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Orexin G protein-coupled receptors (OxRs) and their cognate agonists have been implicated in a number of disorders since their recent discovery, ranging from narcolepsy to formation of addictive behavior. Bioluminescence resonance energy transfer assays of agonist-occupied OxRs provided evidence for a strong dose-dependent interaction with both trafficking proteins β-arrestin 1 and 2 that required unusually high agonist concentrations compared with inositol phosphate signaling. This appears to be reflected in functional differences in potency with respect to orexin A (OxA) and OxR2-dependent ERK1/2 phosphorylation after 90 min compared with 2 min, potentially consistent with β-arrestin-mediated versus G protein-mediated signaling, respectively. Furthermore, extended bioluminescence resonance energy transfer kinetic data monitoring OxA-dependent receptor-β-arrestin and β-arrestin-ubiquitin proximity suggested subtype-specific differences in receptor trafficking, with OxR2 activation resulting in more sustained receptor-β-arrestin-ubiquitin complex formation than elicited by OxR1 activation. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) data also revealed that OxR1 underwent significantly more rapid recycling compared with OxR2. Finally, we have observed sustained OxA-dependent ERK1/2 phosphorylation in the presence of OxR2 compared with OxR1. Although both OxR subtypes could be classified as class B receptors for β-arrestin usage based on the initial strength of interaction with both β-arrestins, our temporal profiling revealed tangible differences between OxR subtypes. Consequently, OxR1 appears to fit uneasily into the commonly used β-arrestin classification scheme. More importantly, it is hoped that this improved profiling capability, enabling the subtleties of protein complex formation, stability, and duration to be assessed in live cells, will help unlock the therapeutic potential of targeting these receptors.  相似文献   

Allosteric modulators are an attractive approach to achieve receptor subtype-selective targeting of G protein-coupled receptors. Benzyl quinolone carboxylic acid (BQCA) is an unprecedented example of a highly selective positive allosteric modulator of the M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR). However, despite favorable pharmacological characteristics of BQCA in vitro and in vivo, there is limited evidence of the impact of allosteric modulation on receptor regulatory mechanisms such as β-arrestin recruitment or receptor internalization and endocytic trafficking. In the present study we investigated the impact of BQCA on M1 mAChR regulation. We show that BQCA potentiates agonist-induced β-arrestin recruitment to M1 mAChRs. Using a bioluminescence resonance energy transfer approach to monitor intracellular trafficking of M1 mAChRs, we show that once internalized, M1 mAChRs traffic to early endosomes, recycling endosomes and late endosomes. We also show that BQCA potentiates agonist-induced subcellular trafficking. M1 mAChR internalization is both β-arrestin and G protein-dependent, with the third intracellular loop playing an important role in the dynamics of β-arrestin recruitment. As the global effect of receptor activation ultimately depends on the levels of receptor expression at the cell surface, these results illustrate the need to extend the characterization of novel allosteric modulators of G protein-coupled receptors to encapsulate the consequences of chronic exposure to this family of ligands.  相似文献   

The D(3) dopamine receptor is endocytosed through a heterologous mechanism mediated by phorbol esters. Here, we show that following this endocytosis the D(3) dopamine receptors fail to recycle and are instead targeted for degradation through an interaction with the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR)-associated sorting protein-1 (GASP-1). Furthermore, we identified a specific binding motif in the C terminus common to the D(3) and D(2) that confers GASP-1 binding. shRNA knockdown of GASP-1 delayed post-endocytic degradation of both the D(2) and D(3) dopamine receptors. In addition, mutation of the D(2) and D(3) receptor C termini to resemble the D(4), which does not interact with GASP-1, not only inhibited GASP-1 binding but slowed degradation after endocytosis. Conversely, mutation of the C terminus of the D(4) to resemble that of the D(2) and D(3) facilitated GASP-1 binding and promoted post-endocytic degradation of the mutant D(4) receptor. Thus, we have identified a motif that is both necessary and sufficient to promote GASP-1 binding and receptor degradation. In addition, these data demonstrated that GASP-1 can mediate post-endocytic degradation of dopamine receptors that have been endocytosed not only as a consequence of dopamine activation but also as a consequence of activation by phorbol esters.  相似文献   

