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Floral morphology of the 13 species of Moringa ranges from actinomorphic flowers with little hypanthium to highly zygomorphic flowers with well-developed hypanthia. Scanning electron and light microscopy were used to identify ontogenetic differences among two actinomorphic and eight zygomorphic species. All species show traces of zygomorphy between petal organogenesis and anther differentiation. At late organogenesis, zygomorphy is manifest by one petal being larger than the others, slight unidirectional maturation of the anthers, and in many species, some staminodes may be missing. At organ differentiation and beyond, the actinomorphic species show a trend toward increasing actinomorphy, whereas the zygomorphic features of early ontogeny are progressively accentuated throughout the ontogeny of the zygomorphic species. Because of the early traces of zygomorphy throughout the family, ontogeny in Moringa does not resemble that known from the sister taxon Caricaceae, which has flowers that are actinomorphic throughout ontogeny. Great intraspecific variation was found in floral plan in the actinomorphic-flowered species in contrast to the zygomorphic species. Each of the main clades in the family is distinguished by at least one feature of floral ontogeny. In general, ontogenetic differences that are congruent with deeper phylogenetic splits tend to occur earlier in ontogeny than those congruent with more recent divergences.  相似文献   

在已知GCYC基因部分序列基础上, 通过改进的mTAIL-PCR方法克隆非洲紫罗兰Saintpaulia ionantha两侧对称栽培种中CYC类基因的5′未知序列, 并进而从两侧与辐射对称栽培种中分离得到苦苣苔科Gesneriaceae中第一组完整基因: SiCYC1A与SiCYC1B。对以上基因的核酸和氨基酸序列比较发现, SiCYC1A与SiCYC1B序列同源性很高, 均含有完整的功能调控区域(即TCP domain和R domain)并与模式植物金鱼草Antirrhinum majus中CYC基因同源。因此, 这两个基因应具有正常功能, 是功能上互补的冗余基因。令人意外的是在辐射对称花栽培品种中的这两个基因和两侧对称花栽培品种中对应基因的序列完全相同。经过对金鱼草以及相关类群辐射对称花突变体中CYC类基因序列的比较分析, 推论在非洲紫罗兰中, SiCYC1A与SiCYC1B基因可能受上游未知的共同调控因子调控, 该调控因子的改变是导致栽培品种中花对称性发生变化的主要原因。另外, 对改进后的TAIL-PCR(mTAIL-PCR)的方法和过程进行了详细叙述, 并对其技术特征和优势开展了简单的论述。  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Ranunculaceae presents both ancestral and derived floral traits for eudicots, and as such is of potential interest to understand key steps involved in the evolution of zygomorphy in eudicots. Zygomorphy evolved once in Ranunculaceae, in the speciose and derived tribe Delphinieae. This tribe consists of two genera (Aconitum and Delphinium s.l.) comprising more than one-quarter of the species of the family. In this paper, the establishment of zygomorphy during development was investigated to cast light on the origin and evolution of this morphological novelty.


The floral developmental sequence of six species of Ranunculaceae, three actinomorphic (Nigella damascena, Aquilegia alpina and Clematis recta) and three zygomorphic (Aconitum napellus, Delphinium staphisagria and D. grandiflorum), was compared. A developmental model was elaborated to break down the successive acquisitions of floral organ identities on the ontogenic spiral (all the species studied except Aquilegia have a spiral phyllotaxis), giving clues to understanding this complex morphogenesis from an evo-devo point of view. In addition, the evolution of symmetry in Ranunculaceae was examined in conjunction with other traits of flowers and with ecological factors.

Key Results

In the species studied, zygomorphy is established after organogenesis is completed, and is late, compared with other zygomorphic eudicot species. Zygomorphy occurs in flowers characterized by a fixed merism and a partially reduced and transformed corolla.


