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广东是南药植物的重要原产地之一,具有丰富的野生药用植物资源,但以往针对野生珍稀濒危南药资源的调查研究不够全面。通过样线法和核实法,对广东64个自然保护地进行野外实地调查,记录到野生珍稀濒危南药植物30科38属38种,以金毛狗分布最广、数量最多(64处21 350株);苏铁蕨16处1 314株和绣球茜3处1 302株位居第2、第3位,其余种类数量均少于1 000株。广布种仅金毛狗,无常见种,少见种仅桫椤,罕见种31种占比超过80%。严重濒临灭绝和濒临灭绝的种类分别有21种和12种,合计超过80%,只有金毛狗和苏铁蕨为低危种。总体上,珍稀濒危的种类数量较多,分布点偏少,种群数量偏少;尤其是药用价值较高的短萼黄连、金耳环、走马胎等数量极少。建议加强对这些野生资源的就地保护、迁地保护、科研研究和宣传教育。  相似文献   

正中药材自古以来讲究道地,如"川广云贵"道地药材、浙八味、四大怀药、四大南药、十大广药等。根据国内药学界通用的定义,南药是指长江以南地区所产的道地药材,有1500余种。在众多南药中,槟榔、益智、砂仁、巴戟天被称为中国四大南药。  相似文献   

正清代屈大均在《广东新语》的"黩货"中有曰"又戒在任官吏不得私市南药",这可能是我国"南药"一词的最早记载。1969年,国家商业部、外贸部、农垦部、林业部、卫生部、财政部六部委联合签发《关于发展南药生产问题的意见》,"南药"一词开始逐渐频繁地见诸各种文献资料和中药材生产的文件中。  相似文献   

为了建立适用于南药益智的SRAP-PCR体系,并筛选特异性引物用于研究不同地理居群的南药益智的遗传多样性,采集了海南不同地理居群的益智资源,利用植物基因组DNA提取试剂盒提取益智基因组DNA,并检测其纯度和浓度。采用正交试验对SRAP-PCR体系进行优化,最终建立了最优反应体系(总体积为25 μL):Taq酶0.5 U,dNTPs 4 mmol/L,Mg2+ 2 mmol/L,引物各2 μmol/L,DNA模板10 ng,10×PCR buffer 2.5 μL。再利用最优反应体系对144对引物进行筛选,共获得7对特异性引物,其扩增片段的大小均在100~2 000 bp以内且分布较均匀,多态性条带比率皆达85%以上。该研究结果为南药益智遗传多样性的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

正顶着盛夏的烈日,我们一群南药痴钻进了德庆乡村的一片藤架地里,顿时感觉丝丝凉意袭来。望着这一排排整齐的藤架,我们还以为钻进了一片瓜菜地里了,豆角、丝瓜、苦瓜……然而,非也,这是德庆的道地南药种植区——何首乌种植示范基地。好吧,我们这篇的南药叙话就索性从这夜交藤下开始吧。  相似文献   

巴戟天(Morinda officinalis)是我国传统四大南药之一。本文系统地梳理了中国历代本草及近现代文献对南药巴戟天的基原、产地变迁、加工炮制和品质评价等方面的记载。经考证,古今巴戟天基原植物差异很大,清末以前本草记载的巴戟天涉及基原植物有6科10属12种,通过比对本草文献中对巴戟天的有效生物学描述,可以明确古代巴戟天来源于葡萄科(Vitaceae)三叶崖爬藤(Tetrastigma hemsleynum Diels et Gilg)、百合科(Liliflorae)沿阶草(Ophiopogon bodinieri Levl.)及开口箭(Campylandra chinensis(Baker)M.N.Tamura et al.)3种;古代巴戟天产地与现代《中国药典》记载的品种产地差异大;炮制方法古今沿用,炮制品有盐巴戟天、制巴戟天和酒巴戟天;品质以条粗大而且呈连珠状、肉厚、色紫质软、内芯木部细、味微甜、无蛀虫、体干者为佳。通过本草考证,可厘清巴戟天古今之变,为巴戟天商品规格研制提供保障。  相似文献   

南药巴戟天本草考证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巴戟天(Morinda officinalis)是我国传统四大南药之一。本文系统地梳理了中国历代本草及近现代文献对南药巴戟天的基原、产地变迁、加工炮制和品质评价等方面的记载。经考证,古今巴戟天基原植物差异很大,清末以前本草记载的巴戟天涉及基原植物有6科10属12种,通过比对本草文献中对巴戟天的有效生物学描述,可以明确古代巴戟天来源于葡萄科(Vitaceae)三叶崖爬藤(Tetrastigma hemsleynum Diels et Gilg)、百合科(Liliflorae)沿阶草(Ophiopogon bodinieri Levl.)及开口箭(Campylandra chinensis(Baker)M.N.Tamura et al.)3种;古代巴戟天产地与现代《中国药典》记载的品种产地差异大;炮制方法古今沿用,炮制品有盐巴戟天、制巴戟天和酒巴戟天;品质以条粗大而且呈连珠状、肉厚、色紫质软、内芯木部细、味微甜、无蛀虫、体干者为佳。通过本草考证,可厘清巴戟天古今之变,为巴戟天商品规格研制提供保障。  相似文献   