Among human N-formyl peptide chemoattractant receptors, FPR2/ALX and FPR3 share the highest degree of amino acid identity (83%), and trigger similar cell responses upon ligand binding. Although FPR2/ALX is a promiscuous receptor, FPR3 has only one specific high affinity ligand, F2L, and a more restricted tissue/cell distribution. In this study, we showed that FPR2/ALX behaved as the prototypical receptor FPR1. The agonist-dependent phosphorylation used a hierarchical mechanism with a prominent role of Ser(329), Thr(332), and Thr(335). Phosphorylation of FPR2/ALX was essential for its desensitization but the lack of phosphorylation did not result in enhanced or sustained responses. In contrast, resting FPR3 displayed a marked level of phosphorylation, which was only slightly increased upon agonist stimulation. Another noticeable difference between the two receptors was their subcellular distribution in unstimulated cells. Although FPR2/ALX was evenly distributed at the plasma membrane FPR3 was localized in small intracellular vesicles. By swapping domains between FPR2/ALX and FPR3, we uncovered the determinants involved in the basal phosphorylation of FPR3. Experiments aimed at monitoring receptor-bound antibody uptake showed that the intracellular distribution of FPR3 resulted from a constitutive internalization that was independent of C terminus phosphorylation. Unexpectedly, exchanging residues 1 to 53, which encompass the N-terminal extracellular region and the first transmembrane domain, between FPR2/ALX and FPR3 switched localization of the receptors from the plasma membrane to intracellular vesicles and vice versa. A clathrin-independent, possibly caveolae-dependent, mechanism was involved in FPR3 constitutive internalization. The peculiar behavior of FPR3 most probably serves distinct physiological functions that remain largely unknown.  相似文献   

Inhibitory GABAB receptors (GABABRs) can down-regulate most excitatory synapses in the CNS by reducing postsynaptic excitability. Functional GABABRs are heterodimers of GABAB1 and GABAB2 subunits and here we show that the trafficking and surface expression of GABABRs is differentially regulated by synaptic or pathophysiological activation of NMDA receptors (NMDARs). Activation of synaptic NMDARs using a chemLTP protocol increases GABABR recycling and surface expression. In contrast, excitotoxic global activation of synaptic and extrasynaptic NMDARs by bath application of NMDA causes the loss of surface GABABRs. Intriguingly, exposing neurons to extreme metabolic stress using oxygen/glucose deprivation (OGD) increases GABAB1 but decreases GABAB2 surface expression. The increase in surface GABAB1 involves enhanced recycling and is blocked by the NMDAR antagonist AP5. The decrease in surface GABAB2 is also blocked by AP5 and by inhibiting degradation pathways. These results indicate that NMDAR activity is critical in GABABR trafficking and function and that the individual subunits can be separately controlled to regulate neuronal responsiveness and survival.  相似文献   

Rab31 is a member of the Rab5 subfamily of Rab GTPases. Although localized largely to the trans-Golgi network, it shares common guanine nucleotide exchange factors and effectors with other Rab5 subfamily members that have been implicated in endocytic membrane traffic. We investigated whether Rab31 also has a role in the trafficking of the ligand-bound EGF receptor (EGFR) internalized through receptor-mediated endocytosis. We found that loss of Rab31 inhibits, but overexpression enhances, EGFR trafficking to the late endosomes and that the effect of Rab31 silencing could be specifically rescued by overexpression of a silencing-resistant form of Rab31. Rab31 was found to interact with the EGFR by coimmunoprecipitation and affinity pulldown analyses, and the primarily trans-Golgi network-localized Rab31 has increased colocalization with the EGFR in A431 cells 30 min after pulsing with EGF. A glycerol gradient sedimentation assay suggested that Rab31 is sequestered into a high molecular weight complex after stimulation with EGF, as was early endosome antigen 1 (EEA1), a factor responsible for endosomal tethering and fusion events. We found that loss of EEA1 reduced the interaction between Rab31 and the EGFR and abrogated the effect of Rab31 overexpression on the trafficking of the EGFR. Likewise, loss of GAPex5, a Rab31 guanine nucleotide exchange factor that has a role in ubiquitination and degradation of the EGFR, reduced the interaction of Rab31 with the EGFR and its effect on EGFR trafficking. Taken together, our results suggest that Rab31 is an important regulator of endocytic trafficking of the EGFR and functions in an EGFR trafficking complex that includes EEA1 and GAPex5.  相似文献   

