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The structure of tomato bushy stunt virus has been investigated by neutron small-angle scattering. Data were collected in aqueous solutions containing various amounts of D2O, and the radial distribution of both protein and RNA could be computed. The main feature of that distribution is the clustering of protein into two concentric shells separated by about 30 Å, where the density is so low that the polypeptide chain must be extended. Most of the RNA is located between these two protein shells. The implications of that structure for protein-RNA interactions are discussed.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of spread of lettuce big‐vein disease (LBVD) and Lettuce necrotic yellows virus (LNYV) were examined in two plantings each consisting of two blocks of lettuce. LBVD came from planting land infested with viruliferous Olpidium brassicae resting spores, while LNYV was introduced by aphid vectors from external sources consisting of LNYV‐infected sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus) weeds. Clustering of LBVD was obvious in an area where the soil was heavily infested with only sporadic occurrence elsewhere. There was a steep decline in LNYV incidence over distance from a concentrated external weed source, with clustering of LNYV‐infected plants at the crop edge closest to it. There was no evidence of secondary spread with LBVD or LNYV.  相似文献   

Lettuce mosaic virus (LMV) is transmitted by aphid vectors in a nonpersistent manner as well as by seeds. The virus causes severe disease outbreaks in commercial lettuce crops in several regions of Spain. The temporal and spatial patterns of spread of LMV were studied in autumn 2002 in the central region of Spain. Symptomatic lettuce (var. Cazorla) plant samples were collected weekly, first at the seedling stage from the greenhouse nursery and later outdoors after transplantation. The exact position of symptomatic plants sampled in the field was recorded and then material was tested by enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay to assess virus infection. Cumulative spatial data for infected plants at different growth stages were analysed using spatial analysis by distance indices. For temporal analysis, the monomolecular, Gompertz, logistic and exponential models were evaluated for goodness of fit to the entire set of disease progress data obtained. The results indicated that the disease progress curve of LMV epidemics in the selected area is best described by a Gompertz model and that the epidemic follows a polycyclic disease progression. Our data suggest that secondary cycle of spread occurs when noncolonising aphid species land on the primary infected plants (probably coming from infected seed) and move to adjacent plants before leaving the crop. The role of weeds growing close to lettuce fields as potential inoculum sources of virus and the aphid species most likely involved in the transmission of LMV were also identified.  相似文献   

We report the chemically determined sequence of most of the polypeptide chain of the coat protein of tomato bushy stunt virus. Peptide locations have been determined by comparison with the high-resolution electron density map from X-ray crystallographic analysis as well as by conventional chemical overlaps. Three small gaps remain in the 387-residue sequence. Positively charged side-chains are concentrated in the N-terminal part of the polypeptide (the R domain) as well as on inward-facing surfaces of the S domain. There is homology of S-domain sequences with structurally corresponding residues in southern bean mosaic virus.  相似文献   

Summary Significant structural equivalence has been found among the polypeptide folds of the two tomato bushy stunt virus (TBSV) subunit domains and concanavalin A. This suggests gene duplication in the TBSV coat protein and leads to speculation on common functional properties of concanavalin A and viral coat proteins.Non-standard abbreviations TBSV tomato bushy stunt virus - SBMV southern bean mosaic virus  相似文献   

Forty‐four parthenogenetic lineages of Myzus persicae s.l. (Sulzer) from tobacco crops and peach orchards located in various regions of Greece were examined to determine their response to the insecticide pymetrozine using leaf‐dip bio‐assays. The results show that the aphid has not developed resistance, as all lineages exhibited resistance factors bellow 6.0. In transmission experiments of potato virus Y (PVY) using a lineage of the tobacco‐adapted subspecies M. persicae nicotianae Blackman on tobacco plants, one foliar application with pymetrozine provided adequate protection for 7 days. Pymetrozine significantly reduced both virus acquisition and inoculation compared with the untreated control and the reduction was comparable to a mineral oil application. These results are discussed in terms of the advantage of incorporating pymetrozine as a compound of pest management strategies against M. persicae s.l. and for control of non‐persistent viruses, especially in crops such as tobacco because of the high selection pressure from neonicotinoids resulting in potential of resistance developing in aphid populations.  相似文献   

