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Archaeolemur is a recently extinct genus of lemur that is often compared to some Cercopithecidae, especially baboons. This is due in part to their derived dentition, with large anterior teeth and reduced bilophodont molars. Research involving comparative morphology, analysis of coprolites, isotopes, and enamel structure, have suggested Archaeolemur had an omnivorous diet involving mechanically challenging items. Yet, microwear analysis of posterior teeth does not necessarily support this conclusion.

Materials and Methods

In this macroscopic study, dental chipping was recorded on permanent teeth of Archaeolemur from different localities (53 individuals; 447 permanent teeth; including both A. edwardsi and A. majori specimens). This study aimed to compare chipping patterns across the dentition of Archaeolemur with chipping in other primates.


The results show enamel chipping was prevalent on the anterior teeth of Archaeolemur (38.9% of anterior teeth showed at least one fracture) yet rare in posterior teeth (9%). There was a decrease in chipping frequency across the dentition, moving distally from incisors (50%; 20/40), through caniniform teeth (30%; 15/50), premolars (9.5%; 16/169), and molars (8.5%; 16/188).


The results support previous research suggesting Archaeolemur had a varied omnivorous diet in which the anterior dentition was used for extensive food processing. This likely included mechanically challenging items such as tough/hard large fruits, small vertebrates, and crustaceans. Such a high rate of chipping in the anterior dentition is uncommon in other primates, with exception of hominins.

This study of linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH) in Plio-Pleistocene hominins builds on a previous study (Guatelli-Steinberg [2003] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 120:309-322) that focused on LEH in early South African hominins. The present study is more comprehensive, encompassing dental specimens of hominins from East Africa as well, including early Homo. As a developmental defect of enamel, LEH is used in anthropological contexts to reveal information about physiological stress. However, intrinsic aspects of enamel development and morphology can affect the expression of LEH, complicating efforts to understand the significance of these defects. In this study, the analysis of LEH is conducted with respect to enamel development and morphology. It is predicted that Paranthropus should have fewer defects on its canine teeth than Australopithecus and Homo, owing to its abbreviated period of enamel formation. This prediction is supported: Paranthropus has statistically significantly fewer defects per canine than Australopithecus and Homo. The previous study demonstrated that despite the wider spacing of perikymata on the teeth of South African Paranthropus, defects on the canine teeth of this genus were not wider than those of Australopithecus. A multiple linear regression analysis in that study, as well as a separate analysis in the present study, indicate that the number of perikymata within defects is a better predictor of defect width than perikymata spacing. In this study, it was additionally found that the average number of perikymata within Australopithecus defects is statistically significantly greater than it is in Paranthropus, thus explaining why Paranthropus defects are not wider than those of Australopithecus. The biological significance of this difference in the number of perikymata within the defects of Australopithecus and Paranthropus is considered in light of several factors, including: 1) the possibility that other intrinsic attributes of enamel morphology may be involved (specifically the faster extension rates of Paranthropus that result in shallower defects), 2) generic differences in the canalization of enamel development, and 3) generic differences in the duration of disruptions to enamel growth.  相似文献   

