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Water-filled treeholes provide temporal habitats and resources to detritus-based aquatic organisms in the aboveground forest strata. Treeholes are found at different vertical positions, and are often surrounded by dense understory vegetation, which may affect water volume and litter weight. Differences in water volume and litter weight are indicative of the habitat quantity and the quality of treehole communities. Therefore, in the present study, we used containers as artificial treeholes to examine the effects of these characteristics on treehole invertebrate assemblages in a broad-leaf deciduous forest in central-eastern Japan. We first generated two models: a direct-effect model that reflected the physical and chemical properties of treeholes (water volume, litter weight, and other measurable properties that might directly influence invertebrate survival and fitness); and an indirect-effect model that reflected the differences in vertical position and surrounding understory vegetation per se. We compared these models and found that species richness is better explained by the direct-effect model, whereas the indirect-effect model plausibly explains the differences in invertebrate abundances. Further analyses revealed that some species such as Tripteroides bambusa utilized lower treeholes, while higher treeholes had a greater abundance of Ceratopogonidae sp. A within dense understory vegetation. Our study demonstrates that treehole invertebrates are not only influenced by simple physicochemical properties, but also by ambient conditions. However, the response patterns were highly variable across species. Our approach provides insight for elucidating the key drivers of treehole detritivore diversity in vertically stratified environments.  相似文献   

The diversity of a region reflects both local diversity and the turnover of species (beta diversity) between areas. The angiosperm flora of eastern Asia (EAS) is roughly twice as rich as that of eastern North America (ENA), in spite of similar area and climate. Using province/state‐level angiosperm species floras, we calculated beta diversity as the slope of the relationship between the log of species similarity (S ) and either geographic distance or difference in climate. Distance‐based beta diversity was 2.6 times greater in the north–south direction in EAS than in ENA and 3.3 times greater in the east–west direction. When ln S was related to distance and climate difference in multiple regressions, both distance and climate PC1 were significant effects in the north–south direction, but only geographic distance had a significant, unique influence in the east–west direction. The general predominance of distance over environment in beta diversity suggests that history and geography have had a strong influence on the regional diversity of these temperate floras.  相似文献   

The enemy‐free space hypothesis (EFSH) contends that generalist predators select for dietary specialization in insect herbivores. At a community level, the EFSH predicts that dietary specialization reduces predation risk, and this pattern has been found in several studies addressing the impact of individual predator taxa or guilds. However, predation at a community level is also subject to combinatorial effects of multiple‐predator types, raising the question of how so‐called multiple‐predator effects relate to dietary specialization in insect herbivores. Here, we test the EFSH with a field experiment quantifying ant predation risk to insect herbivores (caterpillars) with and without the combined predation effects of birds. Assessing a community of 20 caterpillar species, we use model selection in a phylogenetic comparative framework to identify the caterpillar traits that best predict the risk of ant predation. A caterpillar species' abundance, dietary specialization, and behavioral defenses were important predictors of its ant predation risk. Abundant caterpillar species had increased risk of ant predation irrespective of bird predation. Caterpillar species with broad diet breadth and behavioral responsiveness to attack had reduced ant predation risk, but these ant effects only occurred when birds also had access to the caterpillar community. These findings suggest that ant predation of caterpillar species is density‐ or frequency‐dependent, that ants and birds may impose countervailing selection on dietary specialization within the same herbivore community, and that contingent effects of multiple predators may generate behaviorally mediated life‐history trade‐offs associated with herbivore diet breadth.  相似文献   

Data from 300 forest stands, scattered over 29 states within the eastern North American deciduous forest, were subjected to detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) in an effort to identify classifiable units. Most species are widespread which provide a great deal of continuity in the vegetation.The deciduous forest can be divided into three forest regions: (1) northern, (2) central and (3) southern. The northern region corresponds to the hemlock-white pine-northern hardwood forest of Braun (1950). The central region includes the beech-maple and oak-hickory forests. The beech-maple as identified here includes the mixed mesophytic, beech-maple, maple-basswood and about half of the western mesophytic forests of Braun (1950). The oak-hickory includes Braun's oak-hickory, oak-chestnut and about half of the western mesophytic forests. The southern region coincides with the southern mixed hardwood forests.  相似文献   