It is suggested that shifts in expression of genes controlling the merism, as well as floral symmetry and organ identity, have played a critical role in the evolution of zygomorphy in Delphinieae, while the presence of pollinators able to exploit the peculiar morphology of the flower has been a key factor for the maintenance and diversification of this trait.Key words: Delphinieae, development, evolution, evo-devo, nectar spurs, ontogenic spiral, Ranunculaceae, zygomorphy  相似文献   

Floral bilateral symmetry (zygomorphy) has evolved several times independently in angiosperms from radially symmetrical (actinomorphic) ancestral states. Homologs of the Antirrhinum majus Cycloidea gene (Cyc) have been shown to control floral symmetry in diverse groups in core eudicots. In the basal eudicot family Ranunculaceae, there is a single evolutionary transition from actinomorphy to zygomorphy in the stem lineage of the tribe Delphinieae. We characterized Cyc homologs in 18 genera of Ranunculaceae, including the four genera of Delphinieae, in a sampling that represents the floral morphological diversity of this tribe, and reconstructed the evolutionary history of this gene family in Ranunculaceae. Within each of the two RanaCyL (Ranunculaceae Cycloidea-like) lineages previously identified, an additional duplication possibly predating the emergence of the Delphinieae was found, resulting in up to four gene copies in zygomorphic species. Expression analyses indicate that the RanaCyL paralogs are expressed early in floral buds and that the duration of their expression varies between species and paralog class. At most one RanaCyL paralog was expressed during the late stages of floral development in the actinomorphic species studied whereas all paralogs from the zygomorphic species were expressed, composing a species-specific identity code for perianth organs. The contrasted asymmetric patterns of expression observed in the two zygomorphic species is discussed in relation to their distinct perianth architecture.  相似文献   

Paleontological and phylogenetic studies have shown that floral zygomorphy (bilateral symmetry) has evolved independently in several plant groups from actinomorphic (radially symmetric) ancestors as a consequence of strong selection exerted by specialized pollinators. Most studies focused on unraveling the developmental genetics of flower symmetry, but little is known about the adaptive significance of intraspecific flower shape variation under natural conditions. We provide the first evidence for natural selection favoring zygomorphy in a wild population of Erysimum mediohispanicum (Brassicaceae), a plant showing extensive continuous variation in flower shape, ranging from actinomorphic to zygomorphic flowers. By using geometric morphometric tools to describe flower shape, we demonstrate that plants bearing zygomorphic flowers received more pollinator visits and had the highest fitness, measured not only by the number of seeds produced per plant but also by the number of seeds surviving to the juvenile stage. This study provides strong evidence for the existence of significant fitness differences associated with floral shape variation in E. mediohispanicum, thus illuminating a pathway for the evolution of zygomorphy in natural populations.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Floral symmetry presents two main states in angiosperms, actinomorphy (polysymmetry or radial symmetry) and zygomorphy (monosymmetry or bilateral symmetry). Transitions from actinomorphy to zygomorphy have occurred repeatedly among flowering plants, possibly in coadaptation with specialized pollinators. In this paper, the rules controlling the evolution of floral symmetry were investigated to determine in which architectural context zygomorphy can evolve.


Floral traits potentially associated with perianth symmetry shifts in Asteridae, one of the major clades of the core eudicots, were selected: namely the perianth merism, the presence and number of spurs, and the androecium organ number. The evolution of these characters was optimized on a composite tree. Correlations between symmetry and the other morphological traits were then examined using a phylogenetic comparative method.

Key Results

The analyses reveal that the evolution of floral symmetry in Asteridae is conditioned by both androecium organ number and perianth merism and that zygomorphy is a prerequisite to the emergence of spurs.


The statistically significant correlation between perianth zygomorphy and oligandry suggests that the evolution of floral symmetry could be canalized by developmental or spatial constraint. Interestingly, the evolution of polyandry in an actinomorphic context appears as an alternative evolutionary pathway to zygomorphy in Asteridae. These results may be interpreted either in terms of plant–pollinator adaptation or in terms of developmental or physical constraints. The results are discussed in relation to current knowledge about the molecular bases underlying floral symmetry.Key words: Floral symmetry, architectural constraints, Asteridae, comparative analysis, composite tree, correlated evolution, evolutionary scenario  相似文献   

