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We examined the short- and long-term habituation of auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) elicited by tones, complex tones and digitized speech sounds (vowels and consonant-vowel-consonant syllables). Twelve different stimuli equated in loudness and duration (300 msec) were studied. To examine short-term habituation stimuli were presented in trains of 6 with interstimulus intervals of 0.5 or 1.0 sec. The first 4 stimuli in a train were identical standards. On 50% of the trains the standard in the 5th position was replaced by a deviant probe stimulus, and on 20% of the trains the standard in the 6th position was replaced by a target, a truncated standard that required a speeded button press response.Short-term habituation (STH) was complete by the third stimulus in the train and resulted in amplitude decrements of 50–75% for the N1 component. STH was partially stimulus specific in that amplitudes were larger following deviant stimuli in the 5th position than following standards. STH of the N1 was more marked for speech sounds than for loudness-matched tones or complex tones at short ISI. In addition, standard and deviant stimuli that differed in phonetic structure showed more cross-habituation than did tones or complex tones that differed in frequency. This pattern of results suggests that STH is a function of the acoustic resemblance of successive stimuli.The long-term habituation (LTH) of the ERP was studied by comparing amplitudes across balanced 5.25 m stimulus blocks over the course of the experiment. Two types of LTH were observed. The N1 showed stimulus-specific LTH in that N1 amplitudes declined during the presentation of a stimulus, but returned to control levels when a different stimulus was presented in the subsequent condition. In contrast, the P3 elicited by the deviant stimuli showed non-specific LTH, being reduced across successive blocks containing different stimuli. P3s elicited by target stimuli remained stable in amplitude.  相似文献   

Short-latency somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) following median nerve stimulation were recorded in 42 patients with Down's syndrome and in 42 age- and sex-matched normal subjects. There were no significant differences between the 2 groups in the absolute peak latencies of N9, N11 and N13 components. However, interpeak latencies, N9-N11, N11-N13 and N9-N13, were prolonged significantly in Down's syndrome. These findings suggest impaired impulse conduction in the proximal part of the brachial plexus, posterior roots and/or posterior column-medial lemniscal pathway. Interpeak latency N13-N20, representing conduction time from cervical cord to sensory cortex, was not significantly different between the 2 groups. Cortical potentials N20 and P25 in the parietal area and P20 and N25 in the frontal area were of significantly larger amplitude in Down's syndrome. P25 had double peaks in 16 of 42 normal subjects, but these were not apparent in any of the patients.  相似文献   

We examined the recovery cycles of auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) in a high-speed auditory discrimination task and in passive conditions. Each trial contained 3 tones cued by a warning flash. In passive conditions, auditory ERPs consisted mainly of N1 (108 msec) and P2 (213 msec) components superimposed on a small CNV. The N1 and P2 were comparable in amplitude and both had prolonged refractory periods. In discriminative reaction time (DRT) conditions the same tones cued or inhibited press responses and elicited additional endogenous components (principally the Nd and P3). ERPs in DRT conditions were superimposed upon a prominent CNV that began after the warning cue and lasted throughout the signal delivery period.The N1 was larger in active than passive conditions and showed less marked refractory effects, while the P2 was smaller and showed more marked refractoriness. Differences between active and passive conditions could be explained by the presence of an endogenous negative potential (the Nd) with a short refractory period that was superimposed upon the N1 and P2.The P3 was recorded only in active conditions. At short ISIs (0.5 sec), P3 amplitudes were reduced and P3 latencies lengthened in parallel with prolongations in reaction time due to so-called psychological refractory period (PRP) effects. Both P3 recovery and the PRP reflected central mechanisms since they were observed at short ISIs when stimuli cueing different responses succeeded one another.N1 and P3 amplitudes diminished over the course of the experiment in both active and passive conditions. The decrease (amounting to about 30% of initial amplitudes) did not appear due to reductions in vigilance, since it was not accompanied by changes in reaction time or response accuracy, or by changes in other endogenous components (CNV or Nd). Short-term N1 habituation was unaffected by long-term amplitude reductions suggesting that independent mechanisms were responsible for the two phenomena.  相似文献   

