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The crystal structure of aspartate aminotransferase of Escherichia coli was determined by X-ray structure analysis at 2.8 A resolution. The structure was solved by the molecular replacement method and refined to an R-factor of 0.27, and it was found that the overall structure of AspAT of E. coli is similar to that of those of higher animals.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of thymidine phosphorylase from Escherichia coli has been determined at 2.8 A resolution using multiple-isomorphous-replacement techniques. The amino acid sequence deduced from the deoA DNA sequence is also reported. Thymidine phosphorylase exists in the crystal as an S-shaped dimer in which the subunits are related by a crystallographic 2-fold axis. Each subunit is composed of a small alpha-helical domain of six helices and a large alpha/beta domain. The alpha/beta domain includes a six-stranded mixed beta-sheet and a four-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet. The active site has been identified by difference Fourier analyses of the binding of thymine and thymidine and lies in a cavity between the small and large domains. The central beta-sheet is splayed open to accommodate a putative phosphate-binding site which is probably occupied by a sulfate ion in the crystal.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure analysis of crystalline fungal catalase from Penicillium vitale has been extended to 2.0 A resolution. The crystals belong to space group P3(1)21, with the unit cell parameters of a = b = 144.4 A and c = 133.8 A. The asymmetric unit contains half a tetrameric molecule of 222 symmetry. Each subunit is a single polypeptide chain of approximately 670 amino acid residues and binds one heme group. The amino acid sequence has been tentatively determined by computer graphics model building (using the FRODO system) and comparison with the known sequence of beef liver catalase. The atomic model has been refined by the Hendrickson & Konnert (1981) restrained least-squares program against 68,000 reflections between 5 A and 2 A resolution. The final R-factor is 0.31 after 24 refinement cycles. The secondary and tertiary structure of the catalase has been analyzed.  相似文献   

The refined crystal structure of ribonuclease A at 2.0 A resolution   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
This paper describes the structure of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A, refined by a restrained parameter least squares procedure at 2.0 A resolution, and rebuilt using computer graphics. The final agreement factor (formula see text) is 0.159. The positions of the 951 main chain atoms have been determined with an estimated accuracy of 0.17 A. In addition, the model includes a phosphate group in the active site and 176 waters, many of them with partial occupancy. The bond lengths in the refined structure of RNase A differ from the ideal values by an overall root mean square deviation of 0.022 A; the corresponding value for angle distances is 0.06 A. The root mean square deviation of planar atoms from ideality is 0.017 A, and root mean square deviation of the peptide torsion angles from 180 degrees is 3.4 degrees. The model is in good agreement with the final difference Fourier maps. Two active site histidines, His 12 and His 119, form hydrogen bonds to the phosphate ion. His 119 is also hydrogen bonded to the carboxyl of ASp 121 and His 12 to the carbonyl of Thr 45. The structure of the RNase A is very similar to that of RNase S, particularly in the active site region. The root mean square discrepancy of all atoms from residues 1 to 16 and 24 to 123 is 1.06 A and the root mean square discrepancy for the active site region is 0.6 A.  相似文献   

