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Previous studies have demonstrated that sperm head morphometry can be used as a potential diagnostic tool for detecting biophysical changes associated with sperm viability in bovine spermatozoa. In this study, sperm head morphometry was used to investigate its value as a biophysical marker for detecting volumetric changes in bovine spermatozoa under in vitro capacitating and non-capacitating incubation conditions. To further test this hypotesis, aliquots of pooled, washed bovine sperm were incubated in either Tyrode’s complete medium with heparin (TCMH; a capacitating medium containing Ca2+, NaHCO3 and heparin), Tyrode’s complete medium heparin-free (TCM; a medium containing just Ca2+ and NaHCO3) or Tyrode’s basal medium (TBM; a non-capacitating medium free of Ca2+, NaHCO3 and heparin, used as control). Aliquots of sperm were processed for morphometric analysis at different incubation-time intervals (0, 3 and 6 h at 38°C), and the chlortetracycline assay was used simultaneously to confirm the ability of the sperm to undergo capacitation (B pattern) and the acrosome reaction (AR pattern) status in each medium. After 3 h of incubation under TCMH conditions, a significant increase was observed in the percentage of B and AR patterns and a significant decrease was found in all sperm morphometric parameters (P<0.01). Interestingly, after 6 h of incubation in TCMH, the percentage of B and AR patterns increased drastically over time and marked differences were found in the dimensional and shape parameters, which were significantly smaller compared with TBM or TCM media (P<0.001). Significant correlations were observed between sperm size and AR pattern (r=−0.875, P<0.01). In conclusion, sperm head morphometry can be used as a potential biophysical marker for detecting volumetric changes during capacitation process in bovine spermatozoa.  相似文献   

The effects of zinc on human sperm motility, fertilizing capacity (as assessed by penetration of human spermatozoa into the zona pellucida-free hamster oocyte), and nuclear chromatin decondensation were investigated using spermatozoa from four fertile donors. Both sperm motility and the penetration of sperm into zona-free hamster ova were consistently impaired in media containing 1,000 μM zinc. Spermatozoa from one man were similarly affected at a concentration of 500 μM zinc, but no adverse effects were noted at this zinc concentration in experiments with other donors. Since decreased fertilizing capacity in response to zinc was always accompanied by a significant decline in both the percentage of motile cells and mean swimming speeds, it appears that all of these results reflect a general toxic effect on the cells. At lower concentrations (125–250 μM), zinc had no effect on human sperm motility nor their ability to undergo capacitation and penetrate zona-free hamster ova in vitro. For some donors, zinc (125–500 μM) stimulated both the attachment of spermatozoa to the hamster vitellus and the incorporation of spermatozoa into the hamster ooplasm. The decondensation of human sperm nuclear chromatin in sodium dodecyl sulfate was largely inhibited when zinc was added to the medium, but no significant changes in nuclear stability were apparent after capacitation in zinc-free medium. We conclude that zinc, when present in subtoxic concentrations, does not adversely affect the ability of human spermatozoa to undergo capacitation and penetrate zona-free hamster ova in vitro.  相似文献   

The role of cyclic nucleotides in sperm capacitation is equivocal. Using conditions known to support mouse sperm capacitation after 120 min incubation in vitro, the cAMP and cGMP contents of epididymal spermatozoa were measured and the cGMP/cAMP ratio determined. The initial high cAMP content detected upon release of spermatozoa decreased within 30 min to a lower plateau, which was then maintained throughout incubation. With the cGMP content remaining approximately constant, the cGMP/cAMP ratio increased over 120 min. In the presence of 2 mM caffeine, an increased cAMP content was noted at 0 and 30 min before a fall to the plateau level. To investigate cyclic nucleotide metabolism, adenylate cyclase and phosphodiesterase activities were compared in two sperm populations, one essentially uncapacitated and the other incubated for 120 min. Adenylate cyclase activity, higher in the presence of 2 mM Mn2+ compared to Mg2+, showed increased activity at 120 min compared to 30 min incubation, while phosphodiesterase activity decreased during this period. The ability of spermatozoa to form adenosine and inosine from cAMP indicated endogenous 5′-nucleotidase and deaminase, as well as phosphodiesterase, activities. Although the endogenous cAMP content appeared to remain constant during the time that acrosome loss, hyperactivated motility and fertilizing ability can be demonstrated, activities of the enzymes responsible for cAMP metabolism indicate an increased potential for cAMP availability and turnover. The increased cGMP/cAMP ratio may also play a role during capacitation.  相似文献   

