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The undecapeptide substanceP(SP) was shown to be intimately involved in both the structural and functional aspects of the anterior pituitary.Yet,in addition to its influences on hormonal secretion,SP may well possess more actions in this master gland.The present study was ftherefore aimed to investigate the effect of SP on the proliferation of rat anterior pituitary cells in primary culture,It was found that SP could dose-dependently increase the incorporation of tritiated thymidine(3H-TdR) into cultured anterior pituitary cells.Other mammalian tachykinins such as neurokinin A and neurokinin B had similar effect but to varying degrees.The equipotent analogue of SP,Norleucine^11-SP(Nle^11-SP),also acted likewise.with its action antagonizable by spantide,a SP receptor blocker.To further characterize the nature of cells responsive to the challenge of SP,immunocytochemical staining against S-100 protein and some adenohypophyseal hormones was performed alone or plus autoradiography.The results showed that the percentage of S-100 proteinimmunorective cells was apparently elevated by the addtion of Nle^11-Sp for 48h,which indicates a preferential proliferation of folliculo-stellate cells under the regime .This was confirmed by increases in immunocytochemical or autoradiographical labelling indices of anterior pituitary Substance P and anterior pituitary cell proliferation.Cells treated similarly.Taken together,These results reveal that the trophic action of SP observed previously in other tissues is also present at least in cultured rat anterior pituitary cells.with responding cells being predominantly folliculo-stellate cells as typified by S-100 proteinimmunoreactivity.Therefore,an intra-pituitary trophicaction of SP in vivo could be anticipated.  相似文献   

Summary Electron microscopic studies have been carried out on the innervation of the mammalian anterior pituitary and parathyroids. The total area of grid squares (2.25·10–2mm2) examined was 2000 per gland and species. In the pituitary pars distalis and in the parenchyma of the parathyroid gland we did not observe a single axon profile. According to the equation proposed by Hennig (1963) we have calculated that there might be—if any—0.133 mm of nerves per 1 mm3 tissue in those two endocrine glands (level of significance 0.95). Comparing these results to the degree of innervation in brown adipose tissue containing more than 160 mm nerve per 1 mm3 tissue we can not imagine that such a small degree of innervation is of any biological importance.In the pituitary pars tuberalis two types of axon terminals have been found both inside and outside the basement membrane surrounding the epithelial complexes. One type contains synaptic and two populations of smaller dense-cored vesicles, the other one contains a population of larger granules which have some properties of the classical elementary granules. Further investigations have to clarify the functional significance of those nerve endings.This investigation was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary A dorsal-horn fiber system is revealed in the thoracic spinal cord of guinea pig by means of substance P immunocytochemistry. This system has repeated craniocaudal and/or caudo-cranial extensions and possesses five main components: (1) a superficial network, situated beneath the dorsolateral surface of the spinal cord. This network is connected with the dorsal root fibers and the accumulations of substance P-like immunoreactive (SP-LI) fibers in the Lissauer's tract; (2) an accumulation of SP-LI fibers in the Lissauer's tract at the border of the dorsal horn; (3) two collateral SP-LI fascicles (one lateral and one medial) emerging from the SP-LI fiber accumulation in the Lissauer's tract; (4) a transversal fascicle running through laminae III–V, and (5) an SP-LI network in the region of the lateral spinal cord nucleus. These components of the dorsal-horn fiber system show widespread connections with ipsi-and contralateral spinal cord areas, connecting them in cranio-caudal and/or caudo-cranial directions. The SP-LI dorsal-horn system has close relationship with groups of preganglionic sympathetic cells in the intermediate zone of the spinal cord, respective with the vegetative network of this zone. It is suggested that some fibers of the dorsal-horn system that originate from dorsal-root ganglia may represent primary sensory or visceral afferents. It is likely that the dorsal-horn fiber system and the vegetative network of the thoracic spinal cord may represent the morphological basis for the integration of (1) the central and peripheral vegetative nervous systems, and (2) the somatic and vegetative nervous system.  相似文献   

