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Arabidopsis thaliana provides a useful model system for functional, evolutionary and ecological studies in plant biology. We have analysed natural genetic variation in A. thaliana in order to infer its biogeographical and historical distribution across Eurasia. We analysed 79 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers in 142 accessions from the species' native range, and found highly significant genetic isolation by distance among A. thaliana accessions from Eurasia and southern Europe. These spatial patterns of genetic variation suggest that A. thaliana colonized central and northern Europe from Asia and from Mediterranean Pleistocene refugia, a trend which has been identified in other species. Statistically significant levels of multilocus linkage disequilibrium suggest intermediate levels of disequilibrium among subsets of loci, and analysis of genetic relationships among accessions reveal a star or bush-like dendrogram with low bootstrap support. Taken together, it appears that there has been sufficient historical recombination in the A. thaliana genome such that accessions do not conform to a tree-like, bifurcating pattern of evolution - there is no 'ecotype phylogeny.' Nonetheless, significant isolation by distance provides a framework upon which studies of natural variation in A. thaliana may be designed and interpreted.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis lyrata, a close relative of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, is 1 of a few plant species for which the genome is to be entirely sequenced, which promises to yield important insights into genome evolution. Only 2 sparse linkage maps have been published, and these were based solely on markers derived from the A. thaliana genome. Because the genome of A. lyrata is practically twice as large as that of A. thaliana, the extent of map coverage of the A. lyrata genome remains uncertain. In this study, a 2-way pseudo-testcross strategy was used to construct genetic linkage maps of A. lyrata subsp. petraea and A. lyrata subsp. lyrata, using simple sequence repeat (SSR) and cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) markers from the A. thaliana genome, and anonymous amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers that could potentially uncover regions unique to the A. lyrata genome. The SSR and CAPS markers largely confirmed the relationships between linkage groups in A. lyrata and A. thaliana. AFLP markers slightly increased the coverage of the A. lyrata maps, but mostly increased marker density on the linkage groups. We noted a much lower level of polymorphism and a greater segregation distortion in A. lyrata subsp. lyrata markers. The implications of these findings for the sequencing of the A. lyrata genome are discussed.  相似文献   

串联重复序列广泛存在于真核生物的基因组中,它通过影响染色质的空间结构及基因表达从而影响生物的遗传与进化.本研究以琴叶拟南芥(Arabidopsis lyrata)基因组为材料,分析了1~50 bp重复单元的串联重复序列特征.研究发现串联重复序列在基因的5'UTR和启动子区域密度最高(8757 bp/Mb,8430 bp/Mb),而编码区CDS的密度最低(2406 bp/Mb).基因组中重复模体最高的为单核苷酸重复的T/A碱基,5'UTR中包含大量的二核苷酸重复模体,而在CDS中主要是三核酸重复模体.串联重复序列特征在琴叶拟南芥基因组不同区域的差别,显示其与基因表达和调控功能相适应.本研究深入探讨了串联重复序列在植物基因组中的特征及作用,为重复序列调控基因表达及植物基因组进化提供借鉴.  相似文献   

Population genetic structure of Arabidopsis lyrata in Europe   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Population genetic theory predicts that the self-incompatible and perennial herb, Arabidopsis lyrata, will have a genetic structure that differs from the self-fertilizing, annual Arabidopsis thaliana. We quantified the genetic structure for eight populations of A. lyrata ssp. petraea in historically nonglaciated regions of central Europe. Analysis of 20 microsatellite loci for 344 individuals demonstrated that, in accordance with predictions, diploid populations had high genome-wide heterozygosity (H(O) = 0.48; H(E) = 0.52), high within-population diversity (83% of total) compatible with mutation-drift equilibrium, and moderate differentiation among populations (F(ST) = 0.17). Within a single population, the vast majority of genetic variability (92%) was found at the smallest spatial scale (< 3 m). Although there was no evidence of biparental inbreeding or clonal propagation at this scale (F(IS) = 0.003), significant fine-scale spatial autocorrelation indicated localized gene flow presumably due to gravity dispersed seeds (Sp = 0.018). Limited gene flow between isolated population clusters (regions) separated by hundreds of kilometres has given rise to an isolation by distance pattern of diversification, with low, but significant, differentiation among regions (F(ST) = 0.05). The maintenance of geographically widespread polymorphisms and uniformly high diversity throughout central Europe is consistent with periglacial survival of A. lyrata ssp. petraea north of the Alps in steppe-tundra habitats during the last glacial maximum. As expected of northern and previously glaciated localities, A. lyrata in Iceland was genetically less diverse and highly differentiated from central Europe (H(E) = 0.37; F(ST) = 0.27).  相似文献   

