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Woody plants in the last existing fragment of closed gallery forest in Delta du Saloum National Park, Senegal, were investigated by use of a 0.6 ha transect covering the main part of the gallery forest. There were 24 species and 369 individuals > 5 cm dbh with a basal area of 12.6 m2, 1062 individuals ≥ 1 cm dbh in 31 species, and 1730 individuals < 1 cm dbh in 29 species. Constrained clustering revealed six floristically distinct sections along the transect, and these sections coincided with structural differences. The vegetation in the study area is marked by degradation caused by frequent and intense fires coming from the surrounding savanna and by declining precipitation. However, the gallery forest is unique to the area and of crucial importance for conserving biodiversity. It can in the future be important as a resource-base for restoration of the gallery forest system by means of natural regeneration.  相似文献   

A simple Markov model is used to test the hypothesis that the floristic composition of vegetation colonizing bare ground immediately after burning is the major factor influencing post-fire development in heathland vegetation. Data are taken from stands of different ages at time of burning in a species-rich Calluna-Arctostaphylos heath in NE Scotland. It is shown that variation in the initial floristic composition of the stands is not, in itself, sufficient to produce model simulations which match observed trends, although altering the probabilities of transition from bare ground to other states allows more successful simulations. The model supports the hypothesis that stand age before burning influences the post-fire development through the process of colonization of bare ground. After a very severe fire post-fire development may initially depend on the formation of a moss cover, although this requires further study. It is concluded that simple Markov models can provide the basis for examining successional processes when used in a comparative way.Nomenclature follows Tutin et al. (1964–80) for vascular plants and Smith (1978) for mosses.We thank Prof. C. H. Gimingham for comments on the draft, and J. M. M. Humphrey, P. Marren and the Nature Conservancy Council for permission to work on the Muir of Dinnet.  相似文献   

人类活动与生态水文因素对塞内加尔北部费罗临时池塘周边的草本植物区系物种多样性的影响 在萨赫勒,临时池塘在保护物种多样性方面起着重要作用。本研究考察了塞内加尔北部费罗地区的两个放牧池塘以及一个未放牧池塘,探讨了人类活动与生态水文因素对池塘周边植物多样性的影响。每个池塘建立两条植物生态样带,确定并记录每条样带上平均植被单元情况(包括植被覆盖度、土壤暴露度、土壤质地、土壤湿度和酸碱度、平均高度以及坡度等)。研究结果表明,3个池塘周边共有 草本植物22科41属55种。放牧池塘周边多为禾本科植物,尤其是画眉草属(Eragrostis tremula)与肠须草属 (Enteropogon prieurii)植物,未放牧池塘周边则主要为其他科类植物,如牛膝属(Achyranthes sp.)、鸭跖草属(Commelina forsskaolii)、黄麻属(Corchorus sp.)植物等。Wendu Marodi池塘(未放牧池塘)的香农物种多样性指数(H′)为4.9,略高于Belel Lougal池塘和Belel Sow池塘(放牧池塘),这两个池塘的香农物种多样性指数分别为4.8和4.5。3个池塘的种类平均性指数相对都较高,分别为0.85、0.83和0.78。根据生态因子可分出4个物种群:蒺藜(Tribulus terrestris)种群,集中在限牧区与过度放牧区;平枝马唐(Digitaria horizontalis)种群与孟仁草(Chloris barbata)种群,见于过度带;以及土牛膝(Achyranthes aspera)种群,生长在人类活动较少且草本植物丰富的湿地。本研究强调了维持未放牧池塘或半保护池塘与放牧池塘景观镶嵌结构的重要性,以保护塞内加尔中心与萨赫勒地区草本植物的多样性。  相似文献   

Aim To document changes in the floristic composition and vegetation structure of Carnac Island during a period of 40 years. This paper presents a synthesis of all available floristic and vegetational information. Location Carnac Island is 8 km offshore from Fremantle, south‐west Western Australia. Methods Comparison of lists of plant species for 1951, 1958/9, 1966/7, 1975/6 and 1995–6. Comparison of vegetation, based on structural and floristic elements, for 1951, 1965, 1972, 1984 and 1995. Results Floristic composition (both native and exotic species) changed most dramatically in the period 1975/6–1995/6, with a 37% reduction in number of plant species. The number of annual and perennial native species present in 1995/6 was most similar to that in 1951. The most remarkable change in the flora has been the increase in annual exotic species since 1951. Immigration and extinction rates were greatest in the periods 1951–58/9 and 1958/9–1966/7, respectively. Vegetation structure has also altered, involving a reduction in height of dominant species from 3–4 m to 1 m as Acacia rostellifera and Olearia axillaris have declined in distribution. The weed species Mesembryanthemum crystallinum (first recorded 1975) and Malva parviflora (1958) now dominate the vegetation of half the island. Main conclusions Five factors are considered to have contributed to botanical change: nesting seabird populations, eradication of the rabbit in 1969, drought, increased saltload from occasional cyclones in summer or autumn, and competition from increasing dominance of several weed species. Several of these factors have operated in opposing ways with respect to plant species richness and vegetation cover. Experimental studies are required to determine the strength of these interactions. Two weed species, Zantedeschia aethiopica (first recorded 1966) and Lycium ferocissimum (1992) have the potential to dominate the vegetation of the island.  相似文献   

