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Acridine orange (AO) fluorescence spectra in nuclei and cytoplasm of living myoblasts L6J1 and frog single muscle fibers have been studied using spectral scanning system of Leica TCS SL confocal microscope. AO fluorescence spectra in salt solutions dependent on free AO concentrations or in complex with DNA have also been obtained. Myoblast nuclei fluoresced in the green spectral region with maximum at about 530 nm; nucleoli had the brightest fluorescence. The fluorescence of nuclear chromatin was not uniform. Similar fluorescence of nuclei and nucleoli was observed in frog single muscle fibers. Uniform, weak, green fluorescence was observed in the myoblast cytoplasm. In the sarcoplasm of muscle fibers, AO green fluorescence was seen in A discs. In the cytoplasm of myoblasts and muscle fibers stained with AO, different red, yellow, and green fluorescent granules, which were acidic organelles, were visualized. The comparison of AO fluorescence spectra in living cells with AO fluorescence spectra in buffer solutions with different AO concentrations and AO in complex with DNA enables the estimation of the AO concentration in acidic granules. It is important for the evaluation of these cellular organelles functions in intracellular transport, adaptation, and apoptosis, as well as in a number of pathological processes.  相似文献   

Summary Incubation of mouse skeletal muscle in a physiological Ringer solution containing protamine (60 g/ml) at +37° C for 1 h induced ultrastructural changes including proliferation of tubular profiles and vesicles at the I-band level close to the A-I junction, formation of numerous acid phosphatase positive lysosomes in the longitudinal sarcoplasmic reticulum and autophagic vacuolation starting at the level of the A-I junction.Biochemical determination of acid phosphatase in the incubated muscles showed that protamine caused an increase in acid phosphatase activity of about 25 % compared to enzyme activities obtained from muscles incubated without protamine at +37°C or with protamine at +4°C.The morphological findings suggest that the vesicles arising adjacent to the A-I junction originate from transverse tubules. Such vesicles, designated as endocytic, may acquire acid phosphatase activity in the longitudinal SR and be active in an autophagic process resulting in large vacuoles. A causal relationship between endocytosis and lysosomal activation is suggested.We wish to thank Miss Britt-Marie Svensson, Miss Ann-Christin Nilsson and Mrs. Lena Kvist for their able technical assistance. This work was supported by grants from the Medical Faculty, University of Lund, Sweden, and the Swedish Medical Research Council, Stockholm, Sweden (04P-4289, 14X-4286, 14X-3112) and from Muscular Dystrophy Association of America, Inc.  相似文献   

The latency relaxation is a small drop of tension before skeletal muscle begins to develop active tension. This phenomenon was found nearly one century ago but its origin has not been clarified. In this review, the hypotheses for its mechanism are discussed in terms of the recent experimental results using X-ray diffraction. The latency relaxation takes place almost simultaneously as the structural change of the regulatory protein troponin, an unspecified structural change of the thick filament, and increase in stiffness. It seems difficult to associate all of these with the latency relaxation by assuming a simple mechanism.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to develop a combination of fluorescent stains that would allow visualisation of the network of mitochondria and lipid droplets (intramyocellular lipids or IMCL) in human skeletal muscle fibres by means of conventional and confocal microscopy. Muscle biopsies were taken from the vastus lateralis of three lean, healthy and physically active male subjects. Frozen muscle sections were stained for mitochondria using antibodies against three mitochondrial proteins; porin, cytochrome c oxidase (COX) and NADH-ubiquinol oxidoreductase and neutral lipids were stained with oil red O. Anti-COX staining produced images with the strongest fluorescence signal and the highest resolution of the mitochondrial network and this stain was successfully combined with the antibody against type I fibre myosin. A highly organised matrix arrangement of mitochondria within the sarcomeres (in pairs at the I-band) was observed in the oxidative type I fibres. The density of mitochondria was the highest in the subsarcolemmal region. Anti-COX staining was combined with oil red O demonstrating that in type I fibres lipid droplets are mainly located in the space between the mitochondria.  相似文献   

