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Twenty-two chironomid species were found in Lake Shabla. Five species (Chironomus bonus, Dicrotendipes lobiger, Kiefferulus tendipediformis, Cricotopus suspiciosus and Cricotopus sp.) are new for Bulgaria. Their karytopes are described for the first time.Cytogenetic studies of two closely related chironomid species, Glyptotendipes glaucus and G. pallens, show that in one area of sympatry (Lake Shabla, Bulgaria) about 2.5% of the naturally occuring individuals are hybrids. In most cases, in this hybrid, 1st, IInd and IIIrd chromosomes correspond fully to the chromosomes of G. glaucus. The IVth chromosome is a hybrid, with one homologue of the species G. glaucus; the other homologue is derived from G. pallens. Introgressive hybridization is of particular importance to the production of these combinations. Despite hybridization, natural selection appears to maintain the essential integrity of each separate gene pool.  相似文献   

Masundire  Hillary M. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,243(1):167-173
The population dynamics of Bosmina longirostris in a large tropical reservoir, Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe, are described. Population density showed two peaks associated with periods of high nutrient fluxes. Fecundity was always low. Two eggs per female was the maximum ever recorded. Instantaneous rates of birth, death and population growth calculated from field data using the egg ratio method are discussed. The rate of biomass change fluctuated in a regular pattern, probably linked to food availability or predation by a clupeid, Limnothrissa miodon.  相似文献   

Igor Hudec 《Hydrobiologia》1995,307(1-3):291-297
Bosmina (Eubosmina) longicornis kessleri and B. (Bosmina) longirostris are minor components among the crustacean zooplankton in the pelagial of Bukovec Reservoir. B. (E.) l. kessleri is a recent colonist in the Carpathian region and was first found in the Bukovec reservoir in 1986. The present study gives some information about the niche occupied by B. (E.) l. kessleri in the zooplankton community; the seasonal abundance of zooplankton and phenotypic variability (cyclomorphosis) of B. (E.) l. kessleri are also examined.  相似文献   

Summary Protoplasts from Pennisetum americanum resistant to S-2-amino-ethyl-l-cysteine (AEC) were fused with protoplasts of Panicum maximum utilizing polyethylene glycol-dimethylsulfoxide after inactivation of the Pennisetum protoplasts with 1 mM iodoacetic acid. The iodoacetate treatment prevented division of Pennisetum protoplasts; therefore, only Panicum protoplasts and heterokaryons potentially could give rise to colonies. A second level of selection was imposed by plating 3–4-week-old colonies on AEC medium. Putative somatic hybrid calli were analyzed for alcohol dehydrogenase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, aminopeptidase, and shikimate dehydrogenase isozymes. Three somatic hybrid cell lines (lines 2, 3, and 67) were identified which showed two bands of alcohol dehydrogenase activity representing homodimers of P. maximum and P. americanum as well as a novel intermediate band of activity where Panicum-Pennisetum heterodimers would be expected. Aminopeptidase and shikimate dehydrogenase were useful for identifying presumptive hybrid calli but the isozyme patterns were additive-evidence which would not preclude the selection of chimeric callus. A more complex isozyme pattern which varied among the somatic hybrids was observed for 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase. In the hybrid calli, the presence of DNA sequences homologous to both P. maximum and P. americanum sequences was confirmed by hybridization of a maize ribosomal DNA probe to XbaI and EcoRI restriction fragments. Growth of hybrid lines on various concentrations of AEC was either similar to the AEC-resistant parent (hybrid line 2) or intermediate between the resistant and sensitive parents (hybrid lines 3, 67).  相似文献   

Natural F1 hybrids between the outcrossingPhlox drummondii and the predominantly selfingP. cuspidata were examined to ascertain the proportion of hybrid individuals mothered by each species. Species-specific restriction fragment patterns (both nrDNA and cpDNA) were established as markers, and synthetic hybrids of known parentage were utilized to determine that the chloroplast genome is maternally inherited. Of 89 mature natural hybrids examined, approximately two thirds were mothered byP. drummondii, the outcrosser. That the outcrosser should mother most hybrids is expected since it is dependent upon incoming pollen for fertilization, and hybrids may result when heterospecific pollen is received. The fact that the highly selfingP. cuspidata mothered nearly one third of the hybrids is surprising, and may be related to both pre-zygotic and post-zygotic factors. Which species mothers hybrids has important implications for the potential for introgression as well as its direction.  相似文献   

