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1. We investigated the diversity and distribution of freshwater mussels at 40 sites in an agricultural catchment, the River Raisin in south‐eastern Michigan, to relate mussel assemblages and individual taxa to reach and catchment‐scale variables. Unionids were surveyed by timed searches in 100‐m reaches, and in‐stream and riparian habitat were quantified as well as flow, water chemistry and channel morphology. Land use/cover and surficial geology were determined for site subcatchments and riparian buffers. 2. Some 21 mussel species were found overall; richness ranged from 0 to 12 living species per site. From the upper to middle to lower catchment, the number of individuals, number of species, Shannon–Weaver diversity and relative abundance of intolerant unionids all declined significantly. 3. Four groupings based on overall mussel diversity and abundance were significantly related to reach‐scale habitat variables. The richest mussel assemblages were associated with sites with higher overall habitat quality, greater flow stability, less fine substratum, and lower specific conductance. 4. Stepwise multiple regressions revealed that the distribution and abundance of the total mussel assemblage, as well as the most common species, could be predicted from a combination of reach‐ and catchment‐scale variables (R2 = 0.63 for total mussels, R2 = 0.51–0.86 for individual species). 5. Flow stability, substratum composition and overall reach habitat quality were the most commonly identified reach‐scale variables, and measures of surficial geology were the most effective catchment‐scale variables. The spatial pattern of geology is likely to be responsible for the diversity gradient from the upper to the lower catchment. 6. Prior studies, attempting to explain mussel distributions from local habitat features alone, have found relatively weak relationships. By employing a combination of reach‐ and catchment‐scale habitat variables, this study was able to account for a substantial amount of the spatial variability in mussel distributions.  相似文献   

1. North American lacustrine freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) are one of the world's most imperilled groups of organisms. Knowledge of their age structure and longevity is needed for the understanding and management of mussels. Current methods for age estimation in freshwater mussels are insufficient and may have resulted in an erroneous view of the ages of lacustrine freshwater mussels.
2. We collected growth data through mark-recapture in Minnesota and Rhode Island, U.S.A., examining four lentic populations of three of the most common species of freshwater mussels, Elliptio complanata , Lampsilis siliquoidea , and Pyganodon grandis . Using an inversion of the von Bertalanffy growth equation, we estimated age at length from length-specific growth relationships.
3. In some populations, lacustrine mussels may be much older than previously predicted. Ages predicted from actual growth rates suggest that individuals in some populations frequently reach ages in excess of a century, placing unionid mussels among the Earth's longest-lived animals. Alternatively, if growth has only recently slowed in these populations, generalized growth cessation may be occurring over a broad distributional range of some common North American lacustrine mussels.  相似文献   

Aim Geographic patterns of species distributions and the factors contributing to species endangerment are necessary for the development of integrative conservation strategies. Freshwater mussels Unionidae have among the highest levels of imperilment recorded in North America. This paper describes the biogeography and diversity of Unionidae along climate and habitat gradients in Texas, evaluates human impact, and identifies the hot spots of diversity and endemism that should be targeted for conservation. Location Texas, North America. Methods Unionids were surveyed in all major Texas river basins in 2003–2009. Multivariate statistics were used to test for differences in environmental parameters and among unionid assemblages in different bioprovinces, and to determine to what extent the multivariate pattern of species distribution was affected by environmental factors. To estimate human impact, we examined the relationship between human population density and the proportion of rare species, as well with the proportion of historically present species that persist in the watershed. Results Correlation between biotic and environmental similarity matrices indicated concordance in the differences among unionid assemblages and environmental factors that could cause these differences. Lake surface evaporation rate and percentage of forest cover in the watershed were among the most important parameters explaining the differences in unionid assemblages. Human population density was negatively correlated with the proportion of rare species. The proportion of species found live relative to the total number of live and relic species found in our surveys and to the number of historically known species decreased with the increase in human population density. Main conclusions Climate, landscape, geology, and land use type were important factors influencing unionid distribution patterns among biotic provinces. Increased human population density was associated with the loss of rare species over several decades, but this loss was not recognized because of a lack of assessing the conservation status of unionids.  相似文献   

