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Mechanisms underlying species richness patterns remain a central yet controversial issue in biology. Climate has been regarded as a major determinant of species richness. However, the relative influences of different evolutionary processes, (i.e. niche conservatism, diversification rate and time for speciation) on species richness–climate relationships remain to be tested. Here, using newly compiled distribution maps for 11 422 woody plant species in eastern Eurasia, we estimated species richness patterns for all species and for families with tropical and temperate affinities separately, and explored the phylogenetic signals in species richness patterns of different families and their relationships with contemporary climate and climate change since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). We further compared the effects of niche conservatism (represented by contemporary-ancestral climatic niches differences), diversification rate and time for speciation (represented by family age) on variation in the slopes of species richness–climate relationships. We found that winter coldness was the best predictor for species richness patterns of most tropical families while Quaternary climate change was the best predictor for those of most temperate families. Species richness patterns of closely-related families were more similar than those of distantly-related families within eudicots, and significant phylogenetic signals characterized the slopes of species richness–climate relationships across all angiosperm families. Contemporary-ancestral climatic niche differences dominated variation in the relationships between family-level species richness and most climate variables. Our results indicate significant phylogenetic conservatism in family-level species richness patterns and their relationships with contemporary climate within eudicots. These findings shed light on the mechanisms underlying large-scale species richness patterns and suggest that ancestral climatic niche may influence the evolution of species richness–climate relationships in plants through niche conservatism.  相似文献   

Cortical bone tissue is an anisotropic material characterized by typically five independent elastic coefficients (for transverse isotropy) governing shear and longitudinal deformations in the different anatomical directions. It is well established that the Young’s modulus in the direction of the bone axis of long bones has a strong relationship with mass density. It is not clear, however, whether relationships of similar strength exist for the other elastic coefficients, for they have seldom been investigated, and the results available in the literature are contradictory. The objectives of the present work were to document the anisotropic elastic properties of cortical bone at the tibia mid-diaphysis and to elucidate their relationships with mass density. Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy (RUS) was used to measure the transverse isotropic stiffness tensor of 55 specimens from 19 donors. Except for Poisson’s ratios and the non-diagonal stiffness coefficient, strong linear correlations between the different elastic coefficients \((0.7 < {r^{2}} < 0.99)\) and between these coefficients and density \((0.79 < {r^{2}} < 0.89)\) were found. Comparison with previously published data from femur specimens suggested that the strong correlations evidenced in this study may not only be valid for the mid-tibia. RUS also measures the viscous part of the stiffness tensor. An anisotropy ratio close to two was found for damping coefficients. Damping increased as the mass density decreased. The data suggest that a relatively accurate estimation of all the mid-tibia elastic coefficients can be derived from mass density. This is of particular interest (1) to design organ-scale bone models in which elastic coefficients are mapped according to Hounsfield values from computed tomography scans as a surrogate for mass density and (2) to model ultrasound propagation at the mid-tibia, which is an important site for the in vivo assessment of bone status with axial transmission techniques.  相似文献   

Debate continues in theoretical ecology over whether and why the scaling exponent of biomass–density (MN) relationship varies along environmental gradients. By developing a novel geometric model with assumptions of allometric growth at the individual level and open canopy at the stand level, we propose that plant height–crown radius and canopy coverage–density relationships determine the above-ground MN relationship in stressful environments. Results from field investigation along an aridity gradient (from eastern to western China) confirmed our model prediction and showed that the above-ground MN scaling exponent increased with drought stress. Therefore, the ‘universal’ scaling exponents (−3/2 or −4/3) of the MN relationship predicted by previous models may not hold for above-ground parts in stressful environments.  相似文献   