Summary A colchicine-doubled F1 hybrid (2n=118) of a cross between PI 360841 (Glycine max) (2n=40) x PI 378708 (G. tomentella) (2n=78), propagated by shoot cuttings since January 1984, produced approximately 100 F2 seed during October 1988. One-fourth of the F2 plants or their F3 progeny have been analyzed for chromosome number, pollen viability, pubescence tip morphology, seed coat color, and isoenzyme variation. Without exception, all plants evaluated possessed the chromosome number of the G. max parent (2n=40). Most F2 plants demonstrated a high level of fertility, although 2 of 24 plants had low pollen viability and had large numbers of fleshy pods. One F2 plant possessed sharp pubescence tip morphology, whereas all others were blunt-tipped. All evaluated F2 and F3 plants expressed the malate dehydrogenase and diaphorase isoenzyme patterns of the G. max parent and the endopeptidase isoenzyme pattern of the G. tomentella parent. Mobility variants were observed among progeny for the isoenzymes phosphoglucomutase, aconitase, and phosphoglucoisomerase. This study suggests that the G. Tomentella chromosome complement has been eliminated after genetic exchange and/or modification has taken place between the genomes.Journal Paper No. J-13776 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, IA, USA, Project 2763  相似文献   

The feeding behaviour of the freshwater piscivore, Clarias gariepinus (C. lazera) (C & V 1840) was studied over two periods: 1973–1975 and 1981–1982, in Lake Kinneret (Israel). The total number of fish analysed was 264 and their sizes (SL) and weights varied between 238 and 830 mm (146 to 5728 g). More than fifty species of plants and animals from the plankton, benthos and nekton of Lake Kinneret were identified in the intestines of C. gariepinus. Preyed fish were the most abundant food component (81%) and constituted the highest biomass, with Mirogrex terraesanctae representing the majority (although other species were also found). The potential impact of piscivory in the Kinneret ecosystem is considered.  相似文献   

Summary Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) protoplasts, inactivated by iodoacetamide, and non-morphogenic Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) protoplasts, both derived from suspension cultures, were electrofused and putative somatic hybrid plants were recovered. Two different genotypic fusion combinations were carried out and several green plants were regenerated in one of them. With respect to plant habitus, leaf and inflorescence morphology, the regenerants had phenotypes intermediate between those of the parents. Southern hybridization analysis using a rice ribosomal DNA probe revealed that the regenerants contained both tall fescue- and Italian ryegrass-specific-DNA fragments. A cloned Italian ryegrass-specific interspersed DNA probe hybridized to total genomic DNA from Italian ryegrass and from the green regenerated somatic hybrid plants but not to tall fescue. Chromosome counts and zymograms of leaf esterases suggested nuclear genome instability of the somatic hybrid plants analyzed. Four mitochondrial probes and one chloroplast DNA probe were used in Southern hybridization experiments to analyze the organellar composition of the somatic hybrids obtained. The somatic hybrid plants analyzed showed tall fescue, additive or novel mtDNA patterns when hybridized with different mitochondrial gene-specific probes, while corresponding analysis using a chloroplast gene-specific probe revealed in all cases the tall fescue hybridization profile. Independently regenerated F. arundinacea (+) L. multiflorum somatic hybrid plants were successfully transferred to soil and grown to maturity, representing the first flowering intergeneric somatic hybrids recovered in Gramineae.  相似文献   

The geographic distribution of three closely related Hyalomma species, namely Hyalomma (Euhyalomma) truncatum Koch, 1844, Hyalomma (Euhyalomma) albiparmatum Schulze, 1919 and Hyalomma (Euhyalomma) nitidum Schulze, 1919 is confined to Africa. A detailed comparison of all stages of development of the three taxa reveals that they possess many more shared than distinguishing characters. In fact differentiation between these species is based on single or dual qualitative characters on their adults. These are a conspicuous, ivory-coloured parma on H. (E.) albiparmatum males, and the absence or reduction in clarity of ivory-coloured bands on the leg segments of H. (E.) nitidum adults, as well as the shape of the external cuticular preatrial fold of the genital operculum of females of the latter species. The adults of all three species and the larva of H. (E.) truncatum are redescribed. The nymph of H. truncatum and the larva and nymph of H. (E.) albiparmatum and H. (E.) nitidum are described for the first time. Data on their geographic distributions and hosts are provided.  相似文献   

Endochironomus tendens has been studied from different localities and geographically isolated populations. On the basis of the detailed karyotaxonomic analysis the investigated material can be divided into two forms. These forms are distinguished by their karyotype and phenotype. The results of the karologica and hybridization analysis showed that the differences between these forms lie only on the basis of microevolution differentiation of species, without being reproductively isolated. This is an example of stasipatric speciation-chromosomal aberrations having an adaptive value in a homozygous state are fixed in definitive localities of species range.  相似文献   

The carotenoid composition of the deep-water gammaride is reported. Astaxanthin and their derivatives were determined to be major components of the carotenoids (58.4%). Astaxanthin-glycoside-esters comprised 21.6% of total carotenoids. A new carotenoid glycoside ester (CGE) was isolated from the deep-water gammarideAcanthogammarus (Brachyuropus)grewingkii and its structure was elucidated. The structures were determined from spectra (1H-NMR,13C-NMR, MS, IR) after their isolation and quantification by means of semipreparative RP-HPLC and capillary GC-MS.  相似文献   

