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We developed 16 microsatellite markers in Cordia bifurcata, a Central and South American shrub. The markers show low polymorphism in C. bifurcata, a species suspected of self-fertilization or apomixis. Of four polymorphic loci, three had only two alleles. However, current research indicates that these markers hold value for interpopulational comparisons of C. bifurcata and for analyses of congeners. In Cordia inermis, a dioecious or subdioecious shrub, seven of the markers produced interpretable amplification products of which five showed polymorphism. In Cordia pringlei, a distylous shrub, nine of the markers produced interpretable amplification products of which six showed polymorphism.  相似文献   

Mycodrosophila is a cosmopolitan genus of Drosophilidae that comprises approximately 130 species with mycophagous habitats. In this study, we described a new species of Mycodrosophila based on morphological traits and included details of the male terminalia. The holotype is from Eugênio Lefévre, locality in Campos do Jordão municipality, SP, Brazil, located in the Atlantic rainforest biome and was sampled in the 1930s.  相似文献   

Nitrogen has complex effects on plant–herbivore–parasitoid tritrophic interactions. The negative effects of low nitrogen fertilization in host plants on insect herbivores can be amplified to the higher trophic levels. In the present study, we examined the impact of varying nitrogen fertilization (42, 112, 196, and 280 ppm) of cotton plants (Gossypium hirsutum L.) on the interactions between the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), and the hymenopteran endoparasitoid Cotesia marginiventris (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). We predicted that the development and fitness of C. marginiventris would be adversely affected by low host plant nitrogen fertilization through the herbivore S. exigua. The percentage of C. marginiventris offspring developing to emerge and spin a cocoon, and total mortality of parasitized S. exigua larvae were unaffected by nitrogen level. The developmental time of C. marginiventris larvae in S. exigua larvae feeding on low (42 ppm) nitrogen cotton plants was approximately 30% longer than that of those feeding on higher (112, 196, and 280 ppm) nitrogen plants. Parasitoid size (length of right metathoracic tibia), a proxy for fitness, of C. marginiventris males was positively affected by nitrogen level. Total amounts of S. exigua hemolymph proteins were not affected by nitrogen level, but were reduced by parasitism by C. marginiventris. Two proteins with molecular weights of ca. 84 and 170 kDa dominated the S. exigua larval hemolymph proteins. Concentrations of the 170 kDa hemolymph protein were unaffected by nitrogen treatment, but parasitism reduced concentrations of the 170 kDa protein. Concentrations of the 84 kDa protein, on the other hand, were interactively affected by parasitism and nitrogen treatment: higher nitrogen fertilization (112, 196, and 280 ppm) increased protein concentrations relative to the 42 ppm treatment for unparasitized S. exigua larvae, whereas nitrogen treatment had no effects on parasitized larvae. For S. exigua larvae feeding on 42 ppm nitrogen plants, parasitism increased concentration of the 84 kDa protein, while for those feeding on 112, 196, and 280 ppm nitrogen plants, parasitism decreased concentrations of the protein. Possible mechanisms and ecological consequences for the extended development of C. marginiventris on S. exigua hosts grown on low-nitrogen plants are discussed.  相似文献   

The owlet moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Anicla infecta (Ochsenheimer 1816), Elaphria agrotina (Guenée 1852) and Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith 1797) occur in the entire American continent. These polyphagous moths have a preference for grasses, and have different biological habits. In this study, the populations of these three species were evaluated monthly with light traps in the Brazilian Savannah, ranging a span of four crop seasons (from July, 2013 to June, 2017). The population data were analyzed and correlated with the meteorological variables: maximum temperature, minimum temperature, relative humidity and precipitation. A total of 4719 individuals were collected in the following percentages: A. infecta (n = 459; 9.73%), E. agrotina (n = 1809; 38.33%) and S. frugiperda (n = 2451; (51.94%). The abundance of all species went down from the first crop season (2013/2014) to the third (2015/2016). In the fourth crop season (2016/2017), the populations of A. infecta and E. agrotina stabilized, but the abundance of S. frugiperda experienced further decrease. The numbers of individuals of three species declined when precipitation was much above (crop season 2014/2015) and below (crop season 2015/2016) than expected by the climatological normal. There were significant, but different degrees of correlation, between the meteorological factors and the ONI index (Oceanic Niño Index - indicator for monitoring El Niño-Southern Oscillation or “ENSO”) with respect to monthly population variations. The results are discussed in accordance with principles of the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in mind, given the continental distribution and agricultural importance of the three owlet moth species studied.  相似文献   

