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梭鱼幼鱼选择温度的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张梅英  岳玉环 《生态学杂志》1995,14(3):26-28,32
梭鱼幼鱼选择温度的研究张梅英岳玉环(中国医科大学实验动物部,沈阳110001)(吉林农业大学动物科学系,长春130118)侯文礼(东北师范大学环境科学系,长春130024)TemperatureselectionforLarvaofLizahaema...  相似文献   

海洋生物材料的研究与应用开发刘万顺,陈西广(青岛海洋大学海洋生命学院266003)海洋生物材料是指由生物体产生,具有支持细胞结构和机体形态的一类功能性生物大分子。  相似文献   

生态交错带(Ecotone)理论研究进展   总被引:36,自引:2,他引:34  
生态交错带(Ecotone)理论研究进展高洪文(东北师范大学草地研究所,长春130024)AdvancementofTbeoreticalResearchinEcotone.¥GaoHongwen(InstituteofGrasslandRe-sea...  相似文献   

花背蟾蜍摄食生态的研究   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
花背蟾蜍摄食生态的研究周立志宋榆钧(东北师范大学生命科学学院,长春130024)AStudyofFedingEcologyofBuforaddei.ZhouLizhi,SongYujun(ColegeofLifeScience,NortheastNo...  相似文献   

用细菌清除近岸海域油污染的研究李永祺,黄健(青岛海洋大学海洋生命学院266003)在1992年联合国环境与发展大会上通过的《二十一世纪议程》,建议有关生物技术应用于环境保护中,应开展"通过使用生物降解材料减少废物量,从环境中消除污染物,例如偶然的石油泄漏"的研究。(转引自"中国环境报"1992年7月14日)。  相似文献   

海洋动物的细胞培养与应用童裳亮(青岛海洋大学海洋生命学院266003)动物细胞的规模培养是生物技术(生物工程)的重要内容之一。因为人工培养的动物细胞可以用来分离和鉴定病毒,生产疫苗和昂贵的药物(见表一)。表一人工培养动物细胞的用途动物细胞的短期培养并不困难,但要建立永久性(长生不老)的细胞系,则十分不易。这是因为正常的动物细胞都有其生长、分化、衰老、死亡的规律。  相似文献   

三江平原沼泽生态系统(疏干)演替对土壤动物的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙帆  吕宪国 《生态学杂志》1994,13(2):30-33,39
三江平原沼泽生态系统(疏干)演替对土壤动物的影响孙帆,赵红音吕宪国,杨青(东北师范大学地理系,长春130024)(中国科学院长春地理研究所,130021)ImpactofSwampEcosystemSuccessioninSanjiangPlaino...  相似文献   

黑龙江省跃度蝗属三新种(直翅目:蝗总科)任炳忠,张凤岭,郑一平(东北师范大学生物系,长春130024)1989年7、8月间,作者对黑龙江省镜泊湖地区的蝗虫进行了调查采集。所得标本经鉴定发现跃度蝗属三新种,现报道如下。模式标本保存于东北师范大学生物系动...  相似文献   

黑龙江省蝗虫─新种(直翅目:蝗科)张凤岭,郑一平,任炳忠(东北师范大学生物系,长春130024)1989、1990年8月,作者在小兴安岭及周围地区进行了蝗虫调查。在整理鉴定标本时,发现异爪蝗属一新种。模式标本保存在东北师范大学生物系动物标本室。水边异...  相似文献   

张凤岭  郑一平 《昆虫学报》1995,38(2):204-206
辽宁省蝗虫一新属新种(直翅目:剑角蝗科)张凤岭,郑一平,任炳忠(东北师范大学生物系长春130024)1990年7月,在辽宁省大连地区进行调查采集时,发现剑角蝗科一新属新种,现报道如下。模式标本保存在东北师范大学生物系动物标本窒。拟直背蝗属Euth刀s...  相似文献   

四川雉鹑繁殖习性初报   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2005~2008年,在四川省雅江县对四川雉鹑(Tetraophasis szechenyii)的繁殖习性,包括巢、卵、孵卵时间、生长量度和日行为节律进行了初步观察.四川雉鹑同时营树上巢和地面巢,以树上巢为主,占68%(n=25);产卵期集中在4月,正常窝卵数2~5枚(n=9),窝卵孵化率为63.89%(n=12);雌鸟在孵卵期每天离巢1次,离巢平均时间(63.0±22.6)min(n=18),孵卵期24~29 d(n=4);150日龄幼鸟的体重接近成体.在繁殖期,四川雉鹑6:30~7:00时从夜栖树上飞下,行至觅食地觅食,17:00时左右返回夜栖地,19:00~19:30时上树夜栖.  相似文献   