Abstract. A floristic and environmental survey was carried out on 22 uninhabited islands (0.1‐8.4 ha) in Lake Burollos, Egypt. A total of 58 vascular plant species was recorded. The number of habitats on each island was counted. There was a positive correlation between island area and number of habitat types. Island area was significantly positively correlated with various measures of floristic diversity, including the total number of species present, and the numbers of annual, herbaceous, and shrublet species. Perennial and shrub species numbers did not differ significantly with island area. In addition to island area, elevation and soil salinity, as well as distance to the Mediterranean Sea, all contributed significantly to variation in species composition in the terrestrial habitats. Water salinity and transparency accounted for 69% of the variation in aquatic species numbers. There was a weak effect of isolation on similarity of species composition on islands. Eight vegetation types, represented by 13 indicator species identified after TWINSPAN analysis, were distinguished by soil characteristics. Species richness was inversely correlated with clay, organic carbon and total nitrogen in the soil, but positively correlated with calcium carbonate content. From a management perspective, long‐term monitoring of threatened habitats in the lake is urgently required as a starting point to preserve biodiversity. Finally, we conclude that the present study supports the hypothesis indicating that larger areas feature higher species richness due to increased numbers of habitats.  相似文献   

Physiognomy, structure and floristic composition of one hectare of lowland tropical rain forest was studied in detail at Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. Physiognomically, the Los Tuxtlas forest should be classified as lowland tropical high evergreen rain forest. The forest showed a closed canopy at 30–35 m. Of all woody, non-climbing species with a DBH1.0 cm 89.4% (94.5% of all individuals) were evergreen, 25.4% (59.5% of the individuals) had compound leaves, and over 80% of species (and individuals) had leaves in the notophyll and mesophyll size classes. The forest structure was characterized by a low density (2976 individuals with a DBH1.0 cm, 346 individuals with a DBH10.0 cm, per ha, excluding vines) with an average basal area (38.1 m2, DBH1.0 cm, 34.9 m2, DBH10.0 cm, per ha, excluding vines). This was attributed to the relative maturity of the forest on the study plot. The study plot contained 234 species (11 208 individuals with a height 0.5 m), of which 55.1% (34.8% of individuals) were trees, 9.4% (6.8%) shrubs, 3.4% (44.3%) palms, 20.1% (5.2%) vines, 6.8% (8.7%) herbs and 5.1% (0.3%) of unknown lifeform. Furthermore, 58 species of epiphytes and hemi-epiphytes were found. Diversity of trees, shrubs and palms with a DBH1.0 cm was calculated as Shannon-Wiener index (4.65), Equitability index (0.65), and Simpson index (0.10). The dominance-diversity curve showed a lognormal form, characteristic for tropical rain forest. The community structure was characterized by a relative dominance of Astrocaryum mexicanum in the understorey, Pseudolmedia oxyphyllaria in the middle storeys, and Nectandra ambigens in the canopy. Species population structures of 31 species showed three characteristic patterns, differentiated by recruitment: continuously high, discontinuously high, and continuously low recruitment. Height/diameter and crown cover/diameter diagrams suggested a very gradual shift from height growth to crown growth during tree development. Forest turnover was calculated as 138 years. Compared to other tropical rain forests the Los Tuxtlas forest had 1. similar leaf physiognomical characteristics, 2. a lower diversity, 3. a lower density, 4. an average basal area, and 5. a slow canopy turnover.  相似文献   