Over the last ten years, targeted covalent inhibition has become a key discipline within medicinal chemistry research, most notably in the development of oncology therapeutics. One area where this approach is underrepresented, however, is in targeting protein-protein interactions. This is primarily because these hydrophobic interfaces lack appropriately located cysteine residues to allow for standard conjugate addition chemistry. Herein, we report our development of the first covalent inhibitors of the antiapoptotic protein B-cell lymphoma extra-large (Bcl-xL), utilizing a sulfonyl fluoride (SF) warhead to selectively covalently modify tyrosine 101 of the BH3 domain-binding groove. These compounds display time-dependent inhibition in a biochemical assay and are cellularly active (U266B1). In addition, compound 7 was further elaborated to generate a chemical-biology probe molecule, which may find utility in understanding the intricacies of Bcl-xL biology.  相似文献   

中国紫草科破布木属花粉形态和外壁超微结构   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
为了深入探讨紫草科(Boraginaceae)的分类问题,用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜观察了该科破布木属(CordiaL.) 10种植物的花粉形态和外壁超微结构。发现该属花粉具三孔、三孔沟、三拟孔沟和三合沟4种萌发孔类型。外壁表面具微刺状纹饰、刺状纹饰、网状纹饰和不规则的条纹网状纹状。破布木属的花粉特征表明,该属花粉在紫草科中既是独特的分类群,又是比较原始的属种。  相似文献   

The Iranian species in the Chrysis pulchella and C. varidens species groups are investigated. Six species are recognized, two of which are described for the first time: Chrysis gamberoonensis Farhad, Rosa and Talebi sp. nov. and Chrysis brunneamarginata Farhad, Rosa and Talebi sp. nov.. Chrysis gamberoonensis Farhad, Rosa and Talebi sp. nov. belongs to the C. pulchella group and is recognizable within this species group by its unique blue body coloration, scattered mesosoma punctures, polished pit row with elongated pits, and a small median tooth on the lateral edge of metasomal tergum 3. Chrysis brunneamarginata Farhad, Rosa and Talebi sp. nov. belongs to the C. varidens group and is recognizable by the usually colorless apical rim of metasomal tergum 3, and the unique shape of the anterior corners of the scutellum which are enlarged, thickened and directed backward covering the axillary trough. Dichotomous keys and distributional data for Iranian species included in these species groups are provided. Chrysis schwarzi Linsenmaier, 1968 is raised to species rank. The number of Iranian Chrysis species and subspecies is raised to 122.www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:F419F860-3B90-4679-9A19-2CF5C255AE6B  相似文献   

Bacteria are often found in close association with surfaces, resulting in the formation of biofilms. In Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), biofilms are implicated in the resilience of chronic infections, presenting a serious clinical problem world-wide. Here, S. aureus biofilms are grown under flow within clinical catheters at 37 °C. The lipid composition and biophysical properties of lipid extracts from these biofilms are compared with those from exponential growth and stationary phase cells. Biofilms show a reduction in iso and anteiso branching compensated by an increase in saturated fatty acids compared to stationary phase. A drastic reduction in carotenoid levels is also observed during biofilm formation. Thermotropic measurements of Laurdan GP and DPH polarization, show a reduction of lipid packing at 37 °C for biofilms compared to stationary phase. We studied the effects of carotenoid content on DMPG and DPPG model membranes showing trends in thermotropic behavior consistent with those observed in bacterial isolates, indicating that carotenoids participate in modulating lipid packing. Additionally, bending elastic constant (kc) measurements using vesicle fluctuation analysis (VFA) show that the presence of carotenoids can increase membrane bending rigidity. The antimicrobial peptide Magainin H2 was less activity on liposomes composed of stationary phase compared to biofilms or exponential growth isolates. This study contributes to an understanding of how Staphylococcus aureus modulates the composition of its membrane lipids, and how those changes affect the biophysical properties of membranes, which in turn may play a role in its virulence and its resistance to different membrane-active antimicrobial agents.  相似文献   

