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While investment in territory defence is expected to be influenced by its benefits, the additional role that costs may play is rarely considered. Here, we quantify both benefits and costs of repelling prospecting males in cooperative meerkats, and demonstrate that both are required to explain the substantial variation in individual contributions to the defence observed. Males benefit more from repelling prospectors than females, as males may lose dominance and be expelled during intrusions. Accordingly, males invest the most in repelling prospectors. We also show that males experience an associated cost in the form of reduced weight gain and, as such, heavier males contribute more to chasing prospectors. Finally, we show evidence of a cost not restricted to individuals engaged in chasing: both males and females reduce their contributions to feeding dependent pups when prospectors are present, resulting in a reduction in pup weight gain in this context. Males appear to adjust their contributions to chasing in light of this cost, chasing at lower rates when their group contains dependent young. Our findings support the view that investment in cooperative behaviours can be attributed to benefits and costs, and highlight the additional importance of considering trade-offs in investment between cooperative behaviours.  相似文献   

Male fiddler crabs (Uca pugilator Bosc) have visual control systems that enable them to track other crabs in front or behind, and to keep potential predators to the side, where escape is easiest. The system for tracking conspecifics appears to be double, with a low-gain velocity-sensitive mechanism operating over about a 90° range, backed up by a position-sensitive mechanism at the ends of this range which is responsible for recentring the target. This system has separate front and rear ranges, with a gap in the direction of the claw. The crabs separately fixate the burrow entrance, keeping it in the direction opposite the claw. Predator evasion employs two systems simultaneously. An openloop mechanism directs the crab's translatory movements directly away from the stimulus, and a rotational mechanism using continuous feedback turns the crab so that the stimulus is kept at near 90° to the body axis. Both systems are sensitive to the angular position of the stimulus, not its velocity. Eye movements have little or no role in object tracking. An attempt is made to list Uca's known visual control systems.  相似文献   

Courtship displays are often energetically and temporally costly as well as highly conspicuous to predators. Selection should therefore favour signalling tactics that minimize courtship costs while maintaining or increasing signal attractiveness. In fiddler crabs, males court females by waving their one greatly enlarged claw in a highly conspicuous and costly display. Here, we investigate whether courting males adjust their wave rate, and therefore the cost of courtship, to the current level of competition. We show that display rate increases as competition increases and that when competition is removed, males reduce their display rate by 30 per cent. These results suggest that male fiddler crabs actively reduce the cost of courtship by adjusting their wave rate in response to the immediate level of competition.  相似文献   

Six species of fiddler crabs (Ocypodidae: Uca) were collected for osmoregulation studies from 25 locations near the delta of the Mississippi River in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Three of the species are classified as members of the Celuca subgenus, Uca spinicarpa, Uca panacea and Uca pugilator, while the remaining three are in the Minuca subgenus, Uca minax, Uca longisignalis and Uca rapax. In the field, U. minax, U. spinicarpa and, occasionally, U. longisignalis are found in freshwater habitats (FW; 0-299 mosM). Two Minuca species, U. longisignalis and U. rapax, are typically collected in brackish water habitats (BW; 300-629 mosM). On the other hand, U. panacea and U. pugilator are most abundant in eurysaline habitats (EH; >630 mosM). In the laboratory, populations of each species were challenged with media ranging from 30 to 3450 mosM (1-110‰). The FW species, U. spinicarpa and U. minax, did not tolerate osmotic concentrations >2100 mosM. The EH species, U. panacea and U. pugilator, however, tolerate concentrations >2800 mosM. The BW species, U. longisignalis and U. rapax, succumb to osmolalities between 2100 and 2800 mosM. Each species keeps its hemolymph concentration fairly constant in 30-1400 mosM solutions. The [ISO], isosmotic medium concentration (in mosM), is calculated for each taxon: U. minax, 659; U. spinicarpa, 682; U. longisignalis, 693; U. rapax, 769; U. pugilator, 816; and U. panacea, 822. In media with >1600 mosM, each species expresses different osmoregulating capabilities. The FW species, U. spinicarpa and U. minax, cannot control hemolymph osmolality above 1500 mosM while the BW-EH species, U. panacea, U. pugilator and U. rapax, regulate hemolymph values in media up to 2300 mosM. Within the FW/BW species U. longisignalis, the ability to osmoregulate corresponds with site of collection. Specimens from FW populations do not regulate as well as those from BW if challenged with hypertonic media. If adapted to a 1800 mosM in the laboratory, survivorship for U. longisignalis shifts to the right and the [ISO] increases to 832 mosM. This suggests that this species adapts to acute hypertonic conditions by tolerating elevated internal osmolality. Generally, these observations extend our knowledge about the physiological capabilities of fiddler crabs from different salinity populations across the northern Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