The species richness of 109 amphi-Pacific disjunct genera was examined in eastern Asia and North America. Although the entire flora of eastern Asia contains approximately one-third more species than that of North America, the difference in species richness among disjunct taxa is less. When woody and herbaceous genera are considered separately, the former exhibit a strong diversity bias favouring eastern Asia whereas there is no significant difference in diversity between continents among herbaceous genera. This result is not due to habitat differences between woody and herbaceous genera, because the disjunct herbs inhabit primarily moist forests and woodlands. This result is also not related to relative phylogenetic advancement, even though older major lineages of plants tend to have a predominance of woody taxa. Woody genera are distributed in lower latitudes than herbaceous genera on both continents, and both woody and herbaceous genera are distributed in lower latitudes in eastern Asia than in North America. The North American temperate flora is primarily a relict of a flora form 7 more widespread throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Contemporary patterns of diversity suggest that the effects of climate changes in the late Tertiary were less severe in eastern Asia and promoted diversification, but were more severe in North America and may have caused widespread extinction. The difference in the effect of climate change on diversity in herbaceous and woody lineages reflects the different ecological relationships of species having these contrasting life forms. Clearly, the contemporary floras of eastern Asia and North America bear the imprint of history and emphasize the important interface between ecological relationships and evolutionary responses.  相似文献   

Major dimensions of ecological segregation of tree species in cool temperate Europe and E North America appear related to (a) soil pH, (b) large scale ‘succession’ including topographic sequences of changing moisture stress, and (c) intolerance versus tolerance of canopy competition as involved in ‘gap-phase’ dynamics. Genera tend to have similar average positions along these dimensions in the two subcontinents. E North American genera that were probably never present in Europe, and the few opposites, tend to be southern and are concentrated on dry or basic soil. The cause of this trend may involve the isolated expansions of dry climatic areas since the early Tertiary. E North American genera that became extinct in Europe after the mid-Pliocene are typical of habitat intermediate between dry-acid and moist-basic, though generally more moist-acid than dry-basic. These genera also have few species and little overall habitat width. Severe restrictions of their habitats may have occurred. Also, difficulties of migration to and from refugia are suggested by the generally heavier seed of extinet genera and those with strongly southern ranges in Europe or with few species compared to E North America. This relationship is apparent within small winged, medium fleshy and large nutty fruit classes. However, there is little difference in geographic restriction between these classes. Carpinus, Alnus, Corylus, Taxus, Pyrus and Sorbus reach 100–1000% greater height in Europe. There are no opposing differences of this magnitude. These trees may be ecological substitutes for extinct Liriodendron, Liquidambar, Carya, Tsuga + Thuja, Diospyros, and a group with smaller fleshy fruits, respectively. There are other intrageneric differences in height, seed weight, niche width, longevity, etc., that deserve further attention.  相似文献   

The fungal genus Neurospora has a distinguished history as a laboratory model in genetics and biochemistry. The most recent milestone in this history has been the sequencing of the genome of the best known species, N. crassa. The hope and promise of a complete genome sequence is a full understanding of the biology of the organism. Full understanding cannot be achieved, however, in the absence of fundamental knowledge of natural history. We report that species of Neurospora, heretofore thought to occur mainly in moist tropical and subtropical regions, are common primary colonizers of trees and shrubs killed by forest fires in western North America, in regions that are often cold and dry. Surveys in 36 forest-fire sites from New Mexico to Alaska yielded more than 500 cultures, 95% of which were the rarely collected N. discreta. Initial characterization of genotypes both within a site and on a single tree showed diversity consistent with sexual reproduction of N. discreta. These discoveries fill important gaps in knowledge of the distribution of members of the genus on both large and small spatial scales and provide the framework for future studies in new regions and microhabitats. The overall result is that population biology and genetics now can be combined, placing the genus Neurospora in a unique position to expand its role in experimental biology as a useful model organism for ecology, population genetics and evolution.  相似文献   