Ants can influence soil fertility and the spatial distribution of seeds, with possible effects on seedling recruitment. The ant species Pachycondyla striata Fr. Smith, 1858 and Odontomachus chelifer (Latreille, 1802) co-occur in many forest areas in the Neotropics. We assessed soil fertility and seed bank structure in soil samples close and distant (control) from ant nests in forest fragments. We also assessed the richness and abundance of seedlings on nests and control sites. In soil samples from ant nests, the concentration of phosphorus and potassium were respectively 55.6% and 36% higher than in control sites. Aluminium was 11–15% lower in soil samples from ant nests. In the greenhouse, soils from ant nests had higher plant abundance and species richness, but the same species composition in comparison with control sites. Although more plants emerged from soil samples of O. chelifer nests, in the field, the density and richness of seedlings were similar for the two ant species studied. Seedlings in the nest sites were, on average, 1.8 times more abundant and 1.6 times richer in species than in control sites. Our results showed that ant species can play a key role in seedling recruitment in forest fragments, where other animals with equivalent and positive effects, such as mammals, are missing.  相似文献   

Carbazoloquinone alkaloids are of great interest as privileged structures for anticancer drug molecules. The purpose of this study was to investigate the structure-activity relationships of carbazoloquinone derivatives as anticancer agents. A series of carbazoloquinones including murrayaquinone A, koeniginequinones A and B, and related analogues were therefore prepared. Palladium-catalyzed intramolecular cyclization reaction mechanism was well elucidated by DFT calculations. Treatment of the synthesized derivatives showed cytotoxicity on human leukemia HL-60 cells in a dose-dependent fashion. In addition, murrayaquinone A and β-brazanquinone elevated cellular levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), thereby triggering apoptosis. Our findings emphasize the excellent potential of carbazoloquinone derivatives as ROS-inducing anticancer agents.  相似文献   

在室内研究了红火蚁Solenops isinvicta种群对玉米、绿豆、芥蓝、芝麻、番茄、水稻、藿香蓟及象草等8种植物种子的选择性取食及其对种子萌发的影响,结果表明红火蚁对芝麻种子最为喜好,且刮啃率最高(82.4%),对芝麻、藿香蓟、象草及芥蓝种子具有较高的搬运率(分别为100.0%、72.0%、44.0%及41.6%)和丢弃率(分别为86.4%、50.4%、79.2%及88.9%)。通过观察回收种子的萌发,结果表明红火蚁对芝麻、藿香蓟和象草种子的破坏最为严重,导致其未能正常萌发的种子分别占总数的64.3%、56.0%及49.7%。因此,通过上述指标可以判断红火蚁入侵后对芝麻、藿香蓟和象草种子存在较大潜在威胁。  相似文献   

Simulium (Gomphostilbia) agasthyamalaiense sp. nov. is described based on adults, pupae and mature larvae from a medium-flowing stream of Southern Western Ghats, India. This new species is placed in the Simulium batoense species-group of the subgenus Gomphostilbia Enderlein. This new species is characterized in the female by a scutum with three brownish-black longitudinal vittae and the hind basitarsus 5.7 times as long as wide; in the female by the large facets of upper eye with 20 vertical columns and 19 horizontal rows; in the pupa the respiratory gill with medium-long common basal stalk; and in the larva arrowhead-shaped postgenal cleft. Taxonomic notes are provided for this new species and it can be distinguished from closely related species of S. (G.) peteri. Keys are constructed to distinguish this species from ten species of the batoense species-group recorded in India.www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:1D1CFEE5-A762-4F68-9EAE-9E31133146C0  相似文献   