Functional processes in trees undergo changes as the tree size increases, which may affect the response of trees to environmental factors. We tested tree-ring response to climate in four groups of trees, including large and small Pinus halepensis and Pinus pinea trees using cluster, principal component (PC) and dendroclimatological analysis. The trees were of the same age and growing on a plantation in the semiarid coastal area of southern Spain. Cluster and PC analyses showed a clear separation into four groups of trees. Autocorrelation and mean sensitivity showed significant differences between the two size classes. PCA recognised four representative principal components where PC1 represented the tree-ring—climate variability common to both species and sizes, whereas PC2, PC3 and PC4 represented a species-specific and size-dependent response of trees to climate. The differences between the two size classes were greater than those between the two species. The results suggest that future tree-ring studies should include trees stratified by size. Only this would make it possible to produce unbiased predictions on the consequences of climate change and to devise suitable mitigation strategies for preserving Mediterranean forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

It has been shown that plant biomass–density relationships are altered under extreme or stressed conditions. We do not know whether variation in biomass–density relationships is a direct result of stress tolerance or occurs via changes in plant–plant interactions. Here, we evaluated biomass–density relationships and neighbor effects in six plant species that differ in salt tolerance in a salt marsh, and conducted a literature review of biomass–density relationship under higher and lower stress levels. Our field study showed that both neighbor effects and the exponent of the biomass–density relationship (α) varied among plant species with different degrees of salt tolerance. There was a positive relationship between neighbor effects (measured as relative interaction index) and α-value among the tested species. The literature review showed that α and its variation increased under higher stress. Our results indicate that plant species with different salinity tolerance differ in the direction and strength of neighbor effects, resulting in variation in biomass–density relationships. Our results support the hypothesis that differences in biomass–density relationships among species are not due to differences in stress tolerance alone, they are mediated by changes in plant–plant interactions.  相似文献   

Research on how morphology, behavior, and life histories of insects determine their susceptibility to parasitism has primarily focused on the traits of single host species. Very little research has been conducted attempting to determine if similarities or differences in the traits of co-occurring species, on a single plant or in a habitat, influence levels of parasitism imposed on any member of an assemblage. In this study, we use categorical and regression tree analyses to determine which traits of the larvae of macrolepidopteran species are associated with highest levels of parasitism. Of a variety of morphological, behavioral, and ecological traits of 72 species (representing eight families), caterpillar color was the trait that had the greatest influence on susceptibility to parasitism. The highest levels of parasitism were associated primarily with green larvae. These results suggest that the herbivore species composition and, specifically, the traits possessed by the species may influence community or assemblagewide patterns of parasitism. That is, sharing of traits that enhance host finding and successful parasitism may result in associational susceptibility to parasitism, whereas co-occurrence with species that differ morphologically, behaviorally, or ecologically may reduce the likelihood of parasitism and thus result in associational resistance. The concepts of associational resistance and susceptibility have historically been restricted to plant-plant interactions. The extension of these concepts to herbivores is novel. If found to be widespread, these interactions can have significant impacts on our expectations of the effectiveness of biological control agents.  相似文献   

Do nematode and macrofauna assemblages provide similar ecological assessment information? To answer this question, in the summer of 2006, subtidal soft-bottom assemblages were sampled and environmental parameters were measured at seven stations covering the entire salinity gradient of the Mondego estuary. Principal components analysis (PCA) was performed on the environmental parameters, thus establishing different estuarine stretches. The ecological status of each community was determined by applying the Maturity Index and the Index of Trophic Diversity to the nematode data and the Benthic Assessment Tool to the macrofaunal data. Overall, the results indicated that the answer to the initial question is not straightforward. The fact that nematode and macrofauna have provided different responses regarding environmental status may be partially explained by local differentiation in microhabitat conditions, given by distinct sampling locations within each estuarine stretch and by different response-to-stress times of each benthic community. Therefore, our study suggests that both assemblages should be used in marine pollution monitoring programs.  相似文献   

Plant biodiversity–productivity relationships become stronger over time in grasslands, forests, and agroecosystems. Plant shoot and root litter is important in mediating these positive relationships, yet the functional role of plant litter remains overlooked in long-term experiments. We propose that plant litter strengthens biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships over time in four ways by providing decomposing detritus that releases nitrogen (N) over time for uptake by existing and succeeding plants, enhancing overall soil fertility, changing soil community composition, and reducing the impact of residue-borne pathogens and pests. We bring new insights into how diversity–productivity relationships may change over time and suggest that the diversification of crop residue retention through increased residue diversity from plant mixtures will improve the sustainability of food production systems.  相似文献   