Mechanical vector-less transmission of viruses, as well as vector-mediated non-circulative virus transmission, where the virus attaches only to the exterior of the vector during the passage to a new host, are apparently simple processes: the viruses are carried along with the wind, the food or by the vector to a new host. We discuss here, using the examples of the non-circulatively transmitted Cauliflower mosaic virus that binds to its aphid vector's exterior mouthparts, and that of the mechanically (during feeding activity) transmitted Autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus, that transmission of these viruses is not so simple as previously thought. Rather, these viruses prepare their transmission carefully and long before the actual acquisition event. Host-virus interactions play a pivotal and specialised role in the future encounter with the vector or the new host. This ensures optimal propagation and enlarges the tremendous bottleneck transmission presents for viruses and other pathogens.  相似文献   

The mosquitoes Anopheles stephensi Liston and Culex quinquefasciatus Say (Diptera: Culicidae), the stable fly Stomoxys calcitrans Linnaeus (Diptera: Muscidae) and the biting midge Culicoides nubeculosus Meigen (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) were allowed to feed on either lumpy skin disease (LSD) infected animals or through a membrane on a bloodmeal containing lumpy skin disease virus (LSDV). These arthropods were then allowed to refeed on susceptible cattle at various intervals after the infective feed. Virus was detected in the insects by polymerase chain reaction immediately after feeding and at sufficiently high titre to enable transmission to occur. However, no transmission of virus from infected to susceptible animals by An. stephensi, S. calcitrans, C. nubeculosus and Cx. quinquefasciatus was observed.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of the dosage-mortality responses of larvae of Pieris brassicae and P. rapae to infection by P. brassicae granulosis virus (GV). Bioassays with first, second, third, and fourth-instar larvae of both species revealed a marked difference in susceptibility between instars and between species. Median lethal dosages (LD50s) for P. rapae larvae ranged from five capsules for the first instar to 662 capsules for the fourth instar. With P. brassicae, this range extended from 66 capsules to 2.3 × 107 capsules. The time-mortality responses of the two species were similar when fed virus dosages equivalent to an LD90. Median lethal times (LT50s) ranged from 5 days for first-instar larvae to 7–8 days for fourth-instar larvae. A comparison between a long-established laboratory stock of P. brassicae and a stock recently acquired from the field showed no significant difference in their susceptibility to GV. The implications of the pronounced species differences in susceptibility to GV infection are discussed in relation to the potential field control of P. rapae and P. brassicae.  相似文献   

A small RNA virus infectious to Trichoplusia ni larvae (TRV) was observed as a contaminant of several Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus preparations (AcMNPV). The extent of contamination in various AcMNPV preparations was studied by means of serial enrichment passages through T. ni larvae and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). TRV could not be detected by ELISA in the original preparation of AcMNPV polyhedra prepared in 1968 even after five enrichment passages. Antibody inactivation offers a possible prophylactic method against TRV but temperature inactivation (55°C) does not. Although TRV reduced larval weight, it had little or no effect on bioassays of AcMNPV to T. ni and Heliothis virescens.  相似文献   

The pathology and infectivity of an RNA virus infectious to Trichoplusia ni larvae was investigated. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and weight depression were used as criteria for virus concentration in larval homogenates and live larvae, respectively. Infected larvae were severely stunted, weighing as little as 13 times less than uninfected individuals of the same age, yet appeared normal morphologically. The virus was found to cause only slight mortality at high concentrations. Infected larvae displayed the pathological stunting response down to a dose of 0.1 ng of virus. Larvae infected with doses 100 times lower did not show the weight response but such inapparent infections were detectable by ELISA. Because of these subtle gross pathological symptoms, particularly at low levels of infection, infected individuals could easily remain unde-tected in a group-reared colony.  相似文献   

The response of seven lettuce cultivars to two geographically different Lettuce mosaic virus (LMV) isolates (LMV‐A, LMV‐T) was statistically evaluated based on infection rate, virus accumulation and symptom severity in different time trials. LMV‐A is characterized by the ability to systemically infect cv. Salinas 88 (mo12‐carrying resistant cultivar), and inducing mild mosaic symptoms. Among lettuce cultivars, Varamin (a native cultivar) similar to cv. Salinas showed the most susceptibility to both LMV isolates, whereas another native cultivar, Varesh, was tolerant to the virus with minimal viral accumulation and symptom scores, significantly different from other cultivars at P < 0.05. LMV‐A systemically infects all susceptible lettuce cultivars more rapidly and at a higher rate than LMV‐T. This isolate accumulated in lettuce cultivars at a significantly higher level, determined by semiquantitative ELISA and induced more severe symptoms than LMV‐T isolate at 21 dpi. This is the first evidence for a LMV isolate with ability to systemically infect mo12‐carrying resistant cultivar of lettuce from Iran. In this study, accumulation level of LMV showed statistically meaningful positive correlation with symptom severity on lettuce plants. Based on the results, three evaluated parameters differed considerably by lettuce cultivar and virus isolate.  相似文献   