Kärkkäinen K  Agren J 《Hereditas》2002,136(3):219-226
Leaf trichomes may protect plants against herbivorous insects, and may increase tolerance to drought and UV-radiation. The perennial herb Arabidopsis lyrata (Brassicaceae) is polymorphic for trichome production and occurs in a glabrous and trichome-producing form. In addition, there is quantitative variation in trichome density among trichome-producing plants. To examine the genetic basis of glabrousness, we conducted controlled crosses with plants originating from two natural populations in Sweden (one polymorphic for trichome-production, and one consisting of glabrous plants only). In addition, we estimated the heritability of trichome number from parent-offspring regressions for plants originating from the polymorphic population. Crosses between glabrous plants resulted in glabrous offspring only, whereas crosses between glabrous and trichome-producing plants, and crosses between trichome-producing individuals, resulted in either all trichome-producing offspring or both phenotypes. In segregating crosses between trichome-producing plants, the ratio of glabrous:trichome-producing offspring did not deviate significantly from 1:3, while in segregating crosses between glabrous and trichome-producing individuals the ratio did in most cases not deviate from 1:1. Within- and between-population crosses gave similar results. The heritability of trichome number estimated from regression of offspring on mid-parent was high (h2 +/- SE, 0.65 +/- 0.15). The results suggest that glabrousness is inherited in a simple Mendelian fashion, with the allele coding for trichome production being dominant over that for glabrousness. They further indicate that glabrousness is due to a mutation at the same locus in both populations.  相似文献   

We investigated transmission ratio distortion within an Icelandic population of Arabidopsis lyrata using 16 molecular markers unlinked to the S-locus. Transmission ratio distortion was found more often than expected by chance at the gametic level, but not at the genotypic or zygotic level. The gametic effect may be due to meiotic drive or selection acting postmeiotically. At the gametic level, 10.9% of the tests were significant, which is substantially lower than earlier observed in an interpopulation cross (allowing for differences in power)-suggesting that the high level of transmission ratio distortion in the interpopulation cross is due to population divergence. It is also substantially lower than previously observed in intrapopulation crosses at the self-incompatibility locus, suggesting inherent fitness differences of the self-incompatibility alleles. We discuss the possible role of deleterious alleles accumulating at loci under balancing selection. Zygotic effects play a larger role in the interpopulation cross than in the intrapopulation crosses suggesting that Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibilities may be accumulating between the widely diverged populations.  相似文献   

Comparative phylogeography and postglacial colonization routes in Europe   总被引:31,自引:3,他引:31  
The Quaternary cold periods in Europe are thought to have heavily influenced the amount and distribution of intraspecific genetic variation in both animals and plants. The phylogeographies of 10 taxa, including mammals ( Ursus arctos , Sorex spp., Crocidura suaveolens , Arvicola spp.), amphibians ( Triturus spp.), arthropods ( Chorthippus parallelus ), and plants ( Abies alba , Picea abies , Fagus sylvatica , Quercus spp.), were analysed to elucidate general trends across Europe. Only a small degree of congruence was found amongst the phylogeographies of the 10 taxa, but the likely postglacial colonization routes exhibit some similarities. A Brooks parsimony analysis produced an unrooted area phylogram, showing that: (i) the northern regions were colonized generally from the Iberic and Balkanic refugia; and (ii) the Italian lineages were often isolated due to the presence of the Alpine barrier. The comparison of colonization routes highlighted four main suture-zones where lineages from the different refugia meet. Some of the intraspecific genetic distances among lineages indicated a prequaternary divergence that cannot be connected to any particular cold period, but are probably related mainly to the date of arrival of each taxon in the European continent. As a consequence, molecular genetics so far appears to be of limited use in dating Quaternary events.  相似文献   

