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Hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA damage in bovine lens epithelial cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The present investigation was undertaken to determine the types and extent of DNA damage resulting from incubation of primary cultures of bovine lens epithelial cells with hydrogen peroxide. Significant numbers of DNA single-strand breaks were detected by alkaline elution after exposure to as little as 25 microM H2O2 for 5 min at 37 degrees C. The extent of single-strand breakage was concentration dependent and linear from 25 to 200 microM H2O2. The observed single-strand breaks appear primarily due to the action of the hydroxyl radical via a Fenton reaction as both an iron chelator, 1,10-phenanthroline and OH. scavengers, including DMSO, KI and glycerol, significantly inhibited the DNA-damaging effect of H2O2. Diethyldithiocarbamate, an inhibitor of superoxide dismutase, further potentiated the DNA-damaging effects of H2O2, presumably by increasing the steady-state concentration of Fe2+. DNA-protein cross-linking was not observed. In addition, significant levels of 5,6-saturated thymine residues or pyrimidine dimers were not detected after modification of the alkaline elution methodology to allow the use of either E. coli endonuclease III or bacteriophage T4 endonuclease V, respectively. No double-strand breaks were detected after incubation of epithelial cell cultures with H2O2 concentrations of up to 400 microM for 10 min and subsequent neutral filter elution. Since, in vivo, the lens epithelium contains populations of both quiescent and dividing cells, the degree of susceptibility to oxidative damage was also studied in actively growing and plateau-phase cultures. Reduced levels of single-strand breakage were observed when plateau-phase cultures were compared to actively growing cells. In contrast, essentially no differences in repair rates were noted at equitoxic doses of H2O2. The above results suggest that lens epithelial cells may be particularly sensitive to oxidative damage and thus are a good model system in which to study the effects of oxidative stress.  相似文献   

St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum), a perennial herb native to Europe, is widely used for and seems to be effective in treatment of mild to moderate depression. Hypericin, a singlet oxygen-generating photosensitizer that absorbs in both the visible and the UVA range, is considered to be one of the bioactive ingredients of St. John’s wort, and commercial preparations are frequently calibrated to contain a standard concentration. Hypericin can accumulate in ocular tissues, including lenses, and can bind in vitro to α-crystallin, a major lens protein. α-crystallin is required for lens transparency and also acts as a chaperone to ensure its own integrity and the integrity of all lens proteins. Because there is no crystallin turnover, damage to α-crystallin is cumulative over the lifetime of the lens and can lead to cataracts, the principal cause of blindness worldwide. In this work we study hypericin photosensitization of α-crystallin and detect extensive polymerization of bovine α-crystallin exposed in vitro to hypericin and UVA. We use fluorescence confocal microscopy to visualize binding between hypericin and α-crystallin in a human lens epithelial (HLE) cell line. Further, we show that UVA irradiation of hypericin-treated HLE cells results in a dramatic decrease in α-crystallin detection concurrent with a dramatic accumulation of the tryptophan oxidation product N-formylkynurenine (NFK). Examination of actin in HLE cells indicates that this cytoskeleton protein accumulates NFK resulting from hypericin-mediated photosensitization. This work also shows that filtration of wavelengths <400 nm provides incomplete protection against α-crystallin modification and NFK accumulation, suggesting that even by wearing UV-blocking sunglasses, routine users of St. John’s wort cannot adequately shield their lenses from hypericin-mediated photosensitized damage.  相似文献   

Lipid compositional changes in lens epithelial cells (HLE B-3) grown in a hyperoxic atmosphere were studied to determine if oxidation could cause changes in the amount and type of phospholipid similar to those found in vivo with age and cataract. The phosphatidylcholines in HLE B-3 cells were 8 times more unsaturated than the sphingomyelins. Cell viability was the same for cells grown for up to 48 h in a normoxic or hyperoxic atmosphere. Lipid oxidation was about three times higher after growth in a hyperoxic atmosphere compared with cells grown in a normoxic atmosphere. The lack of change in the relative amount of sphingomyelin and the decrease in phosphatidylcholine coupled with the increase in lysophosphatidylcholine support the idea that similar mechanisms may be responsible for the lipid compositional changes in both lens epithelial and fiber cells. It is postulated that lipases eliminate oxidized unsaturated glycerolipids, leaving a membrane increasingly composed of more ordered and more saturated sphingolipids. Oxidative stress leads to changes in membrane composition that are consistent with those seen with age in human epithelial cells. Oxidation-induced epithelial phospholipid change is an area of research that has gone virtually unexplored in the human lens and could be relevant to all cell types and may be important to lens clarity.  相似文献   