Crystal structure of Escherichia coli CheY refined at 1.7-A resolution   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The three-dimensional structure of wild-type CheY from Escherichia coli has been refined by stereochemically restrained least squares minimization to a crystallographic R-factor of 15.1% at 1.7-A resolution. The structure contains 1165 atoms, including all atoms of the protein, 147 water molecules, and three sulfate ions. The final model has root mean square deviations of 0.018 and 0.049 A from idealized bond lengths and angle distances, respectively. Seven amino acid side chains have been modeled in dual conformations. CheY folds as a compact (beta/alpha)5 globular protein, with the phosphorylation region contained in a cavity on one face of the molecule. This active site area is bordered by the carboxyl termini of the three central beta-strands, by alpha 1, and by the loop connecting beta 5 to alpha 5. The Lys-109 side chain of this loop extends into the active site by virtue of its cis peptide bond conformation preceding Pro-110. The epsilon-amino group of Lys-109 is in close bonding contact with the carboxyl group of Asp-57, the residue that is phosphorylated in the activation process of CheY. The details of the hydrogen bonding network in the phosphorylation region indicate that structural rearrangements must accompany the phosphorylation of Asp-57.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of selenomethionine-substituted malate synthase G, an 81 kDa monomeric enzyme from Escherichia coli has been determined by MAD phasing, model building, and crystallographic refinement to a resolution of 2.0 A. The crystallographic R factor is 0.177 for 49 242 reflections observed at the incident wavelength of 1.008 A, and the model stereochemistry is satisfactory. The basic fold of the enzyme is that of a beta8/alpha8 (TIM) barrel. The barrel is centrally located, with an N-terminal alpha-helical domain flanking one side. An inserted beta-sheet domain folds against the opposite side of the barrel, and an alpha-helical C-terminal domain forms a plug which caps the active site. Malate synthase catalyzes the condensation of glyoxylate and acetyl-coenzyme A and hydrolysis of the intermediate to yield malate and coenzyme A, requiring Mg(2+). The structure reveals an enzyme-substrate complex with glyoxylate and Mg(2+) which coordinates the aldehyde and carboxylate functions of the substrate. Two strictly conserved residues, Asp631 and Arg338, are proposed to provide concerted acid-base chemistry for the generation of the enol(ate) intermediate of acetyl-coenzyme A, while main-chain hydrogen bonds and bound Mg(2+) polarize glyoxylate in preparation for nucleophilic attack. The catalytic strategy of malate synthase appears to be essentially the same as that of citrate synthase, with the electrophile activated for nucleophilic attack by nearby positive charges and hydrogen bonds, while concerted acid-base catalysis accomplishes the abstraction of a proton from the methyl group of acetyl-coenzyme A. An active site aspartate is, however, the only common feature of these two enzymes, and the active sites of these enzymes are produced by quite different protein folds. Interesting similarities in the overall folds and modes of substrate recognition are discussed in comparisons of malate synthase with pyruvate kinase and pyruvate phosphate dikinase.  相似文献   

The structure of Escherichia coli aspartate aminotransferase complex with the inhibitor 2-methylaspartate, and that of the mutant enzyme in which an arginine was substituted for a lysine residue thereby forming a Schiff base with the coenzyme pyridoxal 5'-phosphate, were determined at 2.5 A resolution, by the molecular replacement method using the known structure of pig cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase. The enzyme catalyzes the reversible transamination between L-aspartate and alpha-ketoglutarate, and forms a dimeric structure of two identical subunits. Each subunit comprises two domains, a small and a large one. Although, in general, the overall and secondary structure of E. coli enzyme are similar to those of higher animals, some differences of enzymatic action between the enzyme from E. coli and those from higher animals could be explained on the basis of the X-ray structures and molecular mechanics calculation based on them.  相似文献   

Structure of cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase refined at 2.0 A resolution.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The previously reported structural model of cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase (EC from Bacillus circulans has been improved. For this purpose the known sequence was built into an electron density map established by multiple isomorphous replacement and subsequent solvent-flattening at 2.5 A resolution. The resulting model was refined at 2.0 A resolution using a simulated annealing refinement method. Based on 70,171 independent reflections in the range 7.0 to 2.0 A resolution, a final R-factor of 17.6% was obtained with a model obeying standard geometry within 0.013 A in bond lengths and 2.7 degrees in bond angles. The final model consists of all 684 amino acid residues, two calcium ions and 588 solvent molecules.  相似文献   

