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Anaerobic fermentation-based technologies are used for treating organic residues, and producing high value-added products, such as solvents, gases, and organic acids. Among several organic acids, n-caproic acid can be used as antimicrobial agent, additive in animal feed, flavor additive, and feedstock for chemical and biofuel industries. n-Caproic acid formation occurs through a carboxylic acid chain elongation process, which uses reverse β-oxidation of acetic and/or n-butyric acid, and ethanol or lactic acid as an electron donor. This review addresses important issues in commercial n-caproic acid production: metabolic pathways, kinetics and thermodynamics, substrates, reactors, inhibition of competing biological activities, pH, and acid extraction. Additionally, a mathematical model to describe the reverse β-oxidation kinetics was evaluated from existing literature. Current investigations show a wide range of n-caproic acid production rates (3.0–55.8 g/(L·d)), using different open cultures, fermentation conditions, and methods for inhibiting the methanogenesis. Clostridium kluyveri presence and a dominance of the Clostridium spp. were identified as determinant when ethanol was provided as electron donor. Continuous n-caproic acid extraction through pertraction is a promising technology, which combines selective extraction and enhanced production rates. However, confirming the industrial feasibility of this process requires further investigation.  相似文献   

The concept of utilizing excess biomass or wastes from agricultural and agro-industrial residues to produce energy, feeds or foods, and other useful products is not necessarily new. Recently, fermentation of biomass has gained considerable attention due to the forthcoming scarcity of fossil fuels and also due to the necessity of increasing world food and feed supplies. A cost-effective viable process for lactic acid production has to be developed for which several attempts have been initiated. Fermentation techniques result in the production of either d (−) or l (+) lactic acid, or a racemic mixture of both, depending on the type of organism used. The interest in the fermentative production of lactic acid has increased due to the prospects of environmental friendliness and of using renewable resources instead of petrochemicals. Amylolytic bacteria Lactobacillus amylovorus ATCC 33622 is reported to have the efficiency of full conversion of liquefied cornstarch to lactic acid with a productivity of 20 g l−1 h−1. A maximum of 35 g l−1 h−1 was reported using a high cell density of L. helveticus (27 g l−1) with a complete conversion of 55- to 60-g l−1 lactose present in whey. Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation is proved to be best in the sense of high substrate concentration in lower reactor volume and low fermentation cost. In this review, a survey has been made to see how effectively the fermentation technology explored and exploited the cheaply available source materials for value addition with special emphasis on lactic acid production.  相似文献   

The present study reports the mixed culture acidogenic production of biohydrogen and carboxylic acids (CA) from brewery spent grains (BSG) in the presence of high concentrations of cobalt, iron, nickel, and zinc. The metals enhanced biohydrogen output by 2.39 times along with CA biosynthesis by 1.73 times. Cobalt and iron promoted the acetate and butyrate pathways, leading to the accumulation of 5.14 gCOD/L of acetic and 11.36 gCOD/L of butyric acid. The production of solvents (ethanol + butanol) was higher with zinc (4.68 gCOD/L) and cobalt (4.45 gCOD/L). A combination of all four metals further enhanced CA accumulation to 42.98 gCOD/L, thus surpassing the benefits accrued from supplementation with individual metals. Additionally, 0.36 and 0.31 mol green ammonium were obtained from protein‐rich brewery spent grain upon supplementation with iron and cobalt, respectively. Metagenomic analysis revealed the high relative abundance of Firmicutes (>90%), of which 85.02% were Clostridium, in mixed metal‐containing reactors. Finally, a significant correlation of dehydrogenase activity with CA and biohydrogen evolution was observed upon metal addition.  相似文献   

Biotechnological production of fuels and chemicals from renewable resources is an appealing way to move from the current petroleum-based economy to a biomass-based green economy. Recently, the feedstocks that can be used for bioconversion or fermentation have been expanded to plant biomass, microbial biomass, and industrial waste. Several microbes have been engineered to produce chemicals from renewable resources, among which Escherichia coli is one of the best studied. Much effort has been made to engineer E. coli to produce fuels and chemicals from different renewable resources. In this paper, we focused on E. coli and systematically reviewed a range of fuels and chemicals that can be produced from renewable resources by engineered E. coli. Moreover, we proposed how can we further improve the efficiency for utilizing renewable resources by engineered E. coli, and how can we engineer E. coli for utilizing alternative renewable feedstocks. e.g. C1 gases and methanol. This review will help the readers better understand the current progress in this field and provide insights for further metabolic engineering efforts in E. coli.  相似文献   

Aromatic compounds derived from lignin are of great interest for renewable biotechnical applications. They can serve in many industries e.g. as biochemical building blocks for bioplastics or biofuels, or as antioxidants, flavor agents or food preservatives. In nature, lignin is degraded by microorganisms, which results in the release of homocyclic aromatic compounds. Homocyclic aromatic compounds can also be linked to polysaccharides, tannins and even found freely in plant biomass. As these compounds are often toxic to microbes already at low concentrations, they need to be degraded or converted to less toxic forms. Prior to ring cleavage, the plant- and lignin-derived aromatic compounds are converted to seven central ring-fission intermediates, i.e. catechol, protocatechuic acid, hydroxyquinol, hydroquinone, gentisic acid, gallic acid and pyrogallol through complex aromatic metabolic pathways and used as energy source in the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Over the decades, bacterial aromatic metabolism has been described in great detail. However, the studies on fungal aromatic pathways are scattered over different pathways and species, complicating a comprehensive view of fungal aromatic metabolism. In this review, we depicted the similarities and differences of the reported aromatic metabolic pathways in fungi and bacteria. Although both microorganisms share the main conversion routes, many alternative pathways are observed in fungi. Understanding the microbial aromatic metabolic pathways could lead to metabolic engineering for strain improvement and promote valorization of lignin and related aromatic compounds.  相似文献   

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