Previous studies from our laboratory have led us to conclude that lens cell elongation is caused by an increase in cell volume. This volume increase results from an increase in the potassium content of the cells due to decreased potassium efflux. In contrast, an increase in the volume of most cells triggers a regulatory volume decrease (RVD) that is usually mediated by increased potassium efflux. For this reason, chicken embryo lens epithelial cells were tested to see whether they were capable of typical cell volume regulation. Changes in cell volume during lens fiber differentiation were first estimated by 3H2O water uptake. Cell water increased in proportion to cell length in elongating lens cells. Treatment of epithelial cells cultured in basal medium with dilute or concentrated medium, or with medium containing 50 mM sucrose, resulted in typical volume regulatory responses. Cells lost or gained volume in response to osmotic stress, then returned to their previous volume. In addition, the elongation and increase in cell volume that accompanies lens fiber cell differentiation occurred normally in either hypo- or hypertonic media. This observation showed that the activation of mechanisms to compensate for osmotic stress did not interfere with the increase in volume that accompanies elongation. The ability of elongating cells to volume regulate was also tested. Lens epithelial cells were stimulated to elongate by exposure to embryonic vitreous humor, then challenged with hypotonic medium. These elongating cells regulated their volume as effectively as unstimulated cells. Therefore, cells that were increasing their volume due to reduced potassium efflux could adjust their volume in response to osmotic stress, presumably by increasing potassium efflux. This suggests that the changes in potassium efflux that occur during differentiation and RVD are regulated by distinct mechanisms.  相似文献   

Exposure of biological chromophores to ultraviolet radiation can lead to photochemical damage. However, the role of visible light, particularly in the blue region of the spectrum, has been largely ignored. To test the hypothesis that blue light is toxic to non-pigmented epithelial cells, confluent cultures of human primary retinal epithelial cells were exposed to visible light (390-550 nm at 2.8 milliwatts/cm2) for up to 6 h. A small loss of mitochondrial respiratory activity was observed at 6 h compared with dark-maintained cells, and this loss became greater with increasing time. To investigate the mechanism of cell loss, the damage to mitochondrial and nuclear genes was assessed using the quantitative PCR. Light exposure significantly damaged mitochondrial DNA at 3 h (0.7 lesion/10 kb DNA) compared with dark-maintained controls. However, by 6 h of light exposure, the number of lesions was decreased in the surviving cells, indicating DNA repair. Isolated mitochondria exposed to light generated singlet oxygen, superoxide anion, and the hydroxyl radical. Antioxidants confirmed the superoxide anion to be the primary species responsible for the mitochondrial DNA lesions. The effect of lipofuscin, a photoinducible intracellular generator of reactive oxygen intermediates, was investigated for comparison. Exposure of lipofuscin-containing cells to visible light caused an increase in both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA lesions compared with non-pigmented cells. We conclude that visible light can cause cell dysfunction through the action of reactive oxygen species on DNA and that this may contribute to cellular aging, age-related pathologies, and tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Methylglyoxal (MGO) is a cytotoxic metabolite and modifies tissue proteins through the Maillard reaction, resulting in advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which can alter protein structure and functions. Several MGO-derived AGEs have been described, including argpyrimidine, a fluorescent product of the MGO reaction with arginine residues. Herein, we evaluated the cytotoxic role of MGO in human lens epithelial cell line (HLE-B3). HLE-B3 cells were exposed to 400 μM MGO in the present or absence of pyridoxamine for 24 h. We then examined the formation of argpyrimidine, apoptosis and oxidative stress in HLE-B3 cells. In MGO-treated HLE-B3 cells, the accumulation of argpyrimidine was markedly increased, and caspase-3 and 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) were highly expressed, which paralleled apoptotic cell death. However, pyridoxamine (AGEs inhibitor) prevented the argpyrimidine formation and apoptosis of MGO-treated HLE-B3 cells. These results suggested that the accumulation of argpyrimidine and oxidative DNA damage caused by MGO are involved in apoptosis of HLE-B3 cells.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial chronic stress that originates from defective mitochondria is implicated in a growing list of human diseases. To enhance understanding of pathophysiology of chronic mitochondrial dysfunction we investigated human osteosarcoma cells with 2 types of chronic stress: corresponding to the mutation in ATP synthase subunit 6 encoded by mtDNA (NARP syndrome-mild stress) and to a total lack of mtDNA (Rho0 cells-heavy stress). We previously found that selenium influenced mitochondrial stress response and lowered ROS production. Therefore, in this study effect of selenite on other mitochondrial parameters was investigated. We showed that presence of selenium improved survival of starved cells, modified organization of mitochondrial network in NARP cybrids and decreased cytosolic calcium level in NARP and Rho0 cells. Selenium did not affect mitochondrial membrane potential, ATP level, activity of ATP synthase and activity of complex II of the respiratory chain.  相似文献   

