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Human plasma serine proteinase inhibitors (serpins) gradually lost activity when incubated with catalytic amounts of snake venom or bacterial metalloproteinases. Electrophoretic analyses indicated that antithrombin III, C1-inhibitor, and alpha 2-antiplasmin had been converted by limited proteolysis into modified species which retained inhibitory activity. Further proteolytic attack resulted in the formation of inactivated inhibitors; alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor (alpha 1-antitrypsin) and alpha 1-antichymotrypsin were also enzymatically inactivated, but active intermediates were not detected. Sequence analyses indicated that the initial, noninactivating cleavage occurred in the amino-terminal region of the inhibitors. Inactivation resulted in all cases from the limited proteolysis of a single bond near, but not at, the reactive site bond in the carboxy-terminal region of the inhibitors. The results indicate that the serpins have two regions which are susceptible to limited proteolysis--one near the amino-terminal end and another in the exposed reactive site loop of the inhibitor.  相似文献   

Serine proteinase inhibitors (Serpins) are irreversible suicide inhibitors of proteases that regulate diverse physiological processes such as coagulation, fibrinolysis, complement activation, angiogenesis, apoptosis, inflammation, neoplasia and viral pathogenesis. The molecular structure and physical properties of serpins permit these proteins to adopt a number of variant conformations under physiological conditions including the native inhibitory form and several inactive, non-inhibitory forms, such as complexes with protease or other ligands, cleaved, polymerised and oxidised. Alterations of a serpin which affect its structure and/or secretion and thus reduce its functional levels may result in pathology. Serpin dysfunction has been implicated in thrombosis, emphysema, liver cirrhosis, immune hypersensitivity and mental disorders. The loss of inhibitory activity of serpins necessarily results in an imbalance between proteases and their inhibitors, but it may also have other physiological effects through the generation of abnormal concentrations of modified, non-inhibitory forms of serpins. Although these forms of inhibitory serpins are detected in tissues and fluids recovered from inflammatory sites, the important questions of which conditions result in generation of different molecular forms of serpins, what biological function these forms have, and which of them are directly linked to pathologies and/or may be useful markers for characterisation of disease states, remain to be answered. Elucidation of the biological activities of non-inhibitory forms of serpins may provide useful insights into the pathogenesis of diseases and suggest new therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1990,20(2):141-147
Four serine proteinase inhibitors have been isolated from hemolymph of fifth instar larvae of Manduca sexta. One of these, an inhibitor specific for elastase, has been previously shown to be a member of the serpin family of serine proteinase inhibitors. Of the three remaining inhibitors, two are specific for chymotrypsin and one for trypsin. The four inhibitors have molecular weights of approx. 47,000 and isoelectric points between 4.4 and 4.8. The four proteins have very similar amino acid compositions, and NH2-terminal sequence analysis suggests that they represent members of a gene family.  相似文献   

Intact and proteolytically modified human serpins, alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor, antithrombin III, alpha 1-antichymotrypsin, and C1 inhibitor, were compared by circular dichroism, fluorescence spectroscopy, and resistance against unfolding by guanidine HCl. The modified proteins were prepared from the intact and active inhibitors by selective proteolytic cleavage in their reactive site loops and tested for complete loss of activity. Significant differences in the spectral properties between intact and modified inhibitors indicate that a major conformational rearrangement is triggered by the cleavage. This leads to a large increase in conformational stability as demonstrated by large shifts of the transition profiles recorded as a function of guanidine HCl concentration at 20 degrees C by circular dichroism at 220 nm. Intact inhibitors were unfolded in two steps of about equal size centered at 0.8-1.7 and 2.5-3.5 M concentrations of the denaturant, respectively. Under identical conditions modified inhibitors are completely stable, and their denaturation occurs only well above 4 M guanidine HCl in one or two steep transition steps. From the similarity of the spectral changes and shifts in transition profiles for all four serpins studied it is concluded that the conformational changes and stabilization triggered by the modification hit is an important common mechanistic feature of this class of inhibitors. This is supported by the observation that ovalbumin, which is homologous with the serpins but apparently lacks inhibitory activity, exhibits neither spectral changes nor a significant change in stability upon proteolytic modification.  相似文献   