黄臀鹎繁殖生态的初步观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2004年4-6月,在佛坪保护区狮子崖沟和大古坪的白马沟,采用路线法和定点直接观察法对黄臀鹎(Pycnonotus xanthorrhous)的生境选择及繁殖生态进行了初步观察。结果表明,黄臀鹎常栖息于河岸灌丛生境中,栖息位置多为视野开阔的电线上和灌木中;巢结构为3层,筑巢期6~10d,窝卵数3~5枚,孵化期8d,雏鸟留巢12d,雏鸟的平均体重和体长的相关系数r=0.9637,并测量了雏鸟的嘴峰、跗踱、第3枚初级飞羽和初级覆羽及尾长的生长数据等。  相似文献   

绿鹭的繁殖习性观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2001年4-9月在合肥市对绿鹭(Butorides striatus)的繁殖习性进行了观察。绿鹭营巢生境主要选择在建筑物附近的高大阔叶树上,常一树一巢,未见与其他鹭类混群营巢。每巢产3-5枚卵,孵卵期21d,育雏期41d,42日龄后幼鸟离巢飞走,出飞存活率62.5%。育雏期雏鸟主要食物为小型鱼类。在4所大学校园及1处公园统计到有效巢56个,推算绿鹭224只。绿鹭在合肥繁殖属首次记录。  相似文献   

乌鸫繁殖生态的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
乌鸫 (Turdusmerulamandarinus)是紫蓬山区常见的留鸟[1,3 ] 。吴至康等[2 ] 报道其在贵州的繁殖习性。有关巢空间资源利用特点、护雏行为、雏鸟生长模式的研究未见报道。本文是 1996年 3月份在安徽省肥西县的几个居民点对其繁殖初期活动进行了初步观察 ,4~7月又在紫蓬山区国家级森林公园的圆通山林区对其繁殖生态进行了系统研究的结果。现报道如下。1 工作方法根据样地鸟巢统计繁殖鸟类的数量 ,记录巢位特征以及巢和卵的参数 ,观察繁殖行为 ,记录雏鸟的生长情况。拟合雏鸟的生长曲线方程[9] 。2 结 果2 1 繁殖…  相似文献   

四川南充市区珠颈斑鸠的繁殖生态学和巢址选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2002年11月~2004年4月在四川省南充市区内对珠颈斑鸠(Streptopelia chinensis)繁殖生态和巢址选择进行了研究。结果表明:珠颈斑鸠3月初开始求偶交配,求偶行为复杂,有“婚飞”行为;雌雄参与筑巢,营巢期7~8 d。影响巢址选择的主要因素有6种:栖位与巢周隐蔽因子、巢下隐蔽因子、光照因子、人为活动因子、食物因子和营巢树因子;窝卵数2枚,雌雄轮流孵卵,孵卵期17~18 d,孵化率86.67%;雌雄均参与育雏,育雏期18~20 d,雏离巢率73.08%,繁殖生产力1.82,种群育雏高峰期为7月和8月中上旬。  相似文献   

Our goal was to document effects of year-round supplemental feeding on breeding ecology of the Buff-throated Partridge, Tetraophasis szechenyii, within a Tibetan sacred site. We evaluated effects of supplemental feeding used as religious/cultural practices which could potentially aid conservation of endangered phasianids. We compared fed breeding groups to neighboring nonfed groups. Fed groups initiated first clutches significantly earlier than nonfed groups. Earlier laying groups within fed and nonfed groups showed significantly lower hatching rates than later groups; however, fed groups showed significantly higher hatching rates than nonfed groups laying in the same period. Earlier laying increased opportunities to renest. All six fed groups with clutch failures renested compared to only one of five nonfed groups with clutch failures. Fed female breeders showed significantly greater investment in their young with larger clutches and larger eggs, which likely increased survivability of early hatchlings. We observed no predation on birds at feeding sites and recorded only four cases of predation on incubating females, which showed no detectable difference between fed and nonfed groups. Ground-nesting birds typically face high risks of predation. Ten of the 48 groups nested in trees, which occurs in few phasianid species. Tree nests showed significantly higher hatching rates compared to ground nests; however, we found no significant difference in tree nesting between fed and nonfed groups. This partridge is one of four gallinaceous species with cooperative breeding. Breeding groups with helpers had significantly greater reproductive success than single pairs, and fed female breeders with helpers laid bigger eggs than single pairs. Comparing annual reproductive output per group, fed groups not only produced significantly more independent young (≥150 days post-hatching), their young hatched significantly earlier, which likely have greater reproductive value over later hatched young of nonfed groups. Supplemental feeding year-round is likely what enabled the successes of the fed partridges.  相似文献   