Hominins are a very rare component of the large-mammal fauna at Laetoli. Although no equivalent data are available for Hadar, the much higher count and relative abundance of hominins suggests that they may have been more common at the latter site. The apparent relative rarity of hominins at Laetoli may have significant implications for understanding the ecology of Australopithecus afarensis. However, it is essential to first assess the extent to which taphonomic variables might have been a contributing factor. Using data from fossil ruminants, we show that the survivability of skeletal elements at Laetoli relates to the extent to which they can resist carnivore scavenging and their likelihood of being entirely buried by volcanic ashes and tuffaceous sediments. The rarity of hominins at Laetoli is probably due in part to the influence of these two taphonomic factors. However, these factors cannot account entirely for the difference in hominin relative abundance between these two sites, and ecological differences were probably a contributing factor. The highest population densities of chimpanzees today occur in forest and closed woodland, with reduced densities in open woodland. If similar levels of population-density variation characterized A. afarensis, the differences between Hadar and Laetoli may relate to the quality/optimality of the habitats. Hadar was, in general, much more densely wooded and mesic than Laetoli, with permanent and substantial bodies of water. In contrast, Laetoli was predominantly a woodland-shrubland-grassland mosaic supported only by ephemeral streams and ponds. The apparent greater relative abundance of hominins at Hadar compared with Laetoli suggests that, like chimpanzees, A. afarensis may have been more successful in more densely wooded habitats. Compared with Hadar, Laetoli probably represented a less optimal habitat for the foraging and dietary behavior of A. afarensis, and this is reflected in their inferred lower abundance, density, and biomass.  相似文献   

Extant hominoids share similar elbow joint morphology, which is believed to be an adaptation for elbow stability through a wide range of pronation-supination and flexion-extension postures. Mild variations in elbow joint morphology reported among extant hominoids are often qualitative, where orangutans are described as having keeled joints, and humans and gorillas as having flatter joints. Although these differences in keeling are often linked to variation in upper limb use or loading, they have not been specifically quantified. Many of the muscles important in arboreal locomotion in hominoids (i.e., wrist and finger flexors and extensors) take their origins from the humeral epicondyles. Contractions of these muscles generate transverse forces across the elbow, which are resisted mainly by the keel of the humeroulnar joint. Therefore, species with well-developed forearm musculature, like arboreal hominoids, should have more elbow joint keeling than nonarboreal species. This paper explores the three- and two-dimensional morphology of the trochlear notch of the elbow of extant hominoids and fossil hominins and hominoids for which the locomotor habitus is still debated. As expected, the elbow articulation of habitually arboreal extant apes is more keeled than that of humans. In addition, extant knuckle-walkers are characterized by joints that are distally expanded in order to provide greater articular surface area perpendicular to the large loads incurred during terrestrial locomotion with an extended forearm. Oreopithecus is characterized by a pronounced keel of the trochlear notch and resembles Pongo and Pan. OH 36 has a morphology that is unlike that of extant species or other fossil hominins. All other hominin fossils included in this study have trochlear notches intermediate in form between Homo and Gorilla or Pan, suggesting a muscularity that is less than in African apes but greater than in humans.  相似文献   

For decades, natural historians and comparative anatomists have acknowledged the form/function relationship between an animal's dentition and its food. Historically, anthropologists have cited this relationship to explain adaptations observed in modern species as well as to infer the diets of extinct animals found in the fossil record. Anthropologists have described morphological differences between species that permit dietary niche partitioning which allows closely related primates to co-exist within a single ecosystem. For example, Robinson1 postulated that the anatomical differences between Australopithecus and Paranthropus are the result of their adaptations to different diets. Jolly's2 seed-eating hypothesis suggested that early hominids' morphological divergence from apes resulted from their specialized feeding on small and hard grass seeds. Early work by Kay3 suggested that Sivapithecus' thick molar enamel was an adaptation to habitually eating resistant food items such as hard nuts or seeds enclosed in tough pods.  相似文献   

Reconstructions of foraging behavior and diet are central to our understanding of fossil hominin ecology and evolution. Current hypotheses for the evolution of the genus Homo invoke a change in foraging behavior to include higher quality foods. Recent microwear texture analyses of fossil hominin teeth have suggested that the evolution of Homo erectus may have been marked by a transition to a more variable diet. In this study, we used microwear texture analysis to examine the occlusal surface of 2 molars from Dmanisi, a 1.8 million year old fossil hominin site in the Republic of Georgia. The Dmanisi molars were characterized by a moderate degree of surface complexity (Asfc), low textural fill volume (Tfv), and a relatively low scale of maximum complexity (Smc), similar to specimens of early African H. erectus. While caution must be used in drawing conclusions from this small sample (n = 2), these results are consistent with continuity in diet as H. erectus expanded into Eurasia.  相似文献   

