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The galK gene, encoding galactokinase of the Leloir pathway, was insertionally inactivated in Streptococcus mutans UA159. The galK knockout strain displayed only marginal growth on galactose, but growth on glucose or lactose was not affected. In strain UA159, the sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS) for lactose and the PTS for galactose were induced by growth in lactose and galactose, although galactose PTS activity was very low, suggesting that S. mutans does not have a galactose-specific PTS and that the lactose PTS may transport galactose, albeit poorly. To determine if the galactose growth defect of the galK mutant could be overcome by enhancing lactose PTS activity, the gene encoding a putative repressor of the operon for lactose PTS and phospho-β-galactosidase, lacR, was insertionally inactivated. A galK and lacR mutant still could not grow on galactose, although the strain had constitutively elevated lactose PTS activity. The glucose PTS activity of lacR mutants grown in glucose was lower than in the wild-type strain, revealing an influence of LacR or the lactose PTS on the regulation of the glucose PTS. Mutation of the lacA gene of the tagatose pathway caused impaired growth in lactose and galactose, suggesting that galactose can only be efficiently utilized when both the Leloir and tagatose pathways are functional. A mutation of the permease in the multiple sugar metabolism operon did not affect growth on galactose. Thus, the galactose permease of S. mutans is not present in the gal, lac, or msm operons.  相似文献   

The galK gene, encoding galactokinase of the Leloir pathway, was insertionally inactivated in Streptococcus mutans UA159. The galK knockout strain displayed only marginal growth on galactose, but growth on glucose or lactose was not affected. In strain UA159, the sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS) for lactose and the PTS for galactose were induced by growth in lactose and galactose, although galactose PTS activity was very low, suggesting that S. mutans does not have a galactose-specific PTS and that the lactose PTS may transport galactose, albeit poorly. To determine if the galactose growth defect of the galK mutant could be overcome by enhancing lactose PTS activity, the gene encoding a putative repressor of the operon for lactose PTS and phospho-beta-galactosidase, lacR, was insertionally inactivated. A galK and lacR mutant still could not grow on galactose, although the strain had constitutively elevated lactose PTS activity. The glucose PTS activity of lacR mutants grown in glucose was lower than in the wild-type strain, revealing an influence of LacR or the lactose PTS on the regulation of the glucose PTS. Mutation of the lacA gene of the tagatose pathway caused impaired growth in lactose and galactose, suggesting that galactose can only be efficiently utilized when both the Leloir and tagatose pathways are functional. A mutation of the permease in the multiple sugar metabolism operon did not affect growth on galactose. Thus, the galactose permease of S. mutans is not present in the gal, lac, or msm operons.  相似文献   

The structural gene for a glucan-binding protein (GBP) of Streptococcus mutans has been inserted into a bacteriophage lambda vector and expressed in Escherichia coli K12. Lysates of E. coli infected with the recombinant phage contain an antigenic protein of the same size as S. mutans GBP. The GBP synthesized in E. coli can be affinity-purified on immobilized glucan and antiserum raised against it has been shown to precipitate fructosyltransferase activity from S. mutans.  相似文献   

Chromosomal DNA from Streptococcus mutans strain UAB90 (serotype c) was cloned into Escherichia coli K-12. The clone bank was screened for any sucrose-hydrolyzing activity by selection for growth on raffinose in the presence of isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactoside. A clone expressing an S. mutans glucosyltransferase was identified. The S. mutans DNA encoding this enzyme is a 1.73-kilobase fragment cloned into the HindIII site of plasmid pBR322. We designated the gene gtfA. The plasmid-encoded gtfA enzyme, a 55,000-molecular-weight protein, is synthesized at 40% the level of pBR322-encoded beta-lactamase in E. coli minicells. Using sucrose as substrate, the gtfA enzyme catalyzes the formation of fructose and a glucan with an apparent molecular weight of 1,500. We detected the gtfA protein in S. mutans cells with antibody raised against the cloned gtfA enzyme. Immunologically identical gtfA protein appears to be present in S. mutans cells of serotypes c, e, and f, and a cross-reacting protein was made by serotype b cells. Proteins from serotype a, g, and d S. mutans cells did not react with antibody to gtfA enzyme. The gtfA activity was present in the periplasmic space of E. coli clones, since 15% of the total gtfA activity was released by cold osmotic shock and the clones were able to grow on sucrose as sole carbon source.  相似文献   

