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The application of 8[14C]t-zeatin to the radicle tips of germinatingPhaseolus vulgaris seeds revealed that cytokinins are transportedrapidly from the embryonic axis to the cotyledons, and are utilizedand metabolized extensively in these organs. The informationobtained on the transportation between the different parts ofthe embryo is consistent with the view that the mobilizationof food reserves from the cotyledons is controlled by cytokininswhich originate in the embryonic axis. Tentative identificationof the radioactive metabolites formed indicate that the appliedzeatin was altered by side-chain cleavage and by substitutionto the adenine ring. Phaseolus vulgaris, bean, germination, cytokinins, transport, radicle  相似文献   

The application of 8[14C]t-zeatin to the cotyledons of germinatingbean seeds demonstrated that cytokinins are not readily exportedfrom the cotyledons to the embryonic axis during the early stagesof this process. In the cotyledons the applied zeatin is metabolizedextensively to metabolites which are polar and which occur atRF 0·2–0·5 on paper chromatograms. Thesemetabolites are stable and are not readily exported from thecotyledons. In contrast the metabolites found at RF 0–0·2are more readily exported. When exported to the radicles andplumules a large proportion of the translocated metaboliteswere converted to compounds which on paper co-chromatographedwith zeatin. This seems to suggest that the embryonic axis hasthe capacity to synthesize cytokinins and that some of the metabolitesformed during its catabolism can also be used for its synthesis. Phaseolus vulgaris, bean, germination, cytokinins, transport, cotyledons  相似文献   

[3H]-dihydrozeatin riboside was applied selectively to the embryonicaxes or to the cotyledons of germinating lupin (Lupinus luteusL. cv. Weiko III) seeds 6 h following the start of imbibition.There was little transport of dihydrozeatin riboside from embryoto cotyledons up to 6 h after the application, but a substantialamount of radioactivity had moved into the cotyledons at theend of the 10 h incubation period. However, there was no detectablemovement of [3H]-dihydrozeatin riboside from the cotyledonsto the embryonic axis. This indicated a highly polarized movementof cytokinins during the early stages of seed germination. Exogenouslyapplied [3H]-dihydrozeatin riboside was found to be very stable,both when applied to the embryonic axes and cotyledons of intactseed, or following excision, and there was little metabolismwith only small amounts of radioactivity found associated withdegradative metabolites. The embryonic axis of this specieshas recently been found to synthesize cytokinins within 12 hfrom the start of imbibition, and the results of this studyindicate that the embryo-derived cytokinin is probably transportedto the cotyledons where it accumulates and subsequently participatesin the control of cotyledon function. Key words: Lupinus luteus, cytokinin transport and metabolism, dihydrozeatin riboside, seed germination  相似文献   

The influence of the embryonic axis and cytokinins (CKs) onreserve mobilization has been examined in yellow lupin (Lupinusluteus L. cv. JSG 6167) seed during germination and during earlygrowth for up to 9 d in the dark. The study included determinationof starch, soluble sugars, proteins, and amino acid content.Amylolytic and proteolytic enzyme activity was also measuredin untreated cotyledons with intact embryo (attached) or detachedcotyledons (embryo removed), and in detached cotyledons followingtreatment with CKs namely, dihydrozeatin, (diH)Z, and 6-benzylaminopurine,BAP. Generally, the detached cotyledons showed reduced mobilizationand decreased enzymatic activity in comparison to attached cotyledons,indicating the importance of the embryonic axis in this process.However, a rise in protease activity and free amino acid contentwas detected in 9-d-old detached cotyledons suggesting thatthe end products do not necessarily inhibit enzyme activity.While (diH)Z was partially effective in inducing reserve mobilizationand enzymatic activity in detached cotyledons, the effect ofBAP was more pronounced and appeared to replace the embryonicaxis. The embryonic axis of this species has recently been shownto synthesize CKs which are transported to the cotyledons, arehighly stabe and induce cotyledon expansion and chlorophyllsynthesis. The results of the present investigation and previousstudies from this laboratory collectively indicate that theregulation of reserve mobilization in yellow lupin seeds appearsto be mediated, at least in part, by a stimulus, probably aCK, emanating from the embryonic axis. Key words: Lupinus luteus, cytokinins, benzylaminopurine, dihydrozeatin, embryonic axis, lupin seeds, reserve mobilization  相似文献   

