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Diphtheria toxin forms pores in biological and model membranes upon exposure to low pH. These pores may play a critical role in the translocation of the A chain of the toxin into the cytoplasm. The effect of protein concentration on diphtheria toxin pore formation in model membrane systems was assayed by using a new fluorescence quenching method. In this method, the movement of Cascade Blue labeled dextrans of various sizes across membranes is detected by antibodies which quench Cascade Blue fluorescence. It was found that at low pH the toxin makes pores in phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidylglycerol vesicles with a size that depends on protein concentration. At the lowest toxin concentrations only the entrapped free fluorophore (MW 538) could be released from model membranes. At intermediate toxin concentrations, a 3 kD dextran could be released. At the highest toxin concentration, a 10 kD dextran could be released, but not a 70 kD dextran. Similar pore properties were found using vesicles lacking phosphatidylglycerol or containing 30% cholesterol. However, larger pores formed at lower protein concentrations in the presence of cholesterol. The dependence of pore size on toxin concentration suggests that toxin oligomerization regulates pore size. This behavior may explain some of the conflicting data on the size of the pores formed by diphtheria toxin. The formation of oligomers by membrane-inserted toxin is consistent with the results of chemical crosslinking and measurements of the self-quenching of rhodamine-labeled toxin. Based on these experiments we propose diphtheria toxin forms oligomers with a variable stoichiometry, and that pore size depends on the oligomerization state. Reasons why oligomerization could assist proper membrane insertion of the toxin and other proteins that convert from soluble to membrane-inserted states are discussed. Received: 10 March 1999/Revised: 22 June 1999  相似文献   

In a study of integration at the single neuron level, the relationships between the postsynaptic membrane potential and the presynaptic spike train were analyzed. Fluctuations in membrane potential of neurons in the visceral ganglion of Aplysia were measured and described by histograms. The histogram estimates the probability density function of the membrane potential. Comparisons were made among histograms when there was no synaptic input, and when there was a single input in which variations were made in the PSP (postsynaptic potential) sign, i.e. excitatory or inhibitory, and arrival statistics, e.g. slow or fast, regular, Poisson-like, or patterned. This was examined in cells where the membrane potential was constant and in cells in which there was spontaneous pacemaker activity. The form of the histogram depended on whether the neuron was spontaneously quiescent or a pacemaker, or whether it received presynaptic input and, if it did, on the sign and temporal characteristics of such input. From such histograms the mean firing rate of output spike trains can be predicted; additional information of a temporal nature is required, however, to predict features of the interval structure of the output train. Suggestions are made concerning the way the nervous system might utilize the information summarized in the membrane potential histogram.  相似文献   

Precise measurements of the net flux of protons in Chara internodalcells were made with a recently designed high-resolution pH-meter.Survival of intact Chara internodal cells in artificial pondwater (APW) that contained HC1 at various concentrations wasalso examined. The apparent net flux of H+ was inward and muchsmaller than that reported so far. In APW at pH 4.005, a valuehigher than the extracellular pH expected from the values ofH+ efflux reported to date, all of the intact Chara internodalcells died within a day. With reference to the data on the circadianflow of ions in the pulvinus of Phaseolus [Kiyosawa (1979) PlantCell Physiol. 20: 1621–1634, Hosokawa and Kiyosawa (1983)Plant Cell Physiol. 24: 1065–1072] and ionic regulationin Chara L-cells [Kiyosawa and Okihara (1988) Plant Cell Physiol.29: 9–19], a discussion is presented of the prossiblyminor contribution of the net flux of H+ in the generation ofthe electrical membrane potential. Regulation of the net fluxof H+ in weakly acidic APW is also discussed. (Received September 4, 1989; Accepted January 25, 1990)  相似文献   

When photon flux density incident on attached leaves of Zea mays L. was varied from the equivalent of 0.12 of full sunlight to full sunlight, leaf conductance to CO2 transfer, g, changed in proportion to the change in rate of CO2, assimilation, A, with the result that intercellular partial pressure of CO2 remained almost constant. The proportionality was the same as that previously found in g and A measured at one photon flux density in plants of Zea mays L. grown at different levels of mineral nutrition, light intensities, and ambient partial pressures of CO2. In shade-grown Phaseolus vulgaris L. plants, A as photon flux density was increased from about 0.12 up to about 0.5 full sunlight, the proportionality being almost the same in plants grown at low and at high light intensity.

