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The isotope signatures registered in speleothems during tropical cyclones (TC) provides information about the frequency and intensity of past TCs but the precise relationship between isotopic composition and the meteorology of TCs remain uncertain. Here we present continuous δ18O and δ2H data in rainfall and water vapour, as well as in discrete rainfall samples, during the passage of TC Ita and relate the evolution in isotopic compositions to local and synoptic scale meteorological observations. High-resolution data revealed a close relationship between isotopic compositions and cyclonic features such as spiral rainbands, periods of stratiform rainfall and the arrival of subtropical and tropical air masses with changing oceanic and continental moisture sources. The isotopic compositions in discrete rainfall samples were remarkably constant along the ~450 km overland path of the cyclone when taking into account the direction and distance to the eye of the cyclone at each sampling time. Near simultaneous variations in δ18O and δ2H values in rainfall and vapour and a near-equilibrium rainfall-vapour isotope fractionation indicates strong isotopic exchange between rainfall and surface inflow of vapour during the approach of the cyclone. In contrast, after the passage of spiral rainbands close to the eye of the cyclone, different moisture sources for rainfall and vapour are reflected in diverging d-excess values. High-resolution isotope studies of modern TCs refine the interpretation of stable isotope signatures found in speleothems and other paleo archives and should aim to further investigate the influence of cyclone intensity and longevity on the isotopic composition of associated rainfall.  相似文献   

The application of species abundance estimates, commonly used in terrestrial plant ecology, to marine benthic dredge data is advocated. Two possible scales were tested for their ability to measure adequately the structure of an assemblage by computing measures of evenness diversity McNaughton's dominance index, and Morisita's index of dispersion using both real counts obtained from grab samples and these counts transformed into the two respective abundance estimates. It is concluded that species abundance estimators, when applied to grab or dredge data result in significant savings in sample processing time with only a minimal loss of information about assemblage structure.  相似文献   

Large benthic foraminifera are significant contributors to sediment formation on coral reefs, yet they are vulnerable to ocean acidification. Here, we assessed the biochemical and morphological impacts of acidification on the calcification of Amphistegina lessonii and Marginopora vertebralis exposed to different pH conditions. We measured growth rates (surface area and buoyant weight) and Ca-ATPase and Mg-ATPase activities and calculated shell density using micro-computer tomography images. In A. lessonii, we detected a significant decrease in buoyant weight, a reduction in the density of inner skeletal chambers, and an increase of Ca-ATPase and Mg-ATPase activities at pH 7.6 when compared with ambient conditions of pH 8.1. By contrast, M. vertebralis showed an inhibition in Mg-ATPase activity under lowered pH, with growth rate and skeletal density remaining constant. While M. vertebralis is considered to be more sensitive than A. lessonii owing to its high-Mg-calcite skeleton, it appears to be less affected by changes in pH, based on the parameters assessed in this study. We suggest difference in biochemical pathways of calcification as the main factor influencing response to changes in pH levels, and that A. lessonii and M. vertebralis have the ability to regulate biochemical functions to cope with short-term increases in acidity.  相似文献   

Coral Reefs - Adaptation, acclimatization and symbiont diversity are known to regulate thermal tolerance in corals, but the role of these mechanisms remains poorly constrained in other...  相似文献   

The record of benthic foraminifera in the Grenada Basin of the Caribbean Sea for the past 127,000 years, based on three cores raised from depths near 2000 m, indicates subtle changes but no drastic faunal turnovers at the boundaries of planktonic biostratigraphic or isotopic zones. In two cores, Bulimina aculeata is clearly the dominant species, with no apparent relationship between the peaks and valleys of its frequency curve and the zone boundaries. It is associated with six other species or species-groups in the first recurrent group of benthic foraminifera in one core; the occurrence value of this group is high throughout the core. The most noticeable differences between the fauna of the Ericson Y zone and those of the X and Z zones are in the severe depletion of Nuttallides umbonifera, a non-dominant constituent of the assemblage, and the near-absence of the second recurrent group (which includes N. umbonifera) in the Y zone. In terms of the relative abundances of species and patterns of dominance, the successive late Quaternary benthic foraminiferal faunas of the Grenada Basin are significantly different from those associated with major water masses outside the Antillean Arc. The influence of the well-oxygenated core of the North Atlantic Deep Water on the assemblage was not much greater in the past than it is today. Frequency variations of Uvigerina peregrina, however, suggest that the contribution from NADW to the Grenada Basin bottom-water has been increasing in the past 7000 years. A similar increase, ending at 92–95,000 yrs. B.P., is also indicated for the beginning of the last interglacial period.  相似文献   