Membrane remodeling in the periacrosomal plasma membrane (PAPM) of boar spermatozoa during incubation in capacitation medium was examined by the freeze-fracture technique. In the preservation medium (PM) group, the major small (about 8 nm) intramembranous particles (IMP) and the minor large (> 10 nm) IMP were distributed evenly in the PAPM. The IMP-free area increased during capacitation. To correct the IMP-free area, arithmetically redistributed (ARD)-IMP density was used for statistical analysis. In the PM group, the mean density +/- SD of large IMP was 379 +/- 64 and 266 +/- 58/microm2, and that of small IMP was 1450 +/- 155 and 672 +/- 252/microm2 in protoplasmic (P) and external (E) faces, respectively. During capacitation, the significant (P < 0.01) reduction of large IMP density was encountered only in the E face of a few incubation groups, while that of the small IMP density occurred in the P face by 2 h. Consequently, reduction of the total IMP density of both faces was not significant in the large IMP, but it was significant (P < 0.01) in the small IMP. One-fifth of the total small IMP density reduced by 2 h. Filipin-sterol complexes (FSC) were numerous in the PAPM, and FSC-free areas also increased during capacitation. The mechanism of IMP-free area formation and the behavior of the small IMP in the PAPM during capacitation were discussed in relation to membrane stability.  相似文献   

Membrane alterations accompanying in vitro capacitation of hamster spermatozoa were examined using the freeze-fracture technique with or without use of filipin, a sterol-binding probe. In the spermatozoa prior to or at 10 min after start of incubation in capacitating medium, large (about 11 nm) and small (8–9 nm) intramembranous particles (IMPs) were present in the periacrosomal region of the sperm plasma membrane (PAPM). Filipin sterol complexes (FSCs) were densely (about 500/μ2) distributed in the PAPM prior to incubation. The density of FSCs in the PAPM was reduced by 70–80% of the original density by 2 hr of incubation. At the same time, small patches of IMP-free areas appeared in the plasma membrane above the equatorial and middle segments of the acrosome. By the end of 3 hr of incubation, the majority of small IMPs had disappeared from the PAPM. Remaining large and small IMPs tended to aggregate in the PAPM. During incubation in capacitation medium, “cords,” or linear arrangements of closely packed IMPs, appeared near the posterior ring of the sperm head. These observations strongly suggest that the acrosome reaction of the hamster spermatozoa is preceded by the removal (deletion) of filipin-reactive sterols (FRSs) and the disappearance of small IMPs from the lipid bilayer of PAPM.  相似文献   