We investigated DNA sequence diversity for loci on chromosomes 1 and 2 in six natural populations of Arabidopsis lyrata and tested for the role of natural selection in structuring genomewide patterns of variability, specifically examining the effects of recombination rate on levels of silent polymorphism. In contrast with theoretical predictions from models of genetic hitchhiking, maximum-likelihood-based analyses of diversity and divergence do not suggest reduction of diversity in the region of suppressed recombination near the centromere of chromosome 1, except in a single population from Russia, in which the pericentromeric region may have undergone a local selective sweep or demographic process that reduced variability. We discuss various possibilities that might explain why nucleotide diversity in most A. lyrata populations is not related to recombination rate, including genic recombination hotspots, and low gene density in the low recombination rate region.  相似文献   

Extensive intraspecific variation in the chloroplast trnL(UAA)-trnF(GAA) spacer of model plant Arabidopsis lyrata is caused by multiple copies of a tandemly repeated trnF pseudogene undergoing parallel independent changes in copy number. Linkage disequilibrium and secondary structure analyses indicate that the diversification of pseudogene copies is driven by complex processes of structurally mediated illegitimate recombination. Disperse repeats sharing similar secondary structures interact, facilitating reciprocal exchange of structural motifs between copies via intramolecular and intermolecular recombinations, forming chimeric sequences and iterative expansion and contraction in pseudogene copy numbers. Widely held assumptions that chloroplast sequence evolution is simple and structural changes are informative are violated. Our findings have important implications for the use of this highly variable region in Brassicaceae studies. The reticulate evolution and nonindependent nucleotide substitution render the pseudogene inappropriate for standard phylogenetic reconstruction, but over short evolutionary timescales they may be useful for assessing gene flow, hybridization and introgression.  相似文献   

Self-incompatibility in Arabidopsis lyrata is sporophytically controlled by the multi-allelic S-locus. Self-incompatibility alleles (S-alleles) are under strong negative frequency dependent selection because pollen carrying common S-alleles have fewer mating opportunities. Population genetics theory predicts that deleterious alleles can accumulate if linked to the S-locus. This was tested by studying segregation of S-alleles in 11 large full sib families in A. lyrata. Significant segregation distortion leading to an up to fourfold difference in transmission rates was found in six families. Differences in transmission rates were not significantly different in reciprocal crosses and the distortions observed were compatible with selection acting at the gametic stage alone. The S-allele with the largest segregation advantage is also the most recessive, and is very common in natural populations concordant with its apparent segregation advantage. These results imply that frequencies of S-alleles in populations of A. lyrata cannot be predicted based on simple models of frequency-dependent selection alone.  相似文献   

Outcrossing is the prevalent mode of reproduction in plants and animals despite its substantial costs, while selfing and mixed mating occur at much lower frequency. Comparative research on plants has demonstrated the lability of self‐incompatibility, but there is little information about the transition on a within‐species level from self‐incompatibility to predominant selfing. We studied variation in mating system among 18 populations of Arabidopsis lyrata within a phylogenetic context to shed light on the evolution of selfing. Realized and potential mating systems were assessed by genetic analysis with microsatellite markers and hand‐self‐pollinations on 30 plants from each population. The fraction of self‐incompatible plants in a population was highly correlated with the outcrossing rate, showing that the spread of self‐compatibility is accompanied by or soon followed by an increase in the rate of selfing. The four predominantly selfing populations (outcrossing rates < 0.25) fell into more than one phylogenetic cluster, suggesting that the transition to selfing occurred more than once independently. Hence, A. lyrata offers an opportunity for the comparative analysis of outcrossing as a predominant mode of reproduction in plants and of the causes of the shift to selfing.  相似文献   

