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The H(+)-ATPases from Escherichia coli, EF(0)F(1), and from chloroplasts, CF(0)F(1), were reconstituted in liposomes from phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidic acid. The proteoliposomes were energized by an acid-base transition and a K(+)/valinomycin diffusion potential and the initial rate of ATP synthesis was measured as a function of the transmembrane pH difference, DeltapH, and the electric potential difference, Deltaφ. With EF(0)F(1), a rate of 80 s(-1) is observed at DeltapH=4.1 and Deltaφ approximately 140 mV. The rate decreases sigmoidally with Deltaφ and at Deltaφ approximately 0 mV, the rate is about 1 s(-1) although DeltapH is still 4.1. Under the same conditions with CF(0)F(1), a rate of 280 s(-1) is observed which decreases to 190 s(-1) when Deltaφ is abolished, i.e. ATP synthesis catalyzed by EF(0)F(1) and CF(0)F(1) depends in a different way on DeltapH and Deltaφ. EF(0)F(1)-catalyzed ATP synthesis was measured as a function of DeltapH at a constant Deltaφ. The rate depends sigmoidally on DeltapH reaching a maximal rate which cannot be further increased by increasing DeltapH. However, this maximal rate depends on Deltaφ, i.e. DeltapH and Deltaφ are not kinetically equivalent in driving ATP synthesis. We assume that EF(0)F(1) must be converted into a metastable, active state before it catalyzes proton transport-coupled ATP synthesis. For EF(0)F(1), this activation step depends only on Deltaφ, whereas for CF(0)F(1), the activation depends on DeltapH and Deltaφ. 相似文献
Creczynski-Pasa TB Possmayer FE Scofano HM Gräber P 《Archives of biochemistry and biophysics》2000,376(1):141-148
Soluble purified CF(0)F(1) from chloroplasts was either oxidized or reduced and then incubated with [alpha-(32)P]ATP in the presence or in the absence of Mg(2+). Depending on the conditions of incubation, the enzyme showed different tight-nucleotide binding sites. In the presence of EDTA, two sites bind [alpha-(32)P]ATP from the reaction medium at different rates. Both sites promote ATP hydrolysis, since equimolar amounts of [alpha-(32)P]ATP and [alpha-(32)P]ADP are bound to the enzyme. In the presence of Mg(2+), only one site appears during the first hour of incubation, with characteristics similar to those described in the absence of Mg(2+). However, after this time a third site appears also permitting binding of ATP from the reaction medium, but in this case the bound ATP is not hydrolyzed. Covalent derivatization by 2-azido-[alpha-(32)P]ATP was used to distinguish between catalytic and noncatalytic sites. In the presence of Mg(2+), there are at least three distinct nucleotide binding sites that bind nucleotide tightly from the reaction medium: two of them are catalytic and one is noncatalytic. 相似文献
One-step purification of Escherichia coli H(+)-ATPase (F0F1) and its reconstitution into liposomes with neurotransmitter transporters. 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Y Moriyama A Iwamoto H Hanada M Maeda M Futai 《The Journal of biological chemistry》1991,266(33):22141-22146
About 30% of the protein in the inner membrane of Escherichia coli strain DK8/pBWU13 is H(+)-ATPase (F0F1), and practically homogeneous F0F1 could be obtained by gradient centrifugation after solubilization of these membranes. The recombinant plasmid pBWU13 carries the unc operon for F0F1. When reconstituted into liposomes, F0F1 formed an ATP-dependent proton gradient and membrane potential. Proteoliposomes reconstituted with F0F1 and solubilized transporters from chromaffin granules or synaptic vesicle membranes could transport serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine dependent on ATP hydrolysis. F0F1 can be obtained rapidly from DK8/pBWU13, and its reconstitution into liposomes with transporters may be useful for monitoring these transporters during their purification. 相似文献
