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1. Methods of disrupting Krebs II mouse ascites-tumour cells have been studied. After washing the cells free of ions with sucrose solutions, rapid disruption was obtained in sucrose by use of an Ultra-Turrax disintegrator or a Dounce homogenizer. 2. Disruption of cells after osmotic shock led to the loss of proteins, especially cytochrome c, from the mitochondria. Such losses did not occur when cells were disrupted by shear in 0·3 m-sucrose. 3. The distribution of protein, RNA, DNA, malate dehydrogenase, cytochrome c, cytochrome oxidase and succin-oxidase was measured in the various cell fractions after separation by differential centrifuging. 4. The mitochondrial fraction sedimented at 9500g was further fractionated by equilibrium sedimentation in a sucrose gradient. The distribution of protein and enzyme activity in the gradient indicated that the 9500g pellet contains other material besides mitochondria. 5. Krebs-cell mitochondria contain up to five times as much RNA as do liver mitochondria. 6. After purification by equilibrium centrifugation Krebs-cell mitochondria still contain traces of DNA.  相似文献   

Four non-ribosomal proteins from native 40 S ribosomal subunits with mol.wts. of 110 000, 84 000, 68 000 and 26 000 were phosphorylated in vivo when ascites cells were incubated in the presence of [32P]Pi. The 110 000-, 84 000- and 26 000-dalton proteins are identical with phosphorylated products from native 40 S subunits after phosphorylation in vitro by a cyclic nucleotide-independent protein kinase. Phosphoserine was the major phosphorylated amino acid of the proteins phosphorylated in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   

1. A ribosome-cell sap system capable of supporting the incorporation of (14)C-labelled amino acids into protein has been prepared from Krebs II mouse ascites-tumour cells. The requirements of this system for optimum activity and response to added messenger RNA have been investigated. One such system has been obtained for which amino acid incorporation is almost wholly dependent on the addition of suitable messenger RNA. 2. Ribosomes of widely different but predictable activities in the cell-free system have been prepared from Krebs cells pretreated in a variety of ways. The factors in the pretreatment of the cells responsible for these differences have been investigated. 3. The structural and functional properties of these different ribosome preparations and their response to exogenous messenger RNA have been examined and are discussed in the light of modern concepts of the control of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

In Krebs ascites-tumour cells, cytochrome c is segregated in the mitochondria and the level in microsomes could not be measured. At 22° in glucose–buffer Krebs cells synthesized a spectrum of proteins including cytochrome c. Mild osmotic shock in the presence of ribonuclease had little effect on incorporation of [14C]-leucine or [14C]valine into mixed mitochondrial protein but strongly inhibited synthesis of non-mitochondrial cytoplasmic proteins. Under these conditions, labelling of cytochrome c was also strongly inhibited. After pulse labelling of Krebs cells at 22° for 10min. the cytcchrome radioactivity found in mitochondria was higher than in microsomes. After addition of unlabelled amino acid as `chase' there was 137% increase in radioactivity of cytochrome c but only a 3% increase in radioactivity of whole-cell protein. It is concluded that the peptide chain of cytochome c is synthesized on cytoplasmic ribosomes. Mitochondria therefore do not have the character of self-replicating entities, but are formed by the cooperative function of messenger RNA of cytoplasmic ribosomes and, possibly, of intramitochondrial messenger derived from the mitochondrial DNA.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of eukaryotic ribosomal proteins in vitro by essentially homogeneous preparations of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit and cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase was compared. Each protein kinase was added at a concentration of 30nM. Ribosomal proteins were identified by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Almost identical results were obtained when ribosomal subunits from HeLa or ascites-tumour cells were used. About 50-60% of the total radioactive phosphate incorporated into small-subunit ribosomal proteins by either kinase was associated with protein S6. In 90 min between 0.7 and 1.0 mol of phosphate/mol of protein S6 was incorporated by the catalytic subunit of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. Of the other proteins, S3 and S7 from the small subunit and proteins L6, L18, L19 and L35 from the large subunit were predominantly phosphorylated by the cyclic AMP-dependent enzyme. Between 0.1 and 0.2 mol of phosphate was incorporated/mol of these phosphorylated proteins. With the exception of protein S7, the same proteins were also major substrates for the cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase. Time courses of the phosphorylation of individual proteins from the small and large ribosomal subunits in the presence of either protein kinase suggested four types of phosphorylation reactions: (1) proteins S2, S10 and L5 were preferably phosphorylated by the cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase; (2) proteins S3 and L6 were phosphorylated at very similar rates by either kinase; (3) proteins S7 and L29 were almost exclusively phosphorylated by the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase; (4) protein S6 and most of the other proteins were phosphorylated about two or three times faster by the cyclic AMP-dependent than by the cyclic GMP-dependent enzyme.  相似文献   