The distribution and origin of substance P (SP) and neurokinin A (NKA) were studied in rat in the anterior buccal glands, which are minor mucous salivary glands. Indirect immunofluorescence staining showed moderate SP and NKA innervation of salivary acini and interlobular ducts, whereas blood vessels were more sparsely innervated, and there were few nerve fibers in the stroma and around the intralobular ducts. About 10%–20% of the trigeminal ganglion cells showed equally strong immunoreactivity to both SP and NKA. Unilateral denervation of the branches of the trigeminal nerve caused complete disappearance of the stromal fibers and greatly reduced the number of all other SP-immunoreactive and NKA-immunoreactive nerve fibers. In the superior cervical ganglia, SP and NKA immunoreactivity was restricted to small intensely fluorescent cells; SP and NKA immunoreactivity was absent from principal ganglionic cells, and thus sympathectomy had no any effect on the number or distribution of fibers immunoreactive for SP and NKA in the anterior buccal glands. The fibers remaining after sensory denervation could have been of parasympathetic origin, indicating a dual origin of nerves immunoreactive for SP and NKA in these glands. The present data demonstrate that the major part of the glandular SP and NKA innervation in the minor salivary glands derives from the trigeminal ganglia. The distribution of the peripheral nerve fibers indicates that they may play a role in the delivery of potent neuropeptides involved in the vascular, secretory, and motor (myoepithelial cells) functions of salivary glands.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemistry for substance P (SP) in the rat thymus revealed fine varicose neural profiles in specific regions of the thymus. Thymic SP innervation was abundant within the capsule and interlobular septa. The majority of SP+ nerve fibers within the septa were free of vascular association, although some fibers were associated with the vasculature deep within the septa. SP+ nerve fibers entered the thymic cortex from the septa and distributed among cortical thymocytes and mast cells. Along the corticomedullary junction, SP+ nerve fibers were found in association with the vasculature. The medullary region of the thymus received only a sparse innervation of SP+ fibers. In addition, SP+ nerve fibers coursed adjacent to OX-8+ cells and mast cells in the extrathymic connective tissue surrounding the thymus. The present study provides evidence that SP is present in nerve fibers in the thymus, and may be available to interact with thymocytes, mast calls, and other cells in the thymus, and affect their development and function.  相似文献   

Summary Pituitary glands were examined using reference staining (hematoxylin and eosin, periodic acid-Schiff and alcian blue) and the peroxidase-labeled antibody method, for 1) invading anterior cells in the posterior lobe, 2) intermediate colloid forming follicles, and 3) pars tuberalis cells.The results showed: 1) that the majority of cases possessed invading anterior cells of various amount. Most of these cells were positive for ACTH1–18, ACTH17–39 and -MSH. However, on a few occasions, scattered GH, PRL, FSH, FSH, LH and even TSH cells were also present. 2) Colloid forming follicular cells were mostly ACTH cells, but also contained occasional other hormone-secreting cells. Hormone negative cells were correlated with salivary type epithelium. Well established acinic type salivary glands and ciliated epithelium were negative for any hormones immunohistochemically. 3) Pars tuberalis cells were predominantly gonadotrophs but also included TSH and ACTH cells. Some cells appeared to contain both FSH and LH. When these cells underwent squamous metaplasia, they seemed to lose their hormone secreting activity.Part of this study was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Cancer Research from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan  相似文献   

In the present work we examined the effect of the neutralization of endogenous substance P by the administration of an anti-substance P serum (ASPS) on GABA concentration in the anterior pituitary in hyperprolactinemic conditions induced by 5-hydroxytryptophan or by grafting anterior pituitaries. ASPS reduced the increase in the anterior pituitary GABA concentration induced by hyperprolactinemia. In vitro experiments showed that substance P inhibited K+-evoked GABA efflux from hypothalamic fragments and decreased GABA concentration in the anterior pituitary but ASPS increased it. Our results demonstrate that substance P modifies hypothalamic GABA release and anterior pituitary GABA concentration and suggest that an interaction exists between substance P and GABA.  相似文献   

