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NvCI is a novel exogenous proteinaceous inhibitor of metallocarboxypeptidases from the marine snail Nerita versicolor. The complex between human carboxypeptidase A4 and NvCI has been crystallized and determined at 1.7 Å resolution. The NvCI structure defines a distinctive protein fold basically composed of a two-stranded antiparallel β-sheet connected by three loops and the inhibitory C-terminal tail and stabilized by three disulfide bridges. NvCI is a tight-binding inhibitor that interacts with the active site of the enzyme in a substrate-like manner. NvCI displays an extended and novel interface with human carboxypeptidase A4, responsible for inhibitory constants in the picomolar range for some members of the M14A subfamily of carboxypeptidases. This makes NvCI the strongest inhibitor reported so far for this family. The structural homology displayed by the C-terminal tails of different carboxypeptidase inhibitors represents a relevant example of convergent evolution.  相似文献   

d-Serine is a physiological co-agonist of the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor. It regulates excitatory neurotransmission, which is important for higher brain functions in vertebrates. In mammalian brains, d-amino acid oxidase degrades d-serine. However, we have found recently that in chicken brains the oxidase is not expressed and instead a d-serine dehydratase degrades d-serine. The primary structure of the enzyme shows significant similarities to those of metal-activated d-threonine aldolases, which are fold-type III pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzymes, suggesting that it is a novel class of d-serine dehydratase. In the present study, we characterized the chicken enzyme biochemically and also by x-ray crystallography. The enzyme activity on d-serine decreased 20-fold by EDTA treatment and recovered nearly completely by the addition of Zn2+. None of the reaction products that would be expected from side reactions of the PLP-d-serine Schiff base were detected during the >6000 catalytic cycles of dehydration, indicating high reaction specificity. We have determined the first crystal structure of the d-serine dehydratase at 1.9 Å resolution. In the active site pocket, a zinc ion that coordinates His347 and Cys349 is located near the PLP-Lys45 Schiff base. A theoretical model of the enzyme-d-serine complex suggested that the hydroxyl group of d-serine directly coordinates the zinc ion, and that the ϵ-NH2 group of Lys45 is a short distance from the substrate Cα atom. The α-proton abstraction from d-serine by Lys45 and the elimination of the hydroxyl group seem to occur with the assistance of the zinc ion, resulting in the strict reaction specificity.  相似文献   

Protealysin (PLN) belongs to the M4 family of peptidases that are commonly known as thermolysin-like proteases (TLPs). All TLPs are synthesized as precursors containing N-terminal propeptides. According to the primary structure of the N-terminal propeptides, the family is divided into two distinct groups. Representatives of the first group including thermolysin and all TLPs with known three-dimensional structures have long prosequences (∼200 amino acids). Enzymes of the second group, whose prototype is protealysin, have short (∼50 amino acids) propeptides. Here, we present the 1.8 Å crystal structure of PLN precursor (proPLN), which is the first three-dimensional structure of a TLP precursor. Whereas the structure of the catalytic domain of proPLN is similar overall to previously reported structures of mature TLPs, it has specific features, including the absence of calcium-binding sites, and different structures of the N-terminal region and substrate-binding site. PLN propeptide forms a separate domain in the precursor and likely acts as an inhibitor that blocks the substrate-binding site and fixes the “open” conformation of the active site, which is unfavorable for catalysis. Furthermore the conserved PPL motif identified in our previous studies directly interacts with the S′ subsites of the active center being a critical element of the propeptide-catalytic domain interface. Comparison of the primary structures of TLPs with short propeptides suggests that the specific features revealed in the proPLN crystal structure are typical for all protealysin-like enzymes. Thus, such proteins can be considered as a separate subfamily of TLPs.  相似文献   

