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Endogenous components of evoked potentials resembling P300 in humans were sequentially studied in 3 cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) using an auditory ‘oddball’ paradigm. The two different auditory stimuli were 500 Hz and 4000 Hz tones, designated as the ‘frequent’ and ‘rare’ stimuli, respectively. The probability of ‘rare’ tone presentation was initially 0.2. We further used probabilities of 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5. The ‘rare’ stimulus was reinforced by electrical stimulation, which followed the onset of the high tone by 700 msec. After 3–5 training sessions, a late positive wave was observed following the ‘rare’ tone. The latency of this P300-like signal was 314±16.2 msec, and teh amplitude 23.6±3.14 μV. The amplitude of this potential was modified by changes in stimulus presentation probability and by withholding reinforcement.  相似文献   

We studied auditory and visual evoked potentials in D.W., a patient with congenital stenosis of the cerebral aqueduct. Head CT scans revealed marked hydrocephalus with expanded ventricles filling more than 80% of the cranium and compressing brain tissue to less than 1 cm in thickness. Despite the striking neuroanatomical abnormalities, however, the patient functioned well in daily life and was attending a local community college at the time of testing.Evoked potentials provided evidence of preserved sensory processing at cortical levels. Pattern reversal visual evoked potentials had normal latencies and amplitudes. Brain-stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) showed normal wave V latencies. Na and Pa components of middle-latency AEP had normal amplitudes and latencies at the vertex, although amplitudes at lateral electrodes were larger than at the midline.In contrast to the normal sensory responses, long-latency auditory evoked potentials to standard and target tones showed abnormal P3 components. Standard tones (probability 85%), evoked NN1 components with normal amplitudes (−3.7 μV) and latencies (103 msec), but also elicited large P3 components (17 μV, latency 305 msec) that were never observed following frequent stimuli in control subjects. Target stimuli (probability 15%) elicited P3s in D.W. and controls, but P3 amplitudes were enhanced in D.W. (to more than 40 μV) and the P3 showed an unusual, frontal distribution. The results are consistent with a subcortical sources of the P300. Moreover, they suggest that the substitution of controlled for automatic processes may help high-functioning hydrocephalics compensate for abnormalities in cerebral structure.  相似文献   

In accordance with the present views, during sleep, analysis of external stimuli continues at the subconscious level, because the need to estimate the biological significance of external stimuli in order to maintain a flexible contact of a sleeping subject with the environment persists during sleep. It is known that new components of the auditory evoked potentials (AEP) appear as sleep deepens. However, the common procedure of analysis of event-related potentials averaged for a group of subjects has some drawbacks because of the interindividual variability of the event-related potentials. Therefore, an additional analysis of the interindividual variability of the AEP shape and component structure can simplify the detection of individual components of group-averaged AEP at different stages of the slow-wave sleep. The AEPs were recorded in healthy volunteers (n = 26) during falling asleep in the evening from eight EEG derivations (F3, F4, C3, C4, P3, P4, O1, O2) in reference to a linked mastoid electrode. Computer-generated sound stimuli (50 ms-pulses with the frequency of 1000 Hz, 60 dB HL) were presented binaurally through earphones with interstimulus intervals of 20-40 s. Selective summation of AEPs for all the subjects was performed for each stage of the slow-wave sleep individually for each of the eight derivations. It was shown that the account made for interindividual variability of the AEP shape facilitated the identification of individual components of the group-averaged AEP typical of wakefulness (P1, N1, P300) and those which appeared during sleep onset and at different stages of the slow-wave sleep (P2, N350, P450, N550, N900).  相似文献   

The present study investigates the differential behavior of laser evoked brain potentials (LEPs), late auditory evoked potentials (AEP) and the endogenous P300 in response to morphine treatment, examined in 6 chronic pain patients. The main result was that in parallel with marked clinical pain relief, amplitudes of the long latency LEP positivity (P400) were significantly reduced under morphine. One patient suffering from extremely painful osteoporosis for 20 years exhibited a large middle latency component (N170) which was prominently attenuated by morphine. In contrast to LEP amplitude reductions, auditory N1 and P2 potentials appeared either unchanged or even enlarged during morphine treatment. Also P300 amplitude was slightly increased under morphine. Reaction time and mood scales also failed to indicate any sedation. Obviously, LEPs reflected specifically the analgesic morphine effect in this study, while stability or enhancement of AEPs and P300 during morphine treatment indicated lack of sedation or even improved perception and concentration due to the removal of persistent pain as a disruptive perceptual-cognitive stressor.  相似文献   