The rate of ATP hydrolysis catalyzed by isolated TF1 and reconstituted TF0F1 was measured as a function of the ATP concentration in the presence of inhibitors [ADP, Pi and 3'-O-(1-naphthoyl)ATP]. ATP hydrolysis can be described by Michaelis-Menten kinetics with Km(TF1) = 390 microM and Km (TF0F1) = 180 microM. The inhibition constants are for ADP Ki(TF1) = 20 microM and Ki(TF0F1) = 100 microM, for 3'-O-(1-naphthoyl)ATP Ki(TF1) = 150 microM and Ki(TF0F1) = 3 microM, and for Pi Ki(TF1) = 60 mM. From these results it is concluded that upon binding of TF0 to TF1 the mechanism of ATP hydrolysis catalyzed by TF1 is not changed qualitatively; however, the kinetic constants differ quantitatively. 相似文献
R Oren S Weiss H Garty S R Caplan Z Gromet-Elhanan 《Archives of biochemistry and biophysics》1980,205(2):503-509
The coupling factor ATPase complex extracted by Triton X-100 from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum could be incorporated into phospholipid vesicles after removal of the Triton. Vesicles reconstituted with this F0 · F1-type ATPase together with bacteriorhodopsin were found to catalyze, in the light, net ATP synthesis which was inhibited by the energy transfer inhibitors oligomycin and N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide as well as by uncouplers. In vesicles reconstituted with the crude ATPase up to 50% of the observed rate of phosphorylation was independent on light and bacteriorhodopsin and insensitive to the above-listed inhibitors. This dark activity was, however, completely blocked by the adenylate kinase inhibitor, p1,p5-di(adenosine-5′)pentaphosphate, which did not affect at all the net light-dependent phosphorylation nor the ATP-32Pi exchange reaction. Vesicles reconstituted with the purified ATPase catalyzed only the light- and bacteriorhodopsin-dependent diadenosine pentaphosphate-insensitive phosphorylation. The rate of this photophosphorylation was found to be proportional to the amount of ATPase and bacteriorhodopsin, and linear for at least 20 min of illumination. These results indicate that the purified ATPase contains the complete assembly of subunits required to transduce electrochemical gradient energy into chemical energy. 相似文献
The energy-linked ATPase complex has been isolated from spinach chloroplasts. This protein complex contained all the subunits of the chloroplast coupling factor (CF1) as well as several hydrophobic compoenents. When the activated complex was reconstituted with added soybean phospholipids, it catalyzed the exchange of radioactive inorganic phosphate with ATP. Sonication of the complex into proteoliposomes together with bacteriorhodopsin yield vesicles that catalyzed light-dependent ATP formation. Both the 32Pi-ATP exchange reactions and ATP formation were sensitive to uncouplers such as 3-tert-butyl-5,2'-dichloro-4'-nitrosalicylanilide, bis-(hexafluoroacetonyl)acetone and carbonyl cyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenyl-hydrazone, that act to dissipate a proton gradient. The energy transfer inhibitors dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, triphenyltin chloride and 2-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-4,6'-dihydroxydihydrochalcone were also effective inhibitors of both reactions. 相似文献
The H(+)/ATP ratio and the standard Gibbs free energy of ATP synthesis were determined with a new method using a chemiosmotic model system. The purified H(+)-translocating ATP synthase from chloroplasts was reconstituted into phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidic acid liposomes. During reconstitution, the internal phase was equilibrated with the reconstitution medium, and thereby the pH of the internal liposomal phase, pH(in), could be measured with a conventional glass electrode. The rates of ATP synthesis and hydrolysis were measured with the luciferin/luciferase assay after an acid-base transition at different [ATP]/([ADP][P(i)]) ratios as a function of deltapH, analysing the range from the ATP synthesis to the ATP hydrolysis direction and the deltapH at equilibrium, deltapH (eq) (zero net rate), was determined. The analysis of the [ATP]/([ADP][P(i)]) ratio as a function of deltapH (eq) and of the transmembrane electrochemical potential difference, delta micro approximately (H)(+) (eq), resulted in H(+)/ATP ratios of 3.9 +/- 0.2 at pH 8.45 and 4.0 +/- 0.3 at pH 8.05. The standard Gibbs free energies of ATP synthesis were determined to be 37 +/- 2 kJ/mol at pH 8.45 and 36 +/- 3 kJ/mol at pH 8.05. 相似文献