MAK-VP-1/1, a proximal femur recovered from the Maka Sands (ca. 3.4 mya) of the Middle Awash, Ethiopia, and attributed to Australopithecus afarensis, is described in detail. It represents the oldest skeletal evidence of locomotion in this species, and is analyzed from a morphogenetic perspective. X-ray, CT, and metric data are evaluated, using a variety of methods including discriminant function. The specimen indicates that the hip joint of A. afarensis was remarkably like that of modern humans, and that the dramatic muscle allocation shifts which distinguish living humans and African apes were already present in a highly derived form in this species. Its anatomy provides no indication of any form of locomotion save habitual terrestrial bipedality, which very probably differed only trivially from that of modern humans.  相似文献   

In April–May 1983, the late A.R. Hughes and his field team recovered more than 40 bone fragments and teeth from a single solution pocket of the Sterkfontein Formation. After preparation and reconstruction by JMC, it was recognised that these fragments represent a single juvenile individual (Stw 151), consisting of more than 40 cranial and dental parts, with mixed dentition. It constitutes the most complete set of jaws and teeth of an early hominid child since the Taung child was recovered in 1924. In this paper, the morphological and metrical features of the individual teeth are described. The other associated skull fragments (right ramus of the mandible, left petrous bone, right glenoid region) are also described. Comparisons are made with other South (and East) African fossil hominids. The beautiful preservation simultaneously of most of the deciduous teeth and of the permanent teeth exposed in their crypts allows an accurate analysis of the developmental sequence. A report on the dental developmental status of this juvenile is presented. On the basis of the microanatomical study of the developing permanent teeth, the estimated age at death is 5.2–5.3 years. Reconstructions of the maxillary and mandibular arcades are also offered. The morphological and metrical features of Stw 151 raise the possibility that it may represent a hominid more derived towards an early Homo condition than the rest of the A. africanus sample from Member 4. Am J Phys Anthropol 106:425–465, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study uses macroscopic and microscopic methods to analyze the expression of linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH) in Plio-Pleistocene South African hominins. LEH is a developmental defect of enamel that is used in many anthropological contexts as a physiological stress indicator. Previous research has not settled the question as to whether differences in LEH expression exist between Paranthropus and Australopithecus and if they exist, to what extent these differences might be explained simply by taxonomic differences in enamel development and morphology rather than by differential stress experience. In this study, the analysis of LEH is conducted with respect to differences between Paranthropus and Australopithecus in aspects of enamel development and morphology that are thought to influence LEH expression. Two factors impacting LEH expression are considered: the duration of enamel formation, and the spacing of perikymata. It is predicted that if the first factor strongly influences the expression of LEH, then there should be fewer defects per tooth in Paranthropus because of its abbreviated crown formation spans (and fast extension rates) relative to Australopithecus. It is also predicted that because Australopithecus has more densely packed perikymata in comparable regions of the crown than Paranthropus, this taxon should, on average, have narrower defects than Paranthropus. To address these questions, 200 Australopithecus and 137 Paranthropus teeth were examined for LEH, and the analysis of defect width with respect to perikymata spacing was conducted on tooth impressions examined under a scanning electron microscope using INCA (Oxford Instruments) measurement software. Data support the first prediction: Australopithecus does have significantly more defects per canine tooth than Paranthropus. Data do not support the second prediction in large part because several Australopithecus specimens have wide groove defects in which perikymata are not visible and enamel is irregular. Such wide grooves are not predicted by perikymata spacing such that alternative explanations, including taxonomic differences in ameloblast sensitivity and the duration/severity of disruptions to enamel growth, must be considered.  相似文献   