Fertilization promoting peptide (FPP), a tripeptide structurally related to thyrotrophin releasing hormone (TRH), has been shown to stimulate capacitation and fertilizing ability in both mouse and human spermatozoa, but the mechanisms of action involved in these responses are currently unknown. In the present study utilizing epididymal mouse spermatozoa, we have compared the ability of FPP, TRH, and pyroglutamylphenylalanineprolineamide (an uncharged structurally related tripeptide found in seminal plasma) to stimulate capacitation. At 50 nM, the mean concentration of FPP found in human seminal plasma, only FPP produced a significant response. This suggests that if a receptor is involved, it is one distinct from the TRH receptor. A significant response to FPP required the presence of extracellular Ca2+, with 90 μm Ca2+ being sufficient to support a stimulation of capacitation. The addition of FPP to suspensions at later stages of capacitation indicated that the nature of the response changed, such that addition of FPP to capacitated suspensions inhibited spontaneous acrosome reactions; however, FPP-treated, cells were still able to undergo acrosomal exocytosis in response to progesterone, a physiological agonist of acrosomal exocytosis. Because earlier studies had identified a similar capacitation-related change in response to adenosine, being stimulatory early in capacitation and inhibitory later in capacitation, we investigated the possibility that FPP and adenosine might be acting via the same pathway. The combination of FPP plus adenosine, whether used at low, non-stimulatory concentrations or high, maximally-stimulatory concentrations, was more effective in promoting capacitation than either compound used individually. As observed with FPP, addition of adenosine to capacitated cells inhibited spontaneous acrosome loss but did not inhibit exocytosis in response to progesterone. This suggests that the two molecules are affecting a common pathway. Since adenosine, acting via specific cell surface receptors, can stimulate fertilizing ability and adenylate cyclase activity in uncapacitated cells and then inhibit enzyme activity in capacitated cells, we propose that FPP may act by modulating the adenylate cyclase/cyclic AMP signal transduction pathway. In vivo, FPP, which would contact spermatozoa at ejaculation and probably remain bound to cells for some time, could stimulate capacitation as the spermatozoa ascend the female tract; adenosine, present in seminal plasma and the female tract, could either augment FPP's action or replace it if FPP is lost from the cell surface. We therefore suggest that FPP and adenosine, by modulating adenylate cyclase activity to promote capacitation but inhibit spontaneous acrosomal exocytosis, may provide an endogenous mechanism that helps to optimize the fertilizing potential of the few sperm cells that reach the site of fertilization in vivo. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The development of successful methods of in vitro fertilization for bovine oocytes has advanced the bovine as a model for reproductive technology. The discovery of heparin as a capacitating agent has made it possible for investigators to have an inexpensive, readily available supply of bovine gametes for experimentation in reproductive biotechnologies such as gene transfer and cloning. The central event that mammalian sperm must undergo before being able to fertilize an oocyte is capacitation. Although we have methods which lead to efficient in vitro fertilization, we still lack understanding about the molecular mechanisms of capacitation. While numerous events occur during capacitation, it appears that regulation of intracellular Ca2+ (Ca(i)) is one of the most important. We found that the influx of Ca2+ into sperm during the first 2 hours of incubation is critical to heparin-induced capacitation. This is a period during capacitation when Ca(i) has not yet increased. We propose that during capacitation, the initial influx of Ca2+ into sperm is used to fill an intracellular Ca2+ store located in the acrosome. We found that thapsigargin, an inhibitor of an acrosomal Ca2+-ATPase, can stimulate capacitated sperm to acrosome react, trigger the opening of a store-operated calcium channel in the plasma membrane and has greater effects on capacitated sperm compared to noncapacitated sperm. An increase in intracellular Ca2+ was also detected in the anterior sperm head during capacitation, suggesting the loading of the acrosome with Ca2+. These observations may be important in the development of new methods for capacitation and understanding the death of sperm after cryopreservation.  相似文献   

Goat epididymal and ejaculated spermatozoa were incubated in Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer containing pyruvate and lactate as energy source. A 3 hr incubation for epididymal and 4 hr for ejaculated spermatozoa was required for the capacitation and acrosome reaction to take place. Calcium is an essential requirement which was needed for motility maintenance/activation and for the initiation of acrosome reaction. A 2-fold increase in cAMP content was measured over 3 hr period of incubation of goat epididymal spermatozoa which was not seen when calcium ions were either omitted or chelated with EGTA. There is thus a definite involvement of Ca2+ ions and cAMP in capacitation and acrosome reaction of goat spermatozoa.  相似文献   