When photon flux density incident on the adaxial and abaxial surfaces of the isolateral leaves of Eucalyptus pauciflora Sieb. ex Spreng was varied, g and A also varied proportionally. The leaf conductance in a particular surface was affected by the photon flux density at the opposite surface to a greater extent than was expected on the basis of transmittance. The results indicated that stomata may, in some way, be sensitive to the photon flux absorbed within the leaf as a whole.


Copepod faecal pellet characteristics and production were measuredin spring 1995, 1996 and 1997 in the North Sea Southern Bightin order to define changes due to the development of the phytoplanktonbloom. Changes were related to the succession from diatomsto a Phaeocystis sp. bloom. Mean monthly pellet productiondecreased during the Phaeocystis bloom development to 0.27 pelletsind. –1 h –1, approximately 80% lower than beforeand after the bloom. Although phytoplanktonic pigments showedsignificant differences between inshore and offshore stations,there was no such significant difference for faecal pellet production.Faecal pellet sinking-rate decreased from 100 to 70 m day –1during the transition from a diatom- to a Phaeocystis-dominatedbloom. This was due to a decrease in pellet density and/or adecrease of the pellet volume. These results supported the ideaof lower feeding of copepods under Phaeocystis bloom conditions.As mean seasonal density of copepod faecal pellets was higher(1.37 g cm –3) than in other seas, accidental ingestionof sedimentary material as the cause of this high density isdiscussed.  相似文献   

Increasing reactive nitrogen (N) input has been recognized as one of the important factors influencing climate system through affecting the uptake and emission of greenhouse gases (GHG). However, the magnitude and spatiotemporal variations of N‐induced GHG fluxes at regional and global scales remain far from certain. Here we selected China as an example, and used a coupled biogeochemical model in conjunction with spatially explicit data sets (including climate, atmospheric CO2, O3, N deposition, land use, and land cover changes, and N fertilizer application) to simulate the concurrent impacts of increasing atmospheric and fertilized N inputs on balance of three major GHGs (CO2, CH4, and N2O). Our simulations showed that these two N enrichment sources in China decreased global warming potential (GWP) through stimulating CO2 sink and suppressing CH4 emission. However, direct N2O emission was estimated to offset 39% of N‐induced carbon (C) benefit, with a net GWP of three GHGs averaging ?376.3 ± 146.4 Tg CO2 eq yr?1 (the standard deviation is interannual variability of GWP) during 2000–2008. The chemical N fertilizer uses were estimated to increase GWP by 45.6 ± 34.3 Tg CO2 eq yr?1 in the same period, and C sink was offset by 136%. The largest C sink offset ratio due to increasing N input was found in Southeast and Central mainland of China, where rapid industrial development and intensively managed crop system are located. Although exposed to the rapidly increasing N deposition, most of the natural vegetation covers were still showing decreasing GWP. However, due to extensive overuse of N fertilizer, China's cropland was found to show the least negative GWP, or even positive GWP in recent decade. From both scientific and policy perspectives, it is essential to incorporate multiple GHGs into a coupled biogeochemical framework for fully assessing N impacts on climate changes.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli hemolysin is known to cause hemolysis of red blood cells by forming hydrophilic pores in their cell membrane. Hemolysin-induced pores have been directly visualized in model systems such as planar lipid membranes and unilamellar vesicles. However this hemolysin, like all the members of a related family of toxins called Repeat Toxins, is a potent leukotoxin. To investigate whether the formation of channels is involved also in its leukotoxic activity, we used patch-clamped human macrophages as targets. Indeed, when exposed to the hemolysin, these cells developed additional pores into their membrane. Such exogenous pores had properties very different from the endogenous channels already present in the cell membrane (primarily K+ channels), but very similar to the pores formed by the toxin in purely lipidic model membranes. Observed properties were: large single channel conductance, cation over anion selectivity but weak discrimination among different cations, quasilinear current-voltage characteristic and the existence of a flickering pre-open state of small conductance. The selectivity properties of the toxin channels appearing in phospholipid vesicles were also investigated, using a specially adapted polarization/depolarization assay, and were found to be completely consistent with that of the current fluctuations observed in excised macrophage patches. Received: 14 August 1995/Revised: 2 October 1995  相似文献   

