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Genome size varies tremendously both within and among taxa, and strong correlations between genome size and various physiological and ecological attributes suggest that genome size is a key trait of organisms, yet the causalities remains vague. In the present study, we tested how genome size is related to key physiological and ecological properties in five large orders of crustaceans: Decapoda, Cladocera, Amphipoda, Calanoida, and Cyclopoida. These span a wide range in sizes, habitats and life-history traits. To some extent, genome size reflected phylogenetic footprints but, generally, a very wide range in genome size was found within all orders. Genome size was positively correlated with body size in Amphipoda, Cladocera, and Copepoda, but not for Decapoda in general. This could indicate that the evolution of body size occurs mainly by changing cell size for the three first orders, whereas it is more attributed to cell numbers for Decapoda. Cladocera, with direct development and a high growth rate, have minute genomes compared to copepods that possess a more complex life history, whereas, within Decapoda and Amphipoda, developmental complexity is not related to genome size. The present study suggests that, within the crustaceans, selection for a wide variety of life-history strategies has led to widely different genome sizes.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 393–399.  相似文献   

Body size and body shape are tightly related to an animal's physiology, ecology and life history, and, as such, play a major role in understanding ecological and evolutionary phenomena. Because organisms have different shapes, only a uniform proxy of size, such as mass, may be suitable for comparisons between taxa. Unfortunately, snake masses are rarely reported in the literature. On the basis of 423 species of snakes in 10 families, we developed clade‐specific equations for the estimation of snake masses from snout–vent lengths and total lengths. We found that snout–vent lengths predict masses better than total lengths. By examining the effects of phylogeny, as well as ecological and life history traits on the relationship between mass and length, we found that viviparous species are heavier than oviparous species, and diurnal species are heavier than nocturnal species. Furthermore, microhabitat preferences profoundly influence body shape: arboreal snakes are lighter than terrestrial snakes, whereas aquatic snakes are heavier than terrestrial snakes of a similar length. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ●● , ●●–●●.  相似文献   

1. Increasing ungulate populations are affecting vegetation negatively in many areas, but few studies have assessed the long-term effects of overbrowsing on individual life-history traits of ungulates. 2. Using an insular population of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus Zimmermann; Anticosti, Québec, Canada) introduced in 1896, and whose density has remained high since the first evidence of severe browsing in the 1930s, we investigated potential feedbacks of long-term and heavy browsing on deer life-history traits. 3. We assessed whether chronic browsing contributed to a decline of the quality of deer diet in early autumn during the last 25 years, and evaluated the impacts of reduced diet quality on deer body condition and reproduction. 4. Rumen nitrogen content declined 22% between two time periods, 1977-79 and 2002-04, indicating a reduction in diet quality. 5. After accounting for the effects of year within the time period, age and date of harvest in autumn, peak body mass of both sexes declined between the two time periods. At the end of November, males were on average 12% heavier and adult does 6% heavier in 1977-79 than in 2002-04. Hind foot length did not vary between time periods. 6. The probability of conception increased 15% between the two time periods, but litter size at ovulation declined 7%, resulting in a similar total number of ovulations in 2002-04 and in 1977-79. 7. Our results suggest that following a decline in diet quality, white-tailed deer females modified their life-history strategies to maintain reproduction at the expense of growth. 8. Deer appear to tolerate drastic reductions in diet quality by modifying their life history traits, such as body mass and reproduction, before a reduction in density is observed. Such modifications may contribute to maintain high population density of large herbivores following population irruption.  相似文献   

  1. Mutual reinforcement between abiotic and biotic factors can drive small populations into a catastrophic downward spiral to extinction—a process known as the “extinction vortex.” However, empirical studies investigating extinction dynamics in relation to species'' traits have been lacking.
  2. We assembled a database of 35 vertebrate populations monitored to extirpation over a period of at least ten years, represented by 32 different species, including 25 birds, five mammals, and two reptiles. We supplemented these population time series with species‐specific mean adult body size to investigate whether this key intrinsic trait affects the dynamics of populations declining toward extinction.
  3. We performed three analyses to quantify the effects of adult body size on three characteristics of population dynamics: time to extinction, population growth rate, and residual variability in population growth rate.
  4. Our results provide support for the existence of extinction vortex dynamics in extirpated populations. We show that populations typically decline nonlinearly to extinction, while both the rate of population decline and variability in population growth rate increase as extinction is approached. Our results also suggest that smaller‐bodied species are particularly prone to the extinction vortex, with larger increases in rates of population decline and population growth rate variability when compared to larger‐bodied species.
  5. Our results reaffirm and extend our understanding of extinction dynamics in real‐life extirpated populations. In particular, we suggest that smaller‐bodied species may be at greater risk of rapid collapse to extinction than larger‐bodied species, and thus, management of smaller‐bodied species should focus on maintaining higher population abundances as a priority.