Histamine dehydrogenase (HADH) isolated from Nocardioides simplex catalyzes the oxidative deamination of histamine to imidazole acetaldehyde. HADH is highly specific for histamine, and we are interested in understanding the recognition mode of histamine in its active site. We describe the first crystal structure of a recombinant form of HADH (HADH) to 2.7-Å resolution. HADH is a homodimer, where each 76-kDa subunit contains an iron-sulfur cluster ([4Fe-4S]2+) and a 6-S-cysteinyl flavin mononucleotide (6-S-Cys-FMN) as redox cofactors. The overall structure of HADH is very similar to that of trimethylamine dehydrogenase (TMADH) from Methylotrophus methylophilus (bacterium W3A1). However, some distinct differences between the structure of HADH and TMADH have been found. Tyr60, Trp264, and Trp355 provide the framework for the “aromatic bowl” that serves as a trimethylamine-binding site in TMADH is comprised of Gln65, Trp267, and Asp358, respectively, in HADH. The surface Tyr442 that is essential in transferring electrons to electron-transfer flavoprotein (ETF) in TMADH is not conserved in HADH. We use this structure to propose the binding mode for histamine in the active site of HADH through molecular modeling and to compare the interactions to those observed for other histamine-binding proteins whose structures are known.  相似文献   

Pz-peptidase A, from the thermophilic bacterium Geobacillus collagenovorans MO-1, hydrolyzes a synthetic peptide substrate, 4-phenylazobenzyloxycarbonyl-Pro-Leu-Gly-Pro-d-Arg (Pz-PLGPR), which contains a collagen-specific tripeptide sequence, -Gly-Pro-X-, but does not act on collagen proteins themselves. The mammalian enzyme, thimet oligopeptidase (TOP), which has comparable functions with bacterial Pz-peptidases but limited identity at the primary sequence level, has recently been subjected to x-ray crystallographic analysis; however, no crystal structure has yet been reported for complexes of TOP with substrate analogues. Here, we report crystallization of recombinant Pz-peptidase A in complex with two phosphinic peptide inhibitors (PPIs) that also function as inhibitors of TOP and determination of the crystal structure of these complexes at 1.80–2.00 Å resolution. The most striking difference between Pz-peptidase A and TOP is that there is no channel running the length of bacterial protein. Whereas the structure of TOP resembles an open bivalve, that of Pz-peptidase A is closed and globular. This suggests that collagenous peptide substrates enter the tunnel at the top gateway of the closed Pz-peptidase A molecule, and reactant peptides are released from the bottom gateway after cleavage at the active site located in the center of the tunnel. One of the two PPIs, PPI-2, which contains the collagen-specific sequence, helped to clarify the exquisite structure and reaction mechanism of Pz-peptidase A toward collagenous peptides. This study describes the mode of substrate binding and its implication for the mammalian enzymes.  相似文献   

Ectoine and its derivative 5-hydroxyectoine are compatible solutes that are widely synthesized by bacteria to cope physiologically with osmotic stress. They also serve as chemical chaperones and maintain the functionality of macromolecules. 5-Hydroxyectoine is produced from ectoine through a stereo-specific hydroxylation, an enzymatic reaction catalyzed by the ectoine hydroxylase (EctD). The EctD protein is a member of the non-heme-containing iron(II) and 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase superfamily and is evolutionarily well conserved. We studied the ectoine hydroxylase from the cold-adapted marine ultra-microbacterium Sphingopyxis alaskensis (Sa) and found that the purified SaEctD protein is a homodimer in solution. We determined the SaEctD crystal structure in its apo-form, complexed with the iron catalyst, and in a form that contained iron, the co-substrate 2-oxoglutarate, and the reaction product of EctD, 5-hydroxyectoine. The iron and 2-oxoglutarate ligands are bound within the EctD active site in a fashion similar to that found in other members of the dioxygenase superfamily. 5-Hydroxyectoine, however, is coordinated by EctD in manner different from that found in high affinity solute receptor proteins operating in conjunction with microbial import systems for ectoines. Our crystallographic analysis provides a detailed view into the active site of the ectoine hydroxylase and exposes an intricate network of interactions between the enzyme and its ligands that collectively ensure the hydroxylation of the ectoine substrate in a position- and stereo-specific manner.  相似文献   

