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Resistance to azole antifungal drugs in clinical isolates of the human fungal pathogen Candida albicans is often caused by constitutive overexpression of the CDR1 gene, which encodes a multidrug efflux pump of the ABC transporter superfamily. To understand the relevance of a recently identified negative regulatory element (NRE) in the CDR1 promoter for the control of CDR1 expression in the clinical scenario, we investigated the effect of mutation or deletion of the NRE on CDR1 expression in two matched pairs of azole-sensitive and resistant clinical isolates of C. albicans. Expression of GFP or lacZ reporter genes from the wild type CDR1 promoter was much higher in the azole-resistant C. albicans isolates than in the azole-susceptible isolates, reflecting the known differences in CDR1 expression in these strains. Deletion or mutation of the NRE resulted in enhanced reporter gene expression in azole-sensitive strains, but did not further increase the already high CDR1 promoter activity in the azole-resistant strains. In agreement with these findings, electrophoretic mobility shift assays showed a reduced binding to the NRE of nuclear extracts from the resistant C. albicans isolates as compared with extracts from the sensitive isolates. These results demonstrate that the NRE is involved in maintaining CDR1 expression at basal levels and that this repression is overcome in azole-resistant clinical C. albicans isolates, resulting in constitutive CDR1 overexpression and concomitant drug resistance.  相似文献   

The multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP) subfamily transporters associated with anticancer drug efflux are attributed to the multidrug-resistance of cancer cells. The genomic organization of human multidrug resistance-associated protein 7 (MRP7) was identified. The human MRP7 gene, consisting of 22 exons and 21 introns, greatly differs from other members of the human MRP subfamily. A splicing variant of human MRP7, MRP7A, expressed in most human tissues, was also characterized. The 1.93-kb promoter region of MRP7 was isolated and shown to support luciferase activity at a level 4- to 5-fold greater than that of the SV40 promoter. Basal MRP7 gene expression was regulated by 2 regions in the 5'-flanking region at -1,780-1,287 bp, and at -611 to -208 bp. In Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, MRP7 promoter activity was increased by 226% by genotoxic 2-acetylaminofluorene and 347% by the histone deacetylase inhibitor, trichostatin A. The protein was expressed in the membrane fraction of transfected MDCK cells.  相似文献   

We have screened the basal promoter region, of KRTHB6 gene involving CAAT and TATA boxes in randomly selected 125 individuals of Indian origin by PCR-SSCP and DNA sequencing. We observed a novel promoter polymorphism (-71C>T) which could be differentiated by using LweI restriction enzyme. The frequency of -71 C allele, allele A (Accession no AY203963), was observed to be higher ( 0.712) in comparison to -71 T allele, allele B (0.288) (Accession no. AY037552).  相似文献   

Mutations in MYOC gene encoding myocilin are responsible for primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG). In order to search for protein(s) that can interact with myocilin, we screened a human skeletal muscle cDNA library using yeast two-hybrid system and identified flotillin-1, a structural protein of lipid raft that is detergent-resistant and a liquid ordered microdomain, as a protein interacting with myocilin. The interaction was confirmed by in vitro glutathione S-transferase pulldown and in vivo co-immunoprecipitation studies. In yeast two-hybrid assay, the C-terminus of myocilin, an olfactomedin-like domain in which most mutations related to POAG are scattered, was found to be necessary and sufficient for the interaction. However, myocilins with mutations such as G364V, K423E, and Y437H on the domain failed to interact with flotillin-1. Although the physiological significance of the interaction has yet to be elucidated, our results showed that the alteration of the interaction by mutations in MYOC might be a key factor of the pathogenesis of POAG.  相似文献   



The ABCC8 gene which encodes the sulfonylurea receptor plays a major role in insulin secretion and is a potential candidate for type 2 diabetes. The -3c → t (rs1799854) and Thr759Thr (C → T, rs1801261) single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the ABCC8 gene have been associated with type 2 diabetes in many populations. The present study was designed to investigate the association of these two SNPs in an Asian Indian population from south India.


A total of 1,300 subjects, 663 normal glucose tolerant (NGT) and 637 type 2 diabetic subjects were randomly selected from the Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study (CURES). The -3c → t and Thr759Thr were genotyped in these subjects using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and a few variants were confirmed by direct sequencing.


The frequency of the ‘t’ allele of the -3c → t SNP was found to be 0.27 in NGT and 0.29 in type 2 diabetic subjects (P = 0.44). There was no significant difference in the genotypic frequency between the NGT and type 2 diabetic group (P = 0.18). Neither the genotypic frequency nor the allele frequency of the Thr759Thr polymorphism was found to differ significantly between the NGT and type 2 diabetic groups.


The -3c → t and the Thr759Thr polymorphisms of the ABCC8 gene were not associated with type 2 diabetes in this study. However, an effect of these genetic variants on specific unidentified sub groups of type 2 diabetes cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

The establishment of anterior-posterior polarity in the Caenorhabditis elegans embryo requires the activity of the maternally expressed par genes. We report the identification and analysis of a new par gene, par-5. We show that par-5 is required for asynchrony and asymmetry in the first embryonic cell divisions, normal pseudocleavage, normal cleavage spindle orientation at the two-cell stage, and localization of P granules and MEX-5 during the first and subsequent cell cycles. Furthermore, par-5 activity is required in the first cell cycle for the asymmetric cortical localization of PAR-1 and PAR-2 to the posterior, and PAR-3, PAR-6, and PKC-3 to the anterior. When PAR-5 is reduced by mutation or by RNA interference, these proteins spread around the cortex of the one-cell embryo and partially overlap. We have shown by sequence analysis of par-5 mutants and by RNA interference that the par-5 gene is the same as the ftt-1 gene, and encodes a 14-3-3 protein. The PAR-5 14-3-3 protein is present in gonads, oocytes, and early embryos, but is not asymmetrically distributed. Our analysis indicates that the par-5 14-3-3 gene plays a crucial role in the early events leading to polarization of the C. elegans zygote.  相似文献   