Eight cytokinins detected in germinated chick-pea (Cicer arietinum L. var. Castellana) seeds were first present in the embryonic axes but appeared in the cotyledons after 12h of germination. The cytokinins detected in the cotyledons originate in the embryonic axes, but no passage of these substances from the cotyledons to the axes was detected, except when the seeds were treated with red light.It is concluded that the role played by the embryonic axis in mobilizating the main reserves of the cotyledons is mainly effected through these cytokinins. Both natural and synthetic cytokinins exert an important regulatory role in the hydrolysis of reserve proteins and calcium could be involved as an intermediate.Abbreviations BA benzyladenine - cot. cotyledon - (diH)Z dihydrozeatin - (diH)ZR dihydrozeatin riboside - GZR glycosyl zeatin riboside - 2iP 277-1 - iPA 277-2 riboside - Kin kinetin - Z zeatin - ZG zeatin glucoside - ZR zeatin riboside  相似文献   

Separation of an extract of cotyledons of Phaseolus vulgarison a column of Sephadex G-200 revealed three amylolytic fractions.The slower migrating fraction hydrolyzed/ß-Limit dextrinazure and was inhibited by EDTA. The activity of this fractionwas enhanced by the embryo axis and this effect could be fullyreplaced by kinetin or benzyladenine. These results suggestthat the bean embryo axis exerts a promotive influence on theactivity of a-amylase in the cotyledons and that this effectis mediated by cytokinins. The other two amylolytic fractions did not show a-amylase activity.No effect of the embryo axis or of cytokinins on their activitycould be noted. 1Present address: The Thimann Laboratories, University of California,Santa Cruz, California, U.S.A. (Received June 27, 1979; )  相似文献   

Amylase activity increased in attached cotyledons of peas, Pisumsativum L. var. Bördi, only during imbibition and remainedalmost constant up to 96 h after germination, but in excisedcotyledons the activity increased slightly at first then markedly.In contrast, the content of the reducing sugars was higher inattached cotyledons than in excised ones. A similar inverserelationship has been found between the concentration of reducingsugars in axes (both attached and excised) and amylase activity. The leakage from intact seeds contained more reducing sugarsthan the leakage from excised cotyledons, whereas the amountof proteins released from the cotyledons was four times greaterduring imbibition. This increase in amylase activity in excisedcotyledons is not thought to be the result of axis excision,but to be the result of the leakage of sugars from the cotyledonsduring incubation. These results suggest that the concentration of reducing sugarsmay be a factor that regulates amylase activity in vivo in boththe cotyledons and axis during the germination of pea seeds. (Received August 4, 1982; Accepted December 14, 1982)  相似文献   

Penicillin stimulated the synthesis of pigments in the cotyledonsof intact embryos and excised cotyledons of mung bean (Phaseolusaureus L.) and enhanced benzyladenine-induced accumulation ofchloroplast pigments. The presence of the embryonic axis duringlight exposure proved to be beneficial for chlorophyll synthesisby the cotyledons whereas its presence in dark germination producedan adverse effect. The possible involvement of nucleic acidand protein synthesis in light-regulated chlorophyll formationis suggested. The stimulating effect on pigment synthesis providedby penicillin in this system seems to involve a maintenanceof nucleic acid and protein synthesis. Phaseolus aureus L., mung bean, pigment synthesis, cotyledons  相似文献   

Kinetin and the embryo axis acted similarly in bringing abouta promotion of amylase activity in cotyledons of Phaseolus vulgaris.No promotive effect of gibberellic acid or indole-3-acetic acidon amylase activity could be detected. It is suggested thatthe regulatory action of the embryo axis on starch degradationin the cotyledons of P. vulgaris is mediated by cytokinins. (Received May 4, 1970; )  相似文献   

Changes in the dry weights of various parts of the castor bean seedling showed that the rates of transfer of material through the cotyledons to the embryonic axis exceeded 2 mg/hour after 5 to 6 days of germination. The sugar present in the endosperm was predominantly, and in the cotyledon almost exclusively, sucrose. Anatomical features were described which contribute to the efficiency of the cotyledons as organs of absorption and transmittal of sucrose to the embryonic axis, where hexoses are much more prevalent.The ability of the cotyledons to absorb sucrose survived removal of the endosperm from the seedling. A series of experiments is described in which the cotyledons of such excised seedlings were immersed in sucrose-(14)C and measurements made of uptake and of translocation to various parts of the seedling. Increasing rates of absorption were observed as the sucrose concentration was raised to 0.5 m and these rates were maintained for several hours. Removal of the embryonic axis (hypocotyl plus roots) drastically altered both the response to sucrose concentration and the time course of absorption by the cotyledons.More than 80% of the sugar normally entering the cotyledons from the endosperm is transmitted to the embryonic axis and this extensive turnover was seen also in pulse/chase experiments with excised seedlings. The cotyledons of excised seedlings absorbed sucrose against high apparent concentration gradients. The absorption was stimulated by phosphate and had a pH optimum at about pH 6.4. It was inhibited by arsenate, azide and 2,4-dinitrophenol.  相似文献   