Endothelin receptor A (ETA), a G protein-coupled receptor, mediates endothelin signaling, which is regulated by GRK2. Three Ser and seven Thr residues recently proven to be phosphoacceptor sites are located in the C-terminal extremity (CTE) of the receptor following its palmitoylation site. We created various phosphorylation-deficient ETA mutants. The phospholipase C activity of mutant receptors in HEK-293 cells was analyzed during continuous endothelin stimulation to investigate the impact of phosphorylation sites on ETA desensitization. Total deletion of phosphoacceptor sites in the CTE affected proper receptor regulation. However, proximal and distal phosphoacceptor sites both turned out to be sufficient to induce WT-like desensitization. Overexpression of the Gαq coupling-deficient mutant GRK2-D110A suppressed ETA-WT signaling but failed to decrease phospholipase C activity mediated by the phosphorylation-deficient mutant ETA-6PD. In contrast, GRK2-WT acted on both receptors, whereas the kinase-inactive mutant GRK2-D110A/K220R failed to inhibit signaling of ETA-WT and ETA-6PD. This demonstrates that ETA desensitization involves at least two autonomous GRK2-mediated components: 1) a phosphorylation-independent signal decrease mediated by blocking of Gαq and 2) a mechanism involving phosphorylation of Ser and Thr residues in the CTE of the receptor in a redundant fashion, able to incorporate either proximal or distal phosphoacceptor sites. High level transfection of GRK2 variants influenced signaling of ETA-WT and ETA-6PD and hints at an additional phosphorylation-independent regulatory mechanism. Furthermore, internalization of mRuby-tagged receptors was observed with ETA-WT and the phosphorylation-deficient mutant ETA-14PD (lacking 14 phosphoacceptor sites) and turned out to be based on a phosphorylation-independent mechanism.  相似文献   

Kainate receptors are widely expressed in the brain, and are present at pre- and postsynaptic sites where they play a prominent role in synaptic plasticity and the regulation of network activity. Within individual neurons, kainate receptors of different subunit compositions are targeted to various locations where they serve distinct functional roles. Despite this complex targeting, relatively little is known about the molecular mechanisms regulating kainate receptor subunit trafficking. Here we investigate the role of phosphorylation in the trafficking of the GluR6 kainate receptor subunit. We identify two specific residues on the GluR6 C terminus, Ser846 and Ser868, which are phosphorylated by protein kinase C (PKC) and dramatically regulate GluR6 surface expression. By using GluR6 containing phosphomimetic and nonphosphorylatable mutations for these sites expressed in heterologous cells or in neurons lacking endogenous GluR6, we show that phosphorylation of Ser846 or Ser868 regulates receptor trafficking through the biosynthetic pathway. Additionally, Ser846 phosphorylation dynamically regulates endocytosis of GluR6 at the plasma membrane. Our findings thus demonstrate that phosphorylation of PKC sites on GluR6 regulates surface expression of GluR6 at distinct intracellular trafficking pathways, providing potential molecular mechanisms for the PKC-dependent regulation of synaptic kainate receptor function observed during various forms of synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