The species composition of the rotifer fauna of Lake Kud-Thing, Nong Khai Province, northeast Thailand was investigated in a monthly sampling program from January to December 1998. A remarkably rich rotifer community consisting of 183 taxa was recorded, including 32 new records to the Thai fauna. The most diverse genera were Lecane (23.5%), followed by Trichocerca (16.9%) and Lepadella (11.5%). Lecane isanensis n. sp. is described and figured. Thirteen species (Aspelta circinator, Collotheca tenuilobata, Lecane nelsoni, Lepadella benjamini, Lepadella eurysterna, Sinantherina ariprepes, Testudinella cf. insinuata, Trichocerca abilioi, Trichocerca inermis, Trichocerca montana, Trichocerca orca, Trichocerca rosea and Trichocerca simonei) are new to the Oriental region. Notably, the record of Trichocerca orca is the first since its discovery in New Zealand in 1913. The rotifers can be classified into three groups based on duration of appearance; (1) common, perennial; (2) uncommon, perennial; and (3) uncommon, sporadic species. The high species richness of rotifers, particularly members of the genera Lecane and Trichocerca, but low diversity of Brachionus together suggest that the lake is probably not eutrophicated.  相似文献   

在水/有机溶剂双相反应体系中,研究了来源于西梅的(R)-醇腈酶催化酮与丙酮醇腈合成(R)-酮醇腈的立体选择性转氰反应.系统探讨了不同酶源、酶粉颗粒大小、底物浓度、两底物配比、酶浓度和底物结构对转氰反应的影响.结果发现西梅醇腈酶能高效催化三甲基硅酮与丙酮醇腈的立体选择性转氰.酶粉颗粒大小以直径0.3~0.45 mm为优,底物浓度以21 mmol/L左右为佳,底物丙酮醇腈与三甲基硅酮摩尔浓度比以2∶1为宜,酶浓度以60.9 g/L左右为好.西梅醇腈酶对3, 3-二甲基-2-丁酮几乎没有催化活性,而对其硅结构类似物三甲基硅酮却具有非常高的立体选择性和催化活性,在上述优化反应条件下反应24 h的底物转化率和产物光学纯度均高达99%以上,表明底物中的硅原子对西梅醇腈酶的催化活性有非常显著的促进作用.  相似文献   

Muskó  Ilona B. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,238(1):197-202
Samples of the amphipod Corophium curvispinum were collected from Myriophyllum spicatum twice a month during the vegetation period. The animals were sexed, their length measured and the eggs of females were counted. Length frequency histograms served to follow the life history of C. curvispinum.Reproduction lasts from May to October. The animals born in May–June reproduce in the same year while the summer-autumn generation reproduces the following year. The life span is about 1 year. The highest fecundity was found in June, the lowest in October.  相似文献   

We report three sets of DNA hybridization experiments conducted to determine relationships among species ofDidelphis (D. albiventris, D. marsupialis, D. virginiana). The 1989 and 1991 sets had fewer replicates per cell than the 1990 series (3.4 and 5.4 vs 9), but in 1991 we distinguished two populations ofD. marsupialis and utilized several individuals for each heterologous comparison. BothPhilander opossum andLutreolina crassicaudata were used as outgroups in 1989, but onlyLutreolina was included in subsequent sets. For each set, we calculated all four standard indices of thermal stability (T mode,T m,T 50 H, and NPH) and constructed trees by least-squares (FITCH) and neighbor-joining methods, both before and after correction for asymmetric reciprocal cell values. Subsets of the 1989 data lacking eitherPhilander orLutreolina were analyzed similarly. To explore measurement imprecision, the corrected and uncorrected matrices for each of the four indices were bootstrapped 100 times for the 1989 set and subsets and 1000 times for the 1990 and 1991 sets. Again, for the 1990 and 1991 data, an additional 100 bootstrapped distances were fitted to user trees representing the three possible pairings ofDidelphis spp. to determine the significance of the FITCH branch lengths. The successive experimental sets generated increasingly consistent evidence for pairingD. marsupialis withD. albiventris. The 1989 experiments involved just 85 comparisons, and only T mode's pairedD. marsupialis withD. albiventris (at bootstrap percentages of 70% or above), but did so whetherPhilander orLutreolina or both were included as the outgroup(s). FITCH and neighbor-joining trees had identical topologies for T mode's but sometimes differed for the other measures. In contrast, all but one of the corresponding FITCH and neighborjoining trees matched for the 1990 and 1991 data, and three of the four distance measures (T mode, T m, and T 50 H) unitedD. marsupialis withD. albiventris at bootstrap percentages averaging 81%; NPH gave a different result for 1990, associatingD. marsupialis withD. virginiana. Further, all but 2 of the 16 matrices for 1990 and 1991 gave mean bootstrapped branch lengths for a consensus pairing that were positive and at least one standard deviation from zero, despite the very short internodes recovered. These results illustrate that the potential of DNA hybridization for resolving very close relationships depends on both the index and the experimental design employed. We conclude that of the three species,D. albiventris andD. marsupialis shared a more recent common ancestor and estimate thatDidelphis spp. have diverged at about 0.39% in nucleotide sequence per myr.Deceased.  相似文献   

