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Thioredoxin and NADP-thioredoxin reductase from cultured carrot cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Dark-grown carrot (Daucus carota L.) tissue cultures were found to contain both protein components of the NADP/thioredoxin system—NADP—thioredoxin reductase and the thioredoxin characteristic of heterotrophic systems, thioredoxin h. Thioredoxin h was purified to apparent homogeneity and, like typical bacterial counterparts, was a 12-kdalton (kDa) acidic protein capable of activating chloroplast NADP-malate dehydrogenase (EC more effectively than fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (EC NADP-thioredoxin reductase (EC was partially purified and found to be an arsenite-sensitive enzyme composed of two 34-kDa subunits. Carrot NADP-thioredoxin reductase resembled more closely its counterpart from bacteria rather than animal cells in acceptor (thioredoxin) specificity. Upon greening of the cells, the content of NADP-thioredoxin-reductase activity, and, to a lesser extent, thioredoxin h decreased. The results confirm the presence of a heterotrophic-type thioredoxin system in plant cells and raise the question of its physiological function.Abbreviations DTNB dithiolbis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) - FBPase fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase - FTR terredoxin-thioredoxin, reductase - NADP-MDH NADP-malate dehydrogenase - NTR NADP-thioredoxin reductase - SDS sodium-dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   

The accumulation of anthocyanin by clones and subclones from a cell suspension culture of wild carrot (Daucus carota L.) has been measured under standard conditions. Clones which accumulate low amounts of anthocyanin were shown, by recloning after maintenance by serial passage, to have become heterogenous and to contain cells with increased accumulation of anthocyanin. There appears to be a maximum amount of anthocyanin that clones can accumulate. Clones which accumulate the maximum amount of anthocyanin were shown by recloning after maintenance by serial passaging, to have become heterogenous and to contain many cells which accumulate less than the maximum possible amount of anthocyanin. When clones which accumulate the maximum amount of anthocyanin are maintained by serial passage, the decline in anthocyanin accumulation is different in different media. The results indicate that the changes in the ability of cells to accumulate anthocyanin involve no qualitative change in the genetic information of the cells, i.e., the changes are not the consequence of mutations.  相似文献   

A substantial level of xylose was detected in the pectic polysaccharides that had been extracted from carrot (Daucus carota L.) calli and purified by gel-permeation and ion-exchange chromatography. The results of the removal of neutral sugar chains and -elimination indicated that the xylose was not included in the neutral sugar chains but was directly bound to a polygalac-turonic-acid backbone. Methylation analysis confirmed that the xylose was directly linked to galacturonic acid at position 2 or 3, as a terminal residue. The amount of xylose was positively correlated with the size of cell clusters in several lines of cultured carrot cells.Abbreviations EC embryogenic callus - 4-GalA 4-linked galacturonic acid - NC non-embryogenic callus - T-Xyl terminal xylose - 3,4-GalA 3,4-linked galacturonic acid - 2,4-GalA 2,4-linked galacturonic acid Part of this work was supported by a research grant from the Science and Technology Agency of Japan and a Grand-in-Aid from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan. The authors are grateful to Dr. Koichi Kakegawa of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute for his encouragement throughout this research.  相似文献   

Pectic polysaccharides in the cell wall of suspension-cultured carrot cells (Daucus carota L.) were fractionated into high- and low-molecular-weight components by molecular-sieve chromatography with a Sepharose 4B column. During the phase of cell-wall expansion, the relative content of low-molecular-weight polymers rapidly increased. Electrophoretic analyses of these fractions showed that the high-molecular-weight components were largely composed of neutral and weakly acidic polymers while the low-molecular-weight fraction contained, in addition to neutral polymers, strongly acidic polyuronides in which the content of neutral sugars was very small. The accumulation of a large amount of the strongly acidic polyuronides occurred in a late stage of cell-wall growth, concomitant with a marked decrease in the high-molecular-weight components.Abbreviation MW molecular weight  相似文献   

