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We have previously demonstrated that BALB/c mice can be protected against a fatal infection with Leishmania major by i.p. immunization with a soluble leishmanial antigen (SLA) preparation in conjunction with the adjuvant, Corynebacterium parvum (CP). In this study, SLA was separated into nine distinct fractions by anion exchange liquid chromatography, and the fractions were analyzed for their ability to stimulate T cells obtained from immunized mice, to be recognized by vaccine-induced antibodies, and to induce protective immunity. While all but one of the fractions were recognized by antibodies from SLA + CP immunized mice, only two fractions (fractions 1 and 9) stimulated lymphocytes to produce macrophage-activating factor and elicited significant delayed-type hypersensitivity in vivo. When mice were immunized with the fractions, only fraction 9 stimulated significant immunity (76% protection in seven experiments). Proteins (accounting for 1.3% of the total in SLA) appear to be responsible for the protection elicited with fraction 9, since protease treatment of this fraction destroyed its immunogenicity. Thus, a partially purified protective protein antigen fraction has been obtained and protection with this fraction correlated with cell-mediated immune responses. However, these results also demonstrate that the ability of leishmanial antigens to be recognized by T cells and produce macrophage-activating factor does not in itself predict whether such molecules will induce immunity, suggesting that protective leishmanial antigens may have additional unique properties.  相似文献   

The genetic vulnerability of BALB/c mice to Leishmania tropica (L. major) infection renders them incapable of controlling a primary cutaneous lesion that leads to uniformly fatal visceral disease. Potent, long-lasting protection involving both lesion healing and survival can be induced by repeated prophylactic i.v. immunization with gamma-irradiated (150K rad) L. tropica promastigotes. The effect is not dependent on continuing viability or cellular invasiveness of the irradiated parasites because their effective immunogenicity withstands heating at 56 degrees C for 1 hr. Immunity is not stage specific and encompasses both amastigote and promastigote challenges. Similar prophylaxis can be induced by immunization with heterologous irradiated L. donovani promastigotes. Repeated i.v. immunization with irradiated L. tropica promastigotes induces an antibody response in the isotype sequence M leads to G1/G3 leads to G2a/G2b leads to A with substantially higher titres than are found in response to the infection itself. Splenectomy before immunization drastically reduces this antibody response without incurring any impairment of the extent of protection. Passive transfer of large amounts (up to 10 ml) of hyperimmune serum (or isotype fractions thereof) throughout the first 8 wk of infection fails to arrest disease progression during this period. Despite the previously described lack of any detectable cutaneous DTH reactivity, which has hitherto correlated with protective cell-mediated immunity, the results obtained do not support attribution of an alternative causal role to the humoral response.  相似文献   

A single intradermal injection of frozen and thawed schistosomula in conjunction with the bacterial adjuvant Mycobacterium bovis strain Bacille Calmette Guerin, Phipps substrain (BCG) induced significant levels of resistance to challenge Schistosoma mansoni infection in C57BL/6 mice. Immunization with the aqueous fraction remaining after 100,000 X G centrifugation of the larval lysate was also protective under these conditions, suggesting that some immunogenic determinants may not be membrane associated. Frozen-thawed cercariae and soluble components of adult worms also protected against challenge infection in these experiments. These observations indicate that soluble immunogens are present in both early and late developmental stages of the parasite, and therefore may be good candidate antigens for an immunochemically defined vaccine against schistosomiasis. Induction of humoral reactivity against soluble or membrane antigens was examined in mice protected against cercarial challenge by prior exposure to frozen-thawed larvae, soluble larval, or soluble adult antigens plus BCG. Animals that were immunized with frozen-thawed larvae produced low but significant levels of antibodies against larval surface antigens when examined by indirect immunofluorescence or by immunoprecipitation of surface-labeled schistosomula. Mice immunized with soluble antigens, however, showed negligible antibody reactivity against surface membrane antigens. Because mice immunized with soluble antigens were resistant to challenge infection, these results strongly suggest that anti-surface membrane reactivity is not required in the mechanism of protective immunity in this model. Sera from mice immunized with either total freeze-thaw larval lysate or soluble schistosome extracts all showed strong reactivity against soluble antigens, as detected by ELISA. Western blot analysis showed these antisera to react with a restricted number of high m.w. antigens that were present both in schistosomula and in adult worms. These antigens are therefore likely to play a major role in the development of resistance in this model as immunogens and/or as targets of protective immune response.  相似文献   