Postendocytic sorting of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) is driven by their interactions between highly diverse receptor sequence motifs with their interacting proteins, such as postsynaptic density protein (PSD95), Drosophila disc large tumor suppressor (Dlg1), zonula occludens-1 protein (zo-1) (PDZ) domain proteins. However, whether these diverse interactions provide an underlying functional specificity, in addition to driving sorting, is unknown. Here we identify GPCRs that recycle via distinct PDZ ligand/PDZ protein pairs that exploit their recycling machinery primarily for targeted endosomal localization and signaling specificity. The luteinizing hormone receptor (LHR) and β2-adrenergic receptor (B2AR), two GPCRs sorted to the regulated recycling pathway, underwent divergent trafficking to distinct endosomal compartments. Unlike B2AR, which traffics to early endosomes (EE), LHR internalizes to distinct pre-early endosomes (pre-EEs) for its recycling. Pre-EE localization required interactions of the LHR C-terminal tail with the PDZ protein GAIP-interacting protein C terminus, inhibiting its traffic to EEs. Rerouting the LHR to EEs, or EE-localized GPCRs to pre-EEs, spatially reprograms MAPK signaling. Furthermore, LHR-mediated activation of MAPK signaling requires internalization and is maintained upon loss of the EE compartment. We propose that combinatorial specificity between GPCR sorting sequences and interacting proteins dictates an unprecedented spatiotemporal control in GPCR signal activity.  相似文献   

The corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) receptor 1 (CRFR1) is a target for the treatment of psychiatric diseases such as depression, schizophrenia, anxiety disorder, and bipolar disorder. The carboxyl-terminal tail of the CRFR1 terminates in a PDZ-binding motif that provides a potential site for the interaction of PSD-95/Discs Large/Zona Occludens 1 (PDZ) domain-containing proteins. In this study, we found that CRFR1 interacts with synapse-associated protein 97 (SAP97; also known as DLG1) by co-immunoprecipitation in human embryonic 293 (HEK 293) cells and cortical brain lysates and that this interaction is dependent upon an intact PDZ-binding motif at the end of the CRFR1 carboxyl-terminal tail. Similarly, we demonstrated that SAP97 is recruited to the plasma membrane in HEK 293 cells expressing CRFR1 and that mutation of the CRFR1 PDZ-binding motif results in the redistribution of SAP97 into the cytoplasm. Overexpression of SAP97 antagonized agonist-stimulated CRFR1 internalization, whereas single hairpin (shRNA) knockdown of endogenous SAP97 in HEK 293 cells resulted in increased agonist-stimulated CRFR1 endocytosis. CRFR1 was internalized as a complex with SAP97 resulting in the redistribution of SAP97 to endocytic vesicles. Overexpression or shRNA knockdown of SAP97 did not significantly affect CRFR1-mediated cAMP formation, but SAP97 knockdown did significantly attenuate CRFR1-stimulated ERK1/2 phosphorylation in a PDZ interaction-independent manner. Taken together, our studies show that SAP97 interactions with CRFR1 attenuate CRFR1 endocytosis and that SAP97 is involved in coupling G protein-coupled receptors to the activation of the ERK1/2 signaling pathway.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling mediates many cellular functions, including cell survival, proliferation, and cell motility. Many of these processes are mediated by GPCR-promoted activation of Akt signaling by mammalian target of rapamycin complex 2 (mTORC2) and the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/phosphoinositide-dependent kinase 1 (PDK1) pathway. However, the molecular mechanisms by which GPCRs govern Akt activation by these kinases remain poorly understood. Here, we show that the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) pathway mediates Akt signaling promoted by the chemokine receptor CXCR4. Pharmacological inhibition of heterotrimeric G protein Gαi or PI3K signaling and siRNA targeting ESCRTs blocks CXCR4-promoted degradation of DEPTOR, an endogenous antagonist of mTORC2 activity. Depletion of ESCRTs by siRNA leads to increased levels of DEPTOR and attenuated CXCR4-promoted Akt activation and signaling, consistent with decreased mTORC2 activity. In addition, ESCRTs likely have a broad role in Akt signaling because ESCRT depletion also attenuates receptor tyrosine kinase-promoted Akt activation and signaling. Our data reveal a novel role for the ESCRT pathway in promoting intracellular signaling, which may begin to identify the signal transduction pathways that are important in the physiological roles of ESCRTs and Akt.  相似文献   