五指山猪IGF2基因5′调控区单核苷酸多态性分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用PCR产物直接测序法, 对五指山猪、滇南小耳猪、香猪、梅山猪和大白猪共60个样本的IGF2基因5'调控区部分片段的单核苷酸多态性进行了研究。找到13个SNP, 分别是: C5872T、C5888T、A5976G、C6010T、T6029A、C6037T、C6043T、C6063T、C6112T、C6164T、G13520A、G13563A和G13669A。T6029A为T←→A碱基颠换, A5976G、G13520A、G13563A和G13669A为A←→G转换, 其他均为C←→T转换。针对13个SNP位点得到23种组合基因型。统计各位点等位基因和基因型以及各组合基因型在总群体与各品种内的分布频率, 发现3个小型猪在A5976G、C6164T和G13669A位点上的优势等位基因均分别为G、T和A, 而梅山猪和大白猪的优势等位基因均分别为A、C和G; H19型为3个小型猪的特征组合基因型, 而另两个猪品种为H15型。同时对123头五指山猪IGF2基因C5888T位点进行了PCR-RFLP分析, 研究表明该位点C为优势等位基因(0.8536), CC为优势基因型(0.7235)。卡方检验表明该位点处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态。这些结果可为五指山猪等小型猪的生长发育规律、矮小机制等方面的研究提供遗传学依据。  相似文献   

Human CYP3A4 is the major cytochrome P450 isoenzyme in adult human liver and is known to metabolise many xenobiotic and endogenous compounds. There is substantial inter-individual variation in the hepatic levels of CYP3A4. Although, polymorphic mutations have been reported in the 5' regulatory region of the CYP3A4 gene, those that have been investigated so far do not appear to have any effect on gene expression. To determine whether other mutations exist in this region of the gene, we have performed a new population screen on a panel of 101 human DNA samples. A 1140 bp section of the 5' proximal regulatory region of the CYP3A4 gene, containing numerous regulatory motifs, was amplified from genomic DNA as three overlapping segments. The 300 bp distal enhancer region at -7.9kb containing additional regulatory motifs was also amplified. Mutation analysis of the resulting PCR products was carried out using non-radioactive single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) and confirmatory sequencing of both DNA strands in those samples showing extra SSCP bands. In addition to detection of the previously reported CYP3A4*1B allele in nine subjects, three novel alleles were found: CYP3A4*1E (having a T-->A transversion at -369 in one subject), CYP3A4*1F (having a C-->G tranversion at -747 in 17 subjects) and CYP3A4*15B containing a nine-nucleotide insertion between -845 and -844 linked to an A-->G transition at -392 and a G-->A transition in exon 6 (position 485 in the cDNA) in one subject. All the novel alleles were heterozygous. No mutations were found in the upstream distal enhancer region. Our results clearly indicate that this rapid and simple SSCP approach can reveal mutant alleles in drug metabolising enzyme genes. Detection and determination of the frequency of novel alleles in CYP3A4 will assist investigation of the relationship between genotype, xenobiotic metabolism and toxicity in the CYP3A family of isoenzymes.  相似文献   

Streptomyces venezuelae ISP5230 produces a group of jadomycin congeners with cytotoxic activities. To improve jadomycin fermentation process, a genetic engineering strategy was designed to replace a 3.4-kb regulatory region of jad gene cluster that contains four regulatory genes (3′ end 272 bp of jadW2, jadW3, jadR2, and jadR1) and the native promoter upstream of jadJ (PJ) with the ermEp* promoter sequence so that ermEp* drives the expression of the jadomycin biosynthetic genes from jadJ in the engineered strain. As expected, the mutant strain produced jadomycin B without ethanol treatment, and the yield increased to about twofold that of the stressed wild-type. These results indicated that manipulation of the regulation of a biosynthetic gene cluster is an effective strategy to increase product yield.  相似文献   

Migration of plant-parasitic nematode infective larval stages through soil and invasion of roots requires perception and integration of sensory cues culminating in particular responses that lead to root penetration and parasite establishment. Components of the chemoreceptive neuronal circuitry involved in these responses are targets for control measures aimed at preventing infection. Here we report, to our knowledge, the first isolation of cyst nematode ace-2 genes encoding acetylcholinesterase (AChE). The ace-2 genes from Globodera pallida (Gp-ace-2) and Heterodera glycines (Hg-ace-2) show homology to ace-2 of Caenorhabditis elegans (Ce-ace-2). Gp-ace-2 is expressed most highly in the infective J2 stage with lowest expression in the early parasitic stages. Expression and functional analysis of the Globodera gene were carried out using the free-living nematode C. elegans in order to overcome the refractory nature of the obligate parasite G. pallida to many biological studies. Caenorhabditis elegans transformed with a GFP reporter construct under the control of the Gp-ace-2 promoter exhibited specific and restricted GFP expression in neuronal cells in the head ganglia. Gp-ACE-2 protein can functionally complement its C. elegans homologue. A chimeric construct containing the Ce-ace-2 promoter region and the Gp-ace-2 coding region and 3′ untranslated region was able to restore a normal phenotype to the uncoordinated C. elegans double mutant ace-1;ace-2. This study demonstrates conservation of AChE function and expression between free-living and plant-parasitic nematode species, and highlights the utility of C. elegans as a heterologous system to study neuronal aspects of plant-parasitic nematode biology.  相似文献   

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