Floral zygomorphy, the recurring evolution of a successful trait   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The flowers of the primitive angiosperm plants were radially symmetrical (actinomorphic). Flowers with bilateral symmetry (zygomorphic) evolved in several clades independently as an adaptation to specialized methods of pollination and played an important role in the diversification of flowering plants. In the model species Antirrhinum majus (snapdragon), the related genes CYCLOIDEA (CYC) and DICHOTOMA (DICH) are key in the development of this trait. This raises the question of whether they played a role in the evolution of floral bilateral symmetry. To address this, the evolution of CYC in relation to the evolution of zygomorphy is being investigated. Phylogenetic and functional analyses of CYC-like genes are being carried out in groups either closely related to Antirhinum or in families where zygomorphy evolved as an independent event. In addition, the origin of zygomorphy is being studied by comparing the function of CYC-like genes in species with zygomorphic flowers with their function in species with radially symmetrical flowers.  相似文献   

Records of naturally occurring, heritable floral abnormalities considerably enhance our understanding of floral evolution. Peloric mutants, frequent in natural populations of orchids and mints, have radially symmetric flowers but occur in species characterized by bilaterally symmetric flowers. Three distributions of peloric flowers across an inflorescence are: (1) complete (all flowers peloric, as in the cycloidea mutant of Antirrhinum), (2) scattered (with both peloric and zygomorphic flowers, as in the epigenetic cycloidea mutant of Linaria), and (3) terminal (only the terminal flower peloric, as in the centroradialis mutant of Antirrhinum). Genetic relationships between lateral and terminal peloria, and between peloric and pseudopeloric flowers, remain ambiguous. Complete peloria probably caused occasional evolutionary reversals from zygomorphy to actinomorphy, whereas the 'terminal-flower effect' is a less likely cause of floral evolution.  相似文献   

Plantago lanceolata produces small actinomorphic (radially symmetric), wind-pollinated flowers that have evolved from a zygomorphic, biotically pollinated ancestral state. To understand the developmental mechanisms that might underlie this change in flower shape, and associated change in pollination syndrome, we analyzed the role of CYC-like genes in P. lanceolata. Related zygomorphic species have two CYC-like genes that are expressed asymmetrically in the dorsal region of young floral meristems and in developing flowers, where they affect the rate of development of dorsal petals and stamens. Plantago has a single CYC-like gene (PlCYC) that is not expressed in early floral meristems and there is no apparent asymmetry in the pattern of PlCYC expression during later flower development. Thus, the evolution of actinomorphy in Plantago correlates with loss of dorsal-specific CYC-like gene function. PlCYC is expressed in the inflorescence stem, in pedicels, and relatively late in stamen development, suggesting a novel role for PlCYC in compacting the inflorescence and retarding stamen elongation in this wind pollinated species.  相似文献   

Homology assessment of cycloidea -like genes was carried outin Gesneriaceae, a predominantly zygomorphic family in whichseveral independent reversals to actinomorphy have occurred,as a basis for further investigation of the control and evolutionof floral symmetry. Phylogenetic analysis of Gesneriaceae cycloidea(Gcyc)suggests that independent duplication and gene loss events haveoccurred during the evolution of this family after the splitfrom Scrophulariaceae. Comparison of Gcyc sequences betweenzygomorphic and naturally occurring actinomorphic taxa doesnot suggest that reversals to actinomorphy were caused in thesecases by loss of function of cyc -like genes. Examination offloral development in the nearly actinomorphic Ramonda myconidid not reveal any evidence of residual unequal dorso-ventraldifferentiation indicative of expression of Gcyc. This suggeststhat Gcyc may be expressed before primordia initiation in R.myconi, or may have additional functions not directly relatedto floral symmetry. Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company cycloidea, developmental gene, floral symmetry, Florist’s Gloxinia, Gcyc, Gesneriaceae,Ramonda myconi , Sinningia speciosa  相似文献   

