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Mouse spermatocytes were labelled in situ with 3H-thymidine at successive stages of meiosis. Isolated mouse as well as human spermatocytes were similarly labelled under in vitro conditions. DNA synthesis was followed either by tracking radioactivities in Cs2SO4 gradients or by measuring reassociation kinetics. Mouse satellite DNA and the 3 satellites of human DNA are labelled during S-phase but not during pachytene. In the mouse genome, there is a preferential labelling of regions containing foldbacks (human spermatocytes were not analyzed in this respect). The absence of detectable pachytene synthesis in satellite DNA is consistent with genetic evidence on the absence of crossing-over in constitutive heterochromatin.  相似文献   

The incorporation of 3H-uridine in oogonia and oocytes during meiotic prophase I was studied in three human fetuses 13, 18, and 19 weeks old. Following a 40- or 60-min pulse, intense nuclear and nucleolar labeling was observed in oogonia. During the preleptotene chromosome condensation stage, the heteropycnotic masses were unlabeled, while numerous silver grains were seen on the filaments persisting around these masses. During leptotene, chromosomal and nucleolar RNA synthesis was significant, but less than that in the oogonia. The rate of incorporation declined rapidly during zygotene and fell to a very low level at early pachytene. Throughout pachytene no nucleolar RNA synthesis was observed. Chromosomal RNA synthesis progressively recovered during middle pachytene, was of moderate intensity at late pachytene, and increased again at early diplotene. Nucleolar RNA synthesis was very intense at early diplotene, at the same time as nucleolar size and basophilia increased.  相似文献   

Summary Naturally segregated nucleoli have been observed during the prophase in meiocytes of Allium cepa anthers. Under the light microscope the nucleolus is seen to consist of two clearly differentiated regions: a central core, which is strongly argyrophilic (ochre or dark brown) and slightly basophilic, surrounded by a basophilic peripheral region, which shows a low degree of argyrophilia. Under the electron microscope the central region appears as consisting of fibrillar elements (pars fibrosa), while the peripheral region proved to consist mainly of granules about 150 Å in diameter (pars granulosa).When the pachytene nucleolus of Allium cepa is stained with basic fuchsin, a small circular area appears intensely stained, which gradually grows larger as the pachytene proceeds. This characteristic structure, eventually reaching a size of 0.5–1.5 is regularly to be observed with a central vacuole. Under the electron microscope this area appears as a circular structure of high electron density, which corresponds in shape and size with the area revealed by the light microscope.The relationship between this new structure, which we have called globulus with other nucleolar structures is discussed.This work was partially supported by a grant from the Fondo de Ayuda a la Investigación, 1968, Spain. We wish to thank most especially Dr. M. C. Risueño, M.I. Rodriguez-García and J. M. Sogo, of the Cell Structures Section, (Department of Cytology) for their efficient collaboration. We also wish to thank M. C. Partearroyo and A. Partearroyo for technical assistance. One of the authors (J.C.S.) has a Research Training Fellowship awarded by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (World Health Organization).  相似文献   

A J Solari 《Genetics》1969,61(1):Suppl:113-Suppl:120



The nuclear architecture of meiotic prophase spermatocytes is based on higher-order patterns of spatial associations among chromosomal domains from different bivalents. The meiotic nuclear architecture depends on the chromosome characteristics and consequently is prone to modification by chromosomal rearrangements. In this work, we consider Mus domesticus spermatocytes with diploid chromosome number 2n = 40, all telocentric, and investigate a possible modification of the ancestral nuclear architecture due to the emergence of derived Rb chromosomes, which may be present in the homozygous or heterozygous condition.


In the 2n = 40 spermatocyte nuclei random associations mediated by pericentromeric heterochromatin among the 19 telocentric bivalents ocurr at the nuclear periphery. The observed frequency of associations among them, made distinguishable by specific probes and FISH, seems to be the same for pairs that may or may not form Rb chromosomes. In the homozygote Rb 2n = 24 spermatocytes, associations also mediated by pericentromeric heterochromatin occur mainly between the three telocentric or the eight metacentric bivalents themselves. In heterozygote Rb 2n = 32 spermatocytes all heterochromatin is localized at the nuclear periphery, yet associations are mainly observed among the three telocentric bivalents and between the asynaptic axes of the trivalents.


