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Jared Leadbetter takes us for a nature walk through the diversity of life resident in the termite hindgut--a microenvironment containing 250 different species found nowhere else on Earth. Jared reveals that the symbiosis exhibited by this system is multi-layered and involves not only a relationship between the termite and its gut inhabitants, but also involves a complex web of symbiosis among the gut microbes themselves.  相似文献   

Diverse genes encoding cellulase homologues belonging to glycosyl hydrolase family 45 were identified from the symbiotic protists in the hindgut of the termite Reticulitermes speratus through the use of consensus PCR and the screening of a cDNA library. Fifteen full-length cDNA clones were isolated and sequenced, which encoded polypeptides consisting of 218–221 amino acid residues showing up to 63% identity to known family 45 cellulases. The cellulase sequences of the termite symbiotic protists were phylogenetically monophyletic, showing more than 75% amino acid identity with each other. These enzymes consist of a single catalytic domain, lacking the ancillary domains found in most microbial cellulases. By whole-cell in situ hybridization using oligonucleotide probes specific for regions conserved in some of the sequences, the origin of the genes was identified as symbiotic hypermastigote protists. The presence of diverse cellulase homologues suggests that symbiotic protists of termites may be rich reservoirs of novel cellulase sequences. Received: July 10, 2000 / Accepted: August 15, 2000  相似文献   

The phylogenetic diversity of the intestinal microflora of a lower termite, Reticulitermes speratus, was examined by a strategy which does not rely on cultivation of the resident microorganisms. Small-subunit rRNA genes (16S rDNAs) were directly amplified from the mixed-population DNA of the termite gut by the PCR and were clonally isolated. Analysis of partial 16S rDNA sequences showed the existence of well-characterized genera as well as the presence of bacterial species for which no 16S rDNA sequence data are available. Of 55 clones sequenced, 45 were phylogenetically affiliated with four of the major groups of the domain Bacteria: the Proteobacteria, the spirochete group, the Bacteroides group, and the low-G+C-content gram-positive bacteria. Within the Proteobacteria, the 16S rDNA clones showed a close relationship to those of cultivated species of enteric bacteria and sulfate-reducing bacteria, while the 16S rDNA clones in the remaining three groups showed only distant relationships to those of known organisms in these groups. Of the remaining 10 clones, among which 8 clones formed a cluster, there was only very low sequence similarity to known 16S rRNA sequences. None of these clones were affiliated with any of the major groups within the domain Bacteria. The 16S rDNA gene sequence data show that the majority of the intestinal microflora of R. speratus consists of new, uncultured species previously unknown to microbiologists.  相似文献   

Abstract The phylogeny of a symbiotic methanogen inhabiting the gut of a lower termite, Reticulitermes speratus , was analysed without cultivation. The small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (ssrDNA) and a 640-bp portion of the gene encoding subunit A of methyl coenzyme M reductase ( mcrA ) were amplified from a mixed-population DNA of the termite gut by polymerase chain reaction and cloned. The nucleotide sequence of the ssrDNA and the predicted amino acid sequence of the mcrA product were compared with those of the known methanogens. Both comparisons indicated that the termite symbiotic methanogen belonged to the order Methanobacteriales but was distinct from the known members of this order.  相似文献   

Some species of protists inhabiting the hindgut of lower-termites have a large number of ectosymbiotic spirochetes on the cell surface. The phylogenetic positions of the ectosymbiotic spirochetes of three oxymonad protists, Dinenympha porteri in the gut of Reticulitermes speratus, and Pyrsonympha sp. and Dinenympha sp. in Hodotermopsis sjoestedti, were investigated without cultivation of these organisms. Protist fractions carefully collected with a micromanipulator were used as templates for the amplification of small subunit ribosomal RNA genes (SSU rDNA). The phylogenetic tree inferred from the nucleotide sequences of the SSU rDNA showed that they were affiliated with the Treponema cluster of spirochetes and they were divided into two clusters. One was grouped together with the spirochetal sequences reported previously from the gut of termites and the other was related to the Treponema bryantii subgroup of treponemes (denoted as termite Treponema clusters I and II, respectively). Whole-cell in situ hybridization using a fluorescent-labeled oligonucleotide probe specific for the group of sequences in cluster II identified most of the ectosymbiotic spirochetes of the oxymonad protists in the gut of R. speratus and H. sjoestedti. However, not all of the ectosymbiotic spirochetes could be detected by means of this cluster II group-specific probe and the population of ectosymbiotic spirochetes of cluster II was different among the oxymonad species. In the case of D. porteri, an oligonucleotide probe specific for one member of cluster II recognized a portion of the ectosymbiotic spirochetes of cluster II, and their population was also different depending on the cell-type of D. porteri in terms of the attachment of ectosymbiotic spirochetes. The results indicate that the spirochetes of cluster II and probably those of a part of cluster I can be assigned to ectosymbiotic species of oxymonad protists and that the population of ectosymbiotic spirochetes associated with a single protist consists of at least three species of phylogenetically distinct spirochetes.  相似文献   

