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Fragmentation that alters mutualistic relationships between plants and frugivorous animals may reduce the seed dispersal of trees. We examined the effects of forest fragmentation on the distributions of seeds and seedlings of a Central Amazon endemic tree, Duckeodendron cestroides . In the dry seasons of 2002–2004, seeds and first-year seedlings were counted within wedge-shaped transects centered around Duckeodendron adults in fragments and nearby continuous forests at the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragmentation Project. Analyses showed that fragmentation reduced seed dispersal quantity and quality. The percent and distance of dispersed seeds were both twice as great in continuous forest as in fragments. The distances of each tree's five furthest dispersed seeds were three times greater in continuous forest than fragments. Over the 3-yr study, 20 times more seeds were dispersed more than 10 m from parent crowns in continuous forest than fragments. A regression analysis showed more dispersed seeds at all distances in continuous forest than fragments. Dispersal differences were strong in 2002 and 2004, years of large fruit crops, but weak or absent in 2003, when fruit production was low. As distance from parent crowns increased, the number of seedlings declined more rapidly in fragments than continuous forest. Distance-dependent mortality between the seed and seedling stages appeared to be more important in continuous forest than fragments. This research provides ample, indirect evidence demonstrating that forest fragmentation can result in the breakdown of a seed dispersal mutualism, potentially jeopardizing the reproduction of a rare, tropical tree.  相似文献   

Numerous tree species can establish by vegetative means in the tropics. Many are used in agriculture as living fences and in alley cropping and could also be used in a restorational setting. However, little is known about their establishment ability. This study evaluated the establishment ability and cover development of multiple species in three separate field trials in northern Honduras. First, 11 species were evaluated for their ability to establish in a common garden experiment. Second, of the former species, Bursera simaruba and Gliricidia sepium were evaluated for 2 years for their ability to establish vegetatively and develop cover at three deforested sites. Lastly, a study examined whether greater initial stake height and diameter at breast height increased the establishment success and crown development of G. sepium stakes. First, five species, Erythrina berteroana, Erythrina fusca, Jatropha curcas, G. sepium, and B. simaruba, had high establishment success. Others showed promise but may have been planted in the wrong season. Second, establishment for G. sepium was nearly 100% at all sites, whereas B. simaruba ranged from 30–50%. Gliricidia sepium stakes developed more rapidly and attained greater cover than B. simaruba. Dry season planting may increase the establishment success of both species. Lastly, greater initial stake height and diameter at breast height each resulted in greater crown development for G. sepium. The use of living fence species as a restorational tool has been overlooked. Aside from the advantages of planting tree species vegetatively, species can act as seed recruitment foci by attracting seed dispersers and provide shade to improve microclimatic conditions for seedling establishment. The technique described is simple and could have broad application throughout tropical regions.  相似文献   

Termites play important roles in organic matter decomposition, nutrient cycling, and soil structure in tropical rain forests. When forests are replaced by agriculture, termite species richness, abundance, and function often decline. We compared the termite assemblage of a primary forest site with that of a low plant diversity, palm-based agroforest (five plant species) and a high plant diversity, home-garden agroforest (10 plant species) using a rapid biodiversity assessment protocol. In comparing the primary forest termite species composition to previously published studies, we found soil feeders and the Apicotermitinae to be more dominant than previously reported in Amazonia. Thirty percent of the species belonged to the Apicotermitinae, and an unusually high percentage (57%) of species were soil feeders. Unexpectedly, the palm-based agroforest, despite its lower plant diversity, was closer to primary forest in termite species composition, rate of species accumulation, and proportions of species in taxonomic and functional classes than was the home-garden agroforest. This suggests that particular plant attributes may better determine the termite assemblage than plant diversity alone in these agroecosystems. Unlike other agroecosystems reported in the literature, Apicotermitinae and soil feeders were proportionally more abundant in these agroforests than in primary forest. The ability of agroforests to support populations of soil feeders has a potentially positive effect on soil fertility in these agroecosystems; insomuch as feeding guild is a proxy for function, these closed-canopy agroforests may be able to sustain the same termite-mediated functions as primary forest.  相似文献   