A screening test for serine proteinase inhibitors revealed trypsin and urokinase inhibitors in the extract of human cornified cells. No inhibition for α-chymotrypsin, thrombin or plasmin was detected. Characterization of the inhibitors separated with a Sephacryl S-200 gel column demonstrated that: 1) trypsin inhibitor with a molecular weight of 45,000 was labile to heat, acid and alkali and showed temporary inhibition, and 2) urokinase inhibitor with a molecular weight of 35,000 was found relatively stable and exhibited time dependent inhibition. Both were distinct from a known thiol proteinase inhibitor which showed high stability and immediate inhibition. Regulatory roles of serine proteinase inhibitors are postulated.  相似文献   

Many inhibitors of trypsin and human beta-factor XIIa have been isolated from squash and related seeds and sequenced (Wieczorek et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. (1985) 126, 646-652). The association equilibrium constants (Ka) of several of these inhibitors have now been determined with human beta-factor XIIa using a modification of the method of Green and Work (Park et al., Fed. Proc. Fed. Am. Soc. Exp. Biol. (1984) 43, 1962). The Ka's range from 7.8 x 10(4) M-1 to 3.3 x 10(8) M-1. Two isoinhibitors from Cucurbita maxima seeds, CMTI-I and CMTI-III, differ in only a single glutamate to lysine change in the P'4 position. This results in a factor of 62 increase in the Ka of the lysine inhibitor, CMTI-III (Ka = 3.3 x 10(8) M-1). To our knowledge, this is the largest effect ever seen for a residue substitution at the P'4 position of a serine proteinase inhibitor. The result is even more surprising because beta-factor XIIa's natural substrate, Factor XI, contains Gly in the P'4 position.  相似文献   

This study examined proteolytic enzymes and serine proteinase inhibitors in turkey seminal plasma with relation to their distribution within the reproductive tract and to yellow semen syndrome (YSS). Proteases of blood plasma, extracts from the reproductive tract, and seminal plasma were analyzed by gelatin zymography. We found a clear regional distribution of proteolytic enzymes in the turkey reproductive tract. Each part was characterized by a unique profile of serine proteolytic enzymes of molecular weights ranging from 29 to 88 kDa. The ductus deferens was found to be a site of very intense proteolytic activity. Two metalloproteases of 58 and 66 kDa were detected in all parts of the reproductive tract and seminal plasma. Using electrophoretic methods for detection of anti-trypsin activity, we found three serine proteinase inhibitors in turkey seminal plasma. Two inhibitors were found in the testis and epididymis and a third in the ductus deferens and seminal plasma. Blood plasma was characterized by the presence of two metalloproteinases and one serine proteinase inhibitor (of low migration rate) that were also detected in the reproductive tract. Amidase and anti-trypsin activities (expressed per gram of protein) differed for yellow and white seminal plasma. We concluded that turkey seminal plasma contains metalloproteases, serine proteinases, and serine proteinase inhibitors. The metalloproteases and one proteinase inhibitor are related to blood proteinases but the other two inhibitors and serine proteinases seem to be unique for the reproductive tract.  相似文献   

The ability of plasma proteinase inhibitors to inactivate human chymase, a chymotrypsin-like proteinase stored within mast cell secretory granules, was investigated. Incubation with plasma resulted in over 80% inhibition of chymase hydrolytic activity for small substrates, suggesting that inhibitors other than alpha 2-macroglobulin were primarily responsible for chymase inactivation. Depletion of specific inhibitors from plasma by immunoadsorption using antisera against individual inhibitors established that alpha 1-antichymotrypsin (alpha 1-AC) and alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor (alpha 1-PI) were responsible for the inactivation. Characterization of the reaction between chymase and each inhibitor demonstrated in both cases the presence of two concurrent reactions proceeding at fixed relative rates. One reaction, which led to inhibitor inactivation, was about 3.5 and 4.0-fold faster than the other, which led to chymase inactivation. This was demonstrated in linear titrations of proteinase activity which exhibited endpoint stoichiometries of 4.5 (alpha 1-AC) and 5.0 (alpha 1-PI) instead of unity, and SDS gels of reaction products which exhibited a banding pattern indicative of both an SDS-stable proteinase-inhibitor complex and two lower Mr inhibitor degradation products which appear to have formed by hydrolysis within the reactive loop of each inhibitor. At inhibitor concentrations approaching those in plasma where inhibitor to chymase concentration ratios were in far excess of 4.5 and 5.0, the rate of chymase inactivation by both serpin inhibitors appeared to follow pseudo-first order kinetics. The "apparent" second order rate constants of inactivation determined from these data were about 3000-fold lower than the rate constants reported for human neutrophil cathepsin G and elastase with alpha 1-AC and alpha 1-PI, respectively. This suggests that chymase would be inhibited about 650-fold more slowly than these proteinases when released into plasma. These studies demonstrate that although chymase is inactivated by serpin inhibitors of plasma, both inhibitors are better substrates for the proteinase than they are inhibitors. This finding along with the slow rates of inactivation indicates that regulation of human chymase activity may not be a primary function of plasma.  相似文献   