It is widely assumed that G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2)-mediated specific inhibition of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) response involves GRK-mediated receptor phosphorylation followed by β-arrestin binding and subsequent uncoupling from the heterotrimeric G protein. It has recently become evident that GRK2-mediated GPCRs regulation also involves phosphorylation-independent mechanisms. In the present study we investigated whether the histamine H2 receptor (H2R), a Gα(s)-coupled GPCR known to be desensitized by GRK2, needs to be phosphorylated for its desensitization and/or internalization and resensitization. For this purpose we evaluated the effect of the phosphorylating-deficient GRK2K220R mutant on H2R signaling in U937, COS7, and HEK293T cells. We found that although this mutant functioned as dominant negative concerning receptor internalization and resensitization, it desensitized H2R signaling in the same degree as the GRK2 wild type. To identify the domains responsible for the kinase-independent receptor desensitization, we co-transfected the receptor with constructions encoding the GRK2 RGS-homology domain (RH) and the RH or the kinase domain fused to the pleckstrin-homology domain. Results demonstrated that the RH domain of GRK2 was sufficient to desensitize the H2R. Moreover, disruption of RGS functions by the use of GRK2D110A/K220R double mutant, although coimmunoprecipitating with the H2R, reversed GRK2K220R-mediated H2R desensitization. Overall, these results indicate that GRK2 induces desensitization of H2R through a phosphorylation-independent and RGS-dependent mechanism and extends the GRK2 RH domain-mediated regulation of GPCRs beyond Gα(q)-coupled receptors. On the other hand, GRK2 kinase activity proved to be necessary for receptor internalization and the resulting resensitization.  相似文献   

Several residues are conserved in the transmembrane domains (TMs) of G-protein coupled receptors. Here we demonstrate that a conserved proline, Pro247, in TM6 of platelet-activating factor receptor (PAFR) is required for endoplasmic reticulum (ER) export and trafficking after agonist-induced internalization. Alanine-substituted mutants of the conserved residues of PAFRs, including P247A, were retained in the ER. Because a PAFR antagonist, Y-24180, acted as a pharmacological chaperone to rescue ER retention, this retention is due to misfolding of PAFR. Methylcarbamyl (mc)-PAF, a PAFR agonist, did not increase the cell surface expression of P247A, even though another ER-retained mutant, D63A, was effectively trafficked. Signaling and accumulation of the receptors in the early endosomes were observed in the mc-PAF-treated P247A-expressing cells, suggesting that P247A was trafficked to the cell surface by mc-PAF, and thereafter disappeared from the surface due to aberrant trafficking, e.g. enhanced internalization, deficiency in recycling, and/or accelerated degradation. The aberrant trafficking was confirmed with a sortase-A-mediated method for labeling cell surface proteins. These results demonstrate that the conserved proline in TM6 is crucial for intracellular trafficking of PAFR.  相似文献   