The methionine chain-elongation pathway is required for aliphatic glucosinolate biosynthesis in plants and evolved from leucine biosynthesis. In Arabidopsis thaliana, three 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenases (AtIPMDHs) play key roles in methionine chain-elongation for the synthesis of aliphatic glucosinolates (e.g. AtIPMDH1) and leucine (e.g. AtIPMDH2 and AtIPMDH3). Here we elucidate the molecular basis underlying the metabolic specialization of these enzymes. The 2.25 Å resolution crystal structure of AtIPMDH2 was solved to provide the first detailed molecular architecture of a plant IPMDH. Modeling of 3-isopropylmalate binding in the AtIPMDH2 active site and sequence comparisons of prokaryotic and eukaryotic IPMDH suggest that substitution of one active site residue may lead to altered substrate specificity and metabolic function. Site-directed mutagenesis of Phe-137 to a leucine in AtIPMDH1 (AtIPMDH1-F137L) reduced activity toward 3-(2′-methylthio)ethylmalate by 200-fold, but enhanced catalytic efficiency with 3-isopropylmalate to levels observed with AtIPMDH2 and AtIPMDH3. Conversely, the AtIPMDH2-L134F and AtIPMDH3-L133F mutants enhanced catalytic efficiency with 3-(2′-methylthio)ethylmalate ∼100-fold and reduced activity for 3-isopropylmalate. Furthermore, the altered in vivo glucosinolate profile of an Arabidopsis ipmdh1 T-DNA knock-out mutant could be restored to wild-type levels by constructs expressing AtIPMDH1, AtIPMDH2-L134F, or AtIPMDH3-L133F, but not by AtIPMDH1-F137L. These results indicate that a single amino acid substitution results in functional divergence of IPMDH in planta to affect substrate specificity and contributes to the evolution of specialized glucosinolate biosynthesis from the ancestral leucine pathway.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis remains a serious global health threat, with the emergence of multidrug-resistant strains highlighting the urgent need for novel antituberculosis drugs. The enzyme 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase (DAH7PS) catalyzes the first step of the shikimate pathway for the biosynthesis of aromatic compounds. This pathway has been shown to be essential in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the pathogen responsible for tuberculosis. DAH7PS catalyzes a condensation reaction between P-enolpyruvate and erythrose 4-phosphate to give 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate. The enzyme reaction mechanism is proposed to include a tetrahedral intermediate, which is formed by attack of an active site water on the central carbon of P-enolpyruvate during the course of the reaction. Molecular modeling of this intermediate into the active site reported in this study shows a configurational preference consistent with water attack from the re face of P-enolpyruvate. Based on this model, we designed and synthesized an inhibitor of DAH7PS that mimics this reaction intermediate. Both enantiomers of this intermediate mimic were potent inhibitors of M. tuberculosis DAH7PS, with inhibitory constants in the nanomolar range. The crystal structure of the DAH7PS-inhibitor complex was solved to 2.35 Å. Both the position of the inhibitor and the conformational changes of active site residues observed in this structure correspond closely to the predictions from the intermediate modeling. This structure also identifies a water molecule that is located in the appropriate position to attack the re face of P-enolpyruvate during the course of the reaction, allowing the catalytic mechanism for this enzyme to be clearly defined.  相似文献   

CPA4 (carboxypeptidase A4) is a member of the metallocarboxypeptidase family. CPA4 was originally found in a screen of mRNAs up-regulated by sodium butyrate-induced differentiation of cancer cells. Further studies suggested a relation between CPA4 and prostate cancer aggressiveness. In the present study, we determined that CPA4 is secreted from cells as a soluble proenzyme (pro-CPA4) that can be activated by endoproteases, such as trypsin. Three complementary approaches were used to study the substrate specificity of CPA4; kinetic analysis was performed using a new series of chromogenic substrates and some biologically relevant peptides, the cleavage of synthetic peptides was tested individually, and the cleavage of a mixture of >100 mouse brain peptides was examined using a quantitative peptidomics mass spectrometry-based approach. CPA4 was able to cleave hydrophobic C-terminal residues with a preference for Phe, Leu, Ile, Met, Tyr, and Val. However, not all peptides with C-terminal hydrophobic residues were cleaved, indicating the importance of additional residues within the peptide. Aliphatic, aromatic, and basic residues in the P1 position have a positive influence on the cleavage specificity. In contrast, acidic residues, Pro, and Gly have a negative influence in the P1 position. Some of the peptides identified as CPA4 substrates (such as neurotensin, granins, and opioid peptides) have been previously shown to function in cell proliferation and differentiation, potentially explaining the link between CPA4 and cancer aggressiveness. Taken together, these studies suggest that CPA4 functions in neuropeptide processing and regulation in the extracellular environment.  相似文献   