Polyploidization, or genome duplication, has played a critical role in the diversification of animals, fungi and plants. Little is known about the population structure and multiple origins of polyploid species because of the difficulty in identifying multiple homeologous nuclear genes. The allotetraploid species Arabidopsis kamchatica is closely related to the model species Arabidopsis thaliana and is distributed in a broader climatic niche than its parental species. Here, we performed direct sequencing of homeologous pairs of the low-copy nuclear genes WER and CHS by designing homeolog-specific primers, and obtained also chloroplast and ribosomal internal transcribed spacer sequences. Phylogenetic analysis showed that 50 individuals covering the distribution range including North America are allopolyploids derived from Arabidopsis lyrata and Arabidopsis halleri . Three major clusters within A. kamchatica were detected using Bayesian clustering. One cluster has widespread distribution. The other two are restricted to the southern part of the distribution range including Japan, where the parent A. lyrata is not currently distributed. This suggests that the mountains in Central Honshu and surrounding areas in Japan served as refugia during glacial–interglacial cycles and retained this diversity. We also found that multiple haplotypes of nuclear and chloroplast sequences of A. kamchatica are identical to those of their parental species. This indicates that multiple diploid individuals contributed to the origin of A. kamchatica . The haplotypes of low-copy nuclear genes in Japan suggest independent polyploidization events rather than introgression. Our findings suggest that self-compatibility and gene silencing occurred independently in different origins.  相似文献   

We analyzed the complete genome sequence of Arabidopsis thaliana and sequence data from 83 genes in the outcrossing A. lyrata, to better understand the role of gene expression on the strength of natural selection on synonymous and replacement sites in Arabidopsis. From data on tRNA gene abundance, we find a good concordance between codon preferences and the relative abundance of isoaccepting tRNAs in the complete A. thaliana genome, consistent with models of translational selection. Both EST-based and new quantitative measures of gene expression (MPSS) suggest that codon preferences derived from information on tRNA abundance are more strongly associated with gene expression than those obtained from multivariate analysis, which provides further support for the hypothesis that codon bias in Arabidopsis is under selection mediated by tRNA abundance. Consistent with previous results, analysis of protein evolution reveals a significant correlation between gene expression level and amino acid substitution rate. Analysis by MPSS estimates of gene expression suggests that this effect is primarily the result of a correlation between the number of tissues in which a gene is expressed and the rate of amino acid substitution, which indicates that the degree of tissue specialization may be an important determinant of the rate of protein evolution in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Haudry A  Zha HG  Stift M  Mable BK 《Molecular ecology》2012,21(5):1130-1142
A breakdown of self‐incompatibility (SI) followed by a shift to selfing is commonly observed in the evolution of flowering plants. Both are expected to reduce the levels of heterozygosity and genetic diversity. However, breakdown of SI should most strongly affect the region of the SI locus (S‐locus) because of the relaxation of balancing selection that operates on a functional S‐locus, and a potential selective sweep. In contrast, a transition to selfing should affect the whole genome. We set out to disentangle the effects of breakdown of SI and transition to selfing on the level and distribution of genetic diversity in North American populations of Arabidopsis lyrata. Specifically, we compared sequence diversity of loci linked and unlinked to the S‐locus for populations ranging from complete selfing to fully outcrossing. Regardless of linkage to the S‐locus, heterozygosity and genetic diversity increased with population outcrossing rate. High heterozygosity of self‐compatible individuals in outcrossing populations suggests that SI is not the only factor preventing the evolution of self‐fertilization in those populations. There was a strong loss of diversity in selfing populations, which was more pronounced at the S‐locus. In addition, selfing populations showed an accumulation of derived mutations at the S‐locus. Our results provide evidence that beyond the genome‐wide consequences of the population bottleneck associated with the shift to selfing, the S‐locus of A. lyrata shows a specific signal either reflecting the relaxation of balancing selection or positive selection.  相似文献   

High levels of inbreeding are expected to cause a strong reduction in levels of genetic variability, effective recombination rates and in adaptation compared with related outcrossing populations. We examined patterns of DNA polymorphism at five nuclear loci and one chloroplast locus within and between four populations of the outcrossing plant Arabidopsis lyrata, a close relative of the highly self-fertilizing model species A. thaliana. The observed patterns are compared with species-wide polymorphism at orthologous loci, as well as within- and between-population patterns at other studied loci in A. thaliana. In addition to evidence for much higher average within-population diversity, species-wide levels of silent polymorphism are generally higher in A. lyrata than in A. thaliana, unlike the results from a previous study of the ADH locus. However, polymorphism is also low in the North American A. lyrata subspecies lyrata compared with the European subspecies petraea, suggesting either a population bottleneck in North American populations or recent admixture involving diverged European populations. Differentiation between the two subspecies is strong, although there are few fixed differences, suggesting that their isolation is recent. Estimates of intralocus recombination rates and analysis of haplotype structure in European A. lyrata populations indicate lower recombination than predicted based on the variability together with physical recombination rates estimated from A. thaliana. This may be due to strong population subdivision, or to recent departures from demographic equilibrium such as a bottleneck or population admixture. Alternatively, there may be consistently lower recombination rates in the outcrossing species. In contrast, estimates of recombination rates from species-wide samples of A. thaliana are close to the values expected assuming a high rate of self-fertilization. Complex population histories in both A. thaliana and A. lyrata complicate theoretical predictions and empirical tests of the effects of inbreeding on polymorphism and molecular evolution.  相似文献   