The G protein-coupled protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR1) is irreversibly proteolytically activated by thrombin. Hence, the precise regulation of PAR1 signaling is important for proper cellular responses. In addition to desensitization, internalization and lysosomal sorting of activated PAR1 are critical for the termination of signaling. Unlike most G protein-coupled receptors, PAR1 internalization is mediated by the clathrin adaptor protein complex 2 (AP-2) and epsin-1, rather than β-arrestins. However, the function of AP-2 and epsin-1 in the regulation of PAR1 signaling is not known. Here, we report that AP-2, and not epsin-1, regulates activated PAR1-stimulated phosphoinositide hydrolysis via two different mechanisms that involve, in part, a subset of R4 subfamily of “regulator of G protein signaling” (RGS) proteins. A significantly greater increase in activated PAR1 signaling was observed in cells depleted of AP-2 using siRNA or in cells expressing a PAR1 420AKKAA424 mutant with defective AP-2 binding. This effect was attributed to AP-2 modulation of PAR1 surface expression and efficiency of G protein coupling. We further found that ectopic expression of R4 subfamily members RGS2, RGS3, RGS4, and RGS5 reduced activated PAR1 wild-type signaling, whereas signaling by the PAR1 AKKAA mutant was minimally affected. Intriguingly, siRNA-mediated depletion analysis revealed a function for RGS5 in the regulation of signaling by the PAR1 wild type but not the AKKAA mutant. Moreover, activation of the PAR1 wild type, and not the AKKAA mutant, induced Gαq association with RGS3 via an AP-2-dependent mechanism. Thus, AP-2 regulates activated PAR1 signaling by altering receptor surface expression and through recruitment of RGS proteins.  相似文献   

Prokineticins are a pair of signal factors involved in many physiological processes by binding to two closely related G-protein-coupled receptors, PKR1 and PKR2. Recently, mutations in prokineticin 2 (PK2) and PKR2 are found to be associated with Kallmann syndrome and/or idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, disorders characterized by delayed puberty and infertility. However, little is known how PKRs interact and activate G-proteins to elicit signal transduction. In the present study, we took advantage of one disease-associated mutation (R164Q) located in the second intracellular (IL2) loop of PKR2, to investigate the role of IL2 loop in the cell signaling, G-protein binding and receptor trafficking. R164Q mutant PKR2 showed normal cell surface expression and ligand binding capacity. However, the PKR2 signaling was abolished by R164Q mutation. We demonstrated that R164Q mutation disrupted the interaction of IL2 loop to the Gα(q), Gα(i), and Gα(16)-proteins. A positive-charged amino acid at this position is required for proper function, and the signaling efficacy and potency depend on the net amount of positive charges. We also demonstrated that the interactive partner of Arg-164 may localize in the C-terminal five residues of Gα(q)-protein. A series of mutation analysis indicated that the basic amino acids at the C terminus of IL2 loop may function cooperatively in GPCRs. Furthermore, R164Q mutation also results in minimal ligand-induced endocytosis of PKR2. As many GPCRs share structural homology in the C terminus of IL2 loop, our findings may have general application in understanding structure and function of GPCRs.  相似文献   

It is well recognized that the C terminus (CT) plays a crucial role in modulating G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) transport from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the cell surface. However the molecular mechanisms that govern CT-dependent ER export remain elusive. To address this issue, we used α(2B)-adrenergic receptor (α(2B)-AR) as a model GPCR to search for proteins interacting with the CT. By using peptide-conjugated affinity matrix combined with proteomics and glutathione S-transferase fusion protein pull-down assays, we identified tubulin directly interacting with the α(2B)-AR CT. The interaction domains were mapped to the acidic CT of tubulin and the basic Arg residues in the α(2B)-AR CT, particularly Arg-437, Arg-441, and Arg-446. More importantly, mutation of these Arg residues to disrupt tubulin interaction markedly inhibited α(2B)-AR transport to the cell surface and strongly arrested the receptor in the ER. These data provide the first evidence indicating that the α(2B)-AR C-terminal Arg cluster mediates its association with tubulin to coordinate its ER-to-cell surface traffic and suggest a novel mechanism of GPCR export through physical contact with microtubules.  相似文献   

