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Elite indica rice cultivars were cotransformed with genes expressing a rice chitinase (chi11) and a thaumatin-like protein (tlp) conferring resistance to fungal pathogens and a serine-threonine kinase (Xa21) conferring bacterial blight resistance, through particle bombardment, with a view to pyramiding sheath blight and bacterial blight resistance. Molecular analyses of putative transgenic lines by polymerase chain reaction, Southern Blot hybridization, and Western Blotting revealed stable integration and expression of the transgenes in a few independent transgenic lines. Progeny analyses showed the stable inheritance of transgenes to their progeny. Coexpression of chitinase and thaumatin-like protein in the progenies of a transgenic Pusa Basmati1 line revealed an enhanced resistance to the sheath blight pathogen, Rhizoctonia solani, as compared to that in the lines expressing the individual genes. A transgenic Pusa Basmati1 line pyramided with chi11, tlp, and Xa21 showed an enhanced resistance to both sheath blight and bacterial blight. S. Maruthasalam and K. Kalpana have contributed to this article equally.  相似文献   

 DNA marker-assisted selection was used to pyramid four bacterial blight resistance genes, Xa-4, xa-5, xa-13 and Xa-21. Breeding lines with two, three and four resistance genes were developed and tested for resistance to the bacterial blight pathogen (Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae). The pyramid lines showed a wider spectrum and a higher level of resistance than lines with only a single gene. To speed up the gene pyramiding process and to facilitate future marker-aided selection, we developed PCR markers for the two recessive genes, xa-5 and xa-13, and used these to survey a range of rice germplasm. The results of the germplasm survey will be useful for the selection of parents in breeding programs aimed at transferring these bacterial blight resistance genes from one varietal background to another. Received: 6 December 1996/Accepted: 20 December 1996  相似文献   

水稻白叶枯病和水稻细菌性条斑病是由稻黄单胞细菌(Xanthomonas oryzae)不同致病变种引起的两种最重要的水稻细菌性病害。发掘和利用抗性基因,培育抗病品种是防治这两种病害的最有效手段之一。本文分别综述了这两种高度相关的病害的抗性遗传研究进展,包括已发掘和利用的主效抗性基因特点及目前国内外对这两种病害的抗性QTL定位研究进展,为水稻抗白叶枯病和细菌性条斑病育种研究提供有用信息。  相似文献   

Marker assisted selection of bacterial blight resistance genes in rice   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Bacterial leaf blight caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae is one of the most important diseases affecting rice production in Asia. We were interested in surveying rice genotypes that are popularly used in the Indian breeding program for conferring resistance to bacterial blight, using 11 STMS and 6 STS markers. The basis of selection of these DNA markers was their close linkage to xa5, xa13, and Xa21 genes and their positions on the rice genetic map relative to bacterial blight resistance genes. Eight lines were found to contain the xa5 gene while two lines contained Xa21 gene and none of the lines contained the xa13 gene with the exception of its near-isogenic line. Using the polymorphic markers obtained in the initial survey, marker-assisted selection was performed in the F3 population of a cross between IR-64 and IET-14444 to detect lines containing multiple resistance genes. Of the 59 progeny lines analyzed, eight lines contained both the resistance genes, xa5 and Xa4.  相似文献   

 Microsatellite and sequence-tagged site (STS) markers tightly linked to the bacterial leaf blight (BLB) resistance gene xa-5 were identified in this study. A survey was conducted to find molecular markers that detected polymorphisms between the resistant (IRBB5) and susceptible (‘IR24’) nearly isogenic lines for xa-5, and between Chinsurah Boro II (CBII), an alternative source of xa-5, and a widely planted variety (‘IR64’) that lacks xa-5. Two F2 populations, from the crosses ‘IR24’×IRBB5 and CBIIבIR64’, were used to estimate linkage based on marker genotype and reaction to disease inoculation with Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Two RFLP clones, RZ390 and RG556, were found to co-segregate with xa-5 and were converted into STS markers. A microsatellite marker, RM390, was developed based on a simple sequence repeat in the 5′ untranslated region of the cDNA probe, RZ390, and found to co-segregate with resistance. Two other microsatellites, RM122 and RM13, were located 0.4 cM and 14.1 cM away from xa-5. A germplasm survey of diverse lines containing BLB resistance genes using automated fluorescent detection indicated the range of allelic diversity for each of the microsatellite loci linked to xa-5 and confirmed their usefulness in following genes through the narrow crosses typical of a breeding program. The limited number of alleles observed at the microsatellite loci linked to the resistance gene in 35 xa-5-containing accessions suggested either a single ancestral origin or a few independent origins of the xa-5 gene. PCR-based markers, like the ones developed in this study, are economical and easy to use, and have applicability in efforts to pyramid the recessive xa-5 gene with other BLB resistance genes. Received: 27 September 1996/Accepted: 7 February 1997  相似文献   