The Oriental Region harbours the second richest fauna of freshwater bivalves in the world, including many endangered endemic taxa. However, the Oriental fauna of the Unionidae have been very poorly studied using an integrative taxonomic approach, which may provide reasonable revisions of complicated (cryptic) taxa based on morphological, molecular, biogeographic and ecological evidence. Here, we present the first example of an integrative taxonomic revision concerning the status of Unio exolescens Gould (1843 Gould, A.A. (1843). Dr. Gould had examined the shells not long since announced as having been received from the Rev. Francis Mason, missionary at Tavoy, in British Burmah. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, 1, 139141. [Google Scholar]), a nominal mussel taxon that was accepted as a valid species within the genus Trapezoideus Simpson (1900). Currently, Trapezoideus exolescens is considered the type of the genus as far as the originally designated type species, U. foliaceus Gould (1843 Gould, A.A. (1843). Dr. Gould had examined the shells not long since announced as having been received from the Rev. Francis Mason, missionary at Tavoy, in British Burmah. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, 1, 139141. [Google Scholar]), was considered to be a synonym of T. exolescens. Using nucleotide sequences obtained from mitochondrial (COI and 16S rRNA) and nuclear (28S rDNA) genes, we found that the topotypes of Unio exolescens Gould (1843 Gould, A.A. (1843). Dr. Gould had examined the shells not long since announced as having been received from the Rev. Francis Mason, missionary at Tavoy, in British Burmah. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, 1, 139141. [Google Scholar]) cluster together with representatives of another mussel genus, Lamellidens Simpson (1900). Based on these results and on morphological data, we transfer Unio exolescens Gould (1843 Gould, A.A. (1843). Dr. Gould had examined the shells not long since announced as having been received from the Rev. Francis Mason, missionary at Tavoy, in British Burmah. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, 1, 139141. [Google Scholar]) from Trapezoideus to Lamellidens and propose Lamellidens exolescens (Gould, 1843 Gould, A.A. (1843). Dr. Gould had examined the shells not long since announced as having been received from the Rev. Francis Mason, missionary at Tavoy, in British Burmah. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, 1, 139141. [Google Scholar]) comb. nov. In addition, we revisited the status of Unio foliaceus Gould (1843 Gould, A.A. (1843). Dr. Gould had examined the shells not long since announced as having been received from the Rev. Francis Mason, missionary at Tavoy, in British Burmah. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, 1, 139141. [Google Scholar]) as a valid species and the type of the genus Trapezoideus based on the morphological study of the type specimen, although a question concerning the true position of this taxon is still open because its molecular sequences are not available. Our findings highlight that an integrative taxonomic approach is an important tool, particularly when dealing with such species-rich Unionidae fauna as those of the Oriental Realm.  相似文献   

The relationship between dispersal and differentiation of the European freshwater mussel Unio pictorum (Linnaeus, 1758) was studied with molecular genetic methods. Forty‐two populations from France, Italy and central Europe were analysed. Genetic relationships were assessed from the geographical distribution of allele frequencies at 17 enzyme loci. Neighbouring groups of populations show small to moderate mean genetic distances (0.020 < Dmean < 0.263). With a few exceptions the genetic affinities of the populations are the closest within the same drainage basin. In central Europe and Northern Italy genetic differences between drainage systems are relatively large. Populations from north‐eastern Italy are genetically similar to Danubian populations. Mussels from the islands of Corsica and Sardinia are more closely related to populations from the Italian peninsula than to French populations from the Rhône drainage system. Genetic relationships within U. pictorum from central Europe reflect palaeogeographical relationships between river systems during the Pliocene and Pleistocene. Literature data on two North American unionid species and one European fish species show the same relationship between genetic diversity and the history of drainage systems, although the correlations are less strong. In France and Italy this correspondence is much less evident. Population dynamic processes and human activities leading to populational bottlenecks might have obscured it.  相似文献   

1. Gravid females of some North American freshwater mussel species (Bivalvia: Unionidae) display highly modified mantle margins and other reproductive structures which mimic small fish, terrestrial insects, or aquatic macro-invertebrates. We report the responses of fish to these lures, based on the results of laboratory encounters between the following pairs of displaying mussels and fishes: Lampsilis cardium and Micropterus coosae; L . perovalis and M . coosae; and Villosa nebulosa and Percina nigrofasciata . In all three encounters, the lures elicited attacks from fish.
2. Encounters between Lampsilis spp. and M. coosae resulted in gill infestations of the fish by larval mussels, which are obligate parasites on fish. An encounter between V . nebulosa and P . nigrofasciata did not result in infestation.
3. The use of these lures to attract fish may greatly increase the chances of parasite/host encounters and may also reduce the chances of infestation of unsuitable hosts.  相似文献   