Suspension-cultured cells of carrot (Daucus carota L.) synthesize and secrete a glycoprotein that is normally found only in dermal tissues (epidermis, endodermis and periderm). This protein, previously called GP57, is now referred to as EDGP (E xtracellular D ermal G lyco P rotein). We purified sufficient quantities of EDGP to obtain amino-acid sequences on two internal tryptic peptides and screened a cDNA library of young carrot roots with antiserum to EDGP and with oligonucleotides corresponding to the peptides. Here we report the derived amino-acid sequence of EDGP. Sequence comparisons show that it has 40% amino-acid sequence identity with 7S basic globulin, a protein that is released when soybean seeds are soaked in hot water for a few hours. We suggest that these two proteins belong to a new family of dermal proteins. As far as we know, this is the first reported derived amino-acid sequence for protein that is specific to the epidermis and other dermal tissues. The level of EDGP mRNA is low in dry seeds, but increases rapidly in growing seedlings as they develop dermal tissues. The level of mRNA is low in storage roots, but increases rapidly in response to wounding. The presence of EDGP in dermal tissues and its up-regulation in response to wounding indicate a role in the response of plants to biotic and-or abiotic stresses. An unusual feature of the amino-acid sequence of EDGP is that it contains a short motif, which is present at the active site of aspartyl proteases such as pepsin and chymosin.Abbreviations cDNA copy DNA - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophen-oxyacetic acid - EDGP extracellular dermal glycoprotein - 7SBG 7S basic globulin Supported by a contract from the United States Department of Energy (Energy Biosciences) (to M.J.C.) and a Grant-in-Aid for Special Research on Priority Areas (01660002, Cellular and Molecular Basis for Reproductive Processes in Plants) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, and by the Fund from Basic Research Core System of Science and Technology Agency, Japan (to S.S.).  相似文献   

Anthocyanin formation in a suspension culture of Daucus carota is induced by transfer from medium containing 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) to one lacking 2,4-D. The specific yields were strongly influenced by the inoculum density. Inoculum density altered the effect of zeatin concentration on anthocyanin accumulation. The in part by increasing the sucrose levels. It was inferred from the results that sucrose was exhausted at a low concentration of sucrose and at a high cell density, resulting in the decrease of yield of anthocyanin.  相似文献   

A procedure is reported for the rapid and highly reproducible isolation of protoplasts from carrot suspension culture. The method utilizes Onozuka R 10 cellulase which has been purified by chromatography on Sephadex G75. Protoplast isolation, using this procedure, is quantitative and complete within 1 to 1.5 h. Intact protoplasts were separated from broken ones and other cellular debris by application of a polyethylene glycol/dextran two-phase system. The protoplasts isolated in this manner lack any detectable cell wall and are greater than 95% viable when assayed using fluorescein diacetate. It is concluded that such protoplasts are highly suitable for biochemical studies.Abbreviation PCM protoplast culture medium  相似文献   

Carrot (Daucus carota L.) cells respond to treatment with fungal elicitors by synthesizing wallbound p-hydroxybenzoic acid (p-HBA). The biosynthetic pathway to p-HBA is still hypothetical. Tracer experiments with l-phenylalanine indicate the involvement of the general phenylpropanoid pathway. 3,4 (Methylenedioxy) innamic acid, an inhibitor of hydrocycinnamate CoA ligase, inhibits the accumulation of anthocyanins in carrot, while it does not interfere with p-HBA synthesis. Thus p-HBA biosynthesis does not appear to involve CoA thioesters. In the present report the sequence of enzymic reactions leading to p-HBA was investigated in vitro using protein preparations from cells treated with a fungal elicitor from Pythium aphanidermatum (Edson) Fitzp. The side-chain degradation from p-coumaric acid to p-HBA is not analogous to the -oxidation of fatty acids and involves p-hydroxybenzaldehyde as an intermediate. The final step from p-hydroxybenzaldehyde to p-HBA is catalyzed by an NAD-dependent p-hydroxybenzaldehyde dehydrogenase (EC 1.2.1.-). This reaction was characterized with regard to cofactor requirements, pH and temperature optima. The in-vitro formation of p-HBA from p-coumaric acid and the activity of the hydroxybenzaldehyde dehydrogenase are moderately elicitor-induced but to a much lesser extent than phenylalanine ammonialyase, which is the starting enzyme of the general phenylpropanoid pathway.Abbreviations HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - MDCA 3,4-(methylenedioxy)-cinnamic acid - p-HBA p-hydroxybenzoic acid This work was supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and a sholarship of the Land Baden-Württemberg (J.-P. S.).  相似文献   