A cloned gene, Xa21 was transferred into five widely-used Chinese rice varieties through an Agrobacterium-mediated system, and over 110 independent transgenic lines were obtained. PCR and Southern analysis of transgenic plants revealed the integration of the whole Xa21 gene into the host genomes. The integrated Xa21 gene was stably inherited, and segregated in a 3∶1 ratio in the selfed T1 generation when one copy of the gene was integrated in the transformants. Inoculation tests displayed that transgenic T0 plants and Xa21 PCR-positive T1 plants were highly resistant to bacterial blight disease. The selected Xa21 homozygous resistant transgenic lines with desirable qualities may be propagated as new varieties or utilized in hybrid rice breeding.  相似文献   

Bacterial blight (BB) of rice caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) is a major disease of rice in several countries. Three BB resistance genes, xa5, xa13 and Xa21, were pyramided into cv. PR106, which is widely grown in Punjab, India, using marker-assisted selection. Lines of PR106 with pyramided genes were evaluated after inoculation with 17 isolates of the pathogen from the Punjab and six races of Xoo from the Philippines. Genes in combinations were found to provide high levels of resistance to the predominant Xoo isolates from the Punjab and six races from the Philippines. Lines of PR106 with two and three BB resistance genes were also evaluated under natural conditions at 31 sites in commercial fields. The combination of genes provided a wider spectrum of resistance to the pathogen population prevalent in the region; Xa21 was the most effective, followed by xa5. Resistance gene xa13 was the least effective against Xoo. Only 1 of the BB isolates, PX04, was virulent on the line carrying Xa21 but avirulent on the lines having xa5 and xa13 genes in combination with Xa21. Received: 26 May 2000 / Accepted: 16 August 2000  相似文献   

Bacterial leaf blight (BB), caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae (Xoo), is the major constraint amongst rice diseases in India. CSR-30 is a very popular high-yielding, salt-tolerant Basmati variety widely grown in Haryana, India, but highly susceptible to BB. In the present study, we have successfully introgressed three BB resistance genes (Xa21, xa13 and xa5) from BB-resistant donor variety IRBB-60 into the BB-susceptible Basmati variety CSR-30 through marker-assisted selection (MAS) exercised with stringent phenotypic selection without compromising the Basmati traits. Background analysis using 131 polymorphic SSR markers revealed that recurrent parent genome (RPG) recovery ranged up to 97.1% among 15 BC3F1 three-gene-pyramided genotypes. Based on agronomic evaluation, BB reaction, aroma, percentage recovery of RPG, and grain quality evaluation, four genotypes, viz., IC-R28, IC-R68, IC-R32, and IC-R42, were found promising and advanced to BC3F2 generation.  相似文献   

利用农杆菌介导的高效遗传转化系统,将白叶枯病抗性基因Xa21转入黄淮稻区主栽品种豫粳6号的胚性愈伤组织,获得转基因植株,GUS染色和PCR分析证明Xa21基因已整合到水稻基因组中,其自交T1代植株经GUS染色和白叶枯病接种鉴定呈现3:1分离,研究为培育抗白叶枯病水稻品种奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Summary The genetics of resistance to bacterial blight, Xanthomonas oryzae (Uyeda and Ishiyama) Dowson, for 74 cultivars of rice, Oryza sativa L., was studied. The PX061 isolate of bacterial blight from the Philippines was used for inoculation of parental and hybrid populations. Single dominant genes at the Xa 4 locus convey resistance in 38 cultivars. Of these, 18 are resistant at all stages of plant growth and thus have the Xa 4 aallele for resistance. However, 20 are susceptible up to maximum tillering stage but are resistant at booting and flowering stages. These cultivars have the Xa 4 ballele for resistance. Thirty-two cultivars have single recessive genes for resistance which are allelic to xa 5.The resistance in DV85, DV86 and DZ78 is conditioned by two genes. At maximum tillering stage xa 5 conveys resistance. However, at later growth stages an additional dominant gene, designated Xa 7 in DZ78, also gives resistance. The dominant genes of DV85 and DV86 are probably allelic to Xa 7. Xa 7 segregates independently of Xa 4, xa 5 and Xa 6, however like Xa 6, it conveys resistance at booting and post-booting stages only.The resistance in PI 231129 is conditioned by a single recessive gene, designated xa 8. It also segregates independently of Xa 4, xa 5 and Xa 6.  相似文献   