The effect of various chronic dopaminergic treatments in 1-Methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) monkeys on the brain gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABA(A)) /benzodiazepine receptor complex and GABA content was investigated in order to assess the GABAergic involvement in dopaminomimetic-induced dyskinesia. Three MPTP monkeys received for one month pulsatile administrations of the D1 dopamine (DA) receptor agonist SKF 82958 whereas three others received the same dose of SKF 82958 by continuous infusion. A long acting D2 DA receptor agonist, cabergoline, was given to another three animals. Untreated MPTP as well as naive control animals were also included. Pulsatile SKF 82958 relieved parkinsonian symptoms but was also associated with dyskinesia in two of the three animals whereas animals treated continuously with SKF 82958 remained as untreated MPTP monkeys. Chronic cabergoline administration improved motor response with no persistent dyskinesia. MPTP treatment induced a decrease of 3H-flunitrazepam binding in the medial anterior part of caudate-putamen and an increase in the internal segment of globus pallidus (GPi) which was in general unchanged by pulsatile or continuous SKF 82958 administration. Throughout the striatum, binding of 3H-flunitrazepam remained reduced in MPTP monkeys treated with cabergoline but was not significantly lower than untreated MPTP monkeys. Moreover, cabergoline treatment reversed the MPTP-induced increase in 3H-flunitrazepam binding in the GPi. GABA concentrations remained unchanged in the striatum, external segment of globus pallidus and GPi following MPTP denervation. Pulsatile but not continuous SKF 82958 administration decreased putamen GABA content whereas cabergoline treatment decreased caudate GABA. No alteration in GABA levels were observed in the GPe and GPi following the experimental treatments. These results suggest that: (1) D2-like receptor stimulation with cabergoline modulates GABA(A) receptor density in striatal subregions anatomically related to associative cortical afferent and (2) the absence of dyskinesia in dopaminomimetic-treated monkeys might be associated with the reversal of the MPTP-induced upregulation of the GABA(A)/benzodiazepine receptor complex in the Gpi.  相似文献   

Using a visual ‘oddball’ paradigm we studied ERPs in monkeys trained in a ‘go’ ‘no-go’ discrimination task. The stimuli were 2.5 cpd sinusoidal gratings differing only in orientation (0° or 25°). Monkeys released a lever during 1 of 2 response windows (RW), 480–1762 or 740–1672 msec, following target stimulus onset. Target stimulus presentation probabilities were 1.0, 0.5 and 0.3. The primary evoked potentials recorded to either the target or non-target stimulus were similar in all monkeys. P3 signals progressively emerged in the monkeys only to the target stimulus. P3 recorded at Cz, P3, and P4 had similar mean latencies and amplitudes. Eye movements showed no relationship to P3 potentials. Neither the primary visual potentials nor P3 changed significantly as a function of RW. P3 amplitude was inversely related to target probability. When the target stimulus was presented 100% of the time (P = 1.0) P3 disappeared over 4–5 blocks of trials, while the primary evoked potentials remained consistent.  相似文献   

Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded from epileptic patients with electrodes chronically implanted in the medial temporal lobe (MTL) and other intracranial locations, and from monkeys with epidural, transcortical, and MTL electrodes. For both humans and monkeys, the eliciting events consisted of trains of auditory or visual stimuli in which a random 10–20% deviated in pitch or pattern from the remaining stimuli. The distribution of ERPs elicited by the rare (oddball) stimuli in both species was similar, consisting of a P3 recorded from the scalp or cortical surface and a slightly later, but temporally overlapping, focal negativity in the hippocampus and nearby MTL structures. The similarity between the patterns of ERPs in humans and monkeys establishes the feasibility of studying the electrogenesis of P3-like activity with detailed intracranial recordings in an animal model. The data also establish that the MTL ERPs in human patients represent a normal neurophysiological process unrelated to epilepsy.  相似文献   

Average evoked potentials (AEP) were recorded in practically healthy subjects to "meaningless" figures and letters, presented to different halves of the visual field. Analysis of the amplitudes of AEP late components to verbal and non-verbal stimuli reveals hemispheric asymmetry. A higher amplitude of the late positive evoked response (P300) to a "direct" stimulation both by verbal and non-verbal stimuli (in the contralateral field of vision) is recorded in the left hemisphere than in the right one. Similar stimulation of the right hemisphere does not reveal sucha difference. In the left hemisphere the P300 wave is of a clearly greater amplitude to a "direct" stimulation (contralateral visual field) than to an "indirect" one (ipsilateral visual field), regardless of the nature of the stimulus. No such difference is observed in the right hemisphere. The magnitude of the late negative wave (component N200) to non-verbal stimuli is greater in the right hemisphere both in response to "direct" and "indirect" stimulations. No intrahemispheric difference has been found in the amplitude of late evoked responses of the cerebral cortex to verbal and non-verbal stimuli.  相似文献   