The cerrado has been identified as one of the richest and most threatened biomes of the world, but few phytogeographical studies have been undertaken in the region. A total of 70 land systems based on climate, landscape and soils have been identified in the region, but it remains to be seen if the distribution and structure of the plant communities support these divisions. The aim of this work was to compare the floristic and structural similarity of cerrado sensu stricto within and between three physiographic units, named Pratinha, Veadeiros and São Francisco, which contain six land systems in central Brazil and cover 10 degrees of latitude and five degrees of longitude. The woody vegetation of 15 selected sites of the cerrado sensu stricto physiognomy was surveyed under a standardized methodology. The number of species per site varied from 55 to 97, with most sites having around 60 to 70 species, and Shannon´s diversity indices ranged from 3.44 to 3.73, with most sites around 3.5 suggesting high alpha diversity. Sørensen´s floristic similarity index was high, with all Figures above 0.5 between the sites in the same land system in each physiographic unit but low between sites in different land systems in the Veadeiros. Czekanowski similarity indices were lower than Sørensen’s in the comparisons due to a high structural differentiation between the sites. There is a large overlap in species occurrence in the sites but the size of their populations is very different at each site. Therefore, the high beta diversity is mostly due to differences in abundance of species between sites. The sites were separated by physiographic units, considering the first three divisions of TWINSPAN classification. The first axis of DCA ordination showed a gradient going from the cerrado on deep soils in Pratinha, through to those on sandy soils in São Francisco and ending on the shallower soils of the Veadeiros. Land systems conformed well with the floristic and structural variations of the vegetation, indicating their potential use in designing a network of conservation areas in the cerrado region and as a basis for decision-making on management.  相似文献   

A comparison is made between floristic and structural-physiognomic classifications of a tropical dry, semi-evergreen forest and thicket vegetation of south-eastern India. The classifications are strikingly similar in their main groupings which are ecologically meaningful; the differences between the classifications are virtually limited to allocation of some stands to different subcommunities. It is concluded that the use of structural-physiognomic criteria allows a detailed and ecologically significant classification of vegetation. Fairly advanced calculation facilities are necessary, however, to reach such a classification, since the structural-physiognomic differences between the resulting groupings are largely of a quantitative and not of a qualitative nature. This is a consequence of the general occurrence in all stands of the vegetation of the very great majority of the characters used in this study.Nomenclature follows Sprangers & Balasubramanian (1978) who give a complete list of authorities.  相似文献   

A quantitative inventory of trees and lianas was conducted (1) to compare floristic composition, diversity and stem density variation between three different forest types (tierra firme, floodplain and swamp), and (2) to analyse the relationships between floristic similarity and forest structure in two regions ~60 km apart in Yasuní National Park, Amazonian Ecuador. A total of 1,087 species with a diameter at breast height ≥ 2.5 cm were recorded in 25 0.1-ha plots. Tierra firme was the habitat with the highest number of species and stem density for trees and lianas, followed by floodplain and swamp in both regions. Two hypotheses that have been independently proposed to describe plant distribution in tropical rain forests, together explain species spatial distribution in this study. The fact that the 30 most important species per forest type (totalling 119 species) accounted for 48.2% of total individuals supports the oligarchy hypothesis. Likewise, 28 out of these 119 species are reported as restricted to a single forest type, which supports the environmental-determinism hypothesis. In general, both canopy and understorey trees and lianas showed rather similar floristic patterns across different forest types and regions.  相似文献   

罕山土壤微生物群落组成对植被类型的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王淼  曲来叶  马克明  李桂林  杨小丹 《生态学报》2014,34(22):6640-6654
选取分布在中国东北部地区的阔叶林-针叶林-亚高山草甸这一明显的植被垂直带谱来研究植被类型对土壤微生物群落组成的影响。选取5种植被类型-山杨(Populus davidiana)(1250—1300 m),山杨(P.davidiana)与白桦(Betula platyphylla)的混交林(1370—1550 m),白桦(B.platyphylla)(1550—1720 m),落叶松(Larix principis-rupprechtii)(1840—1890 m),亚高山草甸(1900—1951 m),采用磷脂脂肪酸(Phopholipid Fatty Acids,PLFAs)分析方法测定不同植被类型下的土壤微生物群落组成。分别采用主成分分析(Principal Components Analysis,PCA)以及冗余分析(Redundancy Analysis,RDA)来解释单种特征PLFAs的分异以及土壤理化指标与微生物PLFAs指标间的相关性。结果表明不同植被类型下土壤有机碳(SOC)对土壤微生物PLFAs总量,各类群(真菌(f)、细菌(b)、革兰氏阳性菌(G+)、革兰氏阴性菌(G-))生物量以及群落结构影响显著;土壤微生物PLFAs总量及各类群的生物量随土层加深总体上表现降低趋势,G+/G-和f/b分别随土层加深总体上表现升高趋势。不同植被类型下,阔叶混交林土壤PLFAs总量及各类群生物量总体上最高;针叶林比阔叶林下的f/b和G+/G-高;亚高山草甸下低的p H值对有机碳的可利用性有一定的抑制作用,导致f/b和G+/G-的值相对较高。总之,不同植被类型下SOC对土壤微生物群落组成的影响最为显著,而较低的p H对有机碳的可利用性有一定的抑制作用;真菌对植被类型的变化比细菌更敏感,而细菌更易受可利用性养分和p H变异的影响,这对预测不同林型下的土壤微生物群落组成有重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