Three rookeries in Hawke's Bay were studied during 1966–68. First or replacement clutches were started between 26 August and 23 October. First clutches averaged 4.3 eggs and replacements 3.7 eggs. The mean size of first clutches varied between years from 4.1 to 4.6 eggs. Incubation took 17–18 days. Most losses occurred around hatching, when about 40% of the eggs or young were lost. Incubated eggs and small nestlings incurred losses of 20% and 10% respectively, and all nestlings older than 10 days survived to at least 20 days. On average, 1.4 young were reared per nest in which eggs were laid; successful nests averaged 2.2 young. First clutches averaged 1.3 young (2.4 per successful first clutch). During the season, mean clutch size declined from 4.2 to 3.5, the mean number of young hatched declined from 2.0 to 0.6 per clutch, and the mean number of young fledged from all clutches declined from 1.3 to 0.4 per clutch. Mean nestling weight increased with age from 14 g on the first day after hatching to 360 g on the 19th day. The causes of egg and nestling mortality and the adaptiveness of clutch size are discussed.  相似文献   

Ring doves with increased plasma prolactin and low plasma LH (Group A) or with low plasma prolactin and low plasma LH (Group B) which had been incubating sterile eggs for 12 or 18 days, respectively, had their nests and eggs removed for 3 days. Upon nest return, observations were made on the birds' readiness to renest and on changes in plasma prolactin and LH. Birds from Group A demonstrated a far greater tendency to resume incubation than birds from Group B. Nest deprivation resulted in a sharp fall in the concentration of plasma prolactin in birds which were deprived of their nests after 12 days of incubation (Group A). Following resumption of incubation no subsequent increase in the prolactin levels was observed in Group A or B. The concentration of plasma LH rose sharply after nest deprivation in both sexes of both groups and declined after return of the nests. Birds in Groups A and B which returned to their nests laid a new clutch of eggs while continuing to incubate. The total length of uninterrupted sitting following nest return was 20.9 +/- 0.48 days (n = 8). These results suggest that (1) once the mechanism responsible for the increase in plasma prolactin during incubation is disrupted, it cannot be reactivated unless the whole reproductive cycle is repeated. (2) The inhibition of LH secretion during incubation involves neural mechanisms which do not necessarily involve the anti-gonadotrophic action of prolactin.  相似文献   

P. J. Moors 《Ibis》1983,125(2):137-154
Prior to human settlement the endemic New Zealand avifauna evolved in the absence of mammalian predators. Subsequently mustelids, rodents and feral cats have become established and frequently prey on birds and nests. It has been suggested that, because of their evolutionary history, the endemic birds are especially susceptible to such predators. In this paper predation by mustelids and rodents on the eggs and nestlings of eight species of native bird is compared with that on five species of introduced European passerine inhabiting the same lowland forest.
Final outcomes were known for 101 nests of native birds and 48 nests of introduced birds found during three breeding seasons. There was no significant difference between the two groups in frequency of predation. Native birds lost 70-1% of their nests to predators and introduced birds 64-6%. Most predations occurred during the egg stage. Clutch size did not influence frequency of predation, but brood size did for Fantails and introduced birds. Stoats and weasels were responsible for 77-9% of predations on native birds and 77-4% on introduced birds; corresponding percentages for rodents (principally ship rats) were 14-7% and 19-4%. Mustelids destroyed proportionately more nests with chicks than with eggs, whereas rodents did the reverse. Predation on both groups of birds was not influenced by their nesting habitat, the species of tree used for nesting, or the height and position of the nest. The vulnerability to introduced predators of native New Zealand birds is discussed in relation to the historical declines of many species, and also their life-history patterns.  相似文献   

威宁趾沟蛙的繁殖生态   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用野外定期、定点观测与室内观测相结合的方法,于2000年1月21日~2005年2月25日,对威宁趾沟蛙(Pseudorana weiningensis)的繁殖生态进行了研究。结果表明,威宁趾沟蛙的繁殖习性与同属的其他两种趾沟蛙有明显的差异,其繁殖期集中在2月下旬~3月上旬;怀卵量为345.7枚(n=10);产卵量为312.5枚(n=10);威宁蛙卵群呈团状,各卵粒由胶膜粘连成团,卵团平均长6.40 cm;宽3.90 cm;厚为1.44 cm。卵粒的动物极暗褐色,植物极浅黄褐色;卵粒直径为2.0~2.5 mm,连胶膜直径为4.0 mm。卵粒在室内静水中孵化所需时间约20 d,孵出时期为心跳期,在自然环境中该蛙达性成熟所需时间为2年。该蛙无冬眠现象,且在冬季繁殖,这是其最突出的繁殖生态特征之一。  相似文献   

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