The freshwater mussel Contradens contradens (Lea, 1838) occurs in most types of freshwater habitats throughout Thailand. The species shows extensive variation in shell morphology, which has led to the recognition of six different subspecies. In this study, the validity of these six subspecies plus one unknown species was assessed using an integrative taxonomic approach. Geometric morphometric analyses revealed significant differences in shell shapes among these six nominal morphological subspecies, although a considerable degree of overlap was detected in some groups. In contrast, the phylogenetic tree obtained from the concatenated data of mitochondrial COI and nuclear H3 gene sequences and molecular species delimitation analyses revealed only three supported clades. These clades are proposed herein as three distinct species, and strongly corresponded to the biogeographically disjunct drainage systems in Thailand. They consisted of the (i) C. contradens clade found in the Chao Phraya Basin and other rivers that drain into the Gulf of Thailand, (ii) C. crossei clade that is restricted to the Middle Mekong Basin, and (iii) a clade containing only the newly discovered species from Huai Luang River in the north-east of Thailand, which is described herein as Contradens rolfbrandti Jeratthitikul & Panha, sp. nov. Speciation among these congeners was probably caused by the restriction of gene flow due to the past geomorphology of the river systems. The intraspecific variation in the shell shape detected here does not reflect the evolution of the mussel, but rather is evidence of phenotypic plasticity.http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:649B6093-E1DD-4FD8-8185-A4696C43AD36; http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:777DDE86-8397-4FF3-AA78-0BE0F34611F4  相似文献   

Mussels in several orders possess two separate mitochondrial lineages: a standard female‐inherited form and one inherited only through males. This system of doubly uniparental inheritance (DUI) for mitochondrial genes provides an opportunity to compare the population structure of gene‐lineages passed either mother‐to‐daughter or father‐to‐son. In the present study, we contrast variation in the male and female haplotype lineages of the American freshwater mussel species, Lampsilis siliquoidea (sometimes called Lampsilis radiata luteola), throughout the Lake Erie, Ohio River, and upper Mississippi River watersheds, and contrast variation with the sequences obtained for the related species/subspecies Lampsilis radiata radiata from Maine. The genetic markers were fragments of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene (COI), which occurs in both mitochondrial types, F (female) and M (male). High haplotype diversity was found in the two independent lineages, although purifying selection against amino acid change appeared to be stronger in the female than the male lineage. Phylogeographical patterns also varied between mitochondria passing through females and males. The female lineage exhibited more population structure, with the occurrence of private or nearly‐private haplotypes within two streams, and three others showed restricted haplotype distributions. By contrast to the F‐haplotypes, complex phylogenetic structure occurred for M‐haplotypes, yet this phylogenetic variation coincided with almost no geographical pattern within haplotypes. Basically, F‐haplotypes showed isolation, especially above physical barriers, whereas M‐haplotypes did not. A few individuals in the eastern Lake Erie watershed even possessed M‐haplotypes of an Atlantic Slope (L. radiata radiata) origin, although their F‐haplotypes were typical of Midwestern L. siliquoidea. The finding that mussels package sperm as spermatozuegmata, which float downstream, may underlie greater gene mobility in male‐inherited mitochondria. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 229–240.  相似文献   

When exposed to hypoxia, eels Anguilla anguilla were able to regulate and maintain Vo2 down to a water oxygen tension ( Pwo2 ) of about 25 mmHg, a value far below those reported in other studies. When exposed to hypercapnia, eels showed a depression in Vo2 as water carbon dioxide tension ( Pwco2 ) increased. Faced with combined hypoxia-hypercapnia, eels showed an increase in their sensitivity to hypoxia, and the critical oxygen tension increased to 40–45 mmHg. The possible mechanisms underlying these responses were discussed, and the implications of such findings for extensive culture of eels were highlighted.  相似文献   