Estimating body mass/size/weight remains a crucial precursor to the evaluation of relative brain size and to achieving an understanding of brain evolution in fossil species. Despite the obvious close association between the metrics of postcranial elements and body mass a number of factors combine to reduce their utility. This study examines the feasibility of cranial variables for predicting body mass. The use of traditional regression procedures, independent contrasts analysis, and variance partitioning all support the hypothesis that cranial variables are correlated with body mass even when taking phylogeny into account, with r values typically ranging between 0.52 and 0.98. Body mass estimates derived for fossil hominins using cranial variables are similar to those obtained from previous studies using either cranial or postcranial elements. In particular, upper facial breadth and orbital height display strong predictive capability. Average body masses derived from Least Squares Regression (LSR) equations were used to calculate estimates of body mass for three hominin species. This resulted in estimates of between 30 kg and 47 kg for Australopithecus africanus, 48 kg and 52 kg for Paranthropus robustus, and 75 kg for Homo neanderthalensis. It is proposed that regression equations derived for the order primates are used to estimate body mass for archaic hominins, while hominoid based equations are most suited for Homo.  相似文献   

In a seminal study Hylander (1975) concluded that the length of the incisor row in catarrhines considered frugivores is longer relative to body mass than in those classified as folivores. Assuming that large fruits require greater incisal processing than do leaves, stems, berries, and seeds, he argued that the larger incisors of frugivores increased their resistance to wear. The present analysis examines diet, incisor wear, and incisor crown breadth in cranial samples of western lowland gorillas and chimpanzees. Incisor wear rate was assessed on the basis of the extent of incisor crown reduction observed at sequential stages of first molar wear. Incisor metrics were obtained from the unworn teeth of juveniles. Results suggest that incisor wear is greater in the more folivorous western lowland gorillas than in more frugivorous chimpanzees. Moreover, incisor crown dimensions do not differ appreciably among African apes. These findings fail to support the hypothesis that slower wear rates are associated with broader incisor crowns, and raise new questions regarding the significance of incisor row length in anthropoids.  相似文献   

Hominin footprints are a particular remain in paleoanthropology representing brief moments of life of extinct individuals. Footprints not only provide information on the locomotor behavior of fossil taxa but also on their body characteristics such as their stature. This stature is usually estimated from the length of the footprints based on the well-known foot length to stature ratio. However, footprint length does not result only from the foot length but of a combination of factors. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the relationships between footprint length and stature of individuals using experimental approaches. Secondly, recent discoveries of fossil footprints have led to the estimation of statures from isolated footprints. However, such estimates may be biased because of the intraindividual morphometric variation of the footprints. Moreover, footprints may also be incomplete making it impossible to measure the length and therefore the estimation of a stature. The search for relationships between stature and other morphometric variables is therefore necessary to have the most accurate picture possible of the individuals who left these tracks. In this context, this article reports the results of an experimental study that aims to determine the relationships between the stature of individuals and different morphometric variables and to quantify the intraindividual variation of each variable. Thus, 21 morphometric variables were measured on a total of 175 experimental footprints left by 20 individuals in an experimental area composed of loose sand. Statistical analyses show that footprint lengths are not only the variables most correlated with stature but also those with the least intraindividual variation. However, estimation of stature from footprints left by fossil hominins is subject to three types of uncertainties: residuals from linear regression, intraindividual variation that can be particularly large in soft substrates, and the application of relationships defined on modern populations to fossil taxa.  相似文献   

以军都山墓地为代表的"玉皇庙文化"系中国北方青铜时代的一支具有鲜明地方特色的少数部族文化。本文对军都山墓地出土人骨牙齿标本作牙齿磨耗状况分析,试图为其饮食结构和社会经济形态的探讨提供线索。结果显示:军都山古代人群中,相同年龄组的男女两性牙齿磨耗差异不大;前部牙齿磨耗轻于后部臼齿,第一臼齿磨耗最重;臼齿磨耗样式大多呈现"正常平匀"式,臼齿磨耗角度大多较小,两者均随年龄而变化但没有显著的性别差异。经与其他样本组的对比认为军都山古代人群牙齿磨耗的特点可能与其社会经济农牧兼营的性质有关,推测动物性食物(肉食)可能在军都山古代人群主要饮食结构中占据重要比例,并包含有一定的农业经济成分。不同游牧人群牙齿磨耗程度差异较大,只有结合了磨耗形态及其他信息才有可能更切实地反映其饮食状况。  相似文献   