A striking aspect of flowering plant (angiosperm) diversity is variation in flower symmetry. From an ancestral form of radial symmetry (polysymmetry, actinomorphy), multiple evolutionary transitions have contributed to instances of non-radial forms, including bilateral symmetry (monosymmetry, zygomorphy) and asymmetry. Advances in flowering plant molecular phylogenetic research and studies of character evolution as well as detailed flower developmental genetic studies in a few model species (e.g. Antirrhinum majus, snapdragon) have provided a foundation for deep insights into flower symmetry evolution. From phylogenetic studies, we have a better understanding of where during flowering plant diversification transitions from radial to bilateral flower symmetry (and back to radial symmetry) have occurred. From developmental studies, we know that a genetic programme largely dependent on the functional action of the CYCLOIDEA gene is necessary for differentiation along the snapdragon dorsoventral flower axis. Bringing these two lines of inquiry together has provided surprising insights into both the parallel recruitment of a CYC-dependent developmental programme during independent transitions to bilateral flower symmetry, and the modifications to this programme in transitions back to radial flower symmetry, during flowering plant evolution.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Most of the diversity in the pseudanthia of Asteraceae is based on the differential symmetry and sexuality of its flowers. In Anacyclus, where there are (1) homogamous capitula, with bisexual, mainly actinomorphic and pentamerous flowers; and (2) heterogamous capitula, with peripheral zygomorphic, trimerous and long-/short-rayed female flowers, the floral ontogeny was investigated to infer their origin.


Floral morphology and ontogeny were studied using scanning electron microscope and light microscope techniques

Key Results

Disc flowers, subtended by paleae, initiate acropetally. Perianth and androecium initiation is unidirectional/simultaneous. Late zygomorphy occurs by enlargement of the adaxial perianth lobes. In contrast, ray flowers, subtended by involucral bracts, initiate after the proximal disc buds, breaking the inflorescence acropetal pattern. Early zygomorphy is manifested through the fusion of the lateral and abaxial perianth lobes and the arrest of the adaxials. We report atypical phenotypes with peripheral ‘trumpet’ flowers from natural populations. The peripheral ‘trumpet’ buds initiate after disc flowers, but maintain an actinomorphic perianth. All phenotypes are compared and interpreted in the context of alternative scenarios for the origin of the capitulum and the perianth identity.


Homogamous inflorescences display a uniform floral morphology and development, whereas the peripheral buds in heterogamous capitula display remarkable plasticity. Disc and ray flowers follow different floral developmental pathways. Peripheral zygomorphic flowers initiate after the proximal actinomorphic disc flowers, behaving as lateral independent units of the pseudanthial disc from inception. The perianth and the androecium are the most variable whorls across the different types of flowers, but their changes are not correlated. Lack of homology between hypanthial appendages and a calyx, and the perianth double-sided structure are discussed for Anacyclus together with potential causes of its ray flower plasticity.  相似文献   

花对称性的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
花对称性(floral symmetry)是被子植物花部结构的典型特性之一,主要有辐射对称和两侧对称两种形式。被子植物初始起源的花为辐射对称,而两侧对称的花则是由辐射对称的花演变而来。两侧对称的花部结构是被子植物进化过程中的一个关键的革新,被认为是物种形成和分化的关键推动力之一。近年来有关花对称性的形成和进化机制的研究在植物学科的不同领域均取得了长足的进展。本文综述了花对称性在发育生物学、传粉生物学、生殖生态学及分子生物学等方面的研究进展。两侧对称形成于被子植物花器官发育的起始阶段,随后贯穿整个花器官发育过程或者出现在花器官发育后期的不同阶段。花器官发育过程中一种或多种类型器官的败育以及特异性花器官结构的形成是两侧对称形成的主要原因。研究表明,在传粉过程的不同阶段,花对称性均会受到传粉昆虫介导的选择作用。相比辐射对称的花,两侧对称的花提高了特异性传粉者的选择作用,增加了花粉落置的精确性,进而确保了其生殖成功。花对称性的分子机理已经在多种双子叶植物中进行了深入的研究。现有的证据表明,CYC同源基因在花对称性的分子调控方面起着非常重要的作用。花对称性在被子植物进化过程中是如何起源,与其他花部构成之间是否协同作用,一些不符合一般模式的科属其花对称性的形成机制等都是今后要进一步研究的命题。  相似文献   

The origin of cerebral structures is a major issue in both developmental and evolutionary biology. Among Lophotrochozoans, cephalopods present both a derived nervous system and an original body plan, therefore they constitute a key model to study the evolution of nervous system and molecular processes that control the neural organization. We characterized a partial sequence of an ortholog of otx2 in Sepia officinalis embryos, a gene specific to the anterior nervous system and eye development. By in situ hybridization, we assessed the expression pattern of otx2 during S. officinalis organogenesis and we showed that otx is expressed (1) in the eyes, from early to late developmental stages as observed in other species (2) in the nervous system during late developmental stages. The otx ortholog does not appear to be required for the precocious emergence of the nervous ganglia in cephalopods and is later expressed only in the most anterior ganglia of the future brain. Finally, otx expression becomes restricted to localized part of the brain, where it could be involved in the functional specification of the central nervous system of S. officinalis. These results suggest a conserved involvement of otx in eye maturation and development of the anterior neural structures in S. officinalis.  相似文献   