香港次生林树种种子生理生态学特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1989~1991年在温室和野外测定了香港40种次生林树木种类的种子寿命和发芽率.结果显示,在所测试的40种天然林树种中,60%的树种的种子寿命短于1年,仅有8个树种的种子寿命在1年以上.种子的寿命与种子在土壤中的发芽能力呈负相关的关系.种子发芽测定结果表明,大多数树种都可以在强光照条件(95%的日光)下发芽,但35%的测试树种不能在天然林下(07%~2%的日光)发芽.最后从植物生理生态的角度,探讨种子特征与香港次生林区系发展及香港现有次生林的演替现状  相似文献   

对泡桐,春椿,木蝴蝶,枳Ju扁斗青冈和罗浮柿等亚热带森林乔木树种在不同强条件下的种子萌发及其幼苗生长进行观察,泡桐和枳Ju种子在光(100%)条件下的萌发率最高,香椿和罗浮肺种子在轻阴(62.2%)条件下的萌发率最高,木蝴蝶和扁斗青冈种子在中阴(34.4%)条件下萌发率最高,阳性树种泡桐,香椿,木蝴蝶和枳Ju幼苗生长速度较快,属速生型树种,其幼苗在自然光条件下的总生物量最大;扁斗青冈和罗浮柿幼苗生  相似文献   

Edge creation has a pronounced influence on the understory vegetation, but the effects of edges on seedling species recruitment are still poorly understood. In Central Amazonia, 9–19 years after fragmentation, we recorded species richness and net seedling recruitment rate in 1 ha blocks exposed to none, one, or multiple edges within forest fragments. One‐hectare blocks were located in the center (no edge), the edge (one edge), the corners (two edges) of 10 and 100 ha fragments, and in a 1 ha fragment (four edges). In 1991, we counted all tree seedlings 5–100 cm tall found within permanent 1 m2 plots located within the 1 ha blocks. In May 1993, we manually removed all seedlings that were smaller than 1 m tall from the permanent plots. Six years and five months later (October 1999), all new seedlings recruited into the plots were counted and classified into distinct morphospecies. Species richness of recruited seedlings, scaled by total seedling density, declined from the center to the edge, the corner blocks, and then to the 1 ha fragment. Overall, the four‐edged, 1 ha fragment had the poorest species richness and the non‐edged 100 ha central block the highest. The total number of recruited individuals was 40 percent less than that previously present, with the 100 ha corner having the lowest recruitment. Pairwise comparisons showed that species similarity was related to edge number for the 100 and 1 ha fragments. Species rank/abundance curves showed that a subset of species was common in all blocks within the fragments, and that the 100 ha center held more rare species than any other 1 ha block. This study demonstrated that, in a given fragment patch, the number of tree seedling species recruited varied inversely with the number of edges.  相似文献   

The interrelationships between the distribution of woody species and environmental variables were investigated in an area of deciduous dry forest in Santa Vitöria, central Brazil. This is the first study of a vanishing type of dry forest which grows on base-rich soils originating from the basalt bedrocks of southern Goiás and western Minas Gerais. A survey of topography, soil properties, canopy gaps and woody plants (≥5 cm diameter at the base of the stem) was conducted in 50–15 × 15 m quadrats. The soils were classified into the following soil series: Hapludolls → Haplustolls → Haplustolls → Ustropepts → Rhodustalfs. This series corresponded to a gradient of increasing elevation and effective soil depth and decreasing slope gradient, soil organic matter and total exchangeable bases. A canonical correspondence analysis and a detrended correspondence analysis indicated that plant species’abundance distribution was significantly correlated with both the relative area of canopy gaps in the quadrats and the soil-topography gradient. Presumably, the critical factors involved in these two gradients are, respectively, light and ground water regimes. The influence of canopy gaps (i.e., light) was surprising and has not been documented previously for tropical deciduous dry forests.  相似文献   