During locomotion, mammalian limb postures are influenced by many factors including the animal's limb length and body mass. Polk (2002) compared the gait of similar-sized cercopithecine monkeys that differed limb proportions and found that longer-limbed monkeys usually adopt more extended joint postures than shorter-limbed monkeys in order to moderate their joint moments. Studies of primates as well as non-primate mammals that vary in body mass have demonstrated that larger animals use more extended limb postures than smaller animals. Such extended postures in larger animals increase the extensor muscle mechanical advantage and allow postures to be maintained with relatively less muscular effort (Polk, 2002; Biewener 1989). The results of these previous studies are used here to address two anthropological questions. The first concerns the postural effects of body mass and limb proportion differences between australopithecines and members of the genus Homo. That is, H. erectus and later hominins all have larger body mass and longer legs than australopithecines, and these anatomical differences suggest that Homo probably used more extended postures and probably required relatively less muscular force to resist gravity than the smaller and shorter-limbed australopithecines. The second question investigates how animals with similar size but different limb proportions differ in locomotor performance. The effects of limb proportions on gait are relevant to inferring postural and locomotor differences between Neanderthals and modern Homo sapiens which differ in their crural indices and relative limb length. This study demonstrates that primates with relatively long limbs achieve higher walking speeds while using lower stride frequencies and lower angular excursions than shorter-limbed monkeys, and these kinematic differences may allow longer-limbed taxa to locomote more efficiently than shorter-limbed species of similar mass. Such differences may also have characterized the gait of Homo sapiens in comparison to Neanderthals, but more experimental data on humans that vary in limb proportions are necessary in order to evaluate this question more thoroughly.  相似文献   

This study examines metric variation of the post-canine permanent dentition of four monkey groups (savannah and forest baboons, savannah and forest guenons) represented by 1,840 individuals.Papio, Mandrillus, Cercopithecus aethiops, andC. mitis each display marked within-group variation in tooth size. Taxonomic status and/or sexual composition of a sample does not correspond to a particular magnitude of variation. Therefore, the use of the coefficient of variation to assess either the specific or sexual composition of fossil samples is untenable.  相似文献   

Analysis of masticatory function is the basis of clinical work in almost all fields of dentistry. Bite forces are the expression and measure of masticatory function. Physical training has an effect on the development of functional ability, motoric ability of the organism and the formation of desired physical proportions. The purpose of this study was to examine the association between physical fitness and bite force values. Because of strictly defined regulations in the army with regard to training and nutrition, Croatian Army recruits were ideal examinees for this examination. The examinees were 135 recruits. Bite forces were measured on three places (area of the central incisors, left and right in the area of the first molars) before and after three-months of training. Of all the examinees, 108 had increased their body weight, 12 had decreased it and 15 had not changed their body weight. The median of measured forces in the recruits prior to training was 291 N in the right (lateral quadrant), 285.5 N in the left lateral quadrant and 205 N in the anterior area. After training the median of measured forces in the right quadrant was 312 N, in the left 313 N and in the anterior area 216 N Greater bite forces after training on all measured places were statistically proved. Increased activity of masticatory muscles can have the same effect on the values of bite forces as bite training. There are few data on the correlation between physical muscles and values of bite forces. The results of those studies are doubtful. In this study, after three months of conditional training, the body mass of the recruits had increased and they expressed greater values of bite forces. However, correlation between body mass and bite forces cannot be proved with certainty.  相似文献   