The F0F1-ATPase of the inner mitochondrial membrane catalyzes the conversion of a proton electrochemical energy into the chemical bond energy of ATP (Boyer, P.D., Chance, B., Ernster, L., Mitchell, P., Racker, E., and Slater, E.C. (1977) Annu. Rev. Biochem. 46, 955-1026). To assess the role of the membrane potential (delta psi) in this process and to study the effect of very short pulses on ATP synthesis, we employed a high voltage pulsation method (Kinosita, K., and Tsong, T.Y. (1977) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 74, 1923-1927) to induce a delta psi of controlled magnitude and duration in a suspension of submitochondrial particles and F0F1-ATPase vesicles. Cyanide-treated submitochondrial particles were exposed to electric pulses of 10-30 kV/cm of magnitude (generating a peak delta psi of 150-450 mV) and 1-100 microseconds duration. Net [32P]ATP synthesis from [32P]Pi and ADP was observed with maximal values of 410 pmol/mg X pulse for a 30 kV/cm-100-microseconds pulse. This corresponds to a yield of 10-12 mol of ATP per mol of F0F1 complex per pulse. As many as 4 nmol/mg were produced after pulsing the same sample 8 times. By varying the ionic strength of the suspending medium, and consequently the pulse width, it is clearly shown that the synthesis was electrically driven and did not correlate with Joule heating of the sample. Titrations using specific inhibitors and ionophores were performed. The voltage-induced ATP synthesis was 50% inhibited by 0.11 microgram/mg of oligomycin and 2.4 nmol/mg of N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. Ionophores and uncouplers had varying degrees of inhibition. The dependence of ATP synthesis on pulse width was nonlinear, exhibiting a threshold at 10 microseconds and a biphasic behavior above this value. Isolated F0F1-ATPase reconstituted into asolectin vesicles also synthesized ATP when pulsed with electric fields. A 35 kV/cm pulse induced the synthesis of 115 pmol of ATP per mg of protein, which corresponds to approximately 0.34 mol of ATP per mol of F0F1-ATPase. This synthesis was also sensitive to oligomycin and dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. The possibility of turnover of the ATPase in microseconds is considered. 相似文献
Kaim G 《Biochimica et biophysica acta》2001,1505(1):94-107
The ATP synthase of Propionigenium modestum encloses a rotary motor involved in the production of ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate utilizing the free energy of an electrochemical Na(+) ion gradient. This enzyme clearly belongs to the family of F(1)F(0) ATP synthases and uses exclusively Na(+) ions as the physiological coupling ion. The motor domain, F(0), comprises subunit a and the b subunit dimer which are part of the stator and the subunit c oligomer acting as part of the rotor. During ATP synthesis, Na(+) translocation through F(0) proceeds from the periplasm via the stator channel (subunit a) onto a Na(+) binding site of the rotor (subunit c). Upon rotation of the subunit c oligomer versus subunit a, the occupied rotor site leaves the interface with the stator and the Na(+) ion can freely dissociate into the cytoplasm. Recent experiments demonstrate that the membrane potential is crucial for ATP synthesis under physiological conditions. These findings support the view that voltage generates torque in F(0), which drives the rotation of the gamma subunit thus liberating tightly bound ATP from the catalytic sites in F(1). We suggest a mechanochemical model for the transduction of transmembrane Na(+)-motive force into rotary torque by the F(0) motor that can account quantitatively for the experimental data. 相似文献
《FEBS letters》1994,350(2-3):195-198