In agricultural sciences, proteomics has become the new hope for analyzing the meat quality traits that are closely related to the skeletal muscle traits. 2-DE muscle maps of many species have been recently reported and used to find molecular markers of meat quality traits. However, one limitation of 2-DE based analyses is due to the limited alkaline protein separation. Considering this problem, there is a need to use recent advances that have markedly improved the 2-DE based analysis of alkaline proteins. Hence, the present study provides additional information concerning the alkaline proteome of bovine skeletal muscle by using an appropriate protocol to characterize proteins over the entire range of pH 7-11. A total of 32 distinct gene products corresponding to 60 protein spots were identified by PMF and grouped in seven categories according to their main function. This 2-D map will contribute to muscle proteome studies since a significant portion of proteins is in the alkaline pH range.  相似文献   

Summary K currents and K-current fluctuations were recorded in inwardly rectifying K channels of frog skeletal muscle under voltage-clamp conditions. External application of 0.2 to 10mm Cs reduces the inward mean K current but produces a distinct increase of the spectral density of K-current fluctuations. The additional fluctuations arise from the random blocking by Cs ions. From the variance of current fluctuations, the steady-state current and the probability of the open unblocked channel an effective single-channel conductance * was calculated. * strongly depends on the external Cs concentration (7.8 pS at 0.2mm Cs, 2.1 pS at 10mm Cs). This dependence is interpreted in terms of a two-step blocking process: (1) a fast exchange of Cs ions between the external solution and a first binding site inside the channel which leads to the Cs-modulated effective single-channel conductance, and (2) a slow Cs binding to a second site deeper in the channel which produces the observed current fluctuations. With this hypothesis we obtained a real single-channel conductance of 10 pS and a real density ofn4 inwardly rectifying channels per m2 of muscle surface area.  相似文献   

Summary The accumulation of neutral red and acridine orange, to indicate differences in vacuolar pH, was studied during embryogenesis of carrot. Neutral red accumulated barely in proembryogenic masses, but was present conspicuously in globular-shaped somatic embryos. From the late globular to the torpedo-shaped stage, it was mainly found in the root side of the somatic embryo. Here, neutral red was predominantly present in large dark-red to purple stained vesicles. In the cotyledons neutral red was found in small orange vesicles. In zygotic embryos of carrot, the dye was uniformly distributed with no specific localization in organelles. During germination, however, neutral red accumulated mainly in regions in the root side and the hypocotyl of the germling. Acridine orange was dispersed erratically in proembryogenic masses with a great variety in intensity. It was quite obviously present in early stages of somatic embryogenesis and restricted to the root side in late globular to torpedo-shaped embryos. Confocal images revealed the vacuolar presence of the fluorescence and the predominant presence in the protoderm. During germination of zygotic embryos the signal changed from uniform to localized, with sharp borders between fluorescent and non-fluorescent regions. Two to three days after the beginning of germination, acridine orange accumulated preferentially in the root tip of the germling. Differences between somatic and zygotic embryos and similarities between somatic embryogenesis and zygotic embryo germination are discussed.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - pHc cytosolic pH - pHe extracellular pH - pHv vacuolar pH  相似文献   

Summary The uptake in vitro of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in mouse skeletal muscle was examined by electron microscopy and chemical determination.In muscles exposed to an HRP solution for 60 min at +37°C, HRP infiltrated the basal lamina of muscle fibres and caused an intense labelling of their sarcolemma. In addition HRP was found within the transverse tubules. Exposure to HRP for 30 min at +37°C followed by HRP together with a polycationic protein (protamine) for 30 min at +37°C caused an intracellular vesicular uptake of HRP. Intracellular HRP was found in numerous vesicles, membrane limited bodies and vacuoles. Protamine also induced focal autophagic vacuolation with progressive muscle fibre degeneration. An intracellular HRP uptake or muscle cell vacuolation could not be detected in the absence of protamine or when the incubation temperature was + 4°C. Chemical determination of HRP uptake was in general agreement with the morphological results. The uptake of HRP in the presence of protamine was stimulated at +31°C and blocked at +4°C.The results suggest that in skeletal muscle in vitro intracellular uptake of macromolecules occurs by endocytosis.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural and stereological assessment of the mature avian anterior latissimus dorsi (ALD) muscle showed that it contains two kinds of extrafusal fibers. This fine structural dichotomy of fiber types in the ALD correlated well with their previously reported histochemical duality. Distinct differences occur in sarcomere banding, myofibrillar area, sarcotubular and mitochondrial density, and in morphology of motor-nerve terminals. Both myofiber types in this muscle were interpreted as representing varieties of slow or tonic muscle fibers.Both fibers contain myofibrils that, despite differences in cross-sectional area, were large, irregular, and ribbon-shaped, typical of the Felderstruktur appearance of true slow fibers. Whereas the majority of fibers (type-1) are devoid of well-defined M-bands, the minor fiber population (type-2) exhibit prominent M-bands in the center of each sarcomere. In addition, type-1 tonic fibers contain a significantly lower mitochondrial and sarcotubular volume than the tonic fibers of type-2. While both fiber types exhibit motor-nerve terminals that are small, smooth and punctate in appearance, those on the type2 fibers often had a number of shallow postjunctional folds. Whether or not these two classes of extrafusal fiber in this muscle represent two separate and distinct types of motor units remains to be determined functionally.Supported by grants from the Medical Research Council and the Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada. The author gratefully acknowledges the excellent technical assistance of Susan L. Shinn  相似文献   

