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Xylem vessels in the lower part of the leaf of young Avena plants have been exposed to deformation by application of an external pressure. In this way a resistance to the water flow at the deformation site has been achieved, inducing undamped oscillations in transpiration and water uptake, even after removal of the root system.  相似文献   

The transpiration rate of oat plants, 6 days old, has been investigated. Dependent on the irradiance level of the white light used in the experiments, the transpiration rate oscillated with different period times. In darkness or at low irradiances the period was about 100–110 min. At higher irradiances the period was about 40 min. At intermediate irradiances autocorrelation analysis was used to find the period content of the transpiration rate. It was concluded that two oscillatory systems were present in the plants, characterized by their different periods. When plants cultivated in a light/dark cycle were used, the transpiration oscillations were influenced by a circadian rhythm. Oscillations in darkness were then most pronounced in the mornings. Plants cultivated in continuous light did not show such a circadian rhythm, but the oscillations died out after about 20 h. Kinetin induced transpiration oscillations in darkness and made them sustain for a longer time.  相似文献   

The oscillatory transpiration of 6 days old Avena plants was investigated with respect to the water potential of the root medium. The desired water potential was obtained by means of mannitol solutions. When the water potential was lowered (“mannitol step”), the amplitude of the oscillations decreased. Below –3.0 bars no oscillations persisted. A detailed study was made of the phase changes of the oscillations caused by a short time decrease of the water potential of the root medium (“mannitol pulse”). The duration of these short term treatments was either 9.0, 3.0 or J.5 min. The experimental results are discussed on the basis of an electric analogue previously presented in the literature. Published simulations based on the model were in clear contrast to the present experimental results as well as to earlier results in the literature. However, simulations in the present paper showed that the model could explain the experimental results if suitable parameter values were chosen.  相似文献   

The action of D2O on oscillatory transpiration of Avena plants was investigated. D2O affects the amplitude and the period of the oscillations when given as a root medium to intact plants. The period is then dependent on the amplitude. From such experiments it is not possible to conclude whether the period change is simply due to the changed amplitude or to a change in the stomatal parameters. When given to xylem compressed, excised plants without roots, the D2O hardly affects the amplitude of the oscillations but the period is increased. Thus, the period of the self-sustained transpiratory oscillations is lengthened by D2O action on the stomatal parameters. Phase and amplitude changes of the oscillatory transpiration caused by short D2O pulses given both to intact and excised plants, are discussed. The following conclusion is emphasized: a substance which affects the root system can also cause profound changes in the stomatal water regulation.  相似文献   

The effect of changing the transpiration rate on leaf waterpotential and water balance has been examined to show if permeabilityof the plant (predominantly the roots) is constant or varieswith the transpiration rate. Measurements of leaf effectivethickness, water potential, transpiration, and uptake of waterby roots were made on sunflower, barley, and maize plants grownin solution culture and subjected to a range of atmosphericconditions and root treatments: cooling, low osmotic potential,and removal of part of the root system. Leaf water potential changed little under a wide range of atmosphericconditions and rates of water flux in the three species, sothat the root permeability to water increases as the rate oftranspiration, and therefore flow across the root surface, increases.Equality between uptake and loss of water and thereby maintenanceof constant leaf water potential is assisted by stomatal changes,which appear to be in response to conditions at or in the rootrather than a direct response to changes in bulk leaf waterpotential.  相似文献   

Oscillations in transpiration and water uptake of individual, young oat plants have been studied. The free-running period of these oscillations was about 30 minutes. Conditions were reached under which the oscillations were sustained for about two days. Short perturbations were given to the transpiration oscillations, the perturbations consisting of a short time increase or decrease in the illumination. The phase shifts of the oscillations as well as the amplitude effects caused by these perturbations were investigated. Simultaneous recordings of transpiration and water uptake of a single plant showed that these functions were oscillating in phase. Both oscillations disappeared if the leaf was excised.  相似文献   