Understanding the change in vegetation composition along elevational gradients is critical for species conservation in a changing world. We studied the species richness, tree height, and floristic composition of woody plants along an elevation gradient of protected habitats on the eastern slope of Mount Meru and analyzed how these vegetation variables are influenced by the interplay of temperature and precipitation. Vegetation data were collected on 44 plots systematically placed along five transects spanning an elevational gradient of 1600 to 3400 m a.s.l. We used ordinary linear models and multivariate analyses to test the effect of mean annual temperature and precipitation on woody plant species richness, tree height, and floristic composition. We found that species richness, mean tree height, and maximum tree height declined monotonically with elevation. Models that included only mean annual temperature as an explanatory variable were generally best supported to predict changes in species richness and tree height along the elevation gradient. We found significant changes in woody plant floristic composition with elevation, which were shaped by an interaction of mean annual temperature and precipitation. While plant communities consistently changed with temperature along the elevation gradient, levels of precipitation were more important for plant communities at lower than for those at higher elevations. Our study suggests that changes in temperature and precipitation regimes in the course of climate change will reshape elevational gradients of diversity, tree height, and correlated carbon storage in ecosystems, and the sequence of tree communities on East African mountains.  相似文献   

Summary Two principles are considered as being involved in vegetation development on abandoned agricultural lands. The first, called Relay Floristics, involves a succession of incoming and outgoing plants, each group invading the land, ousting its predecessor, and in turn preparing the site so as to be ousted itself. This is the conventional interpretation of old-field plant succession, but is considered by the author to be in many cases a very minor principle. The second principle is called Initial Floristic Composition, and refers to that element which invades or has invaded at the time of abandonment. Following abandonment, there is a progressive development, with the forbs and grasses assuming predominance first, and the trees last. An evaluation of the relative importance of these two principles is necessary in Vegetation Management. For example, with Init. Flor. Comp. primary, the selective elimination of some elements of the flora can produce new and often stable plant communities. Thereafter such communities change only by the very different and often slowly acting principle of Relay Floristics. Relay Floristics itself can be modified and controlled by encouraging those plant covers which are most or least resistant to invasion to incoming relays of significance to the management plant.  相似文献   

Owing to the growing demand for the products supplied and to the slowness of their renewal, forests, the most important renewable resource of the East Timor lands, will lose the goods and services they provide unless this situation is overcome. The communities that live in these forests or in their vicinity will be the most affected by this problem. Understanding the structural organization of the East Timor forest flora is, therefore, critical for sustainable management of this natural resource. Thus, the main purpose of this preliminary study was to identify the differences in the floristic–structural behaviors of the woody vegetation. The study is based on data collected by the first National Forest Inventory (2008–2010), carried out in two environmentally different districts of East Timor: one drier region located to the north (Bobonaro district) and the other more humid, located in the south (Covalima district). A two-stage sampling method was employed to account for species in 923 sample stations: 480 in the Bobonaro district and 443 in the Covalima district. These data were correlated with environmental variables (altitude, distance to sea, distance to the north coast, distance to roads, and distance to urban areas) and discussed based on the floristic–structural randomness of the species frequencies. Randomness was adopted here as a parameter to quantify the distributional relationship among species with spatial heterogeneity. Results show a higher percentage of species with low frequencies and abundances for the south (lower human pressure), in contrast with the north (higher human pressure). Altitude also emerges as an environmental parameter, since this randomness floristic–structural combination decreases from lower to higher altitudes. This research provides an innovative approach to describing the structural–floristic organization of vegetation, and its correlation with environmental variables.  相似文献   

Assemblage structure, diversity measures and diversity/dominance patterns of snakes were studied between 1996 and 2013 in three types of plantation in the Niger River delta of southern Nigeria. The investigated plantation types were pineapple, banana/plantain, and cassava/yam. Over 74% of the census species (n = 27) were found in all three plantation types, with, overall, just two singletons (Bitis nasicornis, Lamprophis olivaceus) being observed. Despite an overall similarity in the taxonomic species composition, a principal component analysis placed the three plantation types in distinct zones of the multivariate space. Diversity/dominance diagrams for the three plantation types showed that banana/plantain and cassava/yam were nearly identical in terms of evenness profile, whereas the pineapple plantation had a higher evenness.  相似文献   