Summary Serially subcultured rat lens epithelial cells grow in different stages, which can be classified according to morphology, chromosome numbers and population kinetics. A lensspecific γ-crystallin appears in the diploid stage, when elongated cell types are observed. One of the β-crystallin bands (pH 5.7) disappears during aging in higher passage numbers of the diploid stage B. A weak band in the β-crystallin region (pH 6.4), which is present in all stages, becomes very intensive in aneuploid cells of stage D, which exhibit a fibroblast-like morphology. The work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Grant Ri 285/3.  相似文献   

Rat lens epithelial cells in vitro   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Lens epithelial cells from rats aged 5 days were grown in long-term cultures. These cells age, differentiate and transform spontaneously. Morphological observations indicate five different stages (A-E). The epithelial character is lost after the first two passages. Elongated cells appearing afterwards are considered as cells that have started differentiation to fiberlike cells. Big flattened cells are considered as senescent cells that have lost their proliferative capacity. Data from population kinetics also reflect these five stages. Chromosome analysis shows that three of the five stages are no longer diploid. Two alternative modes of spontaneous transformation are possible. The proliferative capacity of rat lens epithelial cells is higher than that of rat embryonic fibroblast systems. The investigations were supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Biology of Aging, Grants Ri 285/2 and Ri 285/3).  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to characterize a prominent nuclear matrix (NM) protein isolated from tissue cultured mouse lens epithelial cells. This NM protein was separated by SDS-PAGE and the stained gel band was analyzed by mass spectroscopy. Blast analysis of the amino acid sequence derived by mass spectroscopy revealed the presence of Lamin C in the NM of the mouse lens epithelial cells. We also examined nuclear proteins of adult and fetal human lenses. Data collected from these experiments showed the presence of Lamin C in both adult and fetal lens cells. However fetal lens cells only show Lamin C dimers, whereas adult human lens contained dimers, monomers and degraded Lamin C. Early and late passaged tissue cultured mouse lens epithelial cells also contained Lamin C in the nucleus with a preponderance of the dimer in the early passaged cells. The biological significance of the presence of dimers in human fetal lens cells and early passaged mouse lens cells is not known. However, it could suggest an enhanced docking capability of Lamin C dimers for other physiologically important nuclear proteins.  相似文献   

Exposure to exogenous and endogenous sources cause oxidative damage to cellular macromolecules, including DNA. This results in gradual accumulation of oxidative DNA base lesions, and in order to maintain genomic stability we must have effective systems to repair this kind of damage. The accumulation of lesions is most dramatic in the mitochondrial DNA, and this may cause dysfunction and loss of cellular energy production. Base excision DNA repair (BER) is the major pathway that removes oxidative DNA base lesions, and while we know much about its mechanism in the nuclear DNA, little is yet known about this pathway in mitochondria. While nuclear BER decreases with age, the mitochondrial DNA repair may increase with age. This increase is not enough to prevent the gradual accumulation of lesions in the mitochondrial DNA with age. Accumulation of DNA lesions with age may be the underlying cause for age-associated diseases including cancer.  相似文献   

The influence of sexual category as a modifier of cellular function is underinvestigated. Whether sex differences affect estrogen-mediated mitochondrial cytoprotection was determined using cell cultures of normal human lens epithelia (nHLE) from postmortem male and female donors. Experimental indicators assessed included differences in estrogen receptor-beta (ERbeta) isoform expression, receptor localization in mitochondria, and estrogen-mediated prevention of loss of mitochondrial membrane potential using the potentiometric fluorescent compound JC-1 after nHLE were exposed to peroxide. The impact of wild-type ERbeta (wtERbeta1) was also assessed using wtERbeta1 siRNA to suppress expression. A triple-primer PCR assay was employed to determine the proportional distribution of the receptor isoforms (wtERbeta1, -beta2, and -beta5) from the total ERbeta message pool in male and female cell cultures. Irrespective of sex, nHLE express wtERbeta1 and the ERbeta2 and ERbeta5 splice variants in similar ratios. Confocal microscopy and immunofluorescence revealed localization of the wild-type receptor in peripheral mitochondrial arrays and perinuclear mitochondria as well as nuclear staining in both cell populations. The ERbeta2 and ERbeta5 isoforms were distributed primarily in the nucleus and cytosol, respectively; no association with the mitochondria was detected. Both male and female nHLE treated with E(2) (1 muM) displayed similar levels of protection against peroxide-induced oxidative stress. In conjunction with acute oxidative insult, RNA suppression of wtERbeta1 elicited the collapse of mitochondrial membrane potential and markedly diminished the otherwise protective effects of E(2). Thus, whereas the estrogen-mediated prevention of mitochondrial membrane permeability transition is sex independent, the mechanism of estrogen-induced mitochondrial cytoprotection is wtERbeta1 dependent.  相似文献   

