = 21–31 μg/mL). According to their ecotoxicological profiles (LC50 = 2033.1–6303.8 µg/mL on Artemia salina larvae), isoeugenol 8 and its acetate derivative 11 could be potential used in control of the growth, feeding, or reproduction of S. frugiperda larvae, acting as moderate insecticidal acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and/or antifeedant molecules. Such structure–activity relationship studies could stimulate the identification of lead structures from natural sources for the development of larvicidal and deterrent products against S. frugiperda and related insect pests.  相似文献   

苹果园鳞翅目夜蛾科DNA条形码鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了检验DNA条形码在鳞翅目夜蛾科蛾类鉴定中的可行性,本文对采自北京昌平苹果园内的夜蛾科14种71头蛾类标本分别提取了DNA,并扩增了线粒体cox1及核基因28S,利用系统发育树、遗传距离、阈值等方法进行了鉴定和比较分析。同时,检验了目前BOLD系统的鉴定成功率。实验表明,基于cox1基因和BOLD系统的鉴定成功率达到了100%,而基于28S则很低,为64.8%。用不同方法构建的系统发育树,鉴定结果均相同。93%的种内遗传距离小于1%,94%的种间遗传距离为大于3%,种内种间的遗传距离形成明显的3%阈值现象。  相似文献   

飞行过程中棉铃虫对温度的主动选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高月波  翟保平 《昆虫学报》2010,53(5):540-548
为了探讨温度对迁飞性昆虫空中群体聚集成层等行为的作用机制,在室内利用自行设计的连续温度梯度发生装置对棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera在飞行过程中的温度选择行为进行了研究.结果表明:在存在明显温差的连续温度梯度中,所有棉铃虫飞行个体均对温度具有显著的选择行为.棉铃虫试虫群体表现出对空间最优飞行温度共同的主动选择,选择的温度范围是20~22℃之间;在这一温度范围内棉铃虫的振翅频率最高,持续振翅时间最长.对不同温度梯度条件下各温度区间内试虫的飞行时间进行定量比较发现,在16~22℃温度梯度场中的棉铃虫群体对最适温度的选择比在19~30℃的温度梯度场中的群体更显著,表明在温度较低的迁飞季节中温度对迁飞棉铃虫空中虫群聚集成层的影响要比在高温季节更明显.持续飞行时间对棉铃虫振翅频率的影响明显,表明昆虫迁飞高度与昆虫自身能量的消耗存在联系.  相似文献   

本文以夜蛾昆虫为研究对象,利用蛾右前翅翅脉特征对7种夜蛾昆虫进行数字化分类研究。首先,利用软件tpsDig2提取蛾翅翅室周围翅脉交点作为标记点;再利用普世叠加方法消除非形状因素等信息,计算出每一个翅脉交点与初始交点的距离作为特征参数;最后,利用方差分析和逐步判别分析验证各项特征参数对7种夜蛾进行分类的可行性、有效性和重要性。研究结果表明,筛选出5项特征参数可以作为分类变量,其作用大小依次为:(Dis_(16)、Dis_(17))(Dis_(13)、Dis_(15))Dis_(12),原始判别和交叉判别结果的正确率分别为96.2%和96.2%。这说明蛾翅翅脉的特征参数可用于蛾类昆虫的数字化分类鉴定。  相似文献   

The sedge-feeding moth Bactra verutana Zeller, 1875 (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Olethreutinae: Bactrini), described from Dallas, Texas, USA, is widespread, recorded throughout much North America, Central and South America, including the Caribbean, and Africa. The species is recorded for the first time from Chile based on specimens collected in the coastal valleys of the Atacama Desert, where its larvae feed on Cyperus corymbosus Rottb. var. subnodosus (Nees & Meyen) Kük. (Cyperaceae). A single DNA barcode haplotype, which is widespread in USA, was found in two Chilean specimens sequenced.  相似文献   