Perception and discrimination of auditory and speech stimuli in children aged 7-9 years with either receptive (n=6) or expressive (n=5) type of special language impairment and 7 healthy age-matched controls was investigated using evoked potential technique. The measurements were performed with a 32-channel Neuroscan electroencephalographic system. Two types of stimuli were applied, pure tones (1 kHz and 2 kHz) and double syllabi consisting of one consonant and one vocal characteristic of Croatian language. The stimuli were presented in an oddball paradigm, requiring a conscious reaction for the subjects. Latencies and amplitudes of P1, N1, P2, N2, P3, N4, and SW waves were analized, as well as the reaction time and number of responses. There were found no statistically significant difference between children with special language impairment and the control group in average response time and number of responses to tone burst or double syllable. Analysis of variance of all used variables showed a statistically significant difference in P3 and Sw wave latencies after double syllable stimulation, P3 and N4 waves latencies after target stimulation, P2 and Sw wave amplitude; and in N1 wave amplitude after pure tone stimulation. Our study showed that children with speech and language disorder take longer time to perceive and discriminate between either tonal or speech auditory stimuli than children with typical speech and language development.  相似文献   

Although the P100 response of pattern reversal visual evoked potentials (PRVEPs) is most commonly recorded from the midline occipital site (MO), the response at this location can occasionally be absent or poorly defined due to anatomical variability of the visual cortex. In these cases, the American Electroencephalographic Society Evoked Potential Guidelines recommends recording from the mid-parietal (MP) and Inion electrode sites. In this study, we compared the amplitude of the P100 component recorded simultaneously from MO, MP and the Inion. PRVEPs obtained following stimulation with 30′ check sizes from 155 consecutive patients (310 eyes) over a 2 year period were analyzed. At each of the 3 recording sites, the peak amplitude of P100 was calculated as N75-P100, P100-N145, and the sum of N75-P100 and P100-N145. There was a statistically significant difference between the electrode sites for all 3 methods of amplitude measurement (one-way ANOVA; P<0.0001). For each method of measurement, there was no significant difference between P100 amplitude at MO or the Inion, but a significantly reduced amplitude at MP compared to both the MO and Inion electrode sites (post hoc Scheffe, P<0.05). The P100 amplitude was highest at the Inion in 18% of responses, including cases where the amplitude at that site was at least twice that at MO. In no case was the amplitude highest at MP. Our results indicate that the Inion is a better recording site compared to MP when acquiring PRVEPs, is often complementary to MO, and should be the first additional site to be used when extra channels are available.  相似文献   

Fas habituation (FH) is defined as a general reduction in long-latency, vertex-recorded, averaged auditory evoked potential (AEP) amplitude that occurs in response to the second of a pair of acoustic stimuli. Our laboratory has been studying FH in a variety of human populations with different paradigms and has interpreted it to be a measure of neural attentional mechanism(s) and/or resource allocation related to the processing of cognitive information. We have also reported an analogous phenomenon in the rat. In the present investigation, we examined the relationship between FH (viz., averaged AEP component amplitude decrement) and the single-trial latency variability of the AEP peaks comprising that component. Specifically, AEPs were obtained to 60 paired-tone stimuli from unanesthetized and restrained albino rats previously implanted with chronic skull electrodes. Using a template-matching algorithm similar to that used by Michalewski et al. (Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol., 1986, 65:59–71), the latency variability for each animal was computed for the N1 and P2 peaks of the single-trial AEPs that were used to compose the averaged wave form. Findings indicated that (a) there was no difference in single-trial latency variability for these peaks either within or across tones, and (b) there was no relationship between single-trial latency variability for either the N1 or the P2 peaks and the overall peak-to-peak amplitude (N1-P2) of the averaged wave form in response to the second tone. Thus, FH of the N1-P2 (i.e. Peak 2) amplitude in the rat is not due to an increase in latency variability across tones.  相似文献   