The physico-chemical properties of soymilk particles were investigated as a function of concentration of protein in soymilk. Soymilk samples were prepared using different water-to-protein ratios, resulting in 4?%, 5?% and 7?% protein content. The soymilk particles were not significantly different in their protein composition, surface hydrophobicity and intrinsic fluorescence; however, their ??-potential and particle size were affected by protein concentration. Using a relation between the effective refractive index of soymilk and the turbidity parameter determined experimentally using diffusing wave spectroscopy, it was possible to estimate, for the first time, a voluminosity of 4.11?mL/g and a refractive index of 1.388 for the colloidal particles. This allowed conversion of protein content to volume fraction, and comparison of the experimental data collected by diffusing wave spectroscopy, rheology and ultrasonic spectroscopy with theoretical models.  相似文献   

The uptake of glucose and the formation of end products from glucose catabolism have been measured for sediments of eutrophic Wintergreen Lake with a combination of tritiated and 14C-labeled tracers. Time course analyses of the loss of [3H]glucose from sediments were used to establish rate constants for glucose uptake at natural substrate concentrations. Turnover times from these analyses were about 1 min for littoral and profundal sediments. No seasonal or site differences were noted in turnover times. Time course analyses of [U-14C]glucose uptake and 14C-labeled end product formation indicated that glucose mass flow could not be calculated from end product formation since the specific activity of added [14C]glucose was significantly diluted by pools of intracellular glucose and glucose metabolites. Mass flow could only be accurately estimated by use of rates of uptake from tracer studies. Intermediate fermentation end products included acetate (71%), propionate (15%), lactate (9%), and only minor amounts of butyrates or valerates. Addition of H2 to sediments resulted in greater production of lactate (28%) and decreased formation of acetate (50%), but did not affect glucose turnover. Depth profiles of glucose uptake indicated that rates of uptake decreased with depth over the 0- to 18-cm interval and that glucose uptake accounted for 30 to 40% of methanogenesis in profundal sediments.  相似文献   

We carried out a theoretical analysis of phloem transport based on Münch hypothesis by developing a coupled xylem-phloem transport model. Results showed that the maximum sugar transport rate of the phloem was limited by solution viscosity and that transport requirements were strongly affected by prevailing xylem water potential. The minimum number of xylem and phloem conduits required to sustain transpiration and assimilation, respectively, were calculated. At its maximum sugar transport rate, the phloem functioned with a high turgor pressure difference between the sugar sources and sinks but the turgor pressure difference was reduced if additional parallel conduits were added or solute relays were introduced. Solute relays were shown to decrease the number of parallel sieve tubes needed for phloem transport, leading to a more uniform turgor pressure and allowing faster information transmission within the phloem. Because xylem water potential affected both xylem and phloem transport, the conductance of the two systems was found to be coupled such that large structural investments in the xylem reduced the need for investment in the phloem and vice versa.  相似文献   

We report a theoretical approach, at the M05-2x/6-311+G(d) level, to explain the affinity of indazoles for nitric oxide synthases using a simplified model of porphyrin. The theoretical Erel = Ei stacking–Ei apical values correlate with the experimental inhibition percents allowing to predict that 3,7-dinitro-1H-indazole should be a good NOS inhibitor.  相似文献   

WHITE  D. J. B. 《Annals of botany》1954,18(3):327-335
An investigation has been made of the relation between the sizesof the lamina and of the petiolar xylem of both mature and immatureleaves of the runner bean (Phaseolus multiflorus Willd.). The ratios xylem area/lamina area and the number of vessels/laminaarea are lowest for mature leaves. Immature leaves gave higherbut somewhat more variable values for these two ratios. There is a constant growth ratio between the lpminn area andthe xylem area, such that k is approximately o·61 inthe allometry formula. The significance of the results is briefly considered from thepoint of view that the xylem area is related to the water requirementsof the leaf.  相似文献   

Linear growth was studied in 20 children suffering from Still''s disease on various treatment regimens, and their ability to secrete growth hormone and cortisol was investigated. Growth recovered on reducing daily corticosteroid therapy or on changing to an alternative regimen. Retardation of growth was not due to an absolute inability to secrete growth hormone. Basal plasma cortisol levels and the plasma cortisol response to hypoglycaemia were reduced in patients on daily steroid therapy, but patients on alternate-day prednisone did not differ significantly in this respect from those on non-steroid regimens. Those on alternate-day corticotrophin showed preservation of the circadian rhythm but a subnormal response to hypoglycaemia.  相似文献   