Studies were performed to identify in cytoplasmic extracts of Krebs II ascites cells protein kinase activities that might be responsible for the phosphorylation of the ribosomal proteins previously identified as phosphoproteins in these cells in vivo. Column chromatography resolved a casein kinase activity that could use ATP or GTP as a phosphoryl donor to phosphorylate, in ribosomes, exclusively the acidic 60S phosphoprotein(s) phosphorylated in vivo. A second casein kinase fraction could use ATP, only, in a similar reaction, but also contained protein kinase activity with respect to other ribosomal proteins, including the basic ribosomal protein phosphorylated in vivo, ribosomal protein S6. This latter was also among several proteins phosphorylated by an activity in the cyclic AMP-independent histone kinase fraction.  相似文献   

1. Krebs II mouse ascites-tumour cells infected with encephalomyocarditis virus were found to contain, in addition to mature virus, a virus-specific protein antigen. An assay, based on the ability of this antigen to block the neutralization of purified virus by its specific antiserum, was developed. 2. This antigen was present both in the culture fluid 17 hr. after the infection of cells with virus and intracellularly, where its titre increased at a time when viral capsid protein was being synthesized. Within the cell, it was mostly localized in the soluble cell sap. 3. In contrast with virus, the antigen did not agglutinate sheep erythrocytes, and its immunological properties were destroyed by digestion with trypsin. Ribonucleic acid was not detected in concentrated preparations of the antigen, nor was the titre of antigen affected by ribonuclease. 4. The antigen had a sedimentation coefficient (20°) of approx. 14s, and its diffusion coefficient, determined by the method of Allison & Humphrey (1960), was 3·2×10−7 cm.2sec.−1. The particle weight of the antigen was hence 420000±40000. 5. The capsid protein from purified encephalomyocarditis virus could be degraded by treatment with ethanolamine into a protein of sedimentation coefficient (20°) of approx. 4s. The 14s antigen, when similarly treated, yielded a protein of similar size. However, no such smaller antigen was detected in virus-infected cells. 6. It is concluded that the non-haemagglutinating antigen represents a polymeric form of the basic viral capsid-protein molecule and that it is synthesized in the cytoplasm of infected cells. It may be either an intermediate or a by-product in the process of viral capsid-protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Krebs II ascites cells incubated in Earle's saline (lacking glucose and amino acids) contain ribosomes with proteins S6 and Lgamma phosphorylated, as do ascites cells grown in the peritonea of mice or hamster fibroblasts grown in Eagle's medium. When ascites cells were incubated in Eagle's medium (containing glucose and amino acids) there was extensive glycolysis, producing very acidic conditions, and ribosomal proteins S3 and L14 became phosphorylated whereas Lgamma became dephosphorylated. This altered pattern of phosphorylation could not be produced merely by incubating ascites cells in Earle's saline at a decreased pH, but a rather similar pattern was produced when Earle's saline was supplemented with amino acids (but with glucose still omitted). These results suggest that depriving ascites cells of glucose may induce the synthesis of a protein (or proteins), necessary for alteration of the pattern of phosphorylation of the ribosomal proteins.  相似文献   

Mitochondria make physical contact with nearly every other membrane in the cell, and these contacts have a wide variety of functions that are carried out by proteins that reside at the sites of contact. Over the past decade, tremendous insight into the identity and functions of proteins localized to mitochondrial contact sites has been gained. In doing so, it has become clear that one protein or protein complex can contribute to contact site formation and function in a wide variety of ways. Thus, complex and often surprising relationships between the roles of a mitochondrial contact site and its multifunctional resident proteins continue to be unraveled.  相似文献   