Calcium sparks were studied in frog intact skeletal muscle fibers using a home-built confocal scanner whose point-spread function was estimated to be approximately 0.21 microm in x and y and approximately 0.51 microm in z. Observations were made at 17-20 degrees C on fibers from Rana pipiens and Rana temporaria. Fibers were studied in two external solutions: normal Ringer's ([K(+)] = 2.5 mM; estimated membrane potential, -80 to -90 mV) and elevated [K(+)] Ringer's (most frequently, [K(+)] = 13 mM; estimated membrane potential, -60 to -65 mV). The frequency of sparks was 0.04-0.05 sarcomere(-1) s(-1) in normal Ringer's; the frequency increased approximately tenfold in 13 mM [K(+)] Ringer's. Spark properties in each solution were similar for the two species; they were also similar when scanned in the x and the y directions. From fits of standard functional forms to the temporal and spatial profiles of the sparks, the following mean values were estimated for the morphological parameters: rise time, approximately 4 ms; peak amplitude, approximately 1 DeltaF/F (change in fluorescence divided by resting fluorescence); decay time constant, approximately 5 ms; full duration at half maximum (FDHM), approximately 6 ms; late offset, approximately 0.01 DeltaF/F; full width at half maximum (FWHM), approximately 1.0 microm; mass (calculated as amplitude x 1.206 x FWHM(3)), 1.3-1.9 microm(3). Although the rise time is similar to that measured previously in frog cut fibers (5-6 ms; 17-23 degrees C), cut fiber sparks have a longer duration (FDHM, 9-15 ms), a wider extent (FWHM, 1.3-2.3 microm), and a strikingly larger mass (by 3-10-fold). Possible explanations for the increase in mass in cut fibers are a reduction in the Ca(2+) buffering power of myoplasm in cut fibers and an increase in the flux of Ca(2+) during release.  相似文献   

Lamboley CR  Pape PC 《Cell calcium》2011,50(6):530-547
One aim of this article was to determine the resting concentration of free Ca2+ in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of frog cut skeletal muscle fibers ([Ca2+]SR,R) using the calcium absorbance indicator dye tetramethylmurexide (TMX). Another was to determine the ratio of [Ca2+]SR,R to TMX's apparent dissociation constant for Ca2+ (Kapp) in order to establish the capability of monitoring [Ca2+]SR(t) during SR Ca2+ release – a signal needed to determine the Ca2+ permeability of the SR. To reveal the properties of TMX in the SR, the surface membrane was rapidly permeabilized with saponin to rapidly dissipate myoplasmic TMX. Results indicated that the concentration of Ca-free TMX in the SR was 2.8-fold greater than that in the myoplasm apparently due to binding of TMX to sites in the SR. Taking into account that such binding might influence Kapp as well as a dependence of Kapp on TMX concentration, the results indicate an average [Ca2+]SR,R ranging from 0.43 to 1.70 mM. The ratio [Ca2+]SR,R/Kapp averaged 0.256, a relatively low value which should not depend on factors influencing Kapp. As a result, the time course of [Ca2+]SR(t) in response to electrical stimulation is well determined by, and approximately linearly related to, the active TMX absorbance signal.  相似文献   