Although fecundity selection is ubiquitous, in an overwhelming majority of animal lineages, small species produce smaller number of offspring per clutch. In this context, egg, hatchling and neonate sizes are absolutely larger, but smaller relative to adult body size in larger species. The evolutionary causes of this widespread phenomenon are not fully explored. The negative offspring size allometry can result from processes limiting maximal egg/offspring size forcing larger species to produce relatively smaller offspring (‘upper limit’), or from a limit on minimal egg/offspring size forcing smaller species to produce relatively larger offspring (‘lower limit’). Several reptile lineages have invariant clutch sizes, where females always lay either one or two eggs per clutch. These lineages offer an interesting perspective on the general evolutionary forces driving negative offspring size allometry, because an important selective factor, fecundity selection in a single clutch, is eliminated here. Under the upper limit hypotheses, large offspring should be selected against in lineages with invariant clutch sizes as well, and these lineages should therefore exhibit the same, or shallower, offspring size allometry as lineages with variable clutch size. On the other hand, the lower limit hypotheses would allow lineages with invariant clutch sizes to have steeper offspring size allometries. Using an extensive data set on the hatchling and female sizes of > 1800 species of squamates, we document that negative offspring size allometry is widespread in lizards and snakes with variable clutch sizes and that some lineages with invariant clutch sizes have unusually steep offspring size allometries. These findings suggest that the negative offspring size allometry is driven by a constraint on minimal offspring size, which scales with a negative allometry.  相似文献   

1. Trade-offs between reproduction and growth are central assumptions of life-history theory, but their implications for sexual size dimorphism (SSD) are poorly understood. 2. Adult male Yarrow's spiny lizards Sceloporus jarrovii average 10% larger than adult females. In a low-altitude (1700 m) population, this SSD develops because males grow more quickly than females during the first year of life, particularly during the first female reproductive season. This study tests the hypothesis that SSD develops because female growth is constrained by energetic costs of reproduction. 3. To test for a growth cost of reproduction, I compared growth rates of free-living females that differed, either naturally or experimentally, in reproductive status. Females that naturally delayed reproduction until their second year grew more quickly than females that reproduced as yearlings, and ovariectomized yearlings grew more quickly and to larger sizes than reproductive controls. 4. To determine whether SSD develops in the absence of this inferred reproductive cost, I also studied a high-altitude (2500 m) population in which all females delay reproduction until their second year. Sex differences in growth trajectories were similar to those observed at low altitude, such that males averaged 10% larger than females even prior to female reproduction. 5. Although female growth may be constrained by reproduction, multiple lines of evidence indicate that this cost is insufficient to explain the full magnitude of SSD in S. jarrovii. First, differences in growth of reproductive and nonreproductive females are not observed until the final month of gestation, by which time SSD is already well developed. Second, the growth benefit accruing from experimental inhibition of reproduction accounts for only 32% of the natural sex difference in body size. Finally, SSD develops well in advance of female reproduction in a high-altitude population with delayed maturation.  相似文献   

The impact of the urban heat-island effect, the warming-up of an urban area caused by human activity, on the blowfly Calliphora vicina Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Calliphoridae) was examined at two British sites, 30 km apart. Waterloo in Central London is a highly urbanised built-up area, whereas Box Hill in the county of Surrey is a rural pasture and woodland location. The phenotypic plasticity of 12 C. vicina cultures, originated from single females from each of the two sites, was measured using three developmental characters: adult body size (represented as the length of the cross vein dm-cu of the right wing), development time as accumulated degree-days (ADD), and growth rate (length of dm-cu/ADD), along a constant temperature series of 16, 20, 24, and 28 °C in the laboratory. The blowflies from Box Hill had the same ADD as those from Waterloo, but showed a significantly larger adult size and growth rate at lower temperatures, suggesting the existence of local adaptations that may be caused by the differing levels of urbanisation between the two studied sites. Not surprisingly, a trade-off between adult size and development time was found. Females showed longer development times than males at all four temperatures, indicating they may need to ingest more food as larvae to furnish ovarioles and increase fecundity. However, females had larger adult size than males at 16 and 20 °C but a reverse at 28 °C, suggesting that females may be more cold-adapted than males.  相似文献   