The regulation of caste differentiation is essential to insect eusociality. Termite soldiers are sterile and cannot eat by themselves because they have specialized mouth morphology. Almost all termite species have a soldier caste, and the soldier ratio per colony is maintained at a low level, probably by elaborate regulatory mechanisms. Although the soldier presence is considered to negatively affect soldier differentiation in all examined species, the detailed mechanism remains unclear. Presoldier differentiation can be induced artificially by juvenile hormone (JH) application to workers, showing that JH is a key factor underlying the regulation of soldier differentiation. In this study, to elucidate physiological changes in workers because of the soldier presence during the molt into presoldiers, JH III applications and JH titer quantifications were carried out in the rhinotermitid termite Reticulitermes speratus. Firstly, the effects of soldier presence before the molt into presoldiers induced by JH III application to workers were investigated. The rates of presoldier molt induced by the treatments with soldiers were significantly lower than those without soldiers. Secondly, worker JH titers in the presence or absence of soldiers were quantified by LC-MS on day 0, 5, 10, and 15 after JH application. Results indicated that the worker JH titers (endogenous + applied JH III) in the presence of soldiers were significantly lower than those without soldiers on day 5 after the JH treatment. On days 10 and 15, such soldier effects were not observed. Finally, the effective duration of soldier presence after the JH application was elucidated. A 4 day period of co-existence with soldiers suppressed presoldier differentiation, suggesting that the soldier presence rapidly decreased the JH titer in other colony members (i.e., workers), resulting in the inhibition of presoldier production.  相似文献   

Termite soldiers are morphologically specialized for colony defense. Analysis of the mechanisms of soldier differentiation is important for understanding the establishment of termite societies. Soldiers differentiate from workers through a presoldier stage and have well-sclerotized and pigmented cuticles. These characteristics are important for nest defense and are likely to be caused by soldier-specific mechanisms of cuticular tanning. The molecular mechanisms leading to cuticular tanning have not been elucidated. Laccase2 (Lac2) plays important roles in this process in insects, and we hypothesized that Lac2 expression may be involved in soldier-specific cuticular tanning. We observed inner and outer head cuticle changes and compared the Lac2 expression patterns among three molts (worker–worker, worker–presoldier and presoldier–soldier) in the termite Reticulitermes speratus. Quantitative analyses of head cuticle colors showed that the color properties changed more conspicuously in presoldier–soldier molts than in the other two molts. Histological observations showed that the exocuticles of soldier heads were substantially thicker than those of worker and presoldier heads, underwent tanning before or just after ecdysis, and were pigmented at earlier time points than other molts. Finally, markedly higher Lac2 expression levels were observed just before and after ecdysis only in the presoldier–soldier molt. These results suggest that specific cuticular formation occurs in the exocuticles during soldier differentiation, and that the high level of Lac2 expression during the presoldier–soldier molt is related to soldier-specific cuticular tanning. We speculate that evolution of the regulatory mechanisms of Lac2 expression were important for the acquisition of soldier-specific cuticles.  相似文献   

Eusocial insects display a caste system in which different castes are morpho-logically and physiologically specialized for different tasks.Recent studies have revealed that epigenetic modifications,including DNA methylation and histone modification,me-diate caste determination and differentiation,longevity,and polyethism in eusocial insects.Although there has been a growing interest in the relationship between epigenetic mech-anisms and phenotypic plasticity in termites,there is ltte information about differential expression levels among castes and expression sites for these genes in termites.Here we show royaltissuc-specific expression of epigenetic modification genes in the termite Reticulitermes speratus.Using RNA-seq,we identified 74 genes,including three DNA methyltransferases,seven sirtuins,48 Trithorax group proteins,and 16 Polycomb group proteins.Among these genes,15 showed king-specific expression,and 52 showed age-dependent differential expression in kings and queens.Quantitative real-time PCR revealed that DNA methyltransferase 3 is expressed specifically in the king's testis and fat body,whereas some histone modification genes are remarkably expressed in the king's testis and queen's ovary.These findings imply that epigenetic modification plays important roles in the gamete production process in termite kings and queens.  相似文献   

The bacterial community colonizing the gut wall of the termite Reticulitermes speratus was characterized without cultivation. Analysis of 16S rRNA genes after fractionation of the gut revealed that the bacterial composition on the gut wall was diverse and significantly different from that able to move unconfined in the gut fluid or physically associated with the gut protists. Actinobacteria, Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes were dominant on the gut wall, but Spirochaetes and the Termite group 1 phylum, abundant in the gut lumen, were relatively rare. A sequence-specific probe enabled the in situ detection of a rod-shaped Actinobacteria member, abundantly colonizing the gut paunch epithelium.  相似文献   

