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In geonomoid palms floral scent is both an important pollinator attractant and an important factor in reproductive isolation. However, little is known about intraspecific variation in floral scent composition in these as well as in other plants. In this study the level of variation in floral scent composition found within and among five populations of Geonoma macrostachys var. macrostachys in the western Amazon is documented. Floral scent samples were collected using head-space adsorption and were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Most of the 108 compounds recorded were of isoprenoid origin, but only 28 of the compounds were found in all 62 samples analyzed. No differentiation was found between the studied populations, confirming that G. macrostachys var. macrostachys is outbreeding and indicating that the individual populations are part of a metapopulation linked by sufficient gene flow to avoid local differentiation. However, a negative correlation between distance and similarity of floral scent chemistry indicates a case of clinal variation within the distribution area of G. macrostachys. Male euglossine bees are infrequent visitors to G. macrostachys, while other groups of insects are abundant. However, the level of variation and the chemical composition lend support to a suggested importance of male euglossine bees in long-distance pollen flow in G. macrostachys. Other insect groups are probably important in securing pollination of most flowers with pollen from nearby sources.  相似文献   

The latest taxonomic account for the palms of the Amazon recognizes two common and widespread varieties of Geonoma macrostachys (Arecaceae) in western Amazonia: acaulis and macrostachys . These varieties are joined by intermediates, which obscure their taxonomic boundaries. An evaluation of the genetic distinctness between G. macrostachys varieties at a local and regional scale is presented. Thirty-one G. macrostachys individuals were randomly sampled from four Peruvian tropical moist forests. Twenty-seven intersimple sequence repeat (ISSR) primers were used, and all clear and reproducible bands were scored and analysed. Of the 99 ISSR bands produced, 51.52% were polymorphic. Nei's gene diversity value ( H ) was 0.2274 and Shannon's information index ( I ) was 0.3237. Clustering, ordination, and analyses of molecular variance (AMOVAs) suggested a lack of genetic distinctness between varieties at the regional level. Individuals clustered by geographical provenance, and two main groups were identified. A significant genetic differentiation between sympatric varieties occurred only in the northern locality (ΦST = 0.359, P  = 0.000). A hierarchical AMOVA revealed that the genetic diversity in G. macrostachys mainly lies between localities (76.58%). Mantel's test revealed no significant correlation between the geographical and genetic distances between individuals. We do not support the recognition of the two taxonomic varieties studied.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 153 , 381–392.  相似文献   

A new palm species, Geonoma irena from western Ecuador, is described and illustrated. It is separated from the polymorphic G. cuneata on the basis of differences in floral morphology, associated with major differences in flowering biology.  相似文献   

A continuous 15 month study of the floral ecology of four syntopic understorey palm species of Genoma was conducted in Amazonian Peru lowland rainforest. The spicate inflorescences of G. macrostachys, G. acaulis and G. gracilis are strictly protandrous and the plants are functionally dioecious. Data suggest that in G. macrostachys and G. acaulis pollination is based on a mimicry system, the pistillate flowers mimicking the staminate ones in colour, shape and scent. Pollen-collecting meliponine bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponinae) and pollen-feeding syrphid flies (Diptera, Syrphidae) which visit inflorescences during both sexual stages are the pollinators of G. macrostachys. Geonoma acaulis is pollinated by small pollen-feeding weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Derelomini) that visit male and female spikes. Additionally, in G. macrostachys another pollinator type, viz. euglossine bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Euglossinae), which are attracted and rewarded by both types of flowers may account for long-distance pollination. The palm G. gracilis shows a very distinct pollination system. Although opportunistic insect visitors are attracted to the inflorescences of this species it seems to be mainly anemophilous because pollen becomes powdery during an thesis. The branched inflorescences of G. interrupta are also protandrous, but unlike the other species of Geonoma observed, staminate and pistillate anthesis of individual flowers are, for the most, overlapping. A broad spectrum of visitors is attracted (bees, wasps, flies, and beetles), which all may act as pollinators. Outcrossing is especially encouraged during the purely female phase at the end of the flowering cycle when there are no more staminate flowers in the inflorescence. Effects on the reproductive biology and population structure of different pollination systems and breeding system are discussed.  相似文献   

Guarea michel-moddei, a new species from central French Guiana is described and illustrated. It differs from the morphologically similarG. cristata of western Amazonia by its unbranched habit; shorter, less dense indumentum of the young parts, leaves, and inflorescence; bullate leaves, shorter inflorescence, shorter pubescence on the corolla; and smaller corolla and staminal tube.  相似文献   

