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We hypothesize that foraging stream salmonids move during summer because (1) they monitor habitat conditions at a reach scale (100s of m), and (2) dominant fish move when conditions in their present foraging location become sub-optimal relative to conditions at other locations in the reach. To test these ideas, we quantified temporal variation in foraging habitat quality between late spring and early fall in a reach of a small Rocky Mountain brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis, stream, predicted optimal-foraging fish distributions within the reach, and experimentally manipulated access to foraging sites and measured fish responses. Our results show that high-quality foraging sites were located at certain places in the reach during one period, but at different places during others, consistent with the hypothesis that fish movement is required if dominant fish are to occupy high-quality foraging sites throughout summer. The optimal foraging model was able to predict foraging locations within study pools, but not the exact location of individual fish within the pools or the reach. However, empirical evidence suggests that fish were distributed in order to maximize energy intake at the reach scale. Finally, dominant fish excluded from their preferred foraging location either left the pools (three of six cases), or began to occupy focal points of the next largest fish which, in turn, exited the pool (two of six cases). If habitat selection was occurring only within habitat units, then large fish, when excluded from their preferred locations, would select the next best locations within the pool. Taken together, these results suggest that charr use summertime movements to both monitor habitat conditions at a large spatial scale, and to gain access to optimal foraging locations even as conditions change temporally.  相似文献   

Synopsis A comparison between fly-fishing, spinning and short 51 mm and 25 mm gill nets showed that fly-fishing was the least selective method of sampling brook chary,Salvelinus fontinalis, and ouananiche,Salmo salar, in rapid sections of the Caniapiscau River, north central Quebec. Angling techniques had the added advantage of mobility which allowed rapids to be more evenly covered during sampling. Selectivity curves for the capture of brook chary by fly-fishing, spinning and a 51 mm mesh gill net are presented.  相似文献   

Summary The population densities of sympatric Atlantic salmon,Salmo salar and brook charr,Salvelinus fontinalis, were measured in riffle and pool stream habitats to test whether non-linear isodars, a multispecific model of habitat selection based on ideal distribution assumptions, could (1) predict the distribution of densities between habitats and (2) reproduce the processes postulated to underlie spatial segregation and species interactions in previous laboratory and field studies. The model provided a good fit to observed density patterns and indicated that habitat suitability declined non-linearly with increased heterospecific competitor densities. Competitive effects in riffles appeared to be due to exploitative resource use, with salmon always emerging as the superior competitor. No evidence was found for interference competition in riffles. In contrast, interspecific competition in pools seemed to occur through exploitation and interference. The specific identity of the superior competitor in pools depended on the density of both species; pools provided the charr with refuge from competition with the salmon, presumably through the adoption by the charr of density-dependent behaviours, such as schooling and group foraging, that mitigated the negative impact of the salmon. Charr were displaced from the riffles toward the pools as the total salmon density increased. The isodar analysis, based on limited density data, successfully reproduced the processes suggested to underlie spatial segregation in previous field and laboratory studies and provided new insights into how changes in competitor densities modify habitat suitability in this system.  相似文献   

We used both direct (mark-recapture) andindirect (microsatellite analysis)methodologies to investigate dispersal betweentwo putative populations of brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) in Freshwater River,Cape Race, Newfoundland, Canada. Over a 5-yearstudy period, mark-recapture data revealed somemovement by fish, but the proportion ofrecaptured fish migrating from one populationarea to another was low (0–4.1%).Additionally, during sampling periods in thespawning seasons, no fish was found in thealternate population area to that of its firstcapture. Despite this pattern of limitedmovement, microsatellite analysis based onsixteen polymorphic loci provided no evidenceof genetic differentiation. Indirect estimatesof dispersal parameters varied greatly betweendifferent methods of analysis. While use of acoalescent-based model yielded estimatedmigration rates congruent with the results ofthe mark-recapture study, other methodsresulted in much higher estimates of migrationbetween the populations. In particular, thelack of genetic differentiation coupled withlikely violations of the assumed island modelprevented generation of meaningful estimates ofdispersal using Fst. The disparitiesbetween migration rates estimated from themark-recapture work and from the differentindirect methods highlight the difficulties ofusing indirect methods to estimate dispersal onan ecological timescale. However,mark-recapture methods can fail to detecthistorical or episodic movement that isimportant in an evolutionary context, and wetherefore argue that a combination of directand indirect methods can provide a morecomplete picture of dispersal than eitherapproach alone.  相似文献   

Synopsis Marking experiments, 1974–76, showed that brook charr Salvelinus fontinalis and juvenile ouananiche Salmo salar moved very little during the summer or from year to year in the upper reaches of the Caniapiscau River, north central Quebec. The fish were concentrated in rapid sections of the river and there was little exchange between rapids.  相似文献   