When etiolated seedlings of squash (Cucurbita maxima Duch. cv.Houkou-aokawaamaguri) were exposed to light, their cotyledonsbegan to accumulate chlorophyll at a low rate for the firsthour but at a high rate therafter. After 0, 1 and 2 h of illumination,cytokinin levels in cotyledons, hypocotyls and roots were analyzedby ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) and GC-SIM (gaschromatography-selected ion monitoring). Cytokinin levels measuredby ELISA were about 10 times higher than those measured by GC-SIM,suggesting that ELISA was not suitable for the measurementsof cytokinin levels in the extracts from these tissues. Cytokininsfound by GC-SIM were t-RZ (t-ribosyl zeatin), c-RZ, t-Z (t-zeatin),c-Z, RiP (ribosyl isopentenyladenine) and iP (isopoentenyladenine).Levels of biologically active cytokinins (t-RZ and t-Z) didnot show marked changes after illumination. Levels of c-RZ andc-Z did, however, decrease in cotyledons and increase in hypocotylsafter illumination. Promotion of the accumulation of the chlorophyllin detached squash cotyledons by exogenously applied t-Z waspartially inhibited by the addition of c-Z, suggesting thatthe decrease in the endogenous level of c-Z in cotyledons ofintact seedlings after illumination permits the light-inducedformation of chlorophyll. (Received August 8, 1990; Accepted April 4, 1991)  相似文献   

The embryonic axis plays an essential role in the mobilization of the main reserves of the cotyledons of seeds of Cicer arietinum L. cv Castellana. This control by the axis of the metabolism of the storage products of the cotyledons largely takes place through the cytokinins, which are transported from the embryonic axis to the cotyledons where the mobilization of reserves begins. The principal regulatory role of the endogenous cytokinins concerns the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins; there is less influence on lipid metabolism. However, each cytokinin seems to have a different role in the mobilization processes. The glucosides, glucosyl zeatin riboside, and glucosyl zeatin act only as storage forms of the hormones. Zeatin riboside affects mainly the mobilization of carbohydrates and has less effect on protein mobilization. Zeatin regulates both the mobilization of carbohydrates and that of proteins and is more marked in the latter case.  相似文献   

The effects of removal of the shoot or whole axis on the levelsof total, protein, and TCA-soluble nitrogen and on proteaseactivity in cotyledons during germination of garden pea (Pisumsativum L ) seedlings grown in the light have been examined. Removal of the shoot 1 week after soaking the seed caused areduction in the rates of protein hydrolysis and of nitrogentransport from the cotyledons and an increase in the level ofsoluble nitrogen When the entire axis was excised after 4 or9 days there was a great reduction in protein hydrolysis whilethe level of soluble nitrogen remained the same as in de-shootedplants. In the intact plant, proteolytic activity of cotyledon extractsrose to a peak about 15 days after soaking of the seed and thenfell rapidly This fall coincided with a decrease in water contentand in oxygen consumption by the cotyledons. Removal of theshoot or entire axis led to a much smaller and more gradualincrease in protease activity and the subsequent decline inactivity of the enzyme and senescence of the cotyledons werealso delayed. It is concluded that control of protein hydrolysis in pea cotyledonsis not mediated through the level of protease enzymes, as indicatedby the proteolytic activity of tissue extracts, or by the amountof soluble nitrogen compounds accumulated. Protease activityseems to be controlled by the shoot and to be closely linkedto senescence of the cotyledons Protein hydrolysis and transportof nitrogen to the axis, on the other hand, are affected bythe presence of both shoot and root and the axis appears toexert independent control on each of these processes.  相似文献   

The embryonic axis plays a critical role in inducing expansion and chlorophyll formation in cotyledons of germinating yellow lupin seed, and cytokinins would appear to constitute an important part of the stimulus emanating from the axis. Externally applied cytokinins (6-benzylaminopurine >;>; zeatin >; dihydrozeatin) completely replaced the embryonic axis while gibberellic acid was ineffective. The two optical isomers of dihydrozeatin differed in activity, the unnatural form (R) being more active than the natural form (S). The cotyledons appeared to respond mrkedly to supplied cytokinin only after reaching a certain stage of development (3–5 days after the start of germination), reflecting development of sensitivity to cytokinin or of an ability to utilize the primary response evoked by cytokins.  相似文献   