The spectrophotometric analysis of 45S precursor rRNA shows that it contains more G and C residues than does mature 28S or 18S rRNA. The helical content and the length of double-helical segments in 45S and 28S rRNA are similar.  相似文献   

Seven protein synthesis initiation factors were isolated from Krebs II ascites cells using the procedures developed for the purification of the corresponding factors from rabbit reticulocytes. The ascites factors display identical characteristics in ion exchange chromatography and sucrose density gradient sedimentation. Based on their profiles in SDS polyacrylamide gels, the ascites factors have polypeptide profiles and molecular weights identical to those of the reticulocyte factors. Most significantly, each ascites factor is competent in replacing its corresponding reticulocyte factor in a reconstituted in vitro protein synthesizing system which is dependent on all seven factors.  相似文献   

Treatment of Ehrlich ascites-tumour (EAT) cells with interferon (IFN) abolished their ability to secrete a 32 kDa protein that was secreted by growing EAT cells. These IFN-treated cells secreted two proteins (molecular masses 100 and 89 kDa as estimated by SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis) that were not detected in two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of the culture fluid of untreated EAT cells. The sequence of 20 amino acids from the N-terminal end of the 32 kDa protein was very similar to portions of sequences of mouse proviral gag proteins.  相似文献   

L-lactate transport in Ehrlich ascites-tumour cells.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Ehrlich ascites-tumour cells were investigated with regard to their stability to transport L-lactate by measuring either the distribution of [14C]lactate or concomitant H+ ion movements. The movement of lactate was dependent on the pH difference across the cell membrane and was electroneutral, as evidenced by an observed 1:1 antiport for OH- ions or 1:1 symport with H+ ions. 2. Kinetic experiments showed that lactate transport was saturable, with an apparent Km of approx. 4.68 mM and a Vmax. as high as 680 nmol/min per mg of protein at pH 6.2 and 37 degrees C. 3. Lactate transport exhibited a high temperature dependence (activation energy = 139 kJ/mol). 4. Lactate transport was inhibited competitively by (a) a variety of other substituted monocarboxylic acids (e.g. pyruvate, Ki = 6.3 mM), which were themselves transported, (b) the non-transportable analogues alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamate (Ki = 0.5 mM), alpha-cyano-3-hydroxycinnamate (Ki = 2mM) and DL-p-hydroxyphenyl-lactate (Ki = 3.6 mM) and (c) the thiol-group reagent mersalyl (Ki = 125 muM). 5. Transport of simple monocarboxylic acids, including acetate and propionate, was insensitive to these inhibitors; they presumably cross the membrane by means of a different mechanism. 6. Experiments using saturating amounts of mersalyl as an "inhibitor stop" allowed measurements of the initial rates of net influx and of net efflux of [14C]lactate. Influx and efflux of lactate were judged to be symmetrical reactions in that they exhibited similar concentration dependence. 7. It is concluded that lactate transport in Ehrlich ascites-tumour cells is mediated by a carrier capable of transporting a number of other substituted monocarboxylic acids, but not unsubstituted short-chain aliphatic acids.  相似文献   

1. In Ehrlich ascites-tumour cells kept in nitrogen at 20 degrees for 20-30min., the ATP concentration falls from about 15mumoles/g. dry wt. to 2-3mumoles/g. dry wt. 2. If oxygen is admitted to such cells, the ATP concentration rises again in 1-2min. to about 15mumoles/g. dry wt. 3. If glucose is added, in nitrogen, there is a slower increase in ATP concentration to about 6mumoles/g. dry wt., followed by a fall and then by a still slower rise. 4. With glucose and oxygen, the ATP concentration rises rapidly in 1min. to about 8mumoles/g. dry wt., then falls, and finally increases slowly to reach 15mumoles/g. dry wt. in 2hr. 5. 2,4-Dinitrophenol (0.3mm) has little effect on these processes. 6. At 1.0mm, 2,4-dinitrophenol completely inhibits the ATP synthesis dependent on the endogenous respiration, while leaving that in the presence of glucose only a little impaired in rate, and considerably greater in magnitude. 7. ATP synthesis in the presence of glucose and 1.0mm-2,4-dinitrophenol is about three times as fast in oxygen as in nitrogen.  相似文献   

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