The sudden changes in the rates of transpiration and water uptake which occurred when the osmotic potential of the nutrient solution surrounding the roots of young wheat plants was rapidly changed were studied. The transpiration was measured by the aid of the microwave hygrometer and the water uptake by a recording poto-meter specially built for this investigation. When the osmotic potential of the nutrient solution was rapidly increased by adding mannitol, there was a temporary transpiration increase. The maximum increase was greater but the total time of the temporary increase shorter when a higher mannitol concentration was used. The quantity of water transpired by the shoots due to the temporary transpiration increase seemed to be fairly constant irrespectively of the mannitol concentration. The water transport to the shoots was immediately reduced when the osmotic potential was rapidly increased. The immediate reduction was greater when a higher mannitol concentration was used. After the immediate reduction the rate of water transport increased without delay. When the osmotic potential of the nutrient solution was rapidly decreased by withdrawing mannitol there was a temporary transpiration decrease, and the water transport to the shoots was immediately increased. After this increase the rate of water transport started to decrease at once. When, however, the mannitol concentration had been 0.30 M or higher, the transpiration rate increased progressively, and the change of the rate of water transport was small. The results indicate that the primary effect of the rapidly changed osmotic potential is localized to the root surface. The rapidly reduced water transport to the shoots after adding mannitol brings about the temporary transpiration increase. The course of events after withdrawing mannitol is just the reverse to that when adding mannitol.  相似文献   

The water fluxes and the CO2 exchange of three leaf succulents, Othonna opima, Cotyledon orbiculata and Senecio medley-woodii, with different leaf anatomy, growth form and CO2 fixation pathways (C3, CAM) were monitored with a gas exchange cuvette which was combined with a potometric system to quantify water uptake. Measurements, which are primarily valid for plants with a sufficient water supply, were made during 6 to 10 consecutive days under constant experimental conditions. Water uptake for 24 h exceeded water loss by transpiration only for a S, medley-woodii plant with 10 expanding but only 7 mature leaves. In this case the gained water evidently is put into leaf expansion. All other plants showed balanced transpiration and water uptake rates. O. opima and C. orbiculata have a similar life form, similar water storage volumes and the same natural habitat but their diurnal water uptake patterns differ significantly. In the C3 plant O. opima water uptake increased when the transpiration increased or transpiration rates were higher than uptake rates and vice versa. On the contrary the CAM plant C. orbiculata transpired during the dark period at constant or decreasing rates but showed steadily increasing uptake rates. Senecio medley-woodii- and C. orbiculata are CAM plants with similar diurnal water uptake patterns with its maximum in uptake during or towards the end of the CO2 dark fixation period. Water uptake of C. orbiculata was at its minimum at the end of the light period despite transpiration being maximal. The results were discussed considering the different CO2 fixation pathways. In the investigated CAM succulents, C. orbiculata and S. medley-woodii, the CAM influenced water uptake throughout the whole day and not only during the CO2 dark fixation period.  相似文献   

Effects of changes in temperature around roots on water uptake by roots and leaf transpiration were studied in Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit., a subtropical woody plant species, and in Zea mays L. When the temperature around roots was rapidly lowered from 25 ℃ to 15 ℃, the water uptake by the roots and leaf transpiration were stimulated significantly within a short period ( 14 min). However, this effect did not occur when the cooling time was prolonged neither did if occur when the temperature around the roots was resumed from 15 ℃ to 25 ℃. Both the hydraulic conductivity of roots and leaf transpiration were increased substantially at first (within 20 min)and then decreased steadily to a level lower than those of the control in which the roots were continuous exposed to a low temperature ( 15 ℃ ). Low temperature also promoted the biosynthesis of ABA in roots and enhanced the xylem ABA concentration, but such stimulation did not occur untill about 30 min after cooling treatment, leaf transpiration was reduced markedly, but the hydraulic conductivity of roots increased when the root system was treated with exogenous ABA. It was suggested that some mechanisms other than ABA may be involved in the short-time cryostimulation of water uptake by roots and leaf transpiration.  相似文献   

The water uptake by individual water-culture-grown castor-oilplants (Ricinus communis) was varied and corresponding ratesof potassium uptake measured. The water flux was varied by changingthe rate of transpiration or by detopping the transpiring plants.Transpiration was altered by changing the atmospheric humidityat constant temperature and light intensity in a climatologicalwind tunnel. It was found that the uptake of potassium was divisibleinto two components: (a) an accumulation by the cells of theroot and (b) a passage through the root to the shoot via thevessels. These components were found to be entirely independentof one another. Also while (a) was unaffected by the water flux(b) was linearly related to it. The concentration of potassiumin the vessels was between 15 and 26 times that of the mediumand this ratio which was found to be similar in both intactand detopped exuding plants remained constant in the face ofwide changes in water flux. This essential similarity betweenexuding and transpiring plants and the finding that there wasa lag between the change in water flux and the response in potassiumuptake indicated that there is no continuous mass-flow pathwaybetween medium and xylem in these plants. Instead, increasedtranspiration seems in some way to increase the rate of theexudation process. These conclusions are discussed in relationto the results of other workers.  相似文献   