The Rb chromosomes pose sharp restrictions for interactions in the 2n = 24 and 2n = 32 spermatocytes, as compared to the ample possibilities for interactions between bivalents in the 2n = 40 spermatocytes. Undoubtedly the emergence of Rb chromosomes changes the ancestral nuclear architecture of 2n = 40 spermatocytes since they establish new types of interactions among chromosomal domains, particularly through centromeric and heterochromatic regions at the nuclear periphery among telocentric and at the nuclear center among Rb metacentric ones.  相似文献   

Summary We describe a comparative study of the behavior of nucleolar structures and their relationship with nucleolar chromosomes and synaptonemal complexes at first meiotic prophase of human oocytes in an attempt to elucidate the nature of this cellular organization and to learn more about maternal nondisjunction. The number of main nucleoli varies along the different stages of prophase I and is usually low. It shows an increase from leptotene to pachytene and a decrease from pachytene to diplotene related to a decrease and an increase of main nucleoli volume, respectively. The methodology employed has enabled us to analyze in detail dark bodies, round bodies, dense bodies, and main nucleoli in chromosome or synaptonemal complex spreads. The relationship between nucleolar chromosomes or synaptonemal complexes and the nucleoli implies the existence, in a very reduced space, of chromosomal regions that contain homologous sequences and that are often unpaired. This situation may facilitate the production of heterologous pairing and chromosomal exchanges between nonhomologous chromosomes and finally result in aneuploidy. THus, the situation explained above together with the differences between the oocyte and spermatocyte NOR cycles could be one of the reasons for the higher incidence of aneuploidies of maternal origin at meiosis I.  相似文献   

The central or peripheral distribution of condensed chromatin (CC) was studied in pachytene spermatocyte nuclei in Mus domesticus, 2n=40; Pudu puda, 2n=70; Ctenomys opimus, 2n=26 and Octodon degus, 2n=58. Species were chosen according to the morphological characteristics of their chromosomal complements and in particular, the terminal or medial chromosomal localisation of the pericentromeric constitutive heterochromatin. Counts were made by defining the areas corresponding to peripheral and central location in each nuclear section from a series. The null hypothesis (i.e. random distribution of CC) was rejected. In the nuclear sections of Mus domesticus and Pudu puda, 69% and 74% of CC, respectively, was found in the peripheral nuclear space, while in those of Octodon degus and Ctenomys opimus, 69% and 65% of CC, respectively, was found in the central nuclear space. We estimate that if the CC measured in spermatocyte nuclei corresponds mainly to pericentromeric constitutive heterochromatin, the distribution found is consistent with that expected in accordance with the nuclear architecture model for meiocytes (Fernández-Donoso, 1982; Fernández-Donoso & Berrios, 1985). This model proposes a peripheral nuclear localisation for pericentromeric heterochromatin of telocentric bivalents and a relatively central nuclear localisation for pericentromeric heterochromatin of metacentric bivalents. We also discuss some of the biological consequences that could arise from the conservation of such distributions. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Sun F  Handel MA 《Chromosoma》2008,117(5):471-485
The meiotic prophase I to metaphase I transition (G2/MI) involves disassembly of synaptonemal complex (SC), chromatin condensation, and final compaction of morphologically distinct MI bivalent chromosomes. Control of these processes is poorly understood. The G2/MI transition was experimentally induced in mouse pachytene spermatocytes by okadaic acid (OA), and kinetic analysis revealed that disassembly of the central element of the SC occurred very rapidly after OA treatment, before histone H3 phosphorylation on Ser10. These events were followed by relocalization of SYCP3 and final condensation of bivalents. Enzymatic control of these G2/MI transition events was studied using small molecule inhibitors: butyrolactone I (BLI), an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) and ZM447439 (ZM), an inhibitor of aurora kinases (AURKs). The formation of highly condensed MI bivalents and disassembly of the SC are regulated by both CDKs and AURKs. AURKs also mediate phosphorylation of histone H3 in meiosis. However, neither BLI nor ZM inhibited disassembly of the central element of the SC. Thus, despite evidence that the metaphase promoting factor is a universal regulator of the onset of cell division, desynapsis, the first and key step of the G2/MI transition, occurs independently of BLI-sensitive CDKs and ZM-sensitive AURKs.  相似文献   

