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Summary M cells in Peyer's patch epithelium conduct transepithelial transport of luminal antigens to cells of the mucosal immune system. To determine the distribution of specific lectin-binding sites on luminal membranes of living M cells and to follow the transport route of membranebound molecules, lectin-ferritin conjugates and cationized ferritin were applied to rabbit Peyer's patch mucosa in vivo and in vitro. The degree to which binding enhances transport was estimated by comparing quantitatively the transport of an adherent probe, wheat germ agglutinin-ferritin, to that of a nonadherent BSA-colloidal gold probe. When applied to fixed tissue, the lectins tested bound equally well to M cells and columnar absorptive cells. On living mucosa, however, ferritin conjugates of wheat germ agglutinin and Ricinus communis agglutinins I and II bound more avidly to M cells. Absorptive cells conducted little uptake and no detectable transepithelial transport. Lectins on M cell membranes were endocytosed from coated pits, rapidly transported in a complex system of tubulocisternae and vesicles, and remained adherent to M cell basolateral membranes. Cationized ferritin adhered to anionic sites and was similarly transported, but was released as free clusters at M cell basolateral surfaces. When applied simultaneously to Peyer's patch mucosa, wheat germ agglutinin-ferritin was transported about 50 times more efficiently than was bovine serum albumin-colloidal gold.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells are important for the induction of T-lymphocyte-mediated immunity by acting as antigen-presenting cells. We have previously reported that dendritic cells are prevalent in the chronic non-expanding phase of rat apical periodontitis. To characterize these cells further, immunoelectron microscopy with three dendritic cell markers (CD11c, OX6, OX62) was conducted for samples from rat models of apical periodontitis. Dendritic cells were divided into two types (type I or type II). Most of the type I dendritic cells expressed CD11c, showed an irregular large profile, had typical cytoplasmic processes, and were recognized as the major dendritic cell population. Most of the type II dendritic cells expressed OX62, showed oval small profiles with a few thin short processes, and were sometimes observed infiltrating from blood vessels. Cell-to-cell contacts between type I dendritic cells and lymphocytes were the most frequently observed associations. These results suggest that dendritic cells are composed of heterogeneous populations that exhibit different phenotypes, morphologies, and maturation/differentiation/activation. This study was supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (no. 11470402 to T.O., and nos. 15791091 and 18791393 to T.K.) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences.  相似文献   

Summary The present electron-microscopical study reports ultrastructural changes occurring in the supranuclear region of the supporting cells of the rat olfactory epithelium during the first 16 days of postnatal life. These changes are concerned with the enclosure of receptor cell dendrites and an increase in the amount of smooth endoplasmic reticulum, which has a specific distribution in the supporting cell. An increase in microvillous projections at the free cell surface is also observed. Moreover, this report demonstrates that the cytoarchitecture of the apical portion of the olfactory epithelium at the 16th day of postnatal life is similar, with respect to the relationship between supporting cells and receptor cell dendrites, to that of adult animals.  相似文献   

Summary Carbonic anhydrase cytochemistry of the ileal Peyer's patch in foetal and neonatal lambs has indicated secretion from the follicle-associated epithelium to the follicles. Reaction for carbonic anhydrase in the follicle-associated epithelium was found in the luminal plasma membrane, in cytoplasmic vesicles, and in vacuoles containing 50-nm membrane-bounded particles that seemed to be shed to the intercellular space. The lateral plasma membrane was negative for carbonic anhydrase, indicating that formation of carbonic anhydrase-positive particles was restricted to vacuoles. Administration of ferritin to ileal loops of sheep foetuses showed ferritin localized in vesicles and vacuoles of the follicle-associated epithelium followed by exocytosis, together with carbonic anhydrase-positive particles, into the indentations of the lateral cell border. The carbonic anhydrase-positive particles seemed to be transported to the centres of lymphoid follicles where many were attached to the plasma membrane of lymphocytes. Carbonic anhydrase-positive particles were also seen in vesicles and sometimes free in the cytoplasm of the lymphocytes or attached to their nuclear envelope. Light microscopically, carbonic anhydrase reactivity of the follicle-associated epithelium was associated with the early formation of the ileal Peyer's patch at about 100 days gestation. At this time the follicle-associated epithelium showed a strong luminal but at most a week lateral staining. With further foetal development there was a progressive increase in the amount of carbonic anhydrase-positive reaction product in extracellular particles, both along the lateral cell borders of the follicle-associated epithelium and among the lymphocytes of the follicle centres.  相似文献   

The enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells of the gastric mucosa in animals play an important role in gastric acid secretion. They contain few granules and numerous secretory vesicles and microvesicles. They operate under the control of circulating gastrin. In the present study, we conducted an immunoelectron microscopic study for histamine (HA) in the ECL cells of rats given the proton pump inhibitor lansoprazole (LP), which is known to induce hypergastrinemia. The pre-embedding indirect immunoperoxidase procedure utilized a mouse monoclonal antibody AHA-2 against glutaraldehyde-conjugated HA. Rats received LP (50 g/kg per day, subcutaneously) over a period of a month, and developed hypertrophy of the ECL cells in the stomach. It was clearly demonstrated that HA was located to a much higher degree in the cytoplasm of ECL cells of LP-treated rats than in normal rats. HA immunoreactivity was observed in the cores of the granules and secretory vesicles of the ECL cells in all the rats, but in the LP-treated rats it was observed in the cores of the newly developed vacuoles as well. These results may suggest that HA may be actively generated in the cytoplasm of the hypertrophic ECL cells of LP-treated rats. Also suggested in the present study is that HA is instrumental in the transformation of granules into secretory vesicles and in their consequent enlargement, and that vacuoles are formed by the fusion of large secretory vesicles. Furthermore, the finding that relatively little HA immunoreactivity existed in the vacuoles may suggest that the vacuoles actively degrade superfluous secretory products (for example, HA) through enhanced autophagocytosis and/or oxidative stress. Another possibility may be that the membrane-bounded structure regarded as the vacuoles in this study might actually be an invagination structure produced as a result of successive series of exocytosis through which the secretory vesicles actively and rapidly release HA.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes is a food-borne pathogen that must cross the intestinal epithelial barrier to reach its target organs. We have investigated the importance of M cells in translocation using an experimental mouse model and a novel, recently described in vitro coculture system that mimics the follicle-associated epithelium (FAE). Our data demonstrate that L. monocytogenes does not require, nor specifically use, M cells of the FAE to cross the gut. We also show that bacterial translocation is rapid and L. monocytogenes can attach very efficiently to exposed basal lamina of the small intestine indicating an important role for extracellular matrix proteins.  相似文献   

Summary A monoclonal antibody (MC41) was produced that specifically recognizes a sperm acrosomal antigen of approximately 165000 dalton in the rat. Rat testis was examined using a pre-embedding immunoperoxidase technique to reveal the pathway of the MC41 antigen to the acrosome during spermiogenesis. The MC41 immunoreaction appeared in several organelles of spermatids in a stage-specific manner: (1) in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) throughout spermiogenesis, (2) in the outer acrosomal membrane from steps 9 to 19, (3) as a weak immunoreaction in the vesicular structures in the acrosomal matrix from steps 11 to 17, and (4) as a strong immunoreaction in the acrosomal matrix especially at the terminal step of spermiogenesis (step 19). However, no immunoreaction was observed in the Golgi region throughout spermiogenesis. These results suggest that the pathway of the MC41 antigen leads firstly from the ER to the outer acrosomal membrane and secondly to the acrosomal matrix. This pathway does not involve the Golgi apparatus and is referred to as the extra-Golgi pathway.  相似文献   