The expression of a nuclear (57 kDa) protein statin has been previously characterized as a specific marker of quiescent or senescent aging human fibroblasts in vitro. In these studies we have shown that the expression of statin is associated specifically with the postreplicative and terminally differentiating lens epithelial cell. By monitoring the synthesis of specific lens crystallin proteins, and the morphological and cellular changes associated with this differentiated system, we have demonstrated a close correlation between statin expression and cell commitment to the G0 nonreplicative cell cycle state.  相似文献   

Summary The intracellular pH (pH i ) of tissue-cultured bovine lens epithelial cells was measured in small groups of 6 to 10 cells using the trapped fluorescent dye 2,7-bis-(2-,carboxyethyl)-5 (and 6)carboxyfluorescein (BCECF). When perifused at 35°C with artificial aqueous humour solution (AAH) containing 16 mM HCO 3 - and 5% CO2, pH 7.25, pH i was 7.19±0.02 (sem, n = 95). On removing HCO 3 - and CO2 there was an initial transient alkalinization followed by a fall in pH to a steady value of 6.97±0.03 (sem, n = 54). Addition of 0.25 mM 4,4-diisothiocyanatostilbene2, 2-disulfonic acid (DIDS) to AAH containing HCO 3 - and CO2 led to a rapid and pronounced fall in pH. Exposure to Na+-free AAH again led to a marked fall in pH i , but in this case the addition of DIDS did not produce a further fall. Substitution of the impermeant anion gluconate for Cl in the presence of HCO 3 - led to a rise in pH i , while substitution in the absence of HCO 3 - led to a fall in pH i . The above data indicate a significant role for a sodium-dependent Cl-HCO 3 - exchange mechanism in the regulation of pH i . Addition of 1 mM amiloride to control AAH in both the presence and absence of HCO 3 - led to a marked fall in pH i , indicating that a Na+/H+ exchange mechanism also has a significant role in the regulation of pH i . There is evidence for a lactic acid transport mechanism in bovine lens cells, as addition of lactate to the external medium produced a rapid fall in pH i . Larger changes in pH i were observed in control compared to HCO 3 - -free AAH and in the latter case a pronounced alkalinizing overshoot was obtained on removing external lactate. Tissue-cultured bovine lens cells thus possess at least three membrane transport mechanisms that are involved in pH regulation. The buffering capacity of the lens cells was measured by perturbing pH i with either NH 4 + or procaine. The values obtained were similar in both cases and the intrinsic buffering capacity measured in the absence of external HCO 3 - was 5 mm/pH unit (procaine). However, in the presence of HCO 3 - and CO2 the buffer capacity increases approximately fourfold, indicating that HCO 3 - is the principal intracellular buffer.We acknowledge financial support from the Wellcome Trust and the Humane Research Trust for this project. M.R. Williams was in receipt of a Science & Engineering Research Council studentship.  相似文献   

Lens epithelial cells can be kept in their original differentiated state or brought to dedifferentiation depending on the culture conditions. The different stages of differentiation can be identified using specific markers, namely the activity of steroid metabolizing enzymes, and the synthesis of specific structural lens polypeptides. For this reason lens epithelial cells in tissue culture provide a unique system for the study of the regulation of RNA and protein biosynthesis.Abbreviations dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)= 3-hydroxy-5-androsten-17-one - androstenediol (ADIOL)= 5-androstene-3, 17-diol - androstenedione(ADION)= 4-androstene-3, 17-dione  相似文献   