To investigate recent changes in the floristic composition and nature conservation value of nutrient-poor, semi-natural grasslands of the Swiss Alps, we resurveyed 151 phytosociological relevés in four regions, originally recorded between 1975 and 1985. In the original surveys, the mean number of plant species per plot (25–100 m2) ranged from 47.1 to 58.1 according to region. The flora included a total of 18 species that are protected in Switzerland and a high proportion of habitat specialists of nutrient-poor grasslands (NPG-species). In the second survey, conducted between 2002 and 2004, both mean species number per plot (−3.2 to +11.4) and species evenness (−0.05 to +0.07) were higher in most regions. However, the data revealed clear shifts in community composition, with a higher proportion of nutrient-demanding species (mean nutrient indicator value increased by +0.07 to +0.24 units) and a lower proportion per plot of NPG-species (−3.6 to −11.6%). These changes were greatest in pastures, and in meadows converted to sheep pastures, while the NPG-species were maintained in unfertilized meadows that were managed as ecological compensation areas. To prevent continuing decline in the conservation value of these grasslands, it is important to support low-intensity management, especially mowing, and to prevent further eutrophication.  相似文献   

Diatoms in a 100 cm-long core from a pond in Hann Forest Park, western Senegal, were studied with the aim of reconstituting this interdune depression’s history, particularly the human influence, during the last century. Sixty-three species and varieties of diatoms belonging to 32 genera were identified, of which twelve are reported for the first time in Senegambia. The genera most represented were Nitzschia (10 species), Eunotia (9 species) and Pinnularia (6 species). The microflora was characterised by a dominance of epipelic, epiphytic and aerophilic species. Diatom assemblage analyses, combined with lithological core data, showed that the pond has remained very shallow throughout its evolution. The disappearance of acidophilic species and the development of mesosaprobes and mesoeutrophic alkaliphilic species in the upper part of the core can be attributed to organic pollution caused by human activities, which resulted in eutrophication of the pond waters since the beginning of the 20th century.  相似文献   

Question: What was the change in diversity of urban synantropic vegetation in a medium‐sized Central European city during the period of increasing urbanization (1960s‐1990s)? Location: The city of Plzeň, an industrial centre of the western part of the Czech Republic. Methods: Sampling of various types of synanthropic vegetation, conducted in the 1960s, was repeated by using the same methods in the 1990s. This yielded 959 relevés, of which 623 were made in the 1960s and 336 in the 1990s. The relevés were assigned to the following phytosociological classes: Chenopodietea, Artemisietea vulgaris, Galio‐Urticetea, Agropyretea repentis and Plantaginetea majoris. Total number of vascular plant species, evenness index J, number of alien species (classified into archaeophytes and neophytes), and mean Ellenberg indicator values for light, temperature, continentality, moisture, soil reaction, and nutrients were obtained for each relevé. Results: From 1960s to 1990s, there was a significant decrease of species richness and diversity in synanthropic vegetation. The proportion of archaeophytes decreased in most vegetation types, indicating the contribution of this group of species, often confined to specific rural‐like habitats, to the observed impoverishment of ruderal vegetation. The proportion of neophytes did not change between the two periods. Comparison between 1960s and 1990s indicated a decrease in light, temperature, moisture, soil reaction and nutrient indicator values in some vegetation types. In both periods, Artemisieta, Galio‐Urticetea and Chenopodietea formed a distinct group harbouring more species than Agropyretea and Plantaginetea. Neophytes, i.e. recently introduced species, were most represented in the early successional annual vegetation of Chenopodietea, rather than in perennial vegetation of the other classes. Conclusions: Synanthropic vegetation of Plzeň exhibited a general trend of decrease in species diversity.  相似文献   

利用地理信息系统工具,以最新的植被类型图为依据,在统计、建模和空间模拟区域气候因子的基础上,对内蒙古主要植被类型与气候的关系进行了分析,并获得适宜的气候范围.结果表明,内蒙古植被空间分布表现出明显的规律性.一方面,随着距离海洋的远近变化,无论是地带性植被,还是山地垂直带、沙地及低湿地植被,从东向西均反映出地带分异,水分对于这种东西向更替更为重要.另一方面,热量的差异导致纬向上的变化.此外,热量成为大兴安岭东西两麓发育的林缘草甸、草原、灌丛和低湿地等植被类型空间分布的主导因素.  相似文献   

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