Comparisons of joint surface curvature at the base of the thumb have long been made to discern differences among living and fossil primates in functional capabilities of the hand. However, the complex shape of this joint makes it difficult to quantify differences among taxa. The purpose of this study is to determine whether significant differences in curvature exist among selected catarrhine genera and to compare these genera with hominin1 fossils in trapeziometacarpal curvature. Two 3D approaches are used to quantify curvatures of the trapezial and metacarpal joint surfaces: (1) stereophotogrammetry with nonuniform rational B‐spline (NURBS) calculation of joint curvature to compare modern humans with captive chimpanzees and (2) laser scanning with a quadric‐based calculation of curvature to compare modern humans and wild‐caught Pan, Gorilla, Pongo, and Papio. Both approaches show that Homo has significantly lower curvature of the joint surfaces than does Pan. The second approach shows that Gorilla has significantly more curvature than modern humans, while Pongo overlaps with humans and African apes. The surfaces in Papio are more cylindrical and flatter than in Homo. Australopithecus afarensis resembles African apes more than modern humans in curvatures, whereas the Homo habilis trapezial metacarpal surface is flatter than in all genera except Papio. Neandertals fall at one end of the modern human range of variation, with smaller dorsovolar curvature. Modern human topography appears to be derived relative to great apes and Australopithecus and contributes to the distinctive human morphology that facilitates forceful precision and power gripping, fundamental to human manipulative activities. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 1 The term “hominin” refers to members of the tribe Hominini, which includes modern humans and fossil species that are related more closely to modern humans than to extant species of chimpanzees, Wood and Lonergan (2008). Hominins are in the family Hominidae with great apes.  相似文献   

A chronology of dental development in Pan troglodytes is arguably the best available model with which to compare and contrast reconstructed dental chronologies of the earliest fossil hominins. Establishing a time scale for growth is a requirement for being able to make further comparative observations about timing and rate during both dento-skeletal growth and brain growth. The absolute timing of anterior tooth crown and root formation appears not to reflect the period of somatic growth. In contrast, the molar dentition best reflects changes to the total growth period. Earlier initiation of molar mineralization, shorter crown formation times, less root length formed at gingival emergence into functional occlusion are cumulatively expressed as earlier ages at molar eruption. Things that are similar in modern humans and Pan, such as the total length of time taken to form individual teeth, raise expectations that these would also have been the same in fossil hominins. The best evidence there is from the youngest fossil hominin specimens suggests a close resemblance to the model for Pan but also hints that Gorilla may be a better developmental model for some. A mosaic of great ape-like features currently best describes the timing of early hominin dental development.  相似文献   

Determining the diet of an extinct species is paramount in any attempt to reconstruct its paleoecology. Because the distribution and mechanical properties of food items may impact postcranial, cranial, mandibular, and dental morphologies related to their procurement, ingestion, and mastication, these anatomical attributes have been studied intensively. However, while mechanical environments influence skeletal and dental features, it is not clear to what extent they dictate particular morphologies. Although biomechanical explanations have been widely applied to extinct hominins in attempts to retrodict dietary proclivities, morphology may say as much about what they were capable of eating, and perhaps more about phylogenetic history, than about the nature of the diet. Anatomical attributes may establish boundary limits, but direct evidence left by the foods that were actually (rather than hypothetically) consumed is required to reconstruct diet. Dental microwear and the stable light isotope chemistry of tooth enamel provide such evidence, and are especially powerful when used in tandem. We review the foundations for microwear and biogeochemistry in diet reconstruction, and discuss this evidence for six early hominin species (Ardipithecus ramidus, Australopithecus anamensis, Au. afarensis, Au. africanus, Paranthropus robustus, and P. boisei). The dietary signals derived from microwear and isotope chemistry are sometimes at odds with inferences from biomechanical approaches, a potentially disquieting conundrum that is particularly evident for several species.  相似文献   

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