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The recent advances in genetic tools to manipulate Mycobacterium tuberculosis have led to the construction of defined mutants and to the study of their role in the virulence and pathogenesis of tuberculosis. The safety and vaccine potential of a few of these M. tuberculosis mutants as candidate vaccines against tuberculosis are discussed.  相似文献   

结核病是由结核分枝杆菌感染引起的传染病,细胞免疫中的CD4+T细胞、CD8+T细胞、Th17细胞在对抗结核分枝杆菌感染中发挥重要作用,新近研究显示抗体特定的糖链修饰有助于清除病原体,提示体液免疫也可能参与免疫保护。目前使用的疫苗——卡介苗对婴幼儿重症结核病具有良好的保护力,但是对成人肺结核保护力欠佳,所以需要研发新的疫苗。目前已有数个新型疫苗进入临床试验。本文就结核分枝杆菌的免疫保护机制作一简要介绍,主要阐述现用疫苗——卡介苗及新型疫苗的研究现状,让读者对上述知识的进展有所了解。  相似文献   

Approximately 2 million people die of tuberculosis (TB) each year. The current vaccine, Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG), albeit widely employed, does not protect against adult pulmonary disease, and new vaccines are urgently needed to reduce the incidence of TB worldwide. New insights into the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie the interactions between Mycobacterium tuberculosis and its host have been exploited to develop novel vaccine candidates that recently have entered clinical trials. This review provides a brief overview of different approaches toward a new vaccination strategy and summarizes major challenges for the next decade.  相似文献   

分枝杆菌灭活疫苗(inactivated mycobacterium vaccines)是一种最原始、简单制备方法的产物,但在结核疫苗史上始终拥有一席之地。从早期的旧结核菌素和死卡介苗以及中期唯一的分枝杆菌疫苗,到如今逐个出现的新疫苗,分枝杆菌灭活疫苗仍受到研究者的重视,其用途也从结核病患者的免疫治疗,扩大到潜伏感染人群的预防和卡介苗(Bacillus Calmette-Guérin, BCG)初免后的加强免疫。现就分枝杆菌灭活疫苗的临床研究历史和现状作一综述,为新疫苗的研制提供参考。  相似文献   

后基因组时代的结核新疫苗研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
谢建平  乐军  王洪海 《生命科学》2002,14(1):30-34,26
利用蛋白质组技术、生物信息学的DNA芯片等技术筛选适当的保护性抗原,重点在亚单位疫苗的DNA疫苗方面构建预防性和治疗性的疫苗,并配合使用亚单位疫苗,DNA疫苗和减毒活疫苗是值得重视的方向。  相似文献   

This study evaluated the adjuvant Dimethyldioctyldecyl Ammonium Bromide (DDA) effect on the protective immunity induced by a combination of plasmids containing genes encoding antigens Ag85B, MPT-83, and ESAT-6 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The combined DNA vaccines in DDA resulted in significant increases in both specific IgG and splenic T-cell-derived Th1-type cytokine gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) production in response to the three purified antigens when compared to that of combined DNA vaccines in saline. Vaccines in DDA increased the protective efficacy of mice challenged with M. tuberculosis H37Rv as measured by reduced relative CFU counts in their lungs. Mice immunized with the combined DNA vaccines were shown to limit the growth of tubercle bacilli both in lungs and in spleens. Histopathological analyses showed that vaccinated mice had substantially improved postinfection lung pathology relative to the controls. We suggest that our combination of antigens together with DDA formulation may provide a new insight into tuberculosis prevention.  相似文献   

Lipid formulations containing BCG strains Danish 1331 or Moreau (Rio de Janeiro) were trialled as oral vaccines in rodent models. In mice, oral-delivery of either strain resulted in BCG colonisation of the alimentary tract lymphatics and induction of gamma-interferon responses. In guinea pigs, both strains provided pulmonary protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis aerosol challenge, as shown by significantly reduced bacterial loads and lung:body weight ratios. Lipid-formulated BCG provided superior protection against M. tuberculosis over unformulated orally-delivered BCG (Moreau), and equivalent protection to sub-cutaneous BCG (Danish) immunisation. Oral-delivery of lipid-formulated BCG may offer a practical alternative to parenteral-route BCG vaccination.  相似文献   

