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Xenophyophores, a group of agglutinated rhizopod protists, occur in nearly all the world's oceans at depths generally in excess of 1OOO m. In certain areas they dominate deep-sea, megafaunal communities. Their widespread distribution indicates a well-established adaptive radiation. Only one fossil analogue, however, has been proposed. This is Paleodictyon , a trace fossil that superficially resembles the Recent infaunal xenophyophore Occultammina profunda in morphology. The platy xenophyophore genus Psammina closely resembles certain late Palaeozoic fossils from northeastern Kansas that have been referred to as 'phylloid algae'. Here we compare modern xenophyophore structure with that of the fossil phylloids. By reconstructing the fossils, analysing their thin sections with polarized, blue, and ultraviolet light and subjecting them to Q-switched laser ablation, we conclude that certain phylloids could represent shallow-water xenophyophores. *** Phylloid algae, xenophyophores, motphology, reconstruction, laser ablation, Pennsylvanian.  相似文献   

1987年,在云南禄丰古猿化石地点D剖面第4层(薄层黑色炭质粘土与灰色细砂互层)发现植物叶部印痕化石,经鉴定属壳斗科绝灭的雷龙潭檞叶(Dryophyllum relongtanense Colani),该种植物常参与组成亚热带至暖温带的常绿阔叶林或常绿与落叶阔叶混交林。  相似文献   

Usually marine algae are an excellent source of pigments for different commercial sectors. Freshwater macroalgae can be exploited as a good source of biologically active compounds provided an appropriate extraction method is developed. The efficiency of four methods, like microwave‐assisted (MAE), ultrasound‐assisted extraction (UAE), supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) with ethanol as a co‐solvent, as well as conventional Soxhlet extraction were studied in the same conditions (time, solvent and temperature) for the recovery of chlorophylls and carotenoids from three freshwater green algae species: Cladophora glomerata, Cladophora rivularis and Ulva flexuosa. UV‐Vis spectrophotometry was used to determine chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total carotenoid content in obtained extracts. The results of this study showed that the advantages of novel extraction techniques (MAE and UAE) include higher yield and, in consequence, lower costs compared to traditional solvent extraction techniques. These methods were much more efficient in freshwater green algae pigment recovery than the classic Soxhlet extraction as well as SFE.  相似文献   

Fossil ectomycorrhizae were found recently among permineralized plant remains in the middle Eocene Princeton chert of British Columbia. The ectomycorrhizae are associated with roots of Pinus and have a Hartig net that extends to the endodermis, a pseudoparenchymatous mantle, and contiguous extramatrical hyphae that are simple-septate. The mycorrhizal rootlets lack root hairs and dichotomize repeatedly to form large, coralloid clusters. Reproductive structures are absent. Based on the morphological characteristics, and the identity of the host, the closely related basidiomycete genera Rhizopogon and Suillus are suggested as comparable extant mycorrhizal fungi. These exquisitely preserved specimens represent the first unequivocal occurrence of fossil ectomycorrhizae and demonstrate that such associations were well-established at least 50 million years ago.  相似文献   

Glycosidase inhibitors from algae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Pharmaceuticals from cultured algae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary An algae screening program, including cultured macroalgae, cultured cyanobacteria and cultured eukaryotic microalgae has been undertaken. Methods for the isolation, purification, preservation and cultivation of axenic cyanobacteria and eukaryotic cultures have been developed. Screening of these groups for biologically active components has lead to the isolation of pachydictyol and caulerpenyne from cultured macroalgae, while a series of hapalindoles and an antifungal depsipeptide have been isolated from cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

The potential for dramatic increases in bioproductivity in algal photobioreactors relative to current biomass approaches, e.g., for converting sunlight into biofuels, by an unorthodox integration of photonics and biotechnologies is described. The key to greater biomass yields—projected as high as 100 g dry weight m−2 h−1—is a pronounced heightening of algal flux tolerance, achieved by tailoring the photonic temporal, spectral and intensity characteristics with pulsed light-emitting diodes. Such tailored photonic input is applied in concert with thin-channel ultradense culture photobioreactors with flow patterns that produce rapid light/dark algae exposure cycles. The artificial-light scheme is globally feasible only with electricity generated from renewables. Recent advances in ultra-efficient concentrator photovoltaics, as well as high-performance light-emitting diodes, create a practical reality for converting sunlight into pulsed red light and delivering it to indoor photobioreactors, with characteristic pulse times and intensities optimally suited to the rate-limiting dark reactions of photosynthesis. Cellular engineering built upon recent progress in modifying algal chlorophyll antenna size, in combination with metabolic engineering, could further enhance bioproductivity. The proposed strategy requires no major advances for implementation and adopts existing technologies. Revision submitted to Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology on 25 June 2007.  相似文献   

The diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum was cultured in five different growth regimes to obtain cells with different composition. Pairs of populations subjected to different treatments were then mixed in a communal culture regime that differed from those of origin. After 6 h, the ratio between the two populations was verified by flow cytometry. Alterations in this ratio were found when cells previously grown at 1 mM NH4+ were mixed with GeO2‐ and 0.5 mM NH4+‐grown cells. The nutritional background may thus make cells differently suited to new environmental conditions and afford advantages in terms of reproductive potential. Competitive interactions between populations may result from the differences in the expressed proteome and/or in the availability of tools for regulatory responses. This may have relevance to the persistence of phenotypically neutral variants present in the population best suited to the new condition, after the interaction of the conspecifics with different nutritional histories.  相似文献   

The occurrence of three glutamate agonists — glutamic acid, D-homocysteic acid and kainic acid — in a spontaneous mutant of Palmaria palmata is reported. Glutamic acid and D-homocysteic acid, but not kainic acid, were found in the wild-type plant. The closely related glutamate agonist, domoic acid, was found in the red alga Chondria baileyana and in the diatom Nitzschia pungens forma multiseries. In the diatom, domoic acid can build up to high levels in excess of 3% (dry wt.), making N. pungens a potential commercial source of this neuroactive amino acid. Information is also presented on the distribution, chemistry and biological activity of neuroactive amino acids from algae, and a possible biogenic relationship among kainoid metabolites is discussed. author for correspondence  相似文献   

不同流速下水华生消的模拟   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
河道型水库建成后,支流库湾水动力学条件改变,水流减缓,遇到适宜环境条件和充足营养条件后,易产生水华,从而给水生态系统带来不利影响.为调查不同水动力学条件对水华生消的影响,以流速为表征指标,在封闭循环模型中设置不同水体流速,控制环境条件和营养条件,开展室内水华生消模拟试验.结果表明:在一定范围内(<0.4 m·s-1),流速增大有利于藻类生长和水华暴发;不同流速下,藻类生长均符合微生物生长的一般规律,即经迟滞期、指数期到稳定期,最后达衰退期,水华相应出现暴发高峰和消退低谷.表明一定范围内(<0.4m·s-1)水流流速的提高并不能抑制藻类生长和水华暴发,与水华暴发有关的水动力学条件的表征指标有待深入研究.  相似文献   

Effects of nitrogen stressed algae on different Acartia species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We studied the reproductive response of two copepod species,Acartia tonsa and Acartia clausii, fed algae with differentC:N ratios (4.5 and 9.1 molar ratios respectively) in orderto investigate the influence of nutritional imbalances on calanoidcopepods egg production. Adult females were incubated with thecryptophyte Rhodomonas sp. at saturating concentrations. Thealgae were cultured under nitrogen depleted and sufficient conditions.Ingestion rates of the animals fed with different algae andtheir response in terms of egg production and hatching successof the eggs were quantified. Both species produced more eggwhen fed with nitrogen-limited algae. Ingestion rates and egghatching differed between species, but were not significantlyaffected by the quality of the food. The only difference betweenthe two species in their reaction to food quality was that A.tonsa increased the number of resting eggs, whereas no restingegg production was observed in A. clausii when fed with nitrogenlimited algae. These results support the recent suggestion thata moderately high prey C:N ratio (10–15) supports a higheregg production than a C:N ratio substantially <10.  相似文献   

Two fossil coniferous woods, Xenoxylon latiporosum (Cramer) Gothan and Protopiceoxylon amurense sp. nov. found in Heilongjiang Sheng of China are described in this paper. The diagnosis of Protopiceoxylon amurense sp. nov. is as follows: Growth rings distinct. The transition from the early wood to the late wood slightly abrupt. Tracheids of the early wood square to rectangular in the transverse section. Bordered pits on the radial walls of early wood traeheids 1-2-seriate, opposite, circular with round apertures. The erassula well marked. Walls of the late wood traeheids much thickened. Rays uniseriate and partly biseriate, 1–45 cells high. The highness of the biseriate part is often more than 2/3 that of the ray. Transverse walls of ray cells rather densely pitted and the tangential walls with marked nodular thickenings. The pitting of the cross-field is small, simple or taxodioid type. The axial wood parenchyma absent. The axial resin canal, both traumatic and normal, present, separate or gathered in tangential rows. Epithelial cells with thickwalls are more than 10 in number. The affinities of the two woods are discussed. The age of the fossil woods is assigned to Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous. It is inferred that they grew in the then north subtropical warm temperate zone and on a hilly area with an elevation of 1000 metres approximately.  相似文献   

