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Two proviruses were cloned from EcoRI-digested DNA extracted from mink cells chronically infected with AKR mink cell focus-forming (MCF) 247 murine leukemia virus (MuLV), using a lambda phage host vector system. One cloned MuLV DNA fragment (designated MCF 1) contained sequences extending 6.8 kilobases from an EcoRI restriction site in the 5' long terminal repeat (LTR) to an EcoRI site located in the envelope (env) region and was indistinguishable by restriction endonuclease mapping for 5.1 kilobases (except for the EcoRI site in the LTR) from the 5' end of AKR ecotropic proviral DNA. The DNA segment extending from 5.1 to 6.8 kilobases contained several restriction sites that were not present in the AKR ecotropic provirus. A 0.5-kilobase DNA segment located at the 3' end of MCF 1 DNA contained sequences which hybridized to a xenotropic env-specific DNA probe but not to labeled ecotropic env-specific DNA. This dual character of MCF 1 proviral DNA was also confirmed by analyzing heteroduplex molecules by electron microscopy. The second cloned proviral DNA (designated MCF 2) was a 6.9-kilobase EcoRI DNA fragment which contained LTR sequences at each end and a 2.0-kilobase deletion encompassing most of the env region. The MCF 2 proviral DNA proved to be a useful reagent for detecting LTRs electron microscopically due to the presence of nonoverlapping, terminally located LTR sequences which effected its circularization with DNAs containing homologous LTR sequences. Nucleotide sequence analysis demonstrated the presence of a 104-base-pair direct repeat in the LTR of MCF 2 DNA. In contrast, only a single copy of the reiterated component of the direct repeat was present in MCF 1 DNA.  相似文献   

A nonhomogeneous spatial distribution of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 proviruses in an infected spleen was observed. Antigenic stimulation of infected cells might explain this partition.  相似文献   



An essential event during the replication cycle of HIV-1 is the integration of the reverse transcribed viral DNA into the host cellular genome. Our former report revealed that HIV-1 integrase (IN), the enzyme that catalyzes the integration reaction, is positively regulated by acetylation mediated by the histone acetyltransferase (HAT) p300.


In this study we demonstrate that another cellular HAT, GCN5, acetylates IN leading to enhanced 3'-end processing and strand transfer activities. GCN5 participates in the integration step of HIV-1 replication cycle as demonstrated by the reduced infectivity, due to inefficient provirus formation, in GCN5 knockdown cells. Within the C-terminal domain of IN, four lysines (K258, K264, K266, and K273) are targeted by GCN5 acetylation, three of which (K264, K266, and K273) are also modified by p300. Replication analysis of HIV-1 clones carrying substitutions at the IN lysines acetylated by both GCN5 and p300, or exclusively by GCN5, demonstrated that these residues are required for efficient viral integration. In addition, a comparative analysis of the replication efficiencies of the IN triple- and quadruple-mutant viruses revealed that even though the lysines targeted by both GCN5 and p300 are required for efficient virus integration, the residue exclusively modified by GCN5 (K258) does not affect this process.


The results presented here further demonstrate the relevance of IN post-translational modification by acetylation, which results from the catalytic activities of multiple HATs during the viral replication cycle. Finally, this study contributes to clarifying the recent debate raised on the role of IN acetylated lysines during HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

The structure of provirus in Syrian hamster cells, transformed by Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) varying in metastatic capability in vivo has been analysed. The original cell line and its low metastatic variants contain only one copy of the integrated RSV genome. The DNA of highly metastatic cell lines cloned from the same primary culture, contain an additional copy of provirus. This RSV copy in different highly metastatic variants has a similar integration site.  相似文献   

Mutations in homeotic genes disturb the spatial and temporal patterns of development, often leading to the appearance of tissues in abnormal locations. Many homeotic genes, involved in flower development, code for proteins with a highly conserved domain called the MADS box, which acts as a sequence-specific DNA binding protein. Two floral development mutants were isolated from a fast neutron irradiated M2 barley population. The phenotypes are multiovary, that is, stamens replaced with carpels, designated mo7a, and stamens replaced with carpels and lodicules converted to leaflike structures, designated mo6b. These phenotypes resemble the Arabidopsis mutants APETALA3 (AP3) and PISTILATA (PI). The mo6b and mo7a mutants were mapped to the centromeric region of chromosome 1 (7H) and to the telomeric region of chromosome 3 (3H), respectively.  相似文献   

Emv-16 and Emv-17, the two closely linked ecotropic proviral loci of RF/J mice, have been mapped to chromosome 1 between leaden, ln, and the mouse engrailed homeo-box locus, En-1, by using recombinant inbred strains and conventional backcross analysis.  相似文献   

Characterization and mapping of the human SOX4 gene   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The SOX genes comprise a large family related by homology to the HMG-box region of the testis-determining gene SRY. We have cloned and sequenced the human SOX4 gene. The open reading frame encodes a 474 amino acid protein, which includes an HMG-box. The non-box sequence is particularly rich in serine residues and has several polyglycine and polyalanine stretches. With somatic cell hybrids, human SOX4 has been mapped to Chromosome (Chr) 6p distal to the MHC region. There is no evidence for clustering of other members of the SOX1,-2, and-3 or SOX4 gene families around the SOX4 locus.  相似文献   