The growing pandemic of human tuberculosis has not been affected significantly by the widespread use of the only currently available vaccine, bacille Calmette Guerin. Bacille Calmette Guerin protects uniformly against serious paediatric forms of tuberculosis and against adult pulmonary tuberculosis in some parts of the world, but there are clearly populations in high-burden countries which do not benefit from the current vaccination regimen. New tuberculosis vaccines will be essential for the ultimate control of this ancient disease. Research over the past 10 years has produced literally hundreds of new tuberculosis vaccine candidates representing all of the major vaccine design strategies; protein/peptide vaccines in adjuvants, DNA vaccines, naturally and rationally attenuated strains of mycobacteria, recombinant mycobacteria and other living vaccine vectors expressing genes coding for immunodominant mycobacterial antigens, and non-peptide vaccines. Many of these vaccines have been tested for immunogenicity and protective efficacy in mouse and guinea pig models of low-dose pulmonary tuberculosis. In addition, alternative routes of tuberculosis vaccine delivery (e.g. oral, respiratory, gene gun) and various combinations of priming or boosting an experimental vaccine with bacille Calmette Guerin have been examined in relevant animal models. One of the most promising of these vaccines is currently in Phase I trials in human subjects, and others are expected to follow in the near future. This review will summarise the most recent progress made toward the development and preclinical evaluation of novel vaccines for human tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Ribi, E. (Rocky Mountain Laboratory, Hamilton, Mont.), R. L. Anacker, W. Brehmer, G. Goode, C. L. Larson, R. H. List, K. C. Milner, and W. C. Wicht. Factors influencing protection against experimental tuberculosis in mice by heat-stable cell wall vaccines. J. Bacteriol. 92:869-879. 1966.-Studies of nonviable, heat-stable vaccines for active protection against experimental tuberculosis have been continued with a test involving aerosol challenge of intravenously vaccinated mice. The previously reported activating effect of light mineral oil on disrupted cells of the BCG strain was found to be shared by certain other mineral oils and a synthetic, 24-carbon hydrocarbon, but not by kerosene or any of several vegetable oils. Dry cell walls coated with a small amount of oil and dispersed in saline with aid of an emulsifier were suitable for intravenous administration and were effective in promoting resistance to challenge. Oil used in this manner, in contrast to water-in-oil emulsions of the Freund type which could not be administered intravenously, did not potentiate the tuberculin-sensitizing activity of the cell walls. Although the amount of oil required for full effect was small (< 0.5 ml/100 mg of dry antigen), there was a critical level below which optimal enhancement was not achieved. More stable suspensions than could be obtained with the other oils were readily prepared from cell walls treated with the synthetic hydrocarbon, 7-n-hexyloctadecane. Extended experience has shown that in this test system both the viable BCG standard vaccine and heated, oil-treated experimental vaccines gave highly reproducible results showing graded responses to graded doses.  相似文献   

Development of novel tuberculosis vaccines   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Efficacious control of tuberculosis (TB), one of the world's major health threats, is best achieved by a combination of chemotherapy and vaccination. The current vaccine, BCG, fails to prevent pulmonary TB in adults, which is the most prevalent form of this disease. Consequently, the design of novel vaccines against TB is urgently required. Because the acquired immune response is mediated by different T-cell sets, an optimal combination of these populations must be stimulated. As one third of the world's population is already infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, two types of vaccine may be required: one for eradication of already established infection and the other for prompt combat of invading microbes. A rational judgement on the efficacy of the different types of vaccine currently under development needs to await further evaluation.  相似文献   

随着对抗结核免疫机制的深入研究,新型结核疫苗的研发也更加理性和成熟。近期研究表明,CD4 T细胞多功能至关重要,人类CD8和γδT细胞也有抗结核免疫保护作用,是新型疫苗设计有潜力的T细胞靶点。系统的"组学"技术大规模筛选有可能发现更多强免疫原性的抗原。不同表达时期的多抗原组成的多价疫苗对不同感染时期的结核都有预防作用。针对潜伏感染或已经感染个体配合化学药物使用的新型治疗性疫苗,有望促进清除残留的结核分枝杆菌。  相似文献   

