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Studies on the biochemical basis of oxygen toxicity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Summary The breakdown of starch in potato tubers which starts when buds begin to grow, stops if the sprouts are removed. The sprout controls the utilization and translocation of food reserves from the tuber. Movement of reserves can occur over the whole cross section of the tuber and is not restricted to the vascular shell. The presence of a growing sprout does not affect the permeability of the tuber tissue to sugar or amino acid.Previous part: Edelman and Singh (1968).  相似文献   

Batches of freeze-dried pig and cow blood, whose nutritional value to G. p. palpalis ranged from low to near optimum, were analysed for amino acid, triglyceride and cholesterol content. The results of the chemical analyses were compared with the nutritional quality parameters observed when each batch of blood was fed to G. p. palpalis in an attempt to establish a chemical basis for the nutritional quality of diets for Glossina. In general, those pig or cow blood diets that had a higher nutritional quality also had a significantly higher amino acid content than the suboptimal diets. There were significant differences between the triglyceride and cholesterol content of pig and cow blood, with pig blood having more triglyceride, but less cholesterol than bovine blood. There was no apparent correlation between the triglyceride and cholesterol content and the nutritional quality of blood.  相似文献   

Miriam Zahavi  A. S. Tahori  J. Mager 《BBA》1968,153(4):787-798
1. Administration of fluoroacetate to sensitive houseflies in amounts close to the L.D.50 range (0.25–0.3 μg/fly) brought about a prompt elevation of their citrate content. With about 10-fold higher doses of fluoroacetate a concurrent increase of both citrate and pyruvate levels took place in the fly tissues.

2. Incubation of sarcosomes of the sensitive housefly strain in the presence of oxidizable substrates and fluoroacetate resulted in accumulation of citrate, inhibition of respiration and uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation. The magnitude of the effects varied considerably with the different substrates used, being particularly pronounced with pyruvate and malate and inappreciable with succinate and -glycerophosphate.

3. The respiratory inhibition induced by a brief exposure in the cold of housefly sarcosomes to fluoroacetate, persisted after the sarcosomes had been washed free from fluoroacetate. The toxic effect of fluoroacetate on the respiratory chain could be prevented by an excess of simultaneously added acetate.

4. The susceptibility of the respiratory function of the sarcosomes to fluoroacetate inhibition was abolished by sonication. The unresponsiveness of the sonicated sarcosomes to fluoroacetate was attended by a loss of their respiratory chain phosphorylation activity.

5. Sarcosomes derived from a partially resistant housefly strain, when incubated in the presence of fluoroacetate, failed to accumulate citrate, but displayed the characteristic respiratory-inhibition response. Sarcosomes from a highly resistant strain showed no impairment of their functional capacity by fluoroacetate. However, all the different housefly strains tested proved to be equally sensitive to the deleterious effect of fluorocitrate on sarcosomal respiration.

6. The possible biochemical mechanisms underlying the toxicity of fluoroacetate in the housefly are considered with particular reference to the altered response of the target systems exhibited by the fluoroacetate-resistant strains.  相似文献   

Temperature, in the range of 15 °C to 40 °C, has a pronounced effect on the incorporation of 2-aminopurine deoxynucleotides into DNA by purified bacteriophage T4-induced DNA polymerase. Whereas the total rate of utilization of the 2-aminopurine deoxynucleoside triphosphate increases with increasing temperature, a greater proportion is converted to the monophosphate by the editing nuclease of the enzyme. Therefore, the amount of analogue incorporated goes through a maximum and then decreases with increasing temperature. These results, obtained in vitro, have been correlated with effects of temperature on 2-aminopurine induced and spontaneous mutation rates of several rII markers, and they have been generalized to an hypothesis which holds that the stability of the helix immediately preceding the incoming nucleotide is an important factor in determining the accuracy of DNA replication. We suggest that there is a higher probability of making errors via base substitutions in a more stable (G + C-rich) rather than a less stable (A + T-rich) microenvironment.  相似文献   

We propose a model to investigate the relation between insertion and excision activities of polymerases involved in DNA synthesis, and the frequency of errors resulting from substituting either mismatched bases or base analogues into a DNA molecule. An analytical equation is derived which expresses the error frequency as a function of nucleotide insertion and removal rates. For the general case, given arbitrary rates of insertion and removal, and allowing the enzyme to peel back by excising previously incorporated nucleotides, we have developed a computer simulation for the synthesis of a DNA molecule. In the special case, where insertion and removal frequencies are within the biologically interesting range for spontaneous mutations, the effect of “peelback” on error correction can be obtained analytically. Our results suggest that the magnitude of the removal frequency (3′-exonuclease activity) is the parameter that exerts the greatest influence on error correction capability; the frequency of errors is less sensitive to either the specificity for removal of mismatched relative to correctly matched bases, or to peelback.  相似文献   

