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Since the application of low doses of IFN-alpha is necessary to maintain remissions in Hairy Cell Leukemia (HCL) it is of interest whether peripheral blood mononuclear cells (MNC) of HCL patients can be induced in vitro to produce IFN-alpha. 9 patients suffering from advanced HCL were included in the study. The diagnoses were confirmed by characteristic findings in peripheral blood and bone marrow biopsies. For IFN treatment we initially used natural IFN-alpha (Bioferon) and switched later to recombinant IFN-alpha2 (Boehringer). MNC of 5 patients before IFN therapy and of 6 patients during IFN therapy (2-47 weeks) were induced by phytohemagglutinin (PHA), Corynebacterium parvum (C.p.), and sendai virus (SV). PHA is known to induce IFN-gamma. Both, C.p. and SV induced IFN-alpha but no IFN-gamma in MNC of healthy controls and of IFN treated breast cancer patients. In HCL patients normal antiviral activities could be induced by PHA. Zero or only low antiviral activities could be induced in MNC from 9 patients tested on 22 occasions. It is concluded that MNC from patients with advanced HCL can be induced to produce IFN-gamma but no IFN-alpha. Since IFN-alpha but not IFN-gamma is produced by monocytes it is likely that reduced numbers of monocytes which were found in our HCL patients before and during IFN treatment account for the described deficiency of IFN-alpha production.  相似文献   

The effects of recombinant interferons (rIFNs) on colony formation by progenitor cells from the peripheral blood of patients with hairy cell leukemia (HCL) were examined. Results showed that both rIFN-alpha and -beta inhibited HCL colony formation in a dose-dependent manner, with the inhibitory effect of rIFN-alpha being similar in degree with that of rIFN-beta. The inhibitory effect of rIFN-gamma, however, was not uniform; of four patients, inhibition was observed in cells from two patients, but no effect was found in the cells of the other two. These results indicate that rIFN-alpha and -beta could be effective in the treatment of HCL, whereas rIFN-gamma may be of limited efficacy.  相似文献   

A strong male predominance (4/1) has been noticed in all series of hairy cell leukemia (HCL) and we wonder whether there could be a link between male predominance and occupation. From a series of 161 patients observed by two different groups, the repartition of profession suggest an aetiological link between HCL and occupational exposure, particularly radiation, benzene and other solvents, since it appears that the proportion of medical workers (6%), mechanic divers (22%), printers and painters (10%) and farmers (11%) represent a high proportion of patients. Aware of the relative rarity of the disease we suggested to set up a national registry of the cases of HCL, the precise incidence of which remains unknown, and to start a classical case-referent study.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyze cytologic and histologic parameters in bone marrow trephine biopsy in an attempt to define heterogeneity of hairy cell leukemia cells. STUDY DESIGN: The study group consisted of 28 trephine biopsies. Immunohistochemistry for CD20 antigen was used. Image processing and measurements were performed with AnalySIS 3.0 image analysis system (Soft Imaging System GmbH, Germany) and custom built programs. For planimetric measurements of nuclei, automatic segmentation was implemented. The measured parameters were: surface area, perimeter, minimum, mean and maximum diameter, and a set of form factors. Relative volumes of bone trabeculae, adipose tissue, hematopoietic tissue and neoplastic infiltrate were assessed by the point counting method. Nuclear volume was measured by the point sampled intercept method. Bone marrow fibrosis was assessed using a curvilinear line test system. RESULTS: Significant variability of cell nuclei was found, and their classification into 3 types was possible. The relative frequency of those types was different in various cases and allowed subdivision of cases into 3 groups that differed in some clinical and histologic manifestations. CONCLUSION: The present study demonstrated the heterogeneity of cell populations of hairy cell leukemia.  相似文献   

Summary Low natural killer (NK) cell activity against the K-562 leukemia cell line was observed in patients with acute leukemia in the early stages of remission, i.e., 2–4 months (11.3%±7.95% specific target cell lysis). This parameter was found to be normal among leukemia patients after a longer time in remission (19.53%±7.55%) when compared with healthy donors (18.46%±12.98%). A similar pattern of activity was observed in studies of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytolysis (ADCC) to the CEM lymphoid tumor cell line in the same group (37.58%±12.4% vs. 51%±6.79% specific target cell lysis).ADCC to chicken red blood cells (CRBC) and to human red blood cells (HRBC) was not significantly different from that for healthy controls at either duration of remission.Nine patients relapsed over a follow-up period of 9 months. They were found to have slightly lower NK activity (14.4%±9.3%) and ADCC to CEM (41.4%±8.5%) than the patients who remained in remission (17.1%±6.8%; 48.7%±9.7%, respectively).These data indicate a lymphocyte deficit which may persist for some time after remission has been induced, and which may be due to the effect of leukemic cell burden or the effect of aggressive chemotherapy.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that hairy cell leukemia (HCL) can be efficiently treated by various preparations of alpha interferons (IFN). Nevertheless, there are several open questions, such as the route, mode and dosage of IFN application. These variables of IFN treatment may be critical since a myelosuppressive effect of IFN, which is commonly seen in the initial phase of treatment, can result in further deterioration of the already impaired platelet production in advanced HCL. The present study shows that serious side effects can be avoided and the flu-like syndromes described by others almost completely reduced by s.c. application of IFN via a portable pump during a daily 8 h period. IFN is initially given five times a week and the daily dose is adjusted according to the actual platelet count. The efficiency controls show that the increase of platelets in the peripheral blood, which is most critical in advanced HCL, may be seen earlier by this than by other protocols, which usually recommend higher daily doses of IFN and only three instead of five weekly applications.  相似文献   