Comparative phylogeography of unglaciated eastern North America   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Regional phylogeographical studies involving co-distributed animal and plant species have been conducted for several areas, most notably for Europe and the Pacific Northwest of North America. Until recently, phylogeographical studies in unglaciated eastern North America have been largely limited to animals. As more studies emerge for diverse lineages (including plants), it seems timely to assess the phylogeography across this region: (i) comparing and contrasting the patterns seen in plants and animals; (ii) assessing the extent of pseudocongruence; and (iii) discussing the potential applications of regional phylogeography to issues in ecology, such as response to climatic change. Unglaciated eastern North America is a large, geologically and topographically complex area with the species examined having diverse distributions. Nonetheless, some recurrent patterns emerge: (i) maritime - Atlantic vs. Gulf Coast; (ii) Apalachicola River discontinuity; (iii) Tombigbee River discontinuity; (iv) the Appalachian Mountain discontinuity; (v) the Mississippi River discontinuity; and (vi) the Apalachicola River and Mississippi River discontinuities. Although initially documented in animals, most of these patterns are also apparent in plants, providing support for phylogeographical generalizations. These patterns may generally be attributable to isolation and differentiation during Pleistocene glaciation, but in some cases may be older (Pliocene). Molecular studies sometimes agree with longstanding hypotheses of glacial refugia, but also suggest additional possible refugia, such as the southern Appalachian Mountains and areas close to the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Many species exhibit distinct patterns that reflect the unique, rather than the shared, aspects of species' phylogeographical histories. Furthermore, similar modern phylogeographical patterns can result from different underlying causal factors operating at different times (i.e. pseudocongruence). One underemphasized component of pseudocongruence may result from the efforts of researchers to categorize patterns visually - similar patterns may, in fact, not fully coincide, and inferring agreement may obscure the actual patterns and lead to erroneous conclusions. Our modelling analyses indicate no clear spatial patterning and support the hypothesis that phylogeographical structure in diverse temperate taxa is complex and was not shaped by just a few barriers.  相似文献   

Forest conversion influences soil organic carbon (SOC) decomposition through cascading effects on forest structure, soil properties, and soil microbial communities. However, interactive effects of these drivers and the key pathways that mediate forest SOC decomposition remain relatively unexplored. In this study, we compared relative importance of variables describing forest structure, soil properties, and soil microbial community on affecting SOC decomposition response to the conversion of a broadleaved Korean pine mixed forest into three other forests in the Changbai Mountains of China. We quantified SOC decomposition rate of these four forest types by measuring incubation soil respiration (SR). We then employed univariate regressions to quantify effect size of individual factor on SOC decomposition rate. A structural equation model (SEM) was developed to analyze pathways, relative importance, and interactive effects of these factors on SR. Our results showed strong marginal effects of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content, fungal Phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) to bacterial PLFAs ratio (F/B), broadleaved to conifer ratio (B/C), and total PLFAs content (TPC) on SR. Measured SOC decomposition rate was most closely related to F/B, which was in turn influenced primarily by soil C/N ratio and fraction of non-oxidized carbon (NOC%). Our study identified “Aboveground forest composition → SOC chemistry → Soil microbial composition → SOC decomposition” as the key pathway by which forest conversion affected SOC decomposition. This research work highlights the critical role of soil microbial community composition in altering SOC decomposition response to forest conversion.  相似文献   

Cladonia petrophila, an overlooked, usually sterile species, morphologically similar toC. apodocarpa andC. caespiticia, is described as new on the basis of its distinctive chemistry, perlatolic and fumarprotocetraric acids, and habitat preference for moist non-calcareous rock.  相似文献   

Latitudinal and elevational gradients both represent thermal gradients. Assessing the consistency of the relationships between phylogenetic structure and climate between latitudinal and elevational gradients can provide insight into the mechanisms driving assembly of species from regional pools into local assemblages. The aim of this study is to compare patterns of phylogenetic structure measures for angiosperm tree species between latitudinal and elevational gradients, using a dataset of angiosperm tree species in 14 092 forest plots in eastern North America. We assessed whether these two gradients produce similar relationships between climate and phylogenetic structure, hypothesizing that they should differ in magnitude but not direction. We used correlation and regression analyses to assess the relation of measures of phylogenetic structure to elevation, latitude and climatic variables, which included minimum temperature, temperature seasonality, annual precipitation and precipitation seasonality. We found that 1) phylogenetic relatedness of angiosperm trees increases with decreasing temperature along both latitudinal and elevational gradients but the relationship between phylogenetic relatedness and temperature is steeper for elevational gradients than for latitudinal gradients; 2) the tip-weighted metric of phylogenetic relatedness (nearest taxon index) is more strongly correlated with climatic variables than the basal-weighted metric of phylogenetic relatedness (net relatedness index); 3) winter cold temperature exerts a stronger effect on community assembly of angiosperm trees than does temperature seasonality. These results suggest that winter cold temperature, rather than temperature seasonality, drives phylogenetic structure of plants in local forest communities, and that species distributions along elevational gradients are more in equilibrium with temperature, compared with those along latitudinal gradients.  相似文献   

