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The Rap1 small GTPase has been implicated in regulation of integrin-mediated leukocyte adhesion downstream of various chemokines and cytokines in many aspects of inflammatory and immune responses. However, the mechanism for Rap1 regulation in the adhesion signaling remains unclear. RA-GEF-2 is a member of the multiple-member family of guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) for Rap1 and characterized by the possession of a Ras/Rap1-associating domain, interacting with M-Ras-GTP as an effector, in addition to the GEF catalytic domain. Here, we show that RA-GEF-2 is specifically responsible for the activation of Rap1 that mediates tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha)-triggered integrin activation. In BAF3 hematopoietic cells, activated M-Ras potently induced lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 (LFA-1)-mediated cell aggregation. This activation was totally abrogated by knockdown of RA-GEF-2 or Rap1. TNF-alpha treatment activated LFA-1 in a manner dependent on M-Ras, RA-GEF-2, and Rap1 and induced activation of M-Ras and Rap1 in the plasma membrane, which was accompanied by recruitment of RA-GEF-2. Finally, we demonstrated that M-Ras and RA-GEF-2 were indeed involved in TNF-alpha-stimulated and Rap1-mediated LFA-1 activation in splenocytes by using mice deficient in RA-GEF-2. These findings proved a crucial role of the cross-talk between two Ras-family GTPases M-Ras and Rap1, mediated by RA-GEF-2, in adhesion signaling.  相似文献   

Deficiency of ABCA1 causes high density lipoprotein deficiency and macrophage foam cell formation in Tangier disease. ABCA1 was also postulated to mediate the secretion of IL-1beta from monocytes and macrophages. We investigated the contribution of ABCA1 to IL-1beta secretion from human monocytes and macrophages of normal donors and Tangier disease patients. Neither an anti-ABCA1 antisense oligonucleotide nor ABCA1 deficiency interfered with LPS-induced secretion of IL-1beta from full blood or freshly isolated monocytes. By contrast, anti-ABCA1 antisense oligonucleotides decreased the LPS-induced secretion of IL-beta from macrophages by 30-50%. The secretion of the precursor pro-IL-1beta and TNFalpha was not inhibited. Compared to normal macrophages, LPS-stimulated Tangier disease macrophages secreted less IL-1beta relative to TNFalpha. Also the spontaneous secretion of IL-1beta by Tangier macrophages was lower than by control cells. We conclude that IL-1beta is secreted from monocytes by an ABCA1-independent pathway and from macrophages by ABCA1-dependent and -independent pathways.  相似文献   

Caspases are essential components of the apoptotic machinery in both vertebrates and invertebrates. Here, we report the isolation of a mutant allele of the Drosophila effector caspase drICE as a strong suppressor of hid- (head involution defective-) induced apoptosis. This mutant was used to determine the apoptotic role of drICE. Our data are consistent with an important function of drICE for developmental and irradiation-induced cell death. Epistatic analysis suggests that drICE acts genetically downstream of Drosophila inhibitor of apoptosis protein 1 (Diap1). However, although cell death is significantly reduced in drICE mutants in all assays, it is not completely blocked. A double-mutant analysis between drICE and death caspase-1 (dcp-1), another effector caspase, reveals that some cells (type I) strictly require drICE for apoptosis, whereas other cells (type II) require either drICE or dcp-1. Thus, these data demonstrate a barely appreciated complexity in the apoptotic pathway, and are consistent with current models about effector caspase regulation in both vertebrates and invertebrates.  相似文献   

We evaluated the relationship between immunoregulatory and effector functions of monocytes in subjects with heavy S. mansoni infection (greater than 400 eggs/g of stool). Two main patterns were found. In seven individuals (mean 601 eggs/g), the depletion of adherent cells from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) increased blastogenic responses to soluble worm antigenic preparation (SWAP) from a stimulation index (SI) of 3.2 +/- 1.0 to 11.0 +/- 3.0 (p less than 0.01). The presence of indomethacin (1.0 micrograms/ml) in cultures of PBMC from these subjects increased the SWAP response to 7.1 +/- 2.0 (p less than 0.05). In contrast, neither adherent cell depletion nor indomethacin affected blastogenesis induced by nonschistosome antigens or nonspecific mitogens. In this group of infected individuals, monocyte killing of schistosomula and adherence to plastic were increased 122% (p less than 0.01) and 50% (p less than 0.01) over the respective values obtained in uninfected, age-matched controls. A second pattern was found in 10 individuals with a significantly higher intensity of infection (1339 eggs/g of stool (p less than 0.02)). PBMC from these subjects failed to respond significantly to SWAP (SI = 2.0 +/- 0.5), whereas the levels of responses to other antigens and mitogens were maintained at rates comparable to controls. Adherent cell depletion did not significantly affect the blastogenic response (1.8 +/- 0.2), nor did the presence of indomethacin in cultures (2.0 +/- 0.5). Moreover, monocyte-mediated schistosomula killing was depressed in these individuals (50% of controls, p less than 0.05) as was adherence to plastic (77% of controls, p less than 0.05).  相似文献   