In an attempt to induce in vitro differentiation we exposed cells from patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and with immunocytoma (IC) to 12-0-tetra-decanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) at 160 nM. After 3 to 5 days of culture cells became enlarged and the CLL cells developed a basophilic cytoplasm with an excentric nucleus. In some instances cells with many fine projections were seen. We then employed the monoclonal antibody (MAB) HD 6, which was generated against hairy cell leukemia (HCL) cells and reacts most strongly with such cells but is unreactive with plasmocytoma cells and with most CLL cells. TPA treatment induced a greatly enhanced HD 6 binding in CLL and IC cells compared to controls as demonstrated by indirect immunofluorescence. Cytochemical studies revealed that at the same time an acid phosphatase was induced, which was found to be tartrate-resistant in every instance tested. Thus, several features of HCL can be induced in CLL and IC demonstrating the close relatedness of these entities.  相似文献   

Using 125I-labelled aggregated IgG in a quantitative assay a strong expression of Fc-receptors was found on the leukemic cells of a patient with hairy cell leukemia. The Fc-receptor activity on these cells was much higher than that on monocytes and B-lymphocytes from normal blood. Surface immunoglobulins were detected by radioautography using radioactively labelled (Fab')2-fragments of monospecific antibodies directed against immunoglobulin heavy chains. Prior to radioautography the cells were stained for the tartrate resistant acid phosphatase. It was found that all cells containing this enzyme bore sigma-chains on their surface. On more than 90% of these cells a simultaneous expression of mu-chains was detected. gamma-Chains could only be demonstrated on cells which were negative for the tartrate resistant acid phosphatase; part of these cells, however, were hairy cells by morphological criteria.  相似文献   

The electrophoretic mobility of lymphocytes is identified in the peripheral blood and from the spleen taken from a patient with hairy cell leukemia. Lymphocytes reveal an unimodal distribution with a low mobility in the histogram. There are no differences between the results obtained by investigating the peripheral blood and those of the spleen. Hairy cells could be delimited from lymphocytes of chronic lymphatic leukemia and immunocytoma by determining EPM.  相似文献   

We report on an easy and reliable method for the enumeration of the typical cells present in the blood, bone marrow, and spleen of patients with hairy cell leukemia. Samples of five patients were analyzed. In three patients, the hairy cells were very accurately followed during treatment with alpha-interferon, using right-angle light scatter to differentiate them from other leukocytes present in total blood. Excellent correlation was obtained with the microscopic hairy cell enumeration. Additional verification by cell sorting and immunofluorescence studies confirmed these findings.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the capacity of class I molecules to confer resistance to NK in transfected target cells maps to the Ag-binding site (ABS) of the HLA class I structure. Here we examine the effect of peptide (reagents specific for the ABS) pretreatment on the NK sensitivity of class I+ target cells. Synthetic peptides (10-17 amino acids in length) were used to pretreat C1R target cells expressing either no serologically detectable HLA-A, B class I molecules, or C1R transfectants expressing individual HLA-A or -B locus class I molecules. In each case in which the class I allele had previously been shown to directly bind a given peptide, peptide-pulsing of target cells resulted in increased sensitivity to NK-mediated conjugation and cytolysis. The NK susceptibility of C1R target cells expressing no HLA-A, B class I molecules or the nonprotective HLA-A2.1 or HLA-A2M70 mutant class I molecules was unaffected by pretreatment with HLA-A2-binding peptides. These results support the intimate involvement of the HLA class I ABS and potentially ABS-bound peptides in determining target cell sensitivity to NK. Furthermore, these findings form the basis of an effective screening procedure for discerning peptide class I allele-specific interactions.  相似文献   

Platonin is a photosensitizer used for photodynamic therapy. In this study, we tested the effect of platonin on human leukemic cells. Treatment with platonin in the dark markedly reduced cell membrane integrity, and induced significant G0/G1 arrest of a panel of human leukemic cell lines, including U937, HL-60, K562, NB4 and THP-1. Development of hypodiploid cells was not evident in these cell lines within 24 h, but was noted in U937, HL-60 and NB4 cells after 24 h. No myeloid differentiation of these cells was noted after 5-day treatment. Intriguingly, exposure of monoblastic U937 cells to platonin caused changes characteristic of autophagy, including appearance of cytoplasmic membranous vacuoles and formation of acidic vesicular organelles (AVO) in more than 95% of cells. The platonin-induced autophagy was accompanied by localization of microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 to autophagosomes. Pretreatment with pancaspase inhibitor Z-VAD-fmk abrogated the platonin-induced hypodiploidity, but had no effect on growth inhibition and formation of AVO, indicating a caspase-independent autophagy-associated cell death. Pretreatment of cells with 3-methyladenine attenuated platonin-mediated growth inhibition and formation of AVO. Platonin augmented the expression of BNIP3 in both U937 and K562 cells, whereas had an opposite effect on phosphorylation of mTOR downstream molecule p70S6K. Platonin, at the condition inducing autophagy, induced the mitochondrial membrane permeation. These results suggest that the platonin is capable of inhibiting growth as well as inducing cell death, mainly autophagy-associated, in leukemic cells via a mitochondria-mediated and caspase-independent pathway. A markedly less viability inhibition was noted to human monocytes, the normal counterpart of these myeloid leukemic cells. Platonin, other than a photodynamic agent, may offer significant promise as a therapeutic agent against leukemia.  相似文献   