The outbreaks of fungal diseases in cultured fish have been severe in recent years, which is harmful to the healthy and sustainable development of fish farming. In this study, an investigation was conducted for significant fungal infections of 12 species of fish in four regions in Xinjiang, China, to understand the distribution of local fish fungal pathogens. Twenty-six fungal strains with pathogenicity were isolated, and the challenge experiment showed that eight strains from Changji area had high infection rate to fish eggs. Based on internal transcribed spacer sequence data and molecular analysis, the 26 strains were classified into nine different species of six fungal genera. Phylogenetic analysis showed that all strains were divided into two clades, namely Cluster 1 (contains only the genus Mucor) and Cluster 2 (consists of five small branches), and the distribution of strains from the same region was scattered in two clusters. There is no strict host selectivity for these fungi to infect fish. Mucor sp. are the main fungal pathogen of fish in these four regions, whereas Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and Carassius auratus are two types of fish that were susceptible to pathogen. In addition, the environmental adaptability experiments showed that eight highly pathogenic strains have different adaptability to the environment, and their optimum temperature and pH were 25°C and 7.0, respectively, whereas the concentration of NaCl was negatively correlated with the growth of strains. Therefore, these results indicated that the coinfection of multiple fungal pathogens in a culture region should be considered in the future study.  相似文献   

本文测定了蛱蝶科7亚科27种蛱蝶和斑蝶科2种蝴蝶的线粒体16S rRNA基因部分序列,并从GenBank中下载了6种蛱蝶的同源序列。以斑蝶科的幻紫斑蝶和绢斑蝶作外群,通过遗传分析软件对这些序列进行了比较分析,用邻接法和贝叶斯法重建了蛱蝶科的系统发育树,探讨了蛱蝶科主要类群间的系统发育关系。序列分析的结果显示:经比对处理后获得494bp长度序列,其中有可变位点206个,简约信息位点145个;A T平均含量78.4%,C G平均含量为21.6%,具A、T偏倚性。分子系统树显示:蛱蝶亚科并非单系群;蛱蝶族中眼蛱蝶属应移入斑蛱蝶族;闪蛱蝶和蛱蝶亚科与蛱蝶亚科具有较近的系统关系;结果支持豹蛱蝶和釉蛱蝶合为一亚科即釉蛱蝶亚科;支持将秀蛱蝶和蛱蝶亚科从线蛱蝶亚科中分离出来。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated molecular phylogenetic status of the marbled polecat (Vormela peregusna) from Bulgaria, using sequences of two Y-chromosomal genes (SRY and ZFY). The phylogenetic tree inferred using combined sequences of both genes indicated that the marbled polecat was split from genera Lutra, Neovison and Mustela after genus Martes was diverged in family Mustelidae. In addition, we analyzed molecular phylogeography of the Bulgarian population of the marbled polecat, using cytochrome b and control region sequences of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). The phylogenetic tree of cytochrome b indicated that the haplotypes of the Bulgarian population comprised two haplogroups, which were the most ancestral clades. Additionally, the control region phylogeny showed that the haplotypes of Bulgaria formed two haplogroups: one was the most ancestral clade, and the other was the derivative clade. One individual with the most ancestral cytochrome b clade had a control region haplotype of the derivative clade. Thus, this study revealed that the most ancestral lineages of the marbled polecat are included in the population of Bulgaria. The Bulgarian population could be a remnant lineage from a basal for the species, which in Pleistocene occupied a relatively large area related to the Balkan-Caucasian.  相似文献   