Two types of interstitial cells have been demonstrated in close association in the deep muscular plexus of rat small intestine, by electron microscopy. Cells of the first type are characterized by a fibroblastic ultrastructure, i.e. a well-developed granular endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus and absence of the basal lamina. They form a few small gap junctions with the circular muscle cells and show close contact with axon terminals containing many synaptic vesicles. They may play a role in conducting electrical signals in the muscle tissue. Cells of the second type are characterized by many large gap junctions that interconnect with each other and with the circular muscle cells. Their cytoplasm is rich in cell organells, including mitochondria, granular endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. They show some resemblance to the smooth muscle cells and have an incomplete basal lamina, caveolae and subsurface cisterns. However, they do not contain an organized contractile apparatus, although many intermediate filaments are present in their processes. They also show close contacts with axon terminals containing synaptic vesicles. These gap-junction-rich cells may be regular components of the intestinal tract and may be involved in the pacemaking activity of intestinal movement.  相似文献   

The distribution of nerve fibres in the mucosa of the nasal septum of the rat was investigated by means of transmission electron microscopy on transverse and tangential ultrathin sections. Near the basement membrane of respiratory and squamous epithelium, a rather dense network of unmyelinated nerve fibres occurs. Some fibres in the respiratory epithelium ascend between the epithelial cells to reach up to the tight junctions. These fibres appeared in transverse sections to end as hooks or boutons, sometimes with branches. These shapes resemble the free nerve endings that are considered to act as nociceptors. The small intraepithelial fibres, with diameters of about 0.5–1 m, contain both dense granules and clear vesicles comparable to synaptic vesicles. Substance P was found in dense granules in basal fibres; vasoactive intestinal peptide was absent throughout the epithelium. Acetylcholinesterase activity was observed closely associated with the basal fibres; the apical fibres showed little if any activity. Membrane specializations pointing to an efferent function as well as structures usually associated with mechanoreceptive functions were lacking in both respiratory and squamous epithelium.Part of this work was presented at the Annual Conference of the Netherlands Society for Electron Microscopy, 28–29 Nov 1985, Wageningen, The Netherlands. See Spit BJ and Hendriksen EGJ (1986) Ultramicroscopy 19:102–103  相似文献   

The distribution of intestinal membranous (M) cells has been studied within the follicle-associated epithelium of rabbit Peyer's patches and appendix. Vimentin expression has been assessed as a primary criterion to identify rabbit M cells in tissue sections and in whole tissue preparations. This criterion has been compared to the use of the absence of alkaline phosphatase which, due to its heterogeneous distribution within the enterocyte population, is less reliable than vimentin expression as a marker for rabbit M cells. The pattern of vimentin immunostaining revealed that the majority of M cells are located in the periphery of the follicle-associated epithelium, the dome apex being largely free of M cells. This distribution was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy. Vimentin is also expressed by follicle-associated epithelial cells in the vicinity of crypts which lack the typical lymphocyte-containing pocket of M cells. Cytoplasmic peanut agglutinin binding coincides with vimentin-expression throughout the follicle-associated epithelium but is absent from vimentin-negative enterocytes. The co-localisation of these two phenotypic markers in both M cells and epithelial cells adjacent to crypts, which lack the typical morphology of fully developed rabbit M cells, suggests that they correspond to immature M cells which by their location appear to derive directly from undifferentiated crypt stem cells and not from mature columnar enterocytes.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution patterns of extracellular matrix elements were determined to ascertain whether they play a role in the localization of lymphocytes in discrete T-cell, B-cell and dome antigen-processing domains within Peyer's patches. Antibodies against collagen types I, III and IV, laminin and fibronectin were applied to cryosections of mouse Peyer's patches and localized by direct or indirect immunoperoxidase methods. T-cell domains were identified with a monoclonal antibody against Thy-1.2. Labeled reticular fibers in distinctive patterns were more numerous in parafollicular and dome areas than within follicles. Germinal centers contained few such fibers. In parafollicular areas, fibers were oriented predominantly toward follicle domes; their distribution corresponded to T-cell zones and lymphocyte traffic areas, with their orientation being parallel to the migration pathways of lymphocytes from high endothelial venules to the antigen-processing domes. Subepithelial and subendothelial basal laminae were immunopositive for type-IV collagen, laminin and fibronectin. The dome subepithelial basal lamina had pore-like discontinuities through which lymphocytes migrated to and from the epithelium. The correspondence of the distribution patterns of extracellular matrix to specific functional domains of Peyer's patches suggests that this matrix provides a structural framework for lymphocyte migration and localization.  相似文献   