TRPM7/ChaK1 is a unique channel/kinase that contains a TRPM channel domain with 6 transmembrane segments fused to a novel serine-threonine kinase domain at its C terminus. The goal of this study was to investigate a possible role of kinase activity and autophosphorylation in regulation of channel activity of TRPM7/ChaK1. Residues essential for kinase activity were identified by site-directed mutagenesis. Two major sites of autophosphorylation were identified in vitro by mass spectrometry at Ser(1511) and Ser(1567), and these sites were found to be phosphorylated in intact cells. TRPM7/ChaK1 is a cation-selective channel that exhibits strong outward rectification and inhibition by millimolar levels of internal [Mg(2+)]. Mutation of the two autophosphorylation sites or of a key catalytic site that abolished kinase activity did not alter channel activity measured by whole-cell recording or Ca(2+) influx. Inhibition by internal Mg(2+) was also unaffected in the autophosphorylation site or "kinase-dead" mutants. Moreover, kinase activity was enhanced by Mg(2+), was decreased by Zn(2+), and was unaffected by Ca(2+). In contrast, channel activity was inhibited by all three of these divalent cations. However, deletion of much of C-terminal kinase domain resulted in expression of an apparently inactive channel. We conclude that neither current activity nor regulation by internal Mg(2+) is affected by kinase activity or autophosphorylation but that the kinase domain may play a structural role in channel assembly or subcellular localization.  相似文献   

The two Parkinson’s disease (PD) genes, PTEN-induced kinase 1 (PINK1) and parkin, are linked in a common pathway which affects mitochondrial integrity and function. However, it is still not known what this pathway does in the mitochondria. Therefore, we investigated its physiological function in Drosophila. Because Drosophila PINK1 and parkin mutants show changes in mitochondrial morphology in both indirect flight muscles and dopaminergic neurons, we here investigated whether the PINK1-Parkin pathway genetically interacts with the regulators of mitochondrial fusion and fission such as Drp1, which promotes mitochondrial fission, and Opa1 or Marf, which induces mitochondrial fusion. Surprisingly, DrosophilaPINK1 and parkin mutant phenotypes were markedly suppressed by overexpression of Drp1 or downregulation of Opa1 or Marf, indicating that the PINK1-Parkin pathway regulates mitochondrial remodeling process in the direction of promoting mitochondrial fission. Therefore, we strongly suggest that mitochondrial fusion and fission process could be a prominent therapeutic target for the treatment of PD.  相似文献   

The arl2 mutants of Arabidopsis display altered root and hypocotyl gravitropism, whereas their inflorescence stems are fully gravitropic. Interestingly, mutant roots respond like the wild type to phytohormones and an inhibitor of polar auxin transport. Also, their cap columella cells accumulate starch similarly to wild-type cells, and mutant hypocotyls display strong phototropic responses to lateral light stimulation. The ARL2 gene encodes a DnaJ-like protein similar to ARG1, another protein previously implicated in gravity signal transduction in Arabidopsis seedlings. ARL2 is expressed at low levels in all organs of seedlings and plants. arl2-1 arg1-2 double mutant roots display kinetics of gravitropism similar to those of single mutants. However, double mutants carrying both arl2-1 and pgm-1 (a mutation in the starch-biosynthetic gene PHOSPHOGLUCOMUTASE) at the homozygous state display a more pronounced root gravitropic defect than the single mutants. On the other hand, seedlings with a null mutation in ARL1, a paralog of ARG1 and ARL2, behave similarly to the wild type in gravitropism and other related assays. Taken together, the results suggest that ARG1 and ARL2 function in the same gravity signal transduction pathway in the hypocotyl and root of Arabidopsis seedlings, distinct from the pathway involving PGM.  相似文献   