Interaction between fungi and insects such as ants, beetles, wasps and termites inhabiting dead pine trees has significant ecological implication in the forest as they can decompose wood debris and add nutrients to the soil; however, only scarce information is available regarding the interaction between wood-decaying fungi and ants. We investigated wood-decaying fungi co-occurring with ants in dead pine trees of South Korea. A total of 57 pairs of wood-decaying fungi and ants were collected from 11 localities. 30 species of wood-decaying fungi and 14 species of ants were identified based on morphology and molecular analysis. Fungal species belonging to Trichaptum, Xylodon, Hyphodontia, and Ceriporia were dominant and co-occurred with common ant species of Lasius, Camponotus, Pristomyrmex, and Crematogaster across most of the sampling sites. This study provides a new baseline in unravelling the complex interaction between wood-decaying fungi and ants in forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Due to its high nutritional value, chickpea is one of the most important and cost-effective legumes for human diet. Nutrient elements, such as Cu, P, K have numerous essential functions for the human metabolism. In this study, association mapping of loci linked to the seed Cu, P and K concentrations were performed on a population consisting of 107 Cicer reticulatum and 73 Cicer arietinum individuals in four environments (two locations x two years). A total of 121,840 SNPs were genotyped across 180 individuals by GBS analysis. The association mapping between the SNP markers and the seed Cu, P, K concentrations were identified and eight SNPs were found to be significantly associated with variations in three nutrient elements in more than two environments This research suggests that association mapping is a useful methodology for the identification of loci controlling the Cu, P and K uptake in chickpea seeds for further association mapping, molecular breeding, and marker-assisted selection and plant breeding studies and provides a broader understanding of the relationship between the investigated Cicer species and the effects of environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Cystotheca lanestris on the new host Quercus canbyi, Microidium bauhiniicola on the new host Bauhinia macranthera and an undescribed species of Phyllactinia on Mimosa aculeaticarpa have recently been collected in Mexico. Analyses of morphological traits and molecular sequence data led to identifications of the causal agents of the powdery mildew diseases involved. Microidium bauhiniicola, hitherto only known from Argentina and Brazil, is new to Mexico. The phylogenetic analysis revealed an isolated position distant from Microidium indicating an undescribed genus, which is introduced as Bulbomicroidium gen. nov. Sequences derived from a Mexican specimen of C. lanestris on Quercus canbyi agree completely with other North American sequences, but differ from sequences retrieved from Asian collections, suggesting that C. lanestris in Asia is not conspecific with C. lanestris s. str. in North America. A new species of Phyllactinia on Mimosa malacophylla is morphologically similar to P. dalbergiae but readily distinguishable by differences in the asexual morph. Based on morphological peculiarities and results of molecular sequence analyses, this species is described as Phyllactinia mimosae sp. nov.  相似文献   

Allium cepa and garlic Allium sativa plants were used to evaluate their potential synthesis of silver nanoparticles and their antibacterial effect on Streptococcus pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Transmission electron microscopy (SEM) was used to distinguish the morphology of the nanoparticles attained from plant extracts. Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectrometer established the existence of elemental sign of the silver and homogenous allocation of silver nanoparticles. Diffraction by using X ray (XRD) analysis for the formed AgNPs revealed spherical plus cubical shapes structure with different planes ranged between 111 and 311 planes. The antibacterial action of AgNPs against vaginal pathogens, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa was recognized. Our work showed a rapid, eco-safety and suitable method for the synthesis of AgNPs from Allium cepa and garlic Allium sativa extracts and can be used in biomedical applications.  相似文献   

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