Liposome-Mediated transfer of bacterial RNA into carrot protoplasts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The uptake of liposome-encapsulated E. coli [3H]RNA by carrot (Daucus carota L.) protoplasts was examined. [3H]RNA extracted from protoplasts that had been incubated with [3H]RNA-containing, large, unilamellar lipid vesicles (liposomes) obtained by ether infusion, and examined by sucrose gradient centrifugation and formamide-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, appeared substantially degraded, with a total elimination of 23S RNA and a partial loss of 16S RNA. In contrast, no breakdown of the [3H]RNA was apparent in the liposomes after sequestration, even in the presence of externally added ribonuclease, or in the unfused liposomes remaining after incubation of protoplasts with liposomes. Thus, the degradation of the [3H]RNA extracted from the protoplasts must have occurred within the protoplasts and represents evidence for liposome-mediated RNA uptake. Naked RNA added to the protoplast culture was found to be totally degraded after incubation with the protoplasts. The uptake of liposome-sequestered RNA by protoplasts was demonstrated to be a function both of the lipid composition of the liposomal membrane and of the temperature of incubation of the liposomeprotoplast mixture. Furthermore, the mode of this uptake (fusion versus endocytosis) could be manipulated by adjusting the cholesterol content of the liposomal membrane. The implications of the ability to insert RNA into protoplasts without degradation by extracellular nucleases are discussed.  相似文献   

Arabinogalactan-proteins (AGPs) occurring in suspension-cultured rice (Oryza saliva L.) cells, their conditioned medium and at the rice root apex were investigated using monoclonal antibodies and the AGP-binding -glucosyl Yariv reagent ( GlcY). A monoclonal antibody, LM2, was generated that recognized an acidic carbohydrate epitope common to two soluble AGPs occurring in the conditioned medium of proliferating rice cells, membrane-associated AGPs (rmAGP) in the cultured cells and two AGPs at the rice root apex. In addition, LM2 recognized AGPs secreted by suspensioncultured carrot (Daucus carota L.) cells. The two AGPs of the rice culture medium, srAGP1 and srAGP2, were discriminated by their mobilities during sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, reaction with GlcY, the presence of arabinogalactan epitopes and anion-exchange chromatography. The association of rmAGP with the plasma membrane was investigated by Triton-X-114/aqueous partitioning of both microsomal and plasma-membrane preparations and rmAGP was found to partition into the detergent phase, indicating that AGPs are hydrophobic plasma-membrane proteins in rice. This was in contrast to plasma-membrane AGPs of suspension-cultured carrot cells that partitioned into the aqueous phase. At the rice root apex most of the AGP was associated with the microsomal fraction and also partitioned into the detergent phase, although a distinct highmolecular-mass AGP entered the aqueous phase.Abbreviations AGP arabinogalactan-protein - GlcY -glucosyl Yariv reagent - ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay We gratefully acknowledge support from the Leverhulme Trust, the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and the Royal Society.  相似文献   

Calli were initiated from carrot (Daucus carota L. subsp. sativus Hoffm.) root expiants and grown on media supplemented with a combination of carbenicillin at 0.3 mg/ml and vancomycin at 0.1 mg/ml in the absence of plant hormones or hormone analogs. The growth rate was about half of that obtained with a combination of -naphthaleneacetic acid and N6-benzyladenine at 1 mg/l each. Carbenicillin in the combination with vancomycin could be replaced by penicillin G; other penicillins tested in this combination, however, caused only limited growth. The calli produced can be grown on media supplemented with -naphthaleneacetic acid and N6-benzyladenine, but not on media without the antibiotics and the plant growth substances. Calli obtained using the plant growth substances can also be subcultured on media supplemented with only the antibiotics.Abbreviations BA N6-benzyladenine - MS Murashige and koog - -NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   