Summary A comparison was made of the amino acid sequences of the proteins encoded by RNAs 1 and 2 of alfalfa mosaic virus (A1MV) and brome mosaic virus (BMV), and the 126K and 183K proteins encoded by tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). Three blocks of extensive homology of about 200 to 350 amino acids each were observed. Two of these blocks are located in the A1MV and BMV RNA 1 encoded proteins and the TMV encoded 126K protein; they are situated at the N-terminus and C-terminus, respectively. The third block is located in the A1MV and BMV RNA 2 encoded proteins and the C-terminal part of the TMV encoded 183K protein. These homologies are discussed with respect to the functional equivalence of these putative replicase proteins and a possible evolutionary connection between A1MV, BMV and TMV.  相似文献   

Pronounced increases in activity of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), cinnamic acid-4-hydroxylase (CAH) and caffeic acid-O-methyltransferase (OMT)  相似文献   

In the present study, a total of 24 MAbs were produced against bluetongue virus (BTV) by polyethyleneglycol (PEG) mediated fusion method using sensitized lymphocytes and myeloma cells. All these clones were characterized for their reactivity to whole virus and recombinant BTV-VP7 protein, titres, isotypes and their reactivity with 24 BTV-serotype specific sera in cELISA. Out of 24 clones, a majority of them (n = 18) belong to various IgG subclasses and the remaining (n = 6) to the IgM class. A panel of eight clones reactive to both whole BTV and purified rVP7 protein were identified based on their reactivity in iELISA. For competitive ELISA, the clone designated as 4A10 showed better inhibition to hyperimmune serum of BTV serotype 23. However, this clone showed a variable percent of inhibition ranging from16.6% with BTV 12 serotype to 78.9% with BTV16 serotype using 24 serotype specific sera of BTV originating from guinea pig at their lowest dilutions. From the available panel of clones, only 4A10 was found to have a possible diagnostic application.  相似文献   

Leaves and pith of Turkish, Wisconsin 38, and Samsun NN tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) varieties, which differ in their sensitivity to tobacco mosaic virus, showed the same qualitative isoperoxidase patterns and a similar distribution of distinctive isoperoxidases between the cell protoplast and wall-free, ionically, and covalently bound fractions. No changes in the qualitative isoenzyme spectrum were found in relation to age, mechanical injury, or leaf infection with tobacco mosaic virus. The distinctive isoperoxidases which reacted to infection were the same as those responsive to mechanical injury, confirming that the enzyme reaction to infection results from a nonspecific response to injury. The increase in peroxidase activity in response to infection or mechanical injury, or both, was greater in young tissue than in the older ones. The great increase in Samsun NN leaves and no increase in those of the two other varieties in response to infection may be due to differences in the degree to which the pathogen affected processes controlling the nonspecific peroxidase reaction to injury. Peroxidase development in the infected Samsun NN leaves was due to isoenzymes which form the wall-bound fraction in very young tissues, and to those which increase in activity with aging in the protoplast and wall-free fractions. In mechanically injured tissue, only the first group of isoenzymes increased in activity. In Samsun NN plants, the increased peroxidase activity in upper intact leaves above the infected ones was only due to isoenzymes whose activity increases with both normal and virus-accelerated senescence. Peroxidase reaction to challenge inoculation in these leaves was the same whether the lower ones were intact, infected and/or mechanically injured. Thus, the induced systemic resistance to tobacco mosaic virus may be due to other than peroxidase factors.  相似文献   

Abstract Radio-iodinated hepatitis A virus binds to cultured mammalian cells in a saturable manner, with about 1.4 × 103 sites/cell and a S 0.5 of about 1.4 × 10−11 M for FRhK-4 cells. This binding to FRhK-4 cells shows evidence of positive co-operativity, with a Hill coefficient of 2.1 (±0.1). This implies that the cellular receptor for the virus may have multiple binding sites and that the affinity of HAV for its receptor is increased if one of the binding sites is occupied by virus. Binding is completely blocked by two neutralising monoclonal antibodies, which also inhibit viral haemagglutination. A non-neutralising monoclonal antibody partially inhibits binding to FRhK-4 cells, but has no effect on haemagglutination.  相似文献   

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