Parasites are integral components of the biosphere. Host switching correlated with events of episodic climate change is ubiquitous in evolutionary and ecological time. Global climate change produces ecological perturbations, which cause geographical and phenological shifts, and alteration in the dynamics of parasite transmission, increasing the potential for host switching. The intersection of climate change with evolutionary conservative aspects of host specificity and transmission dynamics, called ecological fitting, permits emergence of parasites and diseases without evolutionary changes in their capacity for host utilization.  相似文献   

Species–area relationships (SARs) represent a ubiquitous and useful empirical regularity characterizing biodiversity. The rate of species accumulation, captured by the value of the exponent, z, varies substantially and for many reasons. We hypothesized that one of the major contributors to this variation is heterogeneity and its change with scale. To test this hypothesis, we used an array of natural microcosms for which we had invertebrate species composition and physical properties of habitat. Using GIS and cluster analysis, we organized the species data into four sets: communities grouped by spatial proximity in the field, randomly, by similarity of their physical habitat and by dissimilarity of their physical habitat. These groupings produced varying levels of heterogeneity at different scales. We fitted species–area and species–volume relationships to the four groups of communities, and obtained z-values for each group or a portion of the group if the slope of the relationship varied. As predicted, we recovered a number of properties reported by others. More interestingly, we found that small- and large-scale habitat heterogeneity produced scale-dependent z-values while the random grouping of pool habitats produced z-values more robust across scales but also susceptible to initial values of habitat richness. Habitat area affected rate at which species accumulated much less than the mean degree of inter-habitat differences: increasing area that is heterogeneous at broader scales produces higher z-values than increasing an area that shows heterogeneity at small scale only. Our results, while from a microcosm system, rely on logic transferable to larger scale data sets.  相似文献   

生物和非生物因素决定高山草甸物种多样性-生产力相互关系自然条件下物种多样性-生产力相互关系取决于生物和非生物因素,但其相对重要性及相互作用仍不清晰,特别是在未来的气候变化情景下。为此,我们在中国玉龙雪山3处不同海拔的高山草甸开展了模拟气候变暖和大气氮沉降的完全随机组块析因试验。除物种多样性外,我们根据株高、比叶面积、叶片碳、氮、磷含量计算了实验处理下草甸植物群落的功能多样性,并将其作为关键生物因素。此外,我们测量了气温、降雨以及土壤的化学属性作为潜在重要的非生物因素。我们利用广义线性混合模型研究了物种多样性和植物生产力对海拔、增温、施肥及其可能的交互作用的响应,同时评估了上述生物和非生物因素对物种多样性-生产力相互关系的影响。研究结果表明,物种多样性随海拔升高而降低并且在增温处理下有下降趋势且在中间海拔最为强烈。相对而言,植物生产力仅随海拔升高而下降。功能丰富度、最高气温、土壤pH对物种多样性-生产力相互关系表现出强烈的负交互作用,即物种多样性-生产力相互关系随着这些因素的增加从正相互关系变为中性关系,然后变为轻微的负相互关系。我们的研究指出短期增温对高山草甸物种多样性的负面影响,并强调生物和非生物因素决定了自然条件下物种多样性-生产力相互关系。  相似文献   