The parasitic protozoa Leishmania major produces a peroxidase (L. major peroxidase; LmP) that exhibits activities characteristic of both yeast cytochrome c peroxidase (CCP) and plant cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase (APX). One common feature is a key Trp residue, Trp(208) in LmP and Trp(191) in CCP, that is situated adjacent to the proximal His heme ligand in CCP, APX, and LmP. In CCP, Trp(191) forms a stable cationic radical after reaction with H(2)O(2) to form Compound I; in APX, the radical is located on the porphyrin ring. In order to clarify the role of Trp(208) in LmP and to further probe peroxidase structure-function relationships, we have determined the crystal structure of LmP and have studied the role of Trp(208) using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR), mutagenesis, and enzyme kinetics. Both CCP and LmP have an extended section of β structure near Trp(191) and Trp(208), respectively, which is absent in APX. This region provides stability to the Trp(191) radical in CCP. EPR of LmP Compound I exhibits an intense and stable signal similar to CCP Compound I. In the LmP W208F mutant, this signal disappears, indicating that Trp(208) forms a stable cationic radical. In LmP conversion of the Cys(197) to Thr significantly weakens the Compound I EPR signal and dramatically lowers enzyme activity. These results further support the view that modulation of the local electrostatic environment controls the stability of the Trp radical in peroxidases. Our results also suggest that the biological role of LmP is to function as a cytochrome c peroxidase.  相似文献   

FtsZ is an essential cell division protein in Escherichia coli, and its localization, filamentation, and bundling at the mid-cell are required for Z-ring stability. Once assembled, the Z-ring recruits a series of proteins that comprise the bacterial divisome. Zaps (FtsZ-associated proteins) stabilize the Z-ring by increasing lateral interactions between individual filaments, bundling FtsZ to provide a scaffold for divisome assembly. The x-ray crystallographic structure of E. coli ZapA was determined, identifying key structural differences from the existing ZapA structure from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, including a charged α-helix on the globular domains of the ZapA tetramer. Key helix residues in E. coli ZapA were modified using site-directed mutagenesis. These ZapA variants significantly decreased FtsZ bundling in protein sedimentation assays when compared with WT ZapA proteins. Electron micrographs of ZapA-bundled FtsZ filaments showed the modified ZapA variants altered the number of FtsZ filaments per bundle. These in vitro results were corroborated in vivo by expressing the ZapA variants in an E. coli ΔzapA strain. In vivo, ZapA variants that altered FtsZ bundling showed an elongated phenotype, indicating improper cell division. Our findings highlight the importance of key ZapA residues that influence the extent of FtsZ bundling and that ultimately affect Z-ring formation in dividing cells.  相似文献   

A new family of methionine-sulfoxide reductase (Msr) was recently described. The enzyme, named fRMsr, selectively reduces the R isomer at the sulfoxide function of free methionine sulfoxide (Met-R-O). The fRMsrs belong to the GAF fold family. They represent the first GAF domain to show enzymatic activity. Two other Msr families, MsrA and MsrB, were already known. MsrA and MsrB reduce free Met-S-O and Met-R-O, respectively, but exhibit higher catalytic efficiency toward Met-O within a peptide or a protein context. The fold of the three families differs. In the present work, the crystal structure of the fRMsr from Neisseria meningitidis has been determined in complex with S-Met-R-O. Based on biochemical and kinetic data as well as genomic analyses, Cys118 is demonstrated to be the catalytic Cys on which a sulfenic acid is formed. All of the structural factors involved in the stereoselectivity of the l-Met-R-O binding were identified and account for why Met-S-O, DMSO, and a Met-O within a peptide are not substrates. Taking into account the structural, enzymatic, and biochemical information, a scenario of the catalysis for the reductase step is proposed. Based on the thiol content before and after Met-O reduction and the stoichiometry of Met formed per subunit of wild type and Cys-to-Ala mutants, a scenario of the recycling process of the N. meningitidis fRMsr is proposed. All of the biochemical, enzymatic, and structural properties of the N. meningitidis fRMsr are compared with those of MsrA and MsrB and are discussed in terms of the evolution of function of the GAF domain.  相似文献   