Efficacy of vaccination against cutaneous leishmaniasis in highly susceptible BALB/c mice was assessed comparatively by using radiation-attenuated promastigotes and colloidal Ag mixtures generated from a mixed Leishmania major (LV39) isolate (SLV39) and from a virulent cloned line (SVJ2) derived from the Jericho 2 L. major isolate. Dehydration-rehydration vesicle (DRV) liposomes were used as adjuvants. In optimization experiments phospholipid composition of DRV was varied, and the distearoyl derivative (DSPC) (liquid-crystalline phase transition temperature (Tc) 54 degrees C) of egg lecithin L-alpha-phosphatidylcholine was found to be superior to the dipalmitoyl derivative (DPPC, Tc 41.5 degrees C) and underivatized L-alpha-phosphatidylcholine (Tc -10 degrees C). The criteria studied were in vivo priming for a secondary in vitro proliferative response and the prepatency of lesion onset after L. major challenge of mice immunized once i.v. A single s.c. immunization with SLV39 either free or entrapped within DSPC liposomes primed spleen cells to produce significant levels of IL-3 when stimulated with SLV39 in vitro. In contrast, the i.v. route of immunization with the same Ag preparations led to little or no IL-3 production by the spleen cells. Despite development of significant T cell activation, both SLV39 and SVJ2 administered s.c., either free or entrapped within liposomes, were not protective. However, i.v. immunization four times with SVJ2 entrapped within DSPC liposomes induced a level of resistance comparable with that of 2 x 10(7) gamma-irradiated promastigotes in the stringent BALB/c L. major model. Although significant, protection conferred after i.v. immunization with SLV39/DSPC liposomes was less effective. These data therefore show that DSPC/DRV liposomes, although a good adjuvant for inducing protective immunity to cutaneous leishmaniasis, are not able to overcome the requirement for an i.v. route of immunization with the leishmanial Ag preparation. Additionally, they demonstrate a correlation between IL-3 secretion and non-protection. They also suggest that SVJ2 represents a better source of protective Ag than SLV39.  相似文献   

Zhong J  Rist M  Cooper L  Smith C  Khanna R 《PloS one》2008,3(9):e3256
Based on the life-time cost to the health care system, the Institute of Medicine has assigned the highest priority for a vaccine to control human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) disease in transplant patients and new born babies. In spite of numerous attempts successful licensure of a HCMV vaccine formulation remains elusive. Here we have developed a novel chimeric vaccine strategy based on a replication-deficient adenovirus which encodes the extracellular domain of gB protein and multiple HLA class I & II-restricted CTL epitopes from HCMV as a contiguous polypeptide. Immunisation with this chimeric vaccine consistently generated strong HCMV-specific CD8(+) and CD4(+) T-cells which co-expressed IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha, while the humoral response induced by this vaccine showed strong virus neutralizing capacity. More importantly, immunization with adenoviral chimeric vaccine also afforded protection against challenge with recombinant vaccinia virus encoding HCMV antigens and this protection was associated with the induction of a pluripotent antigen-specific cellular and antibody response. Furthermore, in vitro stimulation with this adenoviral chimeric vaccine rapidly expanded multiple antigen-specific human CD8(+) and CD4(+) T-cells from healthy virus carriers. These studies demonstrate that the adenovirus chimeric HCMV vaccine provides an excellent platform for reconstituting protective immunity to prevent HCMV diseases in different clinical settings.  相似文献   