Respirable quartz dust has been classified as a human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. The aim of our study was to investigate the mechanisms of DNA damage by DQ12 quartz in RLE-6TN rat lung epithelial type II cells (RLE). Transmission electron microscopy and flow-cytometry analysis showed a rapid particle uptake (30 min to 4 h) of quartz by the RLE cells, but particles were not found within the cell nuclei. This suggests that DNA strand breakage and induction of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine - as also observed in these cells during these treatment intervals - did not result from direct physical interactions between particles and DNA, or from short-lived particle surface-derived reactive oxygen species. DNA damage by quartz was significantly reduced in the presence of the mitochondrial inhibitors rotenone and antimycin-A. In the absence of quartz, these inhibitors did not affect DNA damage, but they reduced cellular oxygen consumption. No signs of apoptosis were observed by quartz. Flow-cytometry analysis indicated that the reduced DNA damage by rotenone was not due to a possible mitochondria-mediated reduction of particle uptake by the RLE cells. Further proof of concept for the role of mitochondria was shown by the failure of quartz to elicit DNA damage in mitochondria-depleted 143B (rho-0) osteosarcoma cells, at concentrations where it elicited DNA damage in the parental 143B cell line. In conclusion, our data show that respirable quartz particles can elicit oxidative DNA damage in vitro without entering the nuclei of type II cells, which are considered to be important target cells in quartz carcinogenesis. Furthermore, our observations indicate that such indirect DNA damage involves the mitochondrial electron transport chain function, by an as-yet-to-be elucidated mechanism.  相似文献   

The relationships among reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, lipid compositional changes, antioxidant power, and mitochondrial membrane potential were determined in a human lens epithelial cell line, HLE-B3. Cells grown in a hyperoxic atmosphere grew linearly for about 3 days, and then progressively died. Total antioxidant power and ROS generation increased by 50 and 43%, respectively, in cells grown in a hyperoxic atmosphere compared to those cultured in a normoxic atmosphere. By specifically uncoupling the mitochondrial proton gradient, we determined that the mitochondria are most likely the major source of ROS generation. ROS generation correlated inversely with mitochondrial membrane potential and the amount of cardiolipin, factors likely to contribute to loss of cell viability. Our results support the idea that hyperoxic damage to HLE-B3 cells derives from enhanced generation of ROS from the mitochondrial electron transport chain resulting in the oxidation of cardiolipin. With extended hyperoxic insult, the oxidants overwhelm the antioxidant defense system and eventually cell death ensues.  相似文献   

Electrophysiology of cultured human lens epithelial cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The lens epithelial K+ conductance plays a key role in maintaining the lens ionic steady state. The specific channels responsible for this conductance are unknown. We used cultured lens epithelia and patch-clamp technology to address this problem. Human lens epithelial explants were cultured and after 1–4 passages were dissociated and used in this study. The cells from which we measured had a mean diameter of 31±1 m (sem,n=26). The resting voltage was –19±4 mV (sem,n=10) and the input resistance was 2.5±0.5 G (sem,n=17) at –60 mV. Two currents were prominent in whole-cell recordings. An outwardly rectifying current was seen in nearly every cell. The magnitude of this current was a function of K+ concentration and was blocked by 3mm tetraethylammonium. The instantaneous current-voltage relationship was linear in symmetric K+, implying that the outward rectificiation was due to gating. The current showed complex activation and inactivation kinetics. The second current seen was a transient inward current. This current had kinetics very similar to the traditional Na+ current of excitable cells and was blocked by 0.1 m tetrodotoxin. In single-channel recordings, a 150-pS K+ channel and a 35-pS nonselective cation channel were seen but neither account for the macroscopic currents measured.  相似文献   

17beta-Estradiol (E(2)) reduces oxidative stress-induced depolarization of mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) in cultured human lens epithelial cells (HLE-B3). The mechanism by which the nongenomic effects of E(2) contributed to the protection against mitochondrial membrane depolarization was investigated. Mitochondrial membrane integrity is regulated by phosphorylation of BAD, and it is known that phosphorylation of Ser(112) inactivates BAD and prevents its participation in the mitochondrial death pathway. We found that E(2) rapidly increased both the phosphorylation of ERK2 and Ser(112) in BAD. Ser(112) is phosphorylated by p90 ribosomal S6 kinase (RSK), a Ser/Thr kinase, which is a downstream effector of ERK1/2. Inhibition of RSK by the RSK-specific inhibitor SL0101 did not reduce the level of E(2)-induced phosphorylation of Ser(112). Silencing BAD using small interfering RNA did not alter mitochondrial membrane depolarization elicited by peroxide insult. However, under the same conditions, silencing ERK2 dramatically increased membrane depolarization compared with the control small interfering RNA. Therefore, ERK2, functioning through a BAD-independent mechanism regulates MMP in humans lens epithelial cells. We propose that estrogen-induced activation of ERK2 acts to protect cells from acute oxidative stress. Moreover, despite the fact that ERK2 plays a regulatory role in mitochondrial membrane potential, estrogen was found to block mitochondrial membrane depolarization via an ERK-independent mechanism.  相似文献   

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