The H+-ATPase from chloroplasts, CF0F1, was isolated, purified and reconstituted into asolectin liposomes. The enzyme was brought either into the oxidized state or into the reduced state, and the rate of ATP synthesis was measured after energisation of the proteoliposomes with an acid—base transition ΔpH (pHin = 5.0, pHout = 8.5) and a K+/valinomycin diffusion potential, Δφ (K+in = 0.6 mM, K+out = 60 mM). A rate of 250 s−1 was observed with the reduced enzyme (85 s−1 in the absence of Δφ). A rate of 50 s−1 was observed with the oxidized enzyme under the same conditions (15 s−1 in the absence of Δφ). The reconstituted enzyme contained 2 ATPbound per CF0F1 and 1 ADPbound per CF0F1. Upon energisation the enzyme was activated and 0.9 ADP per CF0F1, was released. Binding of ADP to the active reduced enzyme was observed under different conditions. In the absence of phosphate the rate constant for ADP binding was 105 M−1·s−1 under energized and de-energized conditions. In the presence of phosphate the rate of ADP binding drastically increased under energized conditions, and strongly decreased under de-energized conditions. 相似文献
The energy-linked ATPase complex has been isolated from spinach chloroplasts. This protein complex contained all the subunits of the chloroplast coupling factor (CF1) as well as several hydrophobic components. When the activated complex was reconstituted with added soybean phospholipids, it catalyzed the exchange of radioactive inorganic phosphate with ATP. Sonication of the complex into proteoliposomes together with bacteriorhodopsin yielded vesicles that catalyzed light-dependent ATP formation. Both the 32Pi-ATP exchange reactions and ATP formation were sensitive to uncouplers such as 3-tert-butyl-5,2′-dichloro-4′-nitrosalicylanilide, bis-(hexafluoroacetonyl)acetone and carbonyl cyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenyl-hydrazone, that act to dissipate a proton gradient. The energy transfer inhibitors dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, triphenyltin chloride and 2-β-d-glucopyranosyl-4,6′-dihydroxydihydrochalcone were also effective inhibitors of both reactions. 相似文献
(1) The rate of ATP synthesis during NADH-driven aerobic respiration has been measured in plasma membrane vesicles from Paracoccus denitrificans as a function of the concentration of the substrates, ADP and inorganic phosphate (Pi). In both cases, the response of the reaction to changes in the degree of saturation of the F0F1-ATPase generated a perfect Micaelian dependence which allowed the determination of the corresponding Michaelis constants, KmADP and KmPi. (2) These kinetic parameters possess a real mechanistic significance, as concluded from the partial reduction of the rate of phosphorylation by the energy-transfer inhibitor venturicidin and the consequent analysis of the results within the framework of the theory of metabolic control. (3) The same membrane vesicles, which catalyze very high rates of ATP synthesis, have been shown to support much lower rates of the exchange ATP in equilibrium Pi and negligible rates of ATP hydrolysis. Under similar conditions, the preparations are also capable of generating phosphorylation potentials, delta Gp, of 60-61 kJ.mol-1. (4) These properties have allowed analysis of the synthetic reaction in the presence of significant concentrations of the product, ATP, using integrated forms of the Michaelis-Menten rate equations. (5) It has been shown that ATP produces pure competitive product inhibition of the forward reaction with a value of KiATP = 16 +/- 1 microM, thus indicating that the affinity of the nucleotide for the active site(s) of the F0F1-ATPase, during net ATP synthesis, is significantly higher than previously thought. (6) The order of binding of the substrates, ADP and Pi, to the active site(s) has been determined as random. (7) At very low concentrations of ADP, a second and much smaller Michaelis constant for this substrate has been identified, with an estimated value of KmADP approximately equal to 50 nM, associated with a maximal rate of only 2% of that measured at a higher range of concentrations. (8) The results obtained are discussed in relation to the presence of two or three equivalent catalytic sites operating in the cooperative manner explicitly described by the binding change mechanism. 相似文献