In slices of rat sensorimotor cortex, extracellular field potentials evoked by electrical stimulation of the white matter were recorded at various cortical depths. In order to determine the nature of the various components, experiments were performed in 3 situations: in a control perfusion medium, in a solution in which calcium ions have been replaced by magnesium ions to block synaptic transmission, and in cortices in which the pyramidal neurons of layer V had been previously induced to degenerate.In the control situation, the response at or near the surface was a positive-negative wave. From a depth of about 150 μm downwards, the evoked response consisted usually of 6 successive components, 3 positive-going, P11, P3 and P6 and 3 negative-going, N2, N4 and N5. P1 and N4 were apparent in superficial layers only. The amplitude of the remaining waves variable in the cortex but all diminished near the white matter.The early part of the surface positive wave arises from a non-synaptic activation of superficial elements, probably apical dendrites. The late part of the surface positive wave and the negative wave are due to the synaptic activation of neurons located probably in layer III.The large negative wave N2 represents principally the antidromic activation of cell bodies and possibly of proximal dendrites of neurons situated in layers III, IV and V, through the compound action potentials of afferent and efferent fibers may contribute to a reduced part to its generation.The late components N4 to P6 are post-synaptic responses. The negative component N5, the amplitude of which is largest in layers III and IV, represents excitatory responses of neurons located at various depths in the cortex. The nature of the positive component P6 is less clear, although the underlying mechanism might be inhibitory synaptic potentials.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of aging on modification of the median nerve somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) by voluntary movement in 17 aged (66.5±8.9 years, mean±SD) and 12 young normal humans (27.5±5.0 years). The amplitudes of cortical SEP components were generally larger in the aged group than in the young group. Following isometric contraction of the thenar muscle, the aged group showed significant attenuation of the prerolandic P22-N28-P45 and the postrolandic P24-N30-P45, while the young group only demonstrated significant reduction of the prerolandic P22-N28 amplitude. In the prerolandic N28-P45 and the postrolandic P24-N30 and N30-P45, amplitudes reduced by voluntary movement (gated amplitude) significantly correlated with amplitudes at rest (resting amplitude) and with the age of subjects. The effects of stimulus intensity and frequency on gating supported the correlative changes between gated and resting amplitudes. These results suggest that the magnitude of gating depends on SEP amplitudes at rest, and that augmented gating in the aged group is a result of enlarged SEPs. Since the cervical and Erb's potentials were not changed by movement, and passive movement did not significantly affect the SEPs, a centrifugal mechanism is probably responsible for gating in this study.  相似文献   

Auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) were assessed in young and elderly subjects when stimulus intensity (40 vs. 60 dB SL) and standard/target tone frequency (250/500 Hz and 1000/2000 Hz) were manipulated to study the effects of these variables on the P3(00) and N1, P2 and N2 components. Auditory thresholds for each stimulus type were obtained, and the stimulus intensity was adjusted to effect perceptually equal intensities across conditions for each subject. Younger subjects demonstrated larger P3 amplitudes and shorter latencies than elderly subjects. The low frequency stimuli produced larger P3 amplitude and shorter latencies than the high frequency stimuli. Low intensity stimuli yielded somewhat smaller P3 amplitudes and longer peak latencies than high intensity stimulus tones. Although additional stimulus intensity and frequency effects were obtained for the N1, P2 and N2 components, these generally differed relatively little with subject age. The findings suggest that auditory stimulus parameters contribute to P3 measures, which are different for young compared to elderly subjects.  相似文献   