R. G. Death 《Hydrobiologia》1996,317(2):97-107
Spatial and temporal patterns in the species abundance distribution of benthic invertebrate communities of 11 freshwater habitats (10 streams and a wind-swept lake shore) were examined with respect to habitat stability. Abundance patterns varied markedly between seasons at most sites. However, mean abundance distributions at 4 of the 5 unstable sites and the 2 most stable sites were dominated by one or two taxa with a large number of rare species, whereas sites of intermediate stability had more equitable distributions. Both the log series and log normal distributions were statistically indistinguishable, at the 5% level, from all the observed mean abundance patterns. In contrast, graphical comparisons of the observed and fitted distributions suggested the log series may be the better fit at most of the unstable sites and the two most stable sites, whereas the more equitable distribution at sites of intermediate stability suggested the log normal distribution was the better fit. If conditions at a site favoured one or two species, either through severe physical conditions, or through competitive superiority in the absence of disturbance then the log series distribution may result. However, if no species in the community was strongly advantaged over others, a log normal distribution should result. Given the discriminating power of the appropriate statistical test it may not, however, be possible to pick up these differences without graphical comparisons as well.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》2006,58(2):135-157
The stable carbon and oxygen isotope composition of different benthic foraminiferal species of the latest Campanian and earliest Maastrichtian from Ocean Drilling Project Hole 690C (Weddell Sea, southern South Atlantic, ∼1800 m paleowater depth) have been investigated. The total range of measured isotope values of all samples exceeds ∼4‰ for δ13C and 1.1‰ for δ18O. Carbon isotope values of proposed deep infaunal species are generally similar or only slightly lower when compared to proposed epifaunal to shallow infaunal species. Interspecific differences vary between samples probably reflecting temporal changes in organic carbon fluxes to the sea floor. Constantly lower δ13C values for Pullenia marssoni and Pullenia reussi suggest the deepest habitat for these species. The strong depletion of δ13C values by up to 3‰ within lenticulinids may be attributed to a deep infaunal microhabitat, strong vital effects, or different feeding strategy when compared to other species or modern lenticulinids. The mean δ18O values reveal a strong separation of epifaunal to shallow infaunal and deep infaunal species. Epifaunal to shallow infaunal species are characterized by low δ18O values, deep infaunal species by higher values. This result possibly reflects lower metabolic rates and longer life cycles of deep infaunal species or the operating of a pore water [CO32−] effect on the benthic foraminiferal stable isotopes.Pyramidina szajnochae shows an enrichment of oxygen isotopes with test size comprising a total of 0.6‰ between 250 and 1250 μm shell size. Although δ13C lacks a corresponding trend these data likely represent the presence of changes in metabolic rates during ontogenesis. These results demonstrate the general applicability of multi-species stable isotope measurements of pristine Cretaceous benthic foraminifera to reconstruct past microhabitats and to evaluate biological and environmental effects on the stable isotope composition.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the assemblage composition of large benthic foraminifera (LBF) in relation to environmental conditions is needed to interpret fossil records. In this study the assemblage composition of LBF is described for a carbonate shelf with a barrier reef system and some reefs outside the barrier. In a total of 140 samples, 34–35 species of LBF were found. Four clusters, roughly corresponding to substrate type were identified. Several small groups of samples were recognized that were collected locally inside, on, or outside the barrier. Microscale environmental gradients within the substrate or in the benthic boundary layer resulted in spatial differentiation of the microhabitat of each species.  相似文献   

A microcosm experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of sewage-derived particulate organic matter (POM) on the food sources and diets of two species of intertidal benthic foraminifera, Ammonia beccarii and Haynesina germanica, using lipid biomarkers to determine trophic relationships. The lipid content of the sediment and associated micro-organisms was a guide to potential food sources while that of the foraminifera was a guide to what they had actually eaten. Six microcosm tanks were established, with constant salinity, temperature and oxygen content, and each with a thin layer of sediment containing living foraminifera. Three microcosms were used as controls and three were treatments to which the POM from secondary treated sewage was added. Each microcosm was treated as a single replicate (to avoid pseudoreplication). The experiment was run for 38 days. The results showed that the food sources (from the sediment) and the diet of the foraminifera did not significantly differ in the controls or the treatments, but quantities of fatty acids decreased in both the sediment system and the foraminifera over the duration of the experiment. It is concluded that sewage-POM (secondary treatment) does not have a direct effect on the food sources of the foraminifera or their diet. The foraminifera did not feed directly on the sewage-derived POM, nor did the addition of sewage stimulate growth of micro-organisms associated with the sediment system. However, recent field data collected by the authors provides evidence that season plays an important role in foraminiferal response to organic pollution (OP), and microcosm sediment might have been unknowingly collected at a time when foraminifera are now known not to respond to OP, i.e. in summer.  相似文献   