杨丽娥  孟盈  聂泽龙  孙航 《广西植物》2017,37(7):829-840
茜草属为茜草科模式属,全球约80种,中国有近一半的物种,是茜草属的重要分布中心,大部分隶属于sect.Oligoneura。但是,该组内各种间的形态特征错综复杂,依靠单个性状不易划定种间界限。该研究在全面衡量sect.Oligoneura组内各种间形态特征的基础上,选取该组20种共171份标本,对其3个数量性状和28个定性性状进行聚类分析和主成分分析。结果表明:在主成分分析中,前3个主成分累积贡献率有46.88%,性状的累积贡献率增长并不明显,但该结果仍与聚类分析结果一致。对前3个主成分贡献较大的特征包括叶形(叶长宽比)、叶柄长度、叶脉、每轮叶片数和生活型等,这些形态性状也是该属传统分类学中重要的物种鉴定特征。该研究结果与分子系统发育结果基本一致,支持该组内ser.Chinenses、R.mandersii group、R.angustissima group和R.siamensis group类群的划分,但并不支持ser.Cordifoliae单独成系。sect.Oligoneura内除少数物种外,大部分物种界限均比较清晰。形态计量学研究为sect.Oligoneura甚至茜草属的物种鉴定与划分提供了重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

The marine toxic dinoflagellates Alexandrium tamarense (Lebor) Balech and A. catenella (Whedon and Kofoid) Taylor that cause paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) are identified on the basis of morphological features in routine monitoring. Rapid and simple identification is, however, often difficult because of the morphological similarity. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) using ribosomal RNA (rRNA)-targeted probes has been studied as a method of easily identifying and enumerating species responsible for harmful algal blooms (HABs). Its application to monitoring natural populations of HAB species, however, is limited. Here, we applied the FISH method to identify and enumerate cells of A. tamarense and A. catenella in natural plankton assemblages collected from Japanese coastal waters. A. tamarense-specific (Atm1) and A. catenella-specific (Act1) probes were established based on the D2 region of the large-subunit ribosomal RNA gene (28S rDNA). With these two probes, natural cells of A. tamarense or A. catenella in field samples could easily be identified when the following three conditions were met. First, cells should be concentrated by filtration, not centrifugation, in order to avoid the loss of cells. Second, autofluorescence should be minimized; acetone was an effective decolorization reagent. Third, samples should be stored at −20 or −80 °C for long-term preservation. The results indicate that FISH is a useful tool for the rapid identification of toxic Alexandrium spp. and can facilitate the analysis of numerous natural samples.  相似文献   

J. Kuo  J. S. Pate 《Planta》1985,166(1):15-27
The cowpea bears two distinctive types of extrafloral nectaries. One, on the stipels of trifoliolate leaves, consists of a loosely demarcated abaxial area (1–2 mm diameter) of widely-spaced trichomes (papillae) borne on a stomata-free epidermis, and lacking a specific vascular supply. Each trichome has up to eight apical (head) cells, two to four intermediate cells, and a single large stalk cell. The secretory faces of the apical cells bear wall ingrowths and an easily detached cuticle. The wall separating the stalk cell and the underlying epidermal cell(s) has a mean plamodesmatal frequency of 25/m2. The second type of nectary consists of a large elliptical mound of tissue (short and long axes about 2 mm and 4 mm) formed between a pair of flowers on an inflorescence stalk. It comprises four to eight cone-shaped subnits of secretory tissue, each with a circular secretory orifice and an individual supply of phloem, but not of xylem. Cells of the secretory tissue of the nectary subunits separate as they mature, and nectar flows to the orifice through the resulting intercellular spaces. Intact secretory cells and cellular debris are extruded into the nectar. Some of the sieve elements terminating in the inner secretory tissue exhibit open sieve pores. Each mature secretory cell contains many small (2 m diameter) spherical protein bodies and one to three large (up to 2–3 m diameter 15 m long), paracrystalline bodies. These inclusions are absent or not fully developed in inner, less mature regions of the secretory tissue. Mechanisms of secretion are proposed for the two classes of nectary, including estimates of flux of sugar into the trichomes of the stipel nectary.  相似文献   

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