In the present study we investigated the form of expression, action, second messenger, and the cellular location of urocortin, a member of the corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) family, in the heart. Urocortin mRNA, as shown by quantitative RT-PCR analysis, is expressed in the cultured rat cardiac nonmyocytes (NMC) as well as myocytes (MC) in the heart, whereas CRF receptor type 2beta (CRF-R2beta), presumed urocortin receptor mRNA, is predominantly expressed in MC compared with NMC. Urocortin mRNA expression is higher in left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy than in normal LV, whereas CRF-R2beta mRNA expression is markedly depressed in LV hypertrophy compared with normal LV. Urocortin more potently increased the cAMP levels in both MC and NMC than did CRF, and its effect was more potent in MC than in NMC. Urocortin significantly increased protein synthesis by [(14)C]Phe incorporations and atrial natriuretic peptide secretion in MC and collagen and increased DNA synthesis by [(3)H]prolin and [(3)H]Thy incorporations in NMC. An immunohistochemical study revealed that urocortin immunoreactivity was observed in MC in the normal human heart and that it was more intense in the MC of the human failing heart than in MC of the normal heart. These results, together with the recent evidence of urocortin for positive inotropic action, suggest that increased urocortin in the diseased heart may modulate the pathophysiology of cardiac hypertrophy or failing heart, at least in part, via cAMP signaling pathway.  相似文献   

The effects of stimulus probability on P300 from a 3-tone paradigm were examined in two experiments. Experiment 1 manipulated the probability of the non-target tone as 0.10, 0.45, or 0.80, while the target tone probability was always 0.10. Experiment 2 manipulated the probability of 3 tones as 0.10, 0.30, or 0.60, with one of the infrequent tones assigned as the target in each condition. Subjects were required to press a button in response to the target stimulus in both experiments. The results indicated that the P300 to the target and the non-target were both affected by the probability of the eliciting stimulus, such that component amplitude was inversely related to probability; no reliable P300 latency effects were found. Target tones elicited larger P300 amplitude than the non-target tones at the same probability. The findings suggest that probability effects on P300 amplitude are independent of responding to a specific target stimulus and are discussed with reference to the clinical utility of the 3-tone paradigm.  相似文献   

Bilinguals and musicians exhibit behavioral advantages on tasks with high demands on executive functioning, particularly inhibitory control, but the brain mechanisms supporting these differences are unclear. Of key interest is whether these forms of experience influence cognition through similar or distinct information processing mechanisms. Here, we recorded event-related potentials (ERPs) in three groups – bilinguals, musicians, and controls – who completed a visual go-nogo task that involved the withholding of key presses to rare targets. Participants in each group achieved similar accuracy rates and responses times but the analysis of cortical responses revealed significant differences in ERP waveforms. Success in withholding a prepotent response was associated with enhanced stimulus-locked N2 and P3 wave amplitude relative to go trials. For nogo trials, there were altered timing-specific ERP differences and graded amplitude differences observed in the neural responses across groups. Specifically, musicians showed an enhanced early P2 response accompanied by reduced N2 amplitude whereas bilinguals showed increased N2 amplitude coupled with an increased late positivity wave relative to controls. These findings demonstrate that bilingualism and music training have differential effects on the brain networks supporting executive control over behavior.  相似文献   

Scalp distributions of median nerve SEPs were studied in normal controls and 2 patients with localized lesions of the postcentral gyrus. In controls, parieto-occipital electrodes registered N20-P27 while frontal electrodes registered P20-N27. Other small components, parieto-occipital P22 and frontal N22, were recognized in about half of the control records. The wave forms at a frontal and a parieto-occipital electrode, both distant from the central region, formed exact mirror images of each other concerning N20-(P22)-P27 and P20-(N22)-N27. Electrodes near the central region contralateral to the stimulation registered cP22-cN30 (central P22 and central N30). When the postcentral gyrus was damaged, N20/P20-P27/N27 and cP22-cN30 were eliminated and the only remaining components were a frontal negative wave (frN) and a contralateral parieto-occipital positive wave (poP). Digital nerve stimulation also evoked poP and frN in both cases. In case 2, poP coincided with P22 of the non-affected side. The following generators were proposed; N20/P20-P27/N27: area 3b, cP22-cN30: areas 1 and 2, poP/early frN (= P22/N22): area 4 at the anterior wall of the central sulcus (due to direct thalamic inputs to motor cortex), late frN: uncertain (SMA?, SII?).  相似文献   

Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) to median nerve stimulation have been recorded from parietal and frontal districts Clin. 43 parkinsonians, 17 patients with parkinsonism and 35 healthy controls matched for age and sex. Latency/ amplitude characteristics of the parietal P14-N20-P25 and of the frontal P20-N30-P40 wave complexes before and after (10, 20, 30 and 60 min) subcutaneous administration of apomorphine chloride were evaluated Clin. all the 60 patients and Clin. 3 controls. The frontal waves N30 and P40 were either absent or significantly smaller than normal Clin. 31 patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) (72.1%) and Clin. 9 with parkinsonism Clin. baseline records (56.3%). Following apomorphine, the parietal deflections did not significantly vary Clin. amplitude. On the contrary, the frontal complex showed a significant amplitude increase Clin. 27 PD and 8 parkinsonisms (respectively 62.8 and 47.1%): 79.1% of PD and 35.3% of parkinsonisms were improved clinically. Amplitude increase was evident at 10 min after apomorphine, Clin. parallel with clinical improvement, and vanished nearly Clin. coincidence with the end of the clinical effect.  相似文献   

Replicable oscillatory potentials, time-locked to pattern stimuli (9.0° central; counterphase reversal at 2.13 Hz) were dissociated from conventional, broad-band VEPs recorded in healthy volunteers at occipital scalp locations by high-pass digital filtering at 17.0–20.0 Hz. Nine consecutive wavelets were identified with a 56.4 ± 8.4 msec mean latency of the first replicable wavelet and mean peak-to-peak amplitude varying between 0.9 and 2.0 μV. The first 2 wavelets had significantly shorter latencies than wave N70 of unfiltered VEP, whereas the last 2 wavelets had longer latencies than N145. Latency and amplitude values varied as a function of contrast and spatial frequency of the stimulus, with shorter latencies and larger amplitudes at 60–90% contrast level and tuning of amplitude at 5.0 c/deg. All wavelets were correlated with wave P100 of unfiltered VEP, while a correlation with N70 of VEP was observed only for those wavelets with latencies in the range of wave P100. Two patients with documented brain lesions involving the visual system are described as examples of oscillatory responses occurring irrespective of filter bandpass and instead of the expected conventional VEP when the generation of these is interfered with by brain pathology. A substantial cortical contribution to the origin of the oscillatory response is conceivable. It is suggested that the oscillatory response to pattern-reversal stimulation reflects events in the visual system that are parallel to, and partly independent of, the conventional VEP, with potential application in research or for clinical purposes.  相似文献   

The short-term replicability of the mismatch negativity (MMN) between two recording sessions spaced 2 h apart was evaluated at individual and group levels in a sample of 11 healthy adults. Subjects were presented with a random sequence of 1000 Hz standard (92%) and 1100 Hz deviant (8%) tones while they were reading a book. The N1 and P2 exogenous components to standard tones showed a fairly good individual and group replicability. There were no significant differences in the MMN amplitude and latency between the two sessions in the group of subjects as a whole. The individual replicability of the MMN was not as good as for the N1 to standards, reaching significance in only some of the electrodes. This result was, however, similar to that obtained for the N1 after deviant tones. The results indicate that the MMN has good replicability at the group level, and further that at the individual level, MMN replicability is similar to that of the N1 to deviants. This suggests that the number of summations should be increased in order to improve the clinical usefulness of the MMN.  相似文献   