Mable BK  Beland J  Di Berardo C 《Heredity》2004,93(5):476-486
Natural populations of diploid Arabidopsis lyrata exhibit the sporophytic type of self-incompatibility system characteristic of Brassicaceae, in which complicated dominance interactions among alleles in the diploid parent determine self-recognition phenotypes of both pollen and stigma. The purpose of this study was to investigate how polyploidy affects this already complex system. One tetraploid population (Arabidopsis lyrata ssp kawasakiana from Japan) showed complete self-compatibility and produced viable selfed progeny for at least three generations subsequent to field collection. In contrast, individuals from a second tetraploid population (A. lyrata ssp petraea from Austria) were strongly self-incompatible (SI). Segregation of SI genotypes in this population followed Mendelian patterns based on a tetrasomic model of inheritance, with two to four alleles per individual, independent segregation of alleles, and little evidence of dosage effects of alleles found in multiple copies. Similar to results from diploids, anomalous compatibility patterns involving particular combinations of individuals occurred at a low frequency in the tetraploids, suggesting altered dominance in certain genetic backgrounds that could be due to the influence of a modifier locus. Overall, dominance relationships among S-alleles in self-incompatible tetraploid families were remarkably similar to those in related diploids, suggesting that this very important and complicated locus has not undergone extensive modification subsequent to polyploidization.  相似文献   

Species may respond in three ways to environmental change: adapt, migrate, or go extinct. Studies of latitudinal clines can provide information on whether species have adapted to abiotic stress such as temperature and drought in the past and what the traits underlying adaptation are. We investigated latitudinal trait variation and response to drought in North American populations of Arabidopsis lyrata. Plants from nine populations collected over 13° latitude were grown under well-watered and dry conditions. A total of 1,620 seedlings were raised and 12 phenological, physiological, morphological, and life history traits were measured. Two traits, asymptotic rosette size and the propensity to flower, were significantly associated with latitude: plants from northern locations grew to a larger size and were more likely to flower in the first season. Most traits displayed a plastic response to drought, but plasticity was never related linearly with latitude nor was it enhanced in populations from extreme latitudes with reduced water availability. Populations responded to drought by adopting mixed strategies of resistance, tolerance, and escape. The study shows that latitudinal adaptation in A. lyrata involves the classic life history traits, size at and timing of reproduction. Contrary to recent theoretical predictions, adaptation to margins is based on fixed trait differences and not on phenotypic plasticity, at least with respect to drought.  相似文献   

A long‐standing goal of evolutionary biology is to understand how paleoclimatic and geological events shape the geographical distribution and genetic structure within and among species. Using a diverse set of markers (cuticular hydrocarbons, mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences, microsatellite loci), we studied Reticulitermes grassei and R. banyulensis, two closely related termite species in southwestern Europe. We sought to clarify the current genetic structure of populations that formed following postglacial dispersal from refugia in southern Spain and characterize the gene flow between the two lineages over the last several million years. Each marker type separately provided a fragmented picture of the evolutionary history at different timescales. Chemical analyses of cuticular hydrocarbons and phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear genes showed clear separation between the species, suggesting they diverged following vicariance events in the Late Miocene. However, the presence of intermediate chemical profiles and mtDNA introgression in some Spanish colonies suggests ongoing gene flow. The current genetic structure of Iberian populations is consistent with alternating isolation and dispersal events during Quaternary glacial periods. Analyses of population genetic structure revealed postglacial colonization routes from southern Spain to France, where populations underwent strong genetic bottlenecks after traversing the Pyrenees resulting in parapatric speciation.  相似文献   

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