Prevost, I. and Le Page–Degivry, M. Th. 1985. Changesin absicisic acid content in axis and cotyledons of developingPhaseolus vulgaris embryos and their physiological consequences.—J.exp. Bot. 36: 1900–1905.Changes in abscisic acid (ABA)content with time were measured in embryonic axes and in cotyledonsof Phaseolus vulgaris embryos using a radio–immunoassay.During embryogenesis, a similar pattern was observed in bothtissues: ABA increased to a maximum 29 d after an thesis, followedby a decrease as the seed matured. The level of ABA in the cotyledonswas always much higher than that in the axes. In in vitro cultures,the duration of the lag phase before germination of isolatedembryonic axes increased with ABA content. The presence of cotyledonsalways lengthened the lag phase; longer lag phases were associatedwith greater concentrations of ABA in the cotyledons. Moreoverthe presence of cotyledons stimulated the growth of seedlings. Key words: ABA distribution, embryo maturation, axis and embryo germinability  相似文献   

Inter-organ control of greening in etiolated cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Aonagajibae) cotyledons was investigated. Four- or six-day-old excised or intact etiolated cucumber cotyledons were illuminated under aerobic conditions. Excised cotyledons without hypocotyl hooks produced chlorophyll without a prolonged lag phase and the rate of chlorophyll formation was not depressed if they were illuminated immediately after excision. If the excised cotyledons were incubated in the dark before illumination, chlorophyll accumulation at the end of 6 h of continuous illumination was remarkably lowered as the dark period lengthened, especially in 6-day-old cotyledons. The rapid loss of chlorophyll-forming capacity of excised cotyledons during dark preincubation suggests a stimulatory effect of hypocotyls on the greening in cotyledons. The treatment of excised cotyledons with bleeding sap in the dark for 18 h resulted in the promotion of chlorophyll formation during subsequent continuous illumination. Partial fractionation of bleeding sap with organic solvents and paper chromatography indicates that the active substances showed the same behavior as cytokinins. These facts add weight to the hypothesis that cytokinins from roots flow into cotyledons and stimulate greening.  相似文献   

A single copy of the a-amylase gene, composed of three intronsand four exons, was found in Vigna mungo. Examination of levelsof a-amylase and its mRNA in detached cotyledons indicated thatattachment of the embryonic axis is not required for expressionof the gene in cotyledons of germinating seeds. (Received December 21, 1993; Accepted March 14, 1994)  相似文献   

Pulse-chase experiments indicated that the higher levels ofa-amylase in detached and incubated cotyledons of Vigna mungothan those in cotyledons attached to the embryonic axis weredue to both faster synthesis and slower degradation of the enzymein the detached cotyledons than in the attached cotyledons.Levels of a-amylase in the cotyledons were examined in termsof possible effects of end-products and the effects of exogenouslyapplied plant hormones and growth regulators. Levels of a-amylaseactivity and content were reduced by high concentrations ofglucose and sucrose, and it is suggested that this effect wascaused mostly by osmotic stress and partly by end-product repression.The level of a-amylase was nearly twice that in controls after1 to 10µM GA3 had been applied to the cotyledons. In addition,0.1 mM kinetin, 0.1 mM 2,4-D and 0.1 to 0.S mM naphthaleneaceticacid also increased the level by 34% to 66% as compared to thecontrol. ABA and uniconazole both prevented the synthesis ofa-amylase. (Received July 4, 1994; Accepted November 14, 1994)  相似文献   

The activity of cysteine endopeptidase (EP) in the cotyledons of mung bean seeds increased with time after germination. When cotyledons were excised from the embryonic axis in the course of seedling growth, the activity of EP in the excised cotyledon markedly dropped during the following incubation of 1 d. However, the level of EP protein in excised cotyledons, as examined by immunoblotting, was similar to that in axis-attached cotyledons at the corresponding stage. Thus, it seems that the low activity of EP in excised cotyledons is not due to a decrease in the content of EP protein, but due to a loss of the activity of existing EP. Treatment of attached cotyledons with polyamines (PAs; putrescine and spermidine [Spd]) resulted in a decrease in EP activity, while the same PA-treatment brought about little alteration in the level of EP protein. This indicates that PAs somehow produce an inhibitory effect on the activity of EP. Axis-removal resulted in an accumulation of Spd in the cotyledon. The possibility is suggested that PA, especially Spd, is involved in the inhibition of EP activity in excised mung bean cotyledons.  相似文献   

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