Silicified fossil woods from the Late Cretaceous (Santonian) Aachen Formation of northeast Belgium, southernmost Netherlands and adjacent Germany were investigated. Gymnosperms dominate this assemblage: Taxodioxylon gypsaceum, T. cf. gypsaceum, T. cf. albertense (all Taxodiaceae), Dammaroxylon aachenense sp. nov. (Araucariaceae), Pinuxylon sp. (Pinaceae), and Scalaroxylon sp. (Cycad or Cycadeoid). Angiosperms are minor constituents: Nyssoxylon sp. (Nyssaceae?, Cornaceae?), Mastixioxylon symplocoides sp. nov. (Mastixiaceae?, Symplocaceae?), Plataninium decipiens (Platanaceae) and Paraphyllanthoxylon cf. marylandense (Anacardiaceae?, Burseraceae?, Lauraceae?).The composition of this assemblage and the anatomy of the woods indicate a seasonal and humid warm-temperate to subtropical climate.  相似文献   

A collection of petrified wood from the Lower Pliocene Ogallala Formation in western Oklahoma was examined. All specimens appear to be of the same taxon and exhibit features of extant Robinia species. To date, four fossil wood species of Robinia have been described. The relationship of Robinioxylon zuriensis Falqui to Robinia is doubtful because of the lack of diagnostic critical features. The remaining three, Robinia alexanderi Webber, Robinia breweri Prakash, Barghoorn and Scott, and Robinioxylon zirkelii (Platen) Müller-Stoll and Mädel do show affinity to Robinia and all have been noted as structurally similar to R. pseudoacacia. The Oklahoma woods and these three fossil species show considerable overlap in quantitative features and are identical in qualitative features. Examination of different sections (and specimens) of extant Robinia pseudoacacia wood reveals quantitative and qualitative variation similar to that found amongst the petrified woods. Robinia alexanderi, Webber, R. breweri Prakash, Barghoorn and Scott, R. zirkelii (Platen) Müller-Stoll and Mädel, and the Oklahoma specimens are considered to be conspecific as the differences between these fossil wood species are no different from those accounted for by variation within a single living species, R. pseudoacacia.  相似文献   

The Serbal granites are located in the southern Sinai Peninsula, Egypt .they are characterized by the high content of Rare earth elements (REEs), in this study different types of algae like Phaeophyta represented by C. osmundacea and Rhadophyta represented by Palmaria elegans and Chondrus Crispus have been chosen for their higher capacity of biosorption. Infrared analysis data indicate that biosorption depends especially on the components of the cell wall of the three algae, the metal biosorption process by Palmaria elegans give a great variety for complete biosorption for Samarium (Sm) in all samples except one while Europium (Eu) was absorbed totally by Chondrus Crispus and Palmaria elegans in one sample than the five samples. On the other hand, C. osmundacea and Palmaria elegans give complete biosorption for Europium in the six samples. From these data, we can conclude that the adsorption process could be efficient and economical by using Palmaria elegans for the removal of Sm and Eu from Serbal granites.  相似文献   

Microalgae have been a popular edible food, but there are no known reports on the antioxidative peptides derived from microalgae. The algae protein waste, which is normally discarded as animal feed, is a by-product during production of algae essence from microalgae, Chlorella vulgaris. Algae protein waste was hydrolyzed using pepsin, and a potent antioxidative peptide of VECYGPNRPQF was separated and isolated. The peptide could efficiently quench a variety of free radicals, including hydroxyl radical, superoxide radical, peroxyl radical, DPPH radical and ABTS radicals, and performed more efficiently than that observed for BHT, Trolox and peptides from marine protein sources in most cases. The purified peptide also has significant protective effects on DNA and prevents cellular damage caused by hydroxyl radicals. In addition, the peptide has gastrointestinal enzyme-resistance and no cytotoxicity observed in human lung fibroblasts cell lines (WI-38) in vitro. These results demonstrate that inexpensive algae protein waste could be a new alternative to produce antioxidative peptides.  相似文献   

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