Eastern Asian-eastern North American disjuncts in four genera were examined for allozyme divergence and sequence divergence of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA. The disjunct pairs of taxa include Caulophyllum robustum-C. thalictroid.es, Menispermum dauricum-M. canadense, Penthorum chinense-P. sedoides, and Phryma leptostachya var. asiatica-P. leptostachya var. leptostachya. Allozyme divergence was comparable in Caulophyllum and Penthorum (genetic identities of 0.534 and 0.546) and was considerably higher than between pairs of taxa in Menispermum (0.273) and Phryma (0.291). Caulophyllum and Penthorum, which have the highest genetic identities at allozyme loci, also have low ITS sequence divergences (1.30 and 1.65%, respectively). Phryma, which has low isozyme identity, also has the highest ITS sequence divergence (4.46%). The two taxa of Menispermum have low ITS sequence divergence (0.93%) despite having a low identity (0.273) at allozyme loci. The results suggest that divergence between the taxa in the four genera are not the result of a single historical event. Estimated divergence times are reasonably consistent with a late Miocene disjunction for Caulophyllum and Penthorum, whereas the age of the Phryma disjunction is calculated at over 20 million years. The nonconcordant divergences between allozymes and ITS sequences in Menispermum may be caused by concerted evolution in the latter or possibly longer generation time in the woody plants. Additional molecular data are needed to clarify the situation.  相似文献   

Twenty eastern North American estuarine/saltmarsh locations, for which publishedinventories of inhabiting fishes wereavailable, were selected for study. Thegeographic range of systems extended from southTexas on the west; North River, FL. on thesouth; to Prince Edward Island, Canada on theeast; and James and Hudson Bays, Canada at thenorth. A total of 237(±) species offishes were associated with these systems. Lifehistory groupings included: permanent residents(9.3%); marine nursery species (17.7%);diadromous fishes (5.5%); marine transients(52.3%); and freshwater transients (15.2%).The most widely distributed species wereprimarily permanent residents and marinenursery species. The fraction of residentspecies did not vary significantly over thelatitudinal range, but the fraction of marinemigratory (MN + MT) species decreased withlatitude. An increasing fraction of diadromous(anadromous) species may compensate for thedecreasing fraction of marine migratoryspecies. Permanent residents, marine nurseryspecies, and marine transients all showedextended periods of spawning. Permanentresident species showed the widest ranges ofambient salinity tolerances or of ambientsalinity ranges of occupied habitats, withmarine nursery species second. Patterns withrespect to ambient temperature tolerances wereassociated with geographic ranges rather thanlife history groups. A general profile wasproduced of characteristics of species thatlive as permanent residents in salt marshestuaries of eastern North America.Species and family relationships of fishes froma group of 17 and another of 25 estuarieslocated along the west coast of Europe werecompared with the eastern North American group.European estuaries showed higher speciesrichness per system than did those of easternNorth America. Family representations ofeastern North American and western Europeanestuaries were compared with a series ofestuaries located in southwestern Australia andSouth Africa. This showed significant overlapin family representation, with two speciesbeing common among the four continents.  相似文献   

Vertical stratification of avian communities has been studied in both temperate and tropical forests; however, the majority of studies used ground-based methods. In this study we used ground-to-canopy mist nets to collect detailed data on vertical bird distribution in primary rain forest in Wanang Conservation Area in Papua New Guinea (Madang Province). In total 850 birds from 86 species were caught. Bird abundance was highest in the canopy followed by the understory and lowest in the midstory. Overall bird diversity increased towards the canopy zone. Insectivorous birds represented the most abundant and species-rich trophic guild and their abundances decreased from the ground to canopy. The highest diversity of frugivorous and omnivorous birds was confined to higher vertical strata. Insectivorous birds did not show any pattern of diversity along the vertical gradient. Further, insectivores preferred strata with thick vegetation, while abundance and diversity of frugivores increased with decreasing foliage density. Our ground-to-canopy (0–27 m) mist netting, when compared to standard ground mist netting (0–3 m), greatly improved bird diversity assessment and revealed interesting patterns of avian community stratification along vertical forest strata.  相似文献   