Synopsis We report the results of a field study testing influences of both density and changes over the diel cycle on food consumption and prey selection by brook charr,Salvelinus fontinalis. Charr density in replicate 35 m long sections of a New Hampshire stream was adjusted to either medium or high levels (relative to natural densities). Diets of charr and the availability of drifting prey were then sampled every four hours for 24 hours. There were no significant diel changes in the weight of prey consumed by charr per four hours, though there was some indication of reduced feeding at night. Chary fed selectively on different prey taxa, showing most preference for cased caddis larvae. Several species of mayflies and stoneflies were selected more strongly during the day than at night. Charr fed selectively on larger prey during the daytime but showed no size-selection at night. The density of charr had no significant effects on either their rate of food consumption or on selection for prey of different taxa or sizes.  相似文献   

We report a survey of microsatellite DNAvariation in Atlantic salmon from theunimpounded lower reaches of Maine's PenobscotRiver. Our analysis indicates that Atlanticsalmon in the Penobscot River are distinct fromother populations that have little or nohistory of human-mediated repopulation,including two of its tributaries, Cove Brookand Kenduskeag Stream, another Maine river, theDucktrap, and Canada's Miramichi and Ganderrivers. Significant heterogeneity was detectedin allele frequency among all threesubpopulations sampled in the Penobscotdrainage. The high resolution of the 12-locussuite was quantified using maximum likelihoodassignment tests, which correctly identifiedthe source of 90.4–96.1% of individuals fromwithin the Penobscot drainage. Currentpopulations are clearly isolated from eachother, however we are unable to determine fromthe present data whether the populations inCove Brook and Kenduskeag Stream are recentlydiverged from populations stocked into thePenobscot River over the last century, or areaboriginal in origin. The degree of populationstructure identified in the Penobscot drainageis noteworthy in light of its lengthy historyof systematic restocking, the geographicproximity of the subpopulations, and the extentof the differentiation. Similar populationstructure on this extremely limited geographicscale could exist among Atlantic salmon runselsewhere in Maine and throughout the species'range and should be taken into account forfuture management decisions.  相似文献   

Summary The heterochromatins of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri R.), brown trout (Salmo trutta fario L.) and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis M.) were characterized by sequential chromomycin A3/distamycin A/DAPI (CDD) and DAPI/actinomycin D (DAPI/AmD) fluorescence. On most biarmed chromosomes, an equilocal localization of prominent DAPI/AmD positive, chromomycin A3 negative, AT-rich blocks at the centromeres were observed in all three species. Band karyotypes of the three species were established. In rainbow trout, several DAPI/AmD positive heterochromatin blocks behaved positive in a silver-staining method. Mitotic and interphase studies proved the presence of inter-individual NOR variation in brown trout. The NORs of brook trout were localized on chromosomes 5, 10, 14, 15 and 29.  相似文献   

A highly repeated HpaI DNA family was revealed in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and analyzed by Southern blotting and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). In this report, we describe the nucleotide sequence, genomic structure and chromosomal localization of this HpaI repeat. This novel satellite appeared tandemly arrayed and located at centromeric areas of three acrocentric chromosome pairs as evidenced by FISH. The sequence was characterized by a high AT content (63%), a short consensus motif (A/T)(G/C)AAA(T/C) similar to other centromeric satellites motifs, and by short AT enriched stretches. The presence of this sequence in other salmonid species was also tested by Southern blot hybridization and used to analyze its evolution within this group.  相似文献   

Invasion biology suffers from a lack of the ability to predict the outcome of particular invasions because of reliance on verbal models and lack of rigorous experimental data at the appropriate scale. More progress is likely to be made by considering invasions as population-level phenomena and initially focusing on specific taxa or particular categories of invasions. To this end, we propose a simple conceptual framework to motivate studies of invasion by salmonids (salmon, trout, grayling, and whitefish) in streams that emphasizes population-level mechanisms affecting native species and promoting spread by the invader. Specifically, the only direct mechanisms by which the abundance of the native species can decline are through biotic interactions which cause decreased reproductive rates or survival at specific life stages, net emigration, debilitating or fatal diseases introduced by the invader, or a combination of these factors. Conversely, abundance of the invader must increase by local reproduction, high survival, net immigration, or a combination of these factors. Review of existing salmonid invasion literature suggests that future studies could be improved by using manipulative field experiments at a spatial and temporal scale appropriate to address population-level processes, characterizing how movement affects the establishment and spread of an invader, and including abiotic context in experimental designs. Using the example of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) invasion into streams containing native Colorado River cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki pleuriticus) in the central Rocky Mountains (USA), we demonstrate how the framework can be used to design a manipulative field experiment to test for population-level mechanisms causing ecological effects and promoting invasion success. Experiments of this type will give invasion ecologists a useful example of how a taxon-specific invasion framework can improve the ability to predict ecological effects, and provide fishery biologists with the quantitative foundation necessary to better manage stream salmonid invasions.  相似文献   