The Dicrocoeliidae is a highly diverse family of digeneans parasitic in amniotic tetrapods. Detailed molecular phylogenetic analysis of dicrocoeliids is lacking and only a few dicrocoeliids from mammals have been included in previous studies. Sequence data were previously absent for the Anenterotrematidae that shares several morphological characteristics with dicrocoeliids. We examined phylogenetic affinities of several newly sequenced (nuclear 28S rDNA) taxa of dicrocoeliids and anenterotrematids collected from small mammals in Ecuador, Panama, Peru, USA and Vietnam. Our analyses demonstrated that the two anenterotrematid genera (Anenterotrema, Apharyngotrema) belong to the Dicrocoeliidae, placing the Anenterotrematidae into synonymy with the Dicrocoeliidae. Molecular data combined with morphological examination of type and new specimens provided evidence that Parametadelphis and Apharyngotrema are junior synonyms of Metadelphis, with all Metadelphis species lacking a digestive system. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrates that reduction of the alimentary tract in Lutztrema and its loss in Anenterotrema and Metadelphis represent at least two independent evolutionary events. Genera Brachylecithum, Brachydistomum, and Lyperosomum proved to be non-monophyletic, each likely representing more than a single genus. Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis did not support monophyly of the two largest subfamilies of the Dicrocoeliidae (Dicrocoeliinae and Leipertrematinae) with the other two subfamilies not included in this study. Therefore, we propose to abandon the current subfamily division of the Dicrocoeliidae. Analysis of host associations indicates multiple host-switching events throughout evolution of dicrocoeliids. Lastly, analysis of dicrocoeliid geographic distribution revealed that nearly all major clades included taxa from more than a single zoogeographic realm with the exception of the clade Anenterotrema?+?Metadelphis, found only in the Neotropics.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic diversity of parabasalian flagellates was examined based on the sequences of small subunit ribosomal RNA genes amplified directly from the mixed population of flagellates in the hindgut of lower termites. In total, 33 representative sequences of parabasalids were recovered from eight termite species. Fluorescent-labeled oligonucleotide probes specific for certain sequences were designed and used for the in situ identification of parabasalian species by whole-cell hybridization. The hypermastigotes, Pseudotrichonympha grassii, Spirotrichonympha leidyi, and Holomastigotoides mirabile in the hindgut of Coptotermes formosanus, and Spirotrichonympha sp. and Trichonympha spp. in Hodotermopsis sjoestedti were identified. In the phylogenetic tree constructed, the sequences from the termites were dispersed within the groups of known members of parabasalids, reflecting the presence of diverse parabasalids in the hindgut of termites. There were three paraphyletic lineages of hypermastigotes represented by Pseudotrichonympha, Trichonympha, and Spirotrichonympha, in agreement with the morphology-based taxonomic groups. The analysis of the tree-root suggested that the Pseudotrichonympha group is the most probable ancient lineage of parabasalids and that the Trichonympha group is the secondly deep-branching lineage. The Spirotrichonympha group and the Trichomonadida may have emerged later.  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2014,118(9-10):835-845
The multi-locus phylogenetic species recognition approach and population genetic analysis of Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) markers were used to delineate Lophodermium taxa inhabiting needles of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) in native pinewoods within Scotland. These analyses revealed three major lineages corresponding to the morphological species Lophodermium seditiosum and Lophodermium conigenum, fruiting on broken branches, and Lophodermium pinastri, fruiting on naturally fallen needles. Within L. pinastri three well supported sister clades were found representing cryptic taxa designated L. pinastri I, L. pinastri II, and L. pinastri III. Significant differences in mean growth rate in culture were found among the cryptic taxa. Taxon-specific primers based on ITS sequences were designed and used to classify over 500 Lophodermium isolates, derived from fallen needles of P. sylvestris in three Scottish and one French pinewood site, into the three L. pinastri cryptic taxa. Highly significant differences in the relative abundance of the three taxa were found among the Scottish pinewood sites, and between the French and all of the Scottish sites.  相似文献   

Distribution of lysozyme and protease, and amino acid concentration in the guts of a wood‐feeding termite, Reticulitermes speratus (Kolbe) (Isoptera, Rhinotermitidae) were studied to examine the possibility that termites digest symbiont bacteria transferred by trophallaxis. Total lysozyme activity was found predominantly in the salivary gland and to a minor extent in the digestive tracts. However, specific lysozyme activity was high in the foregut as well as in the salivary gland. The similarity of the lysozyme pH profile of the salivary gland and of the foregut suggested that the foregut lysozyme came from the salivary gland. Major protease activity having the optimum pH of 7.5 was found in the midgut. Total free amino acid amount and concentration in the midgut was higher than elsewhere in the digestive tract. The possibility that lysozyme secreted from the salivary gland into the foregut digests hindgut bacteria transferred by trophallaxis was discussed.  相似文献   

Porphyra yezoensis Ueda and P. tenera Kjellman are two common commercial seaweeds cultivated in China, but it is difficult to identify them routinely because they are morphologically and systematically very close. The nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer-1 (ITS-1) region of nine selected Porphyra cultivars from China were sequenced and determined. Combined with some ITS-1 data from GenBank, the phylogenetic analysis inferred from the neighbour-joining method indicated that the Porphyra species in this study exhibited clear taxonomic relationships and could be identified clearly to species. Based on the results, the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique was applied to distinguish 12 Porphyra cultivars, some of which turn out to be different lineages of the same Porphyra species. Eight specific RAPD markers were scored and used to construct a fingerprint that could distinctly identify different Porphyra cultivars. The results suggest that both the rDNA ITS-1 sequence and RAPD markers are useful methods to identify Porphyra cultivars, and may also be valid for phylogenetic and taxonomic studies.  相似文献   

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