田俊霞  魏丽萍  何念鹏  徐丽  陈智  侯继华 《生态学报》2018,38(23):8383-8391
自然界中,森林植物叶片的生长随树冠高度呈现明显的垂直分布现象;然而,有关叶片性状随着树冠垂直高度增加的变化规律仍不清楚。为了更好地揭示植物叶片对光环境变化的适应策略以及对资源的利用能力,有必要深入探讨叶片性状与冠层高度的定量关系及其内在调控机制。以中国广泛分布的温带针阔混交林为对象,选取8种主要树种为研究对象(白桦、蒙古栎、水曲柳、大青杨、色木槭、千金榆、核桃楸和红松),通过测定这些物种9个冠层高度的叶片比叶面积(SLA)、叶片干物质含量(LDMC)、叶片氮含量(N)、叶片磷含量(P)、氮磷比(N∶P)和叶绿素含量(Chl)等属性,探讨了针阔混交林叶片性状的差异以及各性状之间的相关关系,进而揭示叶片性状随树冠垂直高度的变化规律。实验结果表明:1)温带针阔混交林内优势树种的部分叶片性状在不同冠层高度之间差异显著。2)随着树冠垂直高度的增加,SLA、LDMC、N、P、N∶P和Chl呈现不同的变化趋势。其中,阔叶树种SLA随着树冠垂直高度的增加而减小;所有树种的LDMC随着树冠垂直高度的增加而增加;不同树种的N、P、N∶P和Chl随着树冠垂直高度的变化规律存在差异。3)对于温带针阔混交林冠层中,SLA与N、P、N∶P均存在显著的正相关关系,高SLA伴随着高的N、P、N∶P,表明植物通过SLA与N、P等性状的协同来提高叶片的光合作用(或对光热资源的利用效率)。本研究通过定量分析探讨温带针阔混交林叶片性状随冠层高度的变化规律,一定程度地揭示了树木对光、热和水资源竞争的适应机制,以及植物叶片的资源利用和分配策略,不仅拓展了传统性状研究的范畴,其相关研究结论也有助于树木生长模型的构建和优化。  相似文献   

Patterns of seedling recruitment may have persistent effects on population and community processes. Assuming seed availability is not limiting, the environmental sieve (i.e., the suite of factors influencing seed germination and seedling emergence and survival) determines how many seedlings establish and, most importantly, where they do so. In this study, we identify the spatial structure of some resources and abiotic conditions known to be significant for tree seedling emergence and survival and determine how these environmental factors influence the establishment of Fagus grandifolia, Acer saccharum, Fraxinus americana, and Ostrya virginiana in a deciduous forest of southern Québec (Canada). We expect an increase from Fagus, through Acer and Fraxinus, to Ostrya in the control of environmental variables on seedling emergence and survival, because of differences in the seed size of these species. Density of newly-emerged seedlings of all four species showed positive spatial autocorrelation at distances of up to ca. 10 m. Environmental variables were also structured at the same spatial scale, except for soil moisture. Acer seedling emergence pattern was positively correlated to photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), and the pattern of Fraxinus to soil N and moisture. Seedling survival was not spatially autocorrelated for any of the four species, although it was positively density-dependent in Acer and Fagus. In only Ostrya was seedling survival correlated (positively) to one of the environmental variables studied, i.e., PPFD. Overall, environmental variables were spatially less heterogeneous than seedling emergence and survival. Either seed availability was not saturating or factors not considered here, such as competition and predation (the intensity of which often varies with resources and/or abiotic conditions), modified the influence that the physical environment had on patterns of seedling establishment. Our prediction of a greater environmental control on seedling emergence and survival in small-seed species was not totally confirmed.  相似文献   

Dane F  Lang P  Huang H  Fu Y 《Heredity》2003,91(3):314-321
Castanea is one of the many plant genera with a disjunct distribution pattern between eastern Asia and eastern North America. Five species from three sections of the genus were investigated to examine genetic divergence between eastern Asian and eastern North American species. A total of 62 native populations were sampled for allelic variation at isozyme loci. The Chinese chestnut C. mollissima had the highest genetic variability, while the American C. dentata had the lowest genetic variability. The highest intracontinental genetic identities were observed between the Allegheny and Ozark chinkapins (0.931) and between C. mollissima and C. seguinii (0.870), while lower identities were detected between the American C. pumila and C. dentata (0.720-0.729). In intercontinental comparisons, genetic identities of 0.505, 0.495 and 0.507 were observed between the American chestnut and the Chinese C. mollissima, C. seguinii and C. henryi, respectively, whereas the Ozark chinkapin C. pumila var. ozarkensis had lower identities of 0.469, and 0.435 with C. mollissima and C. seguinii, respectively, but a slightly higher identity of 0.520 with C. henryi, the Chinese chinkapin. Divergence times were estimated at 10-13 million years before present between C. dentata and C. mollissima, and C. pumila var. ozarkensis and C. henryi.  相似文献   

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