Juveniles of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and trout S. trutta populating the system of the Tornio River (the Baltic Sea basin) are investigated. The obtained parasitological data indicate the absence of rigid spatial and food competition between juvenile salmon and trout in the case of their cohabitation.  相似文献   

The habitat and diet choice and the infection (prevalence and abundance) of trophically transmitted parasites were compared in Arctic charr and brown trout living sympatrically in two lakes in northern Norway. Arctic charr were found in all main lake habitats, whereas the brown trout were almost exclusively found in the littoral zone. In both lakes the parasite fauna reflected the niche segregation between trout and charr. Surface insects were most common in the diet of trout, but transmit few parasites, and accordingly the brown trout had a relatively low diversity and abundance of parasites. Parasites transmitted by benthic prey such as Gammarus and insect larva, were common in both salmonid host species. Copepod transmitted parasites were much more common in Arctic charr, as brown trout did not include zooplankton in their diets. Parasite species that may use small fish as transport hosts, were far more abundant in piscivorous fish, especially brown trout. The seasonal dynamics in parasite infection were also consistent with the developments in the diet throughout the year. The study demonstrates that the structure of parasite communities of charr and the trout is highly dependent on shifts in habitat and diet of their hosts both on an annual base and through the ontogeny, in addition to the observed niche segregation between the two salmonid species.  相似文献   

The production of Atlantic salmon gynogenomes by the combined use of a novel method for sperm irradiation and differently timed high hydrostatic pressure shocks is described. Sperm solutions were exposed to UV irradiation in a temperature-controlled flow-through device. Eggs fertilised with such sperm were exposed to shocks of 9500 psi at 30 min or approximately 7 h after fertilisation in order to produce meiotic and mitotic gynogenomes respectively. Yields of meiotic gynogenomes were generally high (up to 95%); those of mitotic gynogenomes were lower (range 2–20%). Analyses of the offspring by ploidy status and fingerprinting confirmed their gynogenetic origin. Small numbers of mitotic gynogenetic fish were grown on for 2 years in fresh and salt water. S1/S2 ratios were lower in gynogenetic fish and mean age at maturity was greater. Of the presumptive gynogenetic fish subjected to destructive sampling (n = 87) all were female.  相似文献   

Rivers in Asturias (northern Spain) constitute the southern limit of the distribution of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Europe, a biological resource facing one of the more serious challenges for conservation today. In this work, eight microsatellite loci have been used to analyse samples collected in 1993 and 1999 from four Asturian rivers (Esva, Narcea, Sella, and Cares), obtaining information about the temporal and the spatial genetic variation in these populations and, in addition, estimations of their effective population sizes. The temporal analysis revealed a general decrease in all the estimated genetic variability parameters when samples from 1993 (mean A (1993) = 6.47, mean H O(1993) = 0.472, mean H E(1993) = 0.530) were compared with those obtained in 1999 (mean A (1999) = 6.16, mean H O(1999) = 0.460, mean H E(1999) = 0.490). This reduction was particularly notable for the case of the Esva river. Our results pointed to a pattern of spatial genetic differentiation inside the Asturian region (F ST (1993) = 0.016 P < 0.01; F ST (1999) = 0.023 P < 0.01). Using the standard Temporal Method we found estimates of N e^ (Esva) = 75.1 (33.2–267.2); N e^ (Cares) = 96.6 (40.0–507.5), N e^ (Sella) = 106.5 (39.1–9396.4) and N e^ (Narcea) = 113.9 (42.0–3693.3). The use of likelihood-based methods for the N e^ estimations improved the results (smaller CIs) for the Esva and Cares rivers (N e^ (Esva) = 63.9 (32.3–165.3); N e^ (Cares) = 76.4 (38.8–202.0) using a Maximum likelihood approach) and suggested the presence of larger populations for the Sella and Narcea rivers (N e^≈200). These results showed that the Asturian Atlantic salmon populations (in particular Esva and Cares river populations) could be close to the conservation genetic borderline for avoiding inbreeding depression although we discuss some implications of the analysis of temporal genetic change in populations with overlapping generations.  相似文献   

Summary Atlantic salmon fry from nine offspring belonging to individual spawnings were karyotyped. Different patterns of Robertsonian chromosome polymorphism were obtained. A theoretical model is developed to explain the different chromosome polymorphism patterns in Salmo salar offspring in terms of the chromosome numbers of the parents.  相似文献   