F A Saul  R J Poljak 《Proteins》1992,14(3):363-371
The three-dimensional structure of the human immunoglobulin fragment Fab New (IgG1, lambda) has been refined to a crystallographic R-factor of 16.9% to 2 A resolution. Rms deviations of the final model from ideal geometry are 0.014 A for bond distances and 3.03 degrees for bond angles. Refinement was based on a new X-ray data set including 28,301 reflections with F > 2.5 sigma(F) from 6.0 to 2.0 A resolution. The starting model for the refinement procedure reported here is from the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank entry 3FAB (rev. 1981). Differences between the initial and final models include modified polypeptide-chain folding in the third complementarity-determining region (CDR3) and the third framework region (FR3) of VH and in some exposed loops of CL and CH1. Amino acid sequence changes were determined at a number of positions by inspection of difference electron density maps. The incorporation of amino acid sequence changes results in an improved VH framework model for the "humanization" of monoclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase from spinach leaves has been determined by X-ray crystal structure analysis. The atomic coordinates were refined at 2.0 A resolution using the Hendrickson and Konnert program for stereochemically restrained refinement against structure factors, which allowed the use of non-crystallographic symmetry. The crystallographic residual error for the refined model was 24.9%, with a root mean square deviation of 0.03 A from the ideal bond length and an average atomic temperature factor of 9.6 A. A dimeric molecule of the enzyme is comprised of two identical subunits related by a non-crystallographic 2-fold axis. Each subunit of 154 amino acid residues is composed primarily of eight anti-parallel beta-strands that form a flattened cylinder, plus three external loops. The main-chain hydrogen bonds primarily link the beta-strands. The overall structure of this enzyme is quite similar to that of the bovine dismutase except for some parts. The single disulfide bridge (Cys57-Cys146) and the salt bridge (Arg79-Asp101) may stabilize the loop regions of the structure. The Cu2+ and Zn2+ ions in the active site lie 6.1 A apart at the bottom of the long channel. The Cu2+ ligands (ND1 of His-46, and NE2 of His-48, -63, and -120) show an uneven tetrahedral distortion from a square plane. The Zn2+ ligands (ND1 of His-63, -71, and -80 and OD1 of Asp-83) show an almost tetrahedral geometry. The imidazole ring of His-63 forms a bridge between the Cu2+ and Zn2+ ions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A 6 Å resolution electron density map of pig muscle phosphoglucose isomerase has been obtained. From this map it has been possible to isolate a single molecule and to assign tentative subunit boundaries. The binding of the competitive inhibitor 6-phosphogluconate has been studied. The binding site appears to be close to the subunit interface.  相似文献   

tRNA identity elements determine the correct aminoacylation by the cognate aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase. In class II aminoacyl tRNA synthetase systems, tRNA specificity is assured by rather few and simple recognition elements, mostly located in the acceptor stem of the tRNA. Here we present the crystal structure of an Escherichia coli tRNA(Gly) aminoacyl stem microhelix at 2.0 A resolution. The tRNA(Gly) microhelix crystallizes in the space group P3(2)21 with the cell constants a=b=35.35 A, c=130.82 A, gamma=120 degrees . The helical parameters, solvent molecules and a potential magnesium binding site are discussed.  相似文献   

The atomic structure of glycinamide ribonucleotide transformylase, an essential enzyme in purine biosynthesis, has been determined at 3.0 A resolution. The last three C-terminal residues and a sequence stretch of 18 residues (residues 113 to 130) are not visible in the electron density map. The enzyme forms a dimer in the crystal structure. Each monomer is divided into two domains, which are connected by a central mainly parallel seven-stranded beta-sheet. The N-terminal domain contains a Rossmann type mononucleotide fold with a phosphate ion bound to the C-terminal end of the first beta-strand. A long narrow cleft stretches from the phosphate to a conserved aspartic acid, Asp144, which has been suggested as an active-site residue. The cleft is lined by a cluster of residues, which are conserved between bacterial, yeast, avian and human enzymes, and likely represents the binding pocket and active site of the enzyme. GAR Tfase binds a reduced folate cofactor and glycinamide ribonucleotide for the catalysis of one of the initial steps in purine biosynthesis. Folate analogs and multi-substrate inhibitors of the enzyme have antineoplastic effects and the structure determination of the unliganded enzyme and enzyme-inhibitor complexes will aid the development of anti-cancer drugs.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, flavodoxin is the physiological electron donor for the reductive activation of the enzymes pyruvate formate-lyase, anaerobic ribonucleotide reductase, and B12-dependent methionine synthase. As a basis for studies of the interactions of flavodoxin with methionine synthase, crystal structures of orthorhombic and trigonal forms of oxidized recombinant flavodoxin from E. coli have been determined. The orthorhombic form (space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), a = 126.4, b = 41.10, c = 69.15 A, with two molecules per asymmetric unit) was solved initially by molecular replacement at a resolution of 3.0 A, using coordinates from the structure of the flavodoxin from Synechococcus PCC 7942 (Anacystis nidulans). Data extending to 1.8-A resolution were collected at 140 K and the structure was refined to an Rwork of 0.196 and an Rfree of 0.250 for reflections with I > 0. The final model contains 3,224 non-hydrogen atoms per asymmetric unit, including 62 flavin mononucleotide (FMN) atoms, 354 water molecules, four calcium ions, four sodium ions, two chloride ions, and two Bis-Tris buffer molecules. The structure of the protein in the trigonal form (space group P312, a = 78.83, c = 52.07 A) was solved by molecular replacement using the coordinates from the orthorhombic structure, and was refined with all data from 10.0 to 2.6 A (R = 0.191; Rfree = 0.249). The sequence Tyr 58-Tyr 59, in a bend near the FMN, has so far been found only in the flavodoxins from E. coli and Haemophilus influenzae, and may be important in interactions of flavodoxin with its partners in activation reactions. The tyrosine residues in this bend are influenced by intermolecular contacts and adopt different orientations in the two crystal forms. Structural comparisons with flavodoxins from Synechococcus PCC 7942 and Anaebaena PCC 7120 suggest other residues that may also be critical for recognition by methionine synthase.  相似文献   