Atrazine chlorohydrolase, TrzN (triazine hydrolase or atrazine chlorohydrolase 2), initiates bacterial metabolism of the herbicide atrazine by hydrolytic displacement of a chlorine substituent from the s-triazine ring. The present study describes crystal structures and reactivity of wild-type and active site mutant TrzN enzymes. The homodimer native enzyme structure, solved to 1.40 Å resolution, is a (βα)8 barrel, characteristic of members of the amidohydrolase superfamily. TrzN uniquely positions threonine 325 in place of a conserved aspartate that ligates the metal in most mononuclear amidohydrolases superfamily members. The threonine side chain oxygen atom is 3.3 Å from the zinc atom and 2.6 Å from the oxygen atom of zinc-coordinated water. Mutation of the threonine to a serine resulted in a 12-fold decrease in kcat/Km, largely due to kcat, whereas the T325D and T325E mutants had immeasurable activity. The structure and kinetics of TrzN are reminiscent of carbonic anhydrase, which uses a threonine to assist in positioning water for reaction with carbon dioxide. An isosteric substitution in the active site glutamate, E241Q, showed a large diminution in activity with ametryn, no detectable activity with atratone, and a 10-fold decrease with atrazine, when compared with wild-type TrzN. Activity with the E241Q mutant was nearly constant from pH 6.0 to 10.0, consistent with the loss of a proton-donating group. Structures for TrzN-E241Q were solved with bound ametryn and atratone to 1.93 and 1.64 Å resolution, respectively. Both structure and kinetic determinations suggest that the Glu241 side chain provides a proton to N-1 of the s-triazine substrate to facilitate nucleophilic displacement at the adjacent C-2.  相似文献   

In the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum, a multifunctional phosphoethanolamine methyltransferase (PfPMT) catalyzes the methylation of phosphoethanolamine (pEA) to phosphocholine for membrane biogenesis. This pathway is also found in plant and nematodes, but PMT from these organisms use multiple methyltransferase domains for the S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) reactions. Because PfPMT is essential for normal growth and survival of Plasmodium and is not found in humans, it is an antiparasitic target. Here we describe the 1.55 Å resolution crystal structure of PfPMT in complex with AdoMet by single-wavelength anomalous dispersion phasing. In addition, 1.19–1.52 Å resolution structures of PfPMT with pEA (substrate), phosphocholine (product), sinefungin (inhibitor), and both pEA and S-adenosylhomocysteine bound were determined. These structures suggest that domain rearrangements occur upon ligand binding and provide insight on active site architecture defining the AdoMet and phosphobase binding sites. Functional characterization of 27 site-directed mutants identifies critical active site residues and suggests that Tyr-19 and His-132 form a catalytic dyad. Kinetic analysis, isothermal titration calorimetry, and protein crystallography of the Y19F and H132A mutants suggest a reaction mechanism for the PMT. Not only are Tyr-19 and His-132 required for phosphobase methylation, but they also form a “catalytic” latch that locks ligands in the active site and orders the site for catalysis. This study provides the first insight on this antiparasitic target enzyme essential for survival of the malaria parasite; however, further studies of the multidomain PMT from plants and nematodes are needed to understand the evolutionary division of metabolic function in the phosphobase pathway of these organisms.  相似文献   