The cloud forests of Mexico have been degraded and severely fragmented, and urgently require restoration. However, progress with restoration has been constrained by a lack of information concerning the seedling ecology of native tree species. An experiment was therefore conducted to assess the influence of different environmental factors on the seedling survival and growth of four native tree species (Fagus grandifolia var. mexicana, Carpinus caroliniana, Symplocos coccinea, and Quercus acutifolia). The seedlings were established on three sites, in two contrasting environments: inside forest fragments and on adjacent agricultural land. Highly significant differences were recorded in seedling survival and growth among sites, environments, species, and interactions between these factors. Highest survival was recorded for Quercus, which uniquely among the four species displayed the same survival percentage inside and outside the forest. Survival of the other species was higher inside the forest. In contrast, growth rates of all four species were higher outside the forest. The most important cause of mortality outside the forest was desiccation, although significant seedling predation was also observed on two sites. Results indicate that all four species can be established successfully both within forest fragments and in neighboring agricultural areas, emphasizing the scope for forest restoration. However, the interactions observed between species, sites, and environments highlight the importance of accurate species–site matching if optimum rates of growth and survival are to be obtained. Quercus spp. have great potential for establishment on agricultural sites.  相似文献   

South American high‐mountain ecosystems are greatly influenced by human disturbance. In the mountains of Córdoba, Argentina, Polylepis australis (Rosaceae) woodlands are currently highly fragmented and subject to extensive burning and livestock grazing, resulting in severe changes of habitat characteristics, which hamper natural regeneration. In order to find out how to achieve successful reforestation, we compared P. australis seedling survival and growth and the development of a shrubby habit for two seed provenances and different planting microsites. Survival of planted seedlings after 5 years was 70%, with most deaths (19%) in the first year and declining mortality with ongoing establishment. Survival did not show any relationship with seed provenance or microsite characteristics. Height growth averaged 34.6 ± 1.2 cm in 5 years. Seedlings produced from seeds collected in a well‐preserved woodland grew taller and showed a higher tendency for development of shrubby habit than those produced from seeds collected in a degraded woodland. Seedlings planted in more degraded microsites with exposed soil or rock due to past grazing pressure grew less and developed a more shrubby habit than those planted in better preserved microsites. Our results show that restoration of degraded areas with P. australis is possible and that there is potential to improve restoration success with a careful selection of seed provenance and planting microsites.  相似文献   

We tested four reforestation techniques in tropical forest fragments that were damaged by fire in upland Madagascar. We conducted a full‐factorial experiment on the survival of transplanted seedlings of five native tree species in grassland plots adjacent to the forest fragments in the Ambohitantely Forest Reserve. The species studied were Dodonaea madagascariensis, Filicium decipiens, Olea lancea, Podocarpus madagascariensis, and Rhus taratana. A total of 480 seedlings were planted; 207 survived the 15 months of the experiment. The factors examined were distance of the reforestation plots from the forest, mixing of forest soil into the plots, application of chemical fertilizers, experimental shading of plots, and the cover of naturally establishing shrubs. Both increasing the distance of plots from the forest edge and adding chemical fertilizers significantly reduced the survival of all seedlings. The surprising negative effects of fertilization may be partly due to increased competition from naturally establishing shrubs that are adapted to exploit high nitrogen levels. Mixing soil from the forest areas into the plots did not change seedling survival. Shading reduced the survival of D. madagascariensis seedlings and did not increase the survival of any species. These findings suggest that the success of reforestation projects can be increased by planting seedlings close to the existing forest fragments. Reforestation of similar tropical forests is likely to be more successful if efforts are focused on expanding the size of existing fragments of tropical forest, rather than on establishing new fragments in grassland openings.  相似文献   

In Neotropical forests, large fruit-eating primates play important ecological roles as dispersal agents of large seeds. Bushmeat hunting threatens to disrupt populations of primates and large-seeded trees. We test the hypothesis that otherwise intact Neotropical forests with depressed populations of large primates experience decline in recruitment of large-seeded trees. We quantify the proportion of small juveniles (> 0.5 m tall–1 cm diameter at breast height, DBH) of large primate-dispersed tree species found underneath heterospecifc trees that are also dispersed by large primates at two protected sites in Manu National Park and one hunted site outside Manu N.P. in southeastern Peru. The forests are comparable in edaphic and climatic qualities, successional stage, and adult tree species composition. We found that hunting locally exterminates populations of large primates, and reduced primates of intermediate body size (hereafter "medium primates") by 80 percent. Moreover, tree species richness was 55 percent lower and density of species dispersed by large and medium-bodied primates 60 percent lower in hunted than in protected sites. In addition, richness and density of abiotically dispersed species and plants dispersed by non-game animals are greater in hunted sites. Overhunting threatens to disrupt the ecological interactions between primates and the plants that rely on them for seed dispersal and recruitment. Sustainable wildlife management plans are urgently needed, because protected areas are at risk of becoming "island" parks if buffer zones become empty of animals and have impoverished flora.  相似文献   