Calmodulin structure refined at 1.7 A resolution.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have determined and refined the crystal structure of a recombinant calmodulin at 1.7 A resolution. The structure was determined by molecular replacement, using the 2.2 A published native bovine brain structure as the starting model. The final crystallographic R-factor, using 14,469 reflections in the 10.0 to 1.7 A range with structure factors exceeding 0.5 sigma, is 0.216. Bond lengths and bond angle distances have root-mean-square deviations from ideal values of 0.009 A and 0.032 A, respectively. The final model consists of 1279 non-hydrogen atoms, including four calcium ions, 1130 protein atoms, including three Asp118 side-chain atoms in double conformation, 139 water molecules and one ethanol molecule. The electron densities for residues 1 to 4 and 148 of calmodulin are poorly defined, and not included in our model, except for main-chain atoms of residue 4. The calmodulin structure from our crystals is very similar to the earlier 2.2 A structure described by Babu and coworkers with a root-mean-square deviation of 0.36 A. Calmodulin remains a dumb-bell-shaped molecule, with similar lobes and connected by a central alpha-helix. Each lobe contains three alpha-helices and two Ca2+ binding EF hand loops, with a short antiparallel beta-sheet between adjacent EF hand loops and one non-EF hand loop. There are some differences in the structure of the central helix. The crystal packing is extensively studied, and facile crystal growth along the z-axis of the triclinic crystals is explained. Herein, we describe hydrogen bonding in the various secondary structure elements and hydration of calmodulin.  相似文献   

Crystal structure of thioredoxin from Escherichia coli at 1.68 A resolution   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
The crystal structure of thioredoxin from Escherichia coli has been refined by the stereochemically restrained least-squares procedure to a crystallographic R-factor of 0.165 at 1.68 A resolution. In the final model, the root-mean-square deviation from ideality for bond distances is 0.015 A and for angle distances 0.035 A. The structure contains 1644 protein atoms from two independent molecules, two Cu2+, 140 water molecules and seven methylpentanediol molecules. Ten residues have been modeled in two alternative conformations. E. coli thioredoxin is a compact molecule with 90% of its residues in helices, beta-strands or reverse turns. The molecule consists of two conformational domains, beta alpha beta alpha beta and beta beta alpha, connected by a single-turn alpha-helix and a 3(10) helix. The beta-sheet forms the core of the molecule packed on either side by clusters of hydrophobic residues. Helices form the external surface. The active site disulfide bridge between Cys32 and Cys35 is located at the amino terminus of the second alpha-helix. The positive electrostatic field due to the helical dipole is probably important for stabilizing the anionic intermediate during the disulfide reductase function of the protein. The more reactive cysteine, Cys32, has its sulfur atom exposed to solvent and also involved in a hydrogen bond with a backbone amide group. Residues 29 to 37, which include the active site cysteine residues, form a protrusion on the surface of the protein and make relatively fewer interactions with the rest of the structure. The disulfide bridge exhibits a right-handed conformation with a torsion angle of 81 degrees and 72 degrees about the S-S bond in the two molecules. Twenty-five pairs of water molecules obey the noncrystallographic symmetry. Most of them are involved in establishing intramolecular hydrogen-bonding interactions between protein atoms and thus serve as integral parts of the folded protein structure. Methylpentanediol molecules often pack against the loops and stabilize their structure. Cu2+ used for crystallization exhibit a distorted octahedral square bipyramid co-ordination and provide essential packing interactions in the crystal. The two independent protein molecules are very similar in conformation but distinctly different in atomic detail (root-mean-square = 0.94 A). The differences, which may be related to the crystal contacts, are localized mostly to regions far from the active site.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a sarcoplasmic Ca(2+)-binding protein (SCP) from the sandworm Nereis diversicolor has been determined and refined at 2.0 A resolution using restrained least-squares techniques. The two molecules in the crystallographic asymmetric unit, which are related by a non-crystallographic 2-fold axis, were refined independently. The refined model includes all 174 residues and three calcium ions for each molecule, as well as 213 water molecules. The root-mean-square difference in co-ordinates for backbone atoms and calcium ions of the two molecules is 0.51 A. The final crystallographic R-factor, based on 18,959 reflections in the range 2.0 A less than or equal to d less than or equal to 7.0 A, with intensities exceeding 2.0 sigma, is 0.182. Bond lengths and bond angles in the molecules have root-mean-square deviations from ideal values of 0.013 A and 2.2 degrees, respectively. SCP has four distinct domains with the typical helix-loop-helix (EF-hand) Ca(2+)-binding motif, although the second Ca(2+)-binding domain is not functional due to amino acid changes in the loop. The structure shows several unique features compared to other Ca(2+)-binding proteins with four EF-hand domains. The overall structure is highly compact and globular with a predominant hydrophobic core, unlike the extended dumbbell-shaped structure of calmodulin or troponin C. A hydrophobic tail at the COOH terminus adds to the structural stability by packing against a hydrophobic pocket created by the folding of the NH2 and COOH-terminal Ca(2+)-binding domain pairs. The first and second domains show different helix-packing arrangements from any previously described for Ca(2+)-binding proteins.  相似文献   