Earlier, we had reported purification of three thiol proteinase inhibitors (TPI-1 of 70 kDa, TPI-3 of 195 kDa and TPI-4 of 497 kDa) from human plasma. In the present study we report that TPI-1 binds to papain in the stoichiometry ratio (E/I) of 1:1 while TPI-3 and TPI-4 bind in the ratio of 1.5:1 and 3.2:1 respectively. The K(m) for papain with BAPNA as substrate and Kcat/K(m) values for TPI-1, TPI-3 and TPI-4 were 2.7 x 10(-6) M, 0.84 nM/sec; 3.2 x 10(-6) M, 0.75 nM/sec; and 3.6 x 10(-6) M, 0.72 nM/sec respectively. The Ki values were found to be 1.48 nM for TPI-1, 0.133 nM for TPI-3 and 0.117 nM for TPI-4. The UV absorption and fluorescence emission spectra study suggest involvement of aromatic residues in the binding process. This study suggests that TPI-4 is the most potent inhibitor of thiol proteinases.  相似文献   

Human lumbar disc tissue when extracted with 4M GuHCl and subjected to dissociative CsCl density gradient ultracentrifugation yielded trypsin inhibitor activity in the low bouyant density fractions (rho less than or equal to 1.38 g/ml). Disc proteoglycans sedimented in the high bouyant density fractions (rho greater than or equal to 1.5 g/ml). Sephadex G75F gel filtration of the low bouyant density protein fractions afforded a major low molecular weight (Kav = 0.5) trypsin inhibitor pool which was further purified by trypsin affinity chromatography. This latter step facilitated separation of the trypsin inhibitors from neutral proteinase activity also present. The trypsin inhibitor fraction so isolated was shown to possess potent inhibitory activity against a range of human serine proteinases including leukocyte elastase and cathepsin G, urokinase, kallikrein, plasmin and thrombin. Significantly this serine proteinase inhibitor preparation effectively prevented degradation of proteoglycans by a neutral proteinase also isolated from the human intervertebral disc.  相似文献   

Recently, an unusual family of genes was identified with expression confined to the trophoblast of ruminant ungulate species. The members of this family (the trophoblast Kunitz domain proteins, or TKDPs) are characterized by the presence of one or more similar, approximately 80-residue repeat sequences placed ahead of a Kunitz serine proteinase-inhibitor domain. To examine the specificity of the Kunitz moiety, the Kunitz domains of selected TKDPs and a control Kunitz protein, bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI), were produced as glutathione S-transferase fusions, and their abilities to inhibit six serine proteinases were examined. Circular dichroism spectroscopy confirmed that the Kunitz fold was intact. Three of the TKDPs had unusual residues at their P1 "warhead" (ovine TKDP-1, Asn; bovine TKDP-3, Thr; and bovine TKDP-5, Ile) and exhibited no measurable inhibitory activity toward any of the proteinases. Three (ovine TKDP-3, bovine TKDP-3, and bovine TKDP-4) lacked the conserved cysteines at residues 14 and 38 that form one of the highly conserved disulfide bonds that are structurally important in all known mammalian Kunitz proteins. Ovine TKDP-3 and bovine TKDP-4 had P1 lysines and inhibited trypsin and plasmin with K(i) values only approximately 10-fold higher than that of BPTI. Bovine TKDP-2 had a P1 lysine and the three conserved disulfides, but it possessed an unusual residue (Asp) at P2. It exhibited no inhibitory activity. These data suggest that the function of the TKDP, like certain Kunitz proteins found in snake venoms, may not be in proteinase inhibition.  相似文献   