  • Bacterial blight (BB) is currently considered one of the most serious rice diseases and is caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo). Numerous studies have shown that breeding resistant rice varieties is one of the most effective methods to prevent BB, and it is important to identify and isolate more BB resistance (R) genes from different rice resources.
  • Using a map-based approach, we identified a new QTL/gene, Xa43(t), from ZhangPu wild rice, which was highly resistant to the BB isolate PX099. We performed bulked segregant analysis combined with candidate gene prediction to identify the candidate gene.
  • The Xa43(t) gene was narrowed down to a 29-kb region containing four putative genes. More importantly, the candidate gene Xa43(t) did not affect the main agronomic traits of rice. We also identified a widely applicable molecular marker, namely Inde1-18, which co-segregates with the Xa43(t) gene.
  • The Xa43(t) gene is a new broad-spectrum BB resistance gene without identified alleles and has good application prospects for rice disease resistance breeding.

RAPD and RFLP mapping of the bacterial blight resistance gene xa-13 in rice   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Bacterial blight (BB) caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv oryzae (Xoo) is one of the most serious diseases of rice. The recessive gene xa-13 confers resistance to Philippine race 6 of Xoo. To tag xa-13 with molecular markers, RAPD analysis was conducted with the combined use of near-isogenic lines and bulked segregant analysis. From the survey of 260 arbitrary 10-nucleotide primers, one primer (OPAC05) was detected to amplify specifically a 0.9-kb band from the DNA of susceptible plants. The distance between the RAPD marker OPAC05-900 and xa-13 was estimated to be 5.3 cM. The RAPD marker was then mapped on chromosome 8 using a mapping population of doubled haploid lines derived from the cross of IR64/Azucena. The linkage between RFLP markers and the RAPD marker was analyzed using an F2 population of 135 plants derived from a cross between a near-isogenic line for xa-13, IR66699-5-5-4-2, and IR24. No recombinants were found between RZ28 and CDO116 and their distance from xa-13 was estimated to be 4.8 cM. RG136 was located at 3.7 cM on the other side of xa-13. The mapping of xa-13 with closely linked DNA markers provides the basis for marker-aided selection for rice improvement.Department of Agronomy, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China  相似文献   

The evolution of disease resistance genes   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Several common themes have shaped the evolution of plant disease resistance genes. These include duplication events of progenitor resistance genes and further expansion to create clustered gene families. Variation can arise from both intragenic and intergenic recombination and gene conversion. Recombination has also been implicated in the generation of novel resistance specificities. Resistance gene clusters appear to evolve more rapidly than other regions of the genome. In addition, domains believed to be involved in recognitional specificity, such as the leucine-rich repeat (LRR), are subject to adaptive selection. Transposable elements have been associated with some resistance gene clusters, and may generate further variation at these complexes.  相似文献   