5-Aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD), an early enzyme of the tetrapyrrole biosynthesis pathway, catalyzes the dimerization of 5-aminolevulinic acid to form the pyrrole, porphobilinogen. ALAD from Escherichia coli is shown to form a homo-octameric structure with 422 symmetry in which each subunit adopts the TIM barrel fold with a 30-residue N-terminal arm. Pairs of monomers associate with their arms wrapped around each other. Four of these dimers interact, principally via their arm regions, to form octamers in which each active site is located on the surface. The active site contains two lysine residues (195 and 247), one of which (Lys 247) forms a Schiff base link with the bound substrate analogue, levulinic acid. Of the two substrate binding sites (referred to as A and P), our analysis defines the residues forming the P-site, which is where the first ALA molecule to associate with the enzyme binds. The carboxyl group of the levulinic acid moiety forms hydrogen bonds with the side chains of Ser 273 and Tyr 312. In proximity to the levulinic acid is a zinc binding site formed by three cysteines (Cys 120, 122, and 130) and a solvent molecule. We infer that the second substrate binding site (or A-site) is located between the triple-cysteine zinc site and the bound levulinic acid moiety. Two invariant arginine residues in a loop covering the active site (Arg 205 and Arg 216) appear to be appropriately placed to bind the carboxylate of the A-site substrate. Another metal binding site, close to the active site flap, in which a putative zinc ion is coordinated by a carboxyl and five solvent molecules may account for the activating properties of magnesium ions.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli pyridoxine 5'-phosphate oxidase catalyzes the terminal step in the biosynthesis of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate by the FMN oxidation of pyridoxine 5'-phosphate forming FMNH(2) and H(2)O(2). Recent studies have shown that in addition to the active site, pyridoxine 5'-phosphate oxidase contains a non-catalytic site that binds pyridoxal 5'-phosphate tightly. The crystal structure of pyridoxine 5'-phosphate oxidase from E. coli with one or two molecules of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate bound to each monomer has been determined to 2.0 A resolution. One of the pyridoxal 5'-phosphate molecules is clearly bound at the active site with the aldehyde at C4' of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate near N5 of the bound FMN. A protein conformational change has occurred that partially closes the active site. The orientation of the bound pyridoxal 5'-phosphate suggests that the enzyme catalyzes a hydride ion transfer between C4' of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate and N5 of FMN. When the crystals are soaked with excess pyridoxal 5'-phosphate an additional molecule of this cofactor is also bound about 11 A from the active site. A possible tunnel exists between the two sites so that pyridoxal 5'-phosphate formed at the active site may transfer to the non-catalytic site without passing though the solvent.  相似文献   

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