Initial rates of succinate-dependent ATP synthesis catalyzed by submitochondrial particles from bovine heart substoichiometrically coupled with oligomycin were found to have hyperbolic dependencies on contents of Mg x ADP, free Mg2+, and phosphate. The results suggest that Mg x ADP complex and free phosphate are true substrates of the enzyme; and an unordered ternary complex of Fo x F1-ATPase, Mg x ADP, and phosphate is generated during the catalysis. The presence of free Mg2+ is required for the reaction. Mg2+ was a noncompetitive activator of ATP synthesis relative to Mg x ADP and a competitive activator relative to phosphate. The decrease in steady-state values of Deltamu(H)+ (by the inhibition of succinate oxidase with malonate) results in the decreased value of Vmax and in a slight decrease in Km for the substrates and Mg2+ without changes in affinity for the substrates. Based on these results, a kinetic scheme of ATP synthesis is proposed. 相似文献
Single channel H+ currents through reconstituted chloroplast ATP synthase CF0-CF1. 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4

The purified chloroplast ATP synthase (CF(0)-CF(1)) was reconstituted into azolectin liposomes from which bilayer membranes on the tip of a glass pipette ('dip stick technique')and planar bilayer membranes were form ed. The CF(0)-CF(1) facilitated ion conductance through the bilayer membranes. Our results clearly indicated that the observed single channel currents were carried by H+ through the isolated and reconstituted chloroplast ATPase. We demonstrated that in proteoliposomes it is the whole enzyme complex CF(0)-CF(1) and not the membrane sector CF(0) alone that constitutes a voltagegated, proton-selective channel with a high conductance of 1-5 pS at pH 5.5-8.0. After removal of CF(1) from the liposomes by NaBr treatment the membrane sector CF(0) displayed various kinds of channels also permeable to monovalent cations. The open probability P(0) of the CF(0)-CF(1) channel increased considerable with increasing membrane voltage [from P(0) less than or equal to 1% (V(m) less than or equal to 120 mV) to P(0) less than or equal to 30% (120 mV less than or equal to Vm 200 mV)]. In the presence of ADP (3 microM) and P(i) (5 microM), which specifically bind to CF(1), the open probability decreased and venturicidin (1 microM), a specific inhibitor of H+ flow through CF(0) in thylakoid membranes, blocked the channel almost completely. Our results, which reveal a high channel unit conductance, and at membrane voltages less than 100 mV low open probability with concomitant mean open times in the micros timescale (less than 100 micros) for the energy coupling in the enzyme complex. At physiological membrane voltages for photophosphorylation (about 30 mV) the enzyme complex would then display a time-averaged conductance of about 1 fS. 相似文献
The H(+)-ATPase of the plasma membrane from yeast. Kinetics of ATP hydrolysis in native membranes, isolated and reconstituted enzymes 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The H(+)-ATPase of the plasma membrane from Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been isolated, purified and reconstituted into asolectin liposomes. The kinetics of ATP hydrolysis have been compared for the H(+)-ATPase in the plasma membrane, in a protein/lipid/detergent micelle (isolated enzyme) and in asolectin proteoliposomes (reconstituted enzyme). In all three cases the kinetics of ATP hydrolysis can be described by Michaelis-Menten kinetics with Km = 0.2 mM MgATP (plasma membranes), Km = 2.4 mM MgATP (isolated enzyme) and Km = 0.2 mM MgATP (reconstituted enzyme). However, the maximal turnover decreases only by a factor of two during isolation of the enzyme and does not change during reconstitution; the activation of the H(+)-ATPase by free Mg2+ is also only slightly influenced by the detergent. The dissociation constant of the enzyme-Mg2+ complex Ka, does not alter during isolation and the dissociation constant of the enzyme-substrate complex, Ks, increases from Ks = 30 microM (plasma membranes) to Ks = 90 microM (isolated enzyme). ATP binding to the H(+)-ATPase ('single turnover' conditions) for the isolated and the reconstituted enzyme resulted in both cases in a second-order rate constant k1 = 2.6 x 10(4) M-1.s-1. From these observations it is concluded that the detergent used (Zwittergent TM 3-14) interacts reversibly with the H(+)-ATPase and that practically all H(+)-ATPase molecules are reconstituted into the liposomes with the ATP-binding site being directed to the outside of the vesicle. 相似文献