The extracellular glucosyltransferases (GTFs) of Streptococcus mutans are not secreted into the periplasmic space of Escherichia coli when the corresponding gtf genes are isolated in the latter organism. The utilization of both deletion analysis and gtfB: phoA fusions indicate that the signal sequences of the GTFs are functional in E. coli. However, these results further suggest that amino acid sequences present in the carboxyl terminus of the GTFs inhibit secretion through the cytoplasmic membrane in E. coli.  相似文献   

The Encyclopedia of Genes and Metabolism (EcoCyc) is a database that combines information about the genome and the intermediary metabolism of Escherichia coli. It describes 2970 genes of E.coli, 547 enzymes encoded by these genes, 702 metabolic reactions that occur in E.coli and the organization of these reactions into 107 metabolic pathways. The EcoCyc graphical user interface allows scientists to query and explore the EcoCyc database using visualization tools such as genomic-map browsers and automatic layouts of metabolic pathways. EcoCyc spans the space from sequence to function to allow scientists to investigate an unusually broad range of questions. EcoCyc can be thought of as both an electronic review article because of its copious references to the primary literature, and as an in silicio model of E.coli metabolism that can be probed and analyzed through computational means.  相似文献   

Galactose repression of beta-galactosidase induction in Escherichia coli   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
Beggs, William H. (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis), and Palmer Rogers. Galactose repression of beta-galactosidase induction in Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 91:1869-1874. 1966.-Galactose repression of beta-galactosidase induction in Escherichia coli was investigated to determine whether the galactose molecule itself is the catabolite repressor of this enzyme system. Without exception, beta-galactosidase induction by cells grown in a synthetic salts medium with lactate or glycerol as the carbon source was more strongly repressed by glucose than by galactose. This relationship existed even when the organism was previously grown in the synthetic medium containing galactose as the source of carbon. Two observations suggested that the ability of galactose to repress beta-galactosidase formation by Escherichia coli depends directly upon the cells' capacity to catabolize galactose. First, galactose repression of beta-galactosidase synthesis was markedly enhanced in bacteria tested subsequent to gratuitous induction of the galactose-degrading enzymes with d-fucose. Second, galactose failed to exert a repressive effect on beta-galactosidase in a galactose-negative mutant lacking the first two enzymes involved in galactose catabolism. Glucose completely repressed enzyme formation in this mutant. This same mutant, into which the genes for inducible galactose utilization had been introduced previously by transduction, again exhibited galactose repression. Pyruvate was found to be at least as effective as galactose in repressing beta-galactosidase induction by cells grown in synthetic salts medium plus glycerol. It is concluded that the galactose molecule itself is not the catabolite repressor of beta-galactosidase, but that repression is exerted through some intermediate in galactose catabolism.  相似文献   

Streptococcus thermophilus is unable to metabolize the galactose moiety of lactose. In this paper, we show that a transformant of S. thermophilus SMQ-301 expressing Streptococcus salivarius galK and galM was able to grow on galactose and expelled at least twofold less galactose into the medium during growth on lactose.  相似文献   

Multiple Streptococcus mutans Genes Are Involved in Biofilm Formation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Streptococcus mutans has been strongly implicated as the principal etiological agent in dental caries. One of the important virulence properties of these organisms is their ability to form biofilms known as dental plaque on tooth surfaces. Since the roles of sucrose and glucosyltransferases in S. mutans biofilm formation have been well documented, we focused our attention on sucrose-independent factors. We have initially identified several mutants that appear to be defective in biofilm formation on abiotic surfaces by an insertional inactivation mutagenesis strategy applied to S. mutans. A total of 27 biofilm-defective mutants were isolated and analyzed in this study. From these mutants, three genes were identified. One of the mutants was defective in the Bacillus subtilis lytR homologue. Another of the biofilm-defective mutants isolated was a yulF homologue, which encodes a hypothetical protein of B. subtilis whose function in biofilm formation is unknown. The vast majority of the mutants were defective in the comB gene required for competence. We therefore have constructed and examined comACDE null mutants. These mutants were also found to be attenuated in biofilm formation. Biofilm formation by several other regulatory gene mutants were also characterized using an in vitro biofilm-forming assay. These results suggest that competence genes as well as the sgp and dgk genes may play important roles in S. mutans biofilm formation.  相似文献   