Relative abundance of benthic foraminifera have been analyzed from core V26-145 from the Blake Plateau. The investigated sequence represents the time interval between 1.8 and 4.6 Ma. In order to determine how different sieve sizes influence the relative abundance patterns, three sediment size fractions were studied separately. It becomes difficult to maintain consistent taxonomic concepts in the fraction 63–125 μm, partly because this fraction contains high abundances of juvenile forms. However, the 63–125 μm fraction holds high abundances of the important small speciesEpistominella exigua. Due to these reasons only the two larger fractions (125–250 μm and >250 μm) were considered meaningful to analyze for relative abundance patterns. An analysis of the two larger fractions (>125 μm; >250 μm) shows no consistency in relative abundance patterns.The relative abundance patterns for the 34 most common species in the size fraction >125 μm were analyzed by means of correspondence analysis. Three benthic foraminiferal assemblages (I, II, and III) were recognized and these can be associated with water masses. Assemblage I is associated with the Florida Current and consists of shallow water species (Amphistegina gibbosa, Compressigerina sp. A,Discorbinella biconcavus, Islandiella teretis, Reussella atlantica, andSiphonina pulchra). Assemblage II contains key species for North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) (Cibicidoides kullenbergi, Epistominella exigua, Globocassidulina subglobosa, Lenticulina peregrina, Oridorsalis umbonatus, andPlanulina wuellerstorfi). The third assemblage (III) contains species associated with the Antilles Current (Bolivina rhomboidalis, Cassidulina obtusa, Cassidulina vortex, andNuttallides umbonifera). The correspondence analysis reveals an alternation in dominance between Assemblage I and Assemblage II prior to 3.3 Ma, suggesting lateral oscillations between the Florida Current and NADW. At about 3.3 Ma Assemblage I disappears and Assemblage III increases in importance, suggesting an increasing influence of the Antilles Current in the upper part of the record.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》1988,13(3):213-237
The benthic foraminiferal assemblages of two cores from the late-Holocene, organic-carbon-rich and carbonate-poor, deep-sea sediments of the eastern depression of the Sea of Marmara have been studied. They were deposited under high level of primary productivity and poorly oxygenated bottom-water conditions; they show low diversity and are dominated by a group of species adapted to an infaunal life style with wide bathymetric distribution (ca. 70–2000 m) in the Mediterranean Sea. Oxygen deficiency down to about 0.5 ml/l does not seem adversely to affect the rate of reproduction of the dominant species belonging to Melonis, Chilostomella, buliminids, and bolivinitids. Their distribution is primarily controlled by substrate conditions.Faunal similarities with fossil assemblages in association with some late-Quaternary sapropels and related facies from the eastern Mediterranean basins suggest that they were deposited under palaeo-oceanographic conditions closely similar to those of the modern Sea of Marmara.  相似文献   

Doo  Steve S.  Hamylton  Sarah  Finfer  Joshua  Byrne  Maria 《Coral reefs (Online)》2017,36(1):293-303

Large benthic foraminifera (LBFs) are a vital component of coral reef carbonate production, often overlooked due to their small size. These super-abundant calcifiers are crucial to reef calcification by generation of lagoon and beach sands. Reef-scale carbonate production by LBFs is not well understood, and seasonal fluctuations in this important process are largely unquantified. The biomass of five LBF species in their algal flat habitat was quantified in the austral winter (July 2013), spring (October 2013), and summer (February 2014) at One Tree Reef. WorldView-2 satellite images were used to characterize and create LBF habitat maps based on ground-referenced photographs of algal cover. Habitat maps and LBF biomass measurements were combined to estimate carbonate storage across the entire reef flat. Total carbonate storage of LBFs on the reef flat ranged from 270 tonnes (winter) to 380 tonnes (summer). Satellite images indicate that the habitat area used by LBFs ranged from 0.6 (winter) to 0.71 km2 (spring) of a total possible area of 0.96 km2. LBF biomass was highest in the winter when algal habitat area was lowest, but total carbonate storage was the highest in the summer, when algal habitat area was intermediate. Our data suggest that biomass measurements alone do not capture total abundance of LBF populations (carbonate storage), as the area of available habitat is variable. These results suggest LBF carbonate production studies that measure biomass in discrete locations and single time points fail to capture accurate reef-scale production by not incorporating estimates of the associated algal habitat. Reef-scale measurements in this study can be incorporated into carbonate production models to determine the role of LBFs in sedimentary landforms (lagoons, beaches, etc.). Based on previous models of entire reef metabolism, our estimates indicate that LBFs contribute approximately 3.9–5.4% of reef carbonate budgets, a previously underappreciated carbon sink.