The migration routes of lymphocyte subsets through organ compartments are of importance when trying to understand the local events taking place during immune responses. We have therefore studied the traffic of B, T, CD4+, and CD8+ lymphocytes through lymph nodes and Peyer's patches. At various time points after injection into the rat, labeled lymphocytes were localized, and their phenotype characterized in cryostat sections using immunohistochemistry. Morphometry was also performed, and the recovery of 51Cr-labeled lymphocytes in these organs was determined. B and T lymphocytes entered the lymph nodes via the high endothelial venules in similar numbers. Most B lymphocytes migrated via the paracortex (T cell area) into the cortex (B cell area), and then back in substantial numbers into the paracortex. In contrast, T lymphocytes predominantly migrated into the paracortex and were rarely seen in the cortex. No obvious differences were seen between various lymph nodes and Peyer's patches and the routes of CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes. After injection of lymphocytes into animals with autotransplanted splenic tissue, the number of B lymphocytes that had migrated into the B cell area of lymph nodes and of Peyer's patches was significantly decreased, whereas CD4+ lymphocytes migrated in larger numbers into the T cell area of both organs.This study was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemein-schaft (SFB 244, A7).  相似文献   

Summary Gastric surface epithelial cells (SEC) from fed rats, from rats fasted for 16 h and from mucosae exposed in an ex-vivo chamber to 16 mM aspirin for 5 min were examined by transmission electron microscopy. SEC have the capability to phagocytose adjacent epithelial cells and parietal cells. Phagocytosis is rare in mucosae from fasted animals but common in fed animals or after brief exposure to aspirin. Phagocytic capabilities are not restricted to the progenitor zone but exist throughout the surface epithelium. Phagocytosis may provide a mechanism for the removal of damaged or senescent cells from the surface epithelium.Suported by the Medical Research Council of Canada  相似文献   

Tight and adherens junctions (TJs, AJs) between neurons, epithelial and glial cells provide barrier and adhesion properties in the olfactory epithelium (OE), and subserve functions such as compartmentalization and axon growth in the fila olfactoria (FO). Immunofluorescence and immunoelectronmicroscopy were combined in sections of rat OE and FO to document the cellular and subcellular localization of TJ proteins occludin(Occl), claudins(Cl) 1-5 and zonula occludens(ZO) proteins 1-3, and of AJ proteins N-cadherin(cad), E-cad, and alpha-, beta- and p120-catenin(cat). With the exception of Cl2, all TJ proteins were colocalized in OE junctions. Differences in relative immunolabeling intensities were noted between neuronal and epithelial TJs. In the FO, Cl5-reactivity was localized in olfactory ensheathing cell (OEC) junctions, Cl1-reactivity in the FO periphery, with differential colocalization with ZOs. Supporting cells formed N-cad-immunoreactive (ir) AJs with olfactory sensory neurons, E-cad-ir junctions with microvillar and gland duct cells, and both N-cad and E-cad-ir junctions in homotypic contacts. Alpha, beta- and p120-cat were localized in all AJs of the OE. AJs were scarce in the globose basal cell layer. Immature and mature neurons formed numerous contacts. In the FO, AJs were documented between OECs, between OECs and axons, and between axons. Most AJs colocalized N-cad with catenins, occasionally E-cad-ir AJs were found in the FO periphery. Characteristics of molecular composition suggest differential properties of TJs formed by neuronal, epithelial and glial cells in the OE and FO. The presence and molecular composition of AJs are consistent with a role of AJ proteins in neuroplastic processes in the peripheral olfactory pathway.  相似文献   