Post pachytene stages of meiotic prophase in males of Ascaris suum have been analyzed with the electron microscope. No synaptonemal-like polycomplexes (PCs) have been observed in the nucleoplasm or cytoplasm during the period from pachytene to diakinesis. From Serially sectioned diplotene nuclei it was found that the bivalents are located near the periphery of the nuclei, the central part of the nuclei being vacant. Each nucleus contains one nucleolus. Up to 1 m long stretches of unpaired lateral elements (LEs) are found in some of the diplotene bivalents. These LEs are morphologically similar to unpaired LEs in early zygotene nuclei. Partial 3-dimensional reconstruction of two nuclei shows that the bivalents contain some small stretches of synaptonemal complex (SC) up to 1.9 m long. Some bivalents at diakinesis show remnants of SCs. At this stage chromosomes are fibrous, condensed, attached to the nuclear envelope and mostly with a rounded profile in cross section. The synchronous development of the spermatocytes and small bivalents at diplotene in A. suum make this system a good object for the study of localization of SC remnants.  相似文献   

Structural organization of the meiotic prophase chromatin in the rat testis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Pachytene nuclei were isolated from rat testes by the unit gravity sedimentation technique and contained histone variants H1a, H1t, TH2A, TH2B, and X2 in addition to the somatic histones H1bde, H1c, H2A, H2B, H3, and H4. The basic organization of the pachytene chromatin namely the nucleosome repeat length and the accessibility to micrococcal nuclease, was similar to that of rat liver interphase chromatin. However, when digested by DNase I, the susceptibility of pachytene chromatin was 25% more than liver chromatin under identical conditions. Nucleosome core particles were isolated from both liver and pachytene nuclei and were characterized for their DNA length and integrity of the nucleoprotein on low ionic strength nucleoprotein gels. While liver core particles contained all the somatic histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4, in the pachytene core particles, histone variants TH2A, X2, and TH2B had replaced nearly 60% of the respective somatic histones. A comparison of the circular dichroism spectra obtained for pachytene and liver core particles indicated that the pachytene core particles were less compact than the liver core particles. Studies on the thermal denaturation properties of the two types of core particles revealed that the fraction of the pachytene core DNA melting at the premelting temperature region of 55-60 degrees C was significantly higher than that of the liver core DNA.  相似文献   

In a study of the early meiotic prophase stages of mouse oogenesis from d12 of gestation to 10d post-partum the patterns of RNA synthesis during these stages of oogenesis using H3-uridine incorporation as visualized by light microscope autoradiography are reported. We find that chromosomal RNA synthesis occurs in all stages except early to mid-pachytene, the time of maximum chromosome condensation. Diplotene and dictyate nuclei are the most heavily labelled stages. Nucleolar labelling ceases before leptotene and reappears in late pachytene or early diplotene, even though nucleoli can be identified in all stages except early to mid-pachytene.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of nucleoli was examined in developing rat spermatocytes and spermatids, with the help of serial sections. In addition, the radioautographic reaction of nucleoli as examined in rats sacrificed 1 hr after intratesticular injection of 3H(5')-uridine and taken as an index of the rate of synthesis of ribosomal RNA (rRNA). Primary spermatocytes from preleptotene to zygotene have small nucleoli typically composed of fibrillar centers, a fibrillar component, and a granular component, within which are narrow interstitial spaces. During early and mid-pachytene, nucleoli enlarge to about nine times their initial size, with the fibrillar and granular components forming an extensive network of cords--a nucleolonema--within which are wide interstitial spaces. Meanwhile, there appear structures identical to the granular component but distinct from nucleoli; they are referred to as extranucleolar granular elements. Finally, from late pachytene to the first maturation division, nucleoli undergo condensation, as shown by contraction of fibrillar centers into small clumps, while fibrillar and granular components condense and segregate from each other, with a gradual decrease in interstitial spaces. In secondary spermatocytes, nucleoli are compact and rather small, while in young spermatids they are also compact and even smaller. Nucleoli disappear in elongating spermatids. In 3H-uridine radioautographs, nucleolar label is weak in young primary spermatocytes, increases progressively during early pachytene, is strong by the end of mid pachytene, but gradually decreases during late pachytene up to the first maturation division. In secondary spermatocytes and spermatids, there is no significant nucleolar label. In conclusion, rRNA synthesis by nucleoli is low in young spermatocytes. During pachytene, while nucleoli enlarge and form a lacy nucleolonema, rRNA synthesis increases gradually to a high level by the end of mid pachytene. However, during the condensation and segregation of nucleolar components occurring from late pachytene onward, the synthesis gradually decreases and disappears. The small, compact spermatids arising from the second maturation division do not synthesize rRNA.  相似文献   