Marine ecosystems, particularly coastal environments, are rapidly changing due to anthropogenic impacts resulting in increased global climate change (ocean warming), ocean acidification, hypoxia, and eutrophication. On coral reefs, symbiont-bearing large benthic foraminifera (LBFs) can play a key role as reef constituents and carbonate producers, contributing up to 5% of reef-scale carbonate budgets. However, projected climate change, particularly ocean warming, has the potential to significantly alter the conditions in which marine organisms persist. While the response of LBFs to elevated thermal stress is well documented in laboratory studies, the potential influence of adaptation or acclimatization through prior environmental thermal history on this response remains largely unknown. In this study, specimens of Calcarina gaudichaudii, an LBF from the Penghu Islands, Taiwan, were collected from thermally variable intertidal and thermally stable subtidal (~ 6 m depth) environments representing thermal history. LBFs were then acclimated to laboratory conditions at ambient (25 °C) and elevated (28 °C) temperatures for three weeks, and subsequently exposed to control and heat stress treatments (25 °C, 28 °C, 30 °C, 33 °C) for an additional one week. Photosynthetic rates (determined through oxygen flux measurements) of C. gaudichaudii significantly decreased in specimens collected at subtidal depths acclimated at 25 °C when compared to those acclimated at 28 °C, whereas there was no effect of thermal history on respiration, indicating that symbiont and holobiont responses may differ in LBFs. Additionally, maximum photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) significantly decreased as a result of heat stress, although bleaching was not visually observed after one week. These results highlight the plastic responses of the algal microbiome and indicate that thermal history, acclimatization temperature, and heat stress interact to affect the physiological status of C. gaudichaudii. This study adds to the growing literature which highlights the larger implications of understanding thermal history as an important factor to consider to better understand how ecosystem processes (e.g., carbonate production) are altered on modern coral reefs.


The diversity and distribution of modern benthic foraminifera has been extensively studied in order to aid the paleoecological interpretation of their fossil record. Traditionally, foraminiferal species are identified based on morphological characters of their organic, agglutinated or calcareous tests. Recently, however, new molecular techniques based on analysis of DNA sequences have been introduced to study the genetic variation in foraminifera. Although the number of species for which DNA sequence data exist is still very limited, it appears that morphology-based studies largely underestimated foraminiferal diversity. Here, we present two examples of the use of DNA sequences to examine the diversity of benthic foraminifera. The first case deals with molecular and morphological variations in the well-known and common calcareous genus Ammonia. The second case presents molecular diversity in the poorly documented group of monothalamous (single-chambered) foraminifera. Both examples perfectly illustrate high cryptic diversity revealed in almost all molecular studies. Molecular results also confirm that the majority of foraminiferal species have a restricted geographic distribution and that globally distributed species are rare. This is in opposition to the theory that biogeography has no impact on the diversity of small-sized eukaryotes. At least in the case of foraminifera, size does not seem to have a main impact on dispersal capacities. However, the factors responsible for the dispersal of foraminiferal species and the extension of their geographic ranges remain largely unknown. Special Issue: Protist diversity and geographic distribution. Guest editor: W. Foissner.  相似文献   

Bathyal and abyssal foraminifera in the Gulf of Mexico are distributed among thirteen generic predominance facies. Five predominance facies nearly encircle the Gulf basin along the slope and rise; a sixth predominance facies blankets the Sigsbee Plain, and a seventh is restricted to the Mississippi Fan. The remaining eight predominance facies have more restricted distributions. The areal patterns of these predominance facies can be related chiefly to water mass and substrate characteristics; modifications are brought about by calcite dissolution, upwelling, and sill depth. Analysis of ancient generic predominance facies is useful in predicting relative paleobathymetry and other paleoenvironmental properties.  相似文献   

In experiments with living meiofauna, sediment is often sieved prior to incubation. This is primarily to remove macrofauna and to increase reproducibility among replicates. At the onset of the experiment, the bacteria are severely disturbed. The effects of these disturbances are ill-known but might affect the outcome of the experimental meiofaunal and biogeochemical studies substantially.We compared the disturbance induced by sieving with the disturbance in microcosms from which meiofauna was removed by flushing with argon. Both experimental situations were compared with untreated cores and the field situation. Neither sieving nor flushing induced changes in the composition of the foraminiferal community compared with the natural situation; the four most abundant species found in the field remained dominant during the experiment. Sieving led to a pronounced disturbance in both bacterial as well as foraminiferal abundance patterns. The depth distribution of some species seems to be related to food, although bacteria might play a regulating role as well.  相似文献   