An aqueous buffer-soluble, nonparticulate fraction of adult Schistosoma mansoni worms (SWAP) was separated by gel filtration on Ultragel AcA-34, and portions of the eluate were tested for their capacity to induce protective immunity against cercarial challenge when administered intradermally to mice in combination with the adjuvant BCG. All of the immunogenic activity was found in a single peak of protein excluded in the void volume of the column. This same fraction was determined by SDS-PAGE and Western immunoblotting to be unique in that it contained a component of Mr (X 10(-3) 97 (97,000) recognized monospecifically by antibodies from mice vaccinated with unseparated SWAP plus BCG. Similarly, the protective fraction was unique in possessing the capacity to elicit 24 hr delayed footpad swelling responses, as well as lymphokine production, in SWAP-BCG-immunized mice. These results suggest that the immunogenic activity of SWAP resides in a restricted population of molecules, and possibly in the 97,000 antigen detected with antibodies from vaccinated animals. Because both the protective capacity of unfractionated SWAP and the serologic reactivity of the 97,000 antigen are sensitive to digestion with protease, it is likely that the immunologic activity of these molecules is dependent on peptide-bonded structural elements.  相似文献   

Sm10-DLC, a 10-kDa dynein light chain protein identified as a strong T cell immunogen in a large number of subjects sensitized by natural infections, may be of interest for vaccination. To assess the vaccine potential of Sm10 we carried out immunization trials in CBA/J mice using recombinant Sm10 (rSm10) expressed in E. coli and tested its capacity to induce protection against a challenge infection. With one rSm10 preparation injected intramuscularly in Freund's adjuvant, a significant reduction in worm burden (27% reduction) was obtained in two independent experiments. We have not obtained protection with other adjuvants, in particular with alum. In addition, a negative correlation was observed between the antibody response and the worm burden reduction. These results suggest that rSm10 injected with Freund's adjuvant was able to induce a protective immunity against Schistosoma mansoni.  相似文献   

Vaccination of guineapigs with homogenates of fourth larval stage and adult Trichostrongylus colubriformis and soluble products released by fourth stage larvae during in vitro maintenance, induced a high level of protection against challenge infection with the parasite.  相似文献   

In the present work we analyze the antigenicity of Leishmania major ribosomal proteins (LRP) in infected BALB/c mice. We show that BALB/c mice vaccinated with LRP in the presence of CpG oligodeoxynucleotides (CpG-ODN) were protected against the development of dermal pathology and showed a reduction in the parasite load after challenge with L. major. This protection was associated with the induction of an IL-12 dependent specific-IFN-gamma response mediated mainly by CD4(+) T cell, albeit a minor contribution of CD8(+) T cells cannot be ruled out. Induction of Th1 responses against LRP also resulted in a reversion of the Th2 responses associated with susceptibility. A marked reduction of IgG1 antibody titer against parasite antigens besides an impaired IL-4 and IL-10 cytokine production by parasite specific T cells was observed. In addition, we show that the administration of the LRP plus CpG-ODN preparation also conferred protection in the naturally resistant C57BL/6 mice. In this strain protection was associated with a LRP specific IFN-gamma production in lymph nodes draining the challenge site. We believe that these evolutionary conserved proteins, combined with adjuvants that favor Th1 responses, may be relevant components of a pan-Leishmania vaccine.  相似文献   

Protection from cutaneous leishmaniasis, a chronic ulcerating skin lesion affecting millions, has been achieved historically using live virulent preparations of the parasite. Killed or recombinant Ags that could be safer as vaccines generally require an adjuvant for induction of a strong Th1 response in murine models. Murine rIL-12 as an adjuvant with soluble Leishmania Ag has been shown to protect susceptible mice. We used 48 rhesus macaques to assess the safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy of a vaccine combining heat-killed Leishmania amazonensis with human rIL-12 (rhIL-12) and alum (aluminum hydroxide gel) as adjuvants. The single s.c. vaccination was found to be safe and immunogenic, although a small transient s.c. nodule developed at the site. Groups receiving rhIL-12 had an augmented in vitro Ag-specific IFN-gamma response after vaccination, as well as increased production of IgG. No increase in IL-4 or IL-10 was found in cell culture supernatants from either control or experimental groups. Delayed hypersensitivity reactions were not predictive of protection. Intradermal forehead challenge infection with 107 metacyclic L. amazonensis promastigotes at 4 wk demonstrated protective immunity in all 12 monkeys receiving 2 microgram rhIL-12 with alum and Ag. Partial efficacy was seen with lower doses of rhIL-12 and in groups lacking either adjuvant. Thus, a single dose vaccine with killed Ag using rhIL-12 and alum as adjuvants was safe and fully effective in this primate model of cutaneous leishmaniasis. This study extends the murine data to primates, and provides a basis for further human trials.  相似文献   