我校建立生物园十多年来,尽管海南的生物学教学历经风风雨雨,但我校的生物园却越办越好,学生们总是喜欢到园里上课,称它为“绿色课堂”。“建园为用园,用园为育人”是我们的指导思想,把生物园真正办成为教学园。科学实验园和绿化美化园是我们的目标。我校生物园面积约三亩,园的中央分设四个区:即植物形态区、植物分类区、植物进化区和植物实验区;左边设植物群落区(含水池植物群落和人工森林群落),右边设南药区(含中草药);园后端设花卉栽培区、动物饲养区和钢筋水泥框架结构的露天绿荫课堂。课堂备有水泥长条凳、讲台、黑板,…  相似文献   

正资源库简介国家南药基因资源库(国家基本药物所需中药材种质资源库),是我国唯一的、收集保存顽拗性药用植物种质资源的国家级综合性种质资源库,位于海南省海口市国家高新区,由国家中医药管理局立项,依托中国医学科学院药用植物研究所海南分所建设和运行。国家南药基因资源库是在结合我国生态环境和中药资源特点的基础上,对我国南部热带和亚热带地区中药资源普查工作收  相似文献   

益智仁的化学成分   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
益智仁为姜科(Zingiberaceae)山姜属(Alpinia Roxb.)植物益智(A.oxyphylla Miq.)的干燥成熟果实,为中国四大南药之一,主产于海南和广东等地,为常用中药材。益智仁具有温脾止泻摄唾和暖肾固精缩尿等功效,临床多用于脾肾虚寒不固所致诸症[1]。从益智仁中已分离出二芳基庚烷类、倍半萜类、黄酮、甾体和有机酸等多种成分[2-3]。药理研究表明:益智仁  相似文献   

An ethnobotanical survey on the medicinal plant species marketed in Quanzhou, southern Fujian, was conducted in order to document traditional medicinal knowledge and application of medicinal plants in dietary. In addition to literature review, data was obtained using ethnobotanical tools and methods, including personal interviews during field trips, collecting herbarium specimens, and species identification by cross referencing. The results showed that: 1) There are 148 wild medicinal species, belonging to 56 plant families and 117 genera present in Quanzhou, southern Fujian. Among them, 46 species are edible wild herbs, 37 species are medicinal plants, 38 species are used as tea substituting plants or herbal tea,22 species are wild fruits, 4 species are used as spices and 1 species is used to make bean jelly; 2) The plant families which comprise a major part of the pool are Compositae, Lamiaceae, Rosaceae, Leguminosae, Rubiaceae, Liliaceae, Orchidaceae and Moraceae; 3) This study explored the utilization of the medicinal plants in Quanzhou area, and proposed methods to inherit the culture of using wild plants in dietary, as well as methods to conserve the edible medicinal wild plant resources.  相似文献   

In southern Brazil, the biodiversity is great and the traditional use of medicinal plants for wound healing has been documented in ethnobotanical studies and pharmacological studies have assessed their wound properties and phytochemistry. Therefore, this study evaluated ethnobotanical surveys regarding medicinal plants used in southern Brazil for wound healing and studies about the healing properties of these plants published between 2000 and 2022. To retrieve articles related to the study, Web of Science, PubMed (NLM), Open Access Journals, Scielo, Lilacs, and Google Scholar, with keywords including medicinal plants, wound healing, and South of Brazil, have been used. As a result, 73 medicinal plants belonging to 39 families were found in ethnobotanical surveys as a traditional resource used for wound healing in southern Brazil, 15 of which were cited more than once. Besides, 14 of these 15 plants were also used as healing agents worldwide. The most cited plant with healing actions in southern Brazil was Symphytum officinale L. (comfrey). From 2000 to date, 44 articles scientifically demonstrated the wound-healing effects of the southern Brazilian plants found in ethnobotanical surveys reviewed. The folk medicine of southern Brazil presents a variety of medicinal plants for wound-healing purposes, and scientific data were found for some of those plants. However, the wound-healing properties of many plants have yet to be investigated, and the current literature still needs more phytochemical information about the plants studied. Aside from this, the future focus should be on the standardization of herbal extracts, and further research is required to investigate the pharmacological mechanisms. Clinical research in this area remains in its infancy and warrants more robust further clinical studies.  相似文献   