The behaviour of wild (n = 43, mean LT = 152 mm) and hatchery-reared (n = 71, mean LT = 198 mm) Atlantic salmon and wild anadromous brown trout (n = 34, mean LT = 171 mm) post-smolts with acoustic transmitters was compared in a Norwegian fjord system. There was no difference in survival between wild and hatchery reared salmon from release in the river mouth to passing receiver sites 9.5 km and 37.0 km from the release site. Mortality approached 65% during the first 37 km of the marine migration for both groups. There was no difference between wild and hatchery-reared salmon either in time from release to first recording at 9.5 km (mean 135 and 80 h), or in the rate of movement through the fjord (mean 0.53 and 0.56 bl s−1). Hatchery-reared salmon reached the 37 km site sooner after release than the wild salmon (mean 168 and 450 h), but rate of movement in terms of body lengths per second did not differ (mean 0.56 and 0.77 bl s−1). The brown trout remained a longer period in the inner part of the fjord system, with much slower rates of movement during the first 9.5 km (mean 0.06 bl s−1).  相似文献   

Effects of artificial salmon lice infection and pharmaceutical salmon lice prophylaxis on survival and rate of progression of Atlantic salmon (n = 72) and brown trout post-smolts (n = 72) during their fjord migration, were studied by telemetry. The infected groups were artificially exposed to infective salmon lice larvae in the laboratory immediately before release in the inner part of the fjord to simulate a naturally high infection pressure. Groups of infected Atlantic salmon (n = 20) and brown trout (n = 12) were also retained in the hatchery to control the infection intensity and lice development during the study period. Neither salmon lice infection nor pharmaceutical prophylaxis had any effects on survival and rate of progression of fjord migrating Atlantic salmon post-smolts compared to control fish. Atlantic salmon spent on average only 151.2 h (maximum 207.3 h) in passing the 80 km fjord system and had, thus, entered the ocean when the more pathogenic pre-adult and adult lice stages developed. The brown trout, in comparison to Atlantic salmon, remained to a larger extent than Atlantic salmon in the inner part of the fjord system. No effect of salmon lice infection, or protection, was found in brown trout during the first weeks of their fjord migration. Brown trout will, to a larger extent than Atlantic salmon, stay in the fjord areas when salmon lice infections reach the more pathogenic pre-adult and adult stages. In contrast to Atlantic salmon, they will thereby possess the practical capability of returning to freshwater when encountering severe salmon lice attacks.  相似文献   

Differences in reaction distance to prey fish by piscivorous salmonids can alter predator–prey interactions under different visual conditions. We compared reaction distances of three piscivorous salmonids commonly found in western lakes: cutthroat trout, Oncorhynchus clarki utah, rainbow trout, O. mykiss, and the nonnative lake char, Salvelinus namaycush. Reaction distances to salmonid prey were measured as functions of light and turbidity in a controlled laboratory setting. In addition, predation rates and swimming speeds of lake char preying on juvenile cutthroat trout were measured experimentally under a range of light levels. Reaction distances for cutthroat trout and rainbow trout increased rapidly as light levels increased, reaching relatively constant reaction distances at higher light levels. Reaction distances for lake char were similar to cutthroat trout and rainbow trout at the lower light levels; however, lake char reaction distances continued to increase with increasing light intensity to asymptote at distances 65% higher than those for both cutthroat and rainbow trout. Predation rates by lake char were low for the darkest light levels, increased rapidly under low light levels (0.50–0.75lx), and then declined to an intermediate rate at all higher light levels. Swimming speeds by lake char also increased rapidly from extremely low light conditions to a peak and declined to an intermediate level at light levels above 1.00lx. These results suggest that, above the saturation intensity threshold, piscivorous lake char react to fish prey at greater distances than do cutthroat trout and rainbow trout. These differences may help explain the decline of native trout following the introductions of nonnative lake char in lakes and reservoirs of western North America.  相似文献   

Structure, drift, and upstream movement of populations of benthic macroinvertebrates, in particular Synurella dentata Hubricht and Lirceus fontinalis Raf., were examined within a temperate spring ecosystem. Chemical and physical aspects of the springbrook were also investigated and life histories of the gammarids and asellids noted.Chemically and physically the spring proved both constant and predictable, much more so than other lotic systems.Species diversity was low from November through February and increased in March, April, and May. Equitability followed the same trends as species diversity. Both indices were most affected by large fluctuations in the populations of aquatic insects.Significant changes in the numbers of amphipods, isopods, and total macroinvertebrates was evident over a seven month period. Males were present in the isopod population year-round, but only from November to January in the amphipod population. Breeding by the isopods occurred throughout the year and peaked during winter. Amphipods copulated only in the late fall and early winter.Significant diel peaks in the amphipod, isopod, and total invertebrate drift negatively correlated with light intensity levels. Amphipods and isopods did not exhibit any preferential upstream movement during either the day or night; however, total macroinvertebrate upstream movement was greater at night. The total number of invertebrates moving upstream were lower than values reported from other lotic environments.  相似文献   

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