Durable immunity against fatal L. major infection in genetically susceptible mice can be induced by immunization with 150,000-rad irradiated or heat-killed promastigotes administered i.v. or to a lesser extent i.p. Conversely, subcutaneous (s.c.) and intramuscular (i.m.) injections are not only totally ineffective but generally increase susceptibility to and enhance the progression of the disease, leading to earlier mortality. This detrimental effect is particularly evident with lower infecting challenge doses. Disease exacerbation is apparent in mice given 4 X s.c. injections of as few as 2 X 10(4) irradiated promastigotes, but it appears most potent after doses of 2 X 10(7). When mice given 4 X s.c. injections were subsequently immunized i.v. with 2 X 10(7) irradiated promastigotes, they failed to develop any evidence of protection against infection with 2 X 10(5) promastigotes, whereas mice given i.v. immunization alone were strongly protected. Thus, s.c. injections are capable of blocking the prophylactic effect of i.v. immunization with irradiated parasites. This inhibitory effect can be achieved with a single s.c. injection, although rather less potently than with four, and is even effective against four repeated weekly i.v. immunizations. Once induced, the effect persists undiminished after 100 days. A weaker effect is also inducible by s.c. injection given after i.v. immunization. The blocking effect of s.c. injection is not dependent on continuing viability of the promastigotes, as it can be induced equally readily with heat-killed, formalin-fixed, or sonicated parasites. The phenomenon extends to mouse strains genetically resistant as well as susceptible to L. major infection and, in congenic mice of BALB background, is independent of the major histocompatibility (H-2) gene complex.  相似文献   

The efficacy of a new vaccination procedure against Schistosoma mansoni, involving intradermal injection of nonliving antigen combined with the bacterial adjuvant Mycobacterium bovis strain bacillus Calmette Guérin, was tested in several strains of mice. Development of protection against subsequent infection was compared with in vivo skin test reactivity and in vitro humoral reactivity to soluble and surface-associated schistosome antigens. Significant levels of resistance and immune response were displayed by many inbred mouse strains, including C57BL/6J, C3H/HeN, and CBA/J, as well as outbred Swiss-Webster mice. However, no definite correlation was observed between the level of any particular immune response and the level of resistance to challenge S. mansoni infection. Development of protective immunity was also examined in mice with various immune defects, to determine whether these responses are relevant to resistance in this model. Animals with defective specific immediate hypersensitivity response due to deficiencies in IgE (SJL/J) or mast cell (W/Wv) production displayed strong resistance as a result of immunization. Likewise, mice bearing the lpsd (C3H/HeJ) or xid (CBA/N) mutations, affecting cellular or humoral response to certain thymus-independent antigens, developed significant levels of resistance after immunization. A/J mice, with defects in cellular recognition of bacterial endotoxin as well as deficiencies in natural killer cell activity and complement function, also showed significant protective immunity. Thus, these reactivities do not appear to be essential to the resistance against S. mansoni induced by the nonliving vaccine. Two nonresponder strains were identified, P and BALB/c. P mice were defective in specific delayed hypersensitivity response as well as resistance to infection. However, BALB/c mice showed no obvious immune deficiencies at the time of challenge. These results agreed with previous findings in mice immunized by exposure to radiation-attenuated cercariae with one exception; BALB/c mice were protected by vaccination with irradiated cercariae but not by the nonliving vaccine. Thus, further examination of immune response in mice identified in this study as high and low responder strains should allow characterization of critical immune resistance mechanisms induced by the nonliving vaccine, as well as immune mechanisms operating in common between these two models of resistance to S. mansoni.  相似文献   