Incubation of the isolated H(+)-ATPase from chloroplasts, CF(0)F(1), with 2-azido-[alpha-(32)P]ATP leads to the binding of this nucleotide to different sites. These sites were identified after removal of free nucleotides, UV-irradiation and trypsin treatment by separation of the tryptic peptides by ion exchange chromatography. The nitreno-AMP, nitreno-ADP and nitreno-ATP peptides were further separated on a reversed phase column, the main fractions were subjected to amino acid sequence analysis and the derivatized tyrosines were used to distinguish between catalytic (beta-Tyr362) and non-catalytic (beta-Tyr385) sites. Several incubation procedures were developed which allow a selective occupation of each of the three non-catalytic sites. The non-catalytic site with the highest dissociation constant (site 6) becomes half maximally filled at 50 microM 2-azido-[alpha-(32)P]ATP, that with the intermediate dissociation constant (site 5) at 2 microM. The ATP at the site with the lowest dissociation constant had to be hydrolyzed first to ADP before a replacement by 2-azido-[alpha-(32)P]ATP was possible. CF(0)F(1) with non-covalently bound 2-azido-[alpha-(32)P]ATP and after covalent derivatization was reconstituted into liposomes and the rates of ATP synthesis as well as ATP hydrolysis were measured after energization of the proteoliposomes by Delta pH/Delta phi. Non-covalent binding of 2-azido-ATP to any of the three non-catalytic sites does not influence ATP synthesis and ATP hydrolysis, whereas covalent derivatization of any of the three sites inhibits both, the degree being proportional to the degree of derivatization. Extrapolation to complete inhibition indicates that derivatization of one site (either 4 or 5 or 6) is sufficient to block completely multi-site catalysis. The rates of ATP synthesis and ATP hydrolysis were measured as a function of the ADP and ATP concentration from uni-site to multi-site conditions with covalently derivatized and non-derivatized CF(0)F(1). Uni-site ATP synthesis and ATP hydrolysis were not inhibited by covalent derivatization of any of the non-catalytic sites, whereas multi-site catalysis is inhibited. These results indicate that multi-site catalysis requires some flexibility between beta- and alpha-subunits which is abolished by covalent derivatization of beta-Tyr385 with a 2-nitreno-adenine nucleotide. Conformational changes connected with energy transduction between the F(0)-part and the F(1)-part are either not required for uni-site ATP synthesis or they are not impaired by the derivatization of any of the three beta-Tyr385. 相似文献
Steady state kinetics of proton translocation catalyzed by thermophilic F0F1-ATPase reconstituted in planar bilayer membranes 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The proton-translocating ATPase of the thermophilic bacterium PS3 was reconstituted into planar phospholipid bilayers by the previously reported method (Hirata, H., Ohno, K., Sone, N., Kagawa, Y., and Hamamoto, T. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 9839-9843), and the relationship between the electric current induced by ATP and the concentration of ATP was examined. The magnitude of the electric current generated upon addition of ATP followed simple Michaelis-Menten type kinetics, and the Michaelis constant was found to be 0.14 mM under our conditions. This value is close to the values reported for F1- or F0F1-ATPase in its steady state catalytic cycle, indicating that the proton translocation is coupled to the steady state ATPase reaction. The relationship between the Km value and the membrane potential was also examined under the voltage-clamped condition, and we found that there was no apparent dependence of the Km on membrane voltage. These results together with the previous data suggest that the voltage dependence residues in some step that defines the apparent Vmax rather than Km in the reaction cycle, and proton translocation is not directly coupled to this ATP binding step. 相似文献