Glutathione (γ-GluCysGly, GSH) is not found in most gram-positive bacteria, but some appear to synthesize it and others, including Streptococcus mutans ATCC 33402, import it from their growth medium. Import of oxidized glutathione (GSSG) by S. mutans 33402 in 7H9 medium was shown to require glucose and to occur with an apparent Km of 18 ± 5 μM. GSSG, GSH, S-methylglutathione, and homocysteine-glutathione mixed disulfide (hCySSG) were imported at comparable rates (measured by depletion of substrate in the medium), as was the disulfide of γ-GluCys. In contrast, the disulfide of CysGly was not taken up at a measurable rate, indicating that the γ-Glu residue is important for efficient transport. During incubation with GSSG, little GSSG was detected in cells but GSH and γ-GluCys accumulated during the first 30 min and then declined. No significant intracellular accumulation of Cys or sulfide was found. Transient intracellular accumulation of d/l-homocysteine, as well as GSH and γ-GluCys, was observed during import of hCySSG. Although substantial levels of GSH were found in cells when S. mutans was grown on media containing glutathione, such GSH accumulation had no effect on the growth rate. However, the presence of cellular GSH did protect against growth inhibition by the thiol-oxidizing agent diamide. Import of glutathione by S. mutans ATCC 25175, which like strain 33402 does not synthesize glutathione, occurred at a rate comparable to that of strain 33402, but three species which appear to synthesize glutathione (S. agalactiae ATCC 12927, S. pyogenes ATCC 8668, and Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212) imported glutathione at negligible or markedly lower rates.Bacteria import peptides composed of two to eight residues by means of a number of different multiprotein uptake systems or permeases (14). Of the bacterial permeases, those of Escherichia coli, Lactococcus lactis, and Salmonella typhimurium are the best studied (6, 7). In these organisms, there are individual permeases that have high affinity for dipeptides, tripeptides, dipeptides and tripeptides, or oligopeptides. Among the bacterial peptide permeases (14), there seems to be no discrimination of the specific amino acids of the transported peptides. However, switching the stereochemistry of Cα from l to d or modifying the C-terminal carboxylate or N-terminal amine of transported peptides significantly reduces the rate of transport. One transport system which does seem to recognize peptide residue side chains has been reported to exist in Enterococcus faecalis; this system transports only peptides that possess an N-terminal Asp or Glu (13).In 1978, we reported that glutathione (γ-GluCysGly, GSH) is not synthesized by most gram-positive bacteria (4), apparent exceptions being Streptococcus agalactiae and L. lactis (previously Streptococcus lactis). However, some of the gram-positive bacteria appeared to acquire GSH by import of another form of GSH from the growth medium. Uptake of glutathione by Streptococcus mutans was later studied by Thomas (16), who found that total cellular thiol content, and radioactivity from labeled GSH or oxidized GSH (GSSG), increased with the same kinetics. A careful study of L. lactis subsp. cremoris by Wiederholt and Steele (17) established that strain Z8 efficiently accumulates GSH when grown in medium supplemented with GSH but is unable to synthesize it, whereas strain C2 can neither import nor synthesize GSH. Species of Peptostreptococcus and Fusobacterium have been shown to markedly increase their production of H2S, apparently derived by import of glutathione from the growth medium (2). Finally, cellular accumulation of radioactivity from radiolabeled GSH or GSSG added to the incubation medium has been demonstrated in Streptococcus pneumoniae, and a mutant in which the apparent transport of glutathione is blocked has been found (9).In a recent report (10), we provided evidence for accumulation of GSH through transport and synthesis of GSH by streptococci and enterococci, but the occurrence of these processes appeared to be species dependent and even, for some species, strain dependent. Such strain dependence appears most variable for L. lactis, where different strains can synthesize GSH, accumulate GSH by import, or do neither (4, 17). In the present research, we expand on our studies of streptococci in order to gain insight into the nature of the glutathione species transported, the fate of the glutathione once it enters the cell, and the function of glutathione in the cell.  相似文献   

The gal-3 mutation, which had been shown previously to produce unstable revertants, was combined in three instances with recA, a mutation which suppresses recombination. Unstable revertants were produced in the gal-3 recA recombinants qualitatively as frequently as in the absence of the recA gene, and it is concluded that a recombination mechanism is not the basis of the instability observed.  相似文献   

We describe here the construction of a series of 71 vectors to silence central carbon metabolism genes in Escherichia coli. The vectors inducibly express antisense RNAs called paired-terminus antisense RNAs, which have a higher silencing efficacy than ordinary antisense RNAs. By measuring mRNA amounts, measuring activities of target proteins, or observing specific phenotypes, it was confirmed that all the vectors were able to silence the expression of target genes efficiently. Using this vector set, each of the central carbon metabolism genes was silenced individually, and the accumulation of metabolites was investigated. We were able to obtain accurate information on ways to increase the production of pyruvate, an industrially valuable compound, from the silencing results. Furthermore, the experimental results of pyruvate accumulation were compared to in silico predictions, and both sets of results were consistent. Compared to the gene disruption approach, the silencing approach has an advantage in that any E. coli strain can be used and multiple gene silencing is easily possible in any combination.  相似文献   