We evaluated the adoptive transfer of DCs on Leishmania (L.) mexicana-infected neonatal BALB/c mice. DCs were isolated and purified from the spleens of the following donor groups: a) Adult BALB/c mice infected during adulthood with L. (L) mexicana; b) Adult BALB/c mice infected during neonatal life; c) Healthy neonatal BALB/c mice; d) Healthy adult BALB/c mice. A neonatal model of infection, generated after inoculation with 5 × 105 promastigotes of L. (L) mexicana, was used as the infection control group. Sixteen hours after intraperitoneal transfer of DCs (1 × 103, 1 × 105, or 1 × 106 cells/ml), neonatal recipient BALB/c mice were infected. The adoptive transfer of DCs diminished disease progression in neonatal mice. This reduction depends on the quantity and provenance of transferred DCs, since the effect was more evident with high numbers of DCs from adult mice infected during adulthood and healthy neonatal mice. Protection was significantly reduced in animals receiving DCs from healthy adult mice but it was absent in mice receiving DCs from adult mice infected during neonatal life. These results suggest that genetic susceptibility to Leishmania infection can be modified during neonatal life, and that the period of life when antigens are encountered is crucial in influencing the capacity of DCs to induce resistance or tolerance.  相似文献   

Resistance to Leishmania major in mice is associated with the generation of distinct CD4+ Th subsets, termed TH1 and TH2. To define the factors contributing to the genesis of these Th cells, we first investigated when these subsets developed following L. major infection. Lymph node (LN) cells collected 3 days after infection of BALB/c mice secreted IL-4 and IL-5 in vitro, but little IFN-gamma, whereas LN cells from a resistant strain, C3H/HeN, secreted IFN-gamma and no IL-4 or IL-5. Cytokine production was eliminated in both cases by in vivo or in vitro depletion of CD4+ cells, but not after depletion of CD8+ cells. Similar responses were observed after inoculation of killed promastigotes or a soluble leishmanial Ag preparation. These data indicate that the development of Th1- and Th2-like responses can precede lesion formation and does not require a live infection. We next investigated whether IFN-gamma was important in the differentiation of Th1 and Th2 cells. C3H/HeN mice have previously been shown to be susceptible to leishmanial infection after treatment with anti-IFN-gamma. We confirmed this observation and found that the abrogation of resistance was associated with enhanced production of IL-4 and IL-5, and decreased production of IFN-gamma by cells taken from these mice. Conversely, LN cells from BALB/c mice inoculated with parasites plus IFN-gamma produced significantly higher levels of IFN-gamma, and decreased levels of IL-4 and IL-5, than mice infected with parasites alone. Finally, we determined if IFN-gamma might augment vaccine induced immunity. We found that s.c. immunization with soluble leishmanial Ag, the bacterial adjuvant, Corynebacterium parvum and IFN-gamma could protect mice against L. major infection, and that this protection was associated with induction of Th1 responses. From these data we conclude that levels of IFN-gamma at the time of infection or immunization dramatically alters the type of response elicited: high levels of IFN-gamma favor Th1 type responses, whereas low levels promote a Th2 response.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 (SV40) large tumor antigen (Tag) represents a virus-encoded tumor-specific antigen expressed in many types of human cancers and a potential immunologic target for antitumor responses. Fc receptors are important mediators in the regulation and execution of host effector mechanisms against conditions including infectious diseases, autoimmunity, and cancer. By examining tumor protection in SV40 Tag-immunized wild-type BALB/c mice using an experimental pulmonary metastasis model, we attempted to address whether engagement of the immunoglobulin G Fc receptors (FcgammaRs) on effector cells is necessary to mediate antitumor responses. All immunized BALB/c FcgammaR-/- knockout mice developed anti-SV40 Tag antibody responses prior to experimental challenge with a tumorigenic cell line expressing SV40 Tag. However, all mice deficient in the activating FcgammaRI (CD64) and FcgammaRIII (CD16) were unable to mount protective immunologic responses against tumor challenge and developed tumor lung foci. In contrast, mice lacking the inhibitory receptor FcgammaRII (CD32) demonstrated resistance to tumorigenesis. These results underscore the importance of effector cell populations expressing FcgammaRI/III within this murine tumor model system, and along with the production of a specific humoral immune response, antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) may be a functioning mechanism of tumor clearance. Additionally, these data demonstrate the potential utility of ADCC as a viable approach for targeting vaccination strategies that promote FcgammaRI/III scavenging pathways against cancer.  相似文献   