Eight vertebrate and invertebrate hormones were screened for theireffect on population growth, mictic female production, and body size of themarine rotifer Brachionus plicatilis. Growth hormone (GH) or human chorionicgonadotropin (HCG) at 0.0025–25 I.U. ml–1 andestradiol-17 (E2), triiodothyronine (T_3),20-hydroxyecdysone (20-HE), 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), gamma-aminobutyricacid (GABA) or juvenile hormone (JH) at 0.05–50 mg l–1were added to 5-ml of Nannochloropsis oculata suspension (7×106 cells ml–1). From an initial densityof 1 individual ml–1, rotifers were cultured with hormones for48 hours in 22 ppt seawater at 25 °C, in darkness.Rotifers were counted and classified into female types and transferred to anew algal food suspension without hormone every other day until day 8 whenbody size was measured. Population growth was significantly higher intreatments exposed to GABA (50 mg l–1), GH (0.0025 and 0.025I.U. ml–1), HCG (0.25 and 2.5 I.U. ml–1), and5-HT (5 mg l–1). E2 caused a decrease inpopulation growth, whereas JH, 20HE, and T3 had no effect.Mictic female production was significantly higher at 0.05 and 0.5 mgl–1 JH and 0.05 and 5 mg l–1 5HT. GH (0.0025 and0.025 I.U. ml–1), E2 (50 mg l–1),GABA (0.5, 5 and 50 mg l–1), and 20-HE (0.05 mgl–1) treatments had significantly higher mictic femaleproduction only on day 8, 6, 4, and 6, respectively. T3 andhCG had no effect on mictic female production. Lorica length increased by9.6% and 4.4% in rotifers treated with JH (0.05 mgl–1) and GABA (5 mg l–1), respectively. Correspondingly, lorica width increased by 8.9% and 2.6% inthese treatments. In comparison, 20-HE-, T3-, and HCG-treatedrotifers were smaller (3.9–8.2%) and GH, 5-HT andE2 had no effect on rotifer body size.  相似文献   

The effects of age at mating on female life-history traits in a seed beetle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Age at first reproduction is an important component of lifehistory across taxa and can ultimately affect fitness. Becausegenetic interests of males and females over reproductive decisionscommonly differ, theory predicts that conflict may arise overthe temporal distribution of matings. To determine the potentialfor such sexual conflict, we studied the direct costs and benefitsassociated with mating at different times for females, usingseed beetles (Acanthoscelides obtectus) as a model system. Virginfemales were resistant to male mating attempts at a very earlyage but subsequently reduced their resistance. Although we foundno difference in life span or mortality rates between femalesmated early in life and those mated later, females that matedearly in life suffered a 12% reduction in lifetime fecundity.Thus, there are direct costs associated with mating early inlife for females. Yet, males mate even with newly hatched females.We suggest that these data indicate a potential for sexual conflictover the timing of first mating and that female resistance tomating, at least in part, may represent a female strategy aimedat delaying mating to a later time in life.  相似文献   

Life-history traits such as age at maturity, body size and clutch size tend to vary across a species' distribution. The purpose of our study was to describe the demography of a newly discovered population of North American wood turtles Glyptemys insculpta at the species' northern range limit, and to compare our findings to those of other studies to test hypotheses about adaptive life-history variation. Turtles were hand-captured from May to October 2005 and 2006 along a 4.5 km stretch of river located in the Sudbury District, ON, Canada (46°N). Fifty-five captured individuals provided a population density estimate of 1.3 turtles/100 m of river. Juveniles comprised 35% of wood turtles captured, and growth ring counts (i.e. age estimates) indicated recruitment in each of the past 11 years. Among populations, we found a nonlinear pattern in body size variation with the largest turtles in the north, smallest turtles in the centre of the range, and intermediate-sized turtles in the south. This nonlinear pattern in body size was reflected in clutch size variation. Selective pressures to overcome years of low recruitment may have resulted in larger body sizes and hence large clutch sizes at northern latitudes while conspecifics at southern latitudes can achieve larger body sizes because they live in a more productive environment. Population density decreased with latitude, likely as a result of a gradient in habitat productivity.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Plant functional traits are assumed to be adaptive. As selection acts on individuals and not on traits, interpreting the adaptive value of a trait not may be straightforward. For example, productive leaves are associated with fertile environments. However, it is not clear if productive leaves confer an advantage in these habitats, or if they are an advantage as part of a suite of coordinated traits.


Genotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana were grown in high and low nutrient treatments and low, neutral and high pH treatments. Nutrient availability is reduced in acidic or basic soils relative to neutral pH soils. pH treatments were used to alter the availability of resources rather than the amount of resources.

Key Results

Leaf function (specific leaf area, SLA) and life history (size at reproduction, age at reproduction) were variable across genotypes and were plastic. High nutrient availability induced higher SLA and larger size at reproduction. Genotypes that reproduced at large size in high nutrient conditions at neutral pH had the greatest fruit production. SLA was only indirectly related to fruit production through a causal relationship with rosette size; in high nutrient conditions, plants with high SLA were large at reproduction and had higher fruit production. In high nutrient and high pH treatments, plants were large at reproduction, but large size at reproduction was associated with low fecundity. This suggests that large size is adaptive under high nutrient availability.


Interpreting the adaptive value of functional traits will sometimes only be possible when these traits are considered as a suite of correlated and coordinated traits. Leaf functional traits may be important in defining adaptive strategies in A. thaliana but only through how they affect plant life history. Finally, manipulating soil pH can be a valuable tool in assessing adaptive plasticity on nutrient gradients.  相似文献   

Beginning with an outline of uncertainties about the number of species on Earth today, this paper addresses likely causes and consequences of the manifest acceleration in extinction rates over the past few centuries. The ultimate causes are habitat destruction, alien introductions, overexploitation and climate change. Increases in human numbers and per capita impacts underlie all of these. Against a background review of these factors, I conclude with a discussion of the policy implications for equitably proportionate actions—and of the difficulties in achieving them.  相似文献   

We measured the elemental content (%C, N and P) and ratios (C:N, C:P, N:P) of a diverse assemblage of parasitic helminths to ask whether taxonomy or traits were related to stoichiometric variation among species. We sampled 27 macroparasite taxa, spanning four phyla, infecting vertebrate and invertebrate hosts from freshwater ecosystems in New Jersey. Macroparasites varied widely in elemental content, exhibiting 4.7‐fold variation in %N, 4.6‐fold variation in %P, and 11.5‐fold variation in N:P. Across all species, parasite %P scaled negatively and C:P scaled positively with body size. Similar relationships between parasite P content and body size occurred at the phylum level and within individual species. The allometric scaling of P across species supports the growth rate hypothesis, which predicts that smaller taxa require more P to support relatively higher growth rates. Life cycle stage was related to %N and C:N, with non‐reproductive parasite stages lower in %N and higher in C:N than actively reproducing parasites. Parasite phylum, functional feeding group, and trophic level did not explain elemental variation among species. Organismal stoichiometry is linked to ecological function, and wide variation in macroparasite stoichiometry likely generates diverse patterns in host–parasite nutrient dynamics and variable relationships between parasitism and nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

I present a computational approach to calculate the population growth rate, its sensitivity to life-history parameters and associated statistics like the stable population distribution and the reproductive value for exponentially growing populations, in which individual life history is described as a continuous development through time. The method is generally applicable to analyse population growth and performance for a wide range of individual life-history models, including cases in which the population consists of different types of individuals or in which the environment is fluctuating periodically. It complements comparable methods developed for discrete-time dynamics modelled with matrix or integral projection models. The basic idea behind the method is to use Lotka's integral equation for the population growth rate and compute the integral occurring in that equation by integrating an ordinary differential equation, analogous to recently derived methods to compute steady-states of physiologically structured population models. I illustrate application of the method using a number of published life-history models.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2021,31(22):5062-5068.e4
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