Chromosomal nonhistone high-mobility-group (HMG) proteins were purified from nuclei of maize (Zea mays L. cv. A619) endosperm and leaf tissue. Tissuespecific differences were observed in their polypeptide patterns, in in-vitro phosphorylation experiments with a casein-kinase type II, and by Western blot analysis with antisera against different HMG proteins. Gelfiltration chromatography demonstrated that maize HMG proteins occur as monomers. By measuring the capacity of the HMG proteins to bind to the 5 flanking region of a zein gene, the sensitivity of the proteins to different temperatures, salt concentrations and pH values was determined.Abbreviations EMSA electrophoretic-mobility-shift assay - FPLC fast protein liquid chromatography - HMG high-mobility group - kDa kilodaltons - PVDF polyvinylidenedifluoride - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis We would like to thank Mrs. E. Brutzer for excellent technical assistance. We are indebted to Mrs. M. Strecker and Dr. W. Bessler of the Institut für Immunbiologie, Freiburg, FRG, for the preparation of antisera and we gratefully acknowledge helpful discussions with Drs. T. Quayle, R. Grimm and U. Müller of this institute. This work was supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Fond der Chemischen Industrie.  相似文献   

Glycoproteins extracted from microsomes of in-vitro-cultured cells of Daucus carota L. cv. US-Harumakigosun were analysed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and detected by peroxidase-conjugated concanavalin A. The appearance of a glycoprotein with Mr 31 000 (GP 31) was correlated with the ability of cells to form somatic embryos. GP 31 appeared in embryogenic cells cultured in 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)-containing medium, but not in somatic embryos and non-embryogenic cells; it disappeared when the cultures were transferred to auxin-free medium. Another glycoprotein with Mr 32 000 (GP 32) was detected only in non-embryogenic cells, regardless of the presence or absence of 2,4-D. Both glycoproteins, GP 31 and GP 32, were associated with the rough endoplasmic reticulum and were extractable with 0.05% deoxycholate.Abbreviations Con A concanavalin A - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - ER endoplasmic reticulum - GP 31, GP 32 a glycoprotein with an apparent molecular mass of 31 or 32 kdalton - kDa kilodalton - MS Murashige and Skoog - Mr apparent molecular mass - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

Structural analysis of the cell walls regenerated by carrot protoplasts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A procedure was developed to isolate protoplasts rapidly from carrot (Daucus carota L. cv. Danvers) cells in liquid culture. High purity of cell-wall-degrading enzymes and ease of isolation each contributed to maintenance of viability and initiation of regeneration of the cell wall by a great majority of the protoplasts. We used this system to re-evaluate the chemical structure and physical properties of the incipient cell wall. Contrary to other reports, callose, a (1 3)-d-glucan whose synthesis is associated with wounding, was not a component of the incipient wall of carrot protoplasts. Intentional wounding by rapid shaking or treatment with dimethyl sulfoxide initiated synthesis of callose, detected both by Aniline blue and Cellufluor fluorescence of dying cells and by an increase in (1 3)-linked glucan quantified in methylation analyses. Linkage analyses by gas-liquid chromatography of partially methylated alditol-acetate derivatives of polysaccharides of the incipient wall of protoplasts and various fractions of the cell walls of parent cells showed that protoplasts quickly initiated synthesis of the same pectic and hemicellulosic polymers as normal cells, but acid-resistant cellulose was formed slowly. Complete formation of the wall required 3 d in culture, and at least 5 d were required before the wall could withstand turgor. Pectic substances synthesized by protoplasts were less anionic than those of parent cells, and became more highly charged during wall regeneration. We propose that de-esterification of the carboxyl groups of pectin uronic-acid units permits formation of a gel that envelops the protoplast, and the rigid cellulose-hemicellulose frame-work forms along with this gel matrix.Abbreviations DEAE Diethylaminoethyl - DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide - ECP extracellular polymers - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - HGA nomogalacturonan - RG rhamnogalacturonan - Tes N-tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl-2-amino-ethanesufonic acid - TFA trifluoroacetic acid Journal paper No. 11,776 of the Purdue University Agriculture Experiment Station  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of the cell wall in carrot cells (Daucus carota L.) cultured in a synthetic liquid medium was studied by measuring the incorporation of radioactive glucose and myo-inositol (MI). When the cells were fed with [14C]glucose in the presence of 0.01% MI, the label soon appeared in the neutral sugars in the cell wall but little radioactivity was found in the uronic-acid residues even after a prolonged incubation. On the other hand, radioactivity derived from [3H]MI was found to be distributed among uronic acids and pentoses but not in the hexose residues in the wall. The data indicate that MI is an important intermediate for the synthesis of acidic sugars in the wall of cultured carrot cells.Abbreviation MI myo-inositol  相似文献   