Purification of nine plasma proteinase inhibitors and one zymogen from a single batch of human plasma, using affinity chromatography has been accomplished. Those isolated were plasminogen (lysine-Sepharose), alpha-2-antiplasmin (plasminogen-Sepharose), high and low molecular weight kininogens (CM-papain-Sepharose), alpha-2-macroglobulin (Zn++ chelate-Sepharose), alpha-1-proteinase inhibitor, alpha-1-antichymotrypsin, Cl-inhibitor, inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor (Blue-Sepharose) and antithrombin III (heparin-Sepharose). Alpha-2-macroglobulin and alpha-1-proteinase inhibitor required gel filtration as additional purification steps. Each protein was recovered in both high yield and purity.  相似文献   

Inhibition of prothrombinase complex by plasma proteinase inhibitors   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
V Ellis  M F Scully  V V Kakkar 《Biochemistry》1984,23(24):5882-5887
The rate of inactivation of human coagulation factor Xa by the plasma proteinase inhibitors antithrombin III and alpha 1-antitrypsin has been studied in the presence of the accessory components which constitute the prothrombinase complex. The rate of inactivation of factor Xa by antithrombin III was found to be decreased in the presence of phospholipid vesicles with high affinity for factor Xa. The second-order rate constant for the reaction fell from 6.21 X 10(4) to 3.40 X 10(4) M-1 min-1 in the presence of 20 microM phospholipid. Purified factor Va had no effect on the rate of inactivation of factor Xa in the absence of phospholipid. In the presence of phospholipid, factor Va increased the protective effect displayed by phospholipid, further reducing the rate constant to 2.20 X 10(4) M-1 min-1. The rate of inactivation of factor Xa by alpha 1-antitrypsin was unaffected under these conditions. Platelet-bound prothrombinase complex was formed by incubation of factor Xa with washed human platelets activated by a mixture of collagen and thrombin. The prothrombinase activity was inhibited by antithrombin III was a second-order rate constant of 0.85 X 10(4) M-1 min-1. This rate was obtained in both the presence and absence of exogenous factor Va. Platelet factor 3 vesicles, isolated from platelet aggregation supernatants, also formed prothrombinase complex in the presence of factor Va, and this was inhibited by antithrombin III at the same rate as the platelet-bound complex. There was no protection of the platelet-bound prothrombinase complex from inhibition by alpha 1-antitrypsin.  相似文献   

The N-terminal 70-kDa fragment of human plasma fibronectin, purified from a cathepsin D digest, is characterized by lack of stability. It is processed proteolytically during incubation in the presence of Ca2+ into 27-kDa N-terminal heparin-binding and 45-kDa collagen-binding domains. The N-terminal residue in the 27-kDa fragment was blocked as in native fibronectin. The 45-kDa fragments began with the sequences AAVYQP, AVYQP and VYQP (residues 260, 261, 262-265 of fibronectin) that correspond to the beginning of the collagen-binding domain. In the presence of Ca2+ the purified 27-kDa fragment underwent further processing finally leading to the cleavage of the bond K85-D86 and to the simultaneous appearance of a specific proteolytic activity. Inhibition studies suggests that the newly generated enzyme is a Ca(2+)-dependent serine proteinase. Among all assayed matrix proteins, the newly generated enzyme cleaves native fibronectin and its fragments. It is proposed that this fibronectinase may originate from the N-terminal domain of fibronectin.  相似文献   

Ingestion of Kunitz soybean trypsin inhibitor (STI) by larval Helicoverpa zea, Agrotis ipsilon, and Trichoplusia ni extended the retention time of food in the digestive tract and increased the level of activity of proteolytic enzymes that were not susceptible to inhibition by STI. The level of enhancement of activity of STI-resistant (STI-R) enzyme(s) was directly influenced by the dosage and timing of exposure to STI. However, not all proteinase inhibitors (PIs) enhanced the level of proteinase inhibitor resistant (PI-R) enzymes, even if those PIs inhibited a significant proportion of enzyme activity. These findings suggest that a complex system may be responsible for the regulation of proteolytic enzymes in the midgut of larval Lepidoptera, and one hypothesis for this regulation is proposed.  相似文献   

In single domain, "standard mechanism" protein inhibitors of serine proteinases, about a dozen residues make contact with the cognate enzyme. The remainder of the molecule, the scaffolding, holds the reactive site region of the inhibitor in a canonical conformation, improves the binding by about six orders of magnitude and protects it from proteolysis. However, the stability and global structure of the scaffolding is irrelevant to inhibition, provided that inhibition is measured much below the melting temperature, Tm.  相似文献   

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