Rice bacterial leaf blight (BB) caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae and bacterial leaf streak (BLS) caused by X. oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) are two important diseases of rice that often outbreak simultaneously and constrain rice production in much of Asia and parts of Africa. Developing resistant cultivars has been the most effective approach to control BB, however, most single resistance genes have limited value in breeding programs because of their narrow-spectrum of resistance to the races of the pathogen. By contrast, there is little progress in breeding varieties resistant to Xoc since BLS resistance in rice was a quantitative trait and so far only a few quantitative resistance loci have been identified. We reported here the development of a high yield elite line, Lu-You-Zhan highly resistant to both BB and BLS by pyramiding Xa23 with a wide-spectrum resistance to BB derived from wild rice and a non-host maize resistance gene, Rxo1, using both marker assisted selection (MAS) and genetic engineering. Our study has provided strong evidence that non-host R genes could be a valuable source of resistance in combating those plant diseases where no single R gene controlling high level of resistance exists and demonstrated that MAS combined with transgenic technologies are an effective strategy to achieve high level of resistance against multiple plant diseases. Y-L Zhou and J-L Xu contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Liu Q  Yuan M  Zhou Y  Li X  Xiao J  Wang S 《Plant, cell & environment》2011,34(11):1958-1969
Approximately one third of the identified 34 rice major disease resistance (R) genes conferring race-specific resistance to different strains of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo), which causes rice bacterial blight disease, are recessive genes. However, only two of the recessive resistance genes have been characterized thus far. Here we report the characterization of another recessive resistance gene, xa25, for Xoo resistance. The xa25, localized in the centromeric region of chromosome 12, mediates race-specific resistance to Xoo strain PXO339 at both seedling and adult stages by inhibiting Xoo growth. It encodes a protein of the MtN3/saliva family, which is prevalent in eukaryotes, including mammals. Transformation of the dominant Xa25 into a resistant rice line carrying the recessive xa25 abolished its resistance to PXO339. The encoding proteins of recessive xa25 and its dominant allele Xa25 have eight amino acid differences. The expression of dominant Xa25 but not recessive xa25 was rapidly induced by PXO339 but not other Xoo strain infections. The nature of xa25-encoding protein and its expression pattern in comparison with its susceptible allele in rice-Xoo interaction indicate that the mechanism of xa25-mediated resistance appears to be different from that conferred by most of the characterized R proteins.  相似文献   

The role of the plant defence activator, acibenzolar‐S‐methyl (ASM), in inducing resistance in rice against bacterial leaf blight caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) was studied. Application of ASM induced resistance in rice to infection by Xoo. When the pathogen was clip‐inoculated to the rice plants, it caused bacterial leaf blight symptoms in the untreated control. However, in the rice plants pretreated with ASM, infection was significantly reduced. Induced systemic resistance was found to persist for up to 3 days in the pretreated rice plants. Increased phenolic content and accumulation of pathogenesis‐related (PR) proteins, viz. chitinase, β‐1,3‐glucanase and thaumatin‐like protein (TLP; PR 5) were observed in rice plants pretreated with ASM followed by inoculation with Xoo. Immunoblot analysis using rice TLP and tobacco chitinase antiserum revealed rapid induction and over‐expression of 25 and 35 kDa TLP and chitinase, respectively, in rice in response to pretreatment with ASM followed by Xoo inoculation. Based on these experiments, it is evident that induction of disease resistance in rice was accelerated following treatment with ASM.  相似文献   

Four genes of rice,Oryza sativa L., conditioning resistance to the bacterial blight pathogenXanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzae (X. o. pv.oryzae), were tagged by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. No recombinants were observed betweenxa-5 and RFLP marker lociRZ390, RG556 orRG207 on chromosome 5.Xa-3 andXa-4 were linked to RFLP locusXNpb181 at the top of chromosome 11, at distances of 2.3 cM and 1.7 cM, respectively. The nearest marker toXa-10, also located on chromosome 11, was the RAPD locusO07 2000 at a distance of 5.3 cM. From this study, the conventional map [19, 28] and two RFLP linkage maps of chromosome 11 [14, 26] were partially integrated. Using the RFLP and RAPD markers linked to the resistance genes, we selected rice lines homozygous for pairs of resistance genes,Xa-4 +xa-5 andXa-4 +Xa-10. Lines carryingXa-4 +xa-5 andXa-4 +Xa-10 were evaluated for reaction to eight strains of the bacterial blight pathogen, representing eight pathotypes and three genetic lineages. As expected, the lines carrying pairs of genes were resistant to more of the isolates than their single-gene parental lines. Lines carryingXa-4 +xa-5 were more resistant to isolates of race 4 than were either of the parental lines (quantitative complementation). No such effects were seen forXa-4 +Xa-10. Thus, combinations of resistance genes provide broader spectra of resistance through both ordinary gene action expected and quantitative complementation.  相似文献   

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