In monocots and eudicots, B class function specifies second and third whorl floral organ identity as described in the classic ABCE model. Grass B class APETALA3/DEFICIENS orthologs have been functionally characterized; here, we describe the positional cloning and characterization of a maize (Zea mays) PISTILLATA/GLOBOSA ortholog Zea mays mads16 (Zmm16)/sterile tassel silky ear1 (sts1). We show that, similar to many eudicots, all the maize B class proteins bind DNA as obligate heterodimers and positively regulate their own expression. However, sts1 mutants have novel phenotypes that provide insight into two derived aspects of maize flower development: carpel abortion and floral asymmetry. Specifically, we show that carpel abortion acts downstream of organ identity and requires the growth-promoting factor grassy tillers1 and that the maize B class genes are expressed asymmetrically, likely in response to zygomorphy of grass floral primordia. Further investigation reveals that floral phyllotactic patterning is also zygomorphic, suggesting significant mechanistic differences with the well-characterized models of floral polarity. These unexpected results show that despite extensive study of B class gene functions in diverse flowering plants, novel insights can be gained from careful investigation of homeotic mutants outside the core eudicot model species.  相似文献   

A gynostemium, comprising stamen filaments adnate to a syncarpous style, occurs in only threc groups of monocots: the large family Orchidaceae (Asparagales) and two small genera Pauridia (Hypoxidaceae: Asparagales) and Corsia (Corsiaceae, probably in Liliales), all epigynous taxa. Pauridia has actinomorphic (polysymmetric) flowers, whereas those of Corsia and most orchids are strongly zygomorphic (monosymmetric) with a well-differentiated labellum. In Corsia the labellum is formed from the outer median tepal (sepal), whereas in orchids it is formed from the inner median tepal (petal) and is developmentally adaxial (but positionally abaxial in orchids with resupinate flowers). Furthermore, in orchids zygomorphy is also expressed in the stamen whorls, in contrast to Corsia. In Pauridia a complete stamen whorl is suppressed, but the 'lost' outer whorl is fused to the style. The evolution of adnation and zygomorphy are discussed in the context of the existing phylogenetic framework in monocotyledons. An arguably typological classification of floral terata is presented, focusing on three contrasting modes each of peloria and pseudopeloria. Dynamic evolutionary transitions in floral morphology are assigned to recently revised concepts of heterotopy (including homeosis) and heterochrony, seeking patterns that delimit developmental constraints and allow inferences regarding underlying genetic controls. Current evidence suggests that lateral heterotopy is more frequent than acropetal heterotopy, and that full basipetal heterotopy does not occur. Pseudopeloria is more likely to generate a radically altered yet functional perianth, but is also more likely to cause acropetal modification of the gynostemium. These comparisons indicate that there are at least two key genes or sets of genes controlling adnation, adaxial stamen suppression and labellum development in lilioid monocots; at least one is responsible for stamen adnation to the style (i.e. gynostemium formation), and another controls adaxial stamen suppression and adaxial labellum formation in orchids. Stamen adnation to the style may be a product of over-expression of the genes related to epigyny (i.e. a form of hyper-epigyny). If, as seems likely, stamen-style adnation preceded zygomorphy in orchid evolution, then the flowers of Pauridia may closely resemble those of the immediate ancestors of Orchidaceae, although existing molecular phylogenetic data indicate that a sister-group relationship is unlikely. The initial radiation in Orchidaceae can be attributed to the combination of hyper-epigyny, zygomorphy and resupination, but later radiations at lower taxonomic levels that generated the remarkable species richness of subfamilies Orchidoideae and Epidendroideae are more likely to reflect more subtle innovations that directly influence pollinator specificity, such as the development of stalked pollinaria and heavily marked and/or spur-bearing labella.  相似文献   

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