Summary The relationship between fecundity and long-term adult fluctuations of 29 temperate noctuid moths was investigated and is explained in terms of the r- and K-selection strategies. The potential population growth rate per year (PGR) and the rate of return to equilibrium (sensu Pimm 1982) have been calculated and correlated with generation-to-generation fluctuations. A highly significant correlation was found between PGR and the coefficient of generation-to-generation variation. The r-strategy species possess the highest PGR, the highest generation-to-generation coefficient of variation and their larvae are polyphagous. Species with typical features of K-strategists exhibit the lowest PGR values and the lowest generation-to-generation coefficients of variation. Their larvae seem to be exclusively oligophagous.  相似文献   

One‐size‐fits‐all and related hypotheses predict that static allometry slopes for male genitalia will be consistently lower than 1.0 and lower than the slopes for most other body parts (somatic traits). We examined the allometry of genitalic and somatic morphological traits in males and females of two species of noctuid moths, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner, [1808]) and Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner, [1808]). The relationship between genitalic traits and body size was generally strongly negative‐allometric in males but with no significant differences from 1.00 in females of the two species examined. However, in females, the slope of genital traits was also lower than the slopes for somatic traits. The relationship between somatic traits and the body size indicator was approximately isometric in most cases in males, except in four traits in S. exigua, in which the slopes showed slight negative allometry, and the hind tibia in H. armigera, in which the slope had positive allometry. However, in females, some somatic traits showed isometric and some other showed negative allometry in both species. The coefficients of variation (CV) for all structures in the males were low, not exceeding 10%. Genitalic traits showed significantly lower CV than somatic traits in males. In females, somatic traits showed lower CV than genitalic traits but with no significant difference in the H. armigera. Our observations of strongly negative allometry for genitalic traits in males are consistent with stabilizing selection on genital size and we suggest that male performance in interactions with females is the source of selection on male genital allometry. The difference in the degree of phenotypic variation between genitalic and somatic traits in the two studied species is attributed to the different developmental‐genetic architectures of these traits. Female genitalia showed a similar trend to the males, although the difference between genital and somatic traits was not significant in females. This finding suggests that selection is acting differently on male and female genitalia. Positive allometry of hind tibia in H. armigera may be a result of secondary sexual function.  相似文献   

Abstract Potential host plants of the polyphagous lepidopteran Helicoverpa punctigera (Wallengren) were surveyed in two ways. A broad survey, conducted in southern Queensland and northern New South Wales, indicated that H. punctigera larvae were present on relatively few plant species. A detailed survey of host plant use in a non-cropping area in which H. punctigera was numerous demonstrated restricted host plant use by this species. The density of H. punctigera on its principal host in the area, the indigenous daisy Ixiolaena brevicompta F. Muell., was much higher (as measured per unit of time searched) than on other plant species available. Also, I. brevicompta was used regularly by H. punctigera after rainfall events. Ixiolaena brevicompta represents a new host record and on the basis of the pattern of its use by H. punctigera should be considered a ‘primary host plant’ of this noctuid. In cropping areas sampled, usually more than one plant species hosted H. punctigera regularly and in large numbers. Usually a crop species was included (e.g. cotton and chick pea). Alternative hosts in cropping areas were Sonchus oleraceus L. (sowthistle) and possibly the native legume Sesbania cannabina (Retz.) Poiret. Our results imply that the polyphagy of H. punctigera is probably not as extensive as previously claimed. The criteria for inclusion of a plant species as a primary host for H. punctigera need to include the regularity of use of that species and the relative abundance of eggs and larvae on it. We suggest that an understanding of the host-searching mechanism of this species will be best achieved through study of the interaction of H. punctigera with its indigenous primary hosts. The surveys also yielded information on host plants of two other heliothine noctuids, H. armigera (Hübner) and Australothis rubrescens (Walker), and this is also presented.  相似文献   