He  Ping  Osaki  Mitsuru  Takebe  Masako  Shinano  Takuro 《Photosynthetica》2002,40(4):547-552
A field experiment was conducted to investigate the changes in chlorophyll (Chl) and nitrogen (N) contents, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBPCO) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) contents and PEPC activity, and the photon-saturated net photosynthetic rate (P Nsat), and their relationships with leaf senescence in two maize hybrids with different senescent appearance. One stay-green (cv. P3845) and one earlier senescent (cv. Hokkou 55) hybrid were used in this study, and we found that Chl and N contents and the P Nsat in individual leaves of P3845 were greater than those in corresponding leaves of Hokkou 55 at the successive growth stages. In addition, larger contents of RuBPCO and PEPC, and a greater activity of PEPC were observed in P3845. Due to the lower rates of decrease of Chl, RuBPCO, and PEPC amounts per unit of N, and the lower net C translocation rate per unit of N in the stay-green hybrid, leaf senescence was delayed in comparison to the earlier senescent hybrid.  相似文献   

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) arises as a consequence of mutations in the dystrophin gene. Dystrophin is a membrane-spanning protein that connects the cytoskeleton and the basal lamina. The most distinctive features of DMD are a progressive muscular dystrophy, a myofiber degeneration with fibrosis and metabolic alterations such as fatty infiltration, however, little is known on lipid metabolism changes arising in Duchenne patient cells. Our goal was to identify metabolic changes occurring in Duchenne patient cells especially in terms of L-carnitine homeostasis, fatty acid metabolism both at the mitochondrial and peroxisomal level and the consequences on the membrane structure and function. In this paper, we compared the structural and functional characteristics of DMD patient and control cells. Using radiolabeled L-carnitine, we found, in patient muscle cells, a marked decrease in the uptake and the intracellular level of L-carnitine. Associated with this change, a decrease in the mitochondrial metabolism can be seen from the analysis of mRNA encoding for mitochondrial proteins. Probably, associated with these changes in fatty acid metabolism, alterations in the lipid composition of the cells were identified: with an increase in poly unsaturated fatty acids and a decrease in medium chain fatty acids, mono unsaturated fatty acids and in cholesterol contents. Functionally, the membrane of cells lacking dystrophin appeared to be less fluid, as determined at 37°C by fluorescence anisotropy. These changes may, at least in part, be responsible for changes in the phospholipids and cholesterol profile in cell membranes and ultimately may reduce the fluidity of the membrane. A supplementation with L-carnitine partly restored the fatty acid profile by increasing saturated fatty acid content and decreasing the amounts of MUFA, PUFA, VLCFA. L-carnitine supplementation also restored muscle membrane fluidity. This suggests that regulating lipid metabolism in DMD cells may improve the function of cells lacking dystrophin.  相似文献   

Abstract: Factors affecting dopamine (DA) synthesis in rat striatal synaptosomes were examined by measuring the conversion of [3H]tyrosine (Tyr) to [3H]DA. Any [3H]DA that was synthesized was extracted into a toluene-based scintillation cocktail and quantitated by liquid scintillation spectrometry. The extraction was facilitated using di-(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid (DEHP), a liquid cation exchanger. DA, apomorphine, and other DA agonists were much less potent inhibitors of DA synthesis in striatal synaptosomes at pH 6.2 than at pH 7.2. 3-(3-Hydroxyphenyl)- N - n -propylpiperidine (3-PPP), a putative DA autoreceptor agonist, was inactive at pH 6.2. However, at pH 7.2, 3-PPP did inhibit DA synthesis. This inhibition was reversed by sulpiride, a DA receptor antagonist, but not by benztropine, a DA uptake blocker, suggesting that 3-PPP inhibits DA synthesis by stimulating the DA autoreceptor. DA release from synaptosomes was much greater at pH 6.2 than at pH 7.2, most probably because the synaptosomal membrane appears to be depolarized at pH 6.2, as measured by the accumulation of [3H]tetraphenylphosphonium ions. Since tyrosine hydroxylase is inhibited by DA, this finding suggested that low assay buffer pH (i.e., pH 6.2) might interfere with the ability of 3-PPP and other DA agonists to inhibit DA synthesis, by promoting DA release. Likewise, reserpine and tetrabenazine, compounds which disrupt vesicular DA storage, were much less effective inhibitors of DA synthesis at pH 6.2 (high basal DA release). Moreover, d -amphetamine and high buffer potassium concentrations, treatments which promote DA release, also interfered with the ability of 3-PPP to inhibit DA synthesis. Thus, modulation of the release of DA in equilibrium with tyrosine hydroxylase may be a mechanism by which the DA autoreceptor regulates DA synthesis.  相似文献   

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