The acquisition of immunity following subclinical or resolved infection with the intracellular parasite Leishmania donovani suggests that vaccination could prevent visceral leishmaniasis. The characteristics and in vitro stimulating capability of the recombinant proteins expressed by previously identified clones on the basis of their capacity to stimulate an indigenously established Leishmania-specific cell line leading to high level of IFN-γ suggested these to be potential candidates for immunoprophylaxis against leishmaniasis. In this study, we investigated the protective efficacy of purified recombinant proteins from two of the identified cDNA clones along with the adjuvant MPL, in a hamster model of experimental leishmaniasis. We demonstrate here that the immunization of animals with one of the recombinant proteins (rF14) having 97% similarity to C1 clone of L. chagasi ribosomal protein gene P0 (rLiP0) along with MPL provided partial protection against the virulent challenge of L. donovani. The absence of antigen-specific lymphoproliferative responses in these immunized animals may be responsible for the lack of complete and long-lasting protection.  相似文献   

In this report, we investigated the effect of ODN containing immunostimulatory CG motifs as adjuvant with soluble antigen (SA) from Leishmania donovani. BALB/c mice were vaccinated with the soluble antigen with or without CpG-ODN as adjuvant and then challenged with L. donovani metacyclic promastigotes. CpG-ODN alone resulted in partial protection against challenge with L. donovani. Immunization of mice with SA and CpG-ODN showed enhanced reduction in parasite load ( approximately 60%) when compared to SA ( approximately 40%) immunized mice. Immunization with SA by itself resulted in a mixed Th1/Th2 response whereas co-administration of SA with CpG-ODN resulted in a strong Th1 promoting isotype as they together promoted production of immunoglobulin G2a. Leishmania-specific Th1 cytokine response was induced by co-administering CpG-ODN and SA as they together promoted production of IFN-gamma and IL-12. In the present study, we demonstrate that immunostimulatory phosphorothioate-modified ODN are promising immune enhancers for vaccination against visceral leishmaniaisis.  相似文献   

Mice protected against Schistosoma mansoni infection by intradermal (i.d.) immunization with nonliving larval or adult worm antigens plus bacterial adjuvant developed 24-hr skin test responsiveness to schistosome antigens with the histologic features of delayed hypersensitivity. Intraperitoneal antigen injection elicited a mononuclear cell-enriched exudative population containing macrophages activated for direct cytotoxicity against schistosomula and tumor cell targets. This was likely to be due to in vivo exposure to macrophage-activating lymphokines, since these cells were unresponsive to further lymphokine stimulation in vitro and splenocytes from immunized mice reacted to specific in vitro antigen challenge by production of lymphokines capable of conferring larvacidal activity upon control macrophages. In contrast, mice treated with schistosome antigens by i.v. injection, which were not protected against challenge infection, failed to develop delayed hypersensitivity or activated macrophages in response to specific antigen challenge in vivo, and the titers of macrophage-activating lymphokine produced by in vitro antigen-stimulated splenocytes from these mice were threefold to fourfold lower than those produced by cells from animals immunized by the i.d. route. Thus, sensitization for cell-mediated immune responses including lymphokine production and macrophage activation correlated with induction of resistance to S. mansoni in this model of vaccination.  相似文献   

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