Botanical insecticides have long been considered as alternatives to synthetic chemical insecticides in IPM programs. Effects of aqueous and ethanolic extracts obtained from buttonwood, Conocarpus erectus L. (Combretaceae), leaves on a major kind of stored product pests, Tribolium castaneum Herbst (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), were evaluated under laboratory conditions. For this purpose, LC50, repellency, antifeedant properties, and some biological effects (including body weight, immature developmental time and survival) of the insect were determined. The aqueous and ethanolic extracts were highly toxic to the larvae and adults. Calculated LC50 values ranged between 2.6 and 193.4 (g/kg). Both extracts had repellent and antifeedant properties against the adults. The extracts adversely affected the larval and pupal weights, developmental time, and survival. Aqueous extracts were more effective only for the LC50 values and only in females. All other measured parameters do not differ between the two extracts. The bioactive properties might be related to high amounts of alkaloid, phenol and tannin. Aqueous extract of the plant leaves may be a useful alternative for chemical insecticides.  相似文献   

  • 1 The annual cycle of noctuid moths feeding as larvae on the foliage of eighteen woody plant species (belonging to ten different families) was studied at two southeastern Spanish Mediterranean forest habitats. Two questions were addressed in this study. (1) Does the rigorous (hot and dry) summer season characteristic of the Mediterranean-type climate impose a constraint on noctuid life histories? (2) Are there detectable differences in abundance or phenological patterns between the noctuid assemblages feeding on evergreen and winter-deciduous trees and shrubs?
  • 2 Regardless of their leaf persistence habit, the majority of woody species studied had short shoot growth and leaf production periods in spring. Abundance of noctuid larvae peaked in May-June, shortly after host plants started to produce new leaves. Virtually no noctuid larvae were found on the foliage of the woody species studied at other times of year. Abundance and seasonal pattern of occurrence of larvae were similar on evergreen and deciduous food plants.
  • 3 In contrast with the unimodal seasonal pattern exhibited by larvae, the abundance of adult moths (assessed by light trapping) showed two distinct peaks in early summer and early autumn, and a marked minimum in mid-summer.
  • 4 Most woody plant-feeding noctuids recorded in this study (86% of species, about 95% of individuals) were univoltine. Univoltine species fell into one of two distinct life history categories, corresponding to pre- and post-summer flight periods. These two contrasting phenologies were associated with a bimodality in the duration of the pupal stage (‘short’ versus ‘long’), and were closely related to taxonomical affiliation at the subfamily level.
  • 5 Within the ‘short’ pupal duration group, some species mate and oviposit shortly after emergence and pass the dry season in the egg stage, while others remain as potentially active, non-reproductive adults over most of the summer and mate by the end of that season. Species in the ‘long’ pupal duration group pass the summer in pupal or prepupal stage.
  • 6 In the Mediterranean habitats studied, the adversity of the summer dry season seems to have led to a woody plant-feeding noctuid species assemblage almost entirely made up of univoltine species that concentrate their larval phases when suitable food (young leaves) is most abundant, and ‘avoid’ mid-summer as a flight time by emerging either shortly before or shortly after the adverse summer drought period. Year-round foliage availability afforded by dominant evergreen plants does not seem to have influenced the seasonal organization of noctuid cycles in any substantial way.