Anthers of Lilium candidum L. were cultivated on artificial media containing labelled amino acids. Histones were isolated from meiocytes and fractionated by the use of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). Total histone synthesis was found not to terminate at the end of premeiotic interphase but to continue until at least zygotene. However, the rate of synthesis was reduced during prophase I compared to interphase. Separate fractions were synthesized asynchronously during the period from late interphase to zygotene. Tissue specific histone of meiosis (FM) was synthesized during late interphase and leptotene.Dedicated to Professor A. A. Prokofieva-Belgovskaia on the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of her birthday.  相似文献   

Summary Dispersed testicular cells prepared from 14-d-old rats were cultured on type 1 collagen gels using a medium composed of a 1∶1 mixture of Ham’s F12 medium and Leibovitz’s L15 medium (F12-L15 medium) containing 10% (vol/vol) fetal bovine serum. The viability of the spermatogenic cells was facilitated by supplementing a rat adrenal extract into the medium. The effective substance(s) (the survival factor) was purified from acid extracts of adrenals by molecular sieve high performance liquid chromatography and identified as epinephrine and norepinephrine. Both epinephrine and norepinephrine promoted the survival of the spermatogenic cells with a half saturating dose of 10 ng/ml. The spermatogenic cells, which could be cultured for 2 wk on a collagen gel by supplementing with the survival factor (epinephrine or norepinephrine), were subjected to Giemsa staining and to DNA flow cytometry. The following results were obtained: a) The spermatogenic cells from 14-d-old rats did not contain spermiogenic cells (lc-cells). b) During a culture period of 2 to 7 d the ratio of meiotic prophase spermatocytes (4c-cells) to premeiotic cells (2c-cells) increased. On Day 7, more than 90% of the surviving cells were meiotic prophase spermatocytes. c) On Day 10, spermatids (lc-cells) appeared for the first time. The time of the first appearance of spermatids in the culture was consistent with that in vivo. These results suggest that both epinephrine and norepinephrine facilitated the viability of meiotic prophase spermatocytes and that a part of the meiotic prophase spermatocytes completed the meiotic divisions in the testicular cell culture.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of whole X-Y pairs has been reconstructed by serial sectioning and model building. Seven X-Y pairs were completely reconstructed and the lengths of the cores of the sex chromosomes were measured. These X-Y pairs corresponded to zygonema, early, middle and late pachynema. Special regions of the X-Y pair were reconstructed from thinner sections. — It has been shown that two cores exist in the sex pair during the cited stages, and that their lengths and morphology are rather constant in specific stages. The long core averages 8.9 in length and the short core is 3.5 long. Both cores have a common end region in which a synaptonemal complex is formed from zygonema up to midpachynema. This synaptonemal complex shortens progressively up to mid-pachynema and at late pachynema becomes obliterated. Each core has a free end touching the nuclear membrane. During mid-pachynema an anomalous synaptonemal complex is developed on most of the length of the long core. This complex is asymmetric and disappears at late pachynema. The meaning of the cores and the complexes are discussed, and the existence of a homologous region in the X-Y pair of the mouse is interpreted to be proved.  相似文献   

Lepidoptera males bear two kinds of meiotic divisions. One is regular (eupyrene) and leads to nucleate, fertilizing spermatozoa. The other (apyrene) shows metaphase I chromosomes clumping together into irregular masses which later split forming daughter cells with unbalanced sets of chromosomes which are eventually extruded from the cells; hence, the spermatids develop into anucleate spermatozoa of unknown function. The apyrene divisions are induced by a haemolymph factor which becomes functional towards pupation. Using incorporation of tritiated thymidine at the premeiotic S-phase as a marker for timing, it was found that the prophase of the apyrene spermatocyte is shorter than that of the eupyrene spermatocyte. It is proposed that meiosis-specific proteins cannot be synthesized during the shortened apyrene prophase and that this is correlated with the irregular chromosome behaviour during the subsequent metaphase-telophase of these spermatocytes.  相似文献   

Analysis of DNA synthesis during meiotic prophase in Lilium   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

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