The abundance of data pertaining to the metabolism of lipids in relation to mammalian fertilization has warranted an effort to assemble a molecular membrane model for the comprehensive visualization of the biochemical events involved in sperm capacitation and the acrosome reaction. Derived both from earlier models as well as from current concepts, our membrane model depicts a lipid bilayer assembly of space-filling molecular models of sterols and phospholipids in dynamic equilibrium with peripheral and integral membrane proteins. A novel feature is the possibility of visualizing individual lipid molecules such as phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, lysophospholipids, fatty acids, and free or esterified cholesterol. The model illustrates enzymatic reactions which are believed to regulate the permeability and integrity of the plasma membrane overlying the acrosome during interactions between the male gamete and capacitation factors present in fluids of the female genital tract. The use of radioactive lipids as molecular probes for monitoring the metabolism of cholesterol and phosphatidylcholine revealed the presence of (1) steroid sulfatase in hamster cumulus cells, (2) lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase in human follicular fluid, (3) phospholipase A2, and (4) lysophospholipase in human spermatozoa. These enzymatic reactions can be integrated into a pathway that provides a link between the concepts of lysophospholipid accumulation in the sperm membranes and alteration of the cholesterol/phospholipid ratio as factors involved in the preparation of the membranes for the acrosome reaction. Capacitation is viewed as a reversible phenomenon which, upon completion, results in a decrease in negative surface charge, an efflux of membrane cholesterol, and an influx of calcium between the plasma and outer acrosomal membranes. Triggered by the entry of calcium, the acrosome reaction involves phospholipase A2 activation followed by a transient accumulation of unsaturated fatty acids and lysophospholipids implicated in membrane fusion which occurs during the formation of membrane vesicles in spermatozoa undergoing the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K) plays an important role in cell survival in somatic cells and recent data pointed out a role for this kinase in sperm capacitation and acrosome reaction (AR). This study was undertaken to evaluate the role of PI3-K pathway on porcine spermatozoa capacitation, AR, and viability using two unrelated PI3-K inhibitors, LY294002 and wortmannin. In boar spermatozoa, we have identified the presence of PDK1, PKB/Akt, and PTEN, three of the main key components of the PI3-K pathway. Incubation of boar sperm in a capacitating medium (TCM) caused a significant increase in the percentage of capacitated (25 +/- 2 to 34 +/- 1% P < 0.05, n = 6) and acrosome reacted (1 +/- 1 to 11 +/- 1% P < 0.01, n = 6) spermatozoa compared with sperm in basal medium (TBM). Inhibition of PI3-K did affect neither the capacitation status nor AR nor protein p32 tyrosine phosphorylation of boar spermatozoa incubated in TBM or TCM. Boar sperm viability in TBM was significantly decreased by 40 and 20% after pretreatment with LY294002 or wortmannin, respectively. Similar results were observed after incubation of boar spermatozoa in TCM. Treatment of boar spermatozoa with the analog of cAMP, 8Br-cAMP significantly prevented the reduction on sperm viability. Our results provide evidence for an important role of the PI3-K pathway in the regulation of boar sperm viability and suggests that other signaling pathways different from PI3-K must be activated downstream of cAMP to contribute to regulation of sperm viability. Finally, in our conditions the PI3-K pathway seems not related with boar sperm capacitation or AR.  相似文献   

Summary. Forty AI bulls were tested for BoLA class I antigens by means of eight specific polyclonal reagents. By means of immobilization and sperm penetration tests these antigens were not detected on sperm cells. Isoimmunization studies with the use of sperm as antigenic stimuli and insemination of frozen spermatozoa diluted in specific reagents did not prove the presence of BoLA class I antigens on bovine spermatozoa. The cytotoxic tests used in this investigation were not reliable.  相似文献   

Capacitation is defined as a series of events that render boar sperm competent to fertilize, either in vivo or in vitro. Moreover, preliminary stages of cryopreservation of spermatozoa involving cooling to 5 degrees C have been shown to induce capacitation-like changes in boar spermatozoa. Capacitation of boar spermatozoa is accompanied by protein phosphorylation, however the relationship between both processes is poorly understood. Capacitation status was assessed by chlortetracycline (CTC) staining. Changes in protein tyrosine phosphorylation were examined in pre-cleared whole cell lysates using a specific anti-phosphotyrosine monoclonal antibody. Our results in boar spermatozoa show a significant positive correlation between p32 tyrosine phosphorylation levels and percentage of capacitated (CTC pattern B) spermatozoa. Moreover, incubation of boar spermatozoa with two unrelated tyrosine kinase inhibitors induces a significant reduction in the percentages of capacitated and acrosome-reacted (AR) boar spermatozoa and a reduction in the p32 tyrosine phosphorylation. In our conditions, cooling boar spermatozoa to 5 degrees C and rewarming to 39 degrees C in a noncapacitating medium results in similar CTC staining patterns to those obtained after incubation of boar sperm for 1 or 4 hr at 39 degrees C in a capacitating medium. However, cooled-rewarmed fails to induce an increase in p32 tyrosine phosphorylation in boar spermatozoa. Moreover, CTC staining patterns of cooled-rewarmed spermatozoa do not change after incubation with a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. In conclusion, our results show a direct relationship between capacitation and tyrosine phosphorylation and suggest that p32 tyrosine phosphorylation levels could be used as a marker of the true capacitation changes observed in boar spermatozoa. Moreover, our results show that true capacitation and capacitation-like changes induced after cooling involve alternative intracellular tyrosine phosphorylation pathways in boar spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Three experiments were designed to determine optimum conditions for capacitation of Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) sperm in vitro using the zona-free hamster egg sperm penetration assay (SPA) as a verification of capacitation. Sperm collected from a 9-year-old captive Siberian tiger were subjected to different in vitro washing conditions, preincubation times, and temperatures to induce capacitation. Sperm were able to penetrate zona-free hamster ova after 2 hours preincubation at 37°C but not at time 0. Preincubation at room temperature was not sufficient to prepare sperm for fertilization. The presence of seminal plasma during the 2-hour, 37°C preincubation did not affect the ability of tiger sperm to penetrate zona-free hamster eggs. The SPA can provide a means for evaluation of in vitro capacitation of Siberian tiger sperm.  相似文献   