This overview of southern African medicinal plants of dermatological relevance explores the fundamental knowledge available on the antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and wound healing properties of medicinal plants used to treat skin ailments. Also included is an overview undertaken on the phytochemistry and toxicity of plants used in treatments related to diseases of the skin. Some findings include the predominance of leaf material used (48%), as well as the frequent use of decoctions (35%). Dermatological skin pathogens such as Propionibacterium acnes, Microsporum canis, Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Epidermophyton floccosum are recommended for study in future antimicrobial research. Attention to these aspects should lead to new directives for commercialization and provide insight towards the understanding of some neglected plant species used for the treatment of skin diseases.  相似文献   

在云南热区发掘和初步引种栽培结果的8种野生香料植物,为珍贵资源。从它们的利用部位花、果、叶和根中,可提取芳香油,主要成分分别为芳樟醇、香叶醇、金合欢醇、黄樟素、柠檬醛、茴香醚及癸醛、十二碳醛等,含量相当高,为重要调香原料,有的作药用,颇具发展种植和开发利用价值。  相似文献   

The family Cucurbitaceae is represented in Nigeria by 21 genera, many of which are of considerable economic importance. Certain genera, such asTelfairia, Cucurbita andCitrullus, are commonly cultivated in southern Nigeria since their fruits and/or leaves constitute important items in the local diet. Other genera are significant as oil plants, medicinal plants, sources of tanning materials, sponges and household utensils.  相似文献   

云南思茅端午节食用药根的民族植物学调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对多民族聚居的云南思茅市及其周边村寨在端午节期间食用药根的习俗进行了较全面的民族植物学调查。思茅各民族千百年来对药根膳食均有不同程度的喜爱,他们的药根膳食知识具有地域特色,融合了汉、傣、拉祜等原住民的医药知识。思茅端午节膳食药根的种类,计38种,分别属于22科32属。对云南思茅端午节食用药根膳食的文化基础和药根膳食的开发利用前景也进行了讨论。  相似文献   

姜攀  王明元  卢静婵 《菌物学报》2012,31(5):676-689
为了解闽南地区药用植物根围丛枝菌根真菌多样性分布,作者调查了福建省漳州市20种常见药用植物根围的AM真菌。从福建省漳州市小溪镇、国强乡等地共分离出无梗囊霉属Acaulospora 12种、原囊霉属Archaeospora 1种、巨孢囊霉属Gigaspora 2种、球囊霉属Glomus 42种、盾巨孢囊霉属Scutellospora 9种,其中沙生球囊霉Glomus arenarium、金黄球囊霉Glomus aureum和厚皮球囊霉Glomus callosum等3种为我国新记录种。  相似文献   

Taraxacum officinale (dandelion) is a medicinal plant that occurs in various countries and is also reported as an invasive plant in some parts of the world. Recently, a severe case of southern blight was observed in dandelion in the Medicinal Plant House at the State University of Maringa, Umuarama, State of Parana, Brazil. A dense, cottony mycelial growth and the formation of sclerotia were observed on the plants. The fungus was isolated, inoculated into healthy plants and re‐isolated. Samples were sequenced for rDNA regions ITS4 and ITS5. The inoculated plants presented symptoms of southern blight, beginning at the base of the plant and eventually killing the plant. DNA analysis revealed a 99% species identity index for Athelia rolfsii (anamorph: Sclerotium rolfsii).  相似文献   

药用植物是中药的原料,是中药产业的源头,其生长发育受遗传和环境等诸多因素的影响。以往研究强调植物基因型及生态因子对药用植物产量和品质的影响。近几年,随着人类微生物组研究的推进,植物微生物组作为植物整体的重要组成部分在药用植物的生长发育、品质形成甚至药效等方面的作用也日益受到重视,有关植物微生物组的多样性,微生物组在植物生长发育中的作用已有较详细的综述,而有关药用植物微生物组及其与药用植物次生代谢产物间关系的综述较少。本文重点总结了自2010年以来药用植物微生物组的研究进展,包括药用植物微生物组物种组成、功能及其与药用植物次生代谢产物产生的关系等,并对其在药用植物提质增效及其生态种植中的潜在应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

药用植物基因组及EST研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以生物信息学数据库GenBank的生物信息为基础 ,对包括《中国药典》2 0 0 0年版一部、《新编中药志》第 1~ 3卷、《中国大百科全书》(中国传统医学分册 )、中国医学科学院药物研究所编写的《中草药现代研究》及《天然药物化学》第三版中所涉及的 2 30 0多种药用植物的基因组、蛋白质及表达序列标签 (EST)的注册情况进行了初步统计 ,就相关进展进行了综述。到 2 0 0 3年 9月底截止的数据分析表明 ,66%的药用植物没有核酸序列报道 ,77%的药用植物没有蛋白质序列注册。进行药用植物基因组研究的植物与国家十分有限 ,而进行药用植物EST研究的国家相对较多 ,涉及的植物也相对集中 。  相似文献   

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