越南铁线莲属一新种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文描述的产于越南的毛茛科Ranunculaceae铁线莲属Clematis一新种C. hagiangensis N. T. Do是欧亚大陆第一个具单性花的种, 在花构造方面与单性铁线莲组单性铁线莲亚组sect. Aspidanthera Spach subsect. Dioicae (Prantl) W. T. Wang的种类近缘, 但叶均为单叶, 萼片呈卵形或宽卵形而不同。在单性铁线莲亚组的种, 叶通常为复叶, 只在C. dimorphophylla W. T. Wang和C. variifolia W. T. Wang同时为单叶和复叶, 此外萼片呈长圆形、倒披针形或狭卵形。  相似文献   

Five new species ofHypolytrum Rich. from South America are described and illustrated.Hypolytrum amorimii andH. jardimii, both of sect.Bullata T. Koyama, are species with pseudopetioles and colored leaves, and endemic to the rain forest of southeastern Brazil.Hypolytrum bahiense (sect.Hypolytrum), a species with a lax synflorescence and two, free and lightly scabridulous floral bracts, is endemic to the rain forest of southeastern Bahia, Brazil.Hypolytrum leptocalamum (sect.Hypolytrum), a species with lax synflorescence and spike ellipsoid to cylindrical, is restricted to area of tepuis in the Guayana Highland (Brazil, Guyana, and Venezuela).Hypolytrum paraense (sect.Hypolytrum), a species with three, partly connate and densely scabridulous floral bracts, is restricted to the rain forest of the Amazon Basin, in the state of Pará, Brazil.  相似文献   

Sophora tomentosa , the type species of the genus Sophora , is shown by phylogenetic analyses of rbc L and ITS sequence data to be sister to Sophora sect. Edwardsia . S. tomentosa and most of the species from sect. Edwardsia share hypogeal germination, exstipulate leaves, and terete filaments. These species have buoyant seeds, and are distributed by ocean currents throughout the pantropics ( S. tomentosa ) and around southern temperate oceanic islands (sect. Edwardsia ). S. tomentosa differs from the species of sect. Edwardsia by its frutescent growth habit, terminal elongate inflorescence and smooth-walled legume. S. macrocarpa is unusual in sect. Edwardsia as its leaves have stipules, the filaments are winged, and the legume is smooth-walled.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 146 , 439–446.  相似文献   

报道杜鹃花科仙女越橘属(Andromeda)在中国东北吉林省的新分布记录,该属为单型属,广布于北美北部、欧洲北部和东亚北部,但以前中国境内未有记录。本文提供了本属的形态描述和植物野外生境照片。另外,还描述了产自云南西双版纳的铁线莲属一新种易武铁线莲Clematis peii,并绘图。该新种隶属于威灵仙组(sect. Clematis)并与C.chingii近缘,不同点在于,该新种为三出复叶,小叶片近全缘,花药较长(约3mm),且药隔显著凸出,并讨论了该新种与sect. Clematis中其它具有三出复叶的种类在形态上的区别。  相似文献   

Andromeda is recorded for the first time in north eastern China near the border between China and DPR Korea. This monotypic genus is widely distributed in Northern America, Europe, and Northern Asia but has not been reported in China before. The genus and species, A.polifolia, is described, and the pictures of the plant and its habitats are presented. Also in this paper, a new species, Clematis peii from Xishuangbanna, southern Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. The new species belongs to sect. Clematis and is closely related to C.chingii, but differs in its ternate leaves with nearly entire leaf margin and long anthers (nearly 3mm long) with protruding connectives. Other close allies with ternate leaves were also compared in this study.  相似文献   

Cyanea kuhihewa (Campanulaceae: Lobelioideae) is described from Kaua'i in the Hawaiian Islands and assigned to sect.Hirtellae. Because of its leaves, it was first identified asC. linearifolia, a member of sect.Delisseoideae presumed extinct. However, the new species differs by its flat or slightly revolute (vs. strongly revolute) leaf margins, fewer-flowered pubescent inflorescences with shorter peduncles and bracts longer than wide (vs. wider than long), and larger pubescent flowers.  相似文献   

Valeriana neglecta R. Bernal (Valerianaceae) from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, in northern Colombia, is described as new, and illustrated, based on two specimens collected in 1844. It belongs to subgenus Valeriana sect. Porteria (Hook.) Benth. & Hook f., and differs from other species of the group in its corymboid inflorescence, with dense, capitoid, partial inflorescences, and in its narrowly spathulate leaves that are remotely dentate towards apex.  相似文献   