Summary The kinetics of water replacement with heavy water (deuterium oxide) in the gastrocnemius and sartorius muscles of the frog under isotonic conditions, studied both gravimetrically and by infrared photometry, reveals three water compartments: (i) non-exchangeable ( 80 ml/kg fresh weight), (ii) slowly exchanging ( 500 ml/kg fresh weight), (iii) rapid exchanging — extracellular ( 200 ml/kg fresh weight). Exposure to both glycerol and glutaraldehyde increases the permeability coefficients and the amount of rapid exchanging water; glutaraldehyde also increases the amount of nonexchangeable water. Approximately 90% of the water is kept in the tissue only by weak intermolecular forces, the energies of which amount to 1 kcal/mol. The amount of non-exchangeable water is equivalent to about six continuous adsorption layers covering the myofilaments. Approximately 70 % of the tissue water appears to be replaced by glutaraldehyde during standard fixation.  相似文献   

During excitation–contraction coupling in skeletal muscle, calcium ions are released into the myoplasm by the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) in response to depolarization of the fibre’s exterior membranes. Ca2+ then diffuses to the thin filaments, where Ca2+ binds to the Ca2+ regulatory sites on troponin to activate muscle contraction. Quantitative studies of these events in intact muscle preparations have relied heavily on Ca2+-indicator dyes to measure the change in the spatially-averaged myoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration (Δ[Ca2+]) that results from the release of SR Ca2+. In normal fibres stimulated by an action potential, Δ[Ca2+] is large and brief, requiring that an accurate measurement of Δ[Ca2+] be made with a low-affinity rapidly-responding indicator. Some low-affinity Ca2+ indicators monitor Δ[Ca2+] much more accurately than others, however, as reviewed here in measurements in frog twitch fibres with sixteen low-affinity indicators. This article also examines measurements and simulations of Δ[Ca2+] in mouse fast-twitch fibres. The simulations use a multi-compartment model of the sarcomere that takes into account Ca2+’s release from the SR, its diffusion and binding within the myoplasm, and its re-sequestration by the SR Ca2+ pump. The simulations are quantitatively consistent with the measurements and appear to provide a satisfactory picture of the underlying Ca2+ movements.  相似文献   

Intramyocellular lipids (IMCL) are stored as discrete lipid droplets which are associated with a number of proteins. The lipid droplet-associated protein adipophilin (the human orthologue of adipose differentiation-related protein) is ubiquitously expressed and is one of the predominant lipid droplet-proteins in skeletal muscle. The aim of this study was to investigate the subcellular distribution of adipophilin in human muscle fibres and to measure the colocalisation of adipophilin with IMCL. Muscle biopsies from six lean male cyclists (BMI 23.4 ± 0.4, aged 31 ± 2 years, W max 346 ± 8) were stained for myosin heavy chain type 1, IMCL, adipophilin and mitochondria using immunofluorescence and viewed with widefield and confocal fluorescence microscopy. The present study shows that like IMCL, the adipophilin content is ~twofold greater in type I skeletal muscle fibres and is situated in the areas between the mitochondrial network. Colocalisation analysis demonstrated that 61 ± 2% of IMCL contain adipophilin. Although the majority of adipophilin is contained within IMCL, 36 ± 4% of adipophilin is not associated with IMCL. In conclusion, this study indicates that the IMCL pool is heterogenous, as the majority but not all IMCL contain adipophilin.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the M-band in soleus (SOL) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles in newborn and four-week-old rats was studied using electron-microscopic techniques. In newborn rats, all myotubes and fibres in both muscles had an identical myofibrillar appearance. A five-line M-band pattern was seen in longitudinal sections and distinct M-bridges in cross-sections. The Z-discs were of medium width. On the other hand, in four-week-old rats, different muscle fibre types were observed on the basis of their myofibrillar pattern. In SOL two fibre types were distinguished in longitudinal sections. One had a four-line M-band pattern and very broad Z-discs, whereas the other type had five lines in the M-band and broad Z-discs. In EDL, three different myofibrillar patterns were observed. The M-bands were composed of three, four or five lines. Fibres had either thin, broad or medium Z-disc widths, respectively. In cross-sections of the SOL muscle one group of fibres showed indistinct M-bridges, whereas distinct M-bridges were seen in the other fibres and in all observed EDL muscle fibres. We conclude that initially there seems to be a single intrinsic program for M-band genesis; this program becomes modified upon the induction of functionally differentiated fibres.  相似文献   

Eccentric and posteccentric force behaviour in human skeletal muscle and in isolated frog muscle fibres was studied by imposing stretch-and-hold loading conditions during contractions with maximal voluntary effort or under tetanic stimulation in the isolated preparations. The investigations on human muscle were made on the forearm flexors of a group of kayak racers (n = 16; age: 17-22 years) and of schoolgirls (n = 15; age: 17-18 years) with both groups participating in a strength-training programme over 4 (kayak racers) or 3 (girls) months. Half of the training regime consisted of eccentric elements. In the isolated muscle fibres, it could be shown that in the posteccentric hold phase the enhanced force decayed exponentially to the original isometric value with a mean time-constant of 0.35 s (10 degrees C) and of 0.23 (20 degrees C). In the forearm flexor of human subjects similar results were obtained not only qualitatively but even quantitatively (time constant of posteccentric force decay: 0.25-0.37 s). Strength training in both groups did not lead to an enhancement in maximal isometric force alone [mean increase in force 17 (SD 10)%], a well-known and generally accepted fact, but also to a parallel shift in eccentric [21 (SD 10)%] and posteccentric force level. The close similarity between the findings in isolated muscle fibres and in human muscle in situ suggests that the eccentric and posteccentric behaviour must be primarily ascribed to the contractile properties of the muscle fibres themselves. A three-element muscle model with variable visco-elastic properties would appear to be most suitable for simulating the experimental findings.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is a positive regulator in proliferation and differentiation of skeletal muscle cells, while myostatin (MSTN) is a member of transforming growth factor beta superfamily that acts as a negative regulator of skeletal muscle mass. The present study was performed to detail whether a correlation exists between MSTN and IGF-1 in skeletal muscle of IGF-1 knockout mice (IGF-1(-/-)) and their wild type (WT; i.e., IGF-1(+/+)) littermates. The body weight of IGF-1(-/-) animals was 32% that of WT littermates. The fiber cross-sectional areas (CSA) and number of fibers in M. rectus femoris of IGF-1(-/-) animals were 49 and 59% those of WT animals, respectively. Thus, muscle hypoplasia of IGF-1(-/-) undoubtedly was confirmed. Myostatin mRNA levels and protein levels were similar between M. gastrocnemius of IGF-1(-/-) and WT animals. Myostatin immunoreactivity was similarly localized in muscle fibers of both IGF-1(-/-) and WT M. rectus femoris. The mRNA levels of MyoD family (Myf5, MyoD, MRF4, myogenin) were differentially expressed in IGF-1(-/-)M. gastrocnemius, in which the mRNA expression of MRF4 and myogenin was significantly lower, whereas there were no changes in the mRNA expression of Myf5 and MyoD. These findings first describe that myostatin expression is not influenced by intrinsic failure of IGF-1, although MRF4 and myogenin are downregulated.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) is a major degradation system for regulatory and misfolded proteins. UPS function has been implicated to exert a central role in the pathogenesis of various human diseases. Because biochemical analyses are often hampered by the amount of available diseased tissue, we report on the establishment and validation of a luminescence-based proteasomal activity assay applicable to 5-mg quantities of skeletal muscle. We demonstrate that the specific proteasomal activity differs in individual muscle groups and decreases with aging. These findings warrant the use of appropriate controls and a careful interpretation of results in mammalian skeletal muscle pathologies.  相似文献   

Among the four proteolytic systems in the cell, autophagy and the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) are the main proteolytic events that allow for the removal of cell debris and proteins to maintain cellular homeostasis. Previous studies have revealed that these systems perform their functions independently of each other. However, recent studies indicate the existence of regulatory interactions between these proteolytic systems via ubiquitinated tags and a reciprocal regulation mechanism with several crosstalk points. UPS plays an important role in the elimination of short-lived/soluble misfolded proteins, whereas autophagy eliminates defective organelles and persistent insoluble protein aggregates. Both of these systems seem to act independently; however, disruption of one pathway affects the activity of the other pathway and contributes to different pathological conditions. This review summarizes the recent findings on direct and indirect dependencies of autophagy and UPS and their execution at the molecular level along with the important drug targets in skeletal muscle atrophy.  相似文献   

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