Capacitation is the process by which mammalian sperm acquire the ability to undergo the acrosome reaction which, in turn, is a prerequisite for sperm-egg fusion and penetration. Until recently, it was thought that capacitation involved subtle physiological and chemical changes which had no morphological counterparts even at the electron microscopic level. However, it has now been shown by a number of investigators that material associated with the plasma membrane surface is either lost or extensively redistributed during in vitro or in vivo capacitation. We have made use of lectins and antibodies as probes of the sperm surface during capacitation and the acrosome reaction. Concanavalin A (Con A), wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) and soybean agglutinin (SBA) have been used in conjunction with fluorescent tags (FITC) and ultrastructural markers (ferritin, hemocyanin) to study the surface of golden hamster, guinea pig, mouse and human spermatozoa. Con A and WGA label the plasma membrane overlying the acrosomal region quite uniformly on these species. After capacitation there is a specific loss (or masking) of lectin binding sites over the acrosomal region of the sperm head in all species examined. Antibodies prepared against sperm and specific antibodies to a cell surface protein (fibronectin) were also tagged with fluorescent or ultrastructural markers and used to label the surfaces of sperm before and after capacitation. These probes also indicate a specific loss of surface associated material over the acrosomal surface after capacitation. These results are consistent with the notion that there is a general removal of surface components during capacitation and that this denuding of the surface is a prerequisite for the following membrane fusion events involved in the acrosome reaction and sperm-egg fusion.  相似文献   

Cells can communicate with other neighboring or distant cells through the secretion of extracellular vesicles (EV), composed of a lipid bilayer and bearing surface molecules that allow them to recognize target cells. In this way, EV induce signaling via different mechanisms, modulating the physiological state of the recipient cell. EV have been identified in both male and female reproductive fluids, however, the possible role of EV isolated from female reproductive fluids has become an emerging field only recently. It is known that ejaculated mammalian spermatozoa need to undergo physiological preparation in the female reproductive tract to fertilize the egg. EV secreted by different regions of the female tract constitute signals that may have a key role in regulating sperm functions. The aims of the present study were isolating EV from different regions of the bovine oviduct and analyzing their interaction and physiological effects on spermatozoa. Here, we report the characterization of bovine oviductal fluid EV from the isthmus and ampulla region and their effect on the induced acrosome reaction and signaling events associated with sperm capacitation. EV induced an increase in sperm protein tyrosine phosphorylation, while cell survival of cryopreserved bovine spermatozoa was maintained. We also show that EV uptake regulates the sperm calcium levels by inducing an immediate increase in the intracellular calcium concentration and sperm priming, after a pre-incubation period, of the progesterone-induced intracellular calcium rise. Our data contribute to understand the role of EV in the communication between the female reproductive tract and the sperm physiology, information that may be used to improve the efficiency of reproductive assisted technologies.  相似文献   