The impact of fiddler crabs (Uca spp.) on benthic mineralization rates and pathways in deposits of shrimp pond waste (SPW) with planted mangrove trees (Rhizophora apiculata) were determined in the Ranong mangrove forest, Thailand. Sediment metabolism, measured as CO2 flux, increased by 2- to 3-fold when either fiddler crabs or mangrove trees were present compared to control plots. Sulfate reduction rates (SRR) were always high and partitioning of various electron acceptors to total carbon oxidation revealed that sulfate reduction contributed by >90%, with iron reduction being important only near the sediment-water interface. However, significant iron reduction appeared down to 7 cm when bioturbation and plant roots were combined in the easily oxidizable mangrove sediment (MS), indicating that infaunal activity and plant roots were able to alter the substratum. Microprofiles around individual Uca burrows showed 46% lower SRRs in a 15-mm-thick oxidized layer around the burrows compared to the surrounding sediment. The burrow wall environment appears to be a zone of intense reoxidation of reduced compounds as indicated by low pools of reduced sulfide compounds and a high Fe(III) content. Despite the decreased SRRs near the burrow, and the introduction of Fe(III) to deeper sediment layers, fiddler crabs and mangrove trees have only limited impact on rates and partitioning of anaerobic carbon mineralization in the SPW. This lack of response was attributed to the relative small volume of sediment affected by crab activities.  相似文献   

Familiarity plays an important role in the evolution of sociality and cooperation. Familiar individuals may gain a reputation for participating in, or defecting from, cooperative tasks. Previous research suggests that long-term familiarity with territorial neighbours benefits breeders. We tested the hypothesis that great tits (Parus major) are more likely to join in neighbours' nest defence if those neighbours are familiar from the previous year. We show that neighbours that shared a territory boundary the previous year are more likely to join their neighbours' nest defence than neighbours that did not share a boundary before. Closer neighbours did not differ from distant neighbours in their latency to join. For familiar neighbours that joined, there was no difference in call rate in relation to whether one or both members of the focal pair were familiar. First-time breeders (by definition unfamiliar) did not join each other's nest defence. This is the first evidence of a relationship between familiarity and joining in nest defence. Such direct benefits of familiarity may have important implications in the evolution of sociality.  相似文献   

Ecological immunology distinguishes between the long-term evolutionary costs of possessing defences against parasites and the short-term costs of using them. Evolutionary biologists have typically focused on the former in the search for constraints on the evolution of resistance. Here, we show in the peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae, that short-term costs may be of equal evolutionary importance. Survivors of more resistant aphid clones suffered a higher reduction of fecundity upon parasitoid attack than survivors of more susceptible clones. This genetically based trade-off between benefits and costs of defence may limit the evolution of increased resistance and explain the maintenance of genetic variation for resistance under environmental variation in parasitism risk.  相似文献   

Glandular chemical defence relying on the action of salicylaldehyde is characteristic for Chrysomela leaf beetle larvae. The salicylaldehyde precursor salicin, sequestered from salicaceous host plants, is deglucosylated and the aglycon further oxidized by a salicyl alcohol oxidase (SAO) to the respective aldehyde. SAOs, key enzymes in salicin-based glandular chemical defence, were previously identified and shown to be of a single evolutionary origin in Chrysomela species. We here identified and characterized SAO of Phratora vitellinae, the only species outside the genus Chrysomela that produce salicylaldehyde as a defensive compound. Although Chrysomela and Phratora are not closest relatives, their SAOs share glucose-methanol-choline oxidoreductase (GMC) affiliation, a specific GMCi subfamily ancestor, glandular tissue-specific expression and almost identical gene architectures. Together, this strongly supports a single origin of SAOs of both Chrysomela and Phratora. Closely related species of Chrysomela and P. vitellinae use iridoids as defensive compounds, which are like salicylaldehyde synthesized by the consecutive action of glucosidase and oxidase. However, we elucidated SAO-like sequences but no SAO proteins in the glandular secretion of iridoid producers. These findings support a different evolutionary history of SAO, related genes and other oxidases involved in chemical defence in the glandular system of salicylaldehyde and iridoid-producing leaf beetle larvae.  相似文献   

Dukas R 《Biology letters》2008,4(6):645-647
Recent theory and data suggest that adaptive use of learning in the context of sexual behaviour could contribute to assortative mating. Experiments examining this issue indicated that male Drosophila persimilis that experienced courtship and rejection by heterospecific females exhibited significantly lower levels of heterospecific courtship and mating compared with those of inexperienced males. These results indicate that experience in the context of sexual behaviour in fruit flies could reduce gene flow between diverging populations, which may contribute to incipient speciation.  相似文献   

美洲斑潜蝇、南美斑潜蝇、三叶斑潜蝇是危害蔬菜、花卉的世界性大害虫。不同种间相互更替或取代的现象时有发生。根据国内外相关研究报道,综述了对近年来3种斑潜蝇种间竞争的研究。对斑潜蝇种间更替和取代现象的分析显示,生殖干扰、新生物型的出现、天敌、生态位、寄主植物以及抗药性等因素可能是影响它们种间竞争的关键。以期为斑潜蝇种群演替研究及防治策略制定提供参考。  相似文献   

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