Abstract. A broad molecular systematic survey of Noctuidae was undertaken to test recent hypotheses on the problematic definitions and relationships of the subfamilies, with special emphasis on the ‘trifines.’ An initial hypothesis of noctuid classification to the subtribal level was synthesized from recent reviews, and then sampled as broadly as possible. Concatenated sequences for the nuclear genes elongation factor‐1α (EF‐1α; 1200 bp) and dopa decarboxylase (DDC; 700–1100 bp) were analysed for a total of 146 exemplar species, twice that of a previous study. Trees were estimated using likelihood, distance, and both equally weighted and ‘six‐parameter’ parsimony. Of the 144 possible nodes, bootstrap support (BP) was ≥ 50% for ~80, and ≥ 80% for ~60. There was very strong support (BP ≥ 90%) for an ‘L.A.Q.’ clade encompassing nearly all quadrifine noctuids plus Arctiidae and Lymantriidae, decisively rendering Noctuidae paraphyletic. We present a new classification for Noctuoidea in which Noctuidae sensu stricto is restricted to trifines; most quadrifine subfamilies are raised to full families. Within the ‘L.A.Q.’ clade, Aganainae and Herminiinae were strongly grouped, but other relationships were weakly supported, probably due to limited taxon sampling. Nolidae and Euteliinae + Stictopterinae are generally grouped with the ‘L.A.Q.’ clade, but with weak support. All analyses favour the broadest definitions proposed for the trifine clade (our Noctuidae sensu stricto) although support is not strong, except that the exemplar of Eustrotiinae: Eublemmini is placed securely in the ‘L.A.Q.’ clade. Numerous recent proposals for dismantling and recombining the ‘Hampsonian’ traditional trifine subfamilies are strongly supported, most notably a broadly defined ‘true cutworm’ clade (Noctuinae s.l.), encompassing the greater part of the traditional subfamilies Amphipyrinae, Cuculliinae, Hadeninae and Noctuinae s.s. (BP ≥ 95%). Within this clade there is strong support for Apameini s.s.+ Xylenini s.l. and for Noctuinae s.s. and divisions thereof, but little support for monophyly or subdivision of Hadeninae. Noctuinae s.l. invariably are allied with Heliothinae, scattered remnants of the traditional Amphipyrinae, and several smaller groups in a broader ‘pest clade’, albeit with weak support. Relationships among the remaining ‘lower’ trifines are not strongly resolved. Mapping of a preliminary synopsis of species diversities, host use patterns and latitudinal distributions on the phylogeny suggests that the diversification of trifines may have been promoted, to a degree unique among Macrolepidoptera, by the Tertiary expansion of seasonal, open habitats and their associated herbaceous floras.  相似文献   

Abstract. We investigate the diversity of the North American tiger moth genus Grammia Rambur (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) by comparing mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) ‘barcode’ fragments of cytochrome oxidase I with non‐molecular characters such as morphology, ecology, behaviour and distribution. Mitochondrial DNA genealogy is strikingly at odds with morpho‐species taxonomy for most of the 28 sampled species, as haplotypic polyphyly not only is taxonomically widespread, but involves multiple shared haplotypes among two to four species. Morpho‐ecological traits show that those species sharing haplotypes are often not closely related. Furthermore, high mtDNA divergences occur within species. Haplotypic variation is highly discordant with species taxonomy, but variation at a continental scale reveals significant geographic structuring of haplogroups, transcending morpho‐species boundaries. A nested clade analysis and comparison of non‐molecular with mtDNA data indicate that most discordance between mtDNA and taxonomy in Grammia is explained best by taxonomically and geographically widespread ongoing hybridization events resulting in mtDNA introgression. We hypothesize that broad areas of sympatry, interspecifically compatible genitalic structure, and species overlap in pheromone components facilitate hybridization, with disparate interspecies abundances promoting mitochondrial introgression. The molecular evolution of Grammia challenges the view that interspecific gene exchange occurs rarely and is restricted to recently diverged species. These results show the value of mtDNA in detecting cryptic hybridization, while highlighting the inherent dangers of drawing taxonomic conclusions based solely on mtDNA.  相似文献   