1. When dissolved oxygen levels decline in aquatic systems, prey may be unable to maintain behaviours protecting them from predators. We examined how oxygen availability affected anti‐predator responses in the freshwater clam, Corbicula fluminea. 2. When attacked, bivalves protect their soft tissues by closing their protective valves. This reduces vulnerability to small predators, but ventilation and oxygen uptake are suspended. We found that after a simulated attack, clams under low oxygen conditions reopened their valves sooner than clams under high oxygen conditions, suggesting that hypoxia increases vulnerability to predation. 3. Bivalves may also evade predators through burial into the substratum. Deeper burial confers greater refuge from predators, but increases the costs of ventilation. In a second experiment, we studied how burial depth of C. fluminea is affected by oxygen availability. Additionally, we examined whether clams changed burial depth following a simulated attack by a small predator, and whether this response was affected by oxygen availability. Our results offered partial support for the hypothesis that burial depth is reduced under hypoxic conditions, but the simulated attack did not affect burial depth in any oxygen treatments.  相似文献   

We describe a simple protocol for determining the oxygen consumption of cells in static culture. The protocol is based on a noninvasive oxygen-sensing microplate and a simple mathematical model derived from Fick's Law. The applicability of the model is confirmed by showing the correlation of computed oxygen consumption rate (OCR) values to actual cell densities ascertained by direct cell counting and/or MTT for HL60 and U937 cells cultured in suspension. Correlation between computed OCR and these other indications of cell number was quite good, as long as the cultures were not diffusion-limited for oxygen. The impact of the geometric factors of media depth and well size were confirmed to be consistent with the model. Based on this demonstrated correlation, we also developed a simple, completely noninvasive algorithm for ascertaining the per-cell oxygen utilization rate (OUR), which is the ratio of OCR to cell number, and a fundamental cell characteristic. This is accomplished by correlating the known seed densities to extrapolated determinations of OCR at time zero. Such determinations were performed for numerous cell types, in varying well sizes. Resulting OUR values are consistent with literature values acquired by far more painstaking methods, and ranged from <0.01 fmol.min(-1).cell(-1) for bacteria to 0.1-10 fmol.min(-1).cell(-1) for immortalized mammalian and insect cell lines to >10 fmol.min(-1).cell(-1) for primary hepatocytes. This protocol for determining OCR and OUR is extremely simple and broadly applicable and can afford rapid, informative, and noninvasive insight into the state of the culture.  相似文献   

  • 1 Shell growth in the freshwater pearl mussel, Margaritifera margaritifera, was investigated. Three non‐linear growth models (i.e. power, logistic and von Bertalanffy) were fitted to Scottish length‐at‐age data sets and compared.
  • 2 Overall, the von Bertalanffy model outperformed the other two approaches, generating the smallest residuals in eight out of 11 samples (the logistic model provided slightly better fits to the other three). It was concluded that individual M. margaritifera appear to grow in an approximately asymptotic fashion and that the von Bertalanffy equation is an appropriate growth model to fit to freshwater pearl mussel length‐at‐age data.
  • 3 The ranges in von Bertalanffy parameter estimates observed (k = 0.023–0.075 year‐1, L = 77–158 mm, to = ‐3.93–4.33 years) are typical of those reported in northern European populations.
  • 4 Most of the populations investigated had relatively low k‐values and high maximum age (Amax) estimates. This feature, which suggests high long‐term productivity and less vulnerability to decline (i.e. larger, longer‐living mussels produce more offspring), may be a reason why these populations have survived until now. The population which appears to be the most vulnerable (i.e. which has the highest k and lowest Amax) is probably not recruiting adequately at present.
  • 5 An index of absolute growth (mean shell length‐at‐age) was also used for comparing different populations. Observed between‐ and within‐river differences in mussel growth patterns may be associated with a number of environmental factors, particularly water temperature and productivity.
  • 6 A significant positive relationship between river length and mean mussel length‐at‐age was observed. In general, mussels grow large in large, cold rivers and vice versa, although there are exceptions which suggest that additional factors may be involved.