ATP hydrolysis catalyzed by a beta subunit preparation purified from the chloroplast energy transducing complex CF1.CF0 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Washing thylakoid membranes with 1 M LiCl causes the release of the beta subunit from the chloroplast energy transducing complex (CF1.CF0) in spinach chloroplasts. This protein purifies by size exclusion chromatography as a 180-kDa aggregate and, thus, is probably composed of a trimer of beta polypeptides. The purified aggregate binds ADP to a high and a low affinity site with dissociation constants of 15 and 202 microM, respectively. Mg2+ is required for ADP to bind to both sites. Manganese binds to the protein in a cooperative manner to at least two sites with high affinity. The beta subunit preparation catalyzes Mg2+-dependent ATP hydrolysis at rates which are comparable to other subunit-deficient CF1 preparations and is increased by treatments known to activate the Mg2+-ATPase activity of CF1. However, Ca2+ is not an effective cofactor for this reaction and treatments which activate the Ca2+-ATPase of CF1 are either ineffective or inhibitory. 相似文献
The interactions of CF0-CF1 with different lipids were studied by following the stimulation of Mg-ATPase and of Pi-ATP exchange activities of reconstituted CF0-CF1 proteoliposomes. The following results were obtained: (1) Both Pi-ATP exchange and Mg-ATPase activities are stimulated by lipids. Furthermore, the inhibition of Mg-ATPase by N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide is dependent on the interactions of CF0-CF1 with lipids. (2) A polar lipid extract of thylakoid membranes stimulates Mg-ATPase activity of CF0-CF1 more efficiently than phospholipids. The relative effectiveness of Mg-ATPase stimulation is: chloroplast lipids > soybean phospholipids > phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidylserine (4: 1) > phosphatidylcholine. The rate of Pi-ATP exchange in chloroplast lipids CF0-CF1 proteoliposomes is, however, lower than in soybean lipids CF0-CF1 proteoliposomes, due to their higher permeability to protons. Addition of 10% phosphatidylserine to chloroplast lipids reduces their permeability to protons and stimulates Pi-ATP exchange. (3) The kinetic mechanism of ATPase stimulation by chloroplast lipids is by decreasing the Km (ATP) and by increasing Vmax in comparison to soybean lipid proteoliposomes. This may explain the low affinity for ATP and the slow turnover rate of the purified enzyme in artificial lipids in comparison to the native enzyme in chloroplast thylakoids. (4) Chloroplast lipids lacking monogalactosyldiacylglycerols only poorly activate CF0-CF1. A large stimulation of Pi-ATP exchange is obtained by a mixture of 60% monogalactosyldiacylglycerol and 40% of the rest of the chloroplast lipids, but not by mixtures of monogalactosyldiacylglycerol with phospholipids. Hydrogenation of the unsaturated fatty acids of monogalactosyldiacylglycerol inhibits the activation of CF0-CF1. (5) The results suggest that: (a) interactions of specific chloroplast lipids with CF0-CF1 activates the enzyme by increasing its turnover and its affinity for ATP; (b) specific requirements for CF0-CF1 activation are the presence of monogalactosyldiacylglycerols together with another chloroplast lipid component and of highly unsaturated fatty acids. 相似文献
Hernández-Terrones MG Aguilar MI King-Diaz B Lotina-Hennsen B 《Archives of biochemistry and biophysics》2003,418(1):93-97
In isolated spinach chloroplasts, low concentrations (I(50)=14 microM) of methyl trachyloban-19-oate ester inhibited ATP synthesis and coupled electron transport as well as light-activated membrane-bound Mg(2+)-ATPase activity. Basal (-Pi) and uncoupled electron transport and heat-activated Ca(2+)-dependent ATPase activity of isolated coupling factor proteins were unaffected by methyl trachyloban-19-oate. Thylakoids partially stripped of coupled factor by EDTA were unable to accumulate protons in the light. However, increasing concentrations of methyl trachyloban-19-oate ester restored this ability. It is concluded that the methyl trachyloban-19-oate ester effects result from blocking proton transport through the CF(0) channel. Methyl trachyloban-19-oate ester exhibited non-competitive kinetics with DCCD and triphenyltin. These results suggest that the natural products, DCCD and triphenyltin, access inhibition sites in CF(0). The K(i) is 75 microM. 相似文献