Summary The brush cells (BC) are highly polarized elements occurring in epithelia of endodermal origin. They have a preferential topographical distribution in the organs in which they reside. In the stomach of the rat, BC prevail near the transitional zone separating the forestomach from the glandular stomach. Thus, a method was developed to isolate and recover BC from this organ with the aim of investigating the changes they may undergo after dissociation. Strips of the rat stomach were severed from the very proximal border of the glandular region and incubated in Hanks' balanced salt solution containing pronase. After sedimentation of the dissociated cells (crude sediment containing all stomach epithelial cell types) two successive cell fractions were prepared on preformed Percoll gradient in an attempt to enrich BC in a defined layer. BC were recovered in a fraction at a density close to 1.03 g/ml where they represented about 2% of all cells. The isolated BC changed their form from columnar to pear-shaped; however, they maintained their structural polarity over 2 h as demonstrated by light microscopy, transmission-and scanning-electron microscopy. The fine structure of BC was always satisfactorily preserved. Maintenance of the structural polarity of isolated BC is contrary to the general rule according to which all conventional epithelial cells examined to date lose their polarity after isolation. This result is discussed in relation to morphological findings in isolated sensory cells (hair cells, photoreceptor cells) leading to the suggestion that BC are more similar to these than to conventional epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The rostro-caudal extent of odorant receptor expression zones in the rat olfactory epithelium was analysed by means of in situ hybridization. Three broad non-overlapping zones were identified that extended along almost the entire anterior-posterior axis; each zone was composed of several separate bands running anterior to posterior throughout the olfactory epithelium. Superimposed onto these broad zones was the expression area of a particular receptor subtype (OR37); it was restricted to a small region of the epithelial sheet with a high density of reactive neurones in the centre and declining numbers towards the periphery of the region. A quantitative evaluation of the reactive cells revealed that, despite their diferent distribution patterns, all receptor subtypes were expressed in an equal number of neurones.  相似文献   

Summary A possible contribution of the intestinal epithelium to the immune defence system was studied by electron microscopy in the rat small intestine. The cells of the immune system (CIS) such as lymphocytes, eosinophils and macrophages penetrate the basal lamina into the epithelium and make close relationships with the absorptive cells. At the points of close apposition, the two cell membranes run parallel at a regular distance of about 20 nm. On the other hand, about 5% of the intestinal absorptive cells also penetrate the basal lamina into the lamina propria via their basal protrusions and show a similar close association with CIS. The basal protrusions contain many microfilaments; this indicates that they are structures with a definite function rather than a simple hernia. These findings are discussed with respect to the transport of antigenic molecules and of intercellular communication between CIS and the intestinal epithelium.  相似文献   

Summary Testicular macrophages and Leydig cells from adult animals are known to be functionally coupled. For example, secreted products from macrophages stimulate testosterone secretion by Leydig cells. In adult rat testes, structural coupling also exists between these cells. This coupling consists of cytoplasmic projections from Leydig cells located within cytoplasmic invaginations of macrophages. Although macrophages are known to exist in the testis in immature animals, it is not known when these digitations develop. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether the time of their development coincides with known maturational events that occur in Leydig cells, particularly during the peripubertal period. Testes from rats at 20, 30 and 40-days-of-age as well as testes from mature rats weighing more than 500 gm were prepared for ultrastructural analysis. It was found that digitations form between 20 and 30-days-of-age. These structures varied from simple tubular projections to complicated branched structures, suggesting that digitations are more than simple invaginations of microvilli into coated vesicles as previously described. Subplasmalemmal linear densities were also observed within macrophages juxtaposed to Leydig cells. Collagen was commonly observed between macrophages and Leydig cells in animals 20 days old. These studies demonstrate that although macrophages are present in the testis in maximal numbers at 20 days-of-age, they do not form junctions with Leydig cells until day 30. This is just prior to the major increase in secretory activity of rat Leydig cells that occurs during puberty.  相似文献   

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