Prophylactic vaccines can be expected to be one of the major practical outputs of parasitology research. Various groups within Australia have pursued the vaccine objective for several years, with particular emphasis on blood-stage falciparum malaria in man, intestinal helminths of sheep and cattle, cutaneous myiasis (blowfly strike) in sheep, cysticercosis in sheep and cattle, bovine babesiosis, and cattle ticks. Other vaccine programmes are concerned with giardiasis, filariasis, toxoplasmosis, fascioliasis, coccidiosis in poultry, cutaneous leishmaniasis and schistosomiasis japonica. For many years, the only available vaccine against a parasite in Australia has been the attenuated Babesia bovis vaccine produced by the Tick Fever Research Centre of the Queensland Department of Primary Industries. Strategies for achieving molecular vaccines are generally similar within the various research groups. They involve analysis of the immunology and immunochemistry of a model or in-vitro system; development of functional monoclonal antibodies; analysis of antibody specificities in clinically and/or functionally defined polyclonal sera; screening of cDNA or genomic expression libraries; peptide synthesis; identification of an appropriate vaccination schedule involving adjuvants or new recombinant DNA-based antigen delivery systems. Outlined below are five of the major vaccine programmes.  相似文献   

Second-generation vaccines against leishmaniasis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Several species of Leishmania cause human diseases that range from self-healing cutaneous lesions to fatal visceral leishmaniasis, mucosal leishmaniasis and diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis. Drug resistance and toxicities associated with chemotherapy emphasize the need for a safe, effective vaccine. Studies of the immunopathogenesis and mechanisms of protective immunity define several features that should be met by an effective vaccine. The leishmaniases are unique among parasitic diseases because a single vaccine has the potential to protect against more than one species (disease) and be successful at both treating and preventing disease. In addition, several antigens have been identified and characterized that might be potential vaccine candidates. In this article, we focus on advances made with second-generation vaccines against leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

Therapeutic vaccines against infectious diseases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Therapeutic vaccines against chronic infectious diseases aim at eliciting broad humoral and cellular immune responses against multiple target antigens. Importantly, the development of such vaccines will help to establish surrogate markers of protection in humans and thus will augment the subsequent development of efficient prophylactic vaccines. A combination of synthetic small-molecule drugs and immunotherapeutics is likely to represent a powerful means of controlling chronic infections in the future. Challenges faced in developing therapeutic vaccines include the following: first, overcoming the potential impairment of immune responses due to established infection; second, optimizing schedules of vaccine administration in combination with standard of care chemotherapy; and third, defining what biological and immunological read-outs should be used to infer vaccine efficacy.  相似文献   

Copolymer 1 (Cop 1, Copaxone) is a synthetic amino acid copolymer effective in suppression of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE). The suppressive effect of Cop 1 in EAE is not restricted to a certain species, disease type or encephalitogen used for EAE induction. In phase II and III clinical trials, Cop 1 was found to slow the progression of disability and reduce the relapse rate in exacerbating-remitting multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. In vivo and in vitro studies suggest that the mechanism for Cop 1 activity in EAE and MS involves, as an initial step, the binding of Cop 1 to MHC class II molecules. This binding results in competition with myelin antigens for T-cell activation, both at the MHC and T-cell receptor levels and in induction of specific suppressor cells of the Th2 type. As an antigen-specific intervention, Cop 1 has the advantage of reduced probability for long-term damage to the immune system, and is thus a safe and effective novel therapeutic approach to MS. It also serves to illustrate the new concept of a drug/vaccine specific for a single autoimmune disease. Indeed, we have used a similar approach for myasthenia gravis. Myasthenia gravis (MG) and its experimental animal model, experimental autoimmune MG (EAMG), are immune disorders characterized by circulating antibodies and lymphocyte autoreactivity to nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR). We utilized peptides representing different sequences of the human acetylcholine receptor alpha-subunit to study the role of T cells in the initiation, development and immunomodulation of myasthenia gravis. Here we summarize our studies over the last decade on T cells specific to 'myasthenogenic' epitopes of the alpha-subunit of the human acetylcholine receptor and their relevance for myasthenia gravis.  相似文献   

Many viral coat proteins retain the ability to assemble into virus-like particles when produced as recombinant proteins. These small particles are highly immunogenic, and in many cases can be used to carry epitopes or antigens from other pathogens. Most particle-forming proteins can tolerate only small additions or alterations to their sequence, but Hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg) and the yeast-derived Ty particle are exceptionel in their ability to form particles with long N- or C-terminal extensions. Both have been used to produce hybrid particles carrying Plasmodium sequences. These have been shown to be highly immunogenic in animal studies and also in human phase I trials, in the case of HBsAg. Recently, six out of seven human volunteers were protected against sporozoite challenge by a recombinant HBsAg particle vaccine, the most encouraging result to date for any pre-erythrocytic malaria vaccine. Here, Sarah Gilbert and Adrian Hill review the prospects for the future development of protein particle vaccines against malaria.  相似文献   

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