浮床植物系统对富营养化水体中氮、磷净化特征的初步研究   总被引:75,自引:0,他引:75  
以浮床空心菜(Ipomoea aquatica)、水芹(Oenanthe javanica)和无植物系统为对象,研究了其在富营养化水体中对N、P的去除及其N2O的排放情况.结果表明,浮床植物系统对水体中N、P具有良好的净化效果,植物组织所累积的N、P量分别占各自系统去除量的40.32%~63.87%,说明植物的同化吸收作用是N、P去除的主要途径.换水周期内浮床植物系统中硝化反应进行充分,而反硝化反应相对缓慢,导致系统具有较高的NH4+-N去除率,而产生NO3--N累积.植物的存在降低了系统中N2O的排放通量.生长较好的空心菜系统在换水前后平均N2O排放量最低,为17.14μgN·m-2h-1,空白高达8.08μgN·m-2h-1,水芹为37.38μg N·m-2·h-1.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to study the impact of extreme prematurity on the cognitive development of the child as assessed at age 5 years 9 months. Our samples include 15 healthy prematures born between 25 and 28 weeks of gestational age carefully matched with 15 full-term controls. In the first experiment, two different auditory stimuli were presented to the subjects who listened passively without instruction. The second experiment consisted of a standard visual oddball task in which the subjects were instructed to `catch' two different animals, by pushing a left or right button for a moose (n=120) or a raccoon (n=40), respectively. In the auditory task, 3 ERP peaks were analyzed (frontal N100 and P3a, temporal P2). All premature children demonstrated normal early frontal N100 and temporal P2 responses. The group differences were apparent in the late positivity (P3a) where controls showed a larger amplitude to the rare tones applied evenly to both ears. In contrast, the prematures did not show sensitivity to rare tones but showed a larger P3a upon left ear stimulation, when compared to the right. Also, the ERPs to the visual oddball task showed normal early positivities (P250–300) in the premature group. Once again, deviations from the normal were evident in late waves. The ERPs recorded from prematures showed a more diffuse topography especially between 500 and 600 ms post-stimulus and around the posterior area (P550). The succeeding negativity (SW) was not altered in the premature group. The ERP data suggest that premature children, even without clinically apparent problems, convey specific ERP singularity when engaged in a task that involves complex processing.  相似文献   

Visually evoked potentials obtained from the cerebral cortex of pigmented rabbits in response to monocularly applied flashes were studied. In agreement with their morphology, the VEP of the cerebral cortex of the rabbit were classified in three fundamental types: the first one is characterized by the presence of a large positive wave, (P1), followed by a negative wave, (N1), and finally, another positive wave, (P2); these last two being of quite variable amplitudes. The second one is characterized by an initial large negative wave, (N1), followed by a usually large positive wave, (P2). Should a positive, (P1), appear previous to N1 there would be little amplitude. The third one is characterized by the presentation of an early negative wave, (N0), of variable amplitude. This is usually followed by a large wave, (P1). N1 and P2 are present but their amplitude is variable.  相似文献   

Studies attempting to relate the abnormalities of the frontal N30 components of the somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) to motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease (PD) have shown contradictory results. We recorded the frontal and parietal SEPs to median nerve stimulation in 2 groups of PD patients: a group of 17 patients presenting the wearing-off phenomenon, and a group of 10 untreated PD patients. The results were compared with a group of 13 healthy volunteers of the same age and with a group of 10 non-parkinsonian patients. All parkinsonian and non-parkinsonian patients were studied before (“off” condition) and after a subcutaneous injection of apomorphine (“on” condition). The gating effects of a voluntary movement (clenching of the hand) on the SEPs were also studied for the wearing-off group of PD patients (in states off and on) in comparison with the healthy subjects. At rest and in the off condition the amplitude of the frontal N30 was significantly reduced in the 2 groups of PD patients. We demonstrate that the movement gating ability of the PD patient is preserved in spite of the reduced amplitude of the frontal N30. This result suggests that the specific change in the frontal N30 in PD is not the consequence of a continuous gating of the sensory inflow by a motor corollary discharge. Clinical motor improvement induced by apomorphine was associated with a significant enhancement of the frontal N30 wave. In contrast, the subcortical P14 and N18 waves and the cortical N20, P22, P27 and N45 were not statistically modified by the drug. Apomorphine infusion did not change the absolute reduced voltage of the N30 reached during the movement gating. While the frontal N30 component of the non-parkinsonian patients was significantly lower in comparison to healthy subjects, this wave did not change after the apomorphine administration. In the wearing-off PD patient group the frontal N30 increment was positively correlated with the number of off hours per day. This specific apomorphine sensitivity of the frontal N30 was interpreted as a physiological index of the dopaminergic modulatory control exerted on the neuronal structures implicated in the generation of the frontal N30.  相似文献   

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