We investigated whether hearing advertisement calls over several nights, as happens in natural frog choruses, modified the responses of the peripheral auditory system in the green treefrog, Hyla cinerea. Using auditory evoked potentials (AEP), we found that exposure to 10 nights of a simulated male chorus lowered auditory thresholds in males and females, while exposure to random tones had no effect in males, but did result in lower thresholds in females. The threshold change was larger at the lower frequencies stimulating the amphibian papilla than at higher frequencies stimulating the basilar papilla. Suprathreshold responses to tonal stimuli were assessed for two peaks in the AEP recordings. For the peak P1 (assessed for 0.8–1.25 kHz), peak amplitude increased following chorus exposure. For peak P2 (assessed for 2–4 kHz), peak amplitude decreased at frequencies between 2.5 and 4.0 kHz, but remained unaltered at 2.0 kHz. Our results show for the first time, to our knowledge, that hearing dynamic social stimuli, like frog choruses, can alter the responses of the auditory periphery in a way that could enhance the detection of and response to conspecific acoustic communication signals.  相似文献   

The intensity dependence of auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) recorded epidurally over the primary (AI) and secondary (AII) areas of the auditory cortex was studied in behaving cats during wakefulness, sleep and anesthesia. Four kHz tones of 50, 60, 70, and 80 dB SPL, presented in random order every 2 ± 0.2 s by a bone conductor, elicited clear changes of the AEP amplitudes with increasing stimulus intensity, but individual components displayed different responses curves. AEP components from the AI region showed saturation of their amplitude with stimulus intensity (P13, P34) or no amplitude increase (N19), while amplitude and intensity were linearly related in the AII area. The intensity dependence of the first positive component (P12/P13) was consistently stronger for the AEP recorded from the AI than from the AII area, while later components exhibited no difference between AI and AII. During slow wave sleep, the intensity dependence of this first positive component increased in the two areas, while that of later components decreased. Pentobarbital anesthesia abolished almost all later components and depressed the intensity dependence of the first positive component both in the AI and AII area. These results indicate that (1) clear intensity dependence of AEP exists in the cat auditory cortex and (2) this intensity dependence, especially that of the first positive AEP component, shares functional similarities to the human augmenting/reducing phenomenon in the auditory modality concerning regional differences and sleep-waking cycle.  相似文献   

Cross-correlation (CC) and latency compensation (LC) analyses were applied to the human click-evoked brain-stem auditory evoked response (BAER) and the brain-stem frequency-following response (FFR). FFRs were elicited by pure tone stimuli (230 Hz and 460 Hz) or by complex tones derived from the sum of 3rd (920 Hz), 4th (1150 Hz), and 5th (1380 Hz) harmonics of the missing 230 Hz fundamental. The lower and upper harmonics always began in sine phase, while the middle harmonic varied in starting phase, resulting in harmonically complex stimuli with differing amplitude and phase patterns.Cross-correlations were computed between individual trials and a wave form t emplate (smoothed wave V for BAER, pure tone stimulus sinusoids for FFR). Trials were included in the analysis only if values of r2 exceeded 0.5 (negative values of r were thus included, which controlled for the chance occurrence of positive correlations). Although brain-stem recordings are noisy, requiring as many as 1000 stimuli/average, correlation analysis consistently identified more positive than negative trials (approximately 2:1 ratio). Trials were also deleted if the lag associated with the selected r2 was at the maximum shift position (‘extreme lag’).Averaging trials that satisfied the correlation and lag criteria led to sizeable enhancement of BAER (mean = 114%) and FFR (mean = 68% for 230 Hz stimulus) amplitudes. LC analysis resulted in additional, albeit smaller, increases in amplitude (approximately 10%). FFRs to harmonically complex stimuli were characterized by a clear periodicity at the missing fundamental frequency (230 Hz). However, amplitudes varied according to the modulation depth of the stimulus and, in certain cases, actually exceeded that of the FFR response to a 230 Hz pure tone.The results demonstrate the effectiveness of cross-correlation and, to a lesser degree, latency compensation analysis, applied to two classes of brain-stem potentials. It is anticipated that such techniques will prove useful in the study of auditory signal processing at the level of the brain-stem.  相似文献   

Auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) to 40 Hz clicks and amplitude-modulated 500 Hz tones in human subjects were digitally filtered using an optimal (‘Wiener’) filter uniquely determined for each AEP. Use of coherence functions to compute coefficients appropriate for filtering grand average AEPs or subsets such as split-half averages is described. Wiener-filtered AEPs correlated better than unfiltered AEPs with split-half replicates and with references AEPs (obtained with long data collection periods). Visual detection thresholds were lower (more sensitive) for the Wiener-filtered AEPs, but not as low as objectively determined thresholds using coherence values.  相似文献   

1. Changes in EEG power spectrum of carp to a priming non-acoustic stimulus followed by acoustic clicks were compared to those due to acoustic clicks delivered alone. Recordings were made from the telencephalon, midbrain and medulla. Acoustic evoked potentials (AEPs) to the clicks were also recorded. 2. EEG power changes to non-acoustic stimuli occurred over the whole 1-40 Hz frequency range and were regionally specific and consistent. 3. The changes in the EEG midfrequency 12-24 Hz power spectrum to non-acoustic stimuli were significantly correlated with changes in the AEP to subsequent clicks. An elevated medullary AEP amplitude and reduced duration were correlated with increased medullary EEG power and increased midbrain AEP duration. 4. Telencephalic EEG power changes were inversely related to changes in medullary and midbrain AEP amplitude.  相似文献   

Averaged evoked potentials (AEP) to verbal (letters) and nonverbal (random shapes) stimuli exposed in the left and right visual fields were registered in healthy subjects with normal vision. Analysis of the later AEP latencies pointed to asymmetry in the temporal parameters of the interhemispheric interaction. The late AEP latency is shorter in the right hemisphere than in the left hemisphere. The difference is more pronounced in responses to nonverbal stimuli. The earlier development of the evoked potential in the right hemisphere (or the later one in the left hemisphere) accounts for the interhemispheric difference in the temporal parameters of the late AEP components. Comparison of the latency of the component P300 to verbal and nonverbal stimuli presented in the ipsilateral or the contralateral visual fields reveals a transfer of the results of the cortical processing of visual information in the course of interhemispheric interaction.  相似文献   

Sounds were produced by the topmouth minnow Pseudorasbora parva , a common Eurasian cyprinid, during feeding but not during intraspecific interactions. Feeding sounds were short broadband pulses with main energies between 100 and 800 Hz. They varied in their characteristics (number of single sounds per feeding sequence, sound duration and period, and sound pressure level) depending on the food type (chironomid larvae, Tubifex worms and flake food). The loudest sounds were emitted when food was taken up at the water surface, most probably reflecting 'suctorial' feeding. Auditory sensitivities were determined between 100 and 4000 Hz utilizing the auditory evoked potentials recording technique. Under laboratory conditions and in the presence of natural ambient noise recorded in Lake Neusiedl in eastern Austria, best hearing sensitivities were between 300 and 800 Hz (57 dB re 1 μPa v . 72 dB in the presence of ambient noise). Threshold-to-noise ratios were positively correlated to the sound frequency. The correlation between sound spectra and auditory thresholds revealed that P. parva can detect conspecific sounds up to 40 cm distance under ambient noise conditions. Thus, feeding sounds could serve as an auditory cue for the presence of food during foraging.  相似文献   

Auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) were assessed in young and elderly subjects when stimulus intensity (40 vs. 60 dB SL) and standard/target tone frequency (250/500 Hz and 1000/2000 Hz) were manipulated to study the effects of these variables on the P3(00) and N1, P2 and N2 components. Auditory thresholds for each stimulus type were obtained, and the stimulus intensity was adjusted to effect perceptually equal intensities across conditions for each subject. Younger subjects demonstrated larger P3 amplitudes and shorter latencies than elderly subjects. The low frequency stimuli produced larger P3 amplitude and shorter latencies than the high frequency stimuli. Low intensity stimuli yielded somewhat smaller P3 amplitudes and longer peak latencies than high intensity stimulus tones. Although additional stimulus intensity and frequency effects were obtained for the N1, P2 and N2 components, these generally differed relatively little with subject age. The findings suggest that auditory stimulus parameters contribute to P3 measures, which are different for young compared to elderly subjects.  相似文献   