Five wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) starches, from the varieties Sunco, Sunsoft, SM1118, and SM1028, with similar amylose content, and a waxy wheat were separated into large (A) and small (B) granules. The unfractionated starches, and isolated A and B granules, were characterized structurally and evaluated for their functional properties. The amylopectin chain length distribution revealed that A granules had a lower proportion of short chains with degree of polymerization (DP) 6-12 and a higher proportion of chains with DP 25-36 than B granules. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns showed predominantly A-type crystallinity for all of the starches. No differences in the crystallinity were found between unfractionated, A and B granules. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) patterns of the starches at 55% hydration showed that the lamellar repeat distance in A granules was larger than that of B granules for all the starches examined. However, the lamellar distances of both A and B granules from the waxy wheat were smaller than those of Sunco, Sunsoft, SM1118 and SM1028 starches. The swelling power of the B granules was greater than that of A granules from all five starches. The kinetics of digestion of A and B granules with α-amylase in vitro were complex, with B granules initially digested to a greater extent than A granules. After 4 h of incubation, A granules showed greater digestibility than B granules, except in the case of waxy starch where unfractionated and fractionated granules had similar in vitro digestibility. Correlations between structural and functional parameters were more significant for the isolated A and B granules than for the unfractionated starches. This study demonstrates that A and B granules differ in structure and functionality, and that some correlations between these properties could be masked in unfractionated starches with bimodal granule size distribution.  相似文献   

We examined effects of leaf litter quality and species mixing on microbial community diversity and litter processing in a forested headwater stream. Single- and mixed-species litter from dominant tree species ( Liriodendron tulipifera , Acer rubrum , Quercus prinus , Rhododendron maximum ) were incubated in a southern Appalachian headwater stream. Litter carbon-to-nitrogen ratios (C:N), mass loss, microbial respiration, and microbial community diversity were analyzed on individual litter species after incubation. Initial C:N varied widely among individual litter species, and these differences persisted throughout the 50-day incubation period. Litter C:N of the recalcitrant species R. maximum remained higher than that of all other litter species, and C:N of R. maximum and L. tulipifera increased when both species were present together in a mixture. Although mass loss of individual species was generally unaffected by mixing, microbial respiration was greater on A. rubrum and Q. prinus litter incubated with R. maximum compared to either species alone. Enhanced resource heterogeneity, which was experimentally achieved by litter mixing low- and higher-quality litter species, resulted in apparent shifts in microbial community diversity on individual litter species. Responses of bacterial and fungal community diversity to litter mixing varied among individual litter species. Our results suggest that changes in tree species composition in riparian forests and subsequent changes in litter resource heterogeneity could alter stream microbial community diversity and function. As bacteria and fungi are important decomposers of plant litter in aquatic ecosystems, resource-dependent changes in microbial communities could alter detrital processing dynamics in streams.  相似文献   

Discussion of the vertical stratification of organisms in tropical forests has traditionally focused on species distribution. Most studies have shown that, due to differences in abiotic conditions and resource distribution, species can be distributed along the vertical gradient according to their ecophysiological needs. However, the network structure between distinct vertical strata remains little-explored. To fill this gap in knowledge, we used baits to sample ants in the canopy and understorey trees of a Mexican tropical rain forest to record the ant–tree co-occurrences. We examined the ant–tree co-occurrences in the canopy and understorey using complementary network metrics (i.e., specialization, interaction diversity, modularity, and nestedness). In addition, we evaluated co-occurrence patterns between ant species on trees, using C-score analysis. In general, we found no differences in the network structure, although the interaction diversity was greater in the understorey than in the canopy networks. We also observed that co-occurrence networks of each vertical stratum featured four ant species in the central core of highly co-occurring species, with three species unique to each stratum. Moreover, we found a similar trend toward ant species segregation in the both strata. These findings reveal a similar pattern of ant–ant co-occurrences in both vertical strata, probably due to the presence of arboreal-nesting ants in the understorey. Overall, we showed that despite the marked differences in species composition and environmental conditions between understorey and canopy strata, ant–tree co-occurrences in these habitats could be governed by similar mechanisms, related to dominance and resource monopolization by ants.  相似文献   

Using data of the Red Data Book of European Butterflies we establish the species–area relationship (S = 8.5 A0.23) and the endemics–area relationship (S = 0.5 A0.18) of European butterflies. Applying confidence limits as tools for the identification of hotspot countries we show that in the case of butterflies hotspots of endemism and hotspots of overall species richness do not coincide. We introduce plots of residuals from species–area relationships shifted upwards by the 95% confidence limits of the intercept (α-values) as a new tool for identifying and ranking of hotspots.  相似文献   

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