The oxidative energy requirements of bovine spermatozoa capacitated with dilauroil-phosphatidylcholine liposomes (PC 12) and the effect of these liposomes on acrosome reaction necessary for in vitro fertilization were studied. Mitochondrial respiration was measured using 3 different substrates (pyruvate-lactate-glucose) and endogenous substrates. The samples were either treated with PC 12 or were left untreated and used as the control. A 2.8-fold increase in the consumption of oxygen was observed in the PC 12 treated spermatozoa in the presence of the 3 combined substrates (pyruvate-lactate-glucose). Respiration changes were not observed when the spermatozoa were capacitated with only 2 of the 3 substrates or with glucose alone. When endogenous substrates were used, the consumption of oxygen increased 1.7 times, and mitochondrial uncoupling was observed in the treated samples. The hypermotility characteristic of the capacitation process was not observed when glucose or endogenous substrates were used. When the percentage of intact acrosomes was determined using differential-interferential contrast (DIC) microscopy, it was found that in the presence of oxidative substrates there was a 26% decrease compared with that of the control sample. The proportion of reacted acrosomes was in the range of 41.3 to 49.6%, as measured by the chlortetracycline epifluorescence method in the presence of calcium ionophore A23187. Only 4% of the spermatozoa showed acrosome reaction with endogenous substrates. A higher percentage of fertilized oocytes were observed when the spermatozoa were capacitated in the presence of the 3 substrates (pyruvate-lactate-glucose), confirming that the success of in vitro fertilization depends on the energy conditions associated with the capacitation process. The results of these experiments indicate that the presence of oxidative energy is necessary to produce capacitation and the hyperactivation characteristic in frozen-thawed bovine spermatozoa treated with liposomes.  相似文献   

Significant release of the acrosomal enzymes arylsulfatase, β-N-acetylhexosaminidase and hyaluronidase was observed following the treatment of ejaculated rabbit spermatozoa for 12 hours in 20% rabbit serum for inducing in vitro capacitation, and these sperm were capable of in vivo fertilization; however, the treatment of sperm for 15 minutes in high ionic strength (380 mOsm/kg) or low ionic strength medium (305 mOsm/kg) for in vitro capacitation did not result in any significant release of the above enzymes nor were the sperm capable of in vivo fertilization. Serum-treated spermatozoa remained significantly motile following the 12 hour treatment, 51% underwent the acrosome reaction and were capable of fertilizing 66% of the ova in vivo. Identical serum treatment of lysosomes from rabbit liver resulted in a comparable release of the lysosomal enzymes. Serum treatment for in vitro capacitation resulted in vesiculation of the anterior margin of half the spermatozoa, but left their inner acrosomal membranes and equatorial segments intact. A biochemical relationship between the release of acrosomal enzymes and capacitation is suggested.  相似文献   

The development of in vitro fertilization (IVF) techniques in pigs as well as in other species is of great importance because of the possible applications of this technology in different research fields. Methods of IVF vary in different incubation periods and temperatures, in the hormone concentrations used, and in the treatment of the sperm samples. It has been particularly difficult to succeed in the achievement of fertilization in the pig. In the present study we used FSH and LH concentrations of 2 IU/ml for oocyte maturation, an incubation temperature of 37°C, and dilution of spermatozoa for capacitation, and we achieved a high fertilization rate (50 to 75%) with no cases of polyspermy.  相似文献   

Epididymal spermatozoa of the guinea pig were incubated under conditions known to promote a rapid synchronous capacitation in a large proportion of the spermatozoa (Ca2+-free medium with lysophosphatidylcholine, LC) or in Ca 2+-free medium without LC. To study the effects of altered thiol-disulfide status and content, incubations were conducted with reagents that maintain and increase thiol groups (DTT, GSH), maintain and increase disulfide groups (diamide, GSSG), or which irreversibly block thiol groups by alkylation (NEM). The permeable DTT inhibited LC-induced capacitation and at high concentrations diminished the percentage of acrosome reactions in capacitated spermatozoa. The permeable diamide exhibited a stimulatory effect upon capacitation. The largely impermeable GSH and GSSG exhibited effects similar to their respective permeable counterparts but their effects were moderate and required extremely high concentrations. The DTT inhibition of LC-induced capacitation was reversible by washing and a further 1 hr incubation. In this final incubation after removal of DTT by washing, LC was absent too so its stimulatory effect must have been accomplished prior to washing and in the presence of DTT. NEM-alkylation of the existing thiol population did not affect LC-induced capacitation but alkylation of the increased thiol population after prior DTT treatment was inhibitory of capacitation. These results suggest that the maintenance and/or formation of disulfide groups on enzymes or structural proteins may be a component of the capacitation process. In contrast, the formation and maintenance by alkylation of increased thiol groups but not the maintenance of existing thiol groups, is inhibitory of capacitation. The relevance of these findings to a role for a thiol-sensitive proteinase in capacitation is discussed.  相似文献   

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