Interleukin-34 (IL-34) is a cytokine consisting of a 39kD homodimer, shown to be a ligand for both the Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (M-CSF/CSF-1) receptor and the Receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatase-zeta (RPTP-ƺ). IL-34 has been shown to promote monocyte viability and proliferation as well as the differentiation of bone marrow cells into macrophage progenitors. Published work on IL-34 involves its effects on normal hematopoietic and osteoclast progenitors. However, it is not known whether IL-34 has biologic effects in cancer, including leukemia. Here we report that the biological effects of IL-34 include induction of differential expression of Interleukins-1α and -1β as well as induction of differentiation of U937, HL-60 and THP-1 leukemia cell lines demonstrating monocyte-like characteristics. The ability of IL-34 to induce monocytic-like differentiation is supported by strong morphological and functional evidence. Cell surface markers of myeloid lineage, CD64 and CD86, remain constant while the levels of CD11b and CD71 decline with IL-34 treatment. IL-34 also induced increases in CD14 and CD68 expression, further supporting maturation toward monocytic character. IL-34-induced differentiated U937 and THP-1 cell lines exhibited biological functions such as endocytosis and respiratory burst activities. Collectively, we conclude that while IL-34 does not induce cell growth or proliferation, it is able to induce differentiation of leukemia cell lines from monoblastic precursor cells towards monocyte- and macrophage-like cells, mediated through the JAK/STAT and PI3K/Akt pathways. To our knowledge, this is the first report that IL-34 induces differentiation in human leukemic cells, let alone any cancer model.  相似文献   

We describe a patient with adult T cell Leukemia to whom alpha-interferon therapy was highly effective. Although a combination chemotherapy (ACVP) first introduced was effective in reducing total leukocyte counts, the percentage of leukemic cells relative to total leukocyte counts was decreased first after the institution of alpha-interferon therapy. The patient is now under complete remission for four years. It was noted in this patient that circulating alpha-interferon, measured by a sensitive radioimmunoassay, was consistently low as compared with the value found in the age-, sex-matched healthy control (p less than 0.001). Since adult T cell leukemia is pathogenetically related to the retrovirus infection, low levels of circulating alpha-interferon of the patient may be important from both pathogenetic and therapeutic standpoints. Alpha-interferon therapy may be an useful additive for the chemotherapy of adult T cell leukemia.  相似文献   

It has been previously shown that unstimulated NK cells cannot preferentially lyse adenovirus serotypes 2 and 5-infected human cells. In this study, the ability of IFN to promote the selective NK cell-mediated lysis of adenovirus-infected human cells was determined. The relationship between target cell susceptibility to NK cell-mediated killing and class I Ag expression was also analyzed through the use of adenovirus serotype 2 and 5 mutants that do not make the adenovirus early region 3 19-kDa class I binding protein. IFN induced the selective lysis of adenovirus serotype 2 and 5-infected human cells by activating NK cells (IFN-alpha) and protecting uninfected, but not adenovirus-infected cells, from NK cell-mediated lysis (IFN-gamma). IFN-gamma increased the expression of class I Ag on the surface of cells infected with the adenovirus early region 3 deletion mutants, dl327 or dl801, to a level equal to or greater than that expressed on uninfected cells. Despite the increased expression of class I Ag, IFN-gamma could not protect these adenovirus-infected cells from NK cell-mediated lysis. Thus, dl327 or dl801 infection prevented IFN-gamma's induction of cytolytic resistance to NK cell-mediated killing but left IFN-gamma's induction of class I Ag intact. Surface class I Ag levels were substantially higher on IFN-gamma-treated, dl327-, and dl801-infected cells in comparison to cells infected with wild type adenovirus serotype 5. Again, higher target cell levels of class I Ag did not correlate with increased resistance to NK cell-mediated lysis because there was equivalent NK cell-mediated killing of IFN-gamma-treated adenovirus serotype 5-, dl327-, or dl801-infected cells. Thus, IFN-gamma only protects uninfected cells from NK cell-mediated killing, irrespective of target class I Ag levels, and thereby concentrates NK lytic activity on just adenovirus-infected cells. These data demonstrate that IFN-gamma's ability to protect target cells from NK cell-mediated cytolysis is unrelated to IFN-gamma's induction of surface class I MHC Ag.  相似文献   

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