Seed germination and seedling establishment patterns have been used to classify species as shade tolerant or intolerant. The main objective of this research was to investigate, under controlled conditions, seed germination of species from different successional positions as well as to follow seed germination and seedling survival under natural shade in the field. The species studied were Solarium granuloso‐leprosum, Trema micrantha, Cecropia pachystachya, Croton piptocalyx, Bauhinia forficata subsp. pruinosa. Senna macranthera, Schizolobium parahyba, Piptadenia gonoacantha, Chorisia speciosa, Pseudobombax grandiflorum, Ficus guaranitica, Esenbeckia leiocarpa, Pachystroma longifolium, Myroxylon peruiferum, and Hymenaea courbaril. Field trials were carried out at Santa Genebra Municipal Reserve, Campinas, SP, Brazil, at the forest edge and in the understory. No significant correlations were detected between successional status and seed size or seed water content. Light‐regulated germination was present only in small‐seeded species. In field experiments, most species, including the light‐sensitive ones, were able to germinate under the canopy, where a low red/far‐red ratio predominates. Most species, mainly those of early‐ and intermediate successional positions, presented low seedling survival rates under shade. Myroxylon peruiferum was the most shade tolerant species, while 5. granuloso‐leprosum, C. speciosa, P. gonoacantha, F. guaranitica, T. micrantha, and 5. parahyba were the most shade intolerant. These latter species showed little or no survival under the shade conditions.  相似文献   

Due to frequent fire, low nutrient availability, and prolonged drought, tropical savanna is a stressful environment for the survival and growth of woody plant seedlings. To understand why forest species do not succeed in this environment while savanna species are able to persist, the effects of fire and woody cover on seedlings of these two functional groups were investigated in the Brazilian Cerrado. Seedlings were established in experimental plots under three densities of woody cover, in sites protected from fire and sites to be subjected to fire. There was a clear difference in the ability of savanna and forest species to survive fire. None of the three forest species were able to survive fire during the first two years of life, whereas eight of the nine savanna species were able to resprout following fire. The small seed size of the ninth savanna species, Miconia albicans, predisposed its seedlings to be sensitive to fire, because there was a strong positive correlation between seed size and survivorship. Savanna species were less dependent on woody cover than were forest species, which exhibited higher growth and survival under tree canopies than in open grassland. The low rates of establishment and survival of forest trees in savanna, combined with high sensitivity to fire, appear sufficient to prevent the expansion of forest into savanna under current fire regimes in the Cerrado.  相似文献   

The effects of fire on forest structure and composition were studied in a severely fire-impacted landscape in the eastern Amazon. Extensive sampling of area forests was used to compare structure and compositional differences between burned and unburned forest stands. Burned forests were extremely heterogeneous, with substantial variation in forest structure and fire damage recorded over distances of <50 m. Unburned forest patches occurred within burned areas, but accounted for only six percent of the sample area. Canopy cover, living biomass, and living adult stem densities decreased with increasing fire inrensiry / frequency, and were as low as 10–30 percent of unburned forest values. Even light burns removed >70 percent of the sapling and vine populations. Pioneer abundance increased dramatically with burn intensity, with pioneers dominating the understory in severely damaged areas. Species richness was inversely related to burn severity, but no clear pattern of species selection was observed. Fire appears to be a cyclical event in the study region: <30 percent of the burned forest sample had been subjected to only one burn. Based on estimated solar radiation intensities, burning substantially increases fire susceptibility of forests. At least 50 percent of the total area of all burned forests is predicted to become flammable within 16 rainless days, as opposed to only 4 percent of the unburned forest. In heavily burned forest subjected to recurrent fires, 95 percent of the area is predicted to become flammable in <9 rain-free days. As a recurrent disturbance phenomenon, fire shows unparalleled potential to impoverish and alter the forests of the eastern Amazon.  相似文献   

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