We examined the short- and long-term habituation of auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) elicited by tones, complex tones and digitized speech sounds (vowels and consonant-vowel-consonant syllables). Twelve different stimuli equated in loudness and duration (300 msec) were studied. To examine short-term habituation stimuli were presented in trains of 6 with interstimulus intervals of 0.5 or 1.0 sec. The first 4 stimuli in a train were identical standards. On 50% of the trains the standard in the 5th position was replaced by a deviant probe stimulus, and on 20% of the trains the standard in the 6th position was replaced by a target, a truncated standard that required a speeded button press response.Short-term habituation (STH) was complete by the third stimulus in the train and resulted in amplitude decrements of 50–75% for the N1 component. STH was partially stimulus specific in that amplitudes were larger following deviant stimuli in the 5th position than following standards. STH of the N1 was more marked for speech sounds than for loudness-matched tones or complex tones at short ISI. In addition, standard and deviant stimuli that differed in phonetic structure showed more cross-habituation than did tones or complex tones that differed in frequency. This pattern of results suggests that STH is a function of the acoustic resemblance of successive stimuli.The long-term habituation (LTH) of the ERP was studied by comparing amplitudes across balanced 5.25 m stimulus blocks over the course of the experiment. Two types of LTH were observed. The N1 showed stimulus-specific LTH in that N1 amplitudes declined during the presentation of a stimulus, but returned to control levels when a different stimulus was presented in the subsequent condition. In contrast, the P3 elicited by the deviant stimuli showed non-specific LTH, being reduced across successive blocks containing different stimuli. P3s elicited by target stimuli remained stable in amplitude.  相似文献   

This study explores the subjective use of adjectives to verbally communicate vibrotactile stimulation across multiple frequencies. In total, nine different vibrotactile stimulus frequencies (10–300?Hz) were utilized, and subjective evaluation methods, which involved adjectives, were used to assess the sensory representations of the participants (18 healthy male participants; mean age, 22.9 years; standard deviation, 3.5). Sensory terms such as ‘slow,’ ‘protruding,’ and ‘thick’ were used as representative expressions to describe low-frequency (10–100?Hz) vibrotactile stimulations, while ‘fast,’ ‘shallow,’ and ‘tickly’ were used to describe high-frequency (225–300?Hz) vibrotactile stimulations. At the frequencies of 150 and 200?Hz, no characteristic word was found because there was no difference in subjective evaluation scores from other low or high frequencies. The results suggest that vibrotactile stimulation at different frequencies induce diverse sensory representations, owing to not only the motion and shape of the stimuli but also the subjective responses of the perceivers. The results of this study could be utilized in developing affective haptic devices in the future.  相似文献   

Four squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) were tested for their frequency discrimination capacity using an eyeblink classical conditioning procedure, with air puff against the eye as unconditioned stimulus and 600-ms pure tones as conditioned stimuli. Absolute frequency difference thresholds showed a minimum (20-41 Hz, mean 30 Hz) at 4,000-8,000 Hz and increased towards higher as well as lower frequencies (70-90 Hz, mean 80 Hz at 300 Hz; 44-120 Hz, mean 82 Hz at 16,000 Hz). Relative frequency difference thresholds increased from higher to lower frequencies, with values as low as 0.3-0.8% (mean 0.5%) at 16,000 Hz and as large as 24-30% (mean 27%) at 300 Hz. The squirrel monkey's frequency discrimination function thus shows a severe deviation from Weber's law. The frequency difference thresholds are comparable to human's in the 4,000-8,000 Hz range, but are 65-80 times higher in the 500- to 300-Hz range. Individuals with high auditory thresholds do not necessarily also have high frequency difference thresholds.  相似文献   

Physical exercise and the training effects of repeated practice of skills over an extended period of time may have additive effects on brain networks and functions. Various motor skills and attentional styles can be developed by athletes engaged in different sports. In this study, the effects of fast ball sports and dance training on attention were investigated by event related potentials (ERP). ERP were recorded in auditory and visual tasks in professional dancer, professional fast ball sports athlete (FBSA) and healthy control volunteer groups consisting of twelve subjects each. In the auditory task both dancer and FBSA groups have faster N200 (N2) and P300 (P3) latencies than the controls. In the visual task FBSA have faster latencies of P3 than the dancers and controls. They also have higher P100 (P1) amplitudes to non-target stimuli than the dancers and controls. On the other hand, dancers have faster latencies of P1 and higher N100 (N1) amplitude to non-target stimuli and they also have higher P3 amplitudes than the FBSA and controls. Overall exercise has positive effects on cognitive processing speed as reflected on the faster auditory N2 and P3 latencies. However, FBSA and dancers differed on attentional styles in the visual task. Dancers displayed predominantly endogenous/top down features reflected by increased N1 and P3 amplitudes, decreased P1 amplitude and shorter P1 latency. On the other hand, FBSA showed predominantly exogenous/bottom up processes revealed by increased P1 amplitude. The controls were in between the two groups.  相似文献   

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