Although foraminifera are a dominant component of many marine benthic communities, quantification of their predation on prokaryotes remains an experimental challenge. We have developed an approach that allows us to study grazing by adult specimens of the calcareous species Haynesina germanica and Ammonia beccarii, and the single-chambered agglutinated species Psammophaga sp., on bacteria (Halomonas sp.), pulse-chase-labelled with 3H- and 14C-Leucine. The bacterivorous ciliate Uronema sp. and flagellate Pteridomonas sp. were used as positive controls. The rate of release of 3H when protozoa were incubated with the labelled bacteria indicated the predator's grazing rate; the proportion of 14C found in the foraminiferal biomass and shell indicated the prey assimilation rate. All three foraminiferal species grazed bacteria at a rate of 3.2-5.7 ng C ind−1 h−1 depending on bacterial concentrations. About 23% of the biomass of the 14C-labelled prey was most likely assimilated into foraminiferal pseudopodia, 12% was expelled in dissolved waste material, about 62% was respired and only 0.1% was incorporated into the carbonate shell. Extracellular digestion associated with pseudopodia could explain the very low proportion of the labelled food assimilated in the cell body and the significant proportion located in pseudopodial networks. These experiments also suggest that very little of the carbon ingested by adult calcareous foraminifera is incorporated into the shell. However, we cannot conclude that diet has no influence on the stable isotope composition of the shell since none of our calcareous specimens grew new chambers during the experiments.  相似文献   

Although it is well known that the Paleocene/Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) coincided with a major benthic foraminiferal extinction event, the detailed pattern of the faunal turnover has not yet been clarified. Our high-resolution benthic foraminiferal and carbon isotope analyses at the low latitude Pacific Ocean Shatsky Rise have revealed the following record of major faunal transitions: (1) An initial turnover which involved the benthic foraminiferal extinction event (BFE). The BFE, marked by a sharp transition from Pre-extinction fauna to Disaster fauna represented by small-sized Bolivina gracilis, expresses the onset of the PETM and the abrupt extinction of about 30% of taxa. This faunal transition lasted about 45-74 kyr after the initiation of the PETM and was followed by: (2) the appearance of Opportunistic fauna represented by Quadrimorphina profunda, which existed for about 74-91 kyr after the initiation of the PETM. These two faunas, which appeared after the extinction event, are characterized by low diversity and dwarfism, possibly due to lowered oxygen condition and decreased surface productivity. The second pronounced turnover involved the gradual recovery from Opportunistic Fauna to the establishment of Recovery fauna, which coincided with the recovery about 83-91 kyr after its initiation.  相似文献   

Many juvenile and adult double and multiple tests of benthic foraminifera were observed on specimens grown in laboratory cultures or collected in various natural environments. Our observations bring to light three possible causes for such abnormalities, each one referring to characteristic morphological features. Double tests may result: (1) from an anomaly in the development of a single juvenile, building two or three second chambers or two third chambers, each one possibly developing in an individual whorl; (2) from the early fusion of two juveniles, which both develop after their fusion; (3) from the attachment of a juvenile on a parental test after the schizogony followed by the young's development.  相似文献   

The distribution of Rose Bengal stained calcareous benthic foraminifera was determined in six ☐ cores raised from water depths between 200 and 3000 m on the Nova Scotian continental margin and Gulf of Maine. The taxa can be separated into four microhabitats within the surficial sediments. Epifaunal taxa are generally found in the top cm, intermediate infaunal taxa are found from about 1 to 4 cm and deep infaunal taxa are found at > 4 cm sediment depth in at least one ☐ core. A fourth group, shallow infaunal taxa, is found in the top 2 cm and is inferred to be infaunal based on wall porosity characteristics and test shapes similar to infaunal taxa. The epifaunal, shallow infaunal and intermediate infaunal taxa maintain their positions within the sediments from core to core, whereas the deep infaunal taxa are found at progressively shallower sediment depths in cores within increasing organic carbon contents from shallower water depths.Each microhabitat category has distinct morphological characteristics. Epifaunal taxa have plano-covex or biconvex cross sections, trochospiral coiling and large pores absent or found on only one side. Shallow infaunal taxa have uniserial, triserial, or planispiral coiling, with surface ornamentation present on a number of taxa. The intermediate infaunal taxa have rounded peripheries, pores over the entire test and planispiral coiling, with the exception ofCibicidoides bradyi which has trochospiral coiling. The deep infaunal taxa have, in general, planispiral or triserial coiling with cylindrical or ovate shaped tests.  相似文献   

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