Galactose-negative mutants of the group H Streptococcus strain Challis were obtained by treatment with nitrosoguanidine. Enzyme assays of extracts of these mutants revealed that 12 of the mutants were lacking one of the enzymes of the Leloir pathway. Thus, the Leloir pathway is the major means of galactose metabolism in strain Challis. In addition, uridyl diphosphate galactose pyrophosphorylase, a permease function, and at least one other function are required for the utilization of galactose. The enzymes of the Leloir pathway are induced by galactose and fucose; no compounds which act as repressors of these enzymes have been found, although the system appears to be sensitive to catabolite repression. Transformation was used to map the mutants. The genes for galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase and glucose-4-epimerase appear to be closely linked. Within the transferase gene, six mutations have been mapped. The permease function and the undetermined functions are not linked to the Leloir pathway.  相似文献   

Triethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA) is a diluent monomer used pervasively in dental composite resins. Through hydrolytic degradation of the composites in the oral cavity it yields a hydrophilic biodegradation product, triethylene glycol (TEG), which has been shown to promote the growth of Streptococcus mutans, a dominant cariogenic bacterium. Previously it was shown that TEG up-regulated gtfB, an important gene contributing to polysaccharide synthesis function in biofilms. However, molecular mechanisms related to TEG’s effect on bacterial function remained poorly understood. In the present study, S. mutans UA159 was incubated with clinically relevant concentrations of TEG at pH 5.5 and 7.0. Quantitative real-time PCR, proteomics analysis, and glucosyltransferase enzyme (GTF) activity measurements were employed to identify the bacterial phenotypic response to TEG. A S. mutans vicK isogenic mutant (SMΔvicK1) and its associated complemented strain (SMΔvicK1C), an important regulatory gene for biofilm-associated genes, were used to determine if this signaling pathway was involved in modulation of the S. mutans virulence-associated genes. Extracted proteins from S. mutans biofilms grown in the presence and absence of TEG were subjected to mass spectrometry for protein identification, characterization and quantification. TEG up-regulated gtfB/C, gbpB, comC, comD and comE more significantly in biofilms at cariogenic pH (5.5) and defined concentrations. Differential response of the vicK knock-out (SMΔvicK1) and complemented strains (SMΔvicK1C) implicated this signalling pathway in TEG-modulated cellular responses. TEG resulted in increased GTF enzyme activity, responsible for synthesizing insoluble glucans involved in the formation of cariogenic biofilms. As well, TEG increased protein abundance related to biofilm formation, carbohydrate transport, acid tolerance, and stress-response. Proteomics data was consistent with gene expression findings for the selected genes. These findings demonstrate a mechanistic pathway by which TEG derived from commercial resin materials in the oral cavity promote S. mutans pathogenicity, which is typically associated with secondary caries.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans, consisting of serotypes c, e, f and k, is an oral aciduric organism associated with the initiation and progression of dental caries. A total of 135 independent Streptococcus mutans strains from caries-free and caries-active subjects isolated from various geographical locations were examined in two versions of an MLST scheme consisting of either 6 housekeeping genes [accC (acetyl-CoA carboxylase biotin carboxylase subunit), gki (glucokinase), lepA (GTP-binding protein), recP (transketolase), sodA (superoxide dismutase), and tyrS (tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase)] or the housekeeping genes supplemented with 2 extracellular putative virulence genes [gtfB (glucosyltransferase B) and spaP (surface protein antigen I/II)] to increase sequence type diversity. The number of alleles found varied between 20 (lepA) and 37 (spaP). Overall, 121 sequence types (STs) were defined using the housekeeping genes alone and 122 with all genes. However π, nucleotide diversity per site, was low for all loci being in the range 0.019–0.007. The virulence genes exhibited the greatest nucleotide diversity and the recombination/mutation ratio was 0.67 [95% confidence interval 0.3–1.15] compared to 8.3 [95% confidence interval 5.0–14.5] for the 6 concatenated housekeeping genes alone. The ML trees generated for individual MLST loci were significantly incongruent and not significantly different from random trees. Analysis using ClonalFrame indicated that the majority of isolates were singletons and no evidence for a clonal structure or evidence to support serotype c strains as the ancestral S. mutans strain was apparent. There was also no evidence of a geographical distribution of individual isolates or that particular isolate clusters were associated with caries. The overall low sequence diversity suggests that S. mutans is a newly emerged species which has not accumulated large numbers of mutations but those that have occurred have been shuffled as a consequence of intra-species recombination generating genotypes which can be readily distinguished by sequence analysis.  相似文献   

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