In a carrot (Daucus carota L.) cell line lacking the ability to undergo somatic embryogenasis, and in carrot and anise (Pimpinella anisum L.) cell lines in which embryogenesis could be regulated by presence or absence of 2,4-dichlorophen-oxyacetic acid (2,4-D), in the medium (+2,4-D=no embryogenesis,-2,4-D=embryo differentiation and development), the levels of endogenous gibberellin(s) (GA) were determined by the dwarfrice bioassay, and the metabolism of [3H]GA1 was followed. Embryos harvested after 14 d of subculture in-2,4-D had low levels (0.2–0.3 g g-1 dry weight) of polar GA (e.g. GA1-like), but much (3–22 times) higher levels of less-polar GA (GA4/7-like); GA1, GA4 and GA7 are native to these cultures. Conversely, the undifferentiated cells in a non-embryogenic strain, and proembryos of an embryogenic strain (+2,4-D) showed very high levels of polar GA (2.9–4.4 g g-1), and somewhat reduced levels of less-polar GA. Cultures of anise undergoing somatic embryo development (-2,4-D) metabolized [3H]GA1 very quickly, whereas proembryo cultures of anise (+2,4-D) metabolized [3H]GA1 slowly. The major metabolites of [3H]GA1 in anise were tentatively identified as GA8-glucoside (24%), GA8 (15%), GA1-glucoside (8%) and the 1(10)GA1-counterpart (2%). Thus, high levels of a GA1-like substance and a reduced ability to metabolize GA1 are correlated with the absence of embryo development, while lowered levels of GA1-like substance and a rapid metabolism of GA1 into GA8 and GA-conjugates are correlated with continued embryo development. Exogenous application of GA3 is known to reduce somatic embryogenesis in carrot cultures; GA4 was found to have the same effect in anise cultures. Thus, a role (albeit negative) in somatic embryogenesis for a polar, biologically active GA is implied.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - GA gibberellin(s) or gibberellin-like substances - GC-RC gas chromatography-radiochromatogram counting - HPLC high-presare liquid chromatography - Rt retention time - TLC thinlaver chromatography  相似文献   

Certain single cells in carrot (Daucus carota L.) suspension cultures react with the monoclonal antibody JIM8, and it has been proposed that these cells represent a transitional stage in somatic embryo formation. Shortly after isolation of the single cells by sieving, up to 80% of the cells react with JIM8. Within 4 d, JIM8 labelling becomes restricted to 1% of the single cells. To obtain evidence for the proposed correlation between expression of the JIM8 cell wall epitope and somatic embryo formation the developmental fate of carrot single cells labelled with JIM8 was determined by cell tracking. The results, obtained by recording 43 000 cells, show that only few JIM8-labelled cells give rise to embryos, and most somatic embryos develop from cells devoid of the JIM8 cell wall epitope. We therefore conclude that the presence of the JIM8 cell wall epitope does not coincide with the ability of single suspension cells to form embryos.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - AGP arabino galactan protein - B5-0 Gamborg's B5 medium - B5-0.2 Gamborg's B5 medium supplemented with 0.2 M 2,4-D - FITC fluoresceïn isothiocyanate - PBS phosphate-buffered saline  相似文献   

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