Agonist-induced internalization of G protein-coupled receptors plays an important role in signal regulation. The underlying mechanisms of the internalization of the human neuropeptide Y(2) receptor (hY(2)R), as well as its desensitization, endocytosis, and resensitization are mainly unknown. In the present study we have investigated the role of carboxyl-terminal (C-terminal) Ser/Thr residues and acidic amino acids in regulating receptor internalization, arrestin interaction, and recycling by fluorescence microscopy, cell surface enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and bioluminescence resonance energy transfer in several cell lines. Strikingly, C-terminal truncation mutants revealed two different internalization motifs. Whereas a distal motif (373)DSXTEXT(379) was found to be the primary regulatory internalization sequence acting in concert with arrestin-3, the proximal motif (347)DXXXSEXSXT(356) promoted ligand-induced internalization in an arrestin-3-independent manner. Moreover, we identified a regulatory sequence located between these internalization motifs ((357)FKAKKNLEVRKN(368)), which serves as an inhibitory element. We found that hY(2)R recycling is also governed by structural determinants within the proximal internalization motif. In conclusion, these results indicate that the hY(2)R C terminus is involved in multiple molecular events that regulate internalization, interaction with arrestin-3, and receptor resensitization. Our findings provide novel insights into complex mechanisms of controlled internalization of hY(2)R, which is likely applicable to other GPCRs.  相似文献   

The recently identified small molecule, 3-amino-5-chloro-6-methoxy-4-methylthieno[2,3-b]pyridine-2-carboxylic acid cyclopropylamide (LY2033298), is the first selective allosteric modulator of the muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs) that mediates both receptor activation and positive modulation of the endogenous agonist, acetylcholine (ACh), via the same allosteric site on the M4 mAChR. We thus utilized this novel chemical tool, as well as ACh, the bitopic (orthosteric/allosteric) agonist, McN-A-343, and the clinically efficacious M1/M4 mAChR-preferring agonist, xanomeline, in conjunction with site-directed mutagenesis of four different regions of the M4 mAChR (extracellular loops 1, 2, and 3, and transmembrane domain 7), to identify regions that govern ligand-specific modes of binding, signaling, and allosteric modulation. In the first extracellular loop (E1), we identified Ile93 and Lys95 as key residues that specifically govern the signaling efficacy of LY2033298 and its binding cooperativity with ACh, whereas Phe186 in the E2 loop was identified as a key contributor to the binding affinity of the modulator for the allosteric site, and Asp432 in the E3 loop appears to be involved in the functional (activation) cooperativity between the modulator and the endogenous agonist. In contrast, the highly conserved transmembrane domain 7 residues, Tyr439 and Tyr443, were identified as contributing to a key activation switch utilized by all classes of agonists. These results provide new insights into the existence of multiple activation switches in G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), some of which can be selectively exploited by allosteric agonists, whereas others represent global activation mechanisms for all classes of ligand.  相似文献   

The A2A-adenosine receptor undergoes restricted collision coupling with its cognate G protein Gs and lacks a palmitoylation site at the end of helix 8 in its intracellular C terminus. We explored the hypothesis that there was a causal link between the absence of a palmitoyl moiety and restricted collision coupling by introducing a palmitoylation site. The resulting mutant A2A-R309C receptor underwent palmitoylation as verified by both mass spectrometry and metabolic labeling. In contrast to the wild type A2A receptor, the concentration-response curve for agonist-induced cAMP accumulation was shifted to the left with increasing expression levels of A2A-R309C receptor, an observation consistent with collision coupling. Single particle tracking of quantum dot-labeled receptors confirmed that wild type and mutant A2A receptor differed in diffusivity and diffusion mode; agonist activation resulted in a decline in mean square displacement of both receptors, but the drop was substantially more pronounced for the wild type receptor. In addition, in the agonist-bound state, the wild type receptor was frequently subject to confinement events (estimated radius 110 nm). These were rarely seen with the palmitoylated A2A-R309C receptor, the preferred diffusion mode of which was a random walk in both the basal and the agonist-activated state. Taken together, the observations link restricted collision coupling to diffusion limits imposed by the absence of a palmitoyl moiety in the C terminus of the A2A receptor. The experiments allowed for visualizing local confinement of an agonist-activated G protein-coupled receptor in an area consistent with the dimensions of a lipid raft.  相似文献   

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