What factors determine biome richness: genetic or environmental? Sex, phylogeny, and tolerance indicated by other symbionts (e.g., endosymbionts) or simply is it related to local habitat, especially if the gut biome is considered? To answer these questions, we investigated the gut microbial profile of both sexes of three Unio crassus populations, species with unique system of mitochondrial DNA inheritance called doubly uniparental inheritance (DUI), living in different ecological conditions. High-throughput sequencing of the V3–V4 hypervariable regions in the bacterial 16S rRNA gene fragment was performed, which resulted in a total of 1,051,647 reads, with 58,424 reads/65 OTUs (operational taxonomic units) per sample on average. We identified a core microbiome, with all individual mussels sharing 69 OTUs (representing 23% of the total number of OTUs). Proteobacteria was the dominant phylum in all samples, followed by Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, and Bacteroidetes. There were no significant differences in gut microbiome compositions between the two sexes of this species; however, we observed different phyla in geographically isolated populations. A non-metric multidimensional scaling plot and dendrogram showed that the bacterial profile complies with the genetic structure of populations. Although we found differences in microbiomes between populations, their genetic structure suggests that the microbiome is weakly related to habitat, and more strongly to phylogeography (on both F and M mitotypes). We found no significant differences in beta diversity between the individuals of the bacterial communities measured using the Bray–Curtis index. Finally, we also examined whether OTUs were represented by symbiotic bacteria that enable cellulose digestion and by endosymbiotic bacteria that play important functions in the biology of their hosts and also affect microevolutionary processes and population phenomena. With regard to the endosymbionts, however, there was no relation to sex of the studied individuals, which suggests that there are no straightforward relations between DUI and microbiome.  相似文献   

We report an analysis of the effect of two different times of day (noon and dusk), body weight and sex on the oxygen consumption rate (OCR) of the freshwater crabs Trichodactylus kensleyi (Trichodactylidae), Aegla singularis and A. platensis (Aeglidae) in their natural environment. Both families are sympatric in the studied locations, with a co-occurrence found between T. kensleyi and A. singularis or T. kensleyi and A. platensis. The mean OCR was highest in A. singularis and lowest in A. platensis. The OCR was higher in Aegla species at noon, and Trichodactylus consumed more oxygen at dusk. In aeglids, there was no difference in oxygen consumption between noon and dusk. T. kensleyi exhibited statistically significant differences in the OCR between noon and dusk. The oxygen uptake of all three species analysed was not influenced by the sex of the individual but varied according to the animals’ weight. The families evaluated share some biological and ecological characteristics, such as diet and habitats, but the strategies used in the regulation of gas exchange at different times of the day were different. Environmental factors may be influencing the oxygen consumption of each morphotype differently.  相似文献   

Extrinsic and intrinsic forces combined shape the population structure of every species differently. Freshwater mussels are obligate parasites to a host fish during a juvenile stage (glochidia). Elliptio dilatata (ED) and Actinonaias ligamentina (AL) are co-occurring freshwater mussel taxa with similar North American distribution and share some potential host fish. Using mitochondrial DNA, we determined the genotypes of 190 + individuals from collection sites in at least two tributaries in the Lake Erie and Ohio River watersheds, along with the Ouachita and Strawberry rivers in the southeast. Both species had followed a stepping-stone model of dispersal, with greater pairwise genetic structure among collection sites of ED. Also, phylogeographical analysis for ED found significant geographical structuring of haplotype diversity. Overall, within-population variation increased significantly from north to south, with low genetic diversity in the Strawberry River. We calculated significant among-population structure for both species (ED: Phi(ST) = 0.62, P < 0.001; AL: Phi(ST) = 0.16, P < 0.001). Genetic analysis identified the Ouachita River as an area of significant reproductive isolation for both species. Results for AL indicated dispersal into northern areas from two genetically distinct glacial refugia, where results for ED indicated dispersal followed by low gene flow in northern areas. The conservation strategies for mussels that co-occur in the same 'bed' could be species specific. Species such as ED have management units on the population scale, where AL has a more homogeneous genetic structure across its range.  相似文献   

We examined genetic structure and levels of connectivity among subpopulations within each of four cryptic species belonging to the freshwater mussel genus Velesunio. We used allozymes and a fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I gene to examine genetic variation in populations from isolated waterholes, belonging to four major inland drainages in eastern Australia. Based on evidence from other invertebrates in the region we predicted that, in each species, we would find evidence of historical connectivity among populations from different drainages. This was clearly not the case, as for the two species that occurred in more than one drainage there was evidence of both current and past restriction to gene flow. Moreover, given the potential for extensive dispersal of these mussels through the river systems during flood times via their fish hosts, we predicted low levels of genetic variation among populations from waterholes in the same drainage. Contrary to our expectations, all four species showed some evidence of restricted gene flow among waterholes within drainages. This suggests that either (a) mussel larvae are not produced during flood times, when their fish hosts would be free to move between waterholes, or (b) mussel larvae are attached to their hosts at these times, but the fish movement is limited between waterholes.  相似文献   

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