Five species of noctuid moths, Helicoverpa armigera, H. punctigera, H. assulta, H. zea, and H. gelotopoeon, are major agricultural pests inhabiting various and often overlapping global distributions. Visual identification of these species requires a great deal of expertise and misidentification can have repercussions for pest management and agricultural biosecurity. Here, we report on the complete mitochondrial genomes of H. assulta assulta and H. assulta afra, H. gelotopoeon, H. punctigera, H. zea, and H. armigera armigera and H. armigera conferta’ assembled from high‐throughput sequencing data. This study significantly increases the mitogenome resources for these five agricultural pests with sequences assembled from across different continents, including an H. armigera individual collected from an invasive population in Brazil. We infer the phylogenetic relationships of these five Helicoverpa species based on the 13 mitochondrial DNA protein‐coding genes (PCG's) and show that two publicly available mitogenomes of H. assulta ( KP015198 and KR149448 ) have been misidentified or incorrectly assembled. We further consolidate existing PCR‐RFLP methods to cover all five Helicoverpa pest species, providing an updated method that will contribute to species differentiation and to future monitoring efforts of Helicoverpa pest species across different continents. We discuss the value of Helicoverpa mitogenomes to assist with species identification in view of the context of the rapid spread of H. armigera in the New World. With this work, we provide the molecular resources necessary for future studies of the evolutionary history and ecology of these species.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of Euptychiina (Satyrinae), Cristalinaia vitoria Mota, Zacca & Freitas gen. et sp. nov., is described based on three specimens collected in the region of the Cristalino River, Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso, Brazil. This rare species is known only from this region, where it flies inside the dense bamboo patches typical of that area. The last instar larva and the pupa are described; the larva was observed feeding on mature leaves of the common bamboo Guadua aff. paniculata Munro.urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:D61EDE8D-CAE9-41C6-B24D-BB789873566E  相似文献   

蛾翅数学形态特征用于夜蛾分类和鉴定的可行性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
摘要: 为探讨蛾翅数学形态特征(MMC)在夜蛾科分类鉴定中的可行性, 本文利用数字化技术获得和处理昆虫图像, 对鳞翅目夜蛾科6种夜蛾的右前翅提取矩形度、 延长度、 叶状性、 偏心率、 球状性、 似圆度和不变矩Hu1、 Hu2等13项与大小尺度和方向均无关的数学形态特征, 并利用方差分析、 逐步判别分析和聚类分析等方法研究了各项数学形态特征在昆虫分类上作为分类特征的可行性、 可靠性和重要性, 并且从数学形态学角度对夜蛾科6个种的亲缘关系进行了分析。分析结果认为矩形度和延长度2个形态特征对这6种夜蛾的分类鉴定没有显著意义, 从而筛选出11个形态特征作为分类变量, 它们的作用大小依次为: (偏心率、 Hu5、 Hu7)>Hu2>似圆度>球状性>Hu3>(叶状性、 Hu1、 Hu6)>Hu4。利用蛾翅的这些特征参数成功地实现了对夜蛾科6种夜蛾的分类鉴定, 基于这些特征参数的6种夜蛾的亲缘关系远近与基于传统形态学的系统进化观点相同。研究表明蛾翅数学形态特征可应用于蛾类昆虫的快速鉴定, 为未来逐步实现蛾类昆虫的自动识别奠定了基础。  相似文献   

To enrich the genomic database of Catantopinae (Orthoptera: Acrididae), mitogenomes of three species from different genera, Traulia nigritibialis (15,701 bp), Choroedocus capensis (16,293 bp) and Stenocatantops splendens (15,574 bp), were characterized and compared with those of other grasshoppers in the subfamily. All 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs) were initiated by ATN codons except COI with ACC (C. capensis and S.splendens) and ND6 with TTG (S. splendens). All transfer RNA (tRNA) genes had a typical clover-leaf structure, except tRNASer(AGN) in which the base pairs of the dihydrouridine (DHU) arm were reduced. The phylogenetic relationships were constructed among 22 species from four subfamiles of Acrididae by classical classifications based on two datasets of their mitogenomes using both Bayesian Inference (BI) and Maximum Likelihood (ML). The phylogenetic analysis confirmed the monophyly of the three other subfamilies, but did not provided support of the monophyly of Catantopinae.  相似文献   

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