Porphyromonas gingivalis, a Gram-negative asaccharolytic anaerobe, is a major causative organism of chronic periodontitis. Because the bacterium utilizes amino acids as energy and carbon sources and incorporates them mainly as dipeptides, a wide variety of dipeptide production processes mediated by dipeptidyl-peptidases (DPPs) should be beneficial for the organism. In the present study, we identified the fourth P. gingivalis enzyme, DPP5. In a dpp4-7-11-disrupted P. gingivalis ATCC 33277, a DPP7-like activity still remained. PGN_0756 possessed an activity indistinguishable from that of the mutant, and was identified as a bacterial orthologue of fungal DPP5, because of its substrate specificity and 28.5% amino acid sequence identity with an Aspergillus fumigatus entity. P. gingivalis DPP5 was composed of 684 amino acids with a molecular mass of 77,453, and existed as a dimer while migrating at 66 kDa on SDS-PAGE. It preferred Ala and hydrophobic residues, had no activity toward Pro at the P1 position, and no preference for hydrophobic P2 residues, showed an optimal pH of 6.7 in the presence of NaCl, demonstrated Km and kcat/Km values for Lys-Ala-MCA of 688 μm and 11.02 μm−1 s−1, respectively, and was localized in the periplasm. DPP5 elaborately complemented DPP7 in liberation of dipeptides with hydrophobic P1 residues. Examinations of DPP- and gingipain gene-disrupted mutants indicated that DPP4, DPP5, DPP7, and DPP11 together with Arg- and Lys-gingipains cooperatively liberate most dipeptides from nutrient oligopeptides. This is the first study to report that DPP5 is expressed not only in eukaryotes, but also widely distributed in bacteria and archaea.  相似文献   

Sortase cysteine transpeptidases covalently attach proteins to the bacterial cell wall or assemble fiber-like pili that promote bacterial adhesion. Members of this enzyme superfamily are widely distributed in Gram-positive bacteria that frequently utilize multiple sortases to elaborate their peptidoglycan. Sortases catalyze transpeptidation using a conserved active site His-Cys-Arg triad that joins a sorting signal located at the C terminus of their protein substrate to an amino nucleophile located on the cell surface. However, despite extensive study, the catalytic mechanism and molecular basis of substrate recognition remains poorly understood. Here we report the crystal structure of the Staphylococcus aureus sortase B enzyme in a covalent complex with an analog of its NPQTN sorting signal substrate, revealing the structural basis through which it displays the IsdC protein involved in heme-iron scavenging from human hemoglobin. The results of computational modeling, molecular dynamics simulations, and targeted amino acid mutagenesis indicate that the backbone amide of Glu224 and the side chain of Arg233 form an oxyanion hole in sortase B that stabilizes high energy tetrahedral catalytic intermediates. Surprisingly, a highly conserved threonine residue within the bound sorting signal substrate facilitates construction of the oxyanion hole by stabilizing the position of the active site arginine residue via hydrogen bonding. Molecular dynamics simulations and primary sequence conservation suggest that the sorting signal-stabilized oxyanion hole is a universal feature of enzymes within the sortase superfamily.  相似文献   

The riboflavin biosynthesis pathway has been shown to be essential in many pathogens and is absent in humans. Therefore, enzymes involved in riboflavin synthesis are considered as potential antibacterial drug targets. The enzyme 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone-4-phosphate synthase (DHBPS) catalyzes one of the two committed steps in the riboflavin pathway and converts d-ribulose 5-phosphate (Ru5P) to l-3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-phosphate and formate. Moreover, DHBPS is shown to be indispensable for Mycobacterium, Salmonella, and Helicobacter species. Despite the essentiality of this enzyme in bacteria, no inhibitor has been identified hitherto. Here, we describe kinetic and crystal structure characterization of DHBPS from Vibrio cholerae (vDHBPS) with a competitive inhibitor 4-phospho-d-erythronohydroxamic acid (4PEH) at 1.86-Å resolution. In addition, we also report the structural characterization of vDHBPS in its apo form and in complex with its substrate and substrate plus metal ions at 1.96-, 1.59-, and 2.04-Å resolution, respectively. Comparison of these crystal structures suggests that 4PEH inhibits the catalytic activity of DHBPS as it is unable to form a proposed intermediate that is crucial for DHBPS activity. Furthermore, vDHBPS structures complexed with substrate and metal ions reveal that, unlike Candida albicans, binding of substrate to vDHBPS induces a conformational change from an open to closed conformation. Interestingly, the position of second metal ion, which is different from that of Methanococcus jannaschii, strongly supports an active role in the catalytic mechanism. Thus, the kinetic and structural characterization of vDHBPS reveals the molecular mechanism of inhibition shown by 4PEH and that it can be explored further for designing novel antibiotics.  相似文献   

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