The transpiration rate of individual 6-day-old oat plants was forced to oscillate by cyclic sine-shaped changes in the leaf irradiance (frequency 2 cycles h?1, amplitude and average value 1.4 mW cm?2, red light 620–800 nm). By means of a specially designed cuvette with three chambers the transpiration rate from three different segments of the leaf could be measured simultaneously. The leaf segments were illuminated individually and the illumination on each leaf segment could be modulated independently. The experiments showed that there was a strong correlation between the transpiration rates from the different leaf segments, dependent on a coupling mechanism in the plant. The coupling phenomenon disappeared when the root system was eliminated or when the water potential of the root medium was lowered. It was experimentally shown that CO2 diffusion in the leaf could not be the primary cause for the coupling. Therefore the stomatal dependence on the leaf water potential was considered the most probable reason for the coupling. The frequency of the forcing light cycles could be linearly changed during an experiment and this swept-frequency technique was used to obtain a frequency response of one single oat plant. The technique made it also possible to study the strength of the coupling between different leaf segments.  相似文献   

Fruit physiology is strongly affected by both fruit temperature and water losses through transpiration. Fruit temperature and its transpiration vary with environmental factors and fruit characteristics. In line with previous studies, measurements of physical and thermal fruit properties were found to significantly vary between fruit tissues and maturity stages. To study the impact of these variations on fruit temperature and transpiration, a modelling approach was used. A physical model was developed to predict the spatial and temporal variations of fruit temperature and transpiration according to the spatial and temporal variations of environmental factors and thermal and physical fruit properties. Model predictions compared well to temperature measurements on mango fruits, making it possible to accurately simulate the daily temperature variations of the sunny and shaded sides of fruits. Model simulations indicated that fruit development induced an increase in both the temperature gradient within the fruit and fruit water losses, mainly due to fruit expansion. However, the evolution of fruit characteristics has only a very slight impact on the average temperature and the transpiration per surface unit. The importance of temperature and transpiration gradients highlighted in this study made it necessary to take spatial and temporal variations of environmental factors and fruit characteristics into account to model fruit physiology.  相似文献   

Sériou potometrických meraní sa zi?tovala bezprostredná reakcia príjmu vody intaktnými rastlinamiPisum sativum L. na vnesenie vysokých koncentrácii α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), β-indoleacetic acid (IAA), 2,4-dichlorphenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA), coumarin a ethylene diaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) do koreňového prostredia. Rastové substancie boli v koreňovom prostredí prítomné v dvoch koncentráciach 10-3 M a 10-2 M; coumarin v koncentrácii 5. 10-4 M a EDTA v koncentrácii 10-3 M. Reakcia prijmu vody na aplikáciu rastových substancii a coumarínu bola v?dy negatívna. EDTA nevplývala bezprostredne na intenzitu príjmu vody. Za?iatok inhibície príjmu vody, vyvolanej rastovými substanciami, sa objevuje náhle. Coumarín vyvoláva pomalú, progresivne narastajúcu inhibiciu príjmu vody. Bola zistená zhoda ?asového priebehu zmien v intenzite príjmu vody za prítomnosti vysokých koncentrácii rastových látok a coumarínu v koreňovom prostredí, s ?asovým priebehom zmien v intenzite transpirácie, zistenými v analogických podmienkach Allerupom (1964). To sa pova?uje za dal?i argument pre opodstatnenost hypotézy, podla ktorej prí?inou rýchlych zmien intenzity transphácie za prítomnosti vysokýeh koncentrácii rastových látok v koreňovom médiu sú rýchle zmeny v intenzite príjmu vody.  相似文献   

黄连木(Pistacia chinensis)是一种重要的木本油料植物,其果实中贮存着大量的油脂,这些油脂分子主要存在于果皮、种皮和胚的油体中。在光学显微镜下观察发现,果皮中油的积累开始于果实发育晚期,果皮开始变红时;种皮中油体的发育开始于果实发育早期;胚中油体的发育开始于球形胚时期。透射电子显微镜观察结果显示,种皮和胚中的油体形成于内质网,而果皮中的油体则分别由内质网、质体和液泡形成。尼罗红荧光标记显示,内质网形成的油体始终以独立单元的形式存在。种皮和胚中也贮藏蛋白体,但发育晚于油体。果皮、种皮和子叶中都贮存少量的淀粉粒。  相似文献   

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