In an effort to characterize genes expressed in the cerebellum, we have isolated two cDNA clones, H11B (D16S286) and 507 (D5S344), that hybridized to a cerebellar cDNA probe. Using a panel of human-rodent somatic cell hybrids, cDNA clone H11B was mapped to human chromosome 16, and clone 507 was mapped to human chromosome 5. TaqI RFLPs were identified with both clones and were used for linkage analysis in the CEPH families. D16S286 was tightly linked to several markers near chromosome 16p13, and D5S344 was tightly linked to several markers on chromosome 5q. Sequence tagged sites or expressed sequence tags were generated from the 3' untranslated regions of both cDNA clones.  相似文献   

Species distribution modeling was used to determine factors among the large predictor candidate data set that affect the distribution of Muscari latifolium , an endemic bulbous plant species of Turkey, to quantify the relative importance of each factor and make a potential spatial distribution map of M. latifolium . Models were built using the Boosted Regression Trees method based on 35 presence and 70 absence records obtained through field sampling in the Gönen Dam watershed area of the Kazda?? Mountains in West Anatolia. Large candidate variables of monthly and seasonal climate, fine‐scale land surface, and geologic and biotic variables were simplified using a BRT simplifying procedure. Analyses performed on these resources, direct and indirect variables showed that there were 14 main factors that influence the species’ distribution. Five of the 14 most important variables influencing the distribution of the species are bedrock type, Quercus cerris density, precipitation during the wettest month, Pinus nigra density, and northness. These variables account for approximately 60% of the relative importance for determining the distribution of the species. Prediction performance was assessed by 10 random subsample data sets and gave a maximum the area under a receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) value of 0.93 and an average AUC value of 0.8. This study provides a significant contribution to the knowledge of the habitat requirements and ecological characteristics of this species. The distribution of this species is explained by a combination of biotic and abiotic factors. Hence, using biotic interaction and fine‐scale land surface variables in species distribution models improved the accuracy and precision of the model. The knowledge of the relationships between distribution patterns and environmental factors and biotic interaction of M. latifolium can help develop a management and conservation strategy for this species.  相似文献   

Xenotropic murine leukemia-related virus (XMRV) was identified in association with human prostate cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome. To examine the infection potential, kinetics, and tissue distribution of XMRV in an animal model, we inoculated five macaques with XMRV intravenously. XMRV established a persistent, chronic disseminated infection, with low transient viremia and provirus in blood lymphocytes during acute infection. Although undetectable in blood after about a month, XMRV viremia was reactivated at 9 months, confirming the chronicity of the infection. Furthermore, XMRV Gag was detected in tissues throughout, with wide dissemination throughout the period of monitoring. Surprisingly, XMRV infection showed organ-specific cell tropism, infecting CD4 T cells in lymphoid organs including the gastrointestinal lamina propria, alveolar macrophages in lung, and epithelial/interstitial cells in other organs, including the reproductive tract. Of note, in spite of the intravenous inoculation, extensive XMRV replication was noted in prostate during acute but not chronic infection even though infected cells were still detectable by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in prostate at 5 and 9 months postinfection. Marked lymphocyte activation occurred immediately postinfection, but antigen-specific cellular responses were undetectable. Antibody responses were elicited and boosted upon reexposure, but titers decreased rapidly, suggesting low antigen stimulation over time. Our findings establish a nonhuman primate model to study XMRV replication/dissemination, transmission, pathogenesis, immune responses, and potential future therapies.  相似文献   

During summer stratification,Metallogenium personatun was found exclusively in the hypolimnion of Lake Washington where the oxygen tension was below 8 ppm. Numbers of the organism decreased in the lake immediately following turnover in October. Significant concentrations ofMetallogenium microcolonies did not recur until spring, after the lake had stratified. During stratification the distribution of particulate manganese closely followed the distribution ofMetallogenium. EDAX analysis, confirmed by electron microprobe analyses of the encrustation, showed that the primary component was manganese. Iron and some trace elements were also precipitated on the organism but to a lesser degree. In addition, phosphate, the primary substance limiting phytoplankton growth in Lake Washington, was found in the encrustation, indicatingMetallogenium maybe important in limiting algal blooms in the lake. Attempts to growMetallogenium in the laboratory were unsuccessful. This inability, combined with the negative results of thin-sectioning and acridine orange staining ofMetallogenium microcolonies, suggests that the microcolonial structures seen in Lake Washington are not a living form of an organism.  相似文献   

We have isolated a series of point mutants in the polyomavirus origin-intergenic control region by using a procedure which exploits the single-stranded nature of DNAs cloned into M13 phage both for the generation of mutants and for their analysis by DNA sequencing. In this report we describe the effects of cytosine X guanine----thymine X adenine base-pair substitutions in the polyomavirus origin region upon replication in mouse 3T6 cells of the M13-polyomavirus constructs. Our results indicate that sequences near the center of a 34-base-pair sequence with dyad symmetry are important for replication, whereas specific nucleotides near the ends of the dyad symmetry are not important. Furthermore, a putative large T antigen-binding site at nucleotides 60 to 80 can be mutated without affecting replication function as measured in this assay.  相似文献   

Characterization and mapping of the Bacillus subtilis prtR gene.   总被引:15,自引:14,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A gene from Bacillus natto encoding a 60-amino-acid peptide has been previously described that, when cloned on a high-copy plasmid in B. subtilis, enhances production of alkaline protease, neutral protease, and levansucrase. An identical gene was isolated from B. subtilis and caused a similar phenotype when placed on a high-copy plasmid. Genetic mapping localized this gene near metB, distant from other pleiotropic genes causing similar effects. Deletion of this gene from the B. subtilis chromosome had no obvious phenotypic effect.  相似文献   

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