Summary Cellular proliferation in the anterior pituitary of 2-, 8-, 15- and 30-day-old rats was examined by injection of bromodeoxyuridine 1 h before autopsy. Bromodeoxyuridine incorporated into DNA was detected immunohistochemically by use of a monoclonal antibody. The highest rate of cell proliferation was found in 2-day-old animals; it decreased thereafter during the postnatal period. Possible toxic effects of colchicine on cellular proliferation were examined. Colchicine treatment (10 mg/kg in 8- and 30-day-old animals) significantly decreased the number of bromodeoxyuridine-labelled cells/mm2 in 8-day-old rats. Some sections were doubly immunostained for bromodeoxyuridine and various pituitary hormones. The proportion of doubly-immunostained cells to all proliferating cells was generally low, ranging from 23% at 2 days to 32% at 30 days of age.On leave from the Department of Human Anatomy and Histology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain  相似文献   

Summary The distributional patterns of serotonin-, luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH)-, oxytocin (OXT)- and vasopressin (VP)-immunoreactive nerve fibers were studied in the subcommissural organ (SCO) of the dog by use of the peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique.Abundant serotonergic and moderate numbers of peptidergic nerve fibers running toward the ventricular surface were observed among the cylindrical ependymal cells in the SCO of the dog. Concerning the distributional density of the peptidergic nerve fibers, VP-immunoreactive fibers displayed the highest and LHRH-immunoreactive fibers the lowest values. Most serotonergic and peptidergic fibers returned to the basal portion of the SCO after forming loops immediately beneath the ventricular surface of the ependymal layer. Serotonin-immunoreactive fibers often established a perivascular plexus around the blood vessels in the SCO.At the electron-microscopic level, after use of antiserum to serotonin dark immunoprecipitate was observed in large granular vesicles and the matrix surrounding small and large, clear vesicles and mitochondria; VP immunoreactivity was localized in the large granular vesicles.Serotonergic nerve fibers could be detected in the SCO of the newborn dog. Although the distributional density was in principle not different from that in the adult animal, individual fibers showed immature features such as growth cones and insufficiently swollen varicosities. After penetrating into the ventricle, in the newborn dog, a few serotonin-immunoreactive fibers ran for a relatively long distance on the ependymal surface.  相似文献   

Summary Snell dwarf mice display remarkable retardation of growth after birth and are known to lack prolactin (PRL), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and growth hormone (GH). The aim of this study was to determine the reason for these hormonal deficiencies. We examined the fine structure of the gland and its immunohistochemical staining pattern with respect to antisera raised against PRL, TSH, GH, adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). The gland of control mice reacted immunohistochemically against all antisera used, whereas only ACTH-producing cells (ACTH cells) and LH-producing cells (LH cells) were distinguished in the dwarf mice. ACTH cells in dwarf mice varied in cell shape, although they were similar in size to those of controls. The distribution of secretory granules in the cytoplasm varied from cell to cell. LH cells in the dwarf mice showed immature features, having poorly developed rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. The cells were about half the size of controls, and secretory granules were smaller. In dwarf mice, non-granulated cells were encountered in addition to granulated ACTH and LH cells. Some of them formed small clusters, characteristic cell junctions being found between the cells; they thus appeared to be follicular cells. The above results suggest that hormone deficiency in Snell dwarf mice is a result of a defect in the hormoneproducing cells in the gland.  相似文献   

Abstract: Several substance P-rich areas in rat CNS had increased levels of substance P-like immunoreactivity following the intraventricular injection of the protease inhibitors SQ 20881, SQ 14225, and leupeptin. There were significant differences in response patterns from region to region, possibly on account of an interaction of anatomical, biochemical, or physiological variables. Although the compound SQ 14225 appeared to be the most potent of the inhibitors examined, it had no apparent effect on CNS substance P-like immunoreactivity when administered peripherally.  相似文献   