Increase in drug detoxification and alteration of drug uptake and efflux of Plasmodium falciparum were investigated for their possible association with mefloquine (MQ) resistance in five different clones of P. falciparum from Thailand (T994b3, K1CB2, PR70CB1, PR71CB2 and TM4CB8-2.2.3). Fifty percent inhibitory concentration (IC50) values from these five clones varied between 30- and 50-fold. Regarding the detoxification mechanism, the ability of P. falciparum clones to biotransform MQ was shown in vitro by parasite microsomal protein prepared from parasite infected red blood cells protein (30 μg), NADPH (1 nM) and phosphate buffer pH 7.4, carried out at 37 °C with agitation. Radiolabelled unmetabolized MQ and possible metabolite(s) generated from the reaction was extracted into ethylacetate and separated by radiometric-HPLC after 1 h. All clones were capable of converting MQ into carboxymefloquine (CMQ), which is the main metabolite in human plasma. In addition, another unidentified metabolite eluted at 4.2 min on the chromatograph could be detected from the incubation reaction. This metabolite has never been detected in human liver microsomes before. There was no significant difference in the percentages of CMQ formed in the resistant (T994b3, PR70CB1, PR71CB2) and sensitive (TM4CB8-2.2.3, K1CB2) clones. Another possible mechanism, i.e., alteration in the accumulation of MQ in the parasites was investigated in vitro using [14C]MQ as a tracer. The time courses of [14C]MQ uptake and efflux were generally characterized by two phases. A trend of increased efflux of [14C]MQ was observed in the resistant compared with sensitive clones.  相似文献   

Biochemical basis of ozone toxicity   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Ozone (O3) is the major oxidant of photochemical smog. Its biological effect is attributed to its ability to cause oxidation or peroxidation of biomolecules directly and/or via free radical reactions. A sequence of events may include lipid peroxidation and loss of functional groups of enzymes, alteration of membrane permeability, and cell injury or death. An acute exposure to O3 causes lung injury involving the ciliated cell in the airways and the type 1 epithelial cell in the alveolar region. The effects are particularly localized at the junction of terminal bronchioles and alveolar ducts, as evident from a loss of cells and accumulation of inflammatory cells. In a typical short-term exposure the lung tissue response is biphasic: an initial injury-phase characterized by cell damage and loss of enzyme activities, followed by a repair-phase associated with increased metabolic activities, which coincide with a proliferation of metabolically active cells, for example, the alveolar type 2 cells and the bronchiolar Clara cells. A chronic exposure to O3 can cause or exacerbate lung diseases, including perhaps an increased lung tumor incidence in susceptible animal models. Ozone exposure also causes extrapulmonary effects involving the blood, spleen, central nervous system, and other organs. A combination of O3 and NO2, both of which occur in photochemical smog, can produce effects which may be additive or synergistic. A synergistic lung injury occurs possibly due to a formation of more powerful radicals and chemical intermediates. Dietary antioxidants, for example, vitamin E, vitamin C, and selenium, can offer a protection against O3 effects.  相似文献   

Disfunctioning of human mitochondria is found in a rapidly increasing number of patients. The mitochondrial system for energy transduction is very vulnerable to damage by genetic and environmental factors. A primary mitochondrial disease is caused by a genetic defect in a mitochondrial enzyme or translocator. More than 60 mitochondrial enzyme deficiencies have been reported. Secondary mitochondrial defects are caused by lack of compounds to enable a proper mitochondrial function or by inhibition of that function. This may result from malnutrition, circulatory or hormonal disturbances, viral infection, poisoning, or an extramitochondrial error of metabolism. Once mitochondrial ATP synthesis decreases, secondary mitochondrial lesions may be generated further, due to changes in synthesis and degradation of mitochondrial phospholipids and proteins, to mitochondrial antibody formation following massive degradation, to accumulation of toxic products as excess acyl-CoA, to the depletion of Krebs cycle intermediates, and to the increase of free radical formation and lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

The biochemical basis of long-term memory   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  



Black widow spider (L. tredecimguttatus) has toxic components not only in the venomous glands, but also in other parts of the body and its eggs. It is biologically important to investigate the molecular basis of the egg toxicity.


In the present work, an aqueous extract was prepared from the eggs of the spider and characterized using multiple physiological and biochemical strategies. Gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry demonstrated that the eggs are rich in high-molecular-mass proteins and the peptides below 5 kDa. The lyophilized extract of the eggs had a protein content of 34.22% and was shown to have a strong toxicity towards mammals and insects. When applied at a concentration of 0.25 mg/mL, the extract could completely block the neuromuscular transmission in mouse isolated phrenic nerve-hemidiaphragm preparations within 12.0 ± 1.5 min. Using whole-cell patch-clamp technique, the egg extract was demonstrated to be able to inhibit the voltage-activated Na+, K+ and Ca2+ currents in rat DRG neurons. In addition, the extract displayed activities of multiple hydrolases. Finally, the molecular basis of the egg toxicity was discussed.


The eggs of black widow spiders are rich in proteinous compounds particularly the high-molecular-mass proteins with different types of biological activity The neurotoxic and other active compounds in the eggs are believed to play important roles in the eggs’ toxic actions.  相似文献   

Studies on the basis of ethionine-resistance in Neurospora   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

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