Th1 and Th2 cells can be phenotypically distinguished by very few cell surface markers. To identify cell surface molecules that are specifically expressed on Th1 cells, we have generated a panel of mAbs that specifically bind the surfaces of murine Th1 but not Th2 cells. One of these Abs identified the NK cell receptor CD94 as a molecule also specifically expressed on the surface of Th1 cells. As in NK cells, CD94 is expressed on Th1 cells together with members of the NKG2 family of molecules, including NKG2A, C, and E. Cross-linking these receptors on differentiated Th1 cells in vitro costimulates proliferation and cytokine production with a potency similar to that obtained by cross-linking CD28. We propose that CD94/NKG2 heterodimers may costimulate effector functions of differentiated Th1 cells.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol 4,5 bisphosphate (PIP2) is a key lipid messenger for regulation of cell migration. PIP2 modulates many effectors, but the specificity of PIP2 signalling can be defined by interactions of PIP2‐generating enzymes with PIP2 effectors. Here, we show that type Iγ phosphatidylinositol 4‐phosphate 5‐kinase (PIPKIγ) interacts with the cytoskeleton regulator, IQGAP1, and modulates IQGAP1 function in migration. We reveal that PIPKIγ is required for IQGAP1 recruitment to the leading edge membrane in response to integrin or growth factor receptor activation. Moreover, IQGAP1 is a PIP2 effector that directly binds PIP2 through a polybasic motif and PIP2 binding activates IQGAP1, facilitating actin polymerization. IQGAP1 mutants that lack PIPKIγ or PIP2 binding lose the ability to control directional cell migration. Collectively, these data reveal a synergy between PIPKIγ and IQGAP1 in the control of cell migration.  相似文献   

When human peripheral monocytes and rabbit peritoneal macrophages were incubated with hyaluronic acid, the media were found to contain interleukin-1 (IL-1) activity and to stimulate collagenase production by rabbit fibroblasts. A digestion of hyaluronic acid by testicular hyaluronidase decreased the IL-1 inducing activity. Polymixin B, an inhibitor of endotoxin, did not exert any effect towards the action of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid also stimulated human polymorphonuclear leucocytes to produce IL-1 like activity. These results indicate that hyaluronic acid is an endogenous IL-1 inducer and may play important roles in the pathological and/or physiological changes of connective tissues.  相似文献   

IL-1 is a multifunctional, immunoregulatory polypeptide produced by many cell types. Because activated macrophages are a major source of IL-1 and have also been implicated in the pathogenesis of autoimmune disease, we investigated the regulation of IL-1 expression in several autoimmune-prone strains of mice. Peritoneal macrophages derived from the autoimmune-prone strains MRL/lpr, MRL/+, NZB, and NZB/W F1, as well as NZW, displayed transient expression of IL-1 in contrast to the stable expression characteristic of control normal strains including A. Thy, A/J, B10, B10.A, B10.D2, C57BL/6, BALB/c, and C3H/HeN. The down-regulation of IL-1 by macrophages from the autoimmune-prone mice was not attributable to inherently defective signal transduction because macrophages from both the normal and autoimmune-prone strains displayed substantial initial levels of cell-associated and secreted IL-1. However, during the first 2 to 3 days in culture, macrophages from autoimmune-prone mice became progressively refractory to both induction and maintenance of IL-1, a pattern that correlated with changes in the levels of IL-1 alpha and beta mRNA. The progressive reduction in IL-1 expression by macrophages from these autoimmune-prone strains was not due to a reduction in general metabolism or viability, because expression of cell surface antigens, including MHC class I and II Ag and LFA-1, was comparable to that of control macrophages. Because IL-1 plays a critical role in the homeostasis of a variety of cell lineages, defective expression, and maintenance of IL-1 (and perhaps other cytokines) by macrophages from the autoimmune-prone strains may contribute to the immune dysregulation that develops in these mice. Alternatively, cytokine dysregulation might not contribute directly to disease, but rather reflect a more basic defect related to specific signal transducing or gene regulatory pathways.  相似文献   

Le Mée S  Hennebert O  Ferrec C  Wülfert E  Morfin R 《Steroids》2008,73(11):1148-1159
7alpha-Hydroxy-DHEA, 7beta-hydroxy-DHEA and 7beta-hydroxy-EpiA are native metabolites of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and epiandrosterone (EpiA). Since numerous steroids are reported to interfere with inflammatory and immune processes, our objective was to test the effects of these hydroxysteroids on prostaglandin (PG) production and related enzyme gene expression. Human peripheral blood monocytes were cultured for 4 and 24 h in the presence of each of the steroids (1-100 nM), with and without addition of TNF-alpha (10 ng/mL). Levels of PGE(2), PGD(2) and 15-deoxy-Delta(12,14)-PGJ(2) (15d-PGJ(2)) were measured in the incubation medium, and cell content of cyclooxygenase (COX-2), and PGE and PGD synthases (m-PGES1, H-PGDS, L-PGDS), and peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR-gamma) was assessed by quantitative RT-PCR and Western blots. Addition of TNF-alpha resulted in elevated PG production and increased COX-2 and m-PGES1 levels. Among the three steroids tested, only 7beta-hydroxy-EpiA decreased COX-2, m-PGES1 and PPAR-gamma expression while markedly decreasing PGE(2) and increasing 15d-PGJ(2) production. These results suggest that 7beta-hydroxy-EpiA is a native trigger of cellular protection through simultaneous activation of 15d-PGJ(2) and depression of PGE(2) synthesis, and that these effects may be mediated by activation of a putative receptor, specific for 7beta-hydroxy-EpiA.  相似文献   

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