In the present paper, a new sect. Leptothece W. T. Wang & Bing Liu wih its only new species, Anemone xiaowutaishanica W. T. Wang & Bing Liu, of the genus Anemone is described and illustrated. In having vertical rhizome, rosulate leaves, 1-flowered cyme, sessile involucre bracts, linear stamen filaments, tricolpate pollen grains with spinulose tectum, and subulate styles, sect. Leptothece is related to sect. Himalayicae (Ulbr.) Juz. From the latter it differs in its 3-parted or 3-sect involucre bracts, 3 carpels per flower, and strongly bilaterally compressed ovary, and with these advanced characters it is remarkably more advanced than sect. Himalayicae, and might be derived from the latter. Anemone xiaowutaishanica with its small distribution area restricted to a valley in the Mt. Xiaowutai, Hebei Province, China is obviously a stenochoric species, and on the basis of its advanced morphological characters it may be regarded as a neoendemic.  相似文献   

Two new species of Myrtaceae are described and illustrated. Campomanesia cucullata is a tree from Monte Alegre, Pará, in the Brazilian Amazon. It is most similar to C. lineatifolia, from which it differs by being leafless when flowering, and by having densely congested and very small flowers. Myrcianthes monteucalyptoides is a tree from Tarma, Junín, in Central Peru. It is most similar to Myrcianthes myrsinoides, but the new species differs by a combination of medium-sized, somewhat revolute, broadly-acuminate leaves, and by the solitary, pentamerous flowers with delicate pedicels.  相似文献   

报道杜鹃花科仙女越橘属(Andromeda)在中国东北吉林省的新分布记录,该属为单型属,广布于北美北部、欧洲北部和东亚北部,但以前中国境内未有记录。本文提供了本属的形态描述和植物野外生境照片。另外,还描述了产自云南西双版纳的铁线莲属一新种易武铁线莲Clematispeii,并绘图。该新种隶属于威灵仙组(sect.Clematis)并与C.chingii近缘,不同点在于,该新种为三出复叶,小叶片近全缘,花药较长(约3mm),且药隔显著凸出,并讨论了该新种与sect.Clematis中其它具有j出复叶的种类在形态上的区别。  相似文献   

A new species of Agrostis L. (A. barceloi ) is described from the northern mountains of Mallorca (Balearic Islands). The new taxon belongs to sect. Agtush and is mainly related to A. alpina Scop. and A. schleicheri Jord. & Verl. on morphological grounds. However, A. barceloi differs from A. alpina by its narrowly-lanceolate inflorescence, with panicle branches erect during and after anthesis, non-scabrid leaves, and by smaller lemmas and others. The new species is distinguished from A. schleicheri by the smaller spikelets, lemma, palea, and anthers. In addition, A. barceloi is tetraploid (2n = 28), and differs cytologically from the diploid A. alpina (2n= 14) and the hexaploid A. schleicheri (2n = 56).  相似文献   

Cardamine calliphaea Kit Tan, G. Vold & Giannopoulos sp. nov. (Brassicaceae) is illustrated and described as a new species endemic to Greece. It occurs in the prefectures of Ilia in western Peloponnese and Etolias‐Akarnanias in western Sterea Ellas and bears some resemblance to C. graeca, differing by its dense greyish–white indumentum and by the absence of leaf auricles. Affinities lie with C. glauca and C. plumieri from which it differs conspicuously, among other characters, by its imparipinnate leaves with the terminal leaflet smaller or equal in size to the lateral pairs.  相似文献   

Qualea amapaËnsis, the second species of sect. Polytrias Stafleu is described. It differs from its close relative, Q. cymulosa, principally in its entirely glabrous leaves and more profusely branched cymes. The two species add a new pair to the growing list of taxa disjunct between eastern Panama/Colombia and the Guianas.  相似文献   

Agapetes yingjiangensis (Ericaceae), a new species from Yingjiang County, Yunnan Province, China is described and illustrated. This new species is somewhat similar to A. mannii Hemsl., but differs in having brown‐hirsute young branches, acute mucronate apex of the leaf blade and sparsely hirsute pedicel, calyx tube and corolla. A key to Chinese species with small (less than 2.5 cm) entire leaves in Agapetes sect. Agapetes ser. Longifiles is included.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Grammatonotus from the western part of the Pacific Ocean (the region of the Hawaiian Islands) is described. From all previously known species of this genus, G. ambiortus sp. nova differs in multiserial teeth and the absence of canine teeth on praemaxillaria. The structure of its caudal skeleton is also different from most species (except G. macrophthalmus from the Kyusyu-Palau Ridge); moreover it is differentiated by a large eye.  相似文献   

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