Summary Substance P-immunoreactive nerve terminals were found in several locations in the anterior segment of the rabbit eye. In the iris they occurred in the sphincter muscle and were randomly distributed in the iris stroma with some fibres running close to the dilator muscle. In the ciliary body these immunoreactive elements were few and occurred within bundles of nerve fibres, while in the ciliary processes they were more numerous with a predominantly subepithelial location. Blood vessels in the anterior uvea were often surrounded by substance P-immunoreactive fibres. No substance P-fibres were found in the cornea, while the sclera contained very few such elements.Using conventional in vitro techniques it was found that the sphincter pupillae muscle of the iris responded to electrical stimulation with a contraction that was resistant to cholinergic and adrenergic blockade, but was inhibited by the neuronal blocker tetrodotoxin. This indicates the existence of a non-cholinergic, non-adrenergic neuronal mediator of the contractile response. Exogenously applied substance P produced a long-lasting contraction of the spincter muscle, an observation compatible with the view that substance P is the noncholinergic, non-adrenergic neurotransmitter involved.  相似文献   

The distribution of LH-RH-positive nerve fibers in the median eminence was demonstrated in the 1970s and 1980s. A few LH-RH fibers have been reported to be present in the adjacent pars tuberalis of the pituitary, but their functional significance has not been clarified and still remains enigmatic. Adult male Wistar-Imamichi rats were separated into two groups: one for immunohistochemistry of LH-RH and S-100 protein (for the identification of folliculo-stellate cells) and the other for electron microscopy. For both immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy, the specimens obtained contained the pituitary gland connected with the hypothalamus. Numerous LH-RH-positive fibers were observed as tiny lines with several varicosities both on the primary vascular plexus and in the hypothalamus corresponding to the posterior half of the portal vein area. LH-RH-positive fibers were also noted around S-100-positive cells in the pars tuberalis. Weakly reactive S-100 cells were scattered in the pars tuberalis in the midsagittal plane, while clusters of strong reactive elements occurred 100–300 m from the center. Similar observations were made using fluorescence immunohistochemistry for LH-RH and S-100, and at the electron-microscopic level. At the posterior portion of the portal vein system, bundles of the LH-RH-immunoreactive fibers invaded the pars tuberalis and terminated on agranular cells. Gap junctions were clearly seen among agranular cells corresponding to folliculo-stellate cells. It is postulated that the LH-RH message might be transmitted not only by the established hypophyseal portal vein system but also via the folliculo-stellate cells in the pars tuberalis to aid in the modulation of LH release.  相似文献   

The objective of this immunohistochemical study was to identify the spatial distribution patterns of growth hormone (GH) secreting cells (somatotrophs) in the newborn and prepubertal porcine pituitary. No differences were observed among the total somatotrophs per unit area across the three ages. There were, however, changes in spatial distribution of somatotrophs in porcine pituitary with developmental age. Distinctive characteristics of the pattern included a high population of somatotrophs (44±1.2; mean ± standard error of the mean per 30,495 m2) in regions 1 and 5 and a low population (22±1.4) in regions 2 and 4 at each level (P<0.05). Somatotrophs increased 55% in region 3 from proximal to distal levels at all ages. With increasing age, however, somatotrophs in region 3 at the proximal level decreased 33%. From these results, we suggest that there may be regional specificity of cellular differentiation and transformation to facilitate GH secretion to meet the need for endocrine regulation as the animal ages.  相似文献   

Summary After an exposure of 24 h to synthetic LHRH (100 ng/ml) in vitro, the anterior pituitaries of 4-day-old rats show a notable loss of immunoreactive material in most LH cells in males, but not in females. When radioimmunoassayed without incubation, the pituitary LH content of 4-day-old female rats is 2.8 times higher than that of males of the same age. LHRH treatment stimulates a higher rate of LH discharge in females than in males, but if LH release is expressed as a percentage of the initial pituitary LH content, there is no apparent difference. In both sexes, more than 70% of the initially stored LH is discharged into the medium after 24 h of LHRH stimulation. In males, this discharge produces a pronounced depletion, but in females, the pituitary still contains 78.2% of the initial LH content despite the large amount of hormone released.From these results, it is concluded that in newborn rats the LH synthetic rate in females is higher than that in males. This high synthetic activity, together with the large store of LH, may explain why prolonged LHRH treatment fails to cause LH depletion in females. At 4 days of age LHRH had no stimulatory effect on pituitary synthesis of LH in either sex.  相似文献   

Summary Pituicytes of Rana pipiens could be classified into two types, pale and dense, according to their relative densities of cytoplasm and the populations of free ribosomes and cell organelles. An intermediate type of pituicyte was also recognized.Lipid droplet such as are typical in the cytoplasm of mammalian pituicytes, are not in the cytoplasm of either types of frog pituicyte. Both types have long cytoplasmic processes which run among the nerve fibers, and some of them end at the pericapillary space.Nerve endings making synapse-like contacts with the cell bodies or the processes of the pituicyte are frequent. According to the structures and sizes of granules and vesicles in the nerve endings, these endings are classified into one of three types: 1) A, which appears to be a peptidergic neuronal ending containing dense granules 1,200–2,000 Å in diameter and small clear vesicles 300–400 Å in diameter; 2) B, which appear to be monoaminergic endings containing cored vesicles 600–1,000 Å in diameter and small clear vesicles 300–500 Å in diameter; 3) C, which appear to be cholinergic endings containing only small clear vesicles. Type C endings are relatively rare. In the synaptic area the axonal membranes appose those of the pituicytes across a gap of about 200 Å and numerous presynaptic vesicles are clustered or accumulated near the presynaptic membranes.The author wish to express his hearty thanks Professor Dr. A. Gorbman, Zoology Department, University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A. and Professor Dr. H. Fujita for their helpful advices and criticisms. The frog tissues were obtained and fixed in Professor A. Gorbman's laboratory supported by U.S.P.H.S. grant NS 04887.  相似文献   

Substance P-like immunoreactive (SPLI) nerve fibers were demonstrated in the Krause corpuscles of the dog's tongue using the indirect immunofluorescence method and cholinesterase histochemistry. SPLI nerve fibers were often in contact with Krause end bulbs and occasionally entered them. From this result it was suggested that substance P might be involved in sensory mechanism of the Krause apparatus.  相似文献   

Summary Prolactin cells from anterior pituitary glands of normal non-lactating female rats, and lactating animals, some of which were separated from their pups for 48 hours, were examined ultrastructurally for the presence of microfilaments. Microfilaments were found in specific intracellular locations in all cells examined. They were in association with the nuclear envelope, the Golgi complex, the endoplasmic reticulum, small vesicles of the endoplasmic reticulum, and secretory granules. The possible role of microfilaments in the movement of intracellular organelles is considered.This investigation was supported by the National Institutes of Health grants AM 12583 and TW 02023.The authors wish to express their gratitude to Mr. M. G. Williams and Miss Pauline Cisneros for their excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary Distribution of serotonin fibers in the spinal cord of the dog was investigated by means of a modified PAP method; a rabbit anti-serotonin serum prepared in the laboratory of the authors was used in this study. Serotonin fibers were revealed as PAP-positive dark-brown elements displaying dot-like varicosities (0.5–2.0 m in diameter). In the spinal cord of the dog, the distribution of serotonin fibers is extensive. These fibers occur more densely in more caudal segments and are most prominent at the sacrococcygeal level. From the level of the cervical spinal cord to the upper lumbar region, the descending serotonin fibers are located immediately under the pia mater in the ventrolateral portion of the lateral funiculus. In more caudal segments, serotonin fibers are dispersed throughout the ventral and lateral funiculi. These longitudinal en passage-fibers send numerous transverse collaterals to the gray matter. Serotonin fibers are distributed abundantly in the laminae I and III of the posterior column, while only a few fibers are found in the lamina II (substantia gelatinosa). In the intermediate zone, two descending serotonin pathways, i.e., lateral and medial longitudinal bundles, are observed to coincide topographically with the nucleus intermediolateralis at C8(T1)-L3(L4) and the nucleus intermediomedialis at C1-Co respectively. The former is particularly prominent and communicates with the contralateral bundle via commissural bundles at intervals of 300–500 m. The large motoneurons in the anterior column, especially those in the nucleus myorabdoticus lateralis within the cervical and lumbar enlargements, are closely